mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird.git synced 2025-02-02 10:40:38 +01:00

Try to pick-up Ray Holme Solaris spark32 port into FB2 (not tested yet)

This commit is contained in:
kkuznetsov 2005-04-18 16:06:21 +00:00
parent f19f9902cf
commit 13c9bfeaa3
12 changed files with 841 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
NAME="Firebird2 Relational Database Server @ARCH_TYPE_SUFFIX@"
EMAIL= "WHO IT WANT" at users.sf.net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# $Header: /home/job/firebird/cvs-backup/firebird2/builds/install/arch-specific/solaris/CS/postinstall.in,v 1.1 2005-04-18 16:05:13 kkuznetsov Exp $
# $Copyright:
# Copyright (C) Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 1994 - 1998
# Copyright (C) Siemens AG 1998 1999
# Copyright (C) Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH 1999 - 2002
# All rights reserved
# $
# Create lock files
HOSTNAME=`uname -n`
for i in isc_init1 isc_lock1 isc_event1
touch ${file}
chmod 666 ${file}
# Create log
touch firebird.log
chmod 666 firebird.log
# If TCP is installed, update both services and servers databases
if [ -f /etc/inet/services ]; then
grep -s @FB_SERVICE_NAME@ /etc/inet/services >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Patching /etc/inet/services..."
echo "@FB_SERVICE_NAME@ @FB_SERVICE_PORT@/tcp # Firebird2 Database Remote Protocol" >>/etc/inet/services
if [ -f /etc/inet/inetd.conf ]; then
grep -s @FB_SERVICE_NAME@ /etc/inet/inetd.conf >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Patching /etc/inet/inetd.conf..."
echo "" >> /etc/inet/inetd.conf
echo "# Firebird2 Database Remote Server" >> /etc/inet/inetd.conf
echo "@FB_SERVICE_NAME@ stream tcp nowait.30000 root $FIREBIRD/bin/fb_inet_server fb_inet_server" >>/etc/inet/inetd.conf
echo "Restarting inetd..."
kill -HUP `ps -e | grep inetd | awk '{print $1}'`
if [ -f /etc/profile ]; then
grep -s "# Enhance PATH for Firebird2" /etc/profile >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Patching /etc/profile..."
echo "# Enhance PATH for Firebird2" >>/etc/profile
echo "PATH=\$PATH:$FIREBIRD/bin" >>/etc/profile
echo "export PATH" >>/etc/profile
echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$FIREBIRD/lib:$FIREBIRD/intl" >>/etc/profile
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >>/etc/profile
echo "INTERBASE=$FIREBIRD" >>/etc/profile
echo "export INTERBASE" >>/etc/profile

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# $Header: /home/job/firebird/cvs-backup/firebird2/builds/install/arch-specific/solaris/CS/postremove.in,v 1.1 2005-04-18 16:05:13 kkuznetsov Exp $
# $Copyright:
# Copyright (C) Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 1994 - 1998
# Copyright (C) Siemens AG 1998 1999
# Copyright (C) Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH 1999 2000
# All rights reserved
# $
# Remove lock and log files
rm -rf $FIREBIRD
# restore old modules
case "$LANG" in
De*) echo "Wiederherstellen des Status vor $PKGINST ...";;
*) echo "restoring state before $PKGINST ..."
cd ${PKGSAV}
find . -type f -exec /usr/bin/uncompress {} \;
ERROR_UNCOMPRESS=`find . -type f -name '*.Z' -print`
echo "uncompress of \"${ERROR_UNCOMPRESS}\" failed, \nrun uncompress in ${PKGSAV} manually, \nand rest
ore the uncompressed files in the correct pathes.\n\n"
exit 1
find . -type f -depth -print | cpio -pdum /
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "restoring of saved files failed, \n please restore files in ${PKGSAV} manually!\n\n"
exit 1
if [ -f /etc/inet/inetd.conf ]; then
echo "Restarting inetd..."
