mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird.git synced 2025-02-02 09:20:39 +01:00

Upgrade tomcrypt to v1.18.2

This commit is contained in:
AlexPeshkoff 2018-11-30 16:33:28 +03:00 committed by Alexander Peshkov
parent 647216a633
commit 1547ed16ca
555 changed files with 82196 additions and 19823 deletions

extern/libtomcrypt/.clang-format vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
AccessModifierOffset: -2
ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4
AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: false
AlignTrailingComments: true
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: false
AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: false
BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false
BinPackParameters: true
ColumnLimit: 120
ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true
DerivePointerBinding: true
ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
IndentCaseLabels: true
MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
NamespaceIndentation: None
ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: false
PenaltyBreakComment: 60
PenaltyBreakString: 1000
PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120
PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000
PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 200
PointerBindsToType: false
SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
Cpp11BracedListStyle: false
Standard: Cpp03
IndentWidth: 3
TabWidth: 8
UseTab: Never
BreakBeforeBraces: Linux
IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType: false
SpacesInParentheses: false
SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
SpaceAfterControlStatementKeyword: true
SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true

extern/libtomcrypt/.gitattributes vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
/.gitattributes export-ignore
/.gitignore export-ignore
/** export-subst

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@ -1,5 +1,96 @@
# suppress compiler/linker output
# release files
# suppress output of build process
# *nix/windows test executables
# Visual Studio special files
# ignore user specific settings
# ignore non-compressed browse file (holds information for ClassView, IntelliSense and WizardBar)
# ignore VS intermediate and program database files
# Eclipse special files
# oops ;) but we don't want them to appear in the repository...
# misc
# output from doc generation
# coverity intermediate directory etc.

extern/libtomcrypt/.travis.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
dist: trusty
sudo: required
language: c
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- llvm-toolchain-precise-3.8
- clang-3.8
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install libtommath-dev
- gem install coveralls-lcov
- curl http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/l/lcov/lcov_1.11.orig.tar.gz | tar xz
- export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/lcov-1.11/bin
- curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/libtom/packages/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
- sudo apt-get install libtfm-dev=0.13-5
fast_finish: true
- master
- develop
- /^release\/.*$/
- gcc
- clang
- bash "${BUILDSCRIPT}" "${BUILDNAME}" "${BUILDOPTIONS}" "makefile V=1" "-DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC" "-ltommath"
- bash "${BUILDSCRIPT}" "${BUILDNAME}" "${BUILDOPTIONS}" "makefile.shared V=1" "-DUSE_TFM -DTFM_DESC" "-ltfm"
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- cat test_std.txt
- cat test_err.txt
- cat tv.txt
- cat gcc_1.txt
- cat gcc_2.txt
irc: "chat.freenode.net#libtom-notifications"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,5 +1,29 @@
LibTomCrypt is licensed under DUAL licensing terms.
Choose and use the license of your needs.
LibTomCrypt is public domain. As should all quality software be.
Tom St Denis
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
See doc/crypt.pdf

extern/libtomcrypt/README.md vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
# libtomcrypt
Previously the git repository contained `doc/crypt.pdf` for detailed documentation.
This was changed and the file is now only available from the tarball of the appropriate version
or from the page https://github.com/libtom/libtomcrypt/releases .
## Project Status
master: [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/libtom/libtomcrypt.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/libtom/libtomcrypt) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/libtom/libtomcrypt/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/libtom/libtomcrypt)
develop: [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/libtom/libtomcrypt.png?branch=develop)](https://travis-ci.org/libtom/libtomcrypt) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/libtom/libtomcrypt/badge.png?branch=develop)](https://coveralls.io/r/libtom/libtomcrypt)
[![Coverity Scan Build Status](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/487/badge.svg)](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/487)
API/ABI changes: [check here](https://abi-laboratory.pro/tracker/timeline/libtomcrypt/)
## Submitting patches
Please branch off from develop if you want to submit a patch.
Patch integration will be faster if tests and documentation are included.
Please update the makefiles in a separate commit. To update them simply run the `updatemakes.sh` script.
If you have something bigger to submit, feel free to contact us beforehand.
Then we can give you write access to this repo, so you can open your PR based on this repo
and we can easier follow the rebase-before-merge approach we're using (or even do the rebase ourself).
### Reviews
We're using Pull Request reviews to make sure that the code is in line with the existing code base.
Please have a look [here](https://help.github.com/articles/approving-a-pull-request-with-required-reviews/) to get an idea of the approach.
## Branches
Please be aware, that all branches besides _master_ and _develop_ __can__ and __will be__ force-pushed, rebased and/or removed!
If you want to rely on such an _unstable_ branch, create your own fork of this repository to make sure nothing breaks for you.
## Configuration options
By default the library builds its entire feature set (besides `katja`) in a (depending on your needs more or less) optimal way.
There are numerous configuration options available if you want to trim down the functionality of the library.
Please have a look at `src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h` for all available configuration options.
The following list is a small part of the available, but the most often required, configuration switches.
| Flag | Behavior |
| ---- | -------- |
| `LTC_NO_TEST` | Remove all algorithm self-tests from the library |
| `LTC_NO_FILE` | Remove all API functions requiring a pre-defined `FILE` data-type (mostly useful for embedded targets) |
| `GMP_DESC` | enable [gmp](https://gmplib.org/) as MPI provider *\*1* |
| `LTM_DESC` | enable [libtommath](http://www.libtom.net/) as MPI provider *\*1* |
| `TFM_DESC` | enable [tomsfastmath](http://www.libtom.net/) as MPI provider *\*1* *\*2* |
| `USE_GMP` | use `gmp` as MPI provider when building the binaries *\*3* |
| `USE_LTM` | use `libtommath` as MPI provider when building the binaries *\*3* |
| `USE_TFM` | use `tomsfastmath` as MPI provider when building the binaries *\*3* |
*\*1* It is possible to build the library against all MPI providers in parallel and choose at startup-time which math library should be used.
*\*2* Please be aware that `tomsfastmath` has the limitation of a fixed max size of MPI's.
*\*3* Only one is supported at the time & this is only required when building the binaries, not when building the library itself.
## Building the library
There are several `makefile`s provided. Please choose the one that fits best for you.
| makefile | use-case |
| -------- | -------- |
| `makefile` | builds a static library (GNU Make required) |
| `makefile.shared` | builds a shared (and static) library (GNU Make required) |
| `makefile.unix` | for unusual UNIX platforms, or if you do not have GNU Make |
| `makefile.mingw` | for usage with the mingw compiler on MS Windows |
| `makefile.msvc` | for usage with the MSVC compiler on MS Windows |
| `libtomcrypt_VS2008.sln` | A VisualStudio 2008 project for MS Windows |
### Make targets
The `makefile`s provide several targets to build (VS project excluded).
The following list does not claim to be complete resp. to be available across all `makefile` variants.
| target | application |
| ------ | ----------- |
| *empty target*/none given | c.f. `library`
| `library` | builds only the library |
| `hashsum` | builds the `hashsum` binary, similar to [`shasum`](https://linux.die.net/man/1/shasum), but with support for all hash-algorithms included in the library *\*4* |
| `ltcrypt` | builds the `ltcrypt` binary, implementing something similar to [`crypt`](https://linux.die.net/man/3/crypt) *\*4* |
| `sizes` | builds the `sizes` binary, printing all internal data sizes on invocation *\*4* |
| `constants` | builds the `constants` binary, printing all internal constants on invocation *\*4* |
| `openssl-enc` | builds the `openssl-enc` binary, which is more or less compatible to [`openssl enc`](https://linux.die.net/man/1/enc) *\*4* *\*5* |
| `test` | builds the `test` binary, which runs all algorithm self-tests + some extended tests *\*4* |
| `timing` | builds the `timing` binary, which can be used to measure timings for algorithms and modes *\*4* |
| `bins` | builds `hashsum` *\*4* |
| `all_test` | builds `test`, `hashsum`, `ltcrypt`, `small`, `tv_gen`, `sizes` & `constants` *\*4* |
| `docs` | builds the developer documentation `doc/crypt.pdf` |
| `install` | installs the `library` and header files *\*7* *\*8* |
| `install_bins` | installs the binaries created by the `bins` target *\*7* *\*8* |
| `install_docs` | installs the documentation created by the `docs` target *\*7* *\*8* |
| `install_test` | installs the test-app created by the `test` target *\*7* *\*8* |
| `install_all` | installs everything (i.e. `library`, `bins`, `docs` and `test`) *\*8* |
| `uninstall` | uninstalls the `library` and header files |
*\*4* also builds `library`
*\*5* broken build in some configurations, therefore not built by default
*\*7* also builds the necessary artifact(s) before installing it
*\*8* also have a look at the 'Installation' section of this file
### Examples
You want to build the library as static library
You want to build the library as shared library
make -f makefile.shared
You have `libtommath` installed on your system and want to build a static library and the `test` binary to run the self-tests.
make CFLAGS="-DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC" EXTRALIBS="-ltommath" test
You have `tomsfastmath` installed on your system and want to build a shared library and all binaries
make -f makefile.shared CFLAGS="-DUSE_TFM -DTFM_DESC" EXTRALIBS="-ltfm" all demos
You have `gmp`, `libtommath` and `tomsfastmath` installed on your system and want to build a static library and the `timing` binary to measure timings against `gmp`.
If you have `libtommath` in a non-standard location:
make CFLAGS="-DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -I/opt/devel/ltm" EXTRALIBS="/opt/devel/ltm/libtommath.a" all
## Installation
There exist several _install_ make-targets which are described in the table above.
These targets support the standard ways (c.f. [[GNU]], [[FreeBSD]])
to modify the installation path via the following set of variables:
The entire set of the variables is only supported in `makefile`, `makefile.shared` and `makefile.unix`.
In case you have to use one of the other makefiles, check in the file which variables are supported.
### Examples
You want to install the static library to the default paths
make install
You want to install the shared library to a special path and use it from this path
make -f makefile.shared PREFIX=/opt/special/path
Have a look at the developer documentation, [[GNU]] or [[FreeBSD]] to get a detailed explanation of all the variables.
[GNU]: https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/DESTDIR.html
[FreeBSD]: https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/porters-handbook/porting-prefix.html

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
for 1.18
- document new ECC functions
- add test for new functions

extern/libtomcrypt/build.sh vendored Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,20 +1,59 @@
echo "$1 ($2, $3)..."
make clean 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
echo -n "building..."
CFLAGS="$2 $CFLAGS $4" EXTRALIBS="$5" make -j4 -f $3 test tv_gen 1>gcc_1.txt 2>gcc_2.txt || (echo "build $1 failed see gcc_2.txt for more information" && cat gcc_2.txt && exit 1)
if [ -f /proc/cpuinfo ]
MAKE_JOBS=$(( ($(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -E '^processor[[:space:]]*:' | tail -n -1 | cut -d':' -f2) + 1) * 2 + 1 ))
CFLAGS="$2 $CFLAGS $4" EXTRALIBS="$5" make -j$MAKE_JOBS -f $3 all_test 1>gcc_1.txt 2>gcc_2.txt
cnt=$(wc -l < gcc_2.txt)
# ignore 1 line since ar prints to stderr instead of stdout and ar is called for
if [[ $mret -ne 0 ]] || [[ $cnt -gt 1 ]]; then
echo "build $1 failed! printing gcc_2.txt now for convenience"
cat gcc_2.txt
exit 1
echo -n "testing..."
if [ -a test ] && [ -f test ] && [ -x test ]; then
((./test >test_std.txt 2>test_err.txt && ./tv_gen > tv.txt) && echo "$1 test passed." && echo "y" > testok.txt) || (echo "$1 test failed" && cat test_err.txt && exit 1)
((./test >test_std.txt 2>test_err.txt && ./tv_gen > tv.txt) && echo "$1 test passed." && echo "y" > testok.txt) || (echo "$1 test failed, look at test_err.txt or tv.txt" && exit 1)
if find *_tv.txt -type f 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
for f in *_tv.txt; do if (diff --ignore-case $f notes/$f) then true; else (echo "tv_gen $f failed" && rm -f testok.txt && exit 1); fi; done
for f in *_tv.txt; do
# check for lines starting with '<' ($f might be a subset of notes/$f)
difftroubles=$(diff -i -w -B $f notes/$f | grep '^<')
if [ -n "$difftroubles" ]; then
echo "FAILURE: $f"
diff -i -w -B $f notes/$f
echo "tv_gen $f failed" && rm -f testok.txt && exit 1
if [ -a testok.txt ] && [ -f testok.txt ]; then
if [ "$LTC_COVERAGE" != "" ]; then
./coverage_more.sh > test_coverage_more.txt || exit 1
lcov_opts="--capture --no-external --directory src -q"
lcov_out=$(echo coverage_$1_$2_$3 | tr ' -=+' '_')".info"
lcov $lcov_opts --output-file $lcov_out
exit 0
exit 1
# $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/build.sh,v $
# $Revision: 1.9 $
# $Date: 2006/03/18 14:10:55 $
# ref: $Format:%D$
# git commit: $Format:%H$
# commit time: $Format:%ai$

View File

@ -1,3 +1,80 @@
July 1st, 2018
-- Fix Side Channel Based ECDSA Key Extraction (CVE-2018-12437) (PR #408)
-- Fix potential stack overflow when DER flexi-decoding (CVE-2018-0739) (PR #373)
-- Fix two-key 3DES (PR #390)
-- Fix accelerated CTR mode (PR #359)
-- Fix Fortuna PRNG (PR #363)
-- Fix compilation on platforms where cc doesn't point to gcc (PR #382)
-- Fix using the wrong environment variable LT instead of LIBTOOL (PR #392)
-- Fix build on platforms where the compiler provides __WCHAR_MAX__ but wchar.h is not available (PR #390)
-- Fix & re-factor crypt_list_all_sizes() and crypt_list_all_constants() (PR #414)
-- Minor fixes (PR's #350 #351 #375 #377 #378 #379)
January 22nd, 2018
-- Fix wrong SHA3 blocksizes, thanks to Claus Fischer for reporting this via Mail (PR #329)
-- Fix NULL-pointer dereference in `ccm_memory()` with LTC_CLEAN_STACK enabled (PR #327)
-- Fix `ccm_process()` being unable to process input buffers longer than 256 bytes (PR #326)
-- Fix the `register_all_{ciphers,hashes,prngs}()` return values (PR #316)
-- Fix some typos, warnings and duplicate prototypes in code & doc (PR's #310 #320 #321 #335)
-- Fix possible undefined behavior with LTC_PTHREAD (PR #337)
-- Fix some DER bugs (PR #339)
-- Fix CTR-mode when accelerator is used (OP-TEE/optee_os #2086)
-- Fix installation procedure (Issue #340)
October 10th, 2017
-- Bugfix multi2
-- Bugfix Noekeon
-- Bugfix XTEA
-- Bugfix rng_get_bytes() on windows where we could read from c:\dev\random
-- Fixed the Bleichbacher Signature attack in PKCS#1 v1.5 EMSA, thanks to Alex Dent
-- Fixed a potential cache-based timing attack in CCM, thanks to Sebastian Verschoor
-- Fix GCM counter reuse and potential timing attacks in EAX, OCB and OCBv3,
thanks to Raphaël Jamet
-- Implement hardened RSA operations when CRT is used
-- Enabled timing resistant calculations of ECC and RSA operations per default
-- Applied some patches from the OLPC project regarding PKCS#1 and preventing
the hash algorithms from overflowing
-- Larry Bugbee contributed the necessary stuff to more easily call libtomcrypt
from a dynamic language like Python, as shown in his pyTomCrypt
-- Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos contributed RSA blinding and export of RSA and DSA keys
in OpenSSL/GnuTLS compatible format
-- Patrick Pelletier contributed a smart volley of patches
-- Christopher Brown contributed some patches and additions to ASN.1/DER
-- Pascal Brand of STMicroelectronics contributed patches regarding CCM, the
XTS mode and RSA private key operations with keys without CRT parameters
-- RC2 now also works with smaller key-sizes
-- Improved/extended several tests & demos
-- Hardened DSA and RSA by testing (through Karel's perl-CryptX)
against Google's "Wycheproof" and Kudelski Security's "CDF"
-- Fixed all compiler warnings
-- Fixed several build issues on FreeBSD, NetBSD, Linux x32 ABI, HP-UX/IA64,
Mac OS X, Windows (32&64bit, Cygwin, MingW & MSVC) ...
-- Re-worked all makefiles
-- Re-worked most PRNG's
-- The code is now verified by a linter, thanks to Francois Perrad
-- Documentation (crypt.pdf) is now built deterministically, thanks to Michael Stapelberg
-- Add Adler32 and CRC32 checksum algorithms
-- Add Base64-URL de-/encoding and some strict variants
-- Add Blake2b & Blake2s (hash & mac), thanks to Kelvin Sherlock
-- Add Camellia block cipher
-- Add ChaCha (stream cipher), Poly1305 (mac), ChaCha20Poly1305 (encauth)
-- Add constant-time mem-compare mem_neq()
-- Add DER GeneralizedTime de-/encoding
-- Add DSA and ECC key generation FIPS-186-4 compliance
-- Add HKDF, thanks to RyanC (especially for also providing documentation :-) )
-- Add OCBv3
-- Add PKCS#1 v1.5 mode of SSL3.0
-- Add PKCS#1 testvectors from RSA
-- Add PKCS#8 & X.509 import for RSA keys
-- Add stream cipher API
-- Add SHA3 & SHAKE
-- Add SHA512/256 and SHA512/224
-- Add Triple-DES 2-key mode, thanks to Paul Howarth
-- Brought back Diffie-Hellman
May 12th, 2007
v1.17 -- Cryptography Research Inc. contributed another small volley of patches, one to fix __WCHAR_DEFINED__ for BSD platforms,
another to silence MSVC warnings.

extern/libtomcrypt/check_source.sh vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# output version
bash printinfo.sh
make clean > /dev/null
echo "checking..."
./helper.pl --check-source --check-makefiles --check-defines|| exit 1
exit 0
# ref: $Format:%D$
# git commit: $Format:%H$
# commit time: $Format:%ai$

extern/libtomcrypt/coverage.sh vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
set -e
if [ "$TRAVIS_CI" == "private" ]; then
exit 0
if [ "$#" != "5" ]; then
echo "Usage is: ${0} \"coverage\" \"<prepend CFLAGS>\" \"<makefile>\" \"<append CFLAGS>\" <math library to link to>"
echo "CC=gcc ${0} \"coverage\" \" \" \"makefile\" \"-DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -I../libtommath\" ../libtommath/libtommath.a"
exit -1
if [ -z "$(echo $CC | grep "gcc")" ]; then
echo "no gcc detected, early exit success"
exit 0
if [ "$(echo $3 | grep -v 'makefile[.]')" == "" ]; then
echo "only run $0 for the regular makefile, early exit success"
exit 0
# output version
bash printinfo.sh
bash build.sh " $1" " $2" " $3 COVERAGE=1" "$4" "$5"
if [ -a testok.txt ] && [ -f testok.txt ]; then
echo "Test failed"
exit 1
./coverage_more.sh > test_coverage_more.txt || { rm -f testok.txt && exit 1 ; }
make lcov-single
# if this was executed as './coverage.sh ...' create coverage locally
if [[ "${0%% *}" == "./${0##*/}" ]]; then
make lcov-html
coveralls-lcov coverage.info
exit 0
# ref: $Format:%D$
# git commit: $Format:%H$
# commit time: $Format:%ai$

extern/libtomcrypt/coverage_more.sh vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
set -e
for i in $(for j in $(echo $(./hashsum -h | awk '/Algorithms/,EOF' | tail -n +2)); do echo $j; done | sort); do echo -n "$i: " && ./hashsum -a $i tests/test.key ; done > hashsum_tv.txt
difftroubles=$(diff -i -w -B hashsum_tv.txt notes/hashsum_tv.txt | grep '^<') || true
if [ -n "$difftroubles" ]; then
echo "FAILURE: hashsum_tv.tx"
diff -i -w -B hashsum_tv.txt notes/hashsum_tv.txt
echo "hashsum failed"
exit 1
echo "hashsum okay"
exit 0
# ref: $Format:%D$
# git commit: $Format:%H$
# commit time: $Format:%ai$

extern/libtomcrypt/coverity.sh vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
if [ $# -lt 2 ]
echo "usage is: ${0##*/} <path to coverity scan> <extra compiler options>"
echo "e.g. \"${0##*/} \"/usr/local/bin/coverity\" \"-DLTM_DESC -I/path/to/libtommath/\"\""
exit -1
make clean
rm -r cov-int/
myCflags="$myCflags -O2 ${2}"
myCflags="$myCflags -pipe -Werror -Wpointer-arith -Winit-self -Wextra -Wall -Wformat -Wformat-security"
CFLAGS="$myCflags" cov-build --dir cov-int make -f makefile.unix $MAKE_OPTS IGNORE_SPEED=1 1>gcc_1.txt
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "make failed"
exit -1
# zipup everything
tar caf libtomcrypt.lzma cov-int
mytoken=$(cat .coverity_token)
mymail=$(cat .coverity_mail)
myversion=$(git describe --dirty)
curl -k --form project=libtomcrypt \
--form token=${mytoken} \
--form email=${mymail} \
--form file=@libtomcrypt.lzma \
--form version=\"${myversion}\" \
--form description="\"libtomcrypt version ${myversion}\"" \

extern/libtomcrypt/demos/constants.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
#include "tomcrypt.h"
#if defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L
#include <libgen.h>
#define basename(x) x
@file demo_crypt_constants.c
Demo how to get various constants to dynamic languages
like Python
Larry Bugbee, February 2013
static void _print_line(const char* cmd, const char* desc)
printf(" %-16s - %s\n", cmd, desc);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc == 1) {
/* given a specific constant name, get and print its value */
char name[] = "CTR_COUNTER_BIG_ENDIAN";
int value;
char *names_list;
unsigned int names_list_len;
if (crypt_get_constant(name, &value) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("\n %s is %d \n\n", name, value);
/* get and print the length of the names (and values) list */
if (crypt_list_all_constants(NULL, &names_list_len) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf(" need to allocate %u bytes \n\n", names_list_len);
/* get and print the names (and values) list */
if ((names_list = malloc(names_list_len)) == NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
if (crypt_list_all_constants(names_list, &names_list_len) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf(" supported constants:\n\n%s\n\n", names_list);
} else if (argc == 2) {
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) {
char* base = strdup(basename(argv[0]));
printf("Usage: %s [-a] [-s name]\n\n", base);
_print_line("<no argument>", "The old behavior of the demo");
_print_line("-a", "Only lists all constants");
_print_line("-s name", "List a single constant given as argument");
_print_line("-h", "The help you're looking at");
} else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-a") == 0) {
char *names_list;
unsigned int names_list_len;
/* get and print the length of the names (and values) list */
if (crypt_list_all_constants(NULL, &names_list_len) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
/* get and print the names (and values) list */
if ((names_list = malloc(names_list_len)) == NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
if (crypt_list_all_constants(names_list, &names_list_len) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("%s\n", names_list);
} else if (argc == 3) {
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) {
int value;
if (crypt_get_constant(argv[2], &value) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("%s,%u\n", argv[2], value);
return 0;
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/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

extern/libtomcrypt/demos/demo_dynamic.py vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
demo_dynamic.py v2b
This program demonstrates Python's use of the dynamic
language support additions to LTC, namely access to LTC
constants, struct and union sizes, and the binding of a
math package to LTC. Also provided are simple code
fragments to illustrate how one might write a Python
wrapper for LTC and how an app might call the wrapper.
This or a similar model should work for Ruby and other
dynamic languages.
This instance uses Python's ctypes and requires a single
.dylib linking together LTC and a math library. Building
a single .dylib is needed because LTC wants a fairly tight
relationship between itself and the mathlib. (ctypes can
load multiple .dylibs, but it does not support this level
of tight coupling between otherwise independent libraries.)
My .dylib was created on OSX/macOS with the following:
sudo make -j5 -f makefile.shared \
CFLAGS="-DUSE_TFM -DTFM_DESC -I/usr/local/include" \
EXTRALIBS=/usr/local/lib/libtfm.a install
For python 2.7.12 on Ubuntu Xenial the following worked for
me (without MPI support):
sudo make -f makefile.shared install PREFIX="/usr"
Reminder: you don't need to bind in a math library unless
you are going to use LTC functions that need a
mathlib. For example, public key crypto requires
a mathlib; hashing and symmetric encryption do not.
This code was originally written for Python 2.7 with the
ctypes standard library. This version is modified to run
under both Python 2.7 and 3.6.
Arguably the biggest change for Python3 has to do with
strings. Under Python2, native strings are ASCII bytes and
passing them to LTC is natural and requires no conversion.
Under Python3 all native strings are Unicode which requires
they be converted to bytes before use by LTC.
Note the following for Python3.
- ASCII keys, IVs and other string arguments must be
'bytes'. Define them with a 'b' prefix or convert
via the 'bytes()' function.
- "strings" returned from LTC are bytes and conversion
to Unicode might be necessary for proper printing.
If so, use <string>.decode('utf-8').
- The Python2 'print' statement becomes a function in
Python3 which requires parenthesis, eg. 'print()'.
NB: Unicode is achieved under Python2 by either defining
a Unicode string with a 'u' prefix or passing ASCII
strings thru the 'unicode()' function.
Larry Bugbee
March 2014 v1
August 2017 v2b
import sys
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.util import find_library
# switches to enable/disable selected output
print(' ')
print(' demo_dynamic.py')
def inprint(s, indent=0):
"prints strings indented, including multline strings"
for line in s.split('\n'):
print(' '*indent + line)
# load the .dylib
libname = 'tomcrypt'
libpath = find_library(libname)
print(' ')
print(' path to library %s: %s' % (libname, libpath))
LTC = cdll.LoadLibrary(libpath)
print(' loaded: %s' % LTC)
print(' ')
# get list of all supported constants followed by a list of all
# supported sizes. One alternative: these lists may be parsed
# and used as needed.
print(' all supported constants and their values:')
# get size to allocate for constants output list
str_len = c_int(0)
ret = LTC.crypt_list_all_constants(None, byref(str_len))
print(' need to allocate %d bytes to build list \n' % str_len.value)
# allocate that size and get (name, size) pairs, each pair
# separated by a newline char.
names_sizes = c_buffer(str_len.value)
ret = LTC.crypt_list_all_constants(names_sizes, byref(str_len))
print(' ')
print(' all supported sizes:')
# get size to allocate for sizes output list
str_len = c_int(0)
ret = LTC.crypt_list_all_sizes(None, byref(str_len))
print(' need to allocate %d bytes to build list \n' % str_len.value)
# allocate that size and get (name, size) pairs, each pair
# separated by a newline char.
names_sizes = c_buffer(str_len.value)
ret = LTC.crypt_list_all_sizes(names_sizes, byref(str_len))
print(' ')
# get individually named constants and sizes
print('\n selected constants:')
names = [
for name in names:
const_value = c_int(0)
rc = LTC.crypt_get_constant(name, byref(const_value))
value = const_value.value
print(' %-25s %d' % (name.decode("utf-8"), value))
print(' ')
print('\n selected sizes:')
names = [
for name in names:
size_value = c_int(0)
rc = LTC.crypt_get_size(name, byref(size_value))
value = size_value.value
print(' %-25s %d' % (name.decode("utf-8"), value))
print(' ')
# LibTomCrypt exposes one interesting string that can be accessed
# via Python's ctypes module, "crypt_build_settings", which
# provides a list of this build's compiler switches and supported
# algorithms. If someday LTC exposes other interesting strings,
# they can be found with:
# nm /usr/local/lib/libtomcrypt.dylib | grep " D "
def get_named_string(lib, name):
return c_char_p.in_dll(lib, name).value.decode("utf-8")
print('This is a string compiled into LTC showing compile')
print('options and algorithms supported by this build \n')
# print(get_named_string(LTC, 'crypt_build_settings'))
inprint(get_named_string(LTC, 'crypt_build_settings'), 4)
# here is an example of how Python code can be written to access
# LTC's implementation of SHA256 and ChaCha,
# - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# definitions
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
def _err2str(err):
# define return type
errstr = LTC.error_to_string
errstr.restype = c_char_p
# get and return err string
return errstr(err)
def _get_size(name):
size = c_int(0)
rc = LTC.crypt_get_size(bytes(name), byref(size))
if rc != 0:
raise Exception('LTC.crypt_get_size(%s) rc = %d' % (name, rc))
return size.value
def _get_constant(name):
constant = c_int(0)
rc = LTC.crypt_get_constant(bytes(name), byref(constant))
if rc != 0:
raise Exception('LTC.crypt_get_constant(%s) rc = %d' % (name, rc))
return constant.value
CRYPT_OK = _get_constant(b'CRYPT_OK')
class SHA256(object):
def __init__(self):
self.state = c_buffer(_get_size(b'sha256_state'))
def update(self, data):
LTC.sha256_process(byref(self.state), data, len(data))
def digest(self):
md = c_buffer(32)
LTC.sha256_done(byref(self.state), byref(md))
return md.raw
class ChaCha(object):
def __init__(self, key, rounds):
self.state = c_buffer(_get_size(b'chacha_state'))
self.counter = c_int(1)
err = LTC.chacha_setup(byref(self.state), key, len(key), rounds)
if err != CRYPT_OK:
raise Exception('LTC.chacha_setup(), err = %d, "%s"' % (err, _err2str(err)))
def set_iv32(self, iv):
err = LTC.chacha_ivctr32(byref(self.state), iv, len(iv), byref(self.counter))
if err != CRYPT_OK:
raise Exception('LTC.chacha_ivctr32(), err = %d, "%s"' % (err, _err2str(err)))
def crypt(self, datain):
dataout = c_buffer(len(datain))
err = LTC.chacha_crypt(byref(self.state), datain, len(datain), byref(dataout))
if err != CRYPT_OK:
raise Exception('LTC.chacha_crypt(), err = %d, "%s"' % (err, _err2str(err)))
return dataout.raw
# - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# a SHA256 app fragment
data = b'hello world' # we want bytes, not Unicode
sha256 = SHA256()
md = sha256.digest()
template = '\n the SHA256 digest for "%s" is %s \n'
print(template % (data, hexlify(md)))
# - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# a ChaCha app fragment
key = b'hownowbrowncow\x00\x00' # exactly 16 or 32 bytes
rounds = 12 # common values: 8, 12, 20
iv = b'123456789012' # exactly 12 bytes
plain = b'Kilroy was here, there, and everywhere!'
cha = ChaCha(key, rounds)
cipher = cha.crypt(plain)
template = '\n ChaCha%d ciphertext for "%s" is "%s"'
print(template % (rounds, plain, hexlify(cipher)))
cha.set_iv32(iv) # reset to decrypt
decrypted = cha.crypt(cipher)
template = ' ChaCha%d decoded text for "%s" is "%s" \n'
print(template % (rounds, plain, decrypted.decode("utf-8")))
# Footnote: Keys should be erased fm memory as soon as possible after use,
# and that includes Python. For a tip on how to do that in Python, see
# http://buggywhip.blogspot.com/2010/12/erase-keys-and-credit-card-numbers-in.html

extern/libtomcrypt/demos/hashsum.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Written by Daniel Richards <kyhwana@world-net.co.nz> 6/7/2002
* hash.c: This app uses libtomcrypt to hash either stdin or a file
* This file is Public Domain. No rights are reserved.
* Compile with 'gcc hashsum.c -o hashsum -ltomcrypt'
* This example isn't really big enough to warrent splitting into
* more functions ;)
#include <tomcrypt.h>
#if defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L
#include <libgen.h>
#define basename(x) x
#if !defined(PATH_MAX) && defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <windows.h>
/* thanks http://stackoverflow.com/a/8198009 */
#define _base(x) ((x >= '0' && x <= '9') ? '0' : \
(x >= 'a' && x <= 'f') ? 'a' - 10 : \
(x >= 'A' && x <= 'F') ? 'A' - 10 : \
#define HEXOF(x) (x - _base(x))
static char* hashsum;
static void cleanup(void)
static void die(int status)
unsigned long w, x;
FILE* o = status == EXIT_SUCCESS ? stdout : stderr;
fprintf(o, "usage: %s -a algorithm [-c] [file...]\n\n", hashsum);
fprintf(o, "\t-c\tCheck the hash(es) of the file(s) written in [file].\n");
fprintf(o, "\t\t(-a not required)\n");
fprintf(o, "\nAlgorithms:\n\t");
w = 0;
for (x = 0; hash_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
w += fprintf(o, "%-14s", hash_descriptor[x].name);
if (w >= 70) {
fprintf(o, "\n\t");
w = 0;
if (w != 0) fprintf(o, "\n");
static void printf_hex(unsigned char* hash_buffer, unsigned long w)
unsigned long x;
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
static void check_file(int argn, int argc, char **argv)
int err, failed, invalid;
unsigned char is_buffer[MAXBLOCKSIZE], should_buffer[MAXBLOCKSIZE];
char buf[PATH_MAX + (MAXBLOCKSIZE * 3)];
/* iterate through all files */
while(argn < argc) {
char* s;
FILE* f = fopen(argv[argn], "rb");
if(f == NULL) {
int n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: %s", hashsum, argv[argn]);
if (n > 0 && n < (int)sizeof(buf))
failed = 0;
invalid = 0;
/* read the file line by line */
while((s = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) != NULL)
int tries, n;
unsigned long hash_len, w, x;
char* space = strstr(s, " ");
/* skip lines with comments */
if (buf[0] == '#') continue;
if (space == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: no properly formatted checksum lines found\n", hashsum);
goto ERR;
hash_len = space - s;
hash_len /= 2;
if (hash_len > sizeof(should_buffer)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: hash too long\n", hashsum);
goto ERR;
/* convert the hex-string back to binary */
for (x = 0; x < hash_len; ++x) {
should_buffer[x] = HEXOF(s[x*2]) << 4 | HEXOF(s[x*2 + 1]);
if (*space != '*') {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unsupported input mode '%c'\n", hashsum, *space);
goto ERR;
for (n = 0; n < (buf + sizeof(buf)) - space; ++n) {
if(iscntrl((int)space[n])) {
space[n] = '\0';
/* try all hash algorithms that have the appropriate hash size */
tries = 0;
for (x = 0; hash_descriptor[x].name != NULL; ++x) {
if (hash_descriptor[x].hashsize == hash_len) {
w = sizeof(is_buffer);
if ((err = hash_file(x, space, is_buffer, &w)) != CRYPT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: File hash error: %s: %s\n", hashsum, space, error_to_string(err));
if(XMEMCMP(should_buffer, is_buffer, w) == 0) {
printf("%s: OK\n", space);
} /* for */
if (hash_descriptor[x].name == NULL) {
if(tries > 0) {
printf("%s: FAILED\n", space);
else {
} /* while */
if(invalid) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING: %d %s is improperly formatted\n", hashsum, invalid, invalid > 1?"lines":"line");
if(failed) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING: %d computed %s did NOT match\n", hashsum, failed, failed > 1?"checksums":"checksum");
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int idxs[TAB_SIZE], idx, check, y, z, err, argn;
unsigned long w, x;
unsigned char hash_buffer[MAXBLOCKSIZE];
hashsum = strdup(basename(argv[0]));
/* You need to register algorithms before using them */
if (argc > 1 && (strcmp("-h", argv[1]) == 0 || strcmp("--help", argv[1]) == 0)) {
if (argc < 3) {
for (x = 0; x < sizeof(idxs)/sizeof(idxs[0]); ++x) {
idxs[x] = -2;
argn = 1;
check = 0;
idx = 0;
while(argn < argc){
if(strcmp("-a", argv[argn]) == 0) {
if(argn < argc) {
idxs[idx] = find_hash(argv[argn]);
if (idxs[idx] == -1) {
struct {
const char* is;
const char* should;
} shasum_compat[] =
#ifdef LTC_SHA1
{ "1", sha1_desc.name },
#ifdef LTC_SHA224
{ "224", sha224_desc.name },
#ifdef LTC_SHA256
{ "256", sha256_desc.name },
#ifdef LTC_SHA384
{ "384", sha384_desc.name },
#ifdef LTC_SHA512
{ "512", sha512_desc.name },
#ifdef LTC_SHA512_224
{ "512224", sha512_224_desc.name },
#ifdef LTC_SHA512_256
{ "512256", sha512_256_desc.name },
for (x = 0; shasum_compat[x].is != NULL; ++x) {
if(XSTRCMP(shasum_compat[x].is, argv[argn]) == 0) {
idxs[idx] = find_hash(shasum_compat[x].should);
if (idxs[idx] == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unrecognized algorithm\n", hashsum);
if ((size_t)idx >= sizeof(idxs)/sizeof(idxs[0])) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Too many '-a' options chosen\n", hashsum);
else {
if(strcmp("-c", argv[argn]) == 0) {
check = 1;
if (check == 1) {
check_file(argn, argc, argv);
if (argc == argn) {
w = sizeof(hash_buffer);
if ((err = hash_filehandle(idxs[0], stdin, hash_buffer, &w)) != CRYPT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: File hash error: %s\n", hashsum, error_to_string(err));
} else {
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
printf(" *-\n");
} else {
for (z = argn; z < argc; z++) {
for (y = 0; y < idx; ++y) {
w = sizeof(hash_buffer);
if ((err = hash_file(idxs[y],argv[z],hash_buffer,&w)) != CRYPT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: File hash error: %s\n", hashsum, error_to_string(err));
} else {
printf_hex(hash_buffer, w);
printf(" *%s\n", argv[z]);
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
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/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

extern/libtomcrypt/demos/ltcrypt.c vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
/* encrypt V1.1 Fri Oct 18 04:28:03 NZDT 2002 */
/* File de/encryption, using libtomcrypt */
/* Written by Daniel Richards <kyhwana@world-net.co.nz> */
/* Help from Tom St Denis with various bits */
/* This code is public domain, no rights reserved. */
/* Encrypts by default, -d flag enables decryption */
/* ie: ./encrypt blowfish story.txt story.ct */
/* ./encrypt -d blowfish story.ct story.pt */
#include <tomcrypt.h>
int usage(char *name)
int x;
printf("Usage encrypt: %s cipher infile outfile\n", name);
printf("Usage decrypt: %s -d cipher infile outfile\n", name);
printf("Usage test: %s -t cipher\nCiphers:\n", name);
for (x = 0; cipher_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned char plaintext[512],ciphertext[512];
unsigned char tmpkey[512], key[MAXBLOCKSIZE], IV[MAXBLOCKSIZE];
unsigned char inbuf[512]; /* i/o block size */
unsigned long outlen, y, ivsize, x, decrypt;
symmetric_CTR ctr;
int cipher_idx, hash_idx, ks;
char *infile, *outfile, *cipher;
prng_state prng;
FILE *fdin, *fdout;
int err;
/* register algs, so they can be printed */
if (argc < 4) {
if ((argc > 2) && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-t"))) {
cipher = argv[2];
cipher_idx = find_cipher(cipher);
if (cipher_idx == -1) {
printf("Invalid cipher %s entered on command line.\n", cipher);
} /* if */
if (cipher_descriptor[cipher_idx].test)
if (cipher_descriptor[cipher_idx].test() != CRYPT_OK)
printf("Error when testing cipher %s.\n", cipher);
printf("Testing cipher %s succeeded.\n", cipher);
} /* if ... else */
} /* if */
return usage(argv[0]);
if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-d")) {
decrypt = 1;
cipher = argv[2];
infile = argv[3];
outfile = argv[4];
} else {
decrypt = 0;
cipher = argv[1];
infile = argv[2];
outfile = argv[3];
/* file handles setup */
fdin = fopen(infile,"rb");
if (fdin == NULL) {
perror("Can't open input for reading");
fdout = fopen(outfile,"wb");
if (fdout == NULL) {
perror("Can't open output for writing");
cipher_idx = find_cipher(cipher);
if (cipher_idx == -1) {
printf("Invalid cipher entered on command line.\n");
hash_idx = find_hash("sha256");
if (hash_idx == -1) {
printf("LTC_SHA256 not found...?\n");
ivsize = cipher_descriptor[cipher_idx].block_length;
ks = hash_descriptor[hash_idx].hashsize;
if (cipher_descriptor[cipher_idx].keysize(&ks) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Invalid keysize???\n");
printf("\nEnter key: ");
if(fgets((char *)tmpkey,sizeof(tmpkey), stdin) == NULL)
outlen = sizeof(key);
if ((err = hash_memory(hash_idx,tmpkey,strlen((char *)tmpkey),key,&outlen)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Error hashing key: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
if (decrypt) {
/* Need to read in IV */
if (fread(IV,1,ivsize,fdin) != ivsize) {
printf("Error reading IV from input.\n");
if ((err = ctr_start(cipher_idx,IV,key,ks,0,CTR_COUNTER_LITTLE_ENDIAN,&ctr)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("ctr_start error: %s\n",error_to_string(err));
/* IV done */
do {
y = fread(inbuf,1,sizeof(inbuf),fdin);
if ((err = ctr_decrypt(inbuf,plaintext,y,&ctr)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("ctr_decrypt error: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
if (fwrite(plaintext,1,y,fdout) != y) {
printf("Error writing to file.\n");
} while (y == sizeof(inbuf));
} else { /* encrypt */
/* Setup yarrow for random bytes for IV */
if ((err = rng_make_prng(128, find_prng("yarrow"), &prng, NULL)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Error setting up PRNG, %s\n", error_to_string(err));
/* You can use rng_get_bytes on platforms that support it */
/* x = rng_get_bytes(IV,ivsize,NULL);*/
x = yarrow_read(IV,ivsize,&prng);
if (x != ivsize) {
printf("Error reading PRNG for IV required.\n");
if (fwrite(IV,1,ivsize,fdout) != ivsize) {
printf("Error writing IV to output.\n");
if ((err = ctr_start(cipher_idx,IV,key,ks,0,CTR_COUNTER_LITTLE_ENDIAN,&ctr)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("ctr_start error: %s\n",error_to_string(err));
do {
y = fread(inbuf,1,sizeof(inbuf),fdin);
if ((err = ctr_encrypt(inbuf,ciphertext,y,&ctr)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("ctr_encrypt error: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
if (fwrite(ciphertext,1,y,fdout) != y) {
printf("Error writing to output.\n");
} while (y == sizeof(inbuf));
return 0;
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

