2001-05-23 15:26:42 +02:00
* PROGRAM: JRD Rebuild scrambled database
* MODULE: rebuild.c
* DESCRIPTION: Main routine for analyzing and rebuilding database
* The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
* and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
* Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
2002-06-29 10:49:39 +02:00
#include "../jrd/common.h"
2001-07-30 01:43:24 +02:00
#include "firebird.h"
2001-05-23 15:26:42 +02:00
#include "../jrd/ib_stdio.h"
#include <errno.h>
2001-07-30 01:43:24 +02:00
#include "../jrd/gds.h"
2001-05-23 15:26:42 +02:00
#include "../jrd/jrd.h"
#include "../jrd/time.h"
#include "../jrd/pag.h"
#include "../jrd/tra.h"
#include "../utilities/rebuild.h"
#include "../utilities/rebui_proto.h"
#include "../utilities/rmet_proto.h"
#include "../utilities/rstor_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/dmp_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/gds_proto.h"
#ifdef hpux
#define CCH_DUMMY
#ifndef O_RDWR
#include <fcntl.h>
struct dbb dbb_struct;
struct tdbb tdbb_struct, *gdbb;
struct pgc dim;
struct tra dull;
ULONG *tips;
IB_FILE *dbg_file;
extern SCHAR *sys_errlist[];
static void checksum(RBDB, ULONG, ULONG, UCHAR);
static USHORT compute_checksum(RBDB, PAG);
static void db_error(int);
static void dump(IB_FILE *, RBDB, ULONG, ULONG, UCHAR);
static void dump_tips(IB_FILE *, RBDB);
static void format_header(RBDB, HDR, int, ULONG, ULONG, ULONG, ULONG);
static void format_index_root(IRT, int, SSHORT, SSHORT);
static void format_pointer(PPG, int, SSHORT, SSHORT, int, SSHORT, SLONG *);
static void format_pip(PIP, int, int);
static void format_tip(TIP, int, SLONG);
static void get_next_file(RBDB, HDR);
static void get_range(TEXT ***, TEXT **, ULONG *, ULONG *);
static void get_switch(TEXT **, SWC);
static void move(SCHAR *, SCHAR *, SSHORT);
static HDR open_database(RBDB, ULONG);
static void print_db_header(IB_FILE *, HDR);
static void rebuild(RBDB);
static void write_headers(IB_FILE *, RBDB, ULONG, ULONG);
static UCHAR sw_rebuild, sw_print, sw_store, sw_dump_pages, sw_checksum,
sw_fudge, sw_fix, sw_dump_tips;
static TEXT *months[] = {
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar",
"Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep",
"Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
static ULONG PPG_NUMBERS[] = { 5897, 6058, 5409, 6199, 6200, 6220, 6221,
4739, 4868, 6332, 6333, 6329, 6359, 6751,
6331, 6392, 6806, 6819, 6820, 6866, 6875,
6876, 7019, 7284, 7430, 7431, 7757, 6893,
6894, 7408, 8308, 8309, 1036, 9120, 4528,
4563, 4572, 0, 0
2002-07-29 17:37:59 +02:00
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
2001-05-23 15:26:42 +02:00
* m a i n
* Functional description
* Parse and interpret command line, then do a variety
* of things.