kill -HUP `ps -e | grep inetd | awk '{print $1}'`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# $Header: /home/job/firebird/cvs-backup/firebird2/builds/install/arch-specific/solaris/CS/preinstall.in,v 1.1 2005-04-18 16:05:13 kkuznetsov Exp $
# $Copyright:
# Copyright (C) Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 1994 - 1998
# Copyright (C) Siemens AG 1998 1999
# Copyright (C) Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH 1999 2000
# All rights reserved
# $
# save files which will be replaced
# don't save shell, will not be removed
echo "saving the original modules $FILELIST ..."
if [ -f /tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST} ]
rm /tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST}
for file in ${FILELIST};do
if [ ! -f ${PKGSAV}${file}.Z -a -f ${file} ];then
echo ${file} | tr '\040' '\012' | cpio -pvdum ${PKGSAV}
/usr/bin/compress ${PKGSAV}${file}
done >/tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST} 2>&1
# check for successful saved modules
for file in ${FILELIST}; do
[ ! -s ${file} ] && continue
if [ ! -f ${PKGSAV}${file}.Z ]; then
if [ "$ERR" = '0' ];then
echo "\nAn error occured when saving original modules. \ntmp/ERROR.${PKGINST} contains the reported errors.\n\n"
echo "/tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST}:"
cat /tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST}
ls -l $file ${PKGSAV}${file}.Z
[ "$ERR" = '0' ] && rm -f /tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST}
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
i pkginfo=Pkginfo
i preinstall=Preinstall
i postinstall=Postinstall
i postremove=Postremove
i prototype=Prototype
!default 755 root root
d none /usr ? ? ?
d none /usr/lib ? ? ?
d none @prefix@ 0755 root root
v CONFIG.prsv @prefix@/security2.fdb=$SRCDIR/security2.fdb 0666 root root
v CONFIG.prsv @prefix@/firebird.conf=$SRCDIR/misc/firebird.conf 0644 root root
#f none @prefix@/firebird.init.d.example=$SRCDIR/../../builds/install/misc/firebird.init.d.Solaris.in 0755 root root
v CONFIG.prsv @prefix@/aliases.conf=$SRCDIR/../../builds/install/misc/aliases.conf.in 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/bin 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/CSchangeRunUser.sh=$SRCDIR/bin/CSchangeRunUser.sh 0555 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/CSrestoreRootRunUser.sh=$SRCDIR/bin/CSrestoreRootRunUser.sh 0555 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/build_file=$SRCDIR/bin/build_file 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/changeDBAPassword.sh=$SRCDIR/bin/changeDBAPassword.sh 0555 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/change_messages=$SRCDIR/bin/change_messages 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/check_messages=$SRCDIR/bin/check_messages 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/create_db=$SRCDIR/bin/create_db 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/enter_messages=$SRCDIR/bin/enter_messages 0755 root root
#/usr/lib synlinks for compability with external tools
#s none /usr/lib/libgds.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so
#s none /usr/lib/libfbembed.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so
#s none /usr/lib/libgds.so.1=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.1
s none /usr/lib/libfbclient.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so
s none /usr/lib/libgds.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so
s none /usr/lib/libgdsmt.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so
d none @prefix@ 0755 root root
d none @prefix@/include 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/include/ib_util.h=$SRCDIR/include/ib_util.h 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/include/perf.h=$SRCDIR/include/perf.h 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/include/blr.h=$SRCDIR/include/blr.h 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/include/iberror.h=$SRCDIR/include/iberror.h 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/include/ibase.h=$SRCDIR/include/ibase.h 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/intl 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/intl/libfbintl.so=$SRCDIR/intl/libfbintl.so 0755 root root
d none @prefix@/UDF 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/UDF/ib_udf.so=$SRCDIR/UDF/ib_udf.so 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/UDF/fbudf.so=$SRCDIR/UDF/fbudf.so 0755 root root
d none @prefix@/bin 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/gpre_boot=$SRCDIR/bin/gpre_boot 0755 root root
#s none @prefix@/bin/gpre_current=$SRCDIR/gpre_static
#f none @prefix@/bin/blrtable=$SRCDIR/bin/blrtable 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/gpre_static=$SRCDIR/bin/gpre_static 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/create_db=$SRCDIR/bin/create_db 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/gbak_static=$SRCDIR/bin/gbak_static 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/isql_static=$SRCDIR/bin/isql_static 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/build_file=$SRCDIR/bin/build_file 0777 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/codes=$SRCDIR/bin/codes 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/fb_inet_server=$SRCDIR/bin/fb_inet_server 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gfix=$SRCDIR/bin/gfix 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gbak=$SRCDIR/bin/gbak 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gsplit=$SRCDIR/bin/gsplit 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gsec=$SRCDIR/bin/gsec 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/isql=$SRCDIR/bin/isql 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gpre=$SRCDIR/bin/gpre 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gds_drop=$SRCDIR/bin/gds_drop 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gds_relay=$SRCDIR/bin/gds_relay 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gstat=$SRCDIR/bin/gstat 0755 root root