extern/libtomcrypt/demos/openssl-enc.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Demo to do the rough equivalent of:
* openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:foobar -in infile -out outfile -p
* Compilation:
* $(CC) -I /path/to/headers -L .../libs \
* -o openssl-enc \
* openssl-enc.c -ltomcrypt
* Usage:
* ./openssl-enc <enc|dec> infile outfile "passphrase" [salt]
* If provided, the salt must be EXACTLY a 16-char hex string.
* Demo is an example of:
* - (When decrypting) yanking salt out of the OpenSSL "Salted__..." header
* - OpenSSL-compatible key derivation (in OpenSSL's modified PKCS#5v1 approach)
* - Grabbing an Initialization Vector from the key generator
* - Performing simple block encryption using AES
* - PKCS#7-type padding (which hopefully can get ripped out of this demo and
* made a libtomcrypt thing someday).
* This program is free for all purposes without any express guarantee it
* works. If you really want to see a license here, assume the WTFPL :-)
* BJ Black, bblack@barracuda.com, https://wjblack.com
* Passing a password on a command line is a HORRIBLE idea. Don't use
* this program for serious work!
#include <tomcrypt.h>
#error Cannot compile this demo; Rijndael (AES) required
#ifndef LTC_CBC_MODE
#error Cannot compile this demo; CBC mode required
#ifndef LTC_PKCS_5
#error Cannot compile this demo; PKCS5 required
#error Cannot compile this demo; random generator required
#ifndef LTC_MD5
#error Cannot compile this demo; MD5 required
/* OpenSSL by default only runs one hash round */
/* Use aes-256-cbc, so 256 bits of key, 128 of IV */
#define KEY_LENGTH (256>>3)
#define IV_LENGTH (128>>3)
/* PKCS#5v1 requires exactly an 8-byte salt */
#define SALT_LENGTH 8
/* The header OpenSSL puts on an encrypted file */
static char salt_header[] = { 'S', 'a', 'l', 't', 'e', 'd', '_', '_' };
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* A simple way to handle the possibility that a block may increase in size
after padding. */
union paddable {
unsigned char unpad[1024];
unsigned char pad[1024+MAXBLOCKSIZE];
* Print usage and exit with a bad status (and perror() if any errno).
* Input: argv[0] and the error string
* Output: <no return>
* Side Effects: print messages and barf (does exit(3))
void barf(const char *pname, const char *err)
printf("Usage: %s <enc|dec> infile outfile passphrase [salt]\n", pname);
printf(" # encrypts infile->outfile, random salt\n");
printf(" %s enc infile outfile \"passphrase\"\n", pname);
printf(" # encrypts infile->outfile, salt from cmdline\n");
printf(" %s enc infile outfile pass 0123456789abcdef\n", pname);
printf(" # decrypts infile->outfile, pulls salt from infile\n");
printf(" %s dec infile outfile pass\n", pname);
printf(" # decrypts infile->outfile, salt specified\n");
printf(" # (don't try to read the salt from infile)\n");
printf(" %s dec infile outfile pass 0123456789abcdef"
"\n", pname);
printf("Application Error: %s\n", err);
perror(" System Error");
* Parse a salt value passed in on the cmdline.
* Input: string passed in and a buf to put it in (exactly 8 bytes!)
* Output: CRYPT_OK if parsed OK, CRYPT_ERROR if not
* Side Effects: none
int parse_hex_salt(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out)
int idx;
for(idx=0; idx<SALT_LENGTH; idx++)
if(sscanf((char*)in+idx*2, "%02hhx", out+idx) != 1)
return CRYPT_OK;
* Parse the Salted__[+8 bytes] from an OpenSSL-compatible file header.
* Input: file to read from and a to put the salt in (exactly 8 bytes!)
* Output: CRYPT_OK if parsed OK, CRYPT_ERROR if not
* Side Effects: infile's read pointer += 16
int parse_openssl_header(FILE *in, unsigned char *out)
unsigned char tmp[SALT_LENGTH];
if(fread(tmp, 1, sizeof(tmp), in) != sizeof(tmp))
if(memcmp(tmp, salt_header, sizeof(tmp)))
if(fread(tmp, 1, sizeof(tmp), in) != sizeof(tmp))
memcpy(out, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
return CRYPT_OK;
* Dump a hexed stream of bytes (convenience func).
* Input: buf to read from, length
* Output: none
* Side Effects: bytes printed as a hex blob, no lf at the end
void dump_bytes(unsigned char *in, unsigned long len)
unsigned long idx;
for(idx=0; idx<len; idx++)
printf("%02hhX", *(in+idx));
* Pad or unpad a message using PKCS#7 padding.
* Padding will add 1-(blocksize) bytes and unpadding will remove that amount.
* Set is_padding to 1 to pad, 0 to unpad.
* Input: paddable buffer, size read, block length of cipher, mode
* Output: number of bytes after padding resp. after unpadding
* Side Effects: none
size_t pkcs7_pad(union paddable *buf, size_t nb, int block_length,
int is_padding)
unsigned char padval;
off_t idx;
if(is_padding) {
/* We are PADDING this block (and therefore adding bytes) */
/* The pad value in PKCS#7 is the number of bytes remaining in
the block, so for a 16-byte block and 3 bytes left, it's
0x030303. In the oddball case where nb is an exact multiple
multiple of block_length, set the padval to blocksize (i.e.
add one full block) */
padval = (unsigned char) (block_length - (nb % block_length));
padval = padval ? padval : block_length;
memset(buf->pad+nb, padval, padval);
return nb+padval;
} else {
/* We are UNPADDING this block (and removing bytes)
We really just need to verify that the pad bytes are correct,
so start at the end of the string and work backwards. */
/* Figure out what the padlength should be by looking at the
last byte */
idx = nb-1;
padval = buf->pad[idx];
/* padval must be nonzero and <= block length */
if(padval <= 0 || padval > block_length)
return 0;
/* First byte's accounted for; do the rest */
while(idx >= (off_t)(nb-padval))
if(buf->pad[idx] != padval)
return 0;
/* If we got here, the pad checked out, so return a smaller
number of bytes than nb (basically where we left off+1) */
return idx+1;
* Perform an encrypt/decrypt operation to/from files using AES+CBC+PKCS7 pad.
* Set encrypt to 1 to encrypt, 0 to decrypt.
* Input: in/out files, key, iv, and mode
* Output: CRYPT_OK if no error
* Side Effects: bytes slurped from infile, pushed to outfile, fds updated.
int do_crypt(FILE *infd, FILE *outfd, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv,
int encrypt)
union paddable inbuf, outbuf;
int cipher, ret;
symmetric_CBC cbc;
size_t nb;
/* Register your cipher! */
cipher = register_cipher(&aes_desc);
if(cipher == -1)
/* Start a CBC session with cipher/key/val params */
ret = cbc_start(cipher, iv, key, KEY_LENGTH, 0, &cbc);
if( ret != CRYPT_OK )
return -1;
do {
/* Get bytes from the source */
nb = fread(inbuf.unpad, 1, sizeof(inbuf.unpad), infd);
return encrypt ? CRYPT_OK : CRYPT_ERROR;
/* Barf if we got a read error */
if(encrypt) {
/* We're encrypting, so pad first (if at EOF) and then
crypt */
nb = pkcs7_pad(&inbuf, nb,
aes_desc.block_length, 1);
ret = cbc_encrypt(inbuf.pad, outbuf.pad, nb, &cbc);
if(ret != CRYPT_OK)
return ret;
} else {
/* We're decrypting, so decrypt and then unpad if at
EOF */
ret = cbc_decrypt(inbuf.unpad, outbuf.unpad, nb, &cbc);
if( ret != CRYPT_OK )
return ret;
if( feof(infd) )
nb = pkcs7_pad(&outbuf, nb,
aes_desc.block_length, 0);
if(nb == 0)
/* The file didn't decrypt correctly */
/* Push bytes to outfile */
if(fwrite(outbuf.unpad, 1, nb, outfd) != nb)
} while(!feof(infd));
/* Close up */
return CRYPT_OK;
/* Convenience macro for the various barfable places below */
#define BARF(a) { \
if(infd) fclose(infd); \
if(outfd) { fclose(outfd); remove(argv[3]); } \
barf(argv[0], a); \
* The main routine. Mostly validate cmdline params, open files, run the KDF,
* and do the crypt.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned char salt[SALT_LENGTH];
FILE *infd = NULL, *outfd = NULL;
int encrypt = -1;
int hash = -1;
int ret;
unsigned char keyiv[KEY_LENGTH + IV_LENGTH];
unsigned long keyivlen = (KEY_LENGTH + IV_LENGTH);
unsigned char *key, *iv;
/* Check proper number of cmdline args */
if(argc < 5 || argc > 6)
BARF("Invalid number of arguments");
/* Check proper mode of operation */
if (!strncmp(argv[1], "enc", 3))
encrypt = 1;
else if(!strncmp(argv[1], "dec", 3))
encrypt = 0;
BARF("Bad command name");
/* Check we can open infile/outfile */
infd = fopen(argv[2], "rb");
if(infd == NULL)
BARF("Could not open infile");
outfd = fopen(argv[3], "wb");
if(outfd == NULL)
BARF("Could not open outfile");
/* Get the salt from wherever */
if(argc == 6) {
/* User-provided */
if(parse_hex_salt((unsigned char*) argv[5], salt) != CRYPT_OK)
BARF("Bad user-specified salt");
} else if(!strncmp(argv[1], "enc", 3)) {
/* Encrypting; get from RNG */
if(rng_get_bytes(salt, sizeof(salt), NULL) != sizeof(salt))
BARF("Not enough random data");
} else {
/* Parse from infile (decrypt only) */
if(parse_openssl_header(infd, salt) != CRYPT_OK)
BARF("Invalid OpenSSL header in infile");
/* Fetch the MD5 hasher for PKCS#5 */
hash = register_hash(&md5_desc);
if(hash == -1)
BARF("Could not register MD5 hash");
/* Set things to a sane initial state */
zeromem(keyiv, sizeof(keyiv));
key = keyiv + 0; /* key comes first */
iv = keyiv + KEY_LENGTH; /* iv comes next */
/* Run the key derivation from the provided passphrase. This gets us
the key and iv. */
ret = pkcs_5_alg1_openssl((unsigned char*)argv[4], strlen(argv[4]), salt,
OPENSSL_ITERATIONS, hash, keyiv, &keyivlen );
if(ret != CRYPT_OK)
BARF("Could not derive key/iv from passphrase");
/* Display the salt/key/iv like OpenSSL cmdline does when -p */
printf("salt="); dump_bytes(salt, sizeof(salt)); printf("\n");
printf("key="); dump_bytes(key, KEY_LENGTH); printf("\n");
printf("iv ="); dump_bytes(iv, IV_LENGTH ); printf("\n");
/* If we're encrypting, write the salt header as OpenSSL does */
if(!strncmp(argv[1], "enc", 3)) {
if(fwrite(salt_header, 1, sizeof(salt_header), outfd) !=
sizeof(salt_header) )
BARF("Error writing salt header to outfile");
if(fwrite(salt, 1, sizeof(salt), outfd) != sizeof(salt))
BARF("Error writing salt to outfile");
/* At this point, the files are open, the salt has been figured out,
and we're ready to pump data through crypt. */
/* Do the crypt operation */
if(do_crypt(infd, outfd, key, iv, encrypt) != CRYPT_OK)
BARF("Error during crypt operation");
/* Clean up */
fclose(infd); fclose(outfd);
return 0;
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

extern/libtomcrypt/demos/sizes.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
#include "tomcrypt.h"
#if defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L
#include <libgen.h>
#define basename(x) x
@file demo_crypt_sizes.c
Demo how to get various sizes to dynamic languages
like Python - Larry Bugbee, February 2013
static void _print_line(const char* cmd, const char* desc)
printf(" %-16s - %s\n", cmd, desc);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc == 1) {
/* given a specific size name, get and print its size */
char name[] = "ltc_hash_descriptor";
unsigned int size;
char *sizes_list;
unsigned int sizes_list_len;
if (crypt_get_size(name, &size) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("\n size of '%s' is %u \n\n", name, size);
/* get and print the length of the names (and sizes) list */
if (crypt_list_all_sizes(NULL, &sizes_list_len) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf(" need to allocate %u bytes \n\n", sizes_list_len);
/* get and print the names (and sizes) list */
if ((sizes_list = malloc(sizes_list_len)) == NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
if (crypt_list_all_sizes(sizes_list, &sizes_list_len) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf(" supported sizes:\n\n%s\n\n", sizes_list);
} else if (argc == 2) {
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) {
char* base = strdup(basename(argv[0]));
printf("Usage: %s [-a] [-s name]\n\n", base);
_print_line("<no argument>", "The old behavior of the demo");
_print_line("-a", "Only lists all sizes");
_print_line("-s name", "List a single size given as argument");
_print_line("-h", "The help you're looking at");
} else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-a") == 0) {
char *sizes_list;
unsigned int sizes_list_len;
/* get and print the length of the names (and sizes) list */
if (crypt_list_all_sizes(NULL, &sizes_list_len) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
/* get and print the names (and sizes) list */
if ((sizes_list = malloc(sizes_list_len)) == NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
if (crypt_list_all_sizes(sizes_list, &sizes_list_len) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("%s\n", sizes_list);
} else if (argc == 3) {
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) {
unsigned int size;
if (crypt_get_size(argv[2], &size) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("%s,%u\n", argv[2], size);
return 0;
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

extern/libtomcrypt/demos/small.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
/* small demo app that just includes a cipher/hash/prng */
#include <tomcrypt.h>
int main(void)
return 0;
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

extern/libtomcrypt/demos/tv_gen.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
#include <tomcrypt.h>
void hash_gen(void)
unsigned char md[MAXBLOCKSIZE], *buf;
unsigned long outlen, x, y, z;
FILE *out;
int err;
out = fopen("hash_tv.txt", "w");
if (out == NULL) {
perror("can't open hash_tv");
fprintf(out, "Hash Test Vectors:\n\nThese are the hashes of nn bytes '00 01 02 03 .. (nn-1)'\n\n");
for (x = 0; hash_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
buf = XMALLOC(2 * hash_descriptor[x].blocksize + 1);
if (buf == NULL) {
perror("can't alloc mem");
fprintf(out, "Hash: %s\n", hash_descriptor[x].name);
for (y = 0; y <= (hash_descriptor[x].blocksize * 2); y++) {
for (z = 0; z < y; z++) {
buf[z] = (unsigned char)(z & 255);
outlen = sizeof(md);
if ((err = hash_memory(x, buf, y, md, &outlen)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("hash_memory error: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
fprintf(out, "%3lu: ", y);
for (z = 0; z < outlen; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", md[z]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
fprintf(out, "\n");
void cipher_gen(void)
unsigned char *key, pt[MAXBLOCKSIZE];
unsigned long x, y, z, w;
int err, kl, lastkl;
FILE *out;
symmetric_key skey;
out = fopen("cipher_tv.txt", "w");
"Cipher Test Vectors\n\nThese are test encryptions with key of nn bytes '00 01 02 03 .. (nn-1)' and original PT of the same style.\n"
"The output of step N is used as the key and plaintext for step N+1 (key bytes repeated as required to fill the key)\n\n");
for (x = 0; cipher_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
fprintf(out, "Cipher: %s\n", cipher_descriptor[x].name);
/* three modes, smallest, medium, large keys */
lastkl = 10000;
for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
switch (y) {
case 0: kl = cipher_descriptor[x].min_key_length; break;
case 1: kl = (cipher_descriptor[x].min_key_length + cipher_descriptor[x].max_key_length)/2; break;
case 2: kl = cipher_descriptor[x].max_key_length; break;
if ((err = cipher_descriptor[x].keysize(&kl)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("keysize error: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
if (kl == lastkl) continue;
lastkl = kl;
fprintf(out, "Key Size: %d bytes\n", kl);
key = XMALLOC(kl);
if (key == NULL) {
perror("can't malloc memory");
for (z = 0; (int)z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = (unsigned char)z;
if ((err = cipher_descriptor[x].setup(key, kl, 0, &skey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("setup error: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
for (z = 0; (int)z < cipher_descriptor[x].block_length; z++) {
pt[z] = (unsigned char)z;
for (w = 0; w < 50; w++) {
cipher_descriptor[x].ecb_encrypt(pt, pt, &skey);
fprintf(out, "%2lu: ", w);
for (z = 0; (int)z < cipher_descriptor[x].block_length; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", pt[z]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
/* reschedule a new key */
for (z = 0; z < (unsigned long)kl; z++) {
key[z] = pt[z % cipher_descriptor[x].block_length];
if ((err = cipher_descriptor[x].setup(key, kl, 0, &skey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("cipher setup2 error: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
fprintf(out, "\n");
fprintf(out, "\n");
void hmac_gen(void)
unsigned char key[MAXBLOCKSIZE], output[MAXBLOCKSIZE], *input;
int x, y, z, err;
FILE *out;
unsigned long len;
out = fopen("hmac_tv.txt", "w");
"HMAC Tests. In these tests messages of N bytes long (00,01,02,...,NN-1) are HMACed. The initial key is\n"
"of the same format (the same length as the HASH output size). The HMAC key in step N+1 is the HMAC output of\n"
"step N.\n\n");
for (x = 0; hash_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
fprintf(out, "HMAC-%s\n", hash_descriptor[x].name);
/* initial key */
for (y = 0; y < (int)hash_descriptor[x].hashsize; y++) {
key[y] = (y&255);
input = XMALLOC(hash_descriptor[x].blocksize * 2 + 1);
if (input == NULL) {
perror("Can't malloc memory");
for (y = 0; y <= (int)(hash_descriptor[x].blocksize * 2); y++) {
for (z = 0; z < y; z++) {
input[z] = (unsigned char)(z & 255);
len = sizeof(output);
if ((err = hmac_memory(x, key, hash_descriptor[x].hashsize, input, y, output, &len)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Error hmacing: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
fprintf(out, "%3d: ", y);
for (z = 0; z <(int) len; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", output[z]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
/* forward the key */
memcpy(key, output, hash_descriptor[x].hashsize);
fprintf(out, "\n");
void omac_gen(void)
#ifdef LTC_OMAC
unsigned char key[MAXBLOCKSIZE], output[MAXBLOCKSIZE], input[MAXBLOCKSIZE*2+2];
int err, x, y, z, kl;
FILE *out;
unsigned long len;
out = fopen("omac_tv.txt", "w");
"OMAC Tests. In these tests messages of N bytes long (00,01,02,...,NN-1) are OMAC'ed. The initial key is\n"
"of the same format (length specified per cipher). The OMAC key in step N+1 is the OMAC output of\n"
"step N (repeated as required to fill the array).\n\n");
for (x = 0; cipher_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].block_length;
/* skip ciphers which do not have 64 or 128 bit block sizes */
if (kl != 8 && kl != 16) continue;
if (cipher_descriptor[x].keysize(&kl) != CRYPT_OK) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].max_key_length;
fprintf(out, "OMAC-%s (%d byte key)\n", cipher_descriptor[x].name, kl);
/* initial key/block */
for (y = 0; y < kl; y++) {
key[y] = (y & 255);
for (y = 0; y <= (int)(cipher_descriptor[x].block_length*2); y++) {
for (z = 0; z < y; z++) {
input[z] = (unsigned char)(z & 255);
len = sizeof(output);
if ((err = omac_memory(x, key, kl, input, y, output, &len)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Error omacing: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
fprintf(out, "%3d: ", y);
for (z = 0; z <(int)len; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", output[z]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
/* forward the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = output[z % len];
fprintf(out, "\n");
void pmac_gen(void)
#ifdef LTC_PMAC
unsigned char key[MAXBLOCKSIZE], output[MAXBLOCKSIZE], input[MAXBLOCKSIZE*2+2];
int err, x, y, z, kl;
FILE *out;
unsigned long len;
out = fopen("pmac_tv.txt", "w");
"PMAC Tests. In these tests messages of N bytes long (00,01,02,...,NN-1) are PMAC'ed. The initial key is\n"
"of the same format (length specified per cipher). The PMAC key in step N+1 is the PMAC output of\n"
"step N (repeated as required to fill the array).\n\n");
for (x = 0; cipher_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].block_length;
/* skip ciphers which do not have 64 or 128 bit block sizes */
if (kl != 8 && kl != 16) continue;
if (cipher_descriptor[x].keysize(&kl) != CRYPT_OK) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].max_key_length;
fprintf(out, "PMAC-%s (%d byte key)\n", cipher_descriptor[x].name, kl);
/* initial key/block */
for (y = 0; y < kl; y++) {
key[y] = (y & 255);
for (y = 0; y <= (int)(cipher_descriptor[x].block_length*2); y++) {
for (z = 0; z < y; z++) {
input[z] = (unsigned char)(z & 255);
len = sizeof(output);
if ((err = pmac_memory(x, key, kl, input, y, output, &len)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Error omacing: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
fprintf(out, "%3d: ", y);
for (z = 0; z <(int)len; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", output[z]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
/* forward the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = output[z % len];
fprintf(out, "\n");
void eax_gen(void)
int err, kl, x, y1, z;
FILE *out;
unsigned char key[MAXBLOCKSIZE], nonce[MAXBLOCKSIZE*2], header[MAXBLOCKSIZE*2],
unsigned long len;
out = fopen("eax_tv.txt", "w");
fprintf(out, "EAX Test Vectors. Uses the 00010203...NN-1 pattern for header/nonce/plaintext/key. The outputs\n"
"are of the form ciphertext,tag for a given NN. The key for step N>1 is the tag of the previous\n"
"step repeated sufficiently.\n\n");
for (x = 0; cipher_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].block_length;
/* skip ciphers which do not have 64 or 128 bit block sizes */
if (kl != 8 && kl != 16) continue;
if (cipher_descriptor[x].keysize(&kl) != CRYPT_OK) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].max_key_length;
fprintf(out, "EAX-%s (%d byte key)\n", cipher_descriptor[x].name, kl);
/* the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = (z & 255);
for (y1 = 0; y1 <= (int)(cipher_descriptor[x].block_length*2); y1++){
for (z = 0; z < y1; z++) {
plaintext[z] = (unsigned char)(z & 255);
nonce[z] = (unsigned char)(z & 255);
header[z] = (unsigned char)(z & 255);
len = sizeof(tag);
if ((err = eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory(x, key, kl, nonce, y1, header, y1, plaintext, y1, plaintext, tag, &len)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Error EAX'ing: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
fprintf(out, "%3d: ", y1);
for (z = 0; z < y1; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", plaintext[z]);
fprintf(out, ", ");
for (z = 0; z <(int)len; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", tag[z]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
/* forward the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = tag[z % len];
fprintf(out, "\n");
void ocb_gen(void)
int err, kl, x, y1, z;
FILE *out;
unsigned char key[MAXBLOCKSIZE], nonce[MAXBLOCKSIZE*2],
unsigned long len;
out = fopen("ocb_tv.txt", "w");
fprintf(out, "OCB Test Vectors. Uses the 00010203...NN-1 pattern for nonce/plaintext/key. The outputs\n"
"are of the form ciphertext,tag for a given NN. The key for step N>1 is the tag of the previous\n"
"step repeated sufficiently. The nonce is fixed throughout.\n\n");
for (x = 0; cipher_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].block_length;
/* skip ciphers which do not have 64 or 128 bit block sizes */
if (kl != 8 && kl != 16) continue;
if (cipher_descriptor[x].keysize(&kl) != CRYPT_OK) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].max_key_length;
fprintf(out, "OCB-%s (%d byte key)\n", cipher_descriptor[x].name, kl);
/* the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = (z & 255);
/* fixed nonce */
for (z = 0; z < cipher_descriptor[x].block_length; z++) {
nonce[z] = z;
for (y1 = 0; y1 <= (int)(cipher_descriptor[x].block_length*2); y1++){
for (z = 0; z < y1; z++) {
plaintext[z] = (unsigned char)(z & 255);
len = sizeof(tag);
if ((err = ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory(x, key, kl, nonce, plaintext, y1, plaintext, tag, &len)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Error OCB'ing: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
fprintf(out, "%3d: ", y1);
for (z = 0; z < y1; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", plaintext[z]);
fprintf(out, ", ");
for (z = 0; z <(int)len; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", tag[z]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
/* forward the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = tag[z % len];
fprintf(out, "\n");
void ocb3_gen(void)
#ifdef LTC_OCB3_MODE
int err, kl, x, y1, z, noncelen;
FILE *out;
unsigned char key[MAXBLOCKSIZE], nonce[MAXBLOCKSIZE*2],
unsigned long len;
out = fopen("ocb3_tv.txt", "w");
fprintf(out, "OCB3 Test Vectors. Uses the 00010203...NN-1 pattern for nonce/plaintext/key. The outputs\n"
"are of the form ciphertext,tag for a given NN. The key for step N>1 is the tag of the previous\n"
"step repeated sufficiently. The nonce is fixed throughout. AAD is fixed to 3 bytes (ASCII) 'AAD'.\n\n");
for (x = 0; cipher_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].block_length;
/* skip ciphers which do not have 64 or 128 bit block sizes */
if (kl != 16) continue;
if (cipher_descriptor[x].keysize(&kl) != CRYPT_OK) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].max_key_length;
fprintf(out, "OCB3-%s (%d byte key)\n", cipher_descriptor[x].name, kl);
/* the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = (z & 255);
/* fixed nonce */
noncelen = MIN(15, cipher_descriptor[x].block_length);
for (z = 0; z < noncelen; z++) {
nonce[z] = z;
for (y1 = 0; y1 <= (int)(cipher_descriptor[x].block_length*2); y1++){
for (z = 0; z < y1; z++) {
plaintext[z] = (unsigned char)(z & 255);
len = 16;
if ((err = ocb3_encrypt_authenticate_memory(x, key, kl, nonce, noncelen, (unsigned char*)"AAD", 3, plaintext, y1, plaintext, tag, &len)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Error OCB3'ing: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
fprintf(out, "%3d: ", y1);
for (z = 0; z < y1; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", plaintext[z]);
fprintf(out, ", ");
for (z = 0; z <(int)len; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", tag[z]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
/* forward the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = tag[z % len];
fprintf(out, "\n");
void ccm_gen(void)
int err, kl, x, y1, z;
FILE *out;
unsigned char key[MAXBLOCKSIZE], nonce[MAXBLOCKSIZE*2],
unsigned long len;
out = fopen("ccm_tv.txt", "w");
fprintf(out, "CCM Test Vectors. Uses the 00010203...NN-1 pattern for nonce/header/plaintext/key. The outputs\n"
"are of the form ciphertext,tag for a given NN. The key for step N>1 is the tag of the previous\n"
"step repeated sufficiently. The nonce is fixed throughout at 13 bytes 000102...\n\n");
for (x = 0; cipher_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].block_length;
/* skip ciphers which do not have 128 bit block sizes */
if (kl != 16) continue;
if (cipher_descriptor[x].keysize(&kl) != CRYPT_OK) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].max_key_length;
fprintf(out, "CCM-%s (%d byte key)\n", cipher_descriptor[x].name, kl);
/* the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = (z & 255);
/* fixed nonce */
for (z = 0; z < cipher_descriptor[x].block_length; z++) {
nonce[z] = z;
for (y1 = 0; y1 <= (int)(cipher_descriptor[x].block_length*2); y1++){
for (z = 0; z < y1; z++) {
plaintext[z] = (unsigned char)(z & 255);
len = sizeof(tag);
if ((err = ccm_memory(x, key, kl, NULL, nonce, 13, plaintext, y1, plaintext, y1, plaintext, tag, &len, CCM_ENCRYPT)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Error CCM'ing: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
if (len == 0) {
printf("Error CCM'ing: zero length\n");
fprintf(out, "%3d: ", y1);
for (z = 0; z < y1; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", plaintext[z]);
fprintf(out, ", ");
for (z = 0; z <(int)len; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", tag[z]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
/* forward the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = tag[z % len];
fprintf(out, "\n");
void gcm_gen(void)
int err, kl, x, y1, z;
FILE *out;
unsigned char key[MAXBLOCKSIZE], plaintext[MAXBLOCKSIZE*2], tag[MAXBLOCKSIZE];
unsigned long len;
out = fopen("gcm_tv.txt", "w");
fprintf(out, "GCM Test Vectors. Uses the 00010203...NN-1 pattern for nonce/header/plaintext/key. The outputs\n"
"are of the form ciphertext,tag for a given NN. The key for step N>1 is the tag of the previous\n"
"step repeated sufficiently. The nonce is fixed throughout at 13 bytes 000102...\n\n");
for (x = 0; cipher_descriptor[x].name != NULL; x++) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].block_length;
/* skip ciphers which do not have 128 bit block sizes */
if (kl != 16) continue;
if (cipher_descriptor[x].keysize(&kl) != CRYPT_OK) {
kl = cipher_descriptor[x].max_key_length;
fprintf(out, "GCM-%s (%d byte key)\n", cipher_descriptor[x].name, kl);
/* the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = (z & 255);
for (y1 = 1; y1 <= (int)(cipher_descriptor[x].block_length*2); y1++){
for (z = 0; z < y1; z++) {
plaintext[z] = (unsigned char)(z & 255);
len = sizeof(tag);
if ((err = gcm_memory(x, key, kl, plaintext, y1, plaintext, y1, plaintext, y1, plaintext, tag, &len, GCM_ENCRYPT)) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Error GCM'ing: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
if (len == 0) {
printf("Error GCM'ing: zero length\n");
fprintf(out, "%3d: ", y1);
for (z = 0; z < y1; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", plaintext[z]);
fprintf(out, ", ");
for (z = 0; z <(int)len; z++) {
fprintf(out, "%02X", tag[z]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
/* forward the key */
for (z = 0; z < kl; z++) {
key[z] = tag[z % len];
fprintf(out, "\n");
void base64_gen(void)
FILE *out;
unsigned char dst[256], src[32], ch;
unsigned long x, len;
out = fopen("base64_tv.txt", "w");
fprintf(out, "Base64 vectors. These are the base64 encodings of the strings 00,01,02...NN-1\n\n");
for (x = 0; x <= 32; x++) {
for (ch = 0; ch < x; ch++) {
src[ch] = ch;
len = sizeof(dst);
base64_encode(src, x, dst, &len);
fprintf(out, "%2lu: %s\n", x, dst);
void math_gen(void)
void ecc_gen(void)
FILE *out;
unsigned char str[512];
void *k, *order, *modulus;
ecc_point *G, *R;
int x;
out = fopen("ecc_tv.txt", "w");
fprintf(out, "ecc vectors. These are for kG for k=1,3,9,27,...,3**n until k > order of the curve outputs are <k,x,y> triplets\n\n");
G = ltc_ecc_new_point();
R = ltc_ecc_new_point();
for (x = 0; ltc_ecc_sets[x].size != 0; x++) {
fprintf(out, "ECC-%d\n", ltc_ecc_sets[x].size*8);
mp_set(k, 1);
mp_read_radix(order, (char *)ltc_ecc_sets[x].order, 16);
mp_read_radix(modulus, (char *)ltc_ecc_sets[x].prime, 16);
mp_read_radix(G->x, (char *)ltc_ecc_sets[x].Gx, 16);
mp_read_radix(G->y, (char *)ltc_ecc_sets[x].Gy, 16);
mp_set(G->z, 1);
while (mp_cmp(k, order) == LTC_MP_LT) {
ltc_mp.ecc_ptmul(k, G, R, modulus, 1);
mp_tohex(k, (char*)str); fprintf(out, "%s, ", (char*)str);
mp_tohex(R->x, (char*)str); fprintf(out, "%s, ", (char*)str);
mp_tohex(R->y, (char*)str); fprintf(out, "%s\n", (char*)str);
mp_mul_d(k, 3, k);
mp_clear_multi(k, order, modulus, NULL);
void lrw_gen(void)
FILE *out;
unsigned char tweak[16], key[16], iv[16], buf[1024];
int x, y, err;
symmetric_LRW lrw;
/* initialize default key and tweak */
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
tweak[x] = key[x] = iv[x] = x;
out = fopen("lrw_tv.txt", "w");
for (x = 16; x < (int)(sizeof(buf)); x += 16) {
if ((err = lrw_start(find_cipher("aes"), iv, key, 16, tweak, 0, &lrw)) != CRYPT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error starting LRW-AES: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
/* encrypt incremental */
for (y = 0; y < x; y++) {
buf[y] = y & 255;
if ((err = lrw_encrypt(buf, buf, x, &lrw)) != CRYPT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error encrypting with LRW-AES: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
/* display it */
fprintf(out, "%d:", x);
for (y = 0; y < x; y++) {
fprintf(out, "%02x", buf[y]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
/* reset IV */
if ((err = lrw_setiv(iv, 16, &lrw)) != CRYPT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error setting IV: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
/* copy new tweak, iv and key */
for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
key[y] = buf[y];
iv[y] = buf[(y+16)%x];
tweak[y] = buf[(y+32)%x];
if ((err = lrw_decrypt(buf, buf, x, &lrw)) != CRYPT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error decrypting with LRW-AES: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
/* display it */
fprintf(out, "%d:", x);
for (y = 0; y < x; y++) {
fprintf(out, "%02x", buf[y]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
int main(void)
#ifdef USE_LTM
ltc_mp = ltm_desc;
#elif defined(USE_TFM)
ltc_mp = tfm_desc;
#elif defined(USE_GMP)
ltc_mp = gmp_desc;
#elif defined(EXT_MATH_LIB)
extern ltc_math_descriptor EXT_MATH_LIB;
ltc_mp = EXT_MATH_LIB;
fprintf(stderr, "No MPI provider available\n");
printf("Generating hash vectors..."); fflush(stdout); hash_gen(); printf("done\n");
printf("Generating cipher vectors..."); fflush(stdout); cipher_gen(); printf("done\n");
printf("Generating HMAC vectors..."); fflush(stdout); hmac_gen(); printf("done\n");
#ifdef LTC_OMAC
printf("Generating OMAC vectors..."); fflush(stdout); omac_gen(); printf("done\n");
#ifdef LTC_PMAC
printf("Generating PMAC vectors..."); fflush(stdout); pmac_gen(); printf("done\n");
printf("Generating EAX vectors..."); fflush(stdout); eax_gen(); printf("done\n");
printf("Generating OCB vectors..."); fflush(stdout); ocb_gen(); printf("done\n");
#ifdef LTC_OCB3_MODE
printf("Generating OCB3 vectors..."); fflush(stdout); ocb3_gen(); printf("done\n");
printf("Generating CCM vectors..."); fflush(stdout); ccm_gen(); printf("done\n");
printf("Generating GCM vectors..."); fflush(stdout); gcm_gen(); printf("done\n");
printf("Generating BASE64 vectors..."); fflush(stdout); base64_gen(); printf("done\n");
printf("Generating MATH vectors..."); fflush(stdout); math_gen(); printf("done\n");
printf("Generating ECC vectors..."); fflush(stdout); ecc_gen(); printf("done\n");
printf("Generating LRW vectors..."); fflush(stdout); lrw_gen(); printf("done\n");
return 0;
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

extern/libtomcrypt/doc/Doxyfile vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

extern/libtomcrypt/doc/libtomsm.png vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 17 KiB

extern/libtomcrypt/doc/makefile vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
ifeq ($V,1)
silent_stdout= > /dev/null
#Files left over from making the crypt.pdf.
LEFTOVERS=*.dvi *.log *.aux *.toc *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.out *.lof
#build the doxy files (requires Doxygen, tetex and patience)
.PHONY: doxygen
doxygen $(silent_stdout)
(cat Doxyfile && echo "HAVE_DOT=no") | doxygen - $(silent_stdout)
doxy: patched_doxygen
${MAKE} -C doxygen/latex $(silent_stdout) && mv -f doxygen/latex/refman.pdf .
@echo The huge doxygen PDF should be available as doc/refman.pdf
#This builds the crypt.pdf file. Note that the rm -f *.pdf has been removed
#from the clean command! This is because most people would like to keep the
#nice pre-compiled crypt.pdf that comes with libtomcrypt! We only need to
#delete it if we are rebuilding it.
docs crypt.pdf: crypt.tex
rm -f crypt.pdf $(LEFTOVERS)
cp crypt.tex crypt.bak
touch -r crypt.tex crypt.bak
(printf "%s" "\def\fixedpdfdate{"; date +'D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%:z' -d @$$(stat --format=%Y crypt.tex) | sed "s/:\([0-9][0-9]\)$$/'\1'}/g") > crypt-deterministic.tex
printf "%s\n" "\pdfinfo{" >> crypt-deterministic.tex
printf "%s\n" " /CreationDate (\fixedpdfdate)" >> crypt-deterministic.tex
printf "%s\n}\n" " /ModDate (\fixedpdfdate)" >> crypt-deterministic.tex
cat crypt.tex >> crypt-deterministic.tex
mv crypt-deterministic.tex crypt.tex
touch -r crypt.bak crypt.tex
echo "hello" > crypt.ind
latex crypt $(silent_stdout)
latex crypt $(silent_stdout)
makeindex crypt.idx $(silent_stdout)
perl ../helper.pl --fixupind crypt.ind
pdflatex crypt $(silent_stdout)
sed -b -i 's,^/ID \[.*\]$$,/ID [<0> <0>],g' crypt.pdf
mv crypt.bak crypt.tex
rm -f $(LEFTOVERS)
docdvi: crypt.tex
echo hello > crypt.ind
latex crypt $(silent_stdout)
latex crypt $(silent_stdout)
makeindex crypt.idx
perl ../helper.pl --fixupind crypt.ind
latex crypt $(silent_stdout)
latex crypt $(silent_stdout)
termdoc: docdvi
dvi2tty crypt.dvi -w120
rm -f $(LEFTOVERS)
rm -rf doxygen/

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# we want to filter every between START_INS and END_INS out and then insert crap from another file (this is fun)
$dst = shift;
$ins = shift;
$l = 0;
while (<SRC>) {
if ($_ =~ /START_INS/) {
print TMP $_;
$l = 1;
while (<INS>) {
print TMP $_;
close INS;
} elsif ($_ =~ /END_INS/) {
print TMP $_;
$l = 0;
} elsif ($l == 0) {
print TMP $_;
close TMP;
close SRC;

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
$a = <IN>;
print OUT "$a\n\\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}\n";
while (<IN>) {
print OUT $_;
close OUT;
close IN;
system("mv -f crypt.ind.tmp crypt.ind");