TEXT **end, *db_in, *ascii_out, out_file[128];
HDR header;
RBDB rbdb;
struct swc switch_space;
SWC token;
RBDB next_db;
ULONG c_lower_bound, c_upper_bound, d_lower_bound, d_upper_bound,
p_lower_bound, p_upper_bound, pg_size;
USHORT pg_type;
dbg_file = ib_stdout;
sw_rebuild = sw_print = sw_store = sw_dump_pages = sw_checksum = FALSE;
sw_dump_tips = sw_fudge = sw_fix = FALSE;
pg_size = p_lower_bound = c_lower_bound = d_lower_bound = 0;
p_upper_bound = c_upper_bound = d_upper_bound = BIG_NUMBER;
pg_type = 0;
#ifdef VMS
argc = VMS_parse(&argv, argc);
end = argv + argc;
token = &switch_space;
rbdb = NULL;
header = NULL;
ascii_out = NULL;
db_in = NULL;
while (argv < end) {
get_switch(argv, token);
if (!token->swc_switch)
db_in = token->swc_string;
else {
switch (*token->swc_string) {
case 'b':
pg_size = atoi(*argv++);
case 'c':
sw_checksum = TRUE;
get_range(&argv, end, &c_lower_bound, &c_upper_bound);
case 'd':
if ((argv < end) && (!strcmp(*argv, "tips"))) {
sw_dump_tips = TRUE;
sw_dump_pages = TRUE;
get_range(&argv, end, &d_lower_bound, &d_upper_bound);
case 'f':
sw_fix = TRUE;
case 'o':
if (argv < end) {
get_switch(argv, token);
if (token->swc_switch)
strcpy(out_file, token->swc_string);
ascii_out = out_file;
case 'p':
sw_print = TRUE;
get_range(&argv, end, &p_lower_bound, &p_upper_bound);
case 'r':
sw_rebuild = TRUE;
case 's':
sw_store = TRUE;
case 't':
pg_type = atoi(*argv++);
if (db_in) {
rbdb =
RBDB_alloc((SLONG) (sizeof(struct rbdb) + strlen(db_in) + 1));
strcpy(rbdb->rbdb_file.fil_name, db_in);
rbdb->rbdb_file.fil_length = strlen(db_in);
if (header = open_database(rbdb, pg_size))
get_next_file(rbdb, header);
/* some systems don't care for this write sharing stuff... */
if (rbdb && (sw_dump_tips || sw_dump_pages)) {
if (rbdb->rbdb_valid)
tips = RMET_tips(db_in);
gdbb = &tdbb_struct;
gdbb->tdbb_database = &dbb_struct;
#ifndef ODS_4
gdbb->tdbb_transaction = &dull;
dull.tra_number = header->hdr_next_transaction;
gdbb->tdbb_database->dbb_max_records = (rbdb->rbdb_page_size
- sizeof(struct dpg)) /
(sizeof(dpg::dpg_repeat) + OFFSETA(RHD, rhd_data));
gdbb->tdbb_database->dbb_pcontrol = &dim;
gdbb->tdbb_database->dbb_dp_per_pp = (rbdb->rbdb_page_size
- OFFSETA(PPG, ppg_page)) * 8 / 34;
gdbb->tdbb_database->dbb_pcontrol->pgc_bytes = rbdb->rbdb_page_size
- OFFSETA(PIP, pip_bits);
gdbb->tdbb_database->dbb_pcontrol->pgc_ppp =
gdbb->tdbb_database->dbb_pcontrol->pgc_bytes * 8;
gdbb->tdbb_database->dbb_pcontrol->pgc_tpt =
(rbdb->rbdb_page_size - OFFSETA(TIP, tip_transactions)) * 4;
gdbb->tdbb_database->dbb_pcontrol->pgc_pip = 1;
if (ascii_out)
dbg_file = ib_fopen(ascii_out, "w");
if (sw_print && rbdb && header)
write_headers(dbg_file, rbdb, p_lower_bound, p_upper_bound);
if (sw_store && rbdb && header)
if (sw_checksum && rbdb && header)
checksum(rbdb, c_lower_bound, c_upper_bound, sw_fix);
if (sw_dump_tips && rbdb && header)
dump_tips(dbg_file, rbdb);
if (sw_dump_pages && rbdb && header)
dump(dbg_file, rbdb, d_lower_bound, d_upper_bound, pg_type);
if (sw_rebuild && rbdb && header)
if (ascii_out)
if (rbdb)
while (rbdb) {
next_db = rbdb->rbdb_next;
if (rbdb->rbdb_buffer1)
if (rbdb->rbdb_buffer2)
rbdb = next_db;
2002-07-29 17:37:59 +02:00
return 0;
2001-05-23 15:26:42 +02:00
#ifdef CCH_DUMMY
PAG CCH_fetch(register WIN * x, USHORT y, int z)
* C C H _ f e t c h
* Functional description
* This routine lets me link in
* DMP.C from JRD without having the
* linker piss all over it.