# f none @prefix@/bin/fbguard=$SRCDIR/bin/fbguard 0755 root root
# f none @prefix@/bin/fbmgr.bin=$SRCDIR/bin/fbmgr.bin 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/nbackup=$SRCDIR/bin/nbackup 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/fb_lock_print=$SRCDIR/bin/fb_lock_print 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gdef=$SRCDIR/bin/gdef 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/qli=$SRCDIR/bin/qli 6777 root root
d none @prefix@/examples 0755 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/api 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api1.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api1.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api10.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api10.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api11.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api11.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api12.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api12.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api13.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api13.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api14.e=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api14.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api15.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api15.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api16.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api16.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api16t.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api16t.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api2.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api2.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api3.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api3.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api4.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api4.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api5.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api5.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api6.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api6.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api7.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api7.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api8.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api8.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api9.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api9.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api9f.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api9f.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api9f.def=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api9f.def 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api9f.sql=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api9f.sql 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/apifull.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/apifull.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/example.def=$SRCDIR/examples/api/example.def 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/winevent.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/winevent.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/winevent.def=$SRCDIR/examples/api/winevent.def 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/winevent.rc=$SRCDIR/examples/api/winevent.rc 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/build_win32 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/clean_all.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/clean_all.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/clean_api.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/clean_api.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/clean_dyn.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/clean_dyn.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/clean_stat.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/clean_stat.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/clean_udf.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/clean_udf.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/make_all.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/make_all.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/make_api.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/make_api.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/make_dyn.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/make_dyn.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/make_stat.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/make_stat.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/make_udf.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/make_udf.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/setenvvar.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/setenvvar.bat 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/build_unix 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_unix/Makefile.in.example5=$SRCDIR/examples/build_unix/Makefile.in.example5 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_unix/Makefile.in.v5_examples=$SRCDIR/examples/build_unix/Makefile.in.v5_examples 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/dyn 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dyn1.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dyn1.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dyn2.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dyn2.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dyn3.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dyn3.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dyn4.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dyn4.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dyn5.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dyn5.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dynfull.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dynfull.e 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/empbuild 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb=$SRCDIR/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/empbuild/employe2.sql=$SRCDIR/examples/empbuild/employe2.sql 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/include 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/include/align.h=$SRCDIR/examples/include/align.h 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/include/example.h=$SRCDIR/examples/include/example.h 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/stat 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat1.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat1.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat10.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat10.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat11.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat11.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat12.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat12.