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# aes_tab.o is a pseudo object as it's made from aes.o and MPI is optional
export a=`echo -n "src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o " ; find . -type f | sort | grep "[.]/src" | grep "[.]c" | grep -v "sha224" | grep -v "sha384" | grep -v "aes_tab" | grep -v "twofish_tab" | grep -v "whirltab" | grep -v "dh_sys" | grep -v "ecc_sys" | grep -v "mpi[.]c" | grep -v "sober128tab" | sed -e 'sE\./EE' | sed -e 's/\.c/\.o/' | xargs`
perl ./parsenames.pl OBJECTS "$a"
export a=`find . -type f | grep [.]/src | grep [.]h | sed -e 'se\./ee' | xargs`
perl ./parsenames.pl HEADERS "$a"
# $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/genlist.sh,v $
# $Revision: 1.4 $
# $Date: 2005/07/17 23:15:12 $

extern/libtomcrypt/helper.pl vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find 'find';
use File::Basename 'basename';
use File::Glob 'bsd_glob';
sub read_file {
my $f = shift;
open my $fh, "<", $f or die "FATAL: read_rawfile() cannot open file '$f': $!";
binmode $fh;
return do { local $/; <$fh> };
sub write_file {
my ($f, $data) = @_;
die "FATAL: write_file() no data" unless defined $data;
open my $fh, ">", $f or die "FATAL: write_file() cannot open file '$f': $!";
binmode $fh;
print $fh $data or die "FATAL: write_file() cannot write to '$f': $!";
close $fh or die "FATAL: write_file() cannot close '$f': $!";
sub check_source {
my @all_files = (bsd_glob("makefile*"), bsd_glob("*.sh"), bsd_glob("*.pl"));
find({ wanted=>sub { push @all_files, $_ if -f $_ }, no_chdir=>1 }, qw/src tests demos/);
my $fails = 0;
for my $file (sort @all_files) {
next unless $file =~ /\.(c|h|pl|py|sh)$/ || basename($file) =~ /^makefile/i;
my $troubles = {};
my $lineno = 1;
my $content = read_file($file);
push @{$troubles->{crlf_line_end}}, '?' if $content =~ /\r/;
for my $l (split /\n/, $content) {
push @{$troubles->{merge_conflict}}, $lineno if $l =~ /^(<<<<<<<|=======|>>>>>>>)([^<=>]|$)/;
push @{$troubles->{trailing_space}}, $lineno if $l =~ / $/;
push @{$troubles->{tab}}, $lineno if $l =~ /\t/ && basename($file) !~ /^makefile/i;
push @{$troubles->{non_ascii_char}}, $lineno if $l =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/;
push @{$troubles->{cpp_comment}}, $lineno if $file =~ /\.(c|h)$/ && ($l =~ /\s\/\// || $l =~ /\/\/\s/);
# in ./src we prefer using XMEMCPY, XMALLOC, XFREE ...
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memcpy}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemcpy\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_malloc}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmalloc\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_realloc}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\brealloc\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_calloc}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bcalloc\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_free}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bfree\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memset}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemset\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memcpy}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemcpy\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memmove}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemmove\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memcmp}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemcmp\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_strcmp}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bstrcmp\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_clock}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bclock\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{unwanted_qsort}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bqsort\s*\(/;
push @{$troubles->{sizeof_no_brackets}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bsizeof\s*[^\(]/;
if ($file =~ m|src/.*\.c$| &&
$file !~ m|src/ciphers/.*\.c$| &&
$file !~ m|src/hashes/.*\.c$| &&
$file !~ m|src/math/.+_desc.c$| &&
$file !~ m|src/stream/sober128/sober128_stream.c$| &&
$l =~ /^static(\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)+\s+([^_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*\(/) {
push @{$troubles->{staticfunc_name}}, "$lineno($2)";
for my $k (sort keys %$troubles) {
warn "[$k] $file line:" . join(",", @{$troubles->{$k}}) . "\n";
warn( $fails > 0 ? "check-source: FAIL $fails\n" : "check-source: PASS\n" );
return $fails;
sub check_defines {
my $fails = 0;
my $cust_h = read_file("src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h");
my $cryp_c = read_file("src/misc/crypt/crypt.c");
$cust_h =~ s|/\*.*?\*/||sg; # remove comments
$cryp_c =~ s|/\*.*?\*/||sg; # remove comments
my %def = map { $_ => 1 } map { my $x = $_; $x =~ s/^\s*#define\s+(LTC_\S+).*$/$1/; $x } grep { /^\s*#define\s+LTC_\S+/ } split /\n/, $cust_h;
for my $d (sort keys %def) {
next if $d =~ /^LTC_(DH\d+|ECC\d+|ECC_\S+|MPI|MUTEX_\S+\(x\)|NO_\S+)$/;
warn "$d missing in src/misc/crypt/crypt.c\n" and $fails++ if $cryp_c !~ /\Q$d\E/;
warn( $fails > 0 ? "check-defines: FAIL $fails\n" : "check-defines: PASS\n" );
return $fails;
sub check_descriptor {
my $which = shift;
my $what = shift;
my @src;
my @descriptors;
find({ wanted => sub { push @src, $_ if $_ =~ /\.c$/ }, no_chdir=>1 }, "./src/${which}/");
for my $f (@src) {
my @n = map { my $x = $_; $x =~ s/^.*?ltc_${what}_descriptor\s+(\S+).*$/$1/; $x } grep { $_ =~ /ltc_${what}_descriptor/ } split /\n/, read_file($f);
push @descriptors, @n if @n;
my $fails = 0;
for my $d (@descriptors) {
for my $f ("./src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_${which}.c") {
my $txt = read_file($f);
warn "$d missing in $f\n" and $fails++ if $txt !~ /\Q$d\E/;
for my $d (@descriptors) {
for my $f ("./tests/test.c") {
my $txt = read_file($f);
warn "$d missing in $f\n" and $fails++ if $txt !~ /\Q$d\E/;
my $name = sprintf("%-17s", "check-${which}:");
warn( $fails > 0 ? "${name}FAIL $fails\n" : "${name}PASS\n" );
return $fails;
sub check_descriptors {
my $fails = 0;
$fails = $fails + check_descriptor("ciphers", "cipher");
$fails = $fails + check_descriptor("hashes", "hash");
$fails = $fails + check_descriptor("prngs", "prng");
return $fails;
sub check_comments {
my $fails = 0;
my $first_comment = <<'MARKER';
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
my $last_comment = <<'MARKER';
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */
my @all_files;
find({ wanted=> sub { push @all_files, $_ if $_ =~ /\.(c|h)$/ }, no_chdir=>1 }, 'demos', 'src', 'tests');
for my $f (@all_files) {
my $txt = read_file($f);
if ($txt !~ /^\Q$first_comment\E/s) {
warn "[first_comment] $f\n";
if ($txt !~ /\Q$last_comment\E\s*$/s) {
warn "[last_comment] $f\n";
warn( $fails > 0 ? "check-comments: FAIL $fails\n" : "check-comments: PASS\n" );
return $fails;
sub prepare_variable {
my ($varname, @list) = @_;
my $output = "$varname=";
my $len = length($output);
foreach my $obj (sort @list) {
$len = $len + length $obj;
$obj =~ s/\*/\$/;
if ($len > 100) {
$output .= "\\\n";
$len = length $obj;
$output .= $obj . ' ';
$output =~ s/ $//;
return $output;
sub prepare_msvc_files_xml {
my ($all, $exclude_re, $targets) = @_;
my $last = [];
my $depth = 2;
# sort files in the same order as visual studio (ugly, I know)
my @parts = ();
for my $orig (@$all) {
my $p = $orig;
$p =~ s|/|/~|g;
$p =~ s|/~([^/]+)$|/$1|g;
# now we have: 'src/pk/rsa/rsa_verify_hash.c' > 'src/~pk/~rsa/rsa_verify_hash.c'
my @l = map { sprintf "% -99s", $_ } split /\//, $p;
push @parts, [ $orig, join(':', @l) ];
my @sorted = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @parts;
my $files = "<Files>\r\n";
for my $full (@sorted) {
my @items = split /\//, $full; # split by '/'
$full =~ s|/|\\|g; # replace '/' bt '\'
shift @items; # drop first one (src)
pop @items; # drop last one (filename.ext)
my $current = \@items;
if (join(':', @$current) ne join(':', @$last)) {
my $common = 0;
$common++ while ($last->[$common] && $current->[$common] && $last->[$common] eq $current->[$common]);
my $back = @$last - $common;
if ($back > 0) {
$files .= ("\t" x --$depth) . "</Filter>\r\n" for (1..$back);
my $fwd = [ @$current ]; splice(@$fwd, 0, $common);
for my $i (0..scalar(@$fwd) - 1) {
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "<Filter\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\tName=\"$fwd->[$i]\"\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t>\r\n";
$last = $current;
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "<File\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\tRelativePath=\"$full\"\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t>\r\n";
if ($full =~ $exclude_re) {
for (@$targets) {
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t<FileConfiguration\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\tName=\"$_\"\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\tExcludedFromBuild=\"true\"\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t>\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t<Tool\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tName=\"VCCLCompilerTool\"\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tAdditionalIncludeDirectories=\"\"\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\"\"\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t/>\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t</FileConfiguration>\r\n";
########### aes_enc "hack" disabled - discussion: https://github.com/libtom/libtomcrypt/pull/158
# if ($full eq 'src\ciphers\aes\aes.c') { #hack
# my %cmd = (
# 'Debug|Win32' => [ 'Debug/aes.obj;Debug/aes_enc.obj', 'cl /nologo /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I &quot;src\headers&quot; /I &quot;..\libtommath&quot; /D &quot;_DEBUG&quot; /D &quot;LTM_DESC&quot; /D &quot;WIN32&quot; /D &quot;_MBCS&quot; /D &quot;_LIB&quot; /D &quot;LTC_SOURCE&quot; /D &quot;USE_LTM&quot; /Fp&quot;Debug/libtomcrypt.pch&quot; /YX /Fo&quot;Debug/&quot; /Fd&quot;Debug/&quot; /FD /GZ /c $(InputPath)&#x0D;&#x0A;cl /nologo /DENCRYPT_ONLY /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I &quot;src\headers&quot; /I &quot;..\libtommath&quot; /D &quot;_DEBUG&quot; /D &quot;LTM_DESC&quot; /D &quot;WIN32&quot; /D &quot;_MBCS&quot; /D &quot;_LIB&quot; /D &quot;LTC_SOURCE&quot; /D &quot;USE_LTM&quot; /Fp&quot;Debug/libtomcrypt.pch&quot; /YX /Fo&quot;Debug/aes_enc.obj&quot; /Fd&quot;Debug/&quot; /FD /GZ /c $(InputPath)&#x0D;&#x0A;' ],
# 'Release|Win32' => [ 'Release/aes.obj;Release/aes_enc.obj', 'cl /nologo /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I &quot;src\headers&quot; /I &quot;..\libtommath&quot; /D &quot;_DEBUG&quot; /D &quot;LTM_DESC&quot; /D &quot;WIN32&quot; /D &quot;_MBCS&quot; /D &quot;_LIB&quot; /D &quot;LTC_SOURCE&quot; /D &quot;USE_LTM&quot; /Fp&quot;Release/libtomcrypt.pch&quot; /YX /Fo&quot;Release/&quot; /Fd&quot;Release/&quot; /FD /GZ /c $(InputPath)&#x0D;&#x0A;cl /nologo /DENCRYPT_ONLY /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I &quot;src\headers&quot; /I &quot;..\libtommath&quot; /D &quot;_DEBUG&quot; /D &quot;LTM_DESC&quot; /D &quot;WIN32&quot; /D &quot;_MBCS&quot; /D &quot;_LIB&quot; /D &quot;LTC_SOURCE&quot; /D &quot;USE_LTM&quot; /Fp&quot;Release/libtomcrypt.pch&quot; /YX /Fo&quot;Release/aes_enc.obj&quot; /Fd&quot;Release/&quot; /FD /GZ /c $(InputPath)&#x0D;&#x0A;' ],
# );
# for (@$targets) {
# next unless $cmd{$_};
# $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t<FileConfiguration\r\n";
# $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\tName=\"$_\"\r\n";
# $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t>\r\n";
# $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t<Tool\r\n";
# $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tName=\"VCCustomBuildTool\"\r\n";
# $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tCommandLine=\"$cmd{$_}[1]\"\r\n";
# $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tOutputs=\"$cmd{$_}[0]\"\r\n";
# $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t/>\r\n";
# $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t</FileConfiguration>\r\n";
# }
# }
$files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "</File>\r\n";
$files .= ("\t" x --$depth) . "</Filter>\r\n" for (@$last);
$files .= "\t</Files>";
return $files;
sub patch_file {
my ($content, @variables) = @_;
for my $v (@variables) {
if ($v =~ /^([A-Z0-9_]+)\s*=.*$/si) {
my $name = $1;
$content =~ s/\n\Q$name\E\b.*?[^\\]\n/\n$v\n/s;
else {
die "patch_file failed: " . substr($v, 0, 30) . "..";
return $content;
sub version_from_tomcrypt_h {
my $h = read_file(shift);
if ($h =~ /\n#define\s*SCRYPT\s*"([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(.*)"/s) {
return "VERSION_PC=$1.$2.$3", "VERSION_LT=1:1", "VERSION=$1.$2.$3$4", "PROJECT_NUMBER=$1.$2.$3$4";
else {
die "#define SCRYPT not found in tomcrypt.h";
sub process_makefiles {
my $write = shift;
my $changed_count = 0;
my @c = ();
find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { push @c, $_ if -f $_ && $_ =~ /\.c$/ && $_ !~ /tab.c$/ } }, 'src');
my @h = ();
find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { push @h, $_ if -f $_ && $_ =~ /\.h$/ && $_ !~ /dh_static.h$/ } }, 'src');
my @all = ();
find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { push @all, $_ if -f $_ && $_ =~ /\.(c|h)$/ } }, 'src');
my @t = qw();
find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { push @t, $_ if $_ =~ /(common|no_prng|_tests?|test).c$/ } }, 'tests');
my @o = sort ('src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o', map { my $x = $_; $x =~ s/\.c$/.o/; $x } @c);
my $var_o = prepare_variable("OBJECTS", @o);
my $var_h = prepare_variable("HEADERS", (sort @h));
(my $var_obj = $var_o) =~ s/\.o\b/.obj/sg;
my $var_to = prepare_variable("TOBJECTS", sort map { my $x = $_; $x =~ s/\.c$/.o/; $x } @t);
(my $var_tobj = $var_to) =~ s/\.o\b/.obj/sg;
my @ver_version = version_from_tomcrypt_h("src/headers/tomcrypt.h");
# update MSVC project files
my $msvc_files = prepare_msvc_files_xml(\@all, qr/tab\.c$/, ['Debug|Win32', 'Release|Win32', 'Debug|x64', 'Release|x64']);
for my $m (qw/libtomcrypt_VS2008.vcproj/) {
my $old = read_file($m);
my $new = $old;
$new =~ s|<Files>.*</Files>|$msvc_files|s;
if ($old ne $new) {
write_file($m, $new) if $write;
warn "changed: $m\n";
# update OBJECTS + HEADERS in makefile*
for my $m (qw/ makefile makefile.shared makefile.unix makefile.mingw makefile.msvc makefile_include.mk doc\/Doxyfile /) {
my $old = read_file($m);
my $new = $m eq 'makefile.msvc' ? patch_file($old, $var_obj, $var_h, $var_tobj, @ver_version)
: patch_file($old, $var_o, $var_h, $var_to, @ver_version);
if ($old ne $new) {
write_file($m, $new) if $write;
warn "changed: $m\n";
if ($write) {
return 0; # no failures
else {
warn( $changed_count > 0 ? "check-makefiles: FAIL $changed_count\n" : "check-makefiles: PASS\n" );
return $changed_count;
sub die_usage {
die <<"MARKER";
usage: $0 -s OR $0 --check-source
$0 -c OR $0 --check-descriptors
$0 -d OR $0 --check-defines
$0 -o OR $0 --check-comments
$0 -m OR $0 --check-makefiles
$0 -a OR $0 --check-all
$0 -u OR $0 --update-makefiles
$0 --fixupind crypt.ind
GetOptions( "s|check-source" => \my $check_source,
"c|check-descriptors" => \my $check_descriptors,
"d|check-defines" => \my $check_defines,
"o|check-comments" => \my $check_comments,
"m|check-makefiles" => \my $check_makefiles,
"a|check-all" => \my $check_all,
"u|update-makefiles" => \my $update_makefiles,
"f|fixupind=s" => \my $fixupind,
"h|help" => \my $help
) or die_usage;
if ($fixupind) {
my $txt = read_file($fixupind);
$txt =~ s/^([^\n]*\n)/$1\n\\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}\n/s;
write_file($fixupind, $txt);
exit 0;
my $failure;
$failure ||= check_source() if $check_all || $check_source;
$failure ||= check_defines() if $check_all || $check_defines;
$failure ||= check_descriptors() if $check_all || $check_descriptors;
$failure ||= check_comments() if $check_all || $check_comments;
$failure ||= process_makefiles(0) if $check_all || $check_makefiles;
$failure ||= process_makefiles(1) if $update_makefiles;
die_usage unless defined $failure;
exit $failure ? 1 : 0;

extern/libtomcrypt/hooks/pre-commit vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# An example hook script to verify what is about to be committed.
# Called by "git commit" with no arguments. The hook should
# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message if
# it wants to stop the commit.
# To enable this hook, rename this file to "pre-commit".
if git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1
# Initial commit: diff against an empty tree object
# If you want to allow non-ascii filenames set this variable to true.
allownonascii=$(git config hooks.allownonascii)
# Redirect output to stderr.
exec 1>&2
# Cross platform projects tend to avoid non-ascii filenames; prevent
# them from being added to the repository. We exploit the fact that the
# printable range starts at the space character and ends with tilde.
if [ "$allownonascii" != "true" ] &&
# Note that the use of brackets around a tr range is ok here, (it's
# even required, for portability to Solaris 10's /usr/bin/tr), since
# the square bracket bytes happen to fall in the designated range.
test $(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=A -z $against |
LC_ALL=C tr -d '[ -~]\0' | wc -c) != 0
echo "Error: Attempt to add a non-ascii file name."
echo "This can cause problems if you want to work"
echo "with people on other platforms."
echo "To be portable it is advisable to rename the file ..."
echo "If you know what you are doing you can disable this"
echo "check using:"
echo " git config hooks.allownonascii true"
exit 1
exec perl helper.pl --check-all

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

extern/libtomcrypt/libtomcrypt.pc.in vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Name: LibTomCrypt
Description: public domain open source cryptographic toolkit
Version: @to-be-replaced@
Libs: -L${libdir} -ltomcrypt
Cflags: -I${includedir}

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2010
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libtomcrypt", "libtomcrypt_MSVC10.vcxproj", "{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}"
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Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
Release|x64 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE

View File

@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2013
VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.31101.0
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libtomcrypt", "libtomcrypt_MSVC12.vcxproj", "{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}"
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Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
Release|x64 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
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HideSolutionNode = FALSE

View File

@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
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View File

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View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2013
VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.31101.0
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libtomcrypt", "libtomcrypt_MSVC14.vcxproj", "{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}"
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Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
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Release|x64 = Release|x64
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{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{489B8EBF-E95A-4A1C-8041-082FA1C2F953}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
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HideSolutionNode = FALSE

View File

@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
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Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2013
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Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
# Visual Studio 2008
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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<ClCompile Include="src\pk\dsa\dsa_import.c" />
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<ClCompile Include="src\pk\dsa\dsa_verify_hash.c" />
<ClCompile Include="src\pk\dsa\dsa_verify_key.c" />
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<ClCompile Include="src\pk\ecc\ecc_ansi_x963_export.c" />
<ClCompile Include="src\pk\ecc\ecc_ansi_x963_import.c" />
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<ClCompile Include="src\pk\rsa\rsa_verify_hash.c" />
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<ClCompile Include="src\prngs\rng_make_prng.c" />
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<ExcludedFromBuild Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">true</ExcludedFromBuild>
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -2,394 +2,131 @@
# Tom St Denis
# Modified by Clay Culver
# (GNU make only)
# The version
ifeq ($V,1)
silent_stdout= > /dev/null
PLATFORM := $(shell uname | sed -e 's/_.*//')
# Compiler and Linker Names
# Archiver [makes .a files]
ifndef MAKE
# ranlib tools
ifndef RANLIB
ifeq ($(PLATFORM), Darwin)
RANLIB=ranlib -c
# Compilation flags. Note the += does not write over the user's CFLAGS!
CFLAGS += -c -I./testprof/ -I./src/headers/ -Wall -Wsign-compare -W -Wshadow -Wno-unused-parameter -DLTC_SOURCE
# additional warnings (newer GCC 3.4 and higher)
ifdef GCC_34
CFLAGS += -Wsystem-headers -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes \
-Wmissing-declarations -Wpointer-arith
# optimize for SPEED
CFLAGS += -O3 -funroll-loops
# add -fomit-frame-pointer. hinders debugging!
CFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer
# optimize for SIZE
# older GCCs can't handle the "rotate with immediate" ROLc/RORc/etc macros
# define this to help
# compile for DEBUGING (required for ccmalloc checking!!!)
INSTALL_CMD = install
#Output filenames for various targets.
ifndef LIBNAME
ifndef LIBTEST
#LIBPATH-The directory for libtomcrypt to be installed to.
#INCPATH-The directory to install the header files for libtomcrypt.
#DATAPATH-The directory to install the pdf docs.
ifndef DESTDIR
include makefile_include.mk
ifeq ($(COVERAGE),1)
all_test: LIB_PRE = -Wl,--whole-archive
all_test: LIB_POST = -Wl,--no-whole-archive
LTC_CFLAGS += -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
EXTRALIBS += -lgcov
ifndef LIBPATH
ifndef INCPATH
#Who do we install as?
#List of objects to compile.
OBJECTS=src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o src/ciphers/aes/aes.o src/ciphers/anubis.o src/ciphers/blowfish.o \
src/ciphers/cast5.o src/ciphers/des.o src/ciphers/kasumi.o src/ciphers/khazad.o src/ciphers/kseed.o \
src/ciphers/multi2.o src/ciphers/noekeon.o src/ciphers/rc2.o src/ciphers/rc5.o src/ciphers/rc6.o \
src/ciphers/safer/safer.o src/ciphers/safer/saferp.o src/ciphers/safer/safer_tab.o \
src/ciphers/skipjack.o src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o src/ciphers/xtea.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_memory.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_test.o src/encauth/eax/eax_addheader.o src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt_verify_memory.o src/encauth/eax/eax_done.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_init.o src/encauth/eax/eax_test.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_iv.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_done.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_gf_mult.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_init.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_memory.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_mult_h.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_process.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_reset.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_test.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt_verify_memory.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_init.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_ntz.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_shift_xor.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_test.o src/encauth/ocb/s_ocb_done.o src/hashes/chc/chc.o \
src/hashes/helper/hash_file.o src/hashes/helper/hash_filehandle.o src/hashes/helper/hash_memory.o \
src/hashes/helper/hash_memory_multi.o src/hashes/md2.o src/hashes/md4.o src/hashes/md5.o \
src/hashes/rmd128.o src/hashes/rmd160.o src/hashes/rmd256.o src/hashes/rmd320.o src/hashes/sha1.o \
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o src/hashes/sha2/sha512.o src/hashes/tiger.o src/hashes/whirl/whirl.o \
src/mac/f9/f9_done.o src/mac/f9/f9_file.o src/mac/f9/f9_init.o src/mac/f9/f9_memory.o \
src/mac/f9/f9_memory_multi.o src/mac/f9/f9_process.o src/mac/f9/f9_test.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_done.o \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_file.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_init.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory.o \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory_multi.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_process.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_test.o \
src/mac/omac/omac_done.o src/mac/omac/omac_file.o src/mac/omac/omac_init.o src/mac/omac/omac_memory.o \
src/mac/omac/omac_memory_multi.o src/mac/omac/omac_process.o src/mac/omac/omac_test.o \
src/mac/pelican/pelican.o src/mac/pelican/pelican_memory.o src/mac/pelican/pelican_test.o \
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src/mac/pmac/pmac_shift_xor.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_test.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_done.o \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_file.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_init.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory.o \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory_multi.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_process.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_test.o \
src/math/fp/ltc_ecc_fp_mulmod.o src/math/gmp_desc.o src/math/ltm_desc.o src/math/multi.o \
src/math/rand_prime.o src/math/tfm_desc.o src/misc/base64/base64_decode.o \
src/misc/base64/base64_encode.o src/misc/burn_stack.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_argchk.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_is_valid.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_any.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_id.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_any.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_id.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_oid.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_prng.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_fsa.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_is_valid.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_ltc_mp_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_descriptor.o \
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src/modes/cfb/cfb_start.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_decrypt.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_done.o \
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src/modes/lrw/lrw_setiv.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_start.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_test.o \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_decrypt.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_done.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_encrypt.o \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_getiv.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_setiv.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_start.o \
src/modes/xts/xts_decrypt.o src/modes/xts/xts_done.o src/modes/xts/xts_encrypt.o \
src/modes/xts/xts_init.o src/modes/xts/xts_mult_x.o src/modes/xts/xts_test.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_decode_bit_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_encode_bit_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_length_bit_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_decode_boolean.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_encode_boolean.o src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_length_boolean.o \
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src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_encode_ia5_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_length_ia5_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_decode_integer.o src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_encode_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_length_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_decode_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_encode_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_length_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_decode_octet_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_encode_octet_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_length_octet_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_decode_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_encode_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_length_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_ex.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_flexi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_multi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_ex.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_multi.o src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_length_sequence.o \
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src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_setof.o src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_decode_short_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_encode_short_integer.o \
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src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_decode_utf8_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_encode_utf8_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_length_utf8_string.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_decrypt_key.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_encrypt_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_export.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_free.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_import.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_make_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_shared_secret.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_sign_hash.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_hash.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_export.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_import.o src/pk/ecc/ecc.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_decrypt_key.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_encrypt_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_export.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_free.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_get_size.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_import.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_make_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_shared_secret.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_sign_hash.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_sizes.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_test.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_verify_hash.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_is_valid_idx.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_map.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mul2add.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod_timing.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_points.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_add_point.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_dbl_point.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_decrypt_key.o src/pk/katja/katja_encrypt_key.o src/pk/katja/katja_export.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_exptmod.o src/pk/katja/katja_free.o src/pk/katja/katja_import.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_make_key.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_i2osp.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_mgf1.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_decode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_encode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_os2ip.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_decode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_encode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_decode.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_encode.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_decrypt_key.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_encrypt_key.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_export.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_exptmod.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_free.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_import.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_make_key.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_sign_hash.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_verify_hash.o src/prngs/fortuna.o \
src/prngs/rc4.o src/prngs/rng_get_bytes.o src/prngs/rng_make_prng.o src/prngs/sober128.o \
src/prngs/sprng.o src/prngs/yarrow.o
HEADERS=src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h src/headers/tomcrypt_argchk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_cipher.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_hash.h src/headers/tomcrypt_math.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_prng.h testprof/tomcrypt_test.h
#Files left over from making the crypt.pdf.
LEFTOVERS=*.dvi *.log *.aux *.toc *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.out
#Compressed filenames
COMPRESSED=crypt-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 crypt-$(VERSION).zip
#The default rule for make builds the libtomcrypt library.
#ciphers come in two flavours... enc+dec and enc
#AES comes in two flavours... enc+dec and enc
src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DENCRYPT_ONLY -c src/ciphers/aes/aes.c -o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o
${silent} ${CC} ${LTC_CFLAGS} -DENCRYPT_ONLY -c $< -o $@
#These are the rules to make certain object files.
src/ciphers/aes/aes.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o: src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.c src/ciphers/twofish/twofish_tab.c
src/hashes/whirl/whirl.o: src/hashes/whirl/whirl.c src/hashes/whirl/whirltab.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha384.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha256.c src/hashes/sha2/sha224.c
#This rule makes the libtomcrypt library.
library: $(LIBNAME)
ifneq ($V,1)
@echo " * ${CC} $@"
${silent} ${CC} ${LTC_CFLAGS} -c $< -o $@
$(RANLIB) $@
ifneq ($V,1)
@echo " * ${AR} $@"
${silent} $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(OBJECTS)
ifneq ($V,1)
@echo " * ${RANLIB} $@"
${silent} $(RANLIB) $@
#This rule makes the hash program included with libtomcrypt
hashsum: library $(HASHOBJECTS)
test: $(call print-help,test,Builds the library and the 'test' application to run all self-tests) $(LIBNAME) $(TOBJECTS)
ifneq ($V,1)
@echo " * ${CC} $@"
#makes the crypt program
crypt: library $(CRYPTOBJECTS)
# build the demos from a template
define DEMO_template
$(1): $(call print-help,$(1),Builds the library and the '$(1)' demo) demos/$(1).o $$(LIBNAME)
ifneq ($V,1)
@echo " * $${CC} $$@"
$${silent} $$(CC) $$< $$(LIB_PRE) $$(LIBNAME) $$(LIB_POST) $$(EXTRALIBS) -o $(1)
#makes the small program
small: library $(SMALLOBJECTS)
$(foreach demo, $(strip $(DEMOS)), $(eval $(call DEMO_template,$(demo))))
tv_gen: library $(TVS)
multi: library $(MULTIS)
timing: library testprof/$(LIBTEST) $(TIMINGS)
test: library testprof/$(LIBTEST) $(TESTS)
#This rule installs the library and the header files. This must be run
#as root in order to have a high enough permission to write to the correct
#directories and to set the owner and group to root.
ifndef NODOCS
install: library docs
install: library
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(DATAPATH)
install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(LIBNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
ifndef NODOCS
install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) doc/crypt.pdf $(DESTDIR)$(DATAPATH)
install: $(call print-help,install,Installs the library and headers) .common_install
install_test: testprof/$(LIBTEST)
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) testprof/$(LIBTEST) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install_bins: $(call print-help,install_bins,Installs the useful demos ($(USEFUL_DEMOS))) .common_install_bins
uninstall: $(call print-help,uninstall,Uninstalls the library and headers) .common_uninstall
CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -fprofile-generate" $(MAKE) timing EXTRALIBS="$(EXTRALIBS) -lgcov"
LTC_CFLAGS="$(LTC_CFLAGS) -fprofile-generate" $(MAKE) timing EXTRALIBS="$(EXTRALIBS) -lgcov"
rm -f timing `find . -type f | grep [.][ao] | xargs`
CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -fprofile-use" $(MAKE) timing EXTRALIBS="$(EXTRALIBS) -lgcov"
LTC_CFLAGS="$(LTC_CFLAGS) -fprofile-use" $(MAKE) timing EXTRALIBS="$(EXTRALIBS) -lgcov"
# target that pre-processes all coverage data
lcov --capture --no-external --directory src -q --output-file coverage_std.info
# target that removes all coverage output
rm -f `find . -type f -name "*.info" | xargs`
rm -rf coverage/
# merges all coverage_*.info files into coverage.info
lcov `find -name 'coverage_*.info' -exec echo -n " -a {}" \;` -o coverage.info
# generates html output from all coverage_*.info files
lcov-html: coverage.info
genhtml coverage.info --output-directory coverage -q
# combines all necessary steps to create the coverage from a single testrun with e.g.
# CFLAGS="-DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -I../libtommath" EXTRALIBS="../libtommath/libtommath.a" make coverage -j9
$(MAKE) cleancov-clean
$(MAKE) lcov-single-create
$(MAKE) coverage.info
#This rule cleans the source tree of all compiled code, not including the pdf
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]o" | xargs`
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]lo" | xargs`
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]a" | xargs`
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]la" | xargs`
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]obj" | xargs`
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]lib" | xargs`
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]exe" | xargs`
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]gcda" | xargs`
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]gcno" | xargs`
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]il" | xargs`
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]dyn" | xargs`
rm -f `find . -type f | grep "[.]dpi" | xargs`
rm -rf `find . -type d | grep "[.]libs" | xargs`
rm -f crypt.aux crypt.dvi crypt.idx crypt.ilg crypt.ind crypt.log crypt.toc
rm -rf doc/doxygen
rm -f doc/*.pdf
rm -f *.txt
#make the code coverage of the library
coverage: LTC_CFLAGS += -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
coverage: EXTRALIBS += -lgcov
coverage: LIB_PRE = -Wl,--whole-archive
coverage: LIB_POST = -Wl,--no-whole-archive
#build the doxy files (requires Doxygen, tetex and patience)
cd doc/doxygen/latex ; ${MAKE} ; mv -f refman.pdf ../../.
echo The huge doxygen PDF should be available as doc/refman.pdf
coverage: $(call print-help,coverage,Create code-coverage of the library - but better use coverage.sh) test
#This builds the crypt.pdf file. Note that the rm -f *.pdf has been removed
#from the clean command! This is because most people would like to keep the
#nice pre-compiled crypt.pdf that comes with libtomcrypt! We only need to
#delete it if we are rebuilding it.
docs: crypt.tex
rm -f doc/crypt.pdf $(LEFTOVERS)
echo "hello" > crypt.ind
latex crypt > /dev/null
latex crypt > /dev/null
makeindex crypt.idx > /dev/null
perl fixupind.pl
latex crypt > /dev/null
dvipdf crypt
mv -ivf crypt.pdf doc/crypt.pdf
rm -f $(LEFTOVERS)
# cleans everything - coverage output and standard 'clean'
cleancov: cleancov-clean clean
docdvi: crypt.tex
echo hello > crypt.ind
latex crypt > /dev/null
latex crypt > /dev/null
makeindex crypt.idx
perl fixupind.pl
latex crypt > /dev/null
latex crypt > /dev/null
#zipup the project (take that!)
no_oops: clean
cd .. ; cvs commit
echo Scanning for scratch/dirty files
find . -type f | grep -v CVS | xargs -n 1 bash mess.sh
zipup: no_oops docs
cd .. ; rm -rf crypt* libtomcrypt-$(VERSION) ; mkdir libtomcrypt-$(VERSION) ; \
cp -R ./libtomcrypt/* ./libtomcrypt-$(VERSION)/ ; \
cd libtomcrypt-$(VERSION) ; rm -rf `find . -type d | grep CVS | xargs` ; cd .. ; \
tar -cjvf crypt-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 libtomcrypt-$(VERSION) ; \
zip -9r crypt-$(VERSION).zip libtomcrypt-$(VERSION) ; \
gpg -b -a crypt-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 ; gpg -b -a crypt-$(VERSION).zip ; \
mv -fv crypt* ~ ; rm -rf libtomcrypt-$(VERSION)
# $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/makefile,v $
# $Revision: 1.150 $
# $Date: 2007/02/16 16:36:25 $
# ref: $Format:%D$
# git commit: $Format:%H$
# commit time: $Format:%ai$

View File

@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
# MAKEFILE for linux ICC (Intel C compiler)
# Tested with ICC v8....
# Be aware that ICC isn't quite as stable as GCC and several optimization switches
# seem to break the code (that GCC and MSVC compile just fine). In particular
# "-ip" and "-x*" seem to break the code (ROL/ROR macro problems). As the makefile
# is shipped the code will build and execute properly.
# Also note that ICC often makes code that is slower than GCC. This is probably due to
# a mix of not being able to use "-ip" and just having fewer optimization algos than GCC.
# Tom St Denis
# Compiler and Linker Names
# Archiver [makes .a files]
# Compilation flags. Note the += does not write over the user's CFLAGS!
CFLAGS += -c -Isrc/headers/ -Itestprof/ -DINTEL_CC -DLTC_SOURCE
#ICC v9 doesn't support LTC_FAST for things like Pelican MAC
#Despite the fact I can't see what's wrong with my code
#Oh well
#The default rule for make builds the libtomcrypt library.
# optimize for SPEED
# -mcpu= can be pentium, pentiumpro (covers PII through PIII) or pentium4
# -ax? specifies make code specifically for ? but compatible with IA-32
# -x? specifies compile solely for ? [not specifically IA-32 compatible]
# where ? is
# K - PIII
# W - first P4 [Williamette]
# N - P4 Northwood
# P - P4 Prescott
# B - Blend of P4 and PM [mobile]
# Default to just generic max opts
CFLAGS += -O2 -xP -ip
CFLAGS += -O3 -xP -ip
# want to see stuff?
#CFLAGS += -opt_report
#These flags control how the library gets built.
#Output filenames for various targets.
ifndef LIBNAME
ifndef LIBTEST
#LIBPATH-The directory for libtomcrypt to be installed to.
#INCPATH-The directory to install the header files for libtomcrypt.
#DATAPATH-The directory to install the pdf docs.
ifndef DESTDIR
ifndef LIBPATH
ifndef INCPATH
#List of objects to compile.
OBJECTS=src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o src/ciphers/aes/aes.o src/ciphers/anubis.o src/ciphers/blowfish.o \
src/ciphers/cast5.o src/ciphers/des.o src/ciphers/kasumi.o src/ciphers/khazad.o src/ciphers/kseed.o \
src/ciphers/multi2.o src/ciphers/noekeon.o src/ciphers/rc2.o src/ciphers/rc5.o src/ciphers/rc6.o \
src/ciphers/safer/safer.o src/ciphers/safer/saferp.o src/ciphers/safer/safer_tab.o \
src/ciphers/skipjack.o src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o src/ciphers/xtea.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_memory.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_test.o src/encauth/eax/eax_addheader.o src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt_verify_memory.o src/encauth/eax/eax_done.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_init.o src/encauth/eax/eax_test.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_iv.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_done.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_gf_mult.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_init.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_memory.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_mult_h.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_process.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_reset.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_test.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt_verify_memory.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_init.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_ntz.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_shift_xor.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_test.o src/encauth/ocb/s_ocb_done.o src/hashes/chc/chc.o \
src/hashes/helper/hash_file.o src/hashes/helper/hash_filehandle.o src/hashes/helper/hash_memory.o \
src/hashes/helper/hash_memory_multi.o src/hashes/md2.o src/hashes/md4.o src/hashes/md5.o \
src/hashes/rmd128.o src/hashes/rmd160.o src/hashes/rmd256.o src/hashes/rmd320.o src/hashes/sha1.o \
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o src/hashes/sha2/sha512.o src/hashes/tiger.o src/hashes/whirl/whirl.o \
src/mac/f9/f9_done.o src/mac/f9/f9_file.o src/mac/f9/f9_init.o src/mac/f9/f9_memory.o \
src/mac/f9/f9_memory_multi.o src/mac/f9/f9_process.o src/mac/f9/f9_test.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_done.o \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_file.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_init.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory.o \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory_multi.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_process.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_test.o \
src/mac/omac/omac_done.o src/mac/omac/omac_file.o src/mac/omac/omac_init.o src/mac/omac/omac_memory.o \
src/mac/omac/omac_memory_multi.o src/mac/omac/omac_process.o src/mac/omac/omac_test.o \
src/mac/pelican/pelican.o src/mac/pelican/pelican_memory.o src/mac/pelican/pelican_test.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_done.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_file.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_init.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_memory.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_memory_multi.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_ntz.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_process.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_shift_xor.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_test.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_done.o \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_file.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_init.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory.o \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory_multi.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_process.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_test.o \
src/math/fp/ltc_ecc_fp_mulmod.o src/math/gmp_desc.o src/math/ltm_desc.o src/math/multi.o \
src/math/rand_prime.o src/math/tfm_desc.o src/misc/base64/base64_decode.o \
src/misc/base64/base64_encode.o src/misc/burn_stack.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_argchk.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_is_valid.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_any.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_id.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_any.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_id.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_oid.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_prng.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_fsa.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_is_valid.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_ltc_mp_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_descriptor.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_is_valid.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_cipher.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_hash.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_prng.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_cipher.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_hash.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_prng.o src/misc/error_to_string.o src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_1.o \
src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_2.o src/misc/zeromem.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_decrypt.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_done.o \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_encrypt.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_getiv.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_setiv.o \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_start.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_decrypt.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_done.o \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_encrypt.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_getiv.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_setiv.o \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_start.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_decrypt.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_done.o \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_encrypt.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_getiv.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_setiv.o \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_start.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_test.o src/modes/ecb/ecb_decrypt.o src/modes/ecb/ecb_done.o \
src/modes/ecb/ecb_encrypt.o src/modes/ecb/ecb_start.o src/modes/f8/f8_decrypt.o src/modes/f8/f8_done.o \
src/modes/f8/f8_encrypt.o src/modes/f8/f8_getiv.o src/modes/f8/f8_setiv.o src/modes/f8/f8_start.o \
src/modes/f8/f8_test_mode.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_decrypt.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_done.o \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_encrypt.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_getiv.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_process.o \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_setiv.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_start.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_test.o \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_decrypt.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_done.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_encrypt.o \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_getiv.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_setiv.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_start.o \
src/modes/xts/xts_decrypt.o src/modes/xts/xts_done.o src/modes/xts/xts_encrypt.o \
src/modes/xts/xts_init.o src/modes/xts/xts_mult_x.o src/modes/xts/xts_test.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_decode_bit_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_encode_bit_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_length_bit_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_decode_boolean.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_encode_boolean.o src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_length_boolean.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/choice/der_decode_choice.o src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_decode_ia5_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_encode_ia5_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_length_ia5_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_decode_integer.o src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_encode_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_length_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_decode_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_encode_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_length_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_decode_octet_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_encode_octet_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_length_octet_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_decode_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_encode_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_length_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_ex.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_flexi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_multi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_ex.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_multi.o src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_length_sequence.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_sequence_free.o src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_set.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_setof.o src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_decode_short_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_encode_short_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_length_short_integer.o src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_decode_utctime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_encode_utctime.o src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_length_utctime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_decode_utf8_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_encode_utf8_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_length_utf8_string.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_decrypt_key.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_encrypt_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_export.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_free.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_import.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_make_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_shared_secret.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_sign_hash.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_hash.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_export.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_import.o src/pk/ecc/ecc.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_decrypt_key.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_encrypt_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_export.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_free.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_get_size.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_import.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_make_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_shared_secret.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_sign_hash.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_sizes.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_test.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_verify_hash.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_is_valid_idx.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_map.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mul2add.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod_timing.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_points.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_add_point.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_dbl_point.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_decrypt_key.o src/pk/katja/katja_encrypt_key.o src/pk/katja/katja_export.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_exptmod.o src/pk/katja/katja_free.o src/pk/katja/katja_import.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_make_key.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_i2osp.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_mgf1.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_decode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_encode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_os2ip.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_decode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_encode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_decode.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_encode.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_decrypt_key.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_encrypt_key.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_export.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_exptmod.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_free.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_import.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_make_key.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_sign_hash.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_verify_hash.o src/prngs/fortuna.o \
src/prngs/rc4.o src/prngs/rng_get_bytes.o src/prngs/rng_make_prng.o src/prngs/sober128.o \
src/prngs/sprng.o src/prngs/yarrow.o
HEADERS=src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h src/headers/tomcrypt_argchk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_cipher.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_hash.h src/headers/tomcrypt_math.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_prng.h testprof/tomcrypt_test.h
#Who do we install as?
#ciphers come in two flavours... enc+dec and enc
aes_enc.o: aes.c aes_tab.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DENCRYPT_ONLY -c aes.c -o aes_enc.o
#ciphers come in two flavours... enc+dec and enc
src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DENCRYPT_ONLY -c src/ciphers/aes/aes.c -o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o
#These are the rules to make certain object files.
src/ciphers/aes/aes.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o: src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.c src/ciphers/twofish/twofish_tab.c
src/hashes/whirl/whirl.o: src/hashes/whirl/whirl.c src/hashes/whirl/whirltab.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha384.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha256.c src/hashes/sha2/sha224.c
#This rule makes the libtomcrypt library.
library: $(LIBNAME)
cd testprof ; LIBTEST_S=$(LIBTEST) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" make -f makefile.icc
ranlib $@
#This rule makes the hash program included with libtomcrypt
hashsum: library $(HASHOBJECTS)
#makes the crypt program
crypt: library $(CRYPTOBJECTS)
#makes the small program
small: library $(SMALLOBJECTS)
tv_gen: library $(TVS)
timing: library $(TIMINGS) testprof/$(LIBTEST)
test: library $(TESTS) testprof/$(LIBTEST)
$(CC) $(TESTS) testprof/$(LIBTEST) $(LIBNAME) $(EXTRALIBS) -o $(TEST)
#This rule installs the library and the header files. This must be run
#as root in order to have a high enough permission to write to the correct
#directories and to set the owner and group to root.
install: library
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(LIBNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(LIBTEST) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
# $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/makefile.icc,v $
# $Revision: 1.76 $
# $Date: 2007/02/16 16:36:25 $