PAG CCH_release(WIN * x)
* C C H _ f e t c h
* Functional description
* This routine lets me link in
* DMP.C from JRD without having the
* linker piss all over it.
SCHAR *RBDB_alloc(SLONG size)
* R B D B _ a l l o c
* Functional description
* Allocate and zero a piece of memory.
SCHAR *block, *p;
block = p = gds__alloc(size);
*p++ = 0;
while (--size);
return block;
void RBDB_close( RBDB rbdb)
* R B D B _ c l o s e
* Functional description
for (; rbdb; rbdb = rbdb->rbdb_next)
void RBDB_open( RBDB rbdb)
* R B D B _ o p e n
* Functional description
* Open a database file.
if ((rbdb->rbdb_file.fil_file = open(rbdb->rbdb_file.fil_name, O_RDWR, 0))
== -1)
PAG RBDB_read(RBDB rbdb, SLONG page_number)
* R B D B _ r e a d
* Functional description
* Read a database page.
SSHORT length, l;
int file;
2002-06-29 10:49:39 +02:00
UINT64 offset;
2001-05-23 15:26:42 +02:00
file = rbdb->rbdb_file.fil_file;
2002-06-29 10:49:39 +02:00
offset = ((UINT64)page_number) * ((UINT64)rbdb->rbdb_page_size);
if (lseek (file, offset, 0) == -1)
2001-05-23 15:26:42 +02:00
for (p = (SCHAR *) rbdb->rbdb_buffer1, length = rbdb->rbdb_page_size;
length > 0;) {
l = read(file, p, length);
if (l < 0)
else if (l == 0)
return NULL;
p += l;
length -= l;
rbdb->rbdb_file.fil_file = file;
return rbdb->rbdb_buffer1;
void RBDB_write( RBDB rbdb, PAG page, SLONG page_number)
* R B D B _ w r i t e ( u n i x )
* Functional description
* Write a database page.
ULONG page_size;
int fd;
2002-06-29 10:49:39 +02:00
UINT64 offset;
2001-05-23 15:26:42 +02:00
page->pag_checksum = compute_checksum(rbdb, page);
page_size = rbdb->rbdb_page_size;
fd = rbdb->rbdb_file.fil_file;
2002-06-29 10:49:39 +02:00
offset = ((UINT64)page_number) * ((UINT64)page_size);
if (lseek (fd, offset, 0) == -1)
2001-05-23 15:26:42 +02:00
if (write(fd, page, page_size) == -1)
static void checksum( RBDB rbdb, ULONG lower, ULONG upper, UCHAR sw_fix)
* c h e c k s u m
* Functional description
* read, compute, check, and correct
* checksums in this database.
PAG page;
ULONG page_number;
USHORT old_checksum, new_checksum;
TEXT s[128];
for (page_number = lower; page_number <= upper; page_number++) {
if (!(page = RBDB_read(rbdb, page_number)))
old_checksum = page->pag_checksum;
new_checksum = compute_checksum(rbdb, page);
if (sw_fix)
page->pag_checksum = new_checksum;
if (new_checksum == old_checksum)
sprintf(s, "checksum %5d is OK", old_checksum);
sprintf(s, "stored checksum %5d\tcomputed checksum %5d\t%s",
old_checksum, new_checksum, (sw_fix) ? "fixed" : "");
ib_printf("page %9d\t%s\n", page_number, s);
#ifndef ODS_4
static USHORT compute_checksum( RBDB rbdb, PAG page)
* c o m p u t e _ c h e c k s u m
* Functional description
* compute checksum for a V3 page.