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat12t.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat12t.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat2.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat2.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat3.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat3.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat4.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat4.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat5.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat5.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat6.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat6.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat7.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat7.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat8.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat8.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat9.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat9.e 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/udf 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/udf/udf.sql=$SRCDIR/examples/udf/udf.sql 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/udf/udflib.c=$SRCDIR/examples/udf/udflib.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/udf/udflib.def=$SRCDIR/examples/udf/udflib.def 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/README=$SRCDIR/examples/README 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/functions.c=$SRCDIR/examples/functions.c 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/lib 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.1.5.1=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbembed.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@ 0755 root root
#s none @prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.1=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@
#s none @prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.1
#f none @prefix@/lib/libfbstatic.a=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbstatic.a 0644 root root
#s none @prefix@/lib/libgds.so.1=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.1
#s none @prefix@/lib/libgds.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so
f none @prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbclient.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@ 0755 root root
s none @prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so.1=@prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@
s none @prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so.1
f none @prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbembed.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@ 0755 root root
s none @prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.2=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbembed.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@
s none @prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbembed.so.2
#f none @prefix@/lib/libeditline.a=$SRCDIR/lib/libeditline.a 0644 root root
#f none @prefix@/lib/libfbcommon.a=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbcommon.a 0666 root root
#f none @prefix@/lib/libfbstatic.a=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbstatic.a 0666 root root
f none @prefix@/lib/libib_util.so=$SRCDIR/lib/libib_util.so 0755 root root
s none @prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so.2=$SRCDIR/libfbclient.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@
d none @prefix@/misc 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/misc/firebird.conf=$SRCDIR/misc/firebird.conf 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/help 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/help/help.fdb=$SRCDIR/help/help.fdb 0444 root root
#f none @prefix@/isc_lock1.Solx8626V=$SRCDIR/isc_lock1.Solx8626V 0666 root root
#f none @prefix@/isc_init1.Solx8626V=$SRCDIR/isc_init1.Solx8626V 0666 root root
#f none @prefix@/fbsrvreport.txt=$SRCDIR/fbsrvreport.txt 0644 root root
#f none @prefix@/security2.fdb=$SRCDIR/security2.fdb 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/firebird.msg=$SRCDIR/firebird.msg 0666 root root
f none @prefix@/fr_FR.msg=$SRCDIR/fr_FR.msg 0666 root root
f none @prefix@/de_DE.msg=$SRCDIR/de_DE.msg 0666 root root
#f none @prefix@/firebird.conf=$SRCDIR/firebird.conf 0644 root root

View File

@ -1 +1,64 @@
# to be done but configure requires it or fails
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at
# http://www.gnu.org/licences/lgpl.html
# As a special exception this file can also be included in modules
# with other source code as long as that source code has been
# released under an Open Source Initiative certificed licence.
# More information about OSI certification can be found at:
# http://www.opensource.org
# This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public Licence for more details.
# This module was created by members of the firebird development
# team. All individual contributions remain the Copyright (C) of
# those individuals and all rights are reserved. Contributors to
# this file are either listed below or can be obtained from a CVS
# history command.
# Created by: Erik Kunze <kunze@philosys.de>
# Contributor(s):
# $Id: Makefile.in,v 1.2 2005-04-18 16:05:08 kkuznetsov Exp $
include $(ROOT)/gen/make.defaults
include $(ROOT)/gen/make.platform
include $(ROOT)/gen/make.rules
include $(ROOT)/gen/make.shared.variables
PGK_FILES=pkginfo prototype preinstall postinstall postremove
install package packages dist:
@echo Making Solaris x86 package...
rm -rf $(PKG_DIR)/FB2SI
-mkdir -p $(PKG_DIR)
(cd $(PKG_DIR); pkgmk -o -d $(PKG_DIR))
pkgtrans -s $(PKG_DIR) $(PKG_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME) FB2SI
@echo Making Solaris x86 LIBGCC package...
-mkdir -p $(PKG_DIR)
(cd $(PKG_DIR); pkgmk -o -f prototypelg -d $(PKG_DIR))
clean clobber:
rm -rf $(PKG_DIR)/FB2SI
rm -f $(PKG_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
NAME="Firebird2 Relational Database Server @ARCH_TYPE_SUFFIX@"
EMAIL=WHO IT WANT at users.sf.net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Create lock files
HOSTNAME=`uname -n`
for i in isc_init1 isc_lock1 isc_event1 isc_guard1
touch ${file}
chmod 666 ${file}
# Create log
touch firebird.log
chmod 666 firebird.log
# If TCP is installed, update both services and servers databases
if [ -f /etc/inet/services ]; then
grep -s @FB_SERVICE_NAME@ /etc/inet/services >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Patching /etc/inet/services..."