extern/libtomcrypt/makefile.mingw vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
# MAKEFILE for MS Windows (mingw + gcc + gmake)
# BEWARE: variables OBJECTS, TOBJECTS, HEADERS, VERSION are updated via ./updatemakes.sh
### USAGE:
# Open a command prompt with gcc + gmake in PATH and start:
# gmake -f makefile.mingw all
# test.exe
# gmake -f makefile.mingw PREFIX=c:\devel\libtom install
# gmake -f makefile.mingw CFLAGS="-O3 -DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -Ic:/path/to/libtommath" EXTRALIBS="-Lc:/path/to/libtommath -ltommath" all
#The following can be overridden from command line e.g. make -f makefile.mingw CC=gcc ARFLAGS=rcs
PREFIX = c:\mingw
CC = gcc
AR = ar
RANLIB = ranlib
STRIP = strip
CFLAGS = -O2 -DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -I../libtommath
EXTRALIBS = -L../libtommath -ltommath
#Compilation flags
LTC_CFLAGS = -Isrc/headers -Itests -DLTC_SOURCE $(CFLAGS)
#Libraries to be created
LIBMAIN_S =libtomcrypt.a
LIBMAIN_I =libtomcrypt.dll.a
LIBMAIN_D =libtomcrypt.dll
#List of objects to compile (all goes to libtomcrypt.a)
OBJECTS=src/ciphers/aes/aes.o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o src/ciphers/anubis.o src/ciphers/blowfish.o \
src/ciphers/camellia.o src/ciphers/cast5.o src/ciphers/des.o src/ciphers/kasumi.o src/ciphers/khazad.o \
src/ciphers/kseed.o src/ciphers/multi2.o src/ciphers/noekeon.o src/ciphers/rc2.o src/ciphers/rc5.o \
src/ciphers/rc6.o src/ciphers/safer/safer.o src/ciphers/safer/saferp.o src/ciphers/skipjack.o \
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o src/ciphers/xtea.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_add_nonce.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_done.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_init.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_memory.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_process.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_reset.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_test.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_decrypt.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_done.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_encrypt.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_init.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_memory.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_setiv.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_setiv_rfc7905.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_test.o src/encauth/eax/eax_addheader.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt.o src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt_verify_memory.o src/encauth/eax/eax_done.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt.o src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_init.o src/encauth/eax/eax_test.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_iv.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_done.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_gf_mult.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_init.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_memory.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_mult_h.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_process.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_reset.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_test.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt_verify_memory.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_encrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_init.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_ntz.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_shift_xor.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_test.o src/encauth/ocb/s_ocb_done.o \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_add_aad.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_decrypt_last.o \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_decrypt_verify_memory.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_done.o \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_encrypt.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_encrypt_last.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_init.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_int_ntz.o \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_int_xor_blocks.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_test.o src/hashes/blake2b.o \
src/hashes/blake2s.o src/hashes/chc/chc.o src/hashes/helper/hash_file.o \
src/hashes/helper/hash_filehandle.o src/hashes/helper/hash_memory.o \
src/hashes/helper/hash_memory_multi.o src/hashes/md2.o src/hashes/md4.o src/hashes/md5.o \
src/hashes/rmd128.o src/hashes/rmd160.o src/hashes/rmd256.o src/hashes/rmd320.o src/hashes/sha1.o \
src/hashes/sha2/sha224.o src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o src/hashes/sha2/sha384.o src/hashes/sha2/sha512.o \
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.o src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.o src/hashes/sha3.o src/hashes/sha3_test.o \
src/hashes/tiger.o src/hashes/whirl/whirl.o src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac.o \
src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_file.o src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_memory.o \
src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_memory_multi.o src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_test.o src/mac/blake2/blake2smac.o \
src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_file.o src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_memory.o \
src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_memory_multi.o src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_test.o src/mac/f9/f9_done.o \
src/mac/f9/f9_file.o src/mac/f9/f9_init.o src/mac/f9/f9_memory.o src/mac/f9/f9_memory_multi.o \
src/mac/f9/f9_process.o src/mac/f9/f9_test.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_done.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_file.o \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_init.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory_multi.o \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_process.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_test.o src/mac/omac/omac_done.o src/mac/omac/omac_file.o \
src/mac/omac/omac_init.o src/mac/omac/omac_memory.o src/mac/omac/omac_memory_multi.o \
src/mac/omac/omac_process.o src/mac/omac/omac_test.o src/mac/pelican/pelican.o \
src/mac/pelican/pelican_memory.o src/mac/pelican/pelican_test.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_done.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_file.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_init.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_memory.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_memory_multi.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_ntz.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_process.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_shift_xor.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_test.o src/mac/poly1305/poly1305.o \
src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_file.o src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_memory.o \
src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_memory_multi.o src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_test.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_done.o \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_file.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_init.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory.o \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory_multi.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_process.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_test.o \
src/math/fp/ltc_ecc_fp_mulmod.o src/math/gmp_desc.o src/math/ltm_desc.o src/math/multi.o \
src/math/radix_to_bin.o src/math/rand_bn.o src/math/rand_prime.o src/math/tfm_desc.o src/misc/adler32.o \
src/misc/base64/base64_decode.o src/misc/base64/base64_encode.o src/misc/burn_stack.o \
src/misc/compare_testvector.o src/misc/crc32.o src/misc/crypt/crypt.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_argchk.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_is_valid.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_constants.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_any.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_id.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_any.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_id.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_oid.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_prng.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_fsa.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_descriptor.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_is_valid.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_inits.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_ltc_mp_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_descriptor.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_is_valid.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_rng_descriptor.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_ciphers.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_hashes.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_prngs.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_cipher.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_hash.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_prng.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_sizes.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_cipher.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_hash.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_prng.o src/misc/error_to_string.o src/misc/hkdf/hkdf.o \
src/misc/hkdf/hkdf_test.o src/misc/mem_neq.o src/misc/pk_get_oid.o src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_1.o \
src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_2.o src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_test.o src/misc/zeromem.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_decrypt.o \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_done.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_encrypt.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_getiv.o \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_setiv.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_start.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_decrypt.o \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_done.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_encrypt.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_getiv.o \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_setiv.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_start.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_decrypt.o \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_done.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_encrypt.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_getiv.o \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_setiv.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_start.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_test.o \
src/modes/ecb/ecb_decrypt.o src/modes/ecb/ecb_done.o src/modes/ecb/ecb_encrypt.o \
src/modes/ecb/ecb_start.o src/modes/f8/f8_decrypt.o src/modes/f8/f8_done.o src/modes/f8/f8_encrypt.o \
src/modes/f8/f8_getiv.o src/modes/f8/f8_setiv.o src/modes/f8/f8_start.o src/modes/f8/f8_test_mode.o \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_decrypt.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_done.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_encrypt.o \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_getiv.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_process.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_setiv.o \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_start.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_test.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_decrypt.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_done.o \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_encrypt.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_getiv.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_setiv.o \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_start.o src/modes/xts/xts_decrypt.o src/modes/xts/xts_done.o \
src/modes/xts/xts_encrypt.o src/modes/xts/xts_init.o src/modes/xts/xts_mult_x.o \
src/modes/xts/xts_test.o src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_decode_bit_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_decode_raw_bit_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_encode_bit_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_encode_raw_bit_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_length_bit_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_decode_boolean.o src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_encode_boolean.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_length_boolean.o src/pk/asn1/der/choice/der_decode_choice.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/generalizedtime/der_decode_generalizedtime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/generalizedtime/der_encode_generalizedtime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/generalizedtime/der_length_generalizedtime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_decode_ia5_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_encode_ia5_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_length_ia5_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_decode_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_encode_integer.o src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_length_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_decode_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_encode_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_length_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_decode_octet_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_encode_octet_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_length_octet_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_decode_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_encode_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_length_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_ex.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_flexi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_multi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_subject_public_key_info.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_ex.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_multi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_subject_public_key_info.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_length_sequence.o src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_sequence_free.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_sequence_shrink.o src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_set.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_setof.o src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_decode_short_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_encode_short_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_length_short_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/teletex_string/der_decode_teletex_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/teletex_string/der_length_teletex_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_decode_utctime.o src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_encode_utctime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_length_utctime.o src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_decode_utf8_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_encode_utf8_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_length_utf8_string.o \
src/pk/dh/dh.o src/pk/dh/dh_check_pubkey.o src/pk/dh/dh_export.o src/pk/dh/dh_export_key.o \
src/pk/dh/dh_free.o src/pk/dh/dh_generate_key.o src/pk/dh/dh_import.o src/pk/dh/dh_set.o \
src/pk/dh/dh_set_pg_dhparam.o src/pk/dh/dh_shared_secret.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_decrypt_key.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_encrypt_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_export.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_free.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_generate_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_generate_pqg.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_import.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_make_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_set.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_set_pqg_dsaparam.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_shared_secret.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_sign_hash.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_hash.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_export.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_import.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_decrypt_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_encrypt_key.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_export.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_free.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_get_size.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_import.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_make_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_shared_secret.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_sign_hash.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_sizes.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_test.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_verify_hash.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_is_valid_idx.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_map.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mul2add.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod_timing.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_points.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_add_point.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_dbl_point.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_decrypt_key.o src/pk/katja/katja_encrypt_key.o src/pk/katja/katja_export.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_exptmod.o src/pk/katja/katja_free.o src/pk/katja/katja_import.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_make_key.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_i2osp.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_mgf1.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_decode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_encode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_os2ip.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_decode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_encode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_decode.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_encode.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_decrypt_key.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_encrypt_key.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_export.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_exptmod.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_free.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_get_size.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_import.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_import_pkcs8.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_import_x509.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_make_key.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_set.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_sign_hash.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_sign_saltlen_get.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_verify_hash.o src/prngs/chacha20.o src/prngs/fortuna.o \
src/prngs/rc4.o src/prngs/rng_get_bytes.o src/prngs/rng_make_prng.o src/prngs/sober128.o \
src/prngs/sprng.o src/prngs/yarrow.o src/stream/chacha/chacha_crypt.o src/stream/chacha/chacha_done.o \
src/stream/chacha/chacha_ivctr32.o src/stream/chacha/chacha_ivctr64.o \
src/stream/chacha/chacha_keystream.o src/stream/chacha/chacha_setup.o src/stream/chacha/chacha_test.o \
src/stream/rc4/rc4_stream.o src/stream/rc4/rc4_test.o src/stream/sober128/sober128_stream.o \
#List of test objects to compile
TOBJECTS=tests/base64_test.o tests/cipher_hash_test.o tests/common.o tests/der_test.o tests/dh_test.o \
tests/dsa_test.o tests/ecc_test.o tests/file_test.o tests/katja_test.o tests/mac_test.o tests/misc_test.o \
tests/modes_test.o tests/mpi_test.o tests/multi_test.o tests/no_prng.o tests/pkcs_1_eme_test.o \
tests/pkcs_1_emsa_test.o tests/pkcs_1_oaep_test.o tests/pkcs_1_pss_test.o tests/pkcs_1_test.o \
tests/prng_test.o tests/rotate_test.o tests/rsa_test.o tests/store_test.o tests/test.o
#The following headers will be installed by "make install"
HEADERS=src/headers/tomcrypt.h src/headers/tomcrypt_argchk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_cipher.h src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h src/headers/tomcrypt_hash.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h src/headers/tomcrypt_math.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
#The default rule for make builds the libtomcrypt.a library (static)
default: $(LIBMAIN_S)
#SPECIAL: AES comes in two flavours - enc+dec and enc-only
src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) -DENCRYPT_ONLY -c src/ciphers/aes/aes.c -o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o
#SPECIAL: these are the rules to make certain object files
src/ciphers/aes/aes.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o: src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.c src/ciphers/twofish/twofish_tab.c
src/hashes/whirl/whirl.o: src/hashes/whirl/whirl.c src/hashes/whirl/whirltab.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha384.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha256.c src/hashes/sha2/sha224.c
#Dependencies on *.h
$(TOBJECTS): $(HEADERS) tests/tomcrypt_test.h
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
#Create libtomcrypt.a
$(RANLIB) $@
#Create DLL + import library libtomcrypt.dll.a
$(CC) -s -shared -o $(LIBMAIN_D) $^ -Wl,--enable-auto-import,--export-all -Wl,--out-implib=$(LIBMAIN_I) $(LTC_LDFLAGS)
#Demo tools/utilities
hashsum.exe: demos/hashsum.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/hashsum.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
ltcrypt.exe: demos/ltcrypt.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/ltcrypt.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
small.exe: demos/small.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/small.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
tv_gen.exe: demos/tv_gen.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/tv_gen.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
sizes.exe: demos/sizes.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/sizes.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
constants.exe: demos/constants.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/constants.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
timing.exe: demos/timing.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/timing.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
test.exe: $(TOBJECTS) $(LIBMAIN_S)
@echo NOTICE: start the tests by launching test.exe
all: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBMAIN_I) $(LIBMAIN_D) hashsum.exe ltcrypt.exe small.exe tv_gen.exe sizes.exe constants.exe timing.exe test.exe
test: test.exe
@-cmd /c del /Q *_tv.txt 2>nul
@-cmd /c del /Q /S *.o *.a *.exe *.dll 2>nul
#Install the library + headers
cmd /c if not exist "$(PREFIX)\bin" mkdir "$(PREFIX)\bin"
cmd /c if not exist "$(PREFIX)\lib" mkdir "$(PREFIX)\lib"
cmd /c if not exist "$(PREFIX)\include" mkdir "$(PREFIX)\include"
copy /Y $(LIBMAIN_S) "$(PREFIX)\lib"
copy /Y $(LIBMAIN_I) "$(PREFIX)\lib"
copy /Y $(LIBMAIN_D) "$(PREFIX)\bin"
copy /Y src\headers\tomcrypt*.h "$(PREFIX)\include"
#Install useful tools
install_bins: hashsum
cmd /c if not exist "$(PREFIX)\bin" mkdir "$(PREFIX)\bin"
copy /Y hashsum.exe "$(PREFIX)\bin"
#Install documentation
install_docs: doc/crypt.pdf
cmd /c if not exist "$(PREFIX)\doc" mkdir "$(PREFIX)\doc"
copy /Y doc\crypt.pdf "$(PREFIX)\doc"

View File

@ -1,79 +1,132 @@
#MSVC Makefile [tested with MSVC 6.00 with SP5]
# MAKEFILE for MS Windows (nmake + Windows SDK)
#Tom St Denis
CFLAGS = /Isrc/headers/ /Itestprof/ /Ox /DWIN32 /DLTC_SOURCE /W3 /Fo$@ $(CF)
# BEWARE: variables OBJECTS, TOBJECTS, HEADERS, VERSION are updated via ./updatemakes.sh
OBJECTS=src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.obj src/ciphers/aes/aes.obj src/ciphers/anubis.obj src/ciphers/blowfish.obj \
src/ciphers/cast5.obj src/ciphers/des.obj src/ciphers/kasumi.obj src/ciphers/khazad.obj src/ciphers/kseed.obj \
src/ciphers/multi2.obj src/ciphers/noekeon.obj src/ciphers/rc2.obj src/ciphers/rc5.obj src/ciphers/rc6.obj \
src/ciphers/safer/safer.obj src/ciphers/safer/saferp.obj src/ciphers/safer/safer_tab.obj \
src/ciphers/skipjack.obj src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.obj src/ciphers/xtea.obj src/encauth/ccm/ccm_memory.obj \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_test.obj src/encauth/eax/eax_addheader.obj src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt.obj \
src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt_verify_memory.obj src/encauth/eax/eax_done.obj \
src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory.obj src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt.obj \
### USAGE:
# Open a command prompt with WinSDK variables set and start:
# nmake -f makefile.msvc all
# test.exe
# nmake -f makefile.msvc PREFIX=c:\devel\libtom install
# nmake -f makefile.msvc CFLAGS="/DUSE_LTM /DLTM_DESC /Ic:\path\to\libtommath" EXTRALIBS=c:\path\to\libtommath\tommath.lib all
#The following can be overridden from command line e.g. make -f makefile.msvc CC=gcc ARFLAGS=rcs
PREFIX = c:\devel
CFLAGS = /Ox /DUSE_LTM /DLTM_DESC /I../libtommath
EXTRALIBS = ../libtommath/tommath.lib
#Compilation flags
LTC_LDFLAGS = advapi32.lib $(EXTRALIBS)
#Libraries to be created (this makefile builds only static libraries)
LIBMAIN_S =tomcrypt.lib
#List of objects to compile (all goes to tomcrypt.lib)
OBJECTS=src/ciphers/aes/aes.obj src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.obj src/ciphers/anubis.obj src/ciphers/blowfish.obj \
src/ciphers/camellia.obj src/ciphers/cast5.obj src/ciphers/des.obj src/ciphers/kasumi.obj src/ciphers/khazad.obj \
src/ciphers/kseed.obj src/ciphers/multi2.obj src/ciphers/noekeon.obj src/ciphers/rc2.obj src/ciphers/rc5.obj \
src/ciphers/rc6.obj src/ciphers/safer/safer.obj src/ciphers/safer/saferp.obj src/ciphers/skipjack.obj \
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.obj src/ciphers/xtea.obj src/encauth/ccm/ccm_add_aad.obj \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_add_nonce.obj src/encauth/ccm/ccm_done.obj src/encauth/ccm/ccm_init.obj \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_memory.obj src/encauth/ccm/ccm_process.obj src/encauth/ccm/ccm_reset.obj \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_test.obj src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_add_aad.obj \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_decrypt.obj src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_done.obj \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_encrypt.obj src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_init.obj \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_memory.obj src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_setiv.obj \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_setiv_rfc7905.obj \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_test.obj src/encauth/eax/eax_addheader.obj \
src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt.obj src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt_verify_memory.obj src/encauth/eax/eax_done.obj \
src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt.obj src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory.obj \
src/encauth/eax/eax_init.obj src/encauth/eax/eax_test.obj src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_aad.obj \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_iv.obj src/encauth/gcm/gcm_done.obj src/encauth/gcm/gcm_gf_mult.obj \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_init.obj src/encauth/gcm/gcm_memory.obj src/encauth/gcm/gcm_mult_h.obj \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_process.obj src/encauth/gcm/gcm_reset.obj src/encauth/gcm/gcm_test.obj \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt.obj src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt_verify_memory.obj \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_decrypt.obj src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_encrypt.obj \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory.obj src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt.obj \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_init.obj src/encauth/ocb/ocb_ntz.obj src/encauth/ocb/ocb_shift_xor.obj \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_test.obj src/encauth/ocb/s_ocb_done.obj src/hashes/chc/chc.obj \
src/hashes/helper/hash_file.obj src/hashes/helper/hash_filehandle.obj src/hashes/helper/hash_memory.obj \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_decrypt.obj src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_encrypt.obj src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt.obj \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory.obj src/encauth/ocb/ocb_init.obj src/encauth/ocb/ocb_ntz.obj \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_shift_xor.obj src/encauth/ocb/ocb_test.obj src/encauth/ocb/s_ocb_done.obj \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_add_aad.obj src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_decrypt.obj src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_decrypt_last.obj \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_decrypt_verify_memory.obj src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_done.obj \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_encrypt.obj src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_encrypt_authenticate_memory.obj \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_encrypt_last.obj src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_init.obj src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_int_ntz.obj \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_int_xor_blocks.obj src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_test.obj src/hashes/blake2b.obj \
src/hashes/blake2s.obj src/hashes/chc/chc.obj src/hashes/helper/hash_file.obj \
src/hashes/helper/hash_filehandle.obj src/hashes/helper/hash_memory.obj \
src/hashes/helper/hash_memory_multi.obj src/hashes/md2.obj src/hashes/md4.obj src/hashes/md5.obj \
src/hashes/rmd128.obj src/hashes/rmd160.obj src/hashes/rmd256.obj src/hashes/rmd320.obj src/hashes/sha1.obj \
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.obj src/hashes/sha2/sha512.obj src/hashes/tiger.obj src/hashes/whirl/whirl.obj \
src/mac/f9/f9_done.obj src/mac/f9/f9_file.obj src/mac/f9/f9_init.obj src/mac/f9/f9_memory.obj \
src/mac/f9/f9_memory_multi.obj src/mac/f9/f9_process.obj src/mac/f9/f9_test.obj src/mac/hmac/hmac_done.obj \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_file.obj src/mac/hmac/hmac_init.obj src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory.obj \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory_multi.obj src/mac/hmac/hmac_process.obj src/mac/hmac/hmac_test.obj \
src/mac/omac/omac_done.obj src/mac/omac/omac_file.obj src/mac/omac/omac_init.obj src/mac/omac/omac_memory.obj \
src/mac/omac/omac_memory_multi.obj src/mac/omac/omac_process.obj src/mac/omac/omac_test.obj \
src/mac/pelican/pelican.obj src/mac/pelican/pelican_memory.obj src/mac/pelican/pelican_test.obj \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_done.obj src/mac/pmac/pmac_file.obj src/mac/pmac/pmac_init.obj src/mac/pmac/pmac_memory.obj \
src/hashes/sha2/sha224.obj src/hashes/sha2/sha256.obj src/hashes/sha2/sha384.obj src/hashes/sha2/sha512.obj \
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.obj src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.obj src/hashes/sha3.obj src/hashes/sha3_test.obj \
src/hashes/tiger.obj src/hashes/whirl/whirl.obj src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac.obj \
src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_file.obj src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_memory.obj \
src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_memory_multi.obj src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_test.obj src/mac/blake2/blake2smac.obj \
src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_file.obj src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_memory.obj \
src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_memory_multi.obj src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_test.obj src/mac/f9/f9_done.obj \
src/mac/f9/f9_file.obj src/mac/f9/f9_init.obj src/mac/f9/f9_memory.obj src/mac/f9/f9_memory_multi.obj \
src/mac/f9/f9_process.obj src/mac/f9/f9_test.obj src/mac/hmac/hmac_done.obj src/mac/hmac/hmac_file.obj \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_init.obj src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory.obj src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory_multi.obj \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_process.obj src/mac/hmac/hmac_test.obj src/mac/omac/omac_done.obj src/mac/omac/omac_file.obj \
src/mac/omac/omac_init.obj src/mac/omac/omac_memory.obj src/mac/omac/omac_memory_multi.obj \
src/mac/omac/omac_process.obj src/mac/omac/omac_test.obj src/mac/pelican/pelican.obj \
src/mac/pelican/pelican_memory.obj src/mac/pelican/pelican_test.obj src/mac/pmac/pmac_done.obj \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_file.obj src/mac/pmac/pmac_init.obj src/mac/pmac/pmac_memory.obj \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_memory_multi.obj src/mac/pmac/pmac_ntz.obj src/mac/pmac/pmac_process.obj \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_shift_xor.obj src/mac/pmac/pmac_test.obj src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_done.obj \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_shift_xor.obj src/mac/pmac/pmac_test.obj src/mac/poly1305/poly1305.obj \
src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_file.obj src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_memory.obj \
src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_memory_multi.obj src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_test.obj src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_done.obj \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_file.obj src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_init.obj src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory.obj \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory_multi.obj src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_process.obj src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_test.obj \
src/math/fp/ltc_ecc_fp_mulmod.obj src/math/gmp_desc.obj src/math/ltm_desc.obj src/math/multi.obj \
src/math/rand_prime.obj src/math/tfm_desc.obj src/misc/base64/base64_decode.obj \
src/misc/base64/base64_encode.obj src/misc/burn_stack.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_argchk.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_descriptor.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_is_valid.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_any.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_id.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_any.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_id.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_oid.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_prng.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_fsa.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_descriptor.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_is_valid.obj \
src/math/radix_to_bin.obj src/math/rand_bn.obj src/math/rand_prime.obj src/math/tfm_desc.obj src/misc/adler32.obj \
src/misc/base64/base64_decode.obj src/misc/base64/base64_encode.obj src/misc/burn_stack.obj \
src/misc/compare_testvector.obj src/misc/crc32.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_argchk.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_descriptor.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_is_valid.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_constants.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_any.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_id.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_any.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_id.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_oid.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_prng.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_fsa.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_descriptor.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_is_valid.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_inits.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_ltc_mp_descriptor.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_descriptor.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_is_valid.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_cipher.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_hash.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_prng.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_is_valid.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_rng_descriptor.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_ciphers.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_hashes.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_prngs.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_cipher.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_hash.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_prng.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_sizes.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_cipher.obj src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_hash.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_prng.obj src/misc/error_to_string.obj src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_1.obj \
src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_2.obj src/misc/zeromem.obj src/modes/cbc/cbc_decrypt.obj src/modes/cbc/cbc_done.obj \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_encrypt.obj src/modes/cbc/cbc_getiv.obj src/modes/cbc/cbc_setiv.obj \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_start.obj src/modes/cfb/cfb_decrypt.obj src/modes/cfb/cfb_done.obj \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_encrypt.obj src/modes/cfb/cfb_getiv.obj src/modes/cfb/cfb_setiv.obj \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_start.obj src/modes/ctr/ctr_decrypt.obj src/modes/ctr/ctr_done.obj \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_encrypt.obj src/modes/ctr/ctr_getiv.obj src/modes/ctr/ctr_setiv.obj \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_start.obj src/modes/ctr/ctr_test.obj src/modes/ecb/ecb_decrypt.obj src/modes/ecb/ecb_done.obj \
src/modes/ecb/ecb_encrypt.obj src/modes/ecb/ecb_start.obj src/modes/f8/f8_decrypt.obj src/modes/f8/f8_done.obj \
src/modes/f8/f8_encrypt.obj src/modes/f8/f8_getiv.obj src/modes/f8/f8_setiv.obj src/modes/f8/f8_start.obj \
src/modes/f8/f8_test_mode.obj src/modes/lrw/lrw_decrypt.obj src/modes/lrw/lrw_done.obj \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_encrypt.obj src/modes/lrw/lrw_getiv.obj src/modes/lrw/lrw_process.obj \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_setiv.obj src/modes/lrw/lrw_start.obj src/modes/lrw/lrw_test.obj \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_decrypt.obj src/modes/ofb/ofb_done.obj src/modes/ofb/ofb_encrypt.obj \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_getiv.obj src/modes/ofb/ofb_setiv.obj src/modes/ofb/ofb_start.obj \
src/modes/xts/xts_decrypt.obj src/modes/xts/xts_done.obj src/modes/xts/xts_encrypt.obj \
src/modes/xts/xts_init.obj src/modes/xts/xts_mult_x.obj src/modes/xts/xts_test.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_decode_bit_string.obj src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_encode_bit_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_length_bit_string.obj src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_decode_boolean.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_encode_boolean.obj src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_length_boolean.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/choice/der_decode_choice.obj src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_decode_ia5_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_encode_ia5_string.obj src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_length_ia5_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_decode_integer.obj src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_encode_integer.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_length_integer.obj \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_prng.obj src/misc/error_to_string.obj src/misc/hkdf/hkdf.obj \
src/misc/hkdf/hkdf_test.obj src/misc/mem_neq.obj src/misc/pk_get_oid.obj src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_1.obj \
src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_2.obj src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_test.obj src/misc/zeromem.obj src/modes/cbc/cbc_decrypt.obj \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_done.obj src/modes/cbc/cbc_encrypt.obj src/modes/cbc/cbc_getiv.obj \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_setiv.obj src/modes/cbc/cbc_start.obj src/modes/cfb/cfb_decrypt.obj \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_done.obj src/modes/cfb/cfb_encrypt.obj src/modes/cfb/cfb_getiv.obj \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_setiv.obj src/modes/cfb/cfb_start.obj src/modes/ctr/ctr_decrypt.obj \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_done.obj src/modes/ctr/ctr_encrypt.obj src/modes/ctr/ctr_getiv.obj \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_setiv.obj src/modes/ctr/ctr_start.obj src/modes/ctr/ctr_test.obj \
src/modes/ecb/ecb_decrypt.obj src/modes/ecb/ecb_done.obj src/modes/ecb/ecb_encrypt.obj \
src/modes/ecb/ecb_start.obj src/modes/f8/f8_decrypt.obj src/modes/f8/f8_done.obj src/modes/f8/f8_encrypt.obj \
src/modes/f8/f8_getiv.obj src/modes/f8/f8_setiv.obj src/modes/f8/f8_start.obj src/modes/f8/f8_test_mode.obj \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_decrypt.obj src/modes/lrw/lrw_done.obj src/modes/lrw/lrw_encrypt.obj \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_getiv.obj src/modes/lrw/lrw_process.obj src/modes/lrw/lrw_setiv.obj \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_start.obj src/modes/lrw/lrw_test.obj src/modes/ofb/ofb_decrypt.obj src/modes/ofb/ofb_done.obj \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_encrypt.obj src/modes/ofb/ofb_getiv.obj src/modes/ofb/ofb_setiv.obj \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_start.obj src/modes/xts/xts_decrypt.obj src/modes/xts/xts_done.obj \
src/modes/xts/xts_encrypt.obj src/modes/xts/xts_init.obj src/modes/xts/xts_mult_x.obj \
src/modes/xts/xts_test.obj src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_decode_bit_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_decode_raw_bit_string.obj src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_encode_bit_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_encode_raw_bit_string.obj src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_length_bit_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_decode_boolean.obj src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_encode_boolean.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_length_boolean.obj src/pk/asn1/der/choice/der_decode_choice.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/generalizedtime/der_decode_generalizedtime.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/generalizedtime/der_encode_generalizedtime.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/generalizedtime/der_length_generalizedtime.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_decode_ia5_string.obj src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_encode_ia5_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_length_ia5_string.obj src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_decode_integer.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_encode_integer.obj src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_length_integer.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_decode_object_identifier.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_encode_object_identifier.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_length_object_identifier.obj \
@ -85,22 +138,32 @@ src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_length_printable_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_ex.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_flexi.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_multi.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_subject_public_key_info.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_ex.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_multi.obj src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_length_sequence.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_sequence_free.obj src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_set.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_multi.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_subject_public_key_info.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_length_sequence.obj src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_sequence_free.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_sequence_shrink.obj src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_set.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_setof.obj src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_decode_short_integer.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_encode_short_integer.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_length_short_integer.obj src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_decode_utctime.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_encode_utctime.obj src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_length_utctime.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_decode_utf8_string.obj src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_encode_utf8_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_length_utf8_string.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_decrypt_key.obj \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_encrypt_key.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_export.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_free.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_import.obj \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_make_key.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_shared_secret.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_sign_hash.obj \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_hash.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_key.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_export.obj \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_import.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_decrypt_key.obj \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_encrypt_key.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_export.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_free.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_get_size.obj \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_import.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_make_key.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_shared_secret.obj \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_sign_hash.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_sizes.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_test.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_verify_hash.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_length_short_integer.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/teletex_string/der_decode_teletex_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/teletex_string/der_length_teletex_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_decode_utctime.obj src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_encode_utctime.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_length_utctime.obj src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_decode_utf8_string.obj \
src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_encode_utf8_string.obj src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_length_utf8_string.obj \
src/pk/dh/dh.obj src/pk/dh/dh_check_pubkey.obj src/pk/dh/dh_export.obj src/pk/dh/dh_export_key.obj \
src/pk/dh/dh_free.obj src/pk/dh/dh_generate_key.obj src/pk/dh/dh_import.obj src/pk/dh/dh_set.obj \
src/pk/dh/dh_set_pg_dhparam.obj src/pk/dh/dh_shared_secret.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_decrypt_key.obj \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_encrypt_key.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_export.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_free.obj \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_generate_key.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_generate_pqg.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_import.obj \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_make_key.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_set.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_set_pqg_dsaparam.obj \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_shared_secret.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_sign_hash.obj src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_hash.obj \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_key.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_export.obj \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_import.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_decrypt_key.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_encrypt_key.obj \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_export.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_free.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_get_size.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_import.obj \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_make_key.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_shared_secret.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_sign_hash.obj \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_sizes.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_test.obj src/pk/ecc/ecc_verify_hash.obj \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_is_valid_idx.obj src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_map.obj src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mul2add.obj \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod.obj src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod_timing.obj src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_points.obj \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_add_point.obj src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_dbl_point.obj \
@ -110,43 +173,101 @@ src/pk/katja/katja_make_key.obj src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_i2osp.obj src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_decode.obj src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_encode.obj src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_os2ip.obj \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_decode.obj src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_encode.obj src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_decode.obj \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_encode.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_decrypt_key.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_encrypt_key.obj \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_export.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_exptmod.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_free.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_import.obj \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_make_key.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_sign_hash.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_verify_hash.obj src/prngs/fortuna.obj \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_export.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_exptmod.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_free.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_get_size.obj \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_import.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_import_pkcs8.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_import_x509.obj \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_make_key.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_set.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_sign_hash.obj \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_sign_saltlen_get.obj src/pk/rsa/rsa_verify_hash.obj src/prngs/chacha20.obj src/prngs/fortuna.obj \
src/prngs/rc4.obj src/prngs/rng_get_bytes.obj src/prngs/rng_make_prng.obj src/prngs/sober128.obj \
src/prngs/sprng.obj src/prngs/yarrow.obj
src/prngs/sprng.obj src/prngs/yarrow.obj src/stream/chacha/chacha_crypt.obj src/stream/chacha/chacha_done.obj \
src/stream/chacha/chacha_ivctr32.obj src/stream/chacha/chacha_ivctr64.obj \
src/stream/chacha/chacha_keystream.obj src/stream/chacha/chacha_setup.obj src/stream/chacha/chacha_test.obj \
src/stream/rc4/rc4_stream.obj src/stream/rc4/rc4_test.obj src/stream/sober128/sober128_stream.obj \
HEADERS=src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h src/headers/tomcrypt_argchk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_cipher.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_hash.h src/headers/tomcrypt_math.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_prng.h testprof/tomcrypt_test.h
#List of test objects to compile
TOBJECTS=tests/base64_test.obj tests/cipher_hash_test.obj tests/common.obj tests/der_test.obj tests/dh_test.obj \
tests/dsa_test.obj tests/ecc_test.obj tests/file_test.obj tests/katja_test.obj tests/mac_test.obj tests/misc_test.obj \
tests/modes_test.obj tests/mpi_test.obj tests/multi_test.obj tests/no_prng.obj tests/pkcs_1_eme_test.obj \
tests/pkcs_1_emsa_test.obj tests/pkcs_1_oaep_test.obj tests/pkcs_1_pss_test.obj tests/pkcs_1_test.obj \
tests/prng_test.obj tests/rotate_test.obj tests/rsa_test.obj tests/store_test.obj tests/test.obj
#The following headers will be installed by "make install"
HEADERS=src/headers/tomcrypt.h src/headers/tomcrypt_argchk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_cipher.h src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h src/headers/tomcrypt_hash.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h src/headers/tomcrypt_math.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
default: library
#The default rule for make builds the tomcrypt.lib library (static)
default: $(LIBMAIN_S)
#ciphers come in two flavours... enc+dec and enc
#SPECIAL: AES comes in two flavours - enc+dec and enc-only
src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.obj: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /DENCRYPT_ONLY /c src/ciphers/aes/aes.c /Fosrc/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.obj
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) /DENCRYPT_ONLY /c src/ciphers/aes/aes.c /Fosrc/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.obj
library: $(OBJECTS)
lib /out:tomcrypt.lib $(OBJECTS)
cd testprof
nmake -f makefile.msvc
cd ..
#SPECIAL: these are the rules to make certain object files
src/ciphers/aes/aes.obj: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.obj: src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.c src/ciphers/twofish/twofish_tab.c
src/hashes/whirl/whirl.obj: src/hashes/whirl/whirl.c src/hashes/whirl/whirltab.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512.obj: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha384.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.obj: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.obj: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.obj: src/hashes/sha2/sha256.c src/hashes/sha2/sha224.c
tv_gen: demos/tv_gen.c library
cl $(CFLAGS) demos/tv_gen.c tomcrypt.lib advapi32.lib $(EXTRALIBS)
#Dependencies on *.h
$(TOBJECTS): $(HEADERS) tests/tomcrypt_test.h
hashsum: demos/hashsum.c library
cl $(CFLAGS) demos/hashsum.c tomcrypt.lib advapi32.lib $(EXTRALIBS)
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) /c $< /Fo$@
test: demos/test.c library
cl $(CFLAGS) demos/test.c testprof/tomcrypt_prof.lib tomcrypt.lib advapi32.lib $(EXTRALIBS)
#Create tomcrypt.lib
lib /out:$(LIBMAIN_S) $(OBJECTS)
timing: demos/timing.c library
cl $(CFLAGS) demos/timing.c testprof/tomcrypt_prof.lib tomcrypt.lib advapi32.lib $(EXTRALIBS)
#Demo tools/utilities
hashsum.exe: demos/hashsum.c tests/common.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/hashsum.c tests/common.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) /Fe$@
ltcrypt.exe: demos/ltcrypt.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/ltcrypt.c tests/common.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) /Fe$@
small.exe: demos/small.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/small.c tests/common.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) /Fe$@
tv_gen.exe: demos/tv_gen.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/tv_gen.c tests/common.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) /Fe$@
sizes.exe: demos/sizes.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/sizes.c tests/common.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) /Fe$@
constants.exe: demos/constants.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/constants.c tests/common.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) /Fe$@
timing.exe: demos/timing.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/timing.c tests/common.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) /Fe$@
# $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/makefile.msvc,v $
# $Revision: 1.54 $
# $Date: 2007/02/16 16:36:25 $
test.exe: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(TOBJECTS)
@echo NOTICE: start the tests by launching test.exe
all: $(LIBMAIN_S) hashsum.exe ltcrypt.exe small.exe tv_gen.exe sizes.exe constants.exe timing.exe test.exe
test: test.exe
@-cmd /c del /Q *_tv.txt 2>nul
@-cmd /c del /Q /S *.OBJ *.LIB *.EXE *.DLL 2>nul
#Install the library + headers
install: $(LIBMAIN_S)
cmd /c if not exist "$(PREFIX)\bin" mkdir "$(PREFIX)\bin"
cmd /c if not exist "$(PREFIX)\lib" mkdir "$(PREFIX)\lib"
cmd /c if not exist "$(PREFIX)\include" mkdir "$(PREFIX)\include"
copy /Y $(LIBMAIN_S) "$(PREFIX)\lib"
copy /Y src\headers\tomcrypt*.h "$(PREFIX)\include"
#Install useful tools
install_bins: hashsum
cmd /c if not exist "$(PREFIX)\bin" mkdir "$(PREFIX)\bin"
copy /Y hashsum.exe "$(PREFIX)\bin"
#Install documentation
install_docs: doc/crypt.pdf
cmd /c if not exist "$(PREFIX)\doc" mkdir "$(PREFIX)\doc"
copy /Y doc\crypt.pdf "$(PREFIX)\doc"

View File

@ -4,280 +4,74 @@
# Thanks to Zed Shaw for helping debug this on BSD/OSX.
# Tom St Denis
# (GNU make only)
# The version
### USAGE:
# CFLAGS="-DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -I/path/to/libtommath" make -f makefile.shared all EXTRALIBS=/path/to/libtommath/libtommath.a
# ./test
# make -f makefile.shared PREFIX=/opt/libtom install
# Compiler and Linker Names
CC=libtool --mode=compile --tag=CC gcc
PLATFORM := $(shell uname | sed -e 's/_.*//')
# ranlib tools
ifndef RANLIB
ifndef LIBTOOL
ifeq ($(PLATFORM), Darwin)
# Compilation flags. Note the += does not write over the user's CFLAGS!
CFLAGS += -c -I./src/headers/ -Wall -Wsign-compare -W -Wshadow -DLTC_SOURCE
# additional warnings (newer GCC 3.4 and higher)
ifdef GCC_34
CFLAGS += -Wsystem-headers -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes \
-Wmissing-declarations -Wpointer-arith
# optimize for SPEED
CFLAGS += -O3 -funroll-loops
# add -fomit-frame-pointer. hinders debugging!
CFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer
# optimize for SIZE
# compile for DEBUGING (required for ccmalloc checking!!!)
#CFLAGS += -g3
# older GCCs can't handle the "rotate with immediate" ROLc/RORc/etc macros
# define this to help
LTCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CC $(CC)
INSTALL_CMD = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install install
UNINSTALL_CMD = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=uninstall rm
#Output filenames for various targets.
ifndef LIBTEST_S
ifndef LIBTEST
ifndef LIBNAME
ifndef LIBNAME_S
#LIBPATH-The directory for libtomcrypt to be installed to.
#INCPATH-The directory to install the header files for libtomcrypt.
#DATAPATH-The directory to install the pdf docs.
ifndef DESTDIR
ifndef LIBPATH
ifndef INCPATH
include makefile_include.mk
#Who do we install as?
#List of objects to compile.
OBJECTS=src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o src/ciphers/aes/aes.o src/ciphers/anubis.o src/ciphers/blowfish.o \
src/ciphers/cast5.o src/ciphers/des.o src/ciphers/kasumi.o src/ciphers/khazad.o src/ciphers/kseed.o \
src/ciphers/multi2.o src/ciphers/noekeon.o src/ciphers/rc2.o src/ciphers/rc5.o src/ciphers/rc6.o \
src/ciphers/safer/safer.o src/ciphers/safer/saferp.o src/ciphers/safer/safer_tab.o \
src/ciphers/skipjack.o src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o src/ciphers/xtea.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_memory.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_test.o src/encauth/eax/eax_addheader.o src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt_verify_memory.o src/encauth/eax/eax_done.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_init.o src/encauth/eax/eax_test.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_iv.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_done.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_gf_mult.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_init.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_memory.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_mult_h.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_process.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_reset.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_test.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt_verify_memory.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_init.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_ntz.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_shift_xor.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_test.o src/encauth/ocb/s_ocb_done.o src/hashes/chc/chc.o \
src/hashes/helper/hash_file.o src/hashes/helper/hash_filehandle.o src/hashes/helper/hash_memory.o \
src/hashes/helper/hash_memory_multi.o src/hashes/md2.o src/hashes/md4.o src/hashes/md5.o \
src/hashes/rmd128.o src/hashes/rmd160.o src/hashes/rmd256.o src/hashes/rmd320.o src/hashes/sha1.o \
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o src/hashes/sha2/sha512.o src/hashes/tiger.o src/hashes/whirl/whirl.o \
src/mac/f9/f9_done.o src/mac/f9/f9_file.o src/mac/f9/f9_init.o src/mac/f9/f9_memory.o \
src/mac/f9/f9_memory_multi.o src/mac/f9/f9_process.o src/mac/f9/f9_test.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_done.o \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_file.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_init.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory.o \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory_multi.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_process.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_test.o \
src/mac/omac/omac_done.o src/mac/omac/omac_file.o src/mac/omac/omac_init.o src/mac/omac/omac_memory.o \
src/mac/omac/omac_memory_multi.o src/mac/omac/omac_process.o src/mac/omac/omac_test.o \
src/mac/pelican/pelican.o src/mac/pelican/pelican_memory.o src/mac/pelican/pelican_test.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_done.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_file.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_init.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_memory.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_memory_multi.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_ntz.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_process.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_shift_xor.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_test.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_done.o \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_file.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_init.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory.o \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory_multi.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_process.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_test.o \
src/math/fp/ltc_ecc_fp_mulmod.o src/math/gmp_desc.o src/math/ltm_desc.o src/math/multi.o \
src/math/rand_prime.o src/math/tfm_desc.o src/misc/base64/base64_decode.o \
src/misc/base64/base64_encode.o src/misc/burn_stack.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_argchk.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_is_valid.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_any.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_id.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_any.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_id.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_oid.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_prng.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_fsa.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_is_valid.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_ltc_mp_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_descriptor.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_is_valid.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_cipher.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_hash.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_prng.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_cipher.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_hash.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_prng.o src/misc/error_to_string.o src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_1.o \
src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_2.o src/misc/zeromem.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_decrypt.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_done.o \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_encrypt.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_getiv.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_setiv.o \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_start.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_decrypt.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_done.o \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_encrypt.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_getiv.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_setiv.o \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_start.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_decrypt.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_done.o \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_encrypt.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_getiv.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_setiv.o \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_start.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_test.o src/modes/ecb/ecb_decrypt.o src/modes/ecb/ecb_done.o \
src/modes/ecb/ecb_encrypt.o src/modes/ecb/ecb_start.o src/modes/f8/f8_decrypt.o src/modes/f8/f8_done.o \
src/modes/f8/f8_encrypt.o src/modes/f8/f8_getiv.o src/modes/f8/f8_setiv.o src/modes/f8/f8_start.o \
src/modes/f8/f8_test_mode.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_decrypt.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_done.o \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_encrypt.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_getiv.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_process.o \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_setiv.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_start.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_test.o \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_decrypt.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_done.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_encrypt.o \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_getiv.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_setiv.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_start.o \
src/modes/xts/xts_decrypt.o src/modes/xts/xts_done.o src/modes/xts/xts_encrypt.o \
src/modes/xts/xts_init.o src/modes/xts/xts_mult_x.o src/modes/xts/xts_test.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_decode_bit_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_encode_bit_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_length_bit_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_decode_boolean.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_encode_boolean.o src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_length_boolean.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/choice/der_decode_choice.o src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_decode_ia5_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_encode_ia5_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_length_ia5_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_decode_integer.o src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_encode_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_length_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_decode_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_encode_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_length_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_decode_octet_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_encode_octet_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_length_octet_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_decode_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_encode_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_length_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_ex.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_flexi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_multi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_ex.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_multi.o src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_length_sequence.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_sequence_free.o src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_set.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_setof.o src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_decode_short_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_encode_short_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_length_short_integer.o src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_decode_utctime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_encode_utctime.o src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_length_utctime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_decode_utf8_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_encode_utf8_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_length_utf8_string.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_decrypt_key.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_encrypt_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_export.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_free.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_import.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_make_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_shared_secret.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_sign_hash.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_hash.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_export.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_import.o src/pk/ecc/ecc.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_decrypt_key.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_encrypt_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_export.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_free.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_get_size.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_import.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_make_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_shared_secret.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_sign_hash.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_sizes.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_test.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_verify_hash.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_is_valid_idx.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_map.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mul2add.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod_timing.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_points.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_add_point.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_dbl_point.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_decrypt_key.o src/pk/katja/katja_encrypt_key.o src/pk/katja/katja_export.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_exptmod.o src/pk/katja/katja_free.o src/pk/katja/katja_import.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_make_key.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_i2osp.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_mgf1.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_decode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_encode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_os2ip.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_decode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_encode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_decode.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_encode.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_decrypt_key.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_encrypt_key.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_export.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_exptmod.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_free.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_import.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_make_key.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_sign_hash.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_verify_hash.o src/prngs/fortuna.o \
src/prngs/rc4.o src/prngs/rng_get_bytes.o src/prngs/rng_make_prng.o src/prngs/sober128.o \
src/prngs/sprng.o src/prngs/yarrow.o
HEADERS=src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h src/headers/tomcrypt_argchk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_cipher.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_hash.h src/headers/tomcrypt_math.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_prng.h testprof/tomcrypt_test.h
#The default rule for make builds the libtomcrypt library.
#ciphers come in two flavours... enc+dec and enc
src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DENCRYPT_ONLY -c src/ciphers/aes/aes.c -o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o
$(LTCOMPILE) $(LTC_CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -DENCRYPT_ONLY -c src/ciphers/aes/aes.c -o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o
#These are the rules to make certain object files.
src/ciphers/aes/aes.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o: src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.c src/ciphers/twofish/twofish_tab.c
src/hashes/whirl/whirl.o: src/hashes/whirl/whirl.c src/hashes/whirl/whirltab.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha384.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha256.c src/hashes/sha2/sha224.c
#This rule makes the libtomcrypt library.
library: $(LIBNAME)
objs: $(OBJECTS)
#$(LIBNAME): $(OBJECTS) testprof/$(LIBTEST)
libtool --silent --mode=link gcc $(CFLAGS) `find . -type f | grep "[.]lo" | grep "src/" | xargs` $(EXTRALIBS) -o $(LIBNAME) -rpath $(LIBPATH) -version-info $(VERSION)
$(LIBTOOL) --mode=link --tag=CC $(CC) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) $(LOBJECTS) $(EXTRALIBS) -o $@ -rpath $(LIBPATH) -version-info $(VERSION_LT) $(NO_UNDEFINED)
install: $(LIBNAME)
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
libtool --silent --mode=install install -c libtomcrypt.la $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)/libtomcrypt.la
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
test: $(call print-help,test,Builds the library and the 'test' application to run all self-tests) $(LIBNAME) $(TOBJECTS)
$(LIBTOOL) --mode=link --tag=CC $(CC) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $(TEST) $(TOBJECTS) $(LIBNAME) $(EXTRALIBS)
#This rule makes the hash program included with libtomcrypt
hashsum: library
gcc $(CFLAGS) demos/hashsum.c -o hashsum.o
gcc -o hashsum hashsum.o -ltomcrypt $(EXTRALIBS)
# build the demos from a template
define DEMO_template
$(1): $(call print-help,$(1),Builds the library and the '$(1)' demo) demos/$(1).o $$(LIBNAME)
$$(LIBTOOL) --mode=link --tag=CC $$(CC) $$(LTC_LDFLAGS) $$^ $$(EXTRALIBS) -o $(1)
#makes the crypt program
crypt: library
gcc $(CFLAGS) demos/encrypt.c -o encrypt.o
gcc -o crypt encrypt.o -ltomcrypt $(EXTRALIBS)
$(foreach demo, $(strip $(DEMOS)), $(eval $(call DEMO_template,$(demo))))
tv_gen: library $(TVS)
gcc -o tv_gen $(TVS) -ltomcrypt $(EXTRALIBS)
install: $(call print-help,install,Installs the library + headers + pkg-config file) .common_install
sed -e 's,^prefix=.*,prefix=$(PREFIX),' -e 's,^Version:.*,Version: $(VERSION_PC),' libtomcrypt.pc.in > libtomcrypt.pc
install -p -d $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)/pkgconfig
install -p -m 644 libtomcrypt.pc $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)/pkgconfig/
test: library testprof/$(LIBTEST) $(TESTS)
gcc -o $(TEST) $(TESTS) -ltomcrypt_prof -ltomcrypt $(EXTRALIBS)
install_bins: $(call print-help,install_bins,Installs the useful demos ($(USEFUL_DEMOS))) .common_install_bins
timing: library testprof/$(LIBTEST) $(TIMINGS)
gcc -o $(TIMING) $(TIMINGS) -ltomcrypt_prof -ltomcrypt $(EXTRALIBS)
uninstall: $(call print-help,uninstall,Uninstalls the library + headers + pkg-config file) .common_uninstall
rm $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)/pkgconfig/libtomcrypt.pc
# $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/makefile.shared,v $
# $Revision: 1.80 $
# $Date: 2007/02/16 16:36:25 $
# ref: $Format:%D$
# git commit: $Format:%H$
# commit time: $Format:%ai$