ULONG checksum, *p, *end;
USHORT old_checksum;
end = (ULONG *) ((SCHAR *) page + rbdb->rbdb_page_size);
old_checksum = page->pag_checksum;
page->pag_checksum = 0;
p = (ULONG *) page;
checksum = 0;
do {
checksum += *p++;
checksum += *p++;
checksum += *p++;
checksum += *p++;
checksum += *p++;
checksum += *p++;
checksum += *p++;
checksum += *p++;
while (p < end);
page->pag_checksum = old_checksum;
if (checksum)
return checksum;
/* If the page is all zeros, return an artificial checksum */
for (p = (ULONG *) page; p < end;)
if (*p++)
return checksum;
/* Page is all zeros -- invent a checksum */
return 12345;
static USHORT compute_checksum( RBDB rbdb, PAG page)
* c o m p u t e _ c h e c k s u m
* Functional description
* compute checksum for a V2 database
* page.
USHORT old_checksum, *p, *end;
union {
USHORT words[2];
ULONG whole;
} sum;
2002-09-17 07:58:40 +02:00
2001-05-23 15:26:42 +02:00
#define LOW_WORD 0
#define HIGH_WORD 1
#define LOW_WORD 1
#define HIGH_WORD 0
end = (USHORT *) ((SCHAR *) page + rbdb->rbdb_page_size);
old_checksum = page->pag_checksum;
page->pag_checksum = 0;
sum.whole = 1;
p = (USHORT *) page;
do {
x = sum.whole;
x += x + *p++;
x += x + *p++;
x += x + *p++;
x += x + *p++;
x += x + *p++;
x += x + *p++;
x += x + *p++;
x += x + *p++;
sum.whole = x;
sum.words[LOW_WORD] += sum.words[HIGH_WORD];
sum.words[HIGH_WORD] = 0;
while (p < end);
page->pag_checksum = old_checksum;
return sum.words[LOW_WORD];
static void db_error( int status)
* d b _ e r r o r
* Functional description
static void dump(
IB_FILE * file,
RBDB rbdb, ULONG lower, ULONG upper, UCHAR pg_type)
* d u m p
* Functional description
* dump the contents of some page
* or pages in the database.
PAG page;
ULONG sequence;
ULONG *tip;
ULONG *p, *end;
sequence = 0;
if (rbdb->rbdb_last_page && upper == BIG_NUMBER)
upper = rbdb->rbdb_last_page;
while (page = RBDB_read(rbdb, lower)) {
if (page->pag_type == pag_transactions && tips) {
for (tip = tips; tip[sequence]; sequence++) {
if (tip[sequence] == lower)
else if (!tip[sequence]) {
sequence = 0;
sequence = 0;
if (pg_type && (page->pag_type != pg_type)) {
ib_printf("\nChanging page %d type from %d to %d\n", lower,
page->pag_type, pg_type);
page->pag_type = pg_type;
DMP_fetched_page(page, lower, sequence, rbdb->rbdb_page_size);
for (p = (ULONG *) page, end =
p + (rbdb->rbdb_page_size / sizeof(ULONG)) - 1; !*p && p < end;
if (!*p)
ib_printf(" Page is all zeroes.\n");
if (sw_fudge)
RBDB_write(rbdb, page, lower);
if (++lower > upper)
static void dump_tips( IB_FILE * file, RBDB rbdb)
* d u m p _ t i p s
* Functional description
* dump the contents of tip pages
* in the database.