echo "@FB_SERVICE_NAME@ @FB_SERVICE_PORT@/tcp # Firebird2 Database Remote Protocol" >>/etc/inet/services
#if [ -f /etc/inet/inetd.conf ]; then
# grep -s @FB_SERVICE_NAME@ /etc/inet/inetd.conf >/dev/null 2>&1
# if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
# echo "Patching /etc/inet/inetd.conf..."
# echo "" >> /etc/inet/inetd.conf
# echo "# Firebird2 Database Remote Server" >> /etc/inet/inetd.conf
# echo "@FB_SERVICE_NAME@ stream tcp nowait.30000 root $FIREBIRD/bin/fb_inet_server fb_inet_server" >>/etc/inet/inetd.conf
# echo "Restarting inetd..."
# kill -HUP `ps -e | grep inetd | awk '{print $1}'`
# fi
if [ -f /etc/profile ]; then
grep -s "# Enhance PATH for Firebird2" /etc/profile >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Patching /etc/profile..."
echo "# Enhance PATH for Firebird2" >>/etc/profile
echo "PATH=\$PATH:$FIREBIRD/bin" >>/etc/profile
echo "export PATH" >>/etc/profile
echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$FIREBIRD/lib:$FIREBIRD/intl" >>/etc/profile
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >>/etc/profile
echo "INTERBASE=$FIREBIRD" >>/etc/profile
echo "export INTERBASE" >>/etc/profile
# Create the fbmgr shell script.
cat > $FIREBIRD/bin/fbmgr <<EOF
exec \$FIREBIRD/bin/fbmgr.bin \$mode
chmod +x $FIREBIRD/bin/fbmgr

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Remove lock and log files
rm -rf $FIREBIRD
# restore old modules
case "$LANG" in
De*) echo "Wiederherstellen des Status vor $PKGINST ...";;
*) echo "restoring state before $PKGINST ..."
cd ${PKGSAV}
find . -type f -exec /usr/bin/uncompress {} \;
ERROR_UNCOMPRESS=`find . -type f -name '*.Z' -print`
echo "uncompress of \"${ERROR_UNCOMPRESS}\" failed, \nrun uncompress in ${PKGSAV} manually, \nand rest
ore the uncompressed files in the correct pathes.\n\n"
exit 1
find . -type f -depth -print | cpio -pdum /
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "restoring of saved files failed, \n please restore files in ${PKGSAV} manually!\n\n"
exit 1
#if [ -f /etc/inet/inetd.conf ]; then
# echo "Restarting inetd..."
# kill -HUP `ps -e | grep inetd | awk '{print $1}'`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# save files which will be replaced
# don't save shell, will not be removed
echo "saving the original modules $FILELIST ..."
if [ -f /tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST} ]
rm /tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST}
for file in ${FILELIST};do
if [ ! -f ${PKGSAV}${file}.Z -a -f ${file} ];then
echo ${file} | tr '\040' '\012' | cpio -pvdum ${PKGSAV}
/usr/bin/compress ${PKGSAV}${file}
done >/tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST} 2>&1
# check for successful saved modules
for file in ${FILELIST}; do
[ ! -s ${file} ] && continue
if [ ! -f ${PKGSAV}${file}.Z ]; then
if [ "$ERR" = '0' ];then
echo "\nAn error occured when saving original modules. \ntmp/ERROR.${PKGINST} contains the reported errors.\n\n"
echo "/tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST}:"
cat /tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST}
ls -l $file ${PKGSAV}${file}.Z
[ "$ERR" = '0' ] && rm -f /tmp/ERROR.${PKGINST}
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
i pkginfo=Pkginfo
i preinstall=Preinstall
i postinstall=Postinstall
i postremove=Postremove
i prototype=Prototype
!default 755 root root
d none /usr ? ? ?
d none /usr/lib ? ? ?