View File

@ -1,115 +1,149 @@
# MAKEFILE for bsd make
# MAKEFILE that is intended to be compatible with any kind of make (GNU make, BSD make, ...)
# works on: Linux, *BSD, Cygwin, AIX, HP-UX and hopefully other UNIX systems
# Tom St Denis
# Please do not use here neither any special make syntax nor any unusual tools/utilities!
# BEWARE: variables OBJECTS, TOBJECTS, HEADERS, VERSION are updated via ./updatemakes.sh
# Compiler and Linker Names
### USAGE:
# make -f makefile.unix all
# ./test
# make -f makefile.unix install
# make -f makefile.unix CFLAGS="-O3 -DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -I/path/to/libtommath" EXTRALIBS=/path/to/libtommath/libtommath.a all
# ./test
# make -f makefile.unix PREFIX=/opt/libtom install
#Or if you are using Intel C compiler you might need something like:
# make -f makefile.unix CC=icc AR=xiar CFLAGS="-fast -DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -I/path/to/libtommath" EXTRALIBS=/path/to/libtommath/libtommath.a all
#The following can be overridden from command line e.g. "make -f makefile.unix CC=gcc ARFLAGS=rcs"
PREFIX = /usr/local
INCPATH = $(PREFIX)/include
DATAPATH = $(PREFIX)/share/doc/libtomcrypt/pdf
CC = cc
# Archiver [makes .a files]
AR = ar
RANLIB = ranlib
CFLAGS = -O2 -DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -I../libtommath
EXTRALIBS = ../libtommath/libtommath.a
# Compilation flags. Note the += does not write over the user's CFLAGS!
CFLAGS = -c -I./testprof/ -I./src/headers/ -DLTC_SOURCE -O2 ${CFLAGS_OPTS} -o $@
#Compilation flags
LTC_CFLAGS = -Isrc/headers -Itests -DLTC_SOURCE $(CFLAGS)
#Libraries to be created (this makefile builds only static libraries)
LIBMAIN_S =libtomcrypt.a
#LIBPATH-The directory for libtomcrypt to be installed to.
#INCPATH-The directory to install the header files for libtomcrypt.
#DATAPATH-The directory to install the pdf docs.
#Who do we install as?
#List of objects to compile.
OBJECTS=src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o src/ciphers/aes/aes.o src/ciphers/anubis.o src/ciphers/blowfish.o \
src/ciphers/cast5.o src/ciphers/des.o src/ciphers/kasumi.o src/ciphers/khazad.o src/ciphers/kseed.o \
src/ciphers/multi2.o src/ciphers/noekeon.o src/ciphers/rc2.o src/ciphers/rc5.o src/ciphers/rc6.o \
src/ciphers/safer/safer.o src/ciphers/safer/saferp.o src/ciphers/safer/safer_tab.o \
src/ciphers/skipjack.o src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o src/ciphers/xtea.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_memory.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_test.o src/encauth/eax/eax_addheader.o src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt_verify_memory.o src/encauth/eax/eax_done.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt.o \
#List of objects to compile (all goes to libtomcrypt.a)
OBJECTS=src/ciphers/aes/aes.o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o src/ciphers/anubis.o src/ciphers/blowfish.o \
src/ciphers/camellia.o src/ciphers/cast5.o src/ciphers/des.o src/ciphers/kasumi.o src/ciphers/khazad.o \
src/ciphers/kseed.o src/ciphers/multi2.o src/ciphers/noekeon.o src/ciphers/rc2.o src/ciphers/rc5.o \
src/ciphers/rc6.o src/ciphers/safer/safer.o src/ciphers/safer/saferp.o src/ciphers/skipjack.o \
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o src/ciphers/xtea.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_add_nonce.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_done.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_init.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_memory.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_process.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_reset.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_test.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_decrypt.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_done.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_encrypt.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_init.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_memory.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_setiv.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_setiv_rfc7905.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_test.o src/encauth/eax/eax_addheader.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt.o src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt_verify_memory.o src/encauth/eax/eax_done.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt.o src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_init.o src/encauth/eax/eax_test.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_iv.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_done.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_gf_mult.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_init.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_memory.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_mult_h.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_process.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_reset.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_test.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt_verify_memory.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_init.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_ntz.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_shift_xor.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_test.o src/encauth/ocb/s_ocb_done.o src/hashes/chc/chc.o \
src/hashes/helper/hash_file.o src/hashes/helper/hash_filehandle.o src/hashes/helper/hash_memory.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_encrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_init.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_ntz.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_shift_xor.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_test.o src/encauth/ocb/s_ocb_done.o \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_add_aad.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_decrypt_last.o \
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HEADERS=src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h src/headers/tomcrypt_argchk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_cipher.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_hash.h src/headers/tomcrypt_math.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_prng.h testprof/tomcrypt_test.h
#List of test objects to compile (all goes to libtomcrypt_prof.a)
TOBJECTS=tests/base64_test.o tests/cipher_hash_test.o tests/common.o tests/der_test.o tests/dh_test.o \
tests/dsa_test.o tests/ecc_test.o tests/file_test.o tests/katja_test.o tests/mac_test.o tests/misc_test.o \
tests/modes_test.o tests/mpi_test.o tests/multi_test.o tests/no_prng.o tests/pkcs_1_eme_test.o \
tests/pkcs_1_emsa_test.o tests/pkcs_1_oaep_test.o tests/pkcs_1_pss_test.o tests/pkcs_1_test.o \
tests/prng_test.o tests/rotate_test.o tests/rsa_test.o tests/store_test.o tests/test.o
#The following headers will be installed by "make install"
HEADERS=src/headers/tomcrypt.h src/headers/tomcrypt_argchk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_cipher.h src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h src/headers/tomcrypt_hash.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h src/headers/tomcrypt_math.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
#The default rule for make builds the libtomcrypt.a library (static)
default: $(LIBMAIN_S)
#Files left over from making the crypt.pdf.
LEFTOVERS=*.dvi *.log *.aux *.toc *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.out
#Compressed filenames
COMPRESSED=crypt-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 crypt-$(VERSION).zip
#The default rule for make builds the libtomcrypt library.
#ciphers come in two flavours... enc+dec and enc
#SPECIAL: AES comes in two flavours - enc+dec and enc-only
src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DENCRYPT_ONLY -c src/ciphers/aes/aes.c -o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) -DENCRYPT_ONLY -c src/ciphers/aes/aes.c -o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o
#These are the rules to make certain object files.
#SPECIAL: these are the rules to make certain object files
src/ciphers/aes/aes.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o: src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.c src/ciphers/twofish/twofish_tab.c
src/hashes/whirl/whirl.o: src/hashes/whirl/whirl.c src/hashes/whirl/whirltab.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha384.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha256.c src/hashes/sha2/sha224.c
#This rule makes the libtomcrypt library.
library: $(LIBNAME)
#Dependencies on *.h
$(TOBJECTS): $(HEADERS) tests/tomcrypt_test.h
#This is necessary for compatibility with BSD make (namely on OpenBSD)
.SUFFIXES: .o .c
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
#Create libtomcrypt.a
$(RANLIB) $@
#This rule makes the hash program included with libtomcrypt
hashsum: library $(HASHOBJECTS)
#Demo tools/utilities
hashsum: demos/hashsum.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/hashsum.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
ltcrypt: demos/ltcrypt.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/ltcrypt.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
small: demos/small.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/small.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
tv_gen: demos/tv_gen.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/tv_gen.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
sizes: demos/sizes.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/sizes.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
constants: demos/constants.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/constants.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
timing: demos/timing.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/timing.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
#makes the crypt program
crypt: library $(CRYPTOBJECTS)
@echo "NOTICE: start the tests by: ./test"
#makes the small program
small: library $(SMALLOBJECTS)
all: $(LIBMAIN_S) hashsum ltcrypt small tv_gen sizes constants timing test
tv_gen: library $(TVS)
#NOTE: this makefile works also on cygwin, thus we need to delete *.exe
-@rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(TOBJECTS)
-@rm -f $(LIBMAIN_S)
-@rm -f demos/*.o *_tv.txt
-@rm -f test constants sizes tv_gen hashsum ltcrypt small timing
-@rm -f test.exe constants.exe sizes.exe tv_gen.exe hashsum.exe ltcrypt.exe small.exe timing.exe
multi: library $(MULTIS)
#Install the library + headers
install: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(HEADERS)
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)/pkgconfig
@sed -e 's,^prefix=.*,prefix=$(PREFIX),' -e 's,^Version:.*,Version: $(VERSION),' libtomcrypt.pc.in > $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)/pkgconfig/libtomcrypt.pc
timing: library testprof/$(LIBTEST) $(TIMINGS)
#Install useful tools
install_bins: hashsum
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINPATH)
@cp hashsum $(DESTDIR)$(BINPATH)/
test: library testprof/$(LIBTEST) $(TESTS)
#This rule installs the library and the header files. This must be run
#as root in order to have a high enough permission to write to the correct
#directories and to set the owner and group to root.
install: library
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(DATAPATH)
install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(LIBNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
install_test: testprof/$(LIBTEST)
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) testprof/$(LIBTEST) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
# $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/makefile.unix,v $
# $Revision: 1.7 $
# $Date: 2007/02/16 16:36:25 $
#Install documentation
install_docs: doc/crypt.pdf
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DATAPATH)
@cp doc/crypt.pdf $(DESTDIR)$(DATAPATH)/

extern/libtomcrypt/makefile_include.mk vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
# Include makefile used by makefile + makefile.shared
# (GNU make only)
# The version - BEWARE: VERSION, VERSION_PC and VERSION_LT are updated via ./updatemakes.sh
# http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/html_node/Updating-version-info.html
# Compiler and Linker Names
# We only need to go through this dance of determining the right compiler if we're using
# cross compilation, otherwise $(CC) is fine as-is.
ifneq (,$(CROSS_COMPILE))
ifeq ($(origin CC),default)
CSTR := "\#ifdef __clang__\nCLANG\n\#endif\n"
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),FreeBSD)
# XXX: FreeBSD needs extra escaping for some reason
CSTR := $$$(CSTR)
ifneq (,$(shell echo $(CSTR) | $(CC) -E - | grep CLANG))
endif # Clang
endif # cc is Make's default
endif # CROSS_COMPILE non-empty
# Archiver [makes .a files]
ifndef MAKE
# BSDs refer to GNU Make as gmake
ifneq (,$(findstring $(PLATFORM),FreeBSD OpenBSD DragonFly NetBSD))
$(error your makefile must define INSTALL_CMD)
$(error your makefile must define UNINSTALL_CMD)
ifneq ($(shell echo $(CFLAGS) | grep USE_LTM),)
EXTRALIBS=$(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(LIBPATH)/pkgconfig pkg-config libtommath --libs)
ifneq ($(shell echo $(CFLAGS) | grep USE_TFM),)
EXTRALIBS=$(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(LIBPATH)/pkgconfig pkg-config tomsfastmath --libs)
need-help := $(filter help,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
define print-help
$(if $(need-help),$(info $1 -- $2))
# Compilation flags. Note the += does not write over the user's CFLAGS!
# Also note that we're extending the environments' CFLAGS.
# If you think that our CFLAGS are not nice you can easily override them
# by giving them as a parameter to make:
# make CFLAGS="-I./src/headers/ -DLTC_SOURCE ..." ...
LTC_CFLAGS += -I./src/headers/ -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wshadow -DLTC_SOURCE
ifdef OLD_GCC
# older GCCs can't handle the "rotate with immediate" ROLc/RORc/etc macros
# define this to help
LTC_CFLAGS += -Wextra
# additional warnings
LTC_CFLAGS += -Wsystem-headers -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align
LTC_CFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes -Wpointer-arith
LTC_CFLAGS += -Wdeclaration-after-statement
LTC_CFLAGS += -Wwrite-strings
LTC_CFLAGS += -Wno-type-limits
$(info Debug build)
# compile for DEBUGGING (required for ccmalloc checking!!!)
ifneq (,$(strip $(LTC_DEBUG)))
# optimize for SIZE
# optimize for SPEED
LTC_CFLAGS += -O3 -funroll-loops
# add -fomit-frame-pointer. hinders debugging!
LTC_CFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer
ifneq ($(findstring clang,$(CC)),)
LTC_CFLAGS += -Wno-typedef-redefinition -Wno-tautological-compare -Wno-builtin-requires-header -Wno-missing-field-initializers
ifneq ($(findstring mingw,$(CC)),)
LTC_CFLAGS += -Wno-shadow -Wno-attributes
ifeq ($(PLATFORM), Darwin)
LTC_CFLAGS += -Wno-nullability-completeness
GIT_VERSION := $(shell { [ -e .git ] && which git 2>/dev/null 1>&2 ; } && { printf git- ; git describe --tags --always --dirty ; } || echo $(VERSION))
ifneq ($(GIT_VERSION),)
ifneq ($(findstring -DLTC_PTHREAD,$(LTC_CFLAGS)),)
LTC_LDFLAGS += -pthread
#List of demo objects
DSOURCES = $(wildcard demos/*.c)
#List of tests headers
THEADERS = $(wildcard tests/*.h)
# Demos that are even somehow useful and could be installed as a system-tool
USEFUL_DEMOS = hashsum
# Demos that are usable but only rarely make sense to be installed
USEABLE_DEMOS = ltcrypt sizes constants
# Demos that are used for testing or measuring
TEST_DEMOS = small tv_gen
# Demos that are in one config broken
# openssl-enc - can't be build with LTC_EASY
# timing - not really broken, but older gcc builds spit warnings
BROKEN_DEMOS = openssl-enc timing
# Combine demos in groups
#LIBPATH The directory for libtomcrypt to be installed to.
#INCPATH The directory to install the header files for libtomcrypt.
#DATAPATH The directory to install the pdf docs.
#BINPATH The directory to install the binaries provided.
PREFIX ?= /usr/local
INCPATH ?= $(PREFIX)/include
DATAPATH ?= $(PREFIX)/share/doc/libtomcrypt/pdf
#Who do we install as?
#The first rule is also the default rule and builds the libtomcrypt library.
library: $(call print-help,library,Builds the library) $(LIBNAME)
# List of objects to compile (all goes to libtomcrypt.a)
OBJECTS=src/ciphers/aes/aes.o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o src/ciphers/anubis.o src/ciphers/blowfish.o \
src/ciphers/camellia.o src/ciphers/cast5.o src/ciphers/des.o src/ciphers/kasumi.o src/ciphers/khazad.o \
src/ciphers/kseed.o src/ciphers/multi2.o src/ciphers/noekeon.o src/ciphers/rc2.o src/ciphers/rc5.o \
src/ciphers/rc6.o src/ciphers/safer/safer.o src/ciphers/safer/saferp.o src/ciphers/skipjack.o \
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o src/ciphers/xtea.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_add_nonce.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_done.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_init.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_memory.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_process.o src/encauth/ccm/ccm_reset.o \
src/encauth/ccm/ccm_test.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_decrypt.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_done.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_encrypt.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_init.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_memory.o src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_setiv.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_setiv_rfc7905.o \
src/encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_test.o src/encauth/eax/eax_addheader.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt.o src/encauth/eax/eax_decrypt_verify_memory.o src/encauth/eax/eax_done.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt.o src/encauth/eax/eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o \
src/encauth/eax/eax_init.o src/encauth/eax/eax_test.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_aad.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_add_iv.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_done.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_gf_mult.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_init.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_memory.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_mult_h.o \
src/encauth/gcm/gcm_process.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_reset.o src/encauth/gcm/gcm_test.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_decrypt_verify_memory.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_done_encrypt.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_init.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_ntz.o \
src/encauth/ocb/ocb_shift_xor.o src/encauth/ocb/ocb_test.o src/encauth/ocb/s_ocb_done.o \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_add_aad.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_decrypt.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_decrypt_last.o \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_decrypt_verify_memory.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_done.o \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_encrypt.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_encrypt_last.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_init.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_int_ntz.o \
src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_int_xor_blocks.o src/encauth/ocb3/ocb3_test.o src/hashes/blake2b.o \
src/hashes/blake2s.o src/hashes/chc/chc.o src/hashes/helper/hash_file.o \
src/hashes/helper/hash_filehandle.o src/hashes/helper/hash_memory.o \
src/hashes/helper/hash_memory_multi.o src/hashes/md2.o src/hashes/md4.o src/hashes/md5.o \
src/hashes/rmd128.o src/hashes/rmd160.o src/hashes/rmd256.o src/hashes/rmd320.o src/hashes/sha1.o \
src/hashes/sha2/sha224.o src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o src/hashes/sha2/sha384.o src/hashes/sha2/sha512.o \
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.o src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.o src/hashes/sha3.o src/hashes/sha3_test.o \
src/hashes/tiger.o src/hashes/whirl/whirl.o src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac.o \
src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_file.o src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_memory.o \
src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_memory_multi.o src/mac/blake2/blake2bmac_test.o src/mac/blake2/blake2smac.o \
src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_file.o src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_memory.o \
src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_memory_multi.o src/mac/blake2/blake2smac_test.o src/mac/f9/f9_done.o \
src/mac/f9/f9_file.o src/mac/f9/f9_init.o src/mac/f9/f9_memory.o src/mac/f9/f9_memory_multi.o \
src/mac/f9/f9_process.o src/mac/f9/f9_test.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_done.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_file.o \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_init.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_memory_multi.o \
src/mac/hmac/hmac_process.o src/mac/hmac/hmac_test.o src/mac/omac/omac_done.o src/mac/omac/omac_file.o \
src/mac/omac/omac_init.o src/mac/omac/omac_memory.o src/mac/omac/omac_memory_multi.o \
src/mac/omac/omac_process.o src/mac/omac/omac_test.o src/mac/pelican/pelican.o \
src/mac/pelican/pelican_memory.o src/mac/pelican/pelican_test.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_done.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_file.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_init.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_memory.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_memory_multi.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_ntz.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_process.o \
src/mac/pmac/pmac_shift_xor.o src/mac/pmac/pmac_test.o src/mac/poly1305/poly1305.o \
src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_file.o src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_memory.o \
src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_memory_multi.o src/mac/poly1305/poly1305_test.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_done.o \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_file.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_init.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory.o \
src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_memory_multi.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_process.o src/mac/xcbc/xcbc_test.o \
src/math/fp/ltc_ecc_fp_mulmod.o src/math/gmp_desc.o src/math/ltm_desc.o src/math/multi.o \
src/math/radix_to_bin.o src/math/rand_bn.o src/math/rand_prime.o src/math/tfm_desc.o src/misc/adler32.o \
src/misc/base64/base64_decode.o src/misc/base64/base64_encode.o src/misc/burn_stack.o \
src/misc/compare_testvector.o src/misc/crc32.o src/misc/crypt/crypt.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_argchk.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_cipher_is_valid.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_constants.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_any.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_cipher_id.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_any.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_id.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_hash_oid.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_find_prng.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_fsa.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_descriptor.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_hash_is_valid.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_inits.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_ltc_mp_descriptor.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_descriptor.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_is_valid.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_prng_rng_descriptor.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_ciphers.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_hashes.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_prngs.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_cipher.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_hash.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_register_prng.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_sizes.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_cipher.o src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_hash.o \
src/misc/crypt/crypt_unregister_prng.o src/misc/error_to_string.o src/misc/hkdf/hkdf.o \
src/misc/hkdf/hkdf_test.o src/misc/mem_neq.o src/misc/pk_get_oid.o src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_1.o \
src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_2.o src/misc/pkcs5/pkcs_5_test.o src/misc/zeromem.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_decrypt.o \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_done.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_encrypt.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_getiv.o \
src/modes/cbc/cbc_setiv.o src/modes/cbc/cbc_start.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_decrypt.o \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_done.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_encrypt.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_getiv.o \
src/modes/cfb/cfb_setiv.o src/modes/cfb/cfb_start.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_decrypt.o \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_done.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_encrypt.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_getiv.o \
src/modes/ctr/ctr_setiv.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_start.o src/modes/ctr/ctr_test.o \
src/modes/ecb/ecb_decrypt.o src/modes/ecb/ecb_done.o src/modes/ecb/ecb_encrypt.o \
src/modes/ecb/ecb_start.o src/modes/f8/f8_decrypt.o src/modes/f8/f8_done.o src/modes/f8/f8_encrypt.o \
src/modes/f8/f8_getiv.o src/modes/f8/f8_setiv.o src/modes/f8/f8_start.o src/modes/f8/f8_test_mode.o \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_decrypt.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_done.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_encrypt.o \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_getiv.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_process.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_setiv.o \
src/modes/lrw/lrw_start.o src/modes/lrw/lrw_test.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_decrypt.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_done.o \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_encrypt.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_getiv.o src/modes/ofb/ofb_setiv.o \
src/modes/ofb/ofb_start.o src/modes/xts/xts_decrypt.o src/modes/xts/xts_done.o \
src/modes/xts/xts_encrypt.o src/modes/xts/xts_init.o src/modes/xts/xts_mult_x.o \
src/modes/xts/xts_test.o src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_decode_bit_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_decode_raw_bit_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_encode_bit_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_encode_raw_bit_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/bit/der_length_bit_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_decode_boolean.o src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_encode_boolean.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/boolean/der_length_boolean.o src/pk/asn1/der/choice/der_decode_choice.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/generalizedtime/der_decode_generalizedtime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/generalizedtime/der_encode_generalizedtime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/generalizedtime/der_length_generalizedtime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_decode_ia5_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_encode_ia5_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/ia5/der_length_ia5_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_decode_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_encode_integer.o src/pk/asn1/der/integer/der_length_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_decode_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_encode_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/object_identifier/der_length_object_identifier.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_decode_octet_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_encode_octet_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/octet/der_length_octet_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_decode_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_encode_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/printable_string/der_length_printable_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_ex.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_flexi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_sequence_multi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_decode_subject_public_key_info.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_ex.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_sequence_multi.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_encode_subject_public_key_info.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_length_sequence.o src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_sequence_free.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/sequence/der_sequence_shrink.o src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_set.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/set/der_encode_setof.o src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_decode_short_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_encode_short_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/short_integer/der_length_short_integer.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/teletex_string/der_decode_teletex_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/teletex_string/der_length_teletex_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_decode_utctime.o src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_encode_utctime.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utctime/der_length_utctime.o src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_decode_utf8_string.o \
src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_encode_utf8_string.o src/pk/asn1/der/utf8/der_length_utf8_string.o \
src/pk/dh/dh.o src/pk/dh/dh_check_pubkey.o src/pk/dh/dh_export.o src/pk/dh/dh_export_key.o \
src/pk/dh/dh_free.o src/pk/dh/dh_generate_key.o src/pk/dh/dh_import.o src/pk/dh/dh_set.o \
src/pk/dh/dh_set_pg_dhparam.o src/pk/dh/dh_shared_secret.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_decrypt_key.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_encrypt_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_export.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_free.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_generate_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_generate_pqg.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_import.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_make_key.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_set.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_set_pqg_dsaparam.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_shared_secret.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_sign_hash.o src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_hash.o \
src/pk/dsa/dsa_verify_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_export.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_ansi_x963_import.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_decrypt_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_encrypt_key.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_export.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_free.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_get_size.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_import.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_make_key.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_shared_secret.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_sign_hash.o \
src/pk/ecc/ecc_sizes.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_test.o src/pk/ecc/ecc_verify_hash.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_is_valid_idx.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_map.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mul2add.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_mulmod_timing.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_points.o \
src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_add_point.o src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_dbl_point.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_decrypt_key.o src/pk/katja/katja_encrypt_key.o src/pk/katja/katja_export.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_exptmod.o src/pk/katja/katja_free.o src/pk/katja/katja_import.o \
src/pk/katja/katja_make_key.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_i2osp.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_mgf1.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_decode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_oaep_encode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_os2ip.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_decode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_pss_encode.o src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_decode.o \
src/pk/pkcs1/pkcs_1_v1_5_encode.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_decrypt_key.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_encrypt_key.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_export.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_exptmod.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_free.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_get_size.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_import.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_import_pkcs8.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_import_x509.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_make_key.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_set.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_sign_hash.o \
src/pk/rsa/rsa_sign_saltlen_get.o src/pk/rsa/rsa_verify_hash.o src/prngs/chacha20.o src/prngs/fortuna.o \
src/prngs/rc4.o src/prngs/rng_get_bytes.o src/prngs/rng_make_prng.o src/prngs/sober128.o \
src/prngs/sprng.o src/prngs/yarrow.o src/stream/chacha/chacha_crypt.o src/stream/chacha/chacha_done.o \
src/stream/chacha/chacha_ivctr32.o src/stream/chacha/chacha_ivctr64.o \
src/stream/chacha/chacha_keystream.o src/stream/chacha/chacha_setup.o src/stream/chacha/chacha_test.o \
src/stream/rc4/rc4_stream.o src/stream/rc4/rc4_test.o src/stream/sober128/sober128_stream.o \
# List of test objects to compile (all goes to libtomcrypt_prof.a)
TOBJECTS=tests/base64_test.o tests/cipher_hash_test.o tests/common.o tests/der_test.o tests/dh_test.o \
tests/dsa_test.o tests/ecc_test.o tests/file_test.o tests/katja_test.o tests/mac_test.o tests/misc_test.o \
tests/modes_test.o tests/mpi_test.o tests/multi_test.o tests/no_prng.o tests/pkcs_1_eme_test.o \
tests/pkcs_1_emsa_test.o tests/pkcs_1_oaep_test.o tests/pkcs_1_pss_test.o tests/pkcs_1_test.o \
tests/prng_test.o tests/rotate_test.o tests/rsa_test.o tests/store_test.o tests/test.o
# The following headers will be installed by "make install"
HEADERS=src/headers/tomcrypt.h src/headers/tomcrypt_argchk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_cipher.h src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h src/headers/tomcrypt_hash.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h src/headers/tomcrypt_math.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
#These are the rules to make certain object files.
src/ciphers/aes/aes.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.o: src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.c src/ciphers/twofish/twofish_tab.c
src/hashes/whirl/whirl.o: src/hashes/whirl/whirl.c src/hashes/whirl/whirltab.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha384.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha256.c src/hashes/sha2/sha224.c
#Dependencies on *.h
all: $(call print-help,all,Builds the library and all demos and test utils (test $(UNBROKEN_DEMOS) $(BROKEN_DEMOS))) all_test $(BROKEN_DEMOS)
all_test: $(call print-help,all_test,Builds the library and all unbroken demos and test utils (test $(UNBROKEN_DEMOS))) test $(UNBROKEN_DEMOS)
bins: $(call print-help,bins,Builds the library and all useful demos) $(USEFUL_DEMOS)
#build the doxy files (requires Doxygen, tetex and patience)
doxygen: $(call print-help,doxygen,Builds the doxygen html documentation)
$(MAKE) -C doc/ $@ V=$(V)
doxy: $(call print-help,doxy,Builds the complete doxygen documentation including refman.pdf (takes long to generate))
$(MAKE) -C doc/ $@ V=$(V)
docs: $(call print-help,docs,Builds the Developer Manual)
$(MAKE) -C doc/ $@ V=$(V)
doc/crypt.pdf: $(call print-help,doc/crypt.pdf,Builds the Developer Manual)
$(MAKE) -C doc/ crypt.pdf V=$(V)
install_all: $(call print-help,install_all,Install everything - library bins docs tests) install install_bins install_docs
INSTALL_OPTS ?= -m 644
.common_install: $(LIBNAME)
install -p -d $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
install -p -d $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -p -m 644 $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
install -p -d $(DESTDIR)$(BINPATH)
.common_install_bins: $(USEFUL_DEMOS) $(DESTDIR)$(BINPATH)
install_docs: $(call print-help,install_docs,Installs the Developer Manual) doc/crypt.pdf
install -p -d $(DESTDIR)$(DATAPATH)
install -p -m 644 doc/crypt.pdf $(DESTDIR)$(DATAPATH)
install_test: $(call print-help,install_test,Installs the self-test binary) test $(DESTDIR)$(BINPATH)
$(INSTALL_CMD) -p -m 775 $< $(DESTDIR)$(BINPATH)
install_hooks: $(call print-help,install_hooks,Installs the git hooks)
for s in `ls hooks/`; do ln -s ../../hooks/$$s .git/hooks/$$s; done
#This rule cleans the source tree of all compiled code, not including the pdf
clean: $(call print-help,clean,Clean everything besides the pdf documentation)
find . -type f -name "*.o" \
-o -name "*.lo" \
-o -name "*.a" \
-o -name "*.la" \
-o -name "*.obj" \
-o -name "*.lib" \
-o -name "*.exe" \
-o -name "*.dll" \
-o -name "*.so" \
-o -name "*.gcov"\
-o -name "*.gcda"\
-o -name "*.gcno"\
-o -name "*.il" \
-o -name "*.dyn" \
-o -name "*.dpi" | xargs rm -f
rm -f $(TIMING) $(TEST) $(DEMOS)
rm -f *_tv.txt
rm -f *.pc
rm -rf `find . -type d -name "*.libs" | xargs`
$(MAKE) -C doc/ clean
zipup: $(call print-help,zipup,Prepare the archives for a release) doc/crypt.pdf
@# Update the index, so diff-index won't fail in case the pdf has been created.
@# As the pdf creation modifies crypt.tex, git sometimes detects the
@# modified file, but misses that it's put back to its original version.
@git update-index --refresh
@git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || ( echo "FAILURE: uncommited changes or not a git" && exit 1 )
@perl helper.pl --check-all || ( echo "FAILURE: helper.pl --check-all errors" && exit 1 )
rm -rf libtomcrypt-$(VERSION) crypt-$(VERSION).*
@# files/dirs excluded from "git archive" are defined in .gitattributes
git archive --format=tar --prefix=libtomcrypt-$(VERSION)/ HEAD | tar x
@echo 'fixme check'
-@(find libtomcrypt-$(VERSION)/ -type f | xargs grep 'FIXM[E]') && echo '############## BEWARE: the "fixme" marker was found !!! ##############' || true
mkdir -p libtomcrypt-$(VERSION)/doc
cp doc/crypt.pdf libtomcrypt-$(VERSION)/doc/crypt.pdf
tar -c libtomcrypt-$(VERSION)/ | xz -6e -c - > crypt-$(VERSION).tar.xz
zip -9rq crypt-$(VERSION).zip libtomcrypt-$(VERSION)
rm -rf libtomcrypt-$(VERSION)
gpg -b -a crypt-$(VERSION).tar.xz
gpg -b -a crypt-$(VERSION).zip
codecheck: $(call print-help,codecheck,Check the code of the library)
perl helper.pl -a
perlcritic *.pl
help: $(call print-help,help,That's what you're currently looking at)

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
if cvs log $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then exit 0; else echo "$1 shouldn't be here, removed"; rm -f $1 ; fi

View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
NoekeonVects.java - Generate Noekeon test vectors using BouncyCastle.
Written in 2011 by Patrick Pelletier <code@funwithsoftware.org>
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
any warranty.
This file is dedicated to the public domain with the CC0 Public Domain
Dedication: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.txt
You may also consider this file to be covered by the WTFPL, as contained
in the LibTomCrypt LICENSE file, if that makes you happier for some reason.
This program was inspired by the comment in Botan 1.10.1's
// Noekeon: unknown cause, though LTC's lone test vector does not
// match Botan
So, I investigated the discrepancy by comparing them with a third
implementation, BouncyCastle: http://www.bouncycastle.org/java.html
I determined that there are two reasons why LibTomCrypt's Noekeon does
not match Botan:
1) Botan uses "indirect Noekeon" (with a key schedule), while
LibTomCrypt and BouncyCastle both use "direct Noekeon" (without
a key schedule). See slide 14 of
2) However, LibTomCrypt's direct Noekeon still does not match
BouncyCastle's direct Noekeon. This is because of a bug in
LibTomCrypt's PI1 and PI2 functions:
This program uses BouncyCastle to produce test vectors which are
suitable for Botan (by explicitly scheduling the key, thus
building indirect Noekeon out of BouncyCastle's direct Noekeon),
and also produces test vectors which would be suitable for
LibTomCrypt (direct Noekeon) once its PI1 and PI2 functions are
fixed to match the Noekeon specification.
Although this program uses a PRNG from BouncyCastle to generate
data for the test vectors, it uses a fixed seed and thus will
produce the same output every time it is run.
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.RIPEMD128Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.NoekeonEngine;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.EAXBlockCipher;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.AEADParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.prng.DigestRandomGenerator;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.HexEncoder;
public class NoekeonVects
private final DigestRandomGenerator r =
new DigestRandomGenerator(new RIPEMD128Digest());
private final HexEncoder h = new HexEncoder();
private final NoekeonEngine noekeon = new NoekeonEngine();
private final KeyParameter null_key = new KeyParameter(new byte[16]);
private final boolean schedule_key;
private final boolean botan_format;
private byte[] randomBytes(int n)
byte[] b = new byte[n];
return b;
private void hexOut(byte[] b) throws IOException
// HexEncoder uses lowercase, and Botan's test vectors must
// be in uppercase, so...
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
h.encode(b, 0, b.length, os);
String s = os.toString("US-ASCII");
private void printCArray(byte[] a) throws IOException
byte[] b = new byte[1];
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (i > 0)
System.out.print(", ");
b[0] = a[i];
private void printVector(byte[] key, byte[] plaintext, byte[] ciphertext)
throws IOException
if (botan_format)
System.out.println(" {");
System.out.println(" 16,");
System.out.print(" { ");
printCArray (key);
System.out.println(" },");
System.out.print(" { ");
printCArray (plaintext);
System.out.println(" },");
System.out.print(" { ");
printCArray (ciphertext);
System.out.println(" }");
System.out.println(" },");
private KeyParameter maybe_schedule_key(byte[] key)
if (schedule_key)
noekeon.init(true, null_key);
byte[] scheduled = new byte[16];
noekeon.processBlock(key, 0, scheduled, 0);
return new KeyParameter(scheduled);
return new KeyParameter(key);
private byte[] encrypt(byte[] plaintext, byte[] key)
KeyParameter kp = maybe_schedule_key(key);
noekeon.init(true, kp);
byte[] ciphertext = new byte[16];
noekeon.processBlock(plaintext, 0, ciphertext, 0);
return ciphertext;
public NoekeonVects(long seed, boolean schedule_key, boolean botan_format)
this.schedule_key = schedule_key;
this.botan_format = botan_format;
public void ecb_vectors() throws IOException
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
byte[] key = randomBytes(16);
byte[] plaintext = randomBytes(16);
byte[] ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, key);
printVector(key, plaintext, ciphertext);
public void eax_vectors() throws Exception
System.out.println("EAX-noekeon (16 byte key)");
EAXBlockCipher eax = new EAXBlockCipher(new NoekeonEngine());
byte[] output = new byte[48];
byte[] tag = new byte[16];
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
tag[j] = (byte) j;
for (int i = 0; i <= 32; i++)
byte[] header_nonce_plaintext = new byte[i];
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
header_nonce_plaintext[j] = (byte) j;
AEADParameters params =
new AEADParameters(maybe_schedule_key(tag),
eax.init(true, params);
int off = eax.processBytes(header_nonce_plaintext, 0, i,
output, 0);
off += eax.doFinal(output, off);
if (off != i + 16)
throw new RuntimeException("didn't expect that");
byte[] ciphertext = new byte[i];
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
ciphertext[j] = output[j];
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
tag[j] = output[i + j];
System.out.print(i < 10 ? " " : " ");
System.out.print(": ");
System.out.print(", ");
public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception
NoekeonVects bot = new NoekeonVects(0xdefacedbadfacadeL, true, true);
NoekeonVects tom = new NoekeonVects(0xdefacedbadfacadeL, false, false);
System.out.println("# ECB vectors for indirect Noekeon, in Botan's");
System.out.println("# test vector format, suitable for insertion");
System.out.println("# into Botan's file checks/validate.dat");
System.out.println("# Block cipher format is plaintext:ciphertext:key");
System.out.println("/* ECB vectors for direct Noekeon, as C arrays");
System.out.println(" * suitable for insertion into LibTomCrypt's");
System.out.println(" * noekeon_test() in src/ciphers/noekeon.c,");
System.out.println(" * once LTC's PI1/PI2 bug is fixed. */");
System.out.println("# EAX vectors for indirect Noekeon, in the format");
System.out.println("# generated by LTC's demos/tv_gen.c and consumed");
System.out.println("# by Botan's doc/examples/eax_test.cpp, suitable");
System.out.println("# for insertion in Botan's doc/examples/eax.vec");
System.out.println("# EAX vectors for direct Noekeon, in the format");
System.out.println("# generated by LTC's demos/tv_gen.c and consumed");
System.out.println("# by Botan's doc/examples/eax_test.cpp, which");
System.out.println("# should match LTC's notes/eax_tv.txt, once");
System.out.println("# LTC's PI1/PI2 bug is fixed.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
/* emits an optimized version of LTC_SAFER+ ... only does encrypt so far... */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* This is the "Armenian" Shuffle. It takes the input from b and stores it in b2 */
#define SHUF\
b2[0] = b[8]; b2[1] = b[11]; b2[2] = b[12]; b2[3] = b[15]; \
b2[4] = b[2]; b2[5] = b[1]; b2[6] = b[6]; b2[7] = b[5]; \
b2[8] = b[10]; b2[9] = b[9]; b2[10] = b[14]; b2[11] = b[13]; \
b2[12] = b[0]; b2[13] = b[7]; b2[14] = b[4]; b2[15] = b[3]; memcpy(b, b2, sizeof(b));
/* This is the inverse shuffle. It takes from b and gives to b2 */
#define iSHUF(b, b2) \
b2[0] = b[12]; b2[1] = b[5]; b2[2] = b[4]; b2[3] = b[15]; \
b2[4] = b[14]; b2[5] = b[7]; b2[6] = b[6]; b2[7] = b[13]; \
b2[8] = b[0]; b2[9] = b[9]; b2[10] = b[8]; b2[11] = b[1]; \
b2[12] = b[2]; b2[13] = b[11]; b2[14] = b[10]; b2[15] = b[3]; memcpy(b, b2, sizeof(b));
#define ROUND(b, i) \
b[0] = (safer_ebox[(b[0] ^ skey->saferp.K[i][0]) & 255] + skey->saferp.K[i+1][0]) & 255; \
b[1] = safer_lbox[(b[1] + skey->saferp.K[i][1]) & 255] ^ skey->saferp.K[i+1][1]; \
b[2] = safer_lbox[(b[2] + skey->saferp.K[i][2]) & 255] ^ skey->saferp.K[i+1][2]; \
b[3] = (safer_ebox[(b[3] ^ skey->saferp.K[i][3]) & 255] + skey->saferp.K[i+1][3]) & 255; \
b[4] = (safer_ebox[(b[4] ^ skey->saferp.K[i][4]) & 255] + skey->saferp.K[i+1][4]) & 255; \
b[5] = safer_lbox[(b[5] + skey->saferp.K[i][5]) & 255] ^ skey->saferp.K[i+1][5]; \
b[6] = safer_lbox[(b[6] + skey->saferp.K[i][6]) & 255] ^ skey->saferp.K[i+1][6]; \
b[7] = (safer_ebox[(b[7] ^ skey->saferp.K[i][7]) & 255] + skey->saferp.K[i+1][7]) & 255; \
b[8] = (safer_ebox[(b[8] ^ skey->saferp.K[i][8]) & 255] + skey->saferp.K[i+1][8]) & 255; \
b[9] = safer_lbox[(b[9] + skey->saferp.K[i][9]) & 255] ^ skey->saferp.K[i+1][9]; \
b[10] = safer_lbox[(b[10] + skey->saferp.K[i][10]) & 255] ^ skey->saferp.K[i+1][10]; \
b[11] = (safer_ebox[(b[11] ^ skey->saferp.K[i][11]) & 255] + skey->saferp.K[i+1][11]) & 255; \
b[12] = (safer_ebox[(b[12] ^ skey->saferp.K[i][12]) & 255] + skey->saferp.K[i+1][12]) & 255; \
b[13] = safer_lbox[(b[13] + skey->saferp.K[i][13]) & 255] ^ skey->saferp.K[i+1][13]; \
b[14] = safer_lbox[(b[14] + skey->saferp.K[i][14]) & 255] ^ skey->saferp.K[i+1][14]; \
b[15] = (safer_ebox[(b[15] ^ skey->saferp.K[i][15]) & 255] + skey->saferp.K[i+1][15]) & 255;
int main(void)
int b[16], b2[16], x, y, z;
/* -- ENCRYPT --- */
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) b[x] = x;
/* emit encrypt preabmle */
"void saferp_ecb_encrypt(const unsigned char *pt, unsigned char *ct, symmetric_key *skey)\n"
" int x;\n"
" unsigned char b[16];\n"
" LTC_ARGCHK(pt != NULL);\n"
" LTC_ARGCHK(ct != NULL);\n"
" LTC_ARGCHK(skey != NULL);\n"
" /* do eight rounds */\n"
" for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {\n"
" b[x] = pt[x];\n"
" }\n");
/* do 8 rounds of ROUND; LT; */
for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
/* ROUND(..., x*2) */
for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
printf("b[%d] = (safer_%cbox[(b[%d] %c skey->saferp.K[%d][%d]) & 255] %c skey->saferp.K[%d][%d]) & 255;\n",
b[y], "elle"[y&3], b[y], "^++^"[y&3], x*2, y, "+^^+"[y&3], x*2+1, y);
/* LT */
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[0], b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[2], b[2], b[3], b[3], b[2]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[4], b[4], b[5], b[5], b[4]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[6], b[6], b[7], b[7], b[6]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[8], b[8], b[9], b[9], b[8]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[10], b[10], b[11], b[11], b[10]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[12], b[12], b[13], b[13], b[12]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[14], b[14], b[15], b[15], b[14]);
if (y < 3) {
" if (skey->saferp.rounds <= 8) {\n");
/* finish */
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
" ct[%d] = (b[%d] %c skey->saferp.K[skey->saferp.rounds*2][%d]) & 255;\n",
x, b[x], "^++^"[x&3], x);
printf(" return;\n }\n");
/* 192-bit keys */
" /* 192-bit key? */\n"
" if (skey->saferp.rounds > 8) {\n");
/* do 4 rounds of ROUND; LT; */
for (x = 8; x < 12; x++) {
/* ROUND(..., x*2) */
for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
printf("b[%d] = (safer_%cbox[(b[%d] %c skey->saferp.K[%d][%d]) & 255] %c skey->saferp.K[%d][%d]) & 255;\n",
b[y], "elle"[y&3], b[y], "^++^"[y&3], x*2, y, "+^^+"[y&3], x*2+1, y);
/* LT */
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[0], b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[2], b[2], b[3], b[3], b[2]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[4], b[4], b[5], b[5], b[4]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[6], b[6], b[7], b[7], b[6]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[8], b[8], b[9], b[9], b[8]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[10], b[10], b[11], b[11], b[10]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[12], b[12], b[13], b[13], b[12]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[14], b[14], b[15], b[15], b[14]);
if (y < 3) {
" if (skey->saferp.rounds <= 12) {\n");
/* finish */
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
" ct[%d] = (b[%d] %c skey->saferp.K[skey->saferp.rounds*2][%d]) & 255;\n",
x, b[x], "^++^"[x&3], x);
printf(" return;\n }\n");
/* 256-bit keys */
" /* 256-bit key? */\n"
" if (skey->saferp.rounds > 12) {\n");
/* do 4 rounds of ROUND; LT; */
for (x = 12; x < 16; x++) {
/* ROUND(..., x*2) */
for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
printf("b[%d] = (safer_%cbox[(b[%d] %c skey->saferp.K[%d][%d]) & 255] %c skey->saferp.K[%d][%d]) & 255;\n",
b[y], "elle"[y&3], b[y], "^++^"[y&3], x*2, y, "+^^+"[y&3], x*2+1, y);
/* LT */
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[0], b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[2], b[2], b[3], b[3], b[2]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[4], b[4], b[5], b[5], b[4]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[6], b[6], b[7], b[7], b[6]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[8], b[8], b[9], b[9], b[8]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[10], b[10], b[11], b[11], b[10]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[12], b[12], b[13], b[13], b[12]);
printf(" b[%d] = (b[%d] + (b[%d] = (b[%d] + b[%d]) & 255)) & 255;\n", b[14], b[14], b[15], b[15], b[14]);
if (y < 3) {
/* finish */
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
" ct[%d] = (b[%d] %c skey->saferp.K[skey->saferp.rounds*2][%d]) & 255;\n",
x, b[x], "^++^"[x&3], x);
printf(" return;\n");
printf(" }\n}\n\n");
return 0;
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