PAG page;
ULONG sequence;
ULONG *tip;
if (!tips)
ib_printf("not enough database. Store headers and look there\n");
for (sequence = 1, tip = tips; *tip && (page = RBDB_read(rbdb, *tip));
DMP_fetched_page(page, *tip++, sequence, rbdb->rbdb_page_size);
static void format_header(
RBDB rbdb,
HDR page,
int page_size,
ULONG oldest, ULONG active, ULONG next, ULONG imp)
* f o r m a t _ h e a d e r
* Functional description
* Format a header page from inputs
memset(page, 0, page_size);
page->hdr_page_size = page_size;
page->hdr_header.pag_type = pag_header;
page->hdr_ods_version = ODS_VERSION;
page->hdr_PAGES = 2;
page->hdr_oldest_transaction = oldest;
page->hdr_oldest_active = active;
page->hdr_next_transaction = next;
#ifndef ODS_4
page->hdr_implementation = imp;
page->hdr_header.pag_checksum = compute_checksum(rbdb, page);
static void format_index_root(
IRT page,
int page_size, SSHORT relation_id, SSHORT count)
* f o r m a t _ i n d e x _ r o o t
* Functional description
* Format an index root page, without any indexes for a start
memset(page, 0, page_size);
page->irt_header.pag_type = pag_root;
page->irt_relation = relation_id;
page->irt_count = count;
static void format_pointer(
PPG page,
int page_size,
SSHORT relation_id,
SSHORT sequence,
int eof, SSHORT count, SLONG * page_vector)
* f o r m a t _ p o i n t e r
* Functional description
* Format a pointer page. In addition of the buffer and page size,
* we need a relation id, a pointer page sequence (within relation),
* a flag indicated whether this is the last pointer page for the
* relation, and a count and vector of pages to point to.
memset(page, 0, page_size);
page->ppg_header.pag_type = pag_pointer;
page->ppg_sequence = sequence;
page->ppg_relation = relation_id;
page->ppg_count = count;
page->ppg_min_space = 0;
page->ppg_max_space = count;
if (eof)
page->ppg_header.pag_flags |= ppg_eof;
memcpy(page->ppg_page, page_vector, count * sizeof(SLONG));
static void format_pip( PIP page, int page_size, int last_flag)
* f o r m a t _ p i p
* Functional description
* Fake a fully RBDB_allocated (all pages RBDB_allocated) page inventory
* page.
SSHORT bytes;
page->pip_header.pag_type = pag_pages;
page->pip_header.pag_flags = 0;
/* Set all page bits to zero, indicating RBDB_allocated */
bytes = page_size - OFFSETA(PIP, pip_bits);
memset(page->pip_bits, 0, bytes);
/* If this is the last pip, make sure the last page (which
will become the next pip) is marked free. When the
time comes to RBDB_allocate the next page, that page will
be formatted as the next pip. */
if (last_flag)
page->pip_bits[bytes - 1] |= 1 << 7;
static void format_tip( TIP page, int page_size, SLONG next_page)
* f o r m a t _ t i p
* Functional description
* Fake a fully commit transaction inventory page.
SSHORT bytes;
page->tip_header.pag_type = pag_transactions;
page->tip_header.pag_flags = 0;
/* The "next" tip page number is included for redundancy, but is not actually
read by the engine, so can be safely left zero. If known, it would nice
to supply it.
page->tip_next = next_page;
/* Code for committed transaction is 3, so just fill all
bytes with -1 */
bytes = page_size - OFFSETA(TIP, tip_transactions);
memset(page->tip_transactions, -1, bytes);
static void get_next_file( RBDB rbdb, HDR header)
* g e t _ n e x t _ f i l e
* Functional description
* If there's another file as part of
* this database, get it now.