d none @prefix@ 0755 root root
v CONFIG.prsv @prefix@/security2.fdb=$SRCDIR/security2.fdb 0666 root root
v CONFIG.prsv @prefix@/firebird.conf=$SRCDIR/misc/firebird.conf 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/firebird.init.d.example=$SRCDIR/../../builds/install/misc/firebird.init.d.Solaris.in 0755 root root
v CONFIG.prsv @prefix@/aliases.conf=$SRCDIR/../../builds/install/misc/aliases.conf.in 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/bin 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/CSchangeRunUser.sh=$SRCDIR/bin/CSchangeRunUser.sh 0555 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/CSrestoreRootRunUser.sh=$SRCDIR/bin/CSrestoreRootRunUser.sh 0555 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/build_file=$SRCDIR/bin/build_file 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/changeDBAPassword.sh=$SRCDIR/bin/changeDBAPassword.sh 0555 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/change_messages=$SRCDIR/bin/change_messages 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/check_messages=$SRCDIR/bin/check_messages 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/create_db=$SRCDIR/bin/create_db 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/enter_messages=$SRCDIR/bin/enter_messages 0755 root root
#/usr/lib synlinks for compability with external tools
#s none /usr/lib/libgds.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so
#s none /usr/lib/libfbembed.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so
#s none /usr/lib/libgds.so.1=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.1
s none /usr/lib/libfbclient.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so
s none /usr/lib/libgds.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so
s none /usr/lib/libgdsmt.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so
d none @prefix@ 0755 root root
d none @prefix@/include 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/include/ib_util.h=$SRCDIR/include/ib_util.h 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/include/perf.h=$SRCDIR/include/perf.h 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/include/blr.h=$SRCDIR/include/blr.h 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/include/iberror.h=$SRCDIR/include/iberror.h 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/include/ibase.h=$SRCDIR/include/ibase.h 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/intl 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/intl/libfbintl.so=$SRCDIR/intl/libfbintl.so 0755 root root
d none @prefix@/UDF 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/UDF/ib_udf.so=$SRCDIR/UDF/ib_udf.so 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/UDF/fbudf.so=$SRCDIR/UDF/fbudf.so 0755 root root
d none @prefix@/bin 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/gpre_boot=$SRCDIR/bin/gpre_boot 0755 root root
#s none @prefix@/bin/gpre_current=$SRCDIR/gpre_static
#f none @prefix@/bin/blrtable=$SRCDIR/bin/blrtable 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/gpre_static=$SRCDIR/bin/gpre_static 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/create_db=$SRCDIR/bin/create_db 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/gbak_static=$SRCDIR/bin/gbak_static 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/isql_static=$SRCDIR/bin/isql_static 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/build_file=$SRCDIR/bin/build_file 0777 root root
#f none @prefix@/bin/codes=$SRCDIR/bin/codes 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/fbserver=$SRCDIR/bin/fbserver 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gfix=$SRCDIR/bin/gfix 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gbak=$SRCDIR/bin/gbak 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gsplit=$SRCDIR/bin/gsplit 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gsec=$SRCDIR/bin/gsec 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/isql=$SRCDIR/bin/isql 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gpre=$SRCDIR/bin/gpre 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gds_drop=$SRCDIR/bin/gds_drop 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gds_relay=$SRCDIR/bin/gds_relay 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gstat=$SRCDIR/bin/gstat 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/fbguard=$SRCDIR/bin/fbguard 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/fbmgr.bin=$SRCDIR/bin/fbmgr.bin 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/nbackup=$SRCDIR/bin/nbackup 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/fb_lock_print=$SRCDIR/bin/fb_lock_print 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/gdef=$SRCDIR/bin/gdef 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/bin/qli=$SRCDIR/bin/qli 6777 root root
d none @prefix@/examples 0755 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/api 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api1.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api1.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api10.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api10.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api11.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api11.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api12.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api12.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api13.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api13.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api14.e=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api14.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api15.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api15.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api16.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api16.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api16t.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api16t.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api2.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api2.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api3.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api3.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api4.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api4.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api5.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api5.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api6.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api6.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api7.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api7.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api8.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api8.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api9.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api9.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api9f.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api9f.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api9f.def=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api9f.def 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/api9f.sql=$SRCDIR/examples/api/api9f.sql 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/apifull.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/apifull.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/example.def=$SRCDIR/examples/api/example.def 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/winevent.c=$SRCDIR/examples/api/winevent.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/winevent.def=$SRCDIR/examples/api/winevent.def 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/api/winevent.rc=$SRCDIR/examples/api/winevent.rc 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/build_win32 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/clean_all.