extern/libtomcrypt/notes/etc/whirlgen.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned E[16] = { 1, 0xb, 9, 0xc, 0xd, 6, 0xf, 3, 0xe, 8, 7, 4, 0xa, 2, 5, 0 };
unsigned Ei[16];
unsigned R[16] = { 7, 0xc, 0xb, 0xd, 0xe, 4, 9, 0xf, 6, 3, 8, 0xa, 2, 5, 1, 0 };
unsigned cir[8][8] = {
{1, 1, 4, 1, 8, 5, 2, 9 },
unsigned gf_mul(unsigned a, unsigned b)
unsigned r;
r = 0;
while (a) {
if (a & 1) r ^= b;
a >>= 1;
b = (b << 1) ^ (b & 0x80 ? 0x11d : 0x00);
return r;
unsigned sbox(unsigned x)
unsigned a, b, w;
a = x >> 4;
b = x & 15;
a = E[a]; b = Ei[b];
w = a ^ b; w = R[w];
a = E[a ^ w]; b = Ei[b ^ w];
return (a << 4) | b;
int main(void)
unsigned x, y;
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) Ei[E[x]] = x;
// for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) printf("%2x ", sbox(x));
for (y = 1; y < 8; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
cir[y][x] = cir[y-1][(x-1)&7];
for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) printf("%2d ", cir[y][x]);
for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
printf("static const ulong64 sbox%d[] = {\n", y);
for (x = 0; x < 256; ) {
gf_mul(sbox(x), cir[y][0]),
gf_mul(sbox(x), cir[y][1]),
gf_mul(sbox(x), cir[y][2]),
gf_mul(sbox(x), cir[y][3]),
gf_mul(sbox(x), cir[y][4]),
gf_mul(sbox(x), cir[y][5]),
gf_mul(sbox(x), cir[y][6]),
gf_mul(sbox(x), cir[y][7]));
if (x < 255) printf(", ");
if (!(++x & 3)) printf("\n");
printf("static const ulong64 cont[] = {\n");
for (y = 0; y <= 10; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
printf("%02x", sbox((8*y + x)&255));
return 0;
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char buf[4096];
int x;
while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-2, stdin) != NULL) {
for (x = 0; x < 128; ) {
printf("0x%c%c, ", buf[x], buf[x+1]);
if (!((x += 2) & 31)) printf("\n");
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
default: regen
rm -f *.c
python rt.py pss-vect.txt pss > pss-vect.c
python rt.py oaep-vect.txt oaep > oaep-vect.c
python rt.py pkcs1v15sign-vectors.txt emsa > pkcs1v15sign-vectors.c
python rt.py pkcs1v15crypt-vectors.txt eme > pkcs1v15crypt-vectors.c

View File

@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
# =================================
# =================================
# This file gives an example of the process of
# encrypting and decrypting a message with
# RSAES-OAEP as specified in PKCS #1 v2.1.
# The message is a bit string of length 128,
# while the size of the modulus in the public
# key is 1024 bits. The second representation
# of the private key is used, which means that
# CRT is applied in the decryption process.
# The underlying hash function is SHA-1; the
# mask generation function is MGF1 with SHA-1
# as specified in PKCS #1 v2.1.
# This file also contains a demonstration of
# the RSADP decryption primitive with CRT.
# Finally, DER encodings of the RSA keys are
# given at the end of the file.
# Integers are represented by strings of octets
# with the leftmost octet being the most
# significant octet. For example,
# 9,202,000 = (0x)8c 69 50.
# =============================================
# ------------------------------
# Components of the RSA Key Pair
# ------------------------------
# RSA modulus n:
bb f8 2f 09 06 82 ce 9c 23 38 ac 2b 9d a8 71 f7
36 8d 07 ee d4 10 43 a4 40 d6 b6 f0 74 54 f5 1f
b8 df ba af 03 5c 02 ab 61 ea 48 ce eb 6f cd 48
76 ed 52 0d 60 e1 ec 46 19 71 9d 8a 5b 8b 80 7f
af b8 e0 a3 df c7 37 72 3e e6 b4 b7 d9 3a 25 84
ee 6a 64 9d 06 09 53 74 88 34 b2 45 45 98 39 4e
e0 aa b1 2d 7b 61 a5 1f 52 7a 9a 41 f6 c1 68 7f
e2 53 72 98 ca 2a 8f 59 46 f8 e5 fd 09 1d bd cb
# RSA public exponent e:
# Prime p:
ee cf ae 81 b1 b9 b3 c9 08 81 0b 10 a1 b5 60 01
99 eb 9f 44 ae f4 fd a4 93 b8 1a 9e 3d 84 f6 32
12 4e f0 23 6e 5d 1e 3b 7e 28 fa e7 aa 04 0a 2d
5b 25 21 76 45 9d 1f 39 75 41 ba 2a 58 fb 65 99
# Prime q:
c9 7f b1 f0 27 f4 53 f6 34 12 33 ea aa d1 d9 35
3f 6c 42 d0 88 66 b1 d0 5a 0f 20 35 02 8b 9d 86
98 40 b4 16 66 b4 2e 92 ea 0d a3 b4 32 04 b5 cf
ce 33 52 52 4d 04 16 a5 a4 41 e7 00 af 46 15 03
# p's CRT exponent dP:
54 49 4c a6 3e ba 03 37 e4 e2 40 23 fc d6 9a 5a
eb 07 dd dc 01 83 a4 d0 ac 9b 54 b0 51 f2 b1 3e
d9 49 09 75 ea b7 74 14 ff 59 c1 f7 69 2e 9a 2e
20 2b 38 fc 91 0a 47 41 74 ad c9 3c 1f 67 c9 81
# q's CRT exponent dQ:
47 1e 02 90 ff 0a f0 75 03 51 b7 f8 78 86 4c a9
61 ad bd 3a 8a 7e 99 1c 5c 05 56 a9 4c 31 46 a7
f9 80 3f 8f 6f 8a e3 42 e9 31 fd 8a e4 7a 22 0d
1b 99 a4 95 84 98 07 fe 39 f9 24 5a 98 36 da 3d
# CRT coefficient qInv:
b0 6c 4f da bb 63 01 19 8d 26 5b db ae 94 23 b3
80 f2 71 f7 34 53 88 50 93 07 7f cd 39 e2 11 9f
c9 86 32 15 4f 58 83 b1 67 a9 67 bf 40 2b 4e 9e
2e 0f 96 56 e6 98 ea 36 66 ed fb 25 79 80 39 f7
# ----------------------------------
# Step-by-step RSAES-OAEP Encryption
# ----------------------------------
# Message M to be encrypted:
d4 36 e9 95 69 fd 32 a7 c8 a0 5b bc 90 d3 2c 49
# Label L:
(the empty string)
# lHash = Hash(L)
# DB = lHash || Padding || M
# seed = random string of octets
# dbMask = MGF(seed, length(DB))
# maskedDB = DB xor dbMask
# seedMask = MGF(maskedDB, length(seed))
# maskedSeed = seed xor seedMask
# EM = 0x00 || maskedSeed || maskedDB
# lHash:
da 39 a3 ee 5e 6b 4b 0d 32 55 bf ef 95 60 18 90
af d8 07 09
# DB:
da 39 a3 ee 5e 6b 4b 0d 32 55 bf ef 95 60 18 90
af d8 07 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 d4 36 e9 95 69
fd 32 a7 c8 a0 5b bc 90 d3 2c 49
# seed:
aa fd 12 f6 59 ca e6 34 89 b4 79 e5 07 6d de c2
f0 6c b5 8f
# dbMask:
06 e1 de b2 36 9a a5 a5 c7 07 d8 2c 8e 4e 93 24
8a c7 83 de e0 b2 c0 46 26 f5 af f9 3e dc fb 25
c9 c2 b3 ff 8a e1 0e 83 9a 2d db 4c dc fe 4f f4
77 28 b4 a1 b7 c1 36 2b aa d2 9a b4 8d 28 69 d5
02 41 21 43 58 11 59 1b e3 92 f9 82 fb 3e 87 d0
95 ae b4 04 48 db 97 2f 3a c1 4e af f4 9c 8c 3b
7c fc 95 1a 51 ec d1 dd e6 12 64
# maskedDB:
dc d8 7d 5c 68 f1 ee a8 f5 52 67 c3 1b 2e 8b b4
25 1f 84 d7 e0 b2 c0 46 26 f5 af f9 3e dc fb 25
c9 c2 b3 ff 8a e1 0e 83 9a 2d db 4c dc fe 4f f4
77 28 b4 a1 b7 c1 36 2b aa d2 9a b4 8d 28 69 d5
02 41 21 43 58 11 59 1b e3 92 f9 82 fb 3e 87 d0
95 ae b4 04 48 db 97 2f 3a c1 4f 7b c2 75 19 52
81 ce 32 d2 f1 b7 6d 4d 35 3e 2d
# seedMask:
41 87 0b 5a b0 29 e6 57 d9 57 50 b5 4c 28 3c 08
72 5d be a9
# maskedSeed:
eb 7a 19 ac e9 e3 00 63 50 e3 29 50 4b 45 e2 ca
82 31 0b 26
# EM = 00 || maskedSeed || maskedDB:
00 eb 7a 19 ac e9 e3 00 63 50 e3 29 50 4b 45 e2
ca 82 31 0b 26 dc d8 7d 5c 68 f1 ee a8 f5 52 67
c3 1b 2e 8b b4 25 1f 84 d7 e0 b2 c0 46 26 f5 af
f9 3e dc fb 25 c9 c2 b3 ff 8a e1 0e 83 9a 2d db
4c dc fe 4f f4 77 28 b4 a1 b7 c1 36 2b aa d2 9a
b4 8d 28 69 d5 02 41 21 43 58 11 59 1b e3 92 f9
82 fb 3e 87 d0 95 ae b4 04 48 db 97 2f 3a c1 4f
7b c2 75 19 52 81 ce 32 d2 f1 b7 6d 4d 35 3e 2d
# Ciphertext, the RSA encryption of EM:
12 53 e0 4d c0 a5 39 7b b4 4a 7a b8 7e 9b f2 a0
39 a3 3d 1e 99 6f c8 2a 94 cc d3 00 74 c9 5d f7
63 72 20 17 06 9e 52 68 da 5d 1c 0b 4f 87 2c f6
53 c1 1d f8 23 14 a6 79 68 df ea e2 8d ef 04 bb
6d 84 b1 c3 1d 65 4a 19 70 e5 78 3b d6 eb 96 a0
24 c2 ca 2f 4a 90 fe 9f 2e f5 c9 c1 40 e5 bb 48
da 95 36 ad 87 00 c8 4f c9 13 0a de a7 4e 55 8d
51 a7 4d df 85 d8 b5 0d e9 68 38 d6 06 3e 09 55
# --------------------------------------------
# Step-by-step RSAES-OAEP Decryption Using CRT
# --------------------------------------------
# c = the integer value of C above
# m1 = c^dP mod p = (c mod p)^dP mod p
# m2 = c^dQ mod q = (c mod q)^dQ mod q
# h = (m1-m2)*qInv mod p
# m = m2 + q*h = the integer value of EM above
# c mod p:
de 63 d4 72 35 66 fa a7 59 bf e4 08 82 1d d5 25
72 ec 92 85 4d df 87 a2 b6 64 d4 4d aa 37 ca 34
6a 05 20 3d 82 ff 2d e8 e3 6c ec 1d 34 f9 8e b6
05 e2 a7 d2 6d e7 af 36 9c e4 ec ae 14 e3 56 33
# c mod q:
a2 d9 24 de d9 c3 6d 62 3e d9 a6 5b 5d 86 2c fb
ec 8b 19 9c 64 27 9c 54 14 e6 41 19 6e f1 c9 3c
50 7a 9b 52 13 88 1a ad 05 b4 cc fa 02 8a c1 ec
61 42 09 74 bf 16 25 83 6b 0b 7d 05 fb b7 53 36
# m1:
89 6c a2 6c d7 e4 87 1c 7f c9 68 a8 ed ea 11 e2
71 82 4f 0e 03 65 52 17 94 f1 e9 e9 43 b4 a4 4b
57 c9 e3 95 a1 46 74 78 f5 26 49 6b 4b b9 1f 1c
ba ea 90 0f fc 60 2c f0 c6 63 6e ba 84 fc 9f f7
# m2:
4e bb 22 75 85 f0 c1 31 2d ca 19 e0 b5 41 db 14
99 fb f1 4e 27 0e 69 8e 23 9a 8c 27 a9 6c da 9a
74 09 74 de 93 7b 5c 9c 93 ea d9 46 2c 65 75 02
1a 23 d4 64 99 dc 9f 6b 35 89 75 59 60 8f 19 be
# h:
01 2b 2b 24 15 0e 76 e1 59 bd 8d db 42 76 e0 7b
fa c1 88 e0 8d 60 47 cf 0e fb 8a e2 ae bd f2 51
c4 0e bc 23 dc fd 4a 34 42 43 94 ad a9 2c fc be
1b 2e ff bb 60 fd fb 03 35 9a 95 36 8d 98 09 25
# m:
00 eb 7a 19 ac e9 e3 00 63 50 e3 29 50 4b 45 e2
ca 82 31 0b 26 dc d8 7d 5c 68 f1 ee a8 f5 52 67
c3 1b 2e 8b b4 25 1f 84 d7 e0 b2 c0 46 26 f5 af
f9 3e dc fb 25 c9 c2 b3 ff 8a e1 0e 83 9a 2d db
4c dc fe 4f f4 77 28 b4 a1 b7 c1 36 2b aa d2 9a
b4 8d 28 69 d5 02 41 21 43 58 11 59 1b e3 92 f9
82 fb 3e 87 d0 95 ae b4 04 48 db 97 2f 3a c1 4f
7b c2 75 19 52 81 ce 32 d2 f1 b7 6d 4d 35 3e 2d
# The intermediate values in the remaining
# decryption process are the same as during
# RSAES-OAEP encryption of M.
# =============================================
# ========================
# DER Encoding of RSA Keys
# ========================
# ------------
# RSAPublicKey
# ------------
30 81 87
# modulus
02 81 81
00 bb f8 2f 09 06 82 ce
9c 23 38 ac 2b 9d a8 71
f7 36 8d 07 ee d4 10 43
a4 40 d6 b6 f0 74 54 f5
1f b8 df ba af 03 5c 02
ab 61 ea 48 ce eb 6f cd
48 76 ed 52 0d 60 e1 ec
46 19 71 9d 8a 5b 8b 80
7f af b8 e0 a3 df c7 37
72 3e e6 b4 b7 d9 3a 25
84 ee 6a 64 9d 06 09 53
74 88 34 b2 45 45 98 39
4e e0 aa b1 2d 7b 61 a5
1f 52 7a 9a 41 f6 c1 68
7f e2 53 72 98 ca 2a 8f
59 46 f8 e5 fd 09 1d bd
# publicExponent
02 01
# -------------
# RSAPrivateKey
# -------------
30 82 02 5b
# version
02 01
# modulus
02 81 81
00 bb f8 2f 09 06 82 ce
9c 23 38 ac 2b 9d a8 71
f7 36 8d 07 ee d4 10 43
a4 40 d6 b6 f0 74 54 f5
1f b8 df ba af 03 5c 02
ab 61 ea 48 ce eb 6f cd
48 76 ed 52 0d 60 e1 ec
46 19 71 9d 8a 5b 8b 80
7f af b8 e0 a3 df c7 37
72 3e e6 b4 b7 d9 3a 25
84 ee 6a 64 9d 06 09 53
74 88 34 b2 45 45 98 39
4e e0 aa b1 2d 7b 61 a5
1f 52 7a 9a 41 f6 c1 68
7f e2 53 72 98 ca 2a 8f
59 46 f8 e5 fd 09 1d bd
# publicExponent
02 01
# privateExponent
02 81 81
00 a5 da fc 53 41 fa f2
89 c4 b9 88 db 30 c1 cd
f8 3f 31 25 1e 06 68 b4
27 84 81 38 01 57 96 41
b2 94 10 b3 c7 99 8d 6b
c4 65 74 5e 5c 39 26 69
d6 87 0d a2 c0 82 a9 39
e3 7f dc b8 2e c9 3e da
c9 7f f3 ad 59 50 ac cf
bc 11 1c 76 f1 a9 52 94
44 e5 6a af 68 c5 6c 09
2c d3 8d c3 be f5 d2 0a
93 99 26 ed 4f 74 a1 3e
dd fb e1 a1 ce cc 48 94
af 94 28 c2 b7 b8 88 3f
e4 46 3a 4b c8 5b 1c b3
# prime1
02 41
00 ee cf ae 81 b1 b9 b3
c9 08 81 0b 10 a1 b5 60
01 99 eb 9f 44 ae f4 fd
a4 93 b8 1a 9e 3d 84 f6
32 12 4e f0 23 6e 5d 1e
3b 7e 28 fa e7 aa 04 0a
2d 5b 25 21 76 45 9d 1f
39 75 41 ba 2a 58 fb 65
# prime2
02 41
00 c9 7f b1 f0 27 f4 53
f6 34 12 33 ea aa d1 d9
35 3f 6c 42 d0 88 66 b1
d0 5a 0f 20 35 02 8b 9d
86 98 40 b4 16 66 b4 2e
92 ea 0d a3 b4 32 04 b5
cf ce 33 52 52 4d 04 16
a5 a4 41 e7 00 af 46 15
# exponent1
02 40
54 49 4c a6 3e ba 03 37
e4 e2 40 23 fc d6 9a 5a
eb 07 dd dc 01 83 a4 d0
ac 9b 54 b0 51 f2 b1 3e
d9 49 09 75 ea b7 74 14
ff 59 c1 f7 69 2e 9a 2e
20 2b 38 fc 91 0a 47 41
74 ad c9 3c 1f 67 c9 81
# exponent2
02 40
47 1e 02 90 ff 0a f0 75
03 51 b7 f8 78 86 4c a9
61 ad bd 3a 8a 7e 99 1c
5c 05 56 a9 4c 31 46 a7
f9 80 3f 8f 6f 8a e3 42
e9 31 fd 8a e4 7a 22 0d
1b 99 a4 95 84 98 07 fe
39 f9 24 5a 98 36 da 3d
# coefficient
02 41
00 b0 6c 4f da bb 63 01
19 8d 26 5b db ae 94 23
b3 80 f2 71 f7 34 53 88
50 93 07 7f cd 39 e2 11
9f c9 86 32 15 4f 58 83
b1 67 a9 67 bf 40 2b 4e
9e 2e 0f 96 56 e6 98 ea
36 66 ed fb 25 79 80 39
# ------------------------
# PrivateKeyInfo (PKCS #8)
# ------------------------
30 82 02 75
# version
02 01
# privateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier
30 0d
06 09
2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01
# parameters
05 00
# privateKey = RSAPrivateKey encoding
04 82 02 5f
# DER encoding of RSAPrivateKey structure
30 82 02 5b ... 79 80 39 f7
# =============================================

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@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
# =================================
# =================================
# This file gives an example of the process of
# signing a message with RSASSA-PSS as
# specified in PKCS #1 v2.1.
# The message is an octet string of length 114,
# while the size of the modulus in the public
# key is 1024 bits. The message is signed via a
# random salt of length 20 octets
# The underlying hash function in the EMSA-PSS
# encoding method is SHA-1; the mask generation
# function is MGF1 with SHA-1 as specified in
# PKCS #1 v2.1.
# Integers are represented by strings of octets
# with the leftmost octet being the most
# significant octet. For example,
# 9,202,000 = (0x)8c 69 50.
# =============================================
# ------------------------------
# Components of the RSA Key Pair
# ------------------------------
# RSA modulus n:
a2 ba 40 ee 07 e3 b2 bd 2f 02 ce 22 7f 36 a1 95
02 44 86 e4 9c 19 cb 41 bb bd fb ba 98 b2 2b 0e
57 7c 2e ea ff a2 0d 88 3a 76 e6 5e 39 4c 69 d4
b3 c0 5a 1e 8f ad da 27 ed b2 a4 2b c0 00 fe 88
8b 9b 32 c2 2d 15 ad d0 cd 76 b3 e7 93 6e 19 95
5b 22 0d d1 7d 4e a9 04 b1 ec 10 2b 2e 4d e7 75
12 22 aa 99 15 10 24 c7 cb 41 cc 5e a2 1d 00 ee
b4 1f 7c 80 08 34 d2 c6 e0 6b ce 3b ce 7e a9 a5
# RSA public exponent e:
01 00 01
# Prime p:
d1 7f 65 5b f2 7c 8b 16 d3 54 62 c9 05 cc 04 a2
6f 37 e2 a6 7f a9 c0 ce 0d ce d4 72 39 4a 0d f7
43 fe 7f 92 9e 37 8e fd b3 68 ed df f4 53 cf 00
7a f6 d9 48 e0 ad e7 57 37 1f 8a 71 1e 27 8f 6b
# Prime q:
c6 d9 2b 6f ee 74 14 d1 35 8c e1 54 6f b6 29 87
53 0b 90 bd 15 e0 f1 49 63 a5 e2 63 5a db 69 34
7e c0 c0 1b 2a b1 76 3f d8 ac 1a 59 2f b2 27 57
46 3a 98 24 25 bb 97 a3 a4 37 c5 bf 86 d0 3f 2f
# p's CRT exponent dP:
9d 0d bf 83 e5 ce 9e 4b 17 54 dc d5 cd 05 bc b7
b5 5f 15 08 33 0e a4 9f 14 d4 e8 89 55 0f 82 56
cb 5f 80 6d ff 34 b1 7a da 44 20 88 53 57 7d 08
e4 26 28 90 ac f7 52 46 1c ea 05 54 76 01 bc 4f
# q's CRT exponent dQ:
12 91 a5 24 c6 b7 c0 59 e9 0e 46 dc 83 b2 17 1e
b3 fa 98 81 8f d1 79 b6 c8 bf 6c ec aa 47 63 03
ab f2 83 fe 05 76 9c fc 49 57 88 fe 5b 1d df de
9e 88 4a 3c d5 e9 36 b7 e9 55 eb f9 7e b5 63 b1
# CRT coefficient qInv:
a6 3f 1d a3 8b 95 0c 9a d1 c6 7c e0 d6 77 ec 29
14 cd 7d 40 06 2d f4 2a 67 eb 19 8a 17 6f 97 42
aa c7 c5 fe a1 4f 22 97 66 2b 84 81 2c 4d ef c4
9a 80 25 ab 43 82 28 6b e4 c0 37 88 dd 01 d6 9f
# ---------------------------------
# Step-by-step RSASSA-PSS Signature
# ---------------------------------
# Message M to be signed:
85 9e ef 2f d7 8a ca 00 30 8b dc 47 11 93 bf 55
bf 9d 78 db 8f 8a 67 2b 48 46 34 f3 c9 c2 6e 64
78 ae 10 26 0f e0 dd 8c 08 2e 53 a5 29 3a f2 17
3c d5 0c 6d 5d 35 4f eb f7 8b 26 02 1c 25 c0 27
12 e7 8c d4 69 4c 9f 46 97 77 e4 51 e7 f8 e9 e0
4c d3 73 9c 6b bf ed ae 48 7f b5 56 44 e9 ca 74
ff 77 a5 3c b7 29 80 2f 6e d4 a5 ff a8 ba 15 98
90 fc
# mHash = Hash(M)
# salt = random string of octets
# M' = Padding || mHash || salt
# H = Hash(M')
# DB = Padding || salt
# dbMask = MGF(H, length(DB))
# maskedDB = DB xor dbMask (leftmost bit set to
# zero)
# EM = maskedDB || H || 0xbc
# mHash:
37 b6 6a e0 44 58 43 35 3d 47 ec b0 b4 fd 14 c1
10 e6 2d 6a
# salt:
e3 b5 d5 d0 02 c1 bc e5 0c 2b 65 ef 88 a1 88 d8
3b ce 7e 61
# M':
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 37 b6 6a e0 44 58 43 35
3d 47 ec b0 b4 fd 14 c1 10 e6 2d 6a e3 b5 d5 d0
02 c1 bc e5 0c 2b 65 ef 88 a1 88 d8 3b ce 7e 61
# H:
df 1a 89 6f 9d 8b c8 16 d9 7c d7 a2 c4 3b ad 54
6f be 8c fe
# DB:
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 e3 b5 d5 d0 02 c1 bc e5 0c
2b 65 ef 88 a1 88 d8 3b ce 7e 61
# dbMask:
66 e4 67 2e 83 6a d1 21 ba 24 4b ed 65 76 b8 67
d9 a4 47 c2 8a 6e 66 a5 b8 7d ee 7f bc 7e 65 af
50 57 f8 6f ae 89 84 d9 ba 7f 96 9a d6 fe 02 a4
d7 5f 74 45 fe fd d8 5b 6d 3a 47 7c 28 d2 4b a1
e3 75 6f 79 2d d1 dc e8 ca 94 44 0e cb 52 79 ec
d3 18 3a 31 1f c8 97 39 a9 66 43 13 6e 8b 0f 46
5e 87 a4 53 5c d4 c5 9b 10 02 8d
# maskedDB:
66 e4 67 2e 83 6a d1 21 ba 24 4b ed 65 76 b8 67
d9 a4 47 c2 8a 6e 66 a5 b8 7d ee 7f bc 7e 65 af
50 57 f8 6f ae 89 84 d9 ba 7f 96 9a d6 fe 02 a4
d7 5f 74 45 fe fd d8 5b 6d 3a 47 7c 28 d2 4b a1
e3 75 6f 79 2d d1 dc e8 ca 94 44 0e cb 52 79 ec
d3 18 3a 31 1f c8 96 da 1c b3 93 11 af 37 ea 4a
75 e2 4b db fd 5c 1d a0 de 7c ec
# Encoded message EM:
66 e4 67 2e 83 6a d1 21 ba 24 4b ed 65 76 b8 67
d9 a4 47 c2 8a 6e 66 a5 b8 7d ee 7f bc 7e 65 af
50 57 f8 6f ae 89 84 d9 ba 7f 96 9a d6 fe 02 a4
d7 5f 74 45 fe fd d8 5b 6d 3a 47 7c 28 d2 4b a1
e3 75 6f 79 2d d1 dc e8 ca 94 44 0e cb 52 79 ec
d3 18 3a 31 1f c8 96 da 1c b3 93 11 af 37 ea 4a
75 e2 4b db fd 5c 1d a0 de 7c ec df 1a 89 6f 9d
8b c8 16 d9 7c d7 a2 c4 3b ad 54 6f be 8c fe bc
# Signature S, the RSA decryption of EM:
8d aa 62 7d 3d e7 59 5d 63 05 6c 7e c6 59 e5 44
06 f1 06 10 12 8b aa e8 21 c8 b2 a0 f3 93 6d 54
dc 3b dc e4 66 89 f6 b7 95 1b b1 8e 84 05 42 76
97 18 d5 71 5d 21 0d 85 ef bb 59 61 92 03 2c 42
be 4c 29 97 2c 85 62 75 eb 6d 5a 45 f0 5f 51 87
6f c6 74 3d ed dd 28 ca ec 9b b3 0e a9 9e 02 c3
48 82 69 60 4f e4 97 f7 4c cd 7c 7f ca 16 71 89
71 23 cb d3 0d ef 5d 54 a2 b5 53 6a d9 0a 74 7e
# =============================================

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
This directory contains test vectors for RSAES-OAEP and
RSASSA-PSS as defined in PKCS #1 v2.1.
The files:
readme.txt This file.
oaep-vect.txt Test vectors for RSAES-OAEP encryption.
oaep-int.txt Intermediate values for RSAES-OAEP
encryption and RSA decryption with CRT.
Also, DER-encoded RSAPrivateKey and
RSAPublicKey types.
pss-vect.txt Test vectors for RSASSA-PSS signing.
pss-int.txt Intermediate values for RSASSA-PSS

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#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import hashlib
def md5_for_file(path, block_size=256*128):
Block size directly depends on the block size of your filesystem
to avoid performances issues
Here I have blocks of 4096 octets (Default NTFS)
md5 = hashlib.md5()
with open(path,'rb') as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(block_size), b''):
return md5.hexdigest()
def read_until_ends(f, s):
while True:
l = f.readline()
if l.strip().endswith(s):
return l
def read_until_start(f, s):
while True:
l = f.readline()
if l.startswith(s):
return l
def read_hex(f):
t = []
while True:
l = f.readline()
if l.strip() == '':
t.extend(l.strip().split(' '))
return t
class NamedData(object):
def __init__(self, name, data):
self.name = name
self.data = data
def __str__(self):
return " /* {0} */\n {1},\n {{ {2} }}\n".format(self.name, len(self.data), ', '.join('0x' + x for x in self.data))
def read_part(f, s):
name = read_until_start(f, s).strip().lstrip('# ').rstrip(':')
data = read_hex(f)
e = NamedData(name, data)
return e
class RsaKey(object):
def __init__(self, n, e, d, p, q, dP, dQ, qInv):
self.n = n
self.e = e
self.d = d
self.p = p
self.q = q
self.dP = dP
self.dQ = dQ
self.qInv = qInv
def __str__(self):
return "{{\n{0},\n{1},\n{2},\n{3},\n{4},\n{5},\n{6},\n{7}\n}}\n".format(self.n, self.e, self.d, self.p, self.q, self.dP, self.dQ, self.qInv)
def read_key(f):
if ftype.version == 1:
read_until_start(f, '# Private key')
n = read_part(f, ftype.n)
e = read_part(f, ftype.e)
d = read_part(f, ftype.d)
p = read_part(f, ftype.p)
q = read_part(f, ftype.q)
dP = read_part(f, ftype.dP)
dQ = read_part(f, ftype.dQ)
qInv = read_part(f, ftype.qInv)
k = RsaKey(n, e, d, p, q, dP, dQ, qInv)
return k
class Data(object):
def __init__(self, name, obj1, obj2, obj3):
self.name = name
self.obj1 = obj1
self.obj2 = obj2
self.obj3 = obj3
def __str__(self):
if self.obj3 == None:
return "{{\n \"{0}\",\n{1},\n{2}\n}}\n,".format(self.name, self.obj1, self.obj2)
return "{{\n \"{0}\",\n{1},\n{2},\n{3}\n}}\n,".format(self.name, self.obj1, self.obj2, self.obj3)
def read_data(f):
name = read_until_start(f, ftype.o).strip().lstrip('# ')
obj1 = read_part(f, ftype.o1)
obj2 = read_part(f, ftype.o2)
if ftype.name == 'emsa':
obj3 = None
obj3 = read_part(f, ftype.o3)
s = Data(name, obj1, obj2, obj3)
return s
class Example(object):
def __init__(self, name, key, data):
self.name = name
self.key = key
self.data = data
def __str__(self):
res = "{{\n \"{0}\",\n{1},\n{{".format(self.name, str(self.key))
for idx, d in enumerate(self.data, 1):
if idx == 2:
res += '#ifdef LTC_TEST_EXT\n'
res += str(d) + '\n'
if idx == ftype.numcases:
res += '#endif /* LTC_TEST_EXT */\n'
res += '}\n},'
return res
def read_example(f):
name = read_until_start(f, '# Example').strip().lstrip('# ')
key = read_key(f)
l = read_until_start(f, ftype.sod)
d = []
while l.strip().startswith(ftype.sod):
if ftype.version == 1:
f.seek(-len(l), os.SEEK_CUR)
data = read_data(f)
l = read_until_start(f, '#')
e = Example(name, key, d)
f.seek(-len(l), os.SEEK_CUR)
return e
class PkcsType(object):
def __init__(self, name):
if name == 'pss':
self.o = '# RSASSA-PSS Signature Example'
self.o1 = '# Message to be signed'
self.o2 = '# Salt'
self.o3 = '# Signature'
elif name == 'oaep':
self.o = '# RSAES-OAEP Encryption Example'
self.o1 = '# Message to be encrypted'
self.o2 = '# Seed'
self.o3 = '# Encryption'
elif name == 'emsa':
self.o = '# PKCS#1 v1.5 Signature Example'
self.o1 = '# Message to be signed'
self.o2 = '# Signature'
elif name == 'eme':
self.o = '# PKCS#1 v1.5 Encryption Example'
self.o1 = '# Message'
self.o2 = '# Seed'
self.o3 = '# Encryption'
raise ValueError('Type unknown: ' + name)
if name == 'pss' or name == 'oaep':
self.version = 2
self.numcases = 6
self.n = '# RSA modulus n'
self.e = '# RSA public exponent e'
self.d = '# RSA private exponent d'
self.p = '# Prime p'
self.q = '# Prime q'
self.dP = '# p\'s CRT exponent dP'
self.dQ = '# q\'s CRT exponent dQ'
self.qInv = '# CRT coefficient qInv'
self.sod = '# --------------------------------'
elif name == 'emsa' or name == 'eme':
self.version = 1
self.numcases = 20
self.n = '# Modulus'
self.e = '# Public exponent'
self.d = '# Exponent'
self.p = '# Prime 1'
self.q = '# Prime 2'
self.dP = '# Prime exponent 1'
self.dQ = '# Prime exponent 2'
self.qInv = '# Coefficient'
self.sod = self.o
self.name = name
ftype = PkcsType(sys.argv[2])
print('/* Generated from file: %s\n * with md5 hash: %s\n */\n' % (sys.argv[1], md5_for_file(sys.argv[1])))
typedef struct rsaKey {
int n_l;
unsigned char n[256];
int e_l;
unsigned char e[256];
int d_l;
unsigned char d[256];
int p_l;
unsigned char p[256];
int q_l;
unsigned char q[256];
int dP_l;
unsigned char dP[256];
int dQ_l;
unsigned char dQ[256];
int qInv_l;
unsigned char qInv[256];
} rsaKey_t;
typedef struct rsaData {
const char* name;
int o1_l;
unsigned char o1[256];
int o2_l;
unsigned char o2[256];''')
if ftype.name != 'emsa':
print(''' int o3_l;
unsigned char o3[256];''')
print('''} rsaData_t;
typedef struct testcase {
const char* name;
rsaKey_t rsa;
rsaData_t data[%d];
rsaData_t data[1];
#endif /* LTC_TEST_EXT */
} testcase_t;
testcase_t testcases_%s[] =
{''' % (ftype.numcases, sys.argv[2]))
with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as f:
ex = []
while read_until_ends(f, '============================================='):
if f.tell() == os.path.getsize(sys.argv[1]):
e = read_example(f)
for i in ex:

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
Tech Note 0001
How to Gather Entropy on Embedded Systems
Tom St Denis
This tech note explains a relatively simple way to gather entropy for a PRNG (Yarrow in this case) in embedded systems
where there are few sources of entropy or physical sources.
When trying to setup a secure random number generator a fresh source of random data (entropy) is required to ensure the
deterministic state of the PRNG is not known or predetermined with respect to an attacker.
At the very least the system requires one timer and one source of un-timed interrupts. by "un-timed" I mean interrupts
that do not occur at regular intervals [e.g. joypad/keypad input, network packets, etc...].
First we shall begin by taking an overview of how the Yarrow PRNG works within libtomcrypt. At the heart of all
PRNGs is the "prng_state" data type. This is a union of structures that hold the PRNG state for the various prngs. The
first thing we require is a state...
prng_state myPrng;
Next we must initialize the state once to get the ball rolling
if (yarrow_start(&myPrng) != CRYPT_OK) {
// error should never happen!
At this point the PRNG is ready to accept fresh entropy which is added with
int yarrow_add_entropy(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len, prng_state *prng)
This function is **NOT** thread safe which will come under consideration later. To add entropy to our PRNG we must
call this function with fresh data as its sampled. Lets say we have a timer counter called "uTimer" which is a 32-bit
long and say a 32-bit joyPad state called "uPad". An example interrupt handler would look like
void joypad_interrupt(...) {
unsigned char buf[8];
STORE32L(uTimer, buf);
STORE32L(uPad, buf+4)
if (yarrow_add_entropy(buf, 8, &myPrng) != CRYPT_OK) {
// this should never occur either unless you didn't call yarrow_start
// handle interrupt
In this snippet the timer count and state of the joypad are added together into the entropy pool. The timer is important
because with respect to the joypad it is a good source of entropy (on its own its not). For example, the probability of
the user pushing the up arrow is fairly high, but at a specific time is not.
This method doesn't gather alot of entropy and has to be used to for quite a while. One way to speed it up is to tap
multiple sources. If you have a network adapter and other sources of events (keyboard, mouse, etc...) trapping their
data is ideal as well. Its important to gather the timer along with the event data.
As mentioned the "yarrow_add_entropy()" function is not thread safe. If your system allows interrupt handlers to be
interrupted themselves then you could have trouble. One simple way is to detect when an interrupt is in progress and
simply not add entropy during the call (jump over the yarrow_add_entropy() call)
Once you feel that there has been enough entropy added to the pool then within a single thread you can call
int yarrow_ready(prng_state *prng)
Now the PRNG is ready to read via the
unsigned long yarrow_read(unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len, prng_state *prng)
It is a very good idea that once you call the yarrow_ready() function that you stop harvesting entropy in your interrupt
functions. This will free up alot of CPU time. Also one more final note. The yarrow_read() function is not thread
safe either. This means if you have multiple threads or processes that read from it you will have to add your own semaphores
around calls to it.

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Tech Note 0002
How to avoid non-intrusive timing attacks with online computations
Tom St Denis
A timing attack is when an attacker can observe a side channel of the device (in this case time). In this tech note
we consider only non-intrusive timing attacks with respect to online computations. That is an attacker can
determine when a computation (such as a public key encryption) begins and ends but cannot observe the device
directly. This is specifically important for applications which transmit data via a public network.
Consider a Diffie-Hellman encryption which requires the sender to make up a public key "y = g^x mod p". Libtomcrypt
uses the MPI bignum library to perform the operation. The time it takes to compute y is controlled by the number
of 1 bits in the exponent 'x'. To a large extent there will be the same number of squaring operations. "1" bits in
the exponent require the sender to perform a multiplication. This means to a certain extent an attacker can
determine not only the magnitude of 'x' but the number of one bits. With this information the attacker cannot directly
learn the key used. However, good cryptography mandates the close scrutiny of any practical side channel.
Similar logic applies to the other various routines. Fortunately for this case there is a simple solution. First,
determine the maximum time the particular operation can require. For instance, on an Athlon 1.53Ghz XP processor a
DH-768 encryption requires roughly 50 milliseconds. Take that time and round it up. Now place a delay after the call.
For example,
void demo(void) {
clock_t t1;
// get initial clock
t1 = clock();
// some PK function
// now delay
while (clock() < (t1 + 100));
// transmit data...
This code has the effect of taking at least 100 ms always. In effect someone analyzing the traffic will see that the
operations always take a fixed amount of time. Since no two platforms are the same this type of fix has not been
incorporated into libtomcrypt (nor is it desired for many platforms). This requires on the developers part to profile
the code to determine the delays required.
Note that this "quick" fix has no effect against an intrusive attacker. For example, power consumption will drop
significantly in the loop after the operation. However, this type of fix is more important to secure the user of the
application/device. For example, a user placing an order online won't try to cheat themselves by cracking open their
device and performing side-channel cryptanalysis. An attacker over a network might try to use the timing information
against the user.