UCHAR *p, *end;
RBDB next_rbdb, *next;
next = &rbdb->rbdb_next;
for (p = header->hdr_data, end = p + header->hdr_page_size;
p < end && *p != HDR_end; p += 2 + p[1])
if (*p == HDR_file) {
next_rbdb = (RBDB) RBDB_alloc(sizeof(rbdb) + (SSHORT) p[1]);
next_rbdb->rbdb_file.fil_length = (SSHORT) p[1];
strncpy(next_rbdb->rbdb_file.fil_name, p + 2, (SSHORT) p[1]);
*next = next_rbdb;
next = &next_rbdb->rbdb_next;
static void get_range(
TEXT *** argv,
TEXT ** end, ULONG * lower, ULONG * upper)
* g e t _ r a n g e
* Functional description
* get a range out of the argument
* vector;
TEXT c, *p;
SWC token;
struct swc token_space;
token = &token_space;
if (*argv < end) {
get_switch(*argv, token);
if (token->swc_switch)
for (p = token->swc_string; *p; p++)
if (*p < '0' || *p > '9') {
c = *p;
*p++ = 0;
*upper = *lower = (ULONG) atoi(token->swc_string);
if (*p && (c == ':' || c == ',')) {
if (*p == '*')
*upper = BIG_NUMBER;
*upper = (ULONG) atoi(p);
if (*argv < end) {
get_switch(*argv, token);
if (token->swc_switch)
if ((*token->swc_string == ':') || (*token->swc_string == ',')) {
p = token->swc_string;
if (*++p) {
if (*p == '*')
*upper = BIG_NUMBER;
*upper = (ULONG) atoi(p);
else if (*argv++ < end) {
get_switch(*argv, token);
if (token->swc_switch)
if (*token->swc_string == '*')
*upper = BIG_NUMBER;
*upper = (ULONG) atoi(token->swc_string);
static void get_switch( TEXT ** argv, SWC token)
* g e t _ s w i t c h
* Functional description
* get the next argument in the argument
* vector;
int temp;
token->swc_string = *argv;
if (*token->swc_string == '-') {
token->swc_switch = TRUE;
token->swc_switch = FALSE;
temp = strlen(token->swc_string) - 1;
if (token->swc_string[temp] == ',') {
token->swc_string[temp] = '\0';
token->swc_comma = TRUE;
token->swc_comma = FALSE;
static void move( SCHAR * from, SCHAR * to, SSHORT length)
* m o v e
* Functional description
* Move some stuff.
*to++ = *from++;
while (--length);
static HDR open_database( RBDB rbdb, ULONG pg_size)
* o p e n _ d a t a b a s e
* Functional description
* Open a database and setup the
* rbdb. Return a pointer to the
* header page page header;
UCHAR temp[1024];
HDR header;
rbdb->rbdb_page_size = sizeof(temp);
rbdb->rbdb_buffer1 = (PAG) temp;
rbdb->rbdb_valid = TRUE;
header = (HDR) RBDB_read(rbdb, (SLONG) 0);
if (header->hdr_header.pag_type != pag_header) {
ib_printf("header page has wrong type, expected %d found %d!\n",
pag_header, header->hdr_header.pag_type);
rbdb->rbdb_valid = FALSE;
if (header->hdr_ods_version != ODS_VERSION) {
ib_printf("Wrong ODS version, expected %d, encountered %d.\n",
ODS_VERSION, header->hdr_ods_version);
rbdb->rbdb_valid = FALSE;
if (pg_size && (pg_size != header->hdr_page_size)) {
ib_printf("Using page size %d\n", pg_size);
header->hdr_page_size = pg_size;
rbdb->rbdb_valid = FALSE;
else if (!header->hdr_page_size) {
ib_printf("Using page size 1024\n");
header->hdr_page_size = 1024;
rbdb->rbdb_valid = FALSE;
ib_printf("\nDatabase \"%s\"\n\n", rbdb->rbdb_file.fil_name);
rbdb->rbdb_page_size = header->hdr_page_size;
rbdb->rbdb_map_count = rbdb->rbdb_map_length / rbdb->rbdb_page_size;
rbdb->rbdb_buffer1 = (PAG) RBDB_alloc(rbdb->rbdb_page_size);
rbdb->rbdb_buffer2 = (PAG) RBDB_alloc(rbdb->rbdb_page_size);
return header;
static void print_db_header( IB_FILE * file, HDR header)
* p r i n t _ d b _ h e a d e r
* Functional description
* Print database header page.