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/clean_all.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/clean_api.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/clean_api.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/clean_dyn.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/clean_dyn.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/clean_stat.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/clean_stat.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/clean_udf.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/clean_udf.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/make_all.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/make_all.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/make_api.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/make_api.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/make_dyn.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/make_dyn.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/make_stat.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/make_stat.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/make_udf.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/make_udf.bat 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_win32/setenvvar.bat=$SRCDIR/examples/build_win32/setenvvar.bat 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/build_unix 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_unix/Makefile.in.example5=$SRCDIR/examples/build_unix/Makefile.in.example5 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/build_unix/Makefile.in.v5_examples=$SRCDIR/examples/build_unix/Makefile.in.v5_examples 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/dyn 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dyn1.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dyn1.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dyn2.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dyn2.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dyn3.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dyn3.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dyn4.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dyn4.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dyn5.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dyn5.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/dyn/dynfull.e=$SRCDIR/examples/dyn/dynfull.e 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/empbuild 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb=$SRCDIR/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/empbuild/employe2.sql=$SRCDIR/examples/empbuild/employe2.sql 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/include 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/include/align.h=$SRCDIR/examples/include/align.h 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/include/example.h=$SRCDIR/examples/include/example.h 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/stat 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat1.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat1.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat10.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat10.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat11.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat11.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat12.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat12.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat12t.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat12t.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat2.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat2.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat3.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat3.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat4.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat4.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat5.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat5.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat6.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat6.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat7.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat7.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat8.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat8.e 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/stat/stat9.e=$SRCDIR/examples/stat/stat9.e 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/examples/udf 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/udf/udf.sql=$SRCDIR/examples/udf/udf.sql 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/udf/udflib.c=$SRCDIR/examples/udf/udflib.c 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/udf/udflib.def=$SRCDIR/examples/udf/udflib.def 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/README=$SRCDIR/examples/README 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/examples/functions.c=$SRCDIR/examples/functions.c 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/lib 0755 root root
#f none @prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.1.5.1=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbembed.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@ 0755 root root
#s none @prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.1=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@
#s none @prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.1
#f none @prefix@/lib/libfbstatic.a=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbstatic.a 0644 root root
#s none @prefix@/lib/libgds.so.1=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so.1
#s none @prefix@/lib/libgds.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbembed.so
f none @prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbclient.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@ 0755 root root
s none @prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so.1=@prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@
s none @prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so=@prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so.1
#f none @prefix@/lib/libeditline.a=$SRCDIR/lib/libeditline.a 0644 root root
#f none @prefix@/lib/libfbcommon.a=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbcommon.a 0666 root root
#f none @prefix@/lib/libfbstatic.a=$SRCDIR/lib/libfbstatic.a 0666 root root
f none @prefix@/lib/libib_util.so=$SRCDIR/lib/libib_util.so 0755 root root
s none @prefix@/lib/libfbclient.so.2=$SRCDIR/libfbclient.so.@FIREBIRD_VERSION@
d none @prefix@/misc 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/misc/firebird.conf=$SRCDIR/misc/firebird.conf 0644 root root
d none @prefix@/help 0755 root root
f none @prefix@/help/help.fdb=$SRCDIR/help/help.fdb 0444 root root
#f none @prefix@/isc_lock1.Solx8626V=$SRCDIR/isc_lock1.Solx8626V 0666 root root
#f none @prefix@/isc_init1.Solx8626V=$SRCDIR/isc_init1.Solx8626V 0666 root root
#f none @prefix@/fbsrvreport.txt=$SRCDIR/fbsrvreport.txt 0644 root root
#f none @prefix@/security2.fdb=$SRCDIR/security2.fdb 0644 root root
f none @prefix@/firebird.msg=$SRCDIR/firebird.msg 0666 root root
f none @prefix@/fr_FR.msg=$SRCDIR/fr_FR.msg 0666 root root
f none @prefix@/de_DE.msg=$SRCDIR/de_DE.msg 0666 root root
#f none @prefix@/firebird.conf=$SRCDIR/firebird.conf 0644 root root

View File

@ -909,6 +909,17 @@ case "$PLATFORM" in
],[chmod a+x gen/install/Pre* gen/install/Post* 2>/dev/null])
],[chmod a+x gen/install/Pre* gen/install/Post* 2>/dev/null])