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Tech Note 0003
Minimizing Memory Usage
Tom St Denis
For the most part the library can get by with around 20KB of stack and about 32KB of heap even if you use the
public key functions. If all you plan on using are the hashes and ciphers than only about 1KB of stack is required
and no heap.
To save space all of the symmetric key scheduled keys are stored in a union called "symmetric_key". This means the
size of a symmetric_key is the size of the largest scheduled key. By removing the ciphers you don't use from
the build you can minimize the size of this structure. For instance, by removing both Twofish and Blowfish the
size reduces to 768 bytes from the 4,256 bytes it would have been (on a 32-bit platform). Or if you remove
Blowfish and use Twofish with TWOFISH_SMALL defined its still 768 bytes. Even at its largest the structure is only
4KB which is normally not a problem for any platform.
Cipher Name | Size of scheduled key (bytes) |
Twofish | 4,256 |
Blowfish | 4,168 |
3DES | 768 |
SAFER+ | 532 |
Serpent | 528 |
Rijndael | 516 |
XTEA | 256 |
RC2 | 256 |
DES | 256 |
SAFER [#] | 217 |
RC5 | 204 |
Twofish [*] | 193 |
RC6 | 176 |
CAST5 | 132 |
Noekeon | 32 |
Skipjack | 10 |
Memory used per cipher on a 32-bit platform.
[*] For Twofish with TWOFISH_SMALL defined
[#] For all 64-bit SAFER ciphers.
Noekeon is a fairly fast cipher and uses very little memory. Ideally in low-ram platforms all other ciphers should be
left undefined and Noekeon should remain. While Noekeon is generally considered a secure block cipher (it is insecure
as a hash) CAST5 is perhaps a "runner-up" choice. CAST5 has been around longer (it is also known as CAST-128) and is
fairly fast as well.
You can easily accomplish this via the "config.pl" script. Simply answer "n" to all of the ciphers except the one you want
and then rebuild the library. [or you can hand edit tomcrypt_custom.h]

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Tech Note 0004
Using Yarrow, Fortuna and SOBER-128
Tom St Denis
This tech note explains how to use three of the more useful pseudo random number generators and their
own little "issues". While all of the PRNGs have the same API and are roughly used in the same
manner their effectiveness really depends on the user knowing how they work.
Yarrow is by far the simplest of the PRNGs. It gathers bits of entropy by hashing the pool state
plus the additional bits storing the message digest back in the pool. E.g.
pool = hash(pool || newbits)
Simply dump bits into the PRNG via yarrow_add_entropy() and call yarrow_ready() when you want to
put them to use. This PRNG while simple is not entirely safe. An attacker who learns the state
of the pool and can control future events can control the PRNG. This requires an active attacker but
isn't entire impossible.
The pool is then used as a key for a cipher that is used in CTR mode.
Yarrow is mostly meant for short-term programs [e.g. like file utils]. This particular implementation
is not meant for long-term usage.
Fortuna was designed by Niels Fergusson and Bruce Schneier [Bruce is also the guy who invented Yarrow]. It
operates on a more defensive level than Yarrow. Instead of 1 entropy pool it has 32 and the new entropy
is spread [round robin] in all of the pools.
That is, each call to fortuna_add_entropy() puts the bits in the next [in the sequenece] pool of entropy.
Effective bits are added to the pool by sending them through a hash [but not terminating the hash].
Here's the main catch though. When the PRNG must be reseeded [so that you can extract bits from it] only
certain pools are used. More precisely the i'th pool is used every 2**i'th reseeding. For example, pool[0]
is always used. pool[1] is used every second reseeding, pool[2] every fourth.
The pools are hashed together along with the current key and the result is the new key for a cipher which
operates in CTR mode [more about that in a sec].
Now this may seem odd at first however there is a good reason behind it. An attacker who learns pool[0] won't
strictly know the other pools. So the recovery rate of is not 0. In fact pool[0] can be completely
compromised and the PRNG will still eventually recover. The value FORTUNA_WD is the "WatchDog" counter.
Every FORTUNA_WD calls to fortuna_read will invoke the reseed operation. By default this is set to 10 which
means after 10 calls the PRNG will reseed itself.
The pools are combined with the running cipher key [256 bits] so that a cipher in CTR mode can produce
the stream. Unlike Yarrow the cipher is re-keyed after every call to fortuna_read() [so one big call
would be faster than many smaller calls]. This prevents too much data being encrypted under the same
key [and mitigates a flaw in CTR mode that the same block can't be emitted twice under the same key].
Fortuna is really meant for a kernel-level PRNG. The more sources [and often] you feed into it the
healthier it will be. It's also meant to be used for long term purposes. Since it can recover from
compromises it is harder to control it.
SOBER-128 is actually a stream cipher but like most ciphers can easily be modelled in the context of a PRNG.
This PRNG is extremely fast [4 cycles/byte on a P4] and was designed by a well known cryptographer [Greg Rose].
SOBER-128 doesn't really "act" like the other two PRNGs. It's meant to be seeded once and then read as
required. In such a sense it isn't a "system PRNG" but useful short term purposes. In particular
the sober128_read() function actually XORs against the input buffer you specify. This allows the
read() function to be used as an "encrypt" function as well.
You can only key SOBER-128 once [by calling sober128_add_entropy()]. Once it it is keyed subsequent
calls to add_entropy() will be considered a "re-IV" operation. Changing the IV allows you to use same
initial key and not produce the same output stream. It also lets you differentiate packets. E.g. each
packet has it's own IV.
All inputs to sober128_add_entropy() must have a length that is a multiple of four.
Since SOBER-128 is *much* faster than the other two PRNGs a good setup would be to use Fortuna as your
system-wide PRNG and use SOBER-128 [key'ed from Fortuna] for encrypting streams or as a PRNG for
Yarrow is still a good candidate but only for "short lived" programs. However, since Fortuna is faster
[by about 10 cycles/byte on a P4] I'd use Fortuna anyways...

extern/libtomcrypt/notes/tech0005.txt vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Tech Note 0005
Minimizing Code Space
Tom St Denis
You can disable whole classes of algorithms on the command line with the LTC_NO_* defines. From there you can manually turn on what you want to enable.
The following build with GCC 3.4.4 on an AMD64 box gets you AES, CTR mode, SHA-256, HMAC, Yarrow, full RSA PKCS #1, PKCS #5 and ASN.1 DER in
roughly 40KB of code (49KB on the ARMv4) (both excluding the math library).
Obviously this won't get you performance but if you need to pack a crypto lib in a device with limited means it's more than enough...
Neato eh?

extern/libtomcrypt/notes/tech0006.txt vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Tech Note 0006
PK Standards Compliance
Tom St Denis
PKCS #1 compliance.
Key Format: RSAPublicKey and RSAPrivateKey as per PKCS #1 v2.1
Encryption: OAEP as per PKCS #1
Signature : PSS as per PKCS #1
The NIST DSA algorithm
Key Format: HomeBrew [see below]
Signature : ANSI X9.62 format [see below].
Keys are stored as
DSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {
publicFlags BIT STRING(1), -- must be 0
g INTEGER , -- base generator, check that g^q mod p == 1
-- and that 1 < g < p - 1
p INTEGER , -- prime modulus
q INTEGER , -- order of sub-group (must be prime)
y INTEGER , -- public key, specifically, g^x mod p,
-- check that y^q mod p == 1
-- and that 1 < y < p - 1
DSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
publicFlags BIT STRING(1), -- must be 1
g INTEGER , -- base generator, check that g^q mod p == 1
-- and that 1 < g < p - 1
p INTEGER , -- prime modulus
q INTEGER , -- order of sub-group (must be prime)
y INTEGER , -- public key, specifically, g^x mod p,
-- check that y^q mod p == 1
-- and that 1 < y < p - 1
x INTEGER -- private key
Signatures are stored as
DSASignature ::= SEQUENCE {
r, s INTEGER -- signature parameters
The ANSI X9.62 and X9.63 algorithms [partial]. Supports all NIST GF(p) curves.
Key Format : Homebrew [see below, only GF(p) NIST curves supported]
Signature : X9.62 compliant
Encryption : Homebrew [based on X9.63, differs in that the public point is stored as an ECCPublicKey]
Shared Secret: X9.63 compliant
ECCPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {
flags BIT STRING(1), -- public/private flag (always zero),
keySize INTEGER, -- Curve size (in bits) divided by eight
-- and rounded down, e.g. 521 => 65
pubkey.x INTEGER, -- The X co-ordinate of the public key point
pubkey.y INTEGER, -- The Y co-ordinate of the public key point
ECCPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
flags BIT STRING(1), -- public/private flag (always one),
keySize INTEGER, -- Curve size (in bits) divided by eight
-- and rounded down, e.g. 521 => 65
pubkey.x INTEGER, -- The X co-ordinate of the public key point
pubkey.y INTEGER, -- The Y co-ordinate of the public key point
secret.k INTEGER, -- The secret key scalar
The encryption works by finding the X9.63 shared secret and hashing it. The hash is then simply XOR'ed against the message [which must be at most the size
of the hash digest]. The format of the encrypted text is as follows
ECCEncrypted ::= SEQUENCE {
hashOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- The OID of the hash used
pubkey OCTET STRING , -- Encapsulation of a random ECCPublicKey
skey OCTET STRING -- The encrypted text (which the hash was XOR'ed against)
% $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/notes/tech0006.txt,v $
% $Revision: 1.2 $
% $Date: 2005/06/18 02:26:27 $

extern/libtomcrypt/notes/tech0007.txt vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Tech Note #7
Quick building for testing with LTM

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
# Splits the list of files and outputs for makefile type files
# wrapped at 80 chars
# Tom St Denis
@a = split(" ", $ARGV[1]);
$b = "$ARGV[0]=";
$len = length($b);
print $b;
foreach my $obj (@a) {
$len = $len + length($obj);
$obj =~ s/\*/\$/;
if ($len > 100) {
printf "\\\n";
$len = length($obj);
print "$obj ";
if ($ARGV[0] eq "HEADERS") { print "testprof/tomcrypt_test.h"; }
print "\n\n";
# $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/parsenames.pl,v $
# $Revision: 1.3 $
# $Date: 2005/05/05 14:49:27 $

extern/libtomcrypt/printinfo.sh vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
version=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty 2>/dev/null)
if [ ! -e ".git" ] || [ -z $version ]
version=$(grep "^VERSION=" makefile_include.mk | sed "s/.*=//")
echo "Testing version:" $version
#grep "VERSION=" makefile | perl -e "@a = split('=', <>); print @a[1];"`
# get uname
echo "uname="`uname -a`
# get gcc name
if [ -z ${CC} ]
echo "${CC}="`${CC} -dumpversion`

extern/libtomcrypt/run.sh vendored Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# output version
bash printinfo.sh
bash build.sh " $1" "$2 -O2" "$3 IGNORE_SPEED=1" "$4" "$5"
if [ -a testok.txt ] && [ -f testok.txt ]; then
@ -18,6 +22,16 @@ else
exit 1
rm -f testok.txt
bash build.sh " $1" "$2" "$3 LTC_DEBUG=1" "$4" "$5"
if [ -a testok.txt ] && [ -f testok.txt ]; then
echo "Test failed"
exit 1
rm -f testok.txt
bash build.sh " $1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5"
if [ -a testok.txt ] && [ -f testok.txt ]; then
@ -30,6 +44,6 @@ fi
exit 0
# $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/run.sh,v $
# $Revision: 1.15 $
# $Date: 2005/07/23 14:18:31 $
# ref: $Format:%D$
# git commit: $Format:%H$
# commit time: $Format:%ai$

extern/libtomcrypt/scan_build.sh vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
[ "$TRAVIS_CI" != "" ] && { [ -z "$(which scan-build)" ] && { echo "installing clang"; sudo apt-get install clang -y -qq; }; } || true
if [ "$#" = "5" -a "$(echo $3 | grep -v 'makefile[.]')" = "" ]; then
echo "only run $0 for the regular makefile, early exit success"
exit 0
# output version
bash printinfo.sh
make clean > /dev/null
scan_build=$(which scan-build)
[ -z "$scan_build" ] && scan_build=$(find /usr/bin/ -name 'scan-build-*' | sort -nr | head -n1) || true
[ -z "$scan_build" ] && { echo "couldn't find clang scan-build"; exit 1; } || echo "run $scan_build"
export CFLAGS="-DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -I/usr/include"
export EXTRALIBS="-ltommath"
$scan_build --status-bugs make -f makefile.unix all CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" EXTRALIBS="$EXTRALIBS"