UCHAR *p, *end;
SLONG number;
struct tm time;
ib_fprintf(file, "Database header page information:\n");
ib_fprintf(file, " Page size\t\t\t%d\n", header->hdr_page_size);
ib_fprintf(file, " ODS version\t\t\t%d\n", header->hdr_ods_version);
ib_fprintf(file, " PAGES\t\t\t%d\n", header->hdr_PAGES);
ib_fprintf(file, " next page\t\t\t%d\n", header->hdr_next_page);
ib_fprintf(file, " Oldest transaction\t\t%ld\n",
ib_fprintf(file, " Oldest active\t\t%ld\n", header->hdr_oldest_active);
ib_fprintf(file, " Oldest snapshot\t\t%ld\n",
ib_fprintf(file, " Next transaction\t\t%ld\n",
ib_fprintf(file, " Data pages per pointer page\t%ld\n",
ib_fprintf(file, " Max records per page\t%ld\n",
#ifdef gds_version3
ib_fprintf (" Sequence number %d\n", header->hdr_sequence);
ib_fprintf (" Creation date \n", header->hdr_creation_date);
ib_fprintf(file, " Next attachment ID\t\t%ld\n",
ib_fprintf(file, " Implementation ID\t\t%ld\n",
ib_fprintf(file, " Shadow count\t\t%ld\n", header->hdr_shadow_count);
gds__decode_date(header->hdr_creation_date, &time);
ib_fprintf(file, " Creation date:\t\t%s %d, %d %d:%02d:%02d\n",
months[time.tm_mon], time.tm_mday, time.tm_year + 1900,
time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec);
ib_fprintf(file, " Cache buffers\t\t%ld\n", header->hdr_cache_buffers);
ib_fprintf(file, " Bumped transaction\t\t%ld\n",
ib_fprintf(file, "\n Variable header data:\n");
for (p = header->hdr_data, end = p + header->hdr_page_size;
p < end && *p != HDR_end; p += 2 + p[1])
switch (*p) {
case HDR_root_file_name:
ib_fprintf(file, "\tRoot file name: %*s\n", p[1], p + 2);
case HDR_journal_server:
ib_fprintf(file, "\tJournal server: %*s\n", p[1], p + 2);
case HDR_file:
ib_fprintf(file, "\tContinuation file: %*s\n", p[1], p + 2);
case HDR_last_page:
move(p + 2, &number, sizeof(number));
ib_fprintf(file, "\tLast logical page: %ld\n", number);
case HDR_unlicensed:
move(p + 2, &number, sizeof(number));
ib_fprintf(file, "\tUnlicensed accesses: %ld\n", number);
#ifdef gds_version3
case HDR_sweep_interval:
move(p + 2, &number, sizeof(number));
ib_fprintf(file, "\tSweep interval: %ld\n", number);
case HDR_log_name:
ib_fprintf(file, "\tReplay logging file: %*s\n", p[1], p + 2);
case HDR_journal_file:
ib_fprintf(file, "\tJournal file: %*s\n", p[1], p + 2);
case HDR_password_file_key:
ib_fprintf(file, "\tPassword file key: (can't print)\n");
case HDR_backup_info:
ib_fprintf(file, "\tBackup info: (can't print)\n");
case HDR_cache_file:
ib_fprintf(file, "\tShared cache file: %*s\n", p[1], p + 2);
ib_fprintf(file, "\tUnrecognized option %d, length %d\n", p[0],
ib_fprintf(file, "\n\n");
static void rebuild( RBDB rbdb)
* r e b u i l d
* Functional description
* Write out an improved database.