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
/* AES implementation by Tom St Denis
@ -49,7 +47,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor rijndael_desc =
16, 32, 16, 10,
const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor aes_desc =
@ -58,7 +56,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor aes_desc =
16, 32, 16, 10,
@ -74,7 +72,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor rijndael_enc_desc =
16, 32, 16, 10,
const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor aes_enc_desc =
@ -83,11 +81,12 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor aes_enc_desc =
16, 32, 16, 10,
#define __LTC_AES_TAB_C__
#include "aes_tab.c"
static ulong32 setup_mix(ulong32 temp)
@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ static ulong32 setup_mix2(ulong32 temp)
int SETUP(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *skey)
int i, j;
int i;
ulong32 temp, *rk;
ulong32 *rrk;
@ -146,7 +145,6 @@ int SETUP(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *s
LOAD32H(rk[2], key + 8);
LOAD32H(rk[3], key + 12);
if (keylen == 16) {
j = 44;
for (;;) {
temp = rk[3];
rk[4] = rk[0] ^ setup_mix(temp) ^ rcon[i];
@ -159,7 +157,6 @@ int SETUP(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *s
rk += 4;
} else if (keylen == 24) {
j = 52;
LOAD32H(rk[4], key + 16);
LOAD32H(rk[5], key + 20);
for (;;) {
@ -180,7 +177,6 @@ int SETUP(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *s
rk += 6;
} else if (keylen == 32) {
j = 60;
LOAD32H(rk[4], key + 16);
LOAD32H(rk[5], key + 20);
LOAD32H(rk[6], key + 24);
@ -207,13 +203,14 @@ int SETUP(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *s
} else {
/* this can't happen */
/* coverity[dead_error_line] */
/* setup the inverse key now */
rk = skey->rijndael.dK;
rrk = skey->rijndael.eK + j - 4;
rrk = skey->rijndael.eK + (28 + keylen) - 4;
/* apply the inverse MixColumn transform to all round keys but the first and the last: */
/* copy first */
@ -688,23 +685,8 @@ int ECB_TEST(void)
rijndael_ecb_encrypt(tests[i].pt, tmp[0], &key);
rijndael_ecb_decrypt(tmp[0], tmp[1], &key);
if (XMEMCMP(tmp[0], tests[i].ct, 16) || XMEMCMP(tmp[1], tests[i].pt, 16)) {
#if 0
printf("\n\nTest %d failed\n", i);
if (XMEMCMP(tmp[0], tests[i].ct, 16)) {
printf("CT: ");
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
printf("%02x ", tmp[0][i]);
} else {
printf("PT: ");
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
printf("%02x ", tmp[1][i]);
if (compare_testvector(tmp[0], 16, tests[i].ct, 16, "AES Encrypt", i) ||
compare_testvector(tmp[1], 16, tests[i].pt, 16, "AES Decrypt", i)) {
@ -726,6 +708,7 @@ int ECB_TEST(void)
void ECB_DONE(symmetric_key *skey)
@ -755,6 +738,6 @@ int ECB_KS(int *keysize)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
/* The precomputed tables for AES */
@ -23,6 +21,8 @@ Td3[x] = Si[x].[09, 0d, 0b, 0e];
Td4[x] = Si[x].[01, 01, 01, 01];
#ifdef __LTC_AES_TAB_C__
@file aes_tab.c
AES tables
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ static const ulong32 TE0[256] = {
0x7bb0b0cbUL, 0xa85454fcUL, 0x6dbbbbd6UL, 0x2c16163aUL,
#ifndef PELI_TAB
#if !defined(PELI_TAB) && defined(LTC_SMALL_CODE)
static const ulong32 Te4[256] = {
0x63636363UL, 0x7c7c7c7cUL, 0x77777777UL, 0x7b7b7b7bUL,
0xf2f2f2f2UL, 0x6b6b6b6bUL, 0x6f6f6f6fUL, 0xc5c5c5c5UL,
@ -1017,12 +1017,16 @@ static const ulong32 Tks3[] = {
#endif /* SMALL CODE */
#ifndef PELI_TAB
static const ulong32 rcon[] = {
0x01000000UL, 0x02000000UL, 0x04000000UL, 0x08000000UL,
0x10000000UL, 0x20000000UL, 0x40000000UL, 0x80000000UL,
0x1B000000UL, 0x36000000UL, /* for 128-bit blocks, Rijndael never uses more than 10 rcon values */
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
#endif /* __LTC_AES_TAB_C__ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor anubis_desc = {
#define MIN_N 4
@ -899,7 +897,7 @@ int anubis_setup(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetri
int N, R, i, pos, r;
ulong32 kappa[MAX_N];
ulong32 inter[MAX_N];
ulong32 inter[MAX_N] = { 0 }; /* initialize as all zeroes */
ulong32 v, K0, K1, K2, K3;
@ -931,10 +929,10 @@ int anubis_setup(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetri
for (i = 0, pos = 0; i < N; i++, pos += 4) {
kappa[i] =
(key[pos ] << 24) ^
(key[pos + 1] << 16) ^
(key[pos + 2] << 8) ^
(key[pos + 3] );
(((ulong32)key[pos ]) << 24) ^
(((ulong32)key[pos + 1]) << 16) ^
(((ulong32)key[pos + 2]) << 8) ^
(((ulong32)key[pos + 3]) );
@ -1048,10 +1046,10 @@ static void anubis_crypt(const unsigned char *plaintext, unsigned char *cipherte
for (i = 0, pos = 0; i < 4; i++, pos += 4) {
state[i] =
(plaintext[pos ] << 24) ^
(plaintext[pos + 1] << 16) ^
(plaintext[pos + 2] << 8) ^
(plaintext[pos + 3] ) ^
(((ulong32)plaintext[pos ]) << 24) ^
(((ulong32)plaintext[pos + 1]) << 16) ^
(((ulong32)plaintext[pos + 2]) << 8) ^
(((ulong32)plaintext[pos + 3]) ) ^
@ -1500,13 +1498,14 @@ int anubis_test(void)
anubis_setup(tests[x].key, tests[x].keylen, 0, &skey);
anubis_ecb_encrypt(tests[x].pt, buf[0], &skey);
anubis_ecb_decrypt(buf[0], buf[1], &skey);
if (XMEMCMP(buf[0], tests[x].ct, 16) || XMEMCMP(buf[1], tests[x].pt, 16)) {
if (compare_testvector(buf[0], 16, tests[x].ct, 16, "Anubis Encrypt", x) ||
compare_testvector(buf[1], 16, tests[x].pt, 16, "Anubis Decrypt", x)) {
for (y = 0; y < 1000; y++) anubis_ecb_encrypt(buf[0], buf[0], &skey);
for (y = 0; y < 1000; y++) anubis_ecb_decrypt(buf[0], buf[0], &skey);
if (XMEMCMP(buf[0], tests[x].ct, 16)) {
if (compare_testvector(buf[0], 16, tests[x].ct, 16, "Anubis 1000", 1000)) {
@ -1520,6 +1519,7 @@ int anubis_test(void)
void anubis_done(symmetric_key *skey)
@ -1553,6 +1553,6 @@ int anubis_keysize(int *keysize)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
@file blowfish.c
@ -27,7 +25,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor blowfish_desc =
static const ulong32 ORIG_P[16 + 2] = {
@ -548,7 +546,8 @@ int blowfish_test(void)
blowfish_ecb_decrypt(tmp[0], tmp[1], &key);
/* compare */
if ((XMEMCMP(tmp[0], tests[x].ct, 8) != 0) || (XMEMCMP(tmp[1], tests[x].pt, 8) != 0)) {
if ((compare_testvector(tmp[0], 8, tests[x].ct, 8, "Blowfish Encrypt", x) != 0) ||
(compare_testvector(tmp[1], 8, tests[x].pt, 8, "Blowfish Decrypt", x) != 0)) {
@ -567,6 +566,7 @@ int blowfish_test(void)
void blowfish_done(symmetric_key *skey)
@ -589,6 +589,6 @@ int blowfish_keysize(int *keysize)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
@file camellia.c
Implementation by Tom St Denis of Elliptic Semiconductor
#include "tomcrypt.h"
const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor camellia_desc = {
16, 32, 16, 18,
static const ulong32 SP1110[] = {
0x70707000, 0x82828200, 0x2c2c2c00, 0xececec00, 0xb3b3b300, 0x27272700, 0xc0c0c000, 0xe5e5e500,
0xe4e4e400, 0x85858500, 0x57575700, 0x35353500, 0xeaeaea00, 0x0c0c0c00, 0xaeaeae00, 0x41414100,
0x23232300, 0xefefef00, 0x6b6b6b00, 0x93939300, 0x45454500, 0x19191900, 0xa5a5a500, 0x21212100,
0xededed00, 0x0e0e0e00, 0x4f4f4f00, 0x4e4e4e00, 0x1d1d1d00, 0x65656500, 0x92929200, 0xbdbdbd00,
0x86868600, 0xb8b8b800, 0xafafaf00, 0x8f8f8f00, 0x7c7c7c00, 0xebebeb00, 0x1f1f1f00, 0xcecece00,
0x3e3e3e00, 0x30303000, 0xdcdcdc00, 0x5f5f5f00, 0x5e5e5e00, 0xc5c5c500, 0x0b0b0b00, 0x1a1a1a00,
0xa6a6a600, 0xe1e1e100, 0x39393900, 0xcacaca00, 0xd5d5d500, 0x47474700, 0x5d5d5d00, 0x3d3d3d00,
0xd9d9d900, 0x01010100, 0x5a5a5a00, 0xd6d6d600, 0x51515100, 0x56565600, 0x6c6c6c00, 0x4d4d4d00,
0x8b8b8b00, 0x0d0d0d00, 0x9a9a9a00, 0x66666600, 0xfbfbfb00, 0xcccccc00, 0xb0b0b000, 0x2d2d2d00,
0x74747400, 0x12121200, 0x2b2b2b00, 0x20202000, 0xf0f0f000, 0xb1b1b100, 0x84848400, 0x99999900,
0xdfdfdf00, 0x4c4c4c00, 0xcbcbcb00, 0xc2c2c200, 0x34343400, 0x7e7e7e00, 0x76767600, 0x05050500,
0x6d6d6d00, 0xb7b7b700, 0xa9a9a900, 0x31313100, 0xd1d1d100, 0x17171700, 0x04040400, 0xd7d7d700,
0x14141400, 0x58585800, 0x3a3a3a00, 0x61616100, 0xdedede00, 0x1b1b1b00, 0x11111100, 0x1c1c1c00,
0x32323200, 0x0f0f0f00, 0x9c9c9c00, 0x16161600, 0x53535300, 0x18181800, 0xf2f2f200, 0x22222200,
0xfefefe00, 0x44444400, 0xcfcfcf00, 0xb2b2b200, 0xc3c3c300, 0xb5b5b500, 0x7a7a7a00, 0x91919100,
0x24242400, 0x08080800, 0xe8e8e800, 0xa8a8a800, 0x60606000, 0xfcfcfc00, 0x69696900, 0x50505000,
0xaaaaaa00, 0xd0d0d000, 0xa0a0a000, 0x7d7d7d00, 0xa1a1a100, 0x89898900, 0x62626200, 0x97979700,
0x54545400, 0x5b5b5b00, 0x1e1e1e00, 0x95959500, 0xe0e0e000, 0xffffff00, 0x64646400, 0xd2d2d200,
0x10101000, 0xc4c4c400, 0x00000000, 0x48484800, 0xa3a3a300, 0xf7f7f700, 0x75757500, 0xdbdbdb00,
0x8a8a8a00, 0x03030300, 0xe6e6e600, 0xdadada00, 0x09090900, 0x3f3f3f00, 0xdddddd00, 0x94949400,
0x87878700, 0x5c5c5c00, 0x83838300, 0x02020200, 0xcdcdcd00, 0x4a4a4a00, 0x90909000, 0x33333300,
0x73737300, 0x67676700, 0xf6f6f600, 0xf3f3f300, 0x9d9d9d00, 0x7f7f7f00, 0xbfbfbf00, 0xe2e2e200,
0x52525200, 0x9b9b9b00, 0xd8d8d800, 0x26262600, 0xc8c8c800, 0x37373700, 0xc6c6c600, 0x3b3b3b00,
0x81818100, 0x96969600, 0x6f6f6f00, 0x4b4b4b00, 0x13131300, 0xbebebe00, 0x63636300, 0x2e2e2e00,
0xe9e9e900, 0x79797900, 0xa7a7a700, 0x8c8c8c00, 0x9f9f9f00, 0x6e6e6e00, 0xbcbcbc00, 0x8e8e8e00,
0x29292900, 0xf5f5f500, 0xf9f9f900, 0xb6b6b600, 0x2f2f2f00, 0xfdfdfd00, 0xb4b4b400, 0x59595900,
0x78787800, 0x98989800, 0x06060600, 0x6a6a6a00, 0xe7e7e700, 0x46464600, 0x71717100, 0xbababa00,
0xd4d4d400, 0x25252500, 0xababab00, 0x42424200, 0x88888800, 0xa2a2a200, 0x8d8d8d00, 0xfafafa00,
0x72727200, 0x07070700, 0xb9b9b900, 0x55555500, 0xf8f8f800, 0xeeeeee00, 0xacacac00, 0x0a0a0a00,
0x36363600, 0x49494900, 0x2a2a2a00, 0x68686800, 0x3c3c3c00, 0x38383800, 0xf1f1f100, 0xa4a4a400,
0x40404000, 0x28282800, 0xd3d3d300, 0x7b7b7b00, 0xbbbbbb00, 0xc9c9c900, 0x43434300, 0xc1c1c100,
0x15151500, 0xe3e3e300, 0xadadad00, 0xf4f4f400, 0x77777700, 0xc7c7c700, 0x80808000, 0x9e9e9e00,
static const ulong32 SP0222[] = {
0x00e0e0e0, 0x00050505, 0x00585858, 0x00d9d9d9, 0x00676767, 0x004e4e4e, 0x00818181, 0x00cbcbcb,
0x00c9c9c9, 0x000b0b0b, 0x00aeaeae, 0x006a6a6a, 0x00d5d5d5, 0x00181818, 0x005d5d5d, 0x00828282,
0x00464646, 0x00dfdfdf, 0x00d6d6d6, 0x00272727, 0x008a8a8a, 0x00323232, 0x004b4b4b, 0x00424242,
0x00dbdbdb, 0x001c1c1c, 0x009e9e9e, 0x009c9c9c, 0x003a3a3a, 0x00cacaca, 0x00252525, 0x007b7b7b,
0x000d0d0d, 0x00717171, 0x005f5f5f, 0x001f1f1f, 0x00f8f8f8, 0x00d7d7d7, 0x003e3e3e, 0x009d9d9d,
0x007c7c7c, 0x00606060, 0x00b9b9b9, 0x00bebebe, 0x00bcbcbc, 0x008b8b8b, 0x00161616, 0x00343434,
0x004d4d4d, 0x00c3c3c3, 0x00727272, 0x00959595, 0x00ababab, 0x008e8e8e, 0x00bababa, 0x007a7a7a,
0x00b3b3b3, 0x00020202, 0x00b4b4b4, 0x00adadad, 0x00a2a2a2, 0x00acacac, 0x00d8d8d8, 0x009a9a9a,
0x00171717, 0x001a1a1a, 0x00353535, 0x00cccccc, 0x00f7f7f7, 0x00999999, 0x00616161, 0x005a5a5a,
0x00e8e8e8, 0x00242424, 0x00565656, 0x00404040, 0x00e1e1e1, 0x00636363, 0x00090909, 0x00333333,
0x00bfbfbf, 0x00989898, 0x00979797, 0x00858585, 0x00686868, 0x00fcfcfc, 0x00ececec, 0x000a0a0a,
0x00dadada, 0x006f6f6f, 0x00535353, 0x00626262, 0x00a3a3a3, 0x002e2e2e, 0x00080808, 0x00afafaf,
0x00282828, 0x00b0b0b0, 0x00747474, 0x00c2c2c2, 0x00bdbdbd, 0x00363636, 0x00222222, 0x00383838,
0x00646464, 0x001e1e1e, 0x00393939, 0x002c2c2c, 0x00a6a6a6, 0x00303030, 0x00e5e5e5, 0x00444444,
0x00fdfdfd, 0x00888888, 0x009f9f9f, 0x00656565, 0x00878787, 0x006b6b6b, 0x00f4f4f4, 0x00232323,
0x00484848, 0x00101010, 0x00d1d1d1, 0x00515151, 0x00c0c0c0, 0x00f9f9f9, 0x00d2d2d2, 0x00a0a0a0,
0x00555555, 0x00a1a1a1, 0x00414141, 0x00fafafa, 0x00434343, 0x00131313, 0x00c4c4c4, 0x002f2f2f,
0x00a8a8a8, 0x00b6b6b6, 0x003c3c3c, 0x002b2b2b, 0x00c1c1c1, 0x00ffffff, 0x00c8c8c8, 0x00a5a5a5,
0x00202020, 0x00898989, 0x00000000, 0x00909090, 0x00474747, 0x00efefef, 0x00eaeaea, 0x00b7b7b7,
0x00151515, 0x00060606, 0x00cdcdcd, 0x00b5b5b5, 0x00121212, 0x007e7e7e, 0x00bbbbbb, 0x00292929,
0x000f0f0f, 0x00b8b8b8, 0x00070707, 0x00040404, 0x009b9b9b, 0x00949494, 0x00212121, 0x00666666,
0x00e6e6e6, 0x00cecece, 0x00ededed, 0x00e7e7e7, 0x003b3b3b, 0x00fefefe, 0x007f7f7f, 0x00c5c5c5,
0x00a4a4a4, 0x00373737, 0x00b1b1b1, 0x004c4c4c, 0x00919191, 0x006e6e6e, 0x008d8d8d, 0x00767676,
0x00030303, 0x002d2d2d, 0x00dedede, 0x00969696, 0x00262626, 0x007d7d7d, 0x00c6c6c6, 0x005c5c5c,
0x00d3d3d3, 0x00f2f2f2, 0x004f4f4f, 0x00191919, 0x003f3f3f, 0x00dcdcdc, 0x00797979, 0x001d1d1d,
0x00525252, 0x00ebebeb, 0x00f3f3f3, 0x006d6d6d, 0x005e5e5e, 0x00fbfbfb, 0x00696969, 0x00b2b2b2,
0x00f0f0f0, 0x00313131, 0x000c0c0c, 0x00d4d4d4, 0x00cfcfcf, 0x008c8c8c, 0x00e2e2e2, 0x00757575,
0x00a9a9a9, 0x004a4a4a, 0x00575757, 0x00848484, 0x00111111, 0x00454545, 0x001b1b1b, 0x00f5f5f5,
0x00e4e4e4, 0x000e0e0e, 0x00737373, 0x00aaaaaa, 0x00f1f1f1, 0x00dddddd, 0x00595959, 0x00141414,
0x006c6c6c, 0x00929292, 0x00545454, 0x00d0d0d0, 0x00787878, 0x00707070, 0x00e3e3e3, 0x00494949,
0x00808080, 0x00505050, 0x00a7a7a7, 0x00f6f6f6, 0x00777777, 0x00939393, 0x00868686, 0x00838383,
0x002a2a2a, 0x00c7c7c7, 0x005b5b5b, 0x00e9e9e9, 0x00eeeeee, 0x008f8f8f, 0x00010101, 0x003d3d3d,
static const ulong32 SP3033[] = {
0x38003838, 0x41004141, 0x16001616, 0x76007676, 0xd900d9d9, 0x93009393, 0x60006060, 0xf200f2f2,
0x72007272, 0xc200c2c2, 0xab00abab, 0x9a009a9a, 0x75007575, 0x06000606, 0x57005757, 0xa000a0a0,
0x91009191, 0xf700f7f7, 0xb500b5b5, 0xc900c9c9, 0xa200a2a2, 0x8c008c8c, 0xd200d2d2, 0x90009090,
0xf600f6f6, 0x07000707, 0xa700a7a7, 0x27002727, 0x8e008e8e, 0xb200b2b2, 0x49004949, 0xde00dede,
0x43004343, 0x5c005c5c, 0xd700d7d7, 0xc700c7c7, 0x3e003e3e, 0xf500f5f5, 0x8f008f8f, 0x67006767,
0x1f001f1f, 0x18001818, 0x6e006e6e, 0xaf00afaf, 0x2f002f2f, 0xe200e2e2, 0x85008585, 0x0d000d0d,
0x53005353, 0xf000f0f0, 0x9c009c9c, 0x65006565, 0xea00eaea, 0xa300a3a3, 0xae00aeae, 0x9e009e9e,
0xec00ecec, 0x80008080, 0x2d002d2d, 0x6b006b6b, 0xa800a8a8, 0x2b002b2b, 0x36003636, 0xa600a6a6,
0xc500c5c5, 0x86008686, 0x4d004d4d, 0x33003333, 0xfd00fdfd, 0x66006666, 0x58005858, 0x96009696,
0x3a003a3a, 0x09000909, 0x95009595, 0x10001010, 0x78007878, 0xd800d8d8, 0x42004242, 0xcc00cccc,
0xef00efef, 0x26002626, 0xe500e5e5, 0x61006161, 0x1a001a1a, 0x3f003f3f, 0x3b003b3b, 0x82008282,
0xb600b6b6, 0xdb00dbdb, 0xd400d4d4, 0x98009898, 0xe800e8e8, 0x8b008b8b, 0x02000202, 0xeb00ebeb,
0x0a000a0a, 0x2c002c2c, 0x1d001d1d, 0xb000b0b0, 0x6f006f6f, 0x8d008d8d, 0x88008888, 0x0e000e0e,
0x19001919, 0x87008787, 0x4e004e4e, 0x0b000b0b, 0xa900a9a9, 0x0c000c0c, 0x79007979, 0x11001111,
0x7f007f7f, 0x22002222, 0xe700e7e7, 0x59005959, 0xe100e1e1, 0xda00dada, 0x3d003d3d, 0xc800c8c8,
0x12001212, 0x04000404, 0x74007474, 0x54005454, 0x30003030, 0x7e007e7e, 0xb400b4b4, 0x28002828,
0x55005555, 0x68006868, 0x50005050, 0xbe00bebe, 0xd000d0d0, 0xc400c4c4, 0x31003131, 0xcb00cbcb,
0x2a002a2a, 0xad00adad, 0x0f000f0f, 0xca00caca, 0x70007070, 0xff00ffff, 0x32003232, 0x69006969,
0x08000808, 0x62006262, 0x00000000, 0x24002424, 0xd100d1d1, 0xfb00fbfb, 0xba00baba, 0xed00eded,
0x45004545, 0x81008181, 0x73007373, 0x6d006d6d, 0x84008484, 0x9f009f9f, 0xee00eeee, 0x4a004a4a,
0xc300c3c3, 0x2e002e2e, 0xc100c1c1, 0x01000101, 0xe600e6e6, 0x25002525, 0x48004848, 0x99009999,
0xb900b9b9, 0xb300b3b3, 0x7b007b7b, 0xf900f9f9, 0xce00cece, 0xbf00bfbf, 0xdf00dfdf, 0x71007171,
0x29002929, 0xcd00cdcd, 0x6c006c6c, 0x13001313, 0x64006464, 0x9b009b9b, 0x63006363, 0x9d009d9d,
0xc000c0c0, 0x4b004b4b, 0xb700b7b7, 0xa500a5a5, 0x89008989, 0x5f005f5f, 0xb100b1b1, 0x17001717,
0xf400f4f4, 0xbc00bcbc, 0xd300d3d3, 0x46004646, 0xcf00cfcf, 0x37003737, 0x5e005e5e, 0x47004747,
0x94009494, 0xfa00fafa, 0xfc00fcfc, 0x5b005b5b, 0x97009797, 0xfe00fefe, 0x5a005a5a, 0xac00acac,
0x3c003c3c, 0x4c004c4c, 0x03000303, 0x35003535, 0xf300f3f3, 0x23002323, 0xb800b8b8, 0x5d005d5d,
0x6a006a6a, 0x92009292, 0xd500d5d5, 0x21002121, 0x44004444, 0x51005151, 0xc600c6c6, 0x7d007d7d,
0x39003939, 0x83008383, 0xdc00dcdc, 0xaa00aaaa, 0x7c007c7c, 0x77007777, 0x56005656, 0x05000505,
0x1b001b1b, 0xa400a4a4, 0x15001515, 0x34003434, 0x1e001e1e, 0x1c001c1c, 0xf800f8f8, 0x52005252,
0x20002020, 0x14001414, 0xe900e9e9, 0xbd00bdbd, 0xdd00dddd, 0xe400e4e4, 0xa100a1a1, 0xe000e0e0,
0x8a008a8a, 0xf100f1f1, 0xd600d6d6, 0x7a007a7a, 0xbb00bbbb, 0xe300e3e3, 0x40004040, 0x4f004f4f,
static const ulong32 SP4404[] = {
0x70700070, 0x2c2c002c, 0xb3b300b3, 0xc0c000c0, 0xe4e400e4, 0x57570057, 0xeaea00ea, 0xaeae00ae,
0x23230023, 0x6b6b006b, 0x45450045, 0xa5a500a5, 0xeded00ed, 0x4f4f004f, 0x1d1d001d, 0x92920092,
0x86860086, 0xafaf00af, 0x7c7c007c, 0x1f1f001f, 0x3e3e003e, 0xdcdc00dc, 0x5e5e005e, 0x0b0b000b,
0xa6a600a6, 0x39390039, 0xd5d500d5, 0x5d5d005d, 0xd9d900d9, 0x5a5a005a, 0x51510051, 0x6c6c006c,
0x8b8b008b, 0x9a9a009a, 0xfbfb00fb, 0xb0b000b0, 0x74740074, 0x2b2b002b, 0xf0f000f0, 0x84840084,
0xdfdf00df, 0xcbcb00cb, 0x34340034, 0x76760076, 0x6d6d006d, 0xa9a900a9, 0xd1d100d1, 0x04040004,
0x14140014, 0x3a3a003a, 0xdede00de, 0x11110011, 0x32320032, 0x9c9c009c, 0x53530053, 0xf2f200f2,
0xfefe00fe, 0xcfcf00cf, 0xc3c300c3, 0x7a7a007a, 0x24240024, 0xe8e800e8, 0x60600060, 0x69690069,
0xaaaa00aa, 0xa0a000a0, 0xa1a100a1, 0x62620062, 0x54540054, 0x1e1e001e, 0xe0e000e0, 0x64640064,
0x10100010, 0x00000000, 0xa3a300a3, 0x75750075, 0x8a8a008a, 0xe6e600e6, 0x09090009, 0xdddd00dd,
0x87870087, 0x83830083, 0xcdcd00cd, 0x90900090, 0x73730073, 0xf6f600f6, 0x9d9d009d, 0xbfbf00bf,
0x52520052, 0xd8d800d8, 0xc8c800c8, 0xc6c600c6, 0x81810081, 0x6f6f006f, 0x13130013, 0x63630063,
0xe9e900e9, 0xa7a700a7, 0x9f9f009f, 0xbcbc00bc, 0x29290029, 0xf9f900f9, 0x2f2f002f, 0xb4b400b4,
0x78780078, 0x06060006, 0xe7e700e7, 0x71710071, 0xd4d400d4, 0xabab00ab, 0x88880088, 0x8d8d008d,
0x72720072, 0xb9b900b9, 0xf8f800f8, 0xacac00ac, 0x36360036, 0x2a2a002a, 0x3c3c003c, 0xf1f100f1,
0x40400040, 0xd3d300d3, 0xbbbb00bb, 0x43430043, 0x15150015, 0xadad00ad, 0x77770077, 0x80800080,
0x82820082, 0xecec00ec, 0x27270027, 0xe5e500e5, 0x85850085, 0x35350035, 0x0c0c000c, 0x41410041,
0xefef00ef, 0x93930093, 0x19190019, 0x21210021, 0x0e0e000e, 0x4e4e004e, 0x65650065, 0xbdbd00bd,
0xb8b800b8, 0x8f8f008f, 0xebeb00eb, 0xcece00ce, 0x30300030, 0x5f5f005f, 0xc5c500c5, 0x1a1a001a,
0xe1e100e1, 0xcaca00ca, 0x47470047, 0x3d3d003d, 0x01010001, 0xd6d600d6, 0x56560056, 0x4d4d004d,
0x0d0d000d, 0x66660066, 0xcccc00cc, 0x2d2d002d, 0x12120012, 0x20200020, 0xb1b100b1, 0x99990099,
0x4c4c004c, 0xc2c200c2, 0x7e7e007e, 0x05050005, 0xb7b700b7, 0x31310031, 0x17170017, 0xd7d700d7,
0x58580058, 0x61610061, 0x1b1b001b, 0x1c1c001c, 0x0f0f000f, 0x16160016, 0x18180018, 0x22220022,
0x44440044, 0xb2b200b2, 0xb5b500b5, 0x91910091, 0x08080008, 0xa8a800a8, 0xfcfc00fc, 0x50500050,
0xd0d000d0, 0x7d7d007d, 0x89890089, 0x97970097, 0x5b5b005b, 0x95950095, 0xffff00ff, 0xd2d200d2,
0xc4c400c4, 0x48480048, 0xf7f700f7, 0xdbdb00db, 0x03030003, 0xdada00da, 0x3f3f003f, 0x94940094,
0x5c5c005c, 0x02020002, 0x4a4a004a, 0x33330033, 0x67670067, 0xf3f300f3, 0x7f7f007f, 0xe2e200e2,
0x9b9b009b, 0x26260026, 0x37370037, 0x3b3b003b, 0x96960096, 0x4b4b004b, 0xbebe00be, 0x2e2e002e,
0x79790079, 0x8c8c008c, 0x6e6e006e, 0x8e8e008e, 0xf5f500f5, 0xb6b600b6, 0xfdfd00fd, 0x59590059,
0x98980098, 0x6a6a006a, 0x46460046, 0xbaba00ba, 0x25250025, 0x42420042, 0xa2a200a2, 0xfafa00fa,
0x07070007, 0x55550055, 0xeeee00ee, 0x0a0a000a, 0x49490049, 0x68680068, 0x38380038, 0xa4a400a4,
0x28280028, 0x7b7b007b, 0xc9c900c9, 0xc1c100c1, 0xe3e300e3, 0xf4f400f4, 0xc7c700c7, 0x9e9e009e,
static const ulong64 key_sigma[] = {
static ulong64 F(ulong64 x)
ulong32 D, U;
#define loc(i) ((8-i)*8)
D = SP1110[(x >> loc(8)) & 0xFF] ^ SP0222[(x >> loc(5)) & 0xFF] ^ SP3033[(x >> loc(6)) & 0xFF] ^ SP4404[(x >> loc(7)) & 0xFF];
U = SP1110[(x >> loc(1)) & 0xFF] ^ SP0222[(x >> loc(2)) & 0xFF] ^ SP3033[(x >> loc(3)) & 0xFF] ^ SP4404[(x >> loc(4)) & 0xFF];
D ^= U;
U = D ^ RORc(U, 8);
return ((ulong64)U) | (((ulong64)D) << CONST64(32));
static void rot_128(unsigned char *in, unsigned count, unsigned char *out)
unsigned x, w, b;
w = count >> 3;
b = count & 7;
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
out[x] = (in[(x+w)&15] << b) | (in[(x+w+1)&15] >> (8 - b));
int camellia_setup(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *skey)
unsigned char T[48], kA[16], kB[16], kR[16], kL[16];
int x;
ulong64 A, B;
/* Valid sizes (in bytes) are 16, 24, 32 */
if (keylen != 16 && keylen != 24 && keylen != 32) {
/* number of rounds */
skey->camellia.R = (keylen == 16) ? 18 : 24;
if (num_rounds != 0 && num_rounds != skey->camellia.R) {
/* expand key */
if (keylen == 16) {
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
T[x] = key[x];
T[x + 16] = 0;
} else if (keylen == 24) {
for (x = 0; x < 24; x++) {
T[x] = key[x];
for (x = 24; x < 32; x++) {
T[x] = key[x-8] ^ 0xFF;
} else {
for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) {
T[x] = key[x];
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
kL[x] = T[x];
kR[x] = T[x + 16];
for (x = 32; x < 48; x++) {
T[x] = T[x - 32] ^ T[x - 16];
/* first two rounds */
LOAD64H(A, T+32); LOAD64H(B, T+40);
B ^= F(A ^ key_sigma[0]);
A ^= F(B ^ key_sigma[1]);
STORE64H(A, T+32); STORE64H(B, T+40);
/* xor kL in */
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) { T[x+32] ^= kL[x]; }
/* next two rounds */
LOAD64H(A, T+32); LOAD64H(B, T+40);
B ^= F(A ^ key_sigma[2]);
A ^= F(B ^ key_sigma[3]);
STORE64H(A, T+32); STORE64H(B, T+40);
/* grab KA */
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) { kA[x] = T[x+32]; }
/* xor kR in */
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) { T[x+32] ^= kR[x]; }
if (keylen == 16) {
/* grab whitening keys kw1 and kw2 */
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kw[0], kL);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kw[1], kL+8);
/* k1-k2 */
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[0], kA);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[1], kA+8);
/* rotate kL by 15, k3/k4 */
rot_128(kL, 15, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[2], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[3], T+40);
/* rotate kA by 15, k5/k6 */
rot_128(kA, 15, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[4], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[5], T+40);
/* rotate kA by 30, kl1, kl2 */
rot_128(kA, 30, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kl[0], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kl[1], T+40);
/* rotate kL by 45, k7/k8 */
rot_128(kL, 45, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[6], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[7], T+40);
/* rotate kA by 45, k9/k10 */
rot_128(kA, 45, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[8], T+32);
rot_128(kL, 60, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[9], T+40);
/* rotate kA by 60, k11/k12 */
rot_128(kA, 60, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[10], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[11], T+40);
/* rotate kL by 77, kl3, kl4 */
rot_128(kL, 77, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kl[2], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kl[3], T+40);
/* rotate kL by 94, k13/k14 */
rot_128(kL, 94, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[12], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[13], T+40);
/* rotate kA by 94, k15/k16 */
rot_128(kA, 94, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[14], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[15], T+40);
/* rotate kL by 111, k17/k18 */
rot_128(kL, 111, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[16], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[17], T+40);
/* rotate kA by 111, kw3/kw4 */
rot_128(kA, 111, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kw[2], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kw[3], T+40);
} else {
/* last two rounds */
LOAD64H(A, T+32); LOAD64H(B, T+40);
B ^= F(A ^ key_sigma[4]);
A ^= F(B ^ key_sigma[5]);
STORE64H(A, T+32); STORE64H(B, T+40);
/* grab kB */
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) { kB[x] = T[x+32]; }
/* kw1/2 from kL*/
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kw[0], kL);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kw[1], kL+8);
/* k1/k2 = kB */
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[0], kB);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[1], kB+8);
/* k3/k4 = kR by 15 */
rot_128(kR, 15, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[2], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[3], T+40);
/* k5/k7 = kA by 15 */
rot_128(kA, 15, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[4], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[5], T+40);
/* kl1/2 = kR by 30 */
rot_128(kR, 30, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kl[0], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kl[1], T+40);
/* k7/k8 = kB by 30 */
rot_128(kB, 30, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[6], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[7], T+40);
/* k9/k10 = kL by 45 */
rot_128(kL, 45, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[8], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[9], T+40);
/* k11/k12 = kA by 45 */
rot_128(kA, 45, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[10], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[11], T+40);
/* kl3/4 = kL by 60 */
rot_128(kL, 60, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kl[2], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kl[3], T+40);
/* k13/k14 = kR by 60 */
rot_128(kR, 60, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[12], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[13], T+40);
/* k15/k16 = kB by 15 */
rot_128(kB, 60, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[14], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[15], T+40);
/* k17/k18 = kL by 77 */
rot_128(kL, 77, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[16], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[17], T+40);
/* kl5/6 = kA by 77 */
rot_128(kA, 77, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kl[4], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kl[5], T+40);
/* k19/k20 = kR by 94 */
rot_128(kR, 94, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[18], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[19], T+40);
/* k21/k22 = kA by 94 */
rot_128(kA, 94, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[20], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[21], T+40);
/* k23/k24 = kL by 111 */
rot_128(kL, 111, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[22], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.k[23], T+40);
/* kw2/kw3 = kB by 111 */
rot_128(kB, 111, T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kw[2], T+32);
LOAD64H(skey->camellia.kw[3], T+40);
return CRYPT_OK;
int camellia_ecb_encrypt(const unsigned char *pt, unsigned char *ct, symmetric_key *skey)
ulong64 L, R;
ulong32 a, b;
LOAD64H(L, pt+0); LOAD64H(R, pt+8);
L ^= skey->camellia.kw[0];
R ^= skey->camellia.kw[1];
/* first 6 rounds */
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[0]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[1]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[2]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[3]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[4]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[5]);
/* FL */
a = (ulong32)(L >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(L & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[0] >> 32)), 1);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[0] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
L = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* FL^-1 */
a = (ulong32)(R >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(R & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[1] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[1] >> 32)), 1);
R = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* second 6 rounds */
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[6]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[7]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[8]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[9]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[10]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[11]);
/* FL */
a = (ulong32)(L >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(L & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[2] >> 32)), 1);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[2] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
L = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* FL^-1 */
a = (ulong32)(R >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(R & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[3] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[3] >> 32)), 1);
R = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* third 6 rounds */
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[12]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[13]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[14]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[15]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[16]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[17]);
/* next FL */
if (skey->camellia.R == 24) {
/* FL */
a = (ulong32)(L >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(L & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[4] >> 32)), 1);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[4] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
L = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* FL^-1 */
a = (ulong32)(R >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(R & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[5] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[5] >> 32)), 1);
R = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* fourth 6 rounds */
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[18]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[19]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[20]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[21]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[22]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[23]);
L ^= skey->camellia.kw[3];
R ^= skey->camellia.kw[2];
STORE64H(R, ct+0); STORE64H(L, ct+8);
return CRYPT_OK;
int camellia_ecb_decrypt(const unsigned char *ct, unsigned char *pt, symmetric_key *skey)
ulong64 L, R;
ulong32 a, b;
LOAD64H(R, ct+0); LOAD64H(L, ct+8);
L ^= skey->camellia.kw[3];
R ^= skey->camellia.kw[2];
/* next FL */
if (skey->camellia.R == 24) {
/* fourth 6 rounds */
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[23]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[22]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[21]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[20]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[19]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[18]);
/* FL */
a = (ulong32)(L >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(L & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[4] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[4] >> 32)), 1);
L = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* FL^-1 */
a = (ulong32)(R >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(R & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[5] >> 32)), 1);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[5] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
R = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* third 6 rounds */
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[17]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[16]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[15]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[14]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[13]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[12]);
/* FL */
a = (ulong32)(L >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(L & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[2] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[2] >> 32)), 1);
L = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* FL^-1 */
a = (ulong32)(R >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(R & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[3] >> 32)), 1);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[3] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
R = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* second 6 rounds */
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[11]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[10]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[9]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[8]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[7]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[6]);
/* FL */
a = (ulong32)(L >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(L & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[0] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[0] >> 32)), 1);
L = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* FL^-1 */
a = (ulong32)(R >> 32);
b = (ulong32)(R & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
b ^= ROL((a & (ulong32)(skey->camellia.kl[1] >> 32)), 1);
a ^= b | (skey->camellia.kl[1] & 0xFFFFFFFFU);
R = (((ulong64)a) << 32) | b;
/* first 6 rounds */
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[5]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[4]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[3]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[2]);
L ^= F(R ^ skey->camellia.k[1]);
R ^= F(L ^ skey->camellia.k[0]);
R ^= skey->camellia.kw[1];
L ^= skey->camellia.kw[0];
STORE64H(R, pt+8); STORE64H(L, pt+0);
return CRYPT_OK;
int camellia_test(void)
static const struct {
int keylen;
unsigned char key[32], pt[16], ct[16];
} tests[] = {
{ 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef,
0xfe, 0xdc, 0xba, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10 },
{ 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef,
0xfe, 0xdc, 0xba, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10 },
{ 0x67, 0x67, 0x31, 0x38, 0x54, 0x96, 0x69, 0x73,
0x08, 0x57, 0x06, 0x56, 0x48, 0xea, 0xbe, 0x43 }
{ 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef,
0xfe, 0xdc, 0xba, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10,
0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77 },
{ 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef,
0xfe, 0xdc, 0xba, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10 },
{ 0xb4, 0x99, 0x34, 0x01, 0xb3, 0xe9, 0x96, 0xf8,
0x4e, 0xe5, 0xce, 0xe7, 0xd7, 0x9b, 0x09, 0xb9 }
{ 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef,
0xfe, 0xdc, 0xba, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10,
0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77,
0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff },
{ 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef,
0xfe, 0xdc, 0xba, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10 },
{ 0x9a, 0xcc, 0x23, 0x7d, 0xff, 0x16, 0xd7, 0x6c,
0x20, 0xef, 0x7c, 0x91, 0x9e, 0x3a, 0x75, 0x09 }
{ 0x60, 0x3D, 0xEB, 0x10, 0x15, 0xCA, 0x71, 0xBE,
0x2B, 0x73, 0xAE, 0xF0, 0x85, 0x7D, 0x77, 0x81,
0x1F, 0x35, 0x2C, 0x07, 0x3B, 0x61, 0x08, 0xD7,
0x2D, 0x98, 0x10, 0xA3, 0x09, 0x14, 0xDF, 0xF4 },
{ 0xF6, 0x9F, 0x24, 0x45, 0xDF, 0x4F, 0x9B, 0x17,
0xAD, 0x2B, 0x41, 0x7B, 0xE6, 0x6C, 0x37, 0x10 },
{ 0x79, 0x60, 0x10, 0x9F, 0xB6, 0xDC, 0x42, 0x94,
0x7F, 0xCF, 0xE5, 0x9E, 0xA3, 0xC5, 0xEB, 0x6B }
unsigned char buf[2][16];
symmetric_key skey;
int err;
unsigned int x;
for (x = 0; x < sizeof(tests)/sizeof(tests[0]); x++) {
zeromem(&skey, sizeof(skey));
if ((err = camellia_setup(tests[x].key, tests[x].keylen, 0, &skey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
if ((err = camellia_ecb_encrypt(tests[x].pt, buf[0], &skey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
if ((err = camellia_ecb_decrypt(tests[x].ct, buf[1], &skey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
if (compare_testvector(tests[x].ct, 16, buf[0], 16, "Camellia Encrypt", x) ||
compare_testvector(tests[x].pt, 16, buf[1], 16, "Camellia Decrypt", x)) {
return CRYPT_OK;
void camellia_done(symmetric_key *skey)
int camellia_keysize(int *keysize)
if (*keysize >= 32) { *keysize = 32; }
else if (*keysize >= 24) { *keysize = 24; }
else if (*keysize >= 16) { *keysize = 16; }
return CRYPT_OK;
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
@ -27,7 +25,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor cast5_desc = {
static const ulong32 S1[256] = {
@ -676,7 +674,8 @@ int cast5_test(void)
cast5_ecb_encrypt(tests[i].pt, tmp[0], &key);
cast5_ecb_decrypt(tmp[0], tmp[1], &key);
if ((XMEMCMP(tmp[0], tests[i].ct, 8) != 0) || (XMEMCMP(tmp[1], tests[i].pt, 8) != 0)) {
if ((compare_testvector(tmp[0], 8, tests[i].ct, 8, "CAST5 Encrypt", i) != 0) ||
(compare_testvector(tmp[1], 8, tests[i].pt, 8, "CAST5 Decrypt", i) != 0)) {
/* now see if we can encrypt all zero bytes 1000 times, decrypt and come back where we started */
@ -695,6 +694,7 @@ int cast5_test(void)
void cast5_done(symmetric_key *skey)
@ -715,6 +715,6 @@ int cast5_keysize(int *keysize)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,14 +5,12 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
#include "tomcrypt.h"
@file des.c
LTC_DES code submitted by Dobes Vandermeer
DES code submitted by Dobes Vandermeer
#ifdef LTC_DES
@ -31,21 +29,21 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor des_desc =
const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor des3_desc =
24, 24, 8, 16,
16, 24, 8, 16,
static const ulong32 bytebit[8] =
@ -1385,7 +1383,7 @@ static void cookey(const ulong32 *raw1, ulong32 *keyout)
*cook++ |= (*raw1 & 0x0000003fL);
XMEMCPY(keyout, dough, sizeof dough);
XMEMCPY(keyout, dough, sizeof(dough));
@ -1562,17 +1560,27 @@ int des3_setup(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_k
if (keylen != 24) {
if (keylen != 24 && keylen != 16) {
deskey(key, EN0, skey->des3.ek[0]);
deskey(key+8, DE1, skey->des3.ek[1]);
if (keylen == 24) {
deskey(key+16, EN0, skey->des3.ek[2]);
} else {
/* two-key 3DES: K3=K1 */
deskey(key, EN0, skey->des3.ek[2]);
deskey(key, DE1, skey->des3.dk[2]);
deskey(key+8, EN0, skey->des3.dk[1]);
if (keylen == 24) {
deskey(key+16, DE1, skey->des3.dk[0]);
} else {
/* two-key 3DES: K3=K1 */
deskey(key, DE1, skey->des3.dk[0]);
return CRYPT_OK;
@ -1740,7 +1748,178 @@ int des_test(void)
{ 0x0D, 0x9F, 0x27, 0x9B, 0xA5, 0xD8, 0x72, 0x60 } },
{10, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xD9, 0x03, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x71, 0xBD, 0x5A, 0x0A } }
{ 0xD9, 0x03, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x71, 0xBD, 0x5A, 0x0A } },
{ 0+11, 0, { 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x95, 0xA8, 0xD7, 0x28, 0x13, 0xDA, 0xA9, 0x4D } },
{ 1+11, 0, { 0x40, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x0E, 0xEC, 0x14, 0x87, 0xDD, 0x8C, 0x26, 0xD5 } },
{ 2+11, 0, { 0x20, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x7A, 0xD1, 0x6F, 0xFB, 0x79, 0xC4, 0x59, 0x26 } },
{ 3+11, 0, { 0x10, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xD3, 0x74, 0x62, 0x94, 0xCA, 0x6A, 0x6C, 0xF3 } },
{ 4+11, 0, { 0x08, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x80, 0x9F, 0x5F, 0x87, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xD7, 0x61 } },
{ 5+11, 0, { 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xC0, 0x2F, 0xAF, 0xFE, 0xC9, 0x89, 0xD1, 0xFC } },
{ 6+11, 0, { 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x46, 0x15, 0xAA, 0x1D, 0x33, 0xE7, 0x2F, 0x10 } },
{ 7+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x20, 0x55, 0x12, 0x33, 0x50, 0xC0, 0x08, 0x58 } },
{ 8+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x40, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xDF, 0x3B, 0x99, 0xD6, 0x57, 0x73, 0x97, 0xC8 } },
{ 9+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x31, 0xFE, 0x17, 0x36, 0x9B, 0x52, 0x88, 0xC9 } },
{10+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x10, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xDF, 0xDD, 0x3C, 0xC6, 0x4D, 0xAE, 0x16, 0x42 } },
{11+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x08, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x17, 0x8C, 0x83, 0xCE, 0x2B, 0x39, 0x9D, 0x94 } },
{12+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x50, 0xF6, 0x36, 0x32, 0x4A, 0x9B, 0x7F, 0x80 } },
{13+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xA8, 0x46, 0x8E, 0xE3, 0xBC, 0x18, 0xF0, 0x6D } },
{14+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xA2, 0xDC, 0x9E, 0x92, 0xFD, 0x3C, 0xDE, 0x92 } },
{15+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x40, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xCA, 0xC0, 0x9F, 0x79, 0x7D, 0x03, 0x12, 0x87 } },
{16+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x90, 0xBA, 0x68, 0x0B, 0x22, 0xAE, 0xB5, 0x25 } },
{17+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xCE, 0x7A, 0x24, 0xF3, 0x50, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB6 } },
{18+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x08, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x88, 0x2B, 0xFF, 0x0A, 0xA0, 0x1A, 0x0B, 0x87 } },
{19+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x25, 0x61, 0x02, 0x88, 0x92, 0x45, 0x11, 0xC2 } },
{20+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xC7, 0x15, 0x16, 0xC2, 0x9C, 0x75, 0xD1, 0x70 } },
{21+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x51, 0x99, 0xC2, 0x9A, 0x52, 0xC9, 0xF0, 0x59 } },
{22+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x40, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xC2, 0x2F, 0x0A, 0x29, 0x4A, 0x71, 0xF2, 0x9F } },
{23+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xEE, 0x37, 0x14, 0x83, 0x71, 0x4C, 0x02, 0xEA } },
{24+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xA8, 0x1F, 0xBD, 0x44, 0x8F, 0x9E, 0x52, 0x2F } },
{25+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x08, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x4F, 0x64, 0x4C, 0x92, 0xE1, 0x92, 0xDF, 0xED } },
{26+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x1A, 0xFA, 0x9A, 0x66, 0xA6, 0xDF, 0x92, 0xAE } },
{27+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xB3, 0xC1, 0xCC, 0x71, 0x5C, 0xB8, 0x79, 0xD8 } },
{28+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x19, 0xD0, 0x32, 0xE6, 0x4A, 0xB0, 0xBD, 0x8B } },
{29+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x40, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x3C, 0xFA, 0xA7, 0xA7, 0xDC, 0x87, 0x20, 0xDC } },
{30+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xB7, 0x26, 0x5F, 0x7F, 0x44, 0x7A, 0xC6, 0xF3 } },
{31+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x9D, 0xB7, 0x3B, 0x3C, 0x0D, 0x16, 0x3F, 0x54 } },
{32+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x08, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x81, 0x81, 0xB6, 0x5B, 0xAB, 0xF4, 0xA9, 0x75 } },
{33+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x93, 0xC9, 0xB6, 0x40, 0x42, 0xEA, 0xA2, 0x40 } },
{34+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x55, 0x70, 0x53, 0x08, 0x29, 0x70, 0x55, 0x92 } },
{35+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x86, 0x38, 0x80, 0x9E, 0x87, 0x87, 0x87, 0xA0 } },
{36+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x40, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x41, 0xB9, 0xA7, 0x9A, 0xF7, 0x9A, 0xC2, 0x08 } },
{37+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x7A, 0x9B, 0xE4, 0x2F, 0x20, 0x09, 0xA8, 0x92 } },
{38+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x29, 0x03, 0x8D, 0x56, 0xBA, 0x6D, 0x27, 0x45 } },
{39+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x08, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x54, 0x95, 0xC6, 0xAB, 0xF1, 0xE5, 0xDF, 0x51 } },
{40+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xAE, 0x13, 0xDB, 0xD5, 0x61, 0x48, 0x89, 0x33 } },
{41+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x02, 0x4D, 0x1F, 0xFA, 0x89, 0x04, 0xE3, 0x89 } },
{42+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xD1, 0x39, 0x97, 0x12, 0xF9, 0x9B, 0xF0, 0x2E } },
{43+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x40, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x14, 0xC1, 0xD7, 0xC1, 0xCF, 0xFE, 0xC7, 0x9E } },
{44+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x1D, 0xE5, 0x27, 0x9D, 0xAE, 0x3B, 0xED, 0x6F } },
{45+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xE9, 0x41, 0xA3, 0x3F, 0x85, 0x50, 0x13, 0x03 } },
{46+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x08, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xDA, 0x99, 0xDB, 0xBC, 0x9A, 0x03, 0xF3, 0x79 } },
{47+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xB7, 0xFC, 0x92, 0xF9, 0x1D, 0x8E, 0x92, 0xE9 } },
{48+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xAE, 0x8E, 0x5C, 0xAA, 0x3C, 0xA0, 0x4E, 0x85 } },
{49+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x80 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x9C, 0xC6, 0x2D, 0xF4, 0x3B, 0x6E, 0xED, 0x74 } },
{50+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x40 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xD8, 0x63, 0xDB, 0xB5, 0xC5, 0x9A, 0x91, 0xA0 } },
{51+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x20 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xA1, 0xAB, 0x21, 0x90, 0x54, 0x5B, 0x91, 0xD7 } },
{52+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x08, 0x75, 0x04, 0x1E, 0x64, 0xC5, 0x70, 0xF7 } },
{53+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x08 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x5A, 0x59, 0x45, 0x28, 0xBE, 0xBE, 0xF1, 0xCC } },
{54+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xFC, 0xDB, 0x32, 0x91, 0xDE, 0x21, 0xF0, 0xC0 } },
{55+11, 0, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x86, 0x9E, 0xFD, 0x7F, 0x9F, 0x26, 0x5A, 0x09 } },
#endif /* LTC_TEST_EXT */
/*** more test cases you could add if you are not convinced (the above test cases aren't really too good):
@ -1798,7 +1977,7 @@ int des_test(void)
des_ecb_decrypt(cases[i].txt, tmp, &des);
if (XMEMCMP(cases[i].out, tmp, sizeof(tmp)) != 0) {
if (compare_testvector(cases[i].out, sizeof(tmp), tmp, sizeof(tmp), "DES", i) != 0) {
@ -1841,7 +2020,7 @@ int des3_test(void)
des3_ecb_encrypt(pt, ct, &skey);
des3_ecb_decrypt(ct, tmp, &skey);
if (XMEMCMP(pt, tmp, 8) != 0) {
if (compare_testvector(pt, 8, tmp, 8, "3DES", 0) != 0) {
@ -1854,6 +2033,7 @@ int des3_test(void)
void des_done(symmetric_key *skey)
/** Terminate the context
@ -1861,6 +2041,7 @@ void des_done(symmetric_key *skey)
void des3_done(symmetric_key *skey)
@ -1887,8 +2068,11 @@ int des_keysize(int *keysize)
int des3_keysize(int *keysize)
LTC_ARGCHK(keysize != NULL);
if(*keysize < 24) {
if (*keysize < 16)
if (*keysize < 24) {
*keysize = 16;
return CRYPT_OK;
*keysize = 24;
return CRYPT_OK;
@ -1897,6 +2081,6 @@ int des3_keysize(int *keysize)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
@ -33,7 +31,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor kasumi_desc = {
static u16 FI( u16 in, u16 subkey )
@ -236,6 +234,7 @@ int kasumi_setup(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric
void kasumi_done(symmetric_key *skey)
int kasumi_keysize(int *keysize)
@ -303,7 +302,8 @@ int kasumi_test(void)
if ((err = kasumi_ecb_decrypt(tests[x].ct, buf[1], &key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
if (XMEMCMP(tests[x].pt, buf[1], 8) || XMEMCMP(tests[x].ct, buf[0], 8)) {
if (compare_testvector(buf[1], 8, tests[x].pt, 8, "Kasumi Decrypt", x) ||
compare_testvector(buf[0], 8, tests[x].ct, 8, "Kasumi Encrypt", x)) {
@ -313,6 +313,6 @@ int kasumi_test(void)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
#include "tomcrypt.h"
@ -28,7 +26,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor khazad_desc = {
#define R 8
@ -810,13 +808,14 @@ int khazad_test(void)
khazad_setup(tests[x].key, 16, 0, &skey);
khazad_ecb_encrypt(tests[x].pt, buf[0], &skey);
khazad_ecb_decrypt(buf[0], buf[1], &skey);
if (XMEMCMP(buf[0], tests[x].ct, 8) || XMEMCMP(buf[1], tests[x].pt, 8)) {
if (compare_testvector(buf[0], 8, tests[x].ct, 8, "Khazad Encrypt", x) ||
compare_testvector(buf[1], 8, tests[x].pt, 8, "Khazad Decrypt", x)) {
for (y = 0; y < 1000; y++) khazad_ecb_encrypt(buf[0], buf[0], &skey);
for (y = 0; y < 1000; y++) khazad_ecb_decrypt(buf[0], buf[0], &skey);
if (XMEMCMP(buf[0], tests[x].ct, 8)) {
if (compare_testvector(buf[0], 8, tests[x].ct, 8, "Khazad 1000", 1000)) {
@ -830,6 +829,7 @@ int khazad_test(void)
void khazad_done(symmetric_key *skey)
@ -850,6 +850,6 @@ int khazad_keysize(int *keysize)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor kseed_desc = {
static const ulong32 SS0[256] = {
@ -298,6 +296,7 @@ int kseed_ecb_decrypt(const unsigned char *ct, unsigned char *pt, symmetric_key
void kseed_done(symmetric_key *skey)
@ -345,7 +344,8 @@ int kseed_test(void)
kseed_setup(tests[x].key, 16, 0, &skey);
kseed_ecb_encrypt(tests[x].pt, buf[0], &skey);
kseed_ecb_decrypt(buf[0], buf[1], &skey);
if (XMEMCMP(buf[0], tests[x].ct, 16) || XMEMCMP(buf[1], tests[x].pt, 16)) {
if (compare_testvector(buf[0], 16, tests[x].ct, 16, "KSEED Encrypt", x) ||
compare_testvector(buf[1], 16, tests[x].pt, 16, "KSEED Decrypt", x)) {
@ -371,6 +371,6 @@ int kseed_keysize(int *keysize)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
@ -94,11 +92,11 @@ static void encrypt(ulong32 *p, int N, ulong32 *uk)
static void decrypt(ulong32 *p, int N, ulong32 *uk)
int n, t;
for (t = 4*((N&1)^1), n = N; ; ) {
switch (n >= 4 ? 4 : 0) {
case 4: pi4(p, uk+t); --n;
case 3: pi3(p, uk+t); --n;
case 2: pi2(p, uk+t); --n;
for (t = 4*(((N-1)>>2)&1), n = N; ; ) {
switch (n<=4 ? n : ((n-1)%4)+1) {
case 4: pi4(p, uk+t); --n; /* FALLTHROUGH */
case 3: pi3(p, uk+t); --n; /* FALLTHROUGH */
case 2: pi2(p, uk+t); --n; /* FALLTHROUGH */
case 1: pi1(p); --n; break;
case 0: return;
@ -116,7 +114,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor multi2_desc = {
int multi2_setup(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *skey)
@ -258,14 +256,31 @@ int multi2_test(void)
return err;
if (XMEMCMP(buf, tests[x].ct, 8)) {
if (compare_testvector(buf, 8, tests[x].ct, 8, "Multi2 Encrypt", x)) {
if ((err = multi2_ecb_decrypt(buf, buf, &skey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
if (XMEMCMP(buf, tests[x].pt, 8)) {
if (compare_testvector(buf, 8, tests[x].pt, 8, "Multi2 Decrypt", x)) {
for (x = 128; x < 256; ++x) {
unsigned char ct[8];
if ((err = multi2_setup(tests[0].key, 40, x, &skey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
if ((err = multi2_ecb_encrypt(tests[0].pt, ct, &skey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
if ((err = multi2_ecb_decrypt(ct, buf, &skey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
if (compare_testvector(buf, 8, tests[0].pt, 8, "Multi2 Rounds", x)) {
@ -278,6 +293,7 @@ int multi2_test(void)
void multi2_done(symmetric_key *skey)
@ -298,6 +314,6 @@ int multi2_keysize(int *keysize)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
@file noekeon.c
@ -27,7 +25,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor noekeon_desc =
static const ulong32 RC[] = {
@ -59,10 +57,10 @@ static const ulong32 RC[] = {
a ^= c&b;
#define PI1(a, b, c, d) \
a = ROLc(a, 1); c = ROLc(c, 5); d = ROLc(d, 2);
b = ROLc(b, 1); c = ROLc(c, 5); d = ROLc(d, 2);
#define PI2(a, b, c, d) \
a = RORc(a, 1); c = RORc(c, 5); d = RORc(d, 2);
b = RORc(b, 1); c = RORc(c, 5); d = RORc(d, 2);
Initialize the Noekeon block cipher
@ -152,7 +150,7 @@ int noekeon_ecb_encrypt(const unsigned char *pt, unsigned char *ct, symmetric_ke
int err = _noekeon_ecb_encrypt(pt, ct, skey);
burn_stack(sizeof(ulong32) * 5 + sizeof(int));
return CRYPT_OK;
return err;
@ -224,10 +222,51 @@ int noekeon_test(void)
} tests[] = {
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 },
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 },
{ 0x18, 0xa6, 0xec, 0xe5, 0x28, 0xaa, 0x79, 0x73,
0x28, 0xb2, 0xc0, 0x91, 0xa0, 0x2f, 0x54, 0xc5}
{ 0xAA, 0x3C, 0x8C, 0x86, 0xD9, 0x8B, 0xF8, 0xBE, 0x21, 0xE0, 0x36, 0x09, 0x78, 0xFB, 0xE4, 0x90 },
{ 0xE4, 0x96, 0x6C, 0xD3, 0x13, 0xA0, 0x6C, 0xAF, 0xD0, 0x23, 0xC9, 0xFD, 0x45, 0x32, 0x23, 0x16 },
{ 0xA6, 0xEC, 0xB8, 0xA8, 0x61, 0xFD, 0x62, 0xD9, 0x13, 0x02, 0xFE, 0x9E, 0x47, 0x01, 0x3F, 0xC3 }
{ 0xED, 0x43, 0xD1, 0x87, 0x21, 0x7E, 0xE0, 0x97, 0x3D, 0x76, 0xC3, 0x37, 0x2E, 0x7D, 0xAE, 0xD3 },
{ 0xE3, 0x38, 0x32, 0xCC, 0xF2, 0x2F, 0x2F, 0x0A, 0x4A, 0x8B, 0x8F, 0x18, 0x12, 0x20, 0x17, 0xD3 },
{ 0x94, 0xA5, 0xDF, 0xF5, 0xAE, 0x1C, 0xBB, 0x22, 0xAD, 0xEB, 0xA7, 0x0D, 0xB7, 0x82, 0x90, 0xA0 }
{ 0x6F, 0xDC, 0x23, 0x38, 0xF2, 0x10, 0xFB, 0xD3, 0xC1, 0x8C, 0x02, 0xF6, 0xB4, 0x6A, 0xD5, 0xA8 },
{ 0xDB, 0x29, 0xED, 0xB5, 0x5F, 0xB3, 0x60, 0x3A, 0x92, 0xA8, 0xEB, 0x9C, 0x6D, 0x9D, 0x3E, 0x8F },
{ 0x78, 0xF3, 0x6F, 0xF8, 0x9E, 0xBB, 0x8C, 0x6A, 0xE8, 0x10, 0xF7, 0x00, 0x22, 0x15, 0x30, 0x3D }
{ 0x2C, 0x0C, 0x02, 0xEF, 0x6B, 0xC4, 0xF2, 0x0B, 0x2E, 0xB9, 0xE0, 0xBF, 0xD9, 0x36, 0xC2, 0x4E },
{ 0x84, 0xE2, 0xFE, 0x64, 0xB1, 0xB9, 0xFE, 0x76, 0xA8, 0x3F, 0x45, 0xC7, 0x40, 0x7A, 0xAF, 0xEE },
{ 0x2A, 0x08, 0xD6, 0xA2, 0x1C, 0x63, 0x08, 0xB0, 0xF8, 0xBC, 0xB3, 0xA1, 0x66, 0xF7, 0xAE, 0xCF }
{ 0x6F, 0x30, 0xF8, 0x9F, 0xDA, 0x6E, 0xA0, 0x91, 0x04, 0x0F, 0x6C, 0x8B, 0x7D, 0xF7, 0x2A, 0x4B },
{ 0x65, 0xB6, 0xA6, 0xD0, 0x42, 0x14, 0x08, 0x60, 0x34, 0x8D, 0x37, 0x2F, 0x01, 0xF0, 0x46, 0xBE },
{ 0x66, 0xAC, 0x0B, 0x62, 0x1D, 0x68, 0x11, 0xF5, 0x27, 0xB1, 0x13, 0x5D, 0xF3, 0x2A, 0xE9, 0x18 }
{ 0xCA, 0xA4, 0x16, 0xB7, 0x1C, 0x92, 0x2E, 0xAD, 0xEB, 0xA7, 0xDB, 0x69, 0x92, 0xCB, 0x35, 0xEF },
{ 0x81, 0x6F, 0x8E, 0x4D, 0x96, 0xC6, 0xB3, 0x67, 0x83, 0xF5, 0x63, 0xC7, 0x20, 0x6D, 0x40, 0x23 },
{ 0x44, 0xF7, 0x63, 0x62, 0xF0, 0x43, 0xBB, 0x67, 0x4A, 0x75, 0x12, 0x42, 0x46, 0x29, 0x28, 0x19 }
{ 0x6B, 0xCF, 0x22, 0x2F, 0xE0, 0x1B, 0xB0, 0xAA, 0xD8, 0x3C, 0x91, 0x99, 0x18, 0xB2, 0x28, 0xE8 },
{ 0x7C, 0x37, 0xC7, 0xD0, 0xAC, 0x92, 0x29, 0xF1, 0x60, 0x82, 0x93, 0x89, 0xAA, 0x61, 0xAA, 0xA9 },
{ 0xE5, 0x89, 0x1B, 0xB3, 0xFE, 0x8B, 0x0C, 0xA1, 0xA6, 0xC7, 0xBE, 0x12, 0x73, 0x0F, 0xC1, 0x19 }
{ 0xE6, 0xD0, 0xF1, 0x03, 0x2E, 0xDE, 0x70, 0x8D, 0xD8, 0x9E, 0x36, 0x5C, 0x05, 0x52, 0xE7, 0x0D },
{ 0xE2, 0x42, 0xE7, 0x92, 0x0E, 0xF7, 0x82, 0xA2, 0xB8, 0x21, 0x8D, 0x26, 0xBA, 0x2D, 0xE6, 0x32 },
{ 0x1E, 0xDD, 0x75, 0x22, 0xB9, 0x36, 0x8A, 0x0F, 0x32, 0xFD, 0xD4, 0x48, 0x65, 0x12, 0x5A, 0x2F }
symmetric_key key;
@ -242,23 +281,8 @@ int noekeon_test(void)
noekeon_ecb_encrypt(tests[i].pt, tmp[0], &key);
noekeon_ecb_decrypt(tmp[0], tmp[1], &key);
if (XMEMCMP(tmp[0], tests[i].ct, 16) || XMEMCMP(tmp[1], tests[i].pt, 16)) {
#if 0
printf("\n\nTest %d failed\n", i);
if (XMEMCMP(tmp[0], tests[i].ct, 16)) {
printf("CT: ");
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
printf("%02x ", tmp[0][i]);
} else {
printf("PT: ");
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
printf("%02x ", tmp[1][i]);
if (compare_testvector(tmp[0], 16, tests[i].ct, 16, "Noekeon Encrypt", i) ||
compare_testvector(tmp[1], 16, tests[i].pt, 16, "Noekeon Decrypt", i)) {
@ -277,6 +301,7 @@ int noekeon_test(void)
void noekeon_done(symmetric_key *skey)
@ -298,6 +323,6 @@ int noekeon_keysize(int *keysize)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
* To commemorate the 1996 RSA Data Security Conference, the following *
@ -18,11 +16,11 @@
* Thanks to CodeView, SoftIce, and D86 for helping bring this code to *
* the public. *
#include <tomcrypt.h>
#include "tomcrypt.h"
@file rc2.c
Implementation of LTC_RC2
Implementation of RC2 with fixed effective key length of 64bits
#ifdef LTC_RC2
@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor rc2_desc = {
/* 256-entry permutation table, probably derived somehow from pi */
@ -60,26 +58,30 @@ static const unsigned char permute[256] = {
Initialize the LTC_RC2 block cipher
Initialize the RC2 block cipher
@param key The symmetric key you wish to pass
@param keylen The key length in bytes
@param bits The effective key length in bits
@param num_rounds The number of rounds desired (0 for default)
@param skey The key in as scheduled by this function.
@return CRYPT_OK if successful
int rc2_setup(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *skey)
int rc2_setup_ex(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int bits, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *skey)
unsigned *xkey = skey->rc2.xkey;
unsigned char tmp[128];
unsigned T8, TM;
int i, bits;
int i;
if (keylen < 8 || keylen > 128) {
if (keylen == 0 || keylen > 128 || bits > 1024) {
if (bits == 0) {
bits = 1024;
if (num_rounds != 0 && num_rounds != 16) {
@ -97,7 +99,6 @@ int rc2_setup(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_ke
/* Phase 2 - reduce effective key size to "bits" */
bits = keylen<<3;
T8 = (unsigned)(bits+7)>>3;
TM = (255 >> (unsigned)(7 & -bits));
tmp[128 - T8] = permute[tmp[128 - T8] & TM];
@ -117,11 +118,27 @@ int rc2_setup(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_ke
return CRYPT_OK;
Initialize the RC2 block cipher
The effective key length is here always keylen * 8
@param key The symmetric key you wish to pass
@param keylen The key length in bytes
@param num_rounds The number of rounds desired (0 for default)
@param skey The key in as scheduled by this function.
@return CRYPT_OK if successful
int rc2_setup(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *skey)
return rc2_setup_ex(key, keylen, keylen * 8, num_rounds, skey);
* Encrypt an 8-byte block of plaintext using the given key. *
Encrypts a block of text with LTC_RC2
Encrypts a block of text with RC2
@param pt The input plaintext (8 bytes)
@param ct The output ciphertext (8 bytes)
@param skey The key as scheduled
@ -199,7 +216,7 @@ int rc2_ecb_encrypt( const unsigned char *pt,
* Decrypt an 8-byte block of ciphertext using the given key. *
Decrypts a block of text with LTC_RC2
Decrypts a block of text with RC2
@param ct The input ciphertext (8 bytes)
@param pt The output plaintext (8 bytes)
@param skey The key as scheduled
@ -275,7 +292,7 @@ int rc2_ecb_decrypt( const unsigned char *ct,
Performs a self-test of the LTC_RC2 block cipher
Performs a self-test of the RC2 block cipher
@return CRYPT_OK if functional, CRYPT_NOP if self-test has been disabled
int rc2_test(void)
@ -284,18 +301,47 @@ int rc2_test(void)
return CRYPT_NOP;
static const struct {
int keylen;
int keylen, bits;
unsigned char key[16], pt[8], ct[8];
} tests[] = {
{ 8,
{ 8, 63,
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xeb, 0xb7, 0x73, 0xf9, 0x93, 0x27, 0x8e, 0xff }
{ 8, 64,
{ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff },
{ 0x27, 0x8b, 0x27, 0xe4, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x0d, 0x49 }
{ 8, 64,
{ 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 },
{ 0x30, 0x64, 0x9e, 0xdf, 0x9b, 0xe7, 0xd2, 0xc2 }
{ 16,
{ 1, 64,
{ 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x61, 0xa8, 0xa2, 0x44, 0xad, 0xac, 0xcc, 0xf0 }
{ 7, 64,
{ 0x88, 0xbc, 0xa9, 0x0e, 0x90, 0x87, 0x5a, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x6c, 0xcf, 0x43, 0x08, 0x97, 0x4c, 0x26, 0x7f }
{ 16, 64,
{ 0x88, 0xbc, 0xa9, 0x0e, 0x90, 0x87, 0x5a, 0x7f,
0x0f, 0x79, 0xc3, 0x84, 0x62, 0x7b, 0xaf, 0xb2 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x1a, 0x80, 0x7d, 0x27, 0x2b, 0xbe, 0x5d, 0xb1 }
{ 16, 128,
{ 0x88, 0xbc, 0xa9, 0x0e, 0x90, 0x87, 0x5a, 0x7f,
0x0f, 0x79, 0xc3, 0x84, 0x62, 0x7b, 0xaf, 0xb2 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
@ -308,14 +354,22 @@ int rc2_test(void)
for (x = 0; x < (int)(sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0])); x++) {
zeromem(tmp, sizeof(tmp));
if (tests[x].bits == (tests[x].keylen * 8)) {
if ((err = rc2_setup(tests[x].key, tests[x].keylen, 0, &skey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
else {
if ((err = rc2_setup_ex(tests[x].key, tests[x].keylen, tests[x].bits, 0, &skey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
return err;
rc2_ecb_encrypt(tests[x].pt, tmp[0], &skey);
rc2_ecb_decrypt(tmp[0], tmp[1], &skey);
if (XMEMCMP(tmp[0], tests[x].ct, 8) != 0 || XMEMCMP(tmp[1], tests[x].pt, 8) != 0) {
if (compare_testvector(tmp[0], 8, tests[x].ct, 8, "RC2 CT", x) ||
compare_testvector(tmp[1], 8, tests[x].pt, 8, "RC2 PT", x)) {
@ -334,6 +388,7 @@ int rc2_test(void)
void rc2_done(symmetric_key *skey)
@ -344,7 +399,7 @@ void rc2_done(symmetric_key *skey)
int rc2_keysize(int *keysize)
LTC_ARGCHK(keysize != NULL);
if (*keysize < 8) {
if (*keysize < 1) {
} else if (*keysize > 128) {
*keysize = 128;
@ -357,6 +412,6 @@ int rc2_keysize(int *keysize)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ const struct ltc_cipher_descriptor rc5_desc =
static const ulong32 stab[50] = {
@ -275,7 +273,8 @@ int rc5_test(void)
rc5_ecb_decrypt(tmp[0], tmp[1], &key);
/* compare */
if (XMEMCMP(tmp[0], tests[x].ct, 8) != 0 || XMEMCMP(tmp[1], tests[x].pt, 8) != 0) {
if (compare_testvector(tmp[0], 8, tests[x].ct, 8, "RC5 Encrypt", x) != 0 ||
compare_testvector(tmp[1], 8, tests[x].pt, 8, "RC5 Decrypt", x) != 0) {
@ -294,6 +293,7 @@ int rc5_test(void)
void rc5_done(symmetric_key *skey)
@ -317,6 +317,6 @@ int rc5_keysize(int *keysize)
/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */
/* ref: $Format:%D$ */
/* git commit: $Format:%H$ */
/* commit time: $Format:%ai$ */

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