ULONG number;
ULONG *page_numbers;
PAG page;
ULONG page_size;
PPG pointer;
page_size = rbdb->rbdb_page_size;
page = (PAG) rbdb->rbdb_buffer1;
page_numbers = PPG_NUMBERS;
for (number = 5898; (number < 5899) && (page = RBDB_read(rbdb, number));
number++) {
pointer = (PPG) page;
/* format_pointer (page, page_size, 25, 3, 1, 37, page_numbers); */
RBDB_write(rbdb, page, number);
static void write_headers(
IB_FILE * file, RBDB rbdb, ULONG lower, ULONG upper)
* w r i t e _ h e a d e r s
* Functional description
* Print out the page headers.
ULONG page_number;
PAG page;
BLP blob;
BTR bucket;
DPG data;
IRT index_root;
PIP pip;
PPG pointer;
for (page_number = lower;
(page_number <= upper) && (page = RBDB_read(rbdb, page_number));
page_number++) {
ib_fprintf(file, "page %d, ", page_number);
switch (page->pag_type) {
case pag_header:
ib_fprintf(file, "header page, checksum %d\n",
print_db_header(file, (HDR) page);
case pag_pages:
ib_fprintf(file, "page inventory page, checksum %d\n",
pip = (PIP) page;
ib_fprintf(file, "\tlowest free page %d\n\n", pip->pip_min);
case pag_transactions:
ib_fprintf(file, "TIP page, checksum %d\n", page->pag_checksum);
ib_fprintf(file, "\tnext tip for database %ld\n\n",
((TIP) page)->tip_next);
case pag_pointer:
ib_fprintf(file, "pointer page, checksum %d\n",
pointer = (PPG) page;
"\trelation %d, sequence %ld, next pip %ld, active slots %d\n",
pointer->ppg_relation, pointer->ppg_sequence,
pointer->ppg_next, pointer->ppg_count);
"\tfirst slot with space %d, last slot with space %d\n",
pointer->ppg_min_space, pointer->ppg_max_space);
ib_fprintf(file, "\t%s\n",
pag_flags & ppg_eof) ? "last pointer for relation\n" :
case pag_data:
ib_fprintf(file, "data page, checksum %d\n", page->pag_checksum);
data = (DPG) page;
"\trelation %d, sequence %ld, records on page %d\n",
data->dpg_relation, data->dpg_sequence,
ib_fprintf(file, "\t%s%s%s%s\n",
pag_flags & dpg_orphan) ? "orphan " : "",
(data->dpg_header.pag_flags & dpg_full) ? "full " : "",
pag_flags & dpg_large) ? "contains a large object" :
"", (data->dpg_header.pag_flags) ? "\n" : "");
case pag_root:
ib_fprintf(file, "index root page, checksum %d\n",
index_root = (IRT) page;
ib_fprintf(file, "\trelation %d, number of indexes %d\n\n",
index_root->irt_relation, index_root->irt_count);
case pag_index:
ib_fprintf(file, "btree page (bucket), checksum %d\n",
bucket = (BTR) page;
ib_fprintf(file, "\trelation %d, right sibling bucket: %ld,\n",
bucket->btr_relation, bucket->btr_sibling);
ib_fprintf(file, "\tdata length %d, index id %d, level %d\n",
bucket->btr_length, bucket->btr_id, bucket->btr_level);
ib_fprintf(file, "\t%s%s%s\n",
pag_flags & btr_leftmost) ? "leftmost " : "",
pag_flags & btr_not_prop) ? "all duplicates " : "",
pag_flags & btr_marked) ? "marked for delete" : "");
case pag_blob:
ib_fprintf(file, "blob page, checksum %d\n", page->pag_checksum);
blob = (BLP) page;
ib_fprintf(file, "\tlead page: %ld, sequence: %ld, length: %d\n",
blob->blp_lead_page, blob->blp_sequence,
ib_fprintf(file, "\tcontains %s\n",
pag_flags & blp_pointers) ? "pointers" : "data");
#ifndef ODS_4
case pag_ids:
ib_fprintf(file, "generator page, checksum %d\n\n",
case pag_log:
ib_fprintf(dbg_file, "write-ahead log info page, checksum %d\n\n",
ib_fprintf(file, "unknown page type\n\n");