mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird.git synced 2025-01-22 21:23:04 +01:00

Installer for MinGW (first try)

This commit is contained in:
brodsom 2004-04-21 01:45:53 +00:00
parent f0a9a18ea5
commit 795d0d42f1
5 changed files with 780 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
rm -Rf $OUTDIR
mkdir $OUTDIR
# Copying root
echo Copying root...
cp $GENDIR/misc/firebird.conf $OUTDIR
cp $GENDIR/security.fdb $OUTDIR
$GENDIR/bin/gbak_static $GENDIR/security.fdb $OUTDIR/security.fbk
cp $GENDIR/firebird.msg $OUTDIR/firebird.msg
# Copying bin
echo Copying bin...
mkdir $OUTDIR/bin
cp $GENDIR/lib/fbclient.dll $OUTDIR/bin/
echo "to be build" > $OUTDIR/bin/gds32.dll
cp $GENDIR/lib/libib_util.dll $OUTDIR/bin/ib_util.dll
cp $GENDIR/bin/fb_lock_print.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/fbserver.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/gbak.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/gdef.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/gfix.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/gpre.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/gsec.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/gsplit.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/gstat.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/ibguard.exe $OUTDIR/bin/fbguard.exe
cp $GENDIR/bin/instreg.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/instsvc.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/isql.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/nbackup.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
cp $GENDIR/bin/qli.exe $OUTDIR/bin/
# Copying Doc
echo Copying doc...
# Copying Examples
echo Copying examples...
cp -R $EXADIR $OUTDIR/examples
# Copying help
echo Copying help...
mkdir $OUTDIR/help
cp $GENDIR/help/help.fdb $OUTDIR/help/
# Copying Include
echo Copying include...
mkdir $OUTDIR/include
cp $GENDIR/include/blr.h $OUTDIR/include/
cp $GENDIR/include/gds.h $OUTDIR/include/
cp $GENDIR/include/ib_util.h $OUTDIR/include/
cp $GENDIR/include/ibase.h $OUTDIR/include/
cp $GENDIR/include/iberror.h $OUTDIR/include/
cp $GENDIR/include/perf.h $OUTDIR/include/
# Copying intl
echo Copying intl...
mkdir $OUTDIR/intl
cp $GENDIR/intl/fbintl.dll $OUTDIR/intl/
# Copying lib (should create fbclient_ms.lib and gds32_ms.lib
# TODO the fbclient_ms is generated with all the functions exported and so the size is huge.
# a new def file with cdecl and stdcall entrypoints for only the API functions should be created
echo Copying lib...
mkdir $OUTDIR/lib
cp $GENDIR/lib/fbclient_ms.lib $OUTDIR/lib/
echo "to be build" > $OUTDIR/lib/gds32.lib
# Copying UDF
echo Copying UDF...
cp $SRCDIR/extlib/ib_udf.sql $OUTDIR/UDF
cp $SRCDIR/extlib/fbudf/fbudf.sql $OUTDIR/UDF
cp $GENDIR/UDF/fbudf.dll $OUTDIR/UDF
cp $GENDIR/UDF/ib_udf.dll $OUTDIR/UDF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
; Initial Developer's Public License.
; The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's Public
; License Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except
; in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
; http://www.ibphoenix.com/idpl.html
; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
; WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
; for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
; License.
; The Original Code is copyright 2001-2003 Paul Reeves for IBPhoenix.
; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Paul Reeves for IBPhoenix.
; All Rights Reserved.
; Contributor(s):
; Tilo Muetze, Theo ? and Michael Rimov for improved detection
; of an existing install directory.
; Simon Carter for the WinSock2 detection.
; Usage Notes:
; This script has been designed to work with My InnoSetup Extensions
; or later. It may work with earlier versions but this is neither guaranteed
; nor tested. My InnoSetup Extensions is available from
; http://www.wintax.nl/isx/
;Either classic_server_install or super_server_install
;Default to SuperServer if not defined
#define super_server_install
#define server_architecture "SuperServer"
#define FirebirdURL "http://www.firebirdsql.org"
#define BaseVer "1_5"
#define mingwBase "c:\mingw"
AppName=Firebird Database Server 1.5 ({#server_architecture})
;The following is important - all ISS install packages should
;duplicate this for v1.5. See the InnoSetup help for details.
AppVerName=Firebird 1.5.0 {#server_architecture}
AppPublisher=Firebird Project
#ifdef classic_server_install
Name: ServerInstall; Description: Full installation of server and development tools.
Name: DeveloperInstall; Description: Installation of Client tools for Developers and database administrators.
Name: ClientInstall; Description: Minimum client install - no server, no tools.
Name: ServerComponent; Description: Server component; Types: ServerInstall
Name: DevAdminComponent; Description: Tools component; Types: ServerInstall DeveloperInstall
Name: ClientComponent; Description: Client component; Types: ServerInstall DeveloperInstall ClientInstall; Flags: fixed disablenouninstallwarning
;Server tasks
Name: UseGuardianTask; Description: "Use the &Guardian to control the server?"; Components: ServerComponent; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0
Name: UseApplicationTask; Description: An &Application?; GroupDescription: "Run Firebird server as:"; Components: ServerComponent; MinVersion: 4,4; Flags: exclusive
Name: UseServiceTask; Description: A &Service?; GroupDescription: "Run Firebird server as:"; Components: ServerComponent; MinVersion: 0,4; Flags: exclusive
Name: AutoStartTask; Description: "Start &Firebird automatically everytime you boot up?"; Components: ServerComponent; MinVersion: 4,4;
;Developer Tasks
Name: MenuGroupTask; Description: Create a Menu &Group; Components: ServerComponent; MinVersion: 4,4;
;One for Ron
;Name: MenuGroupTask\desktopicon; Description: Create a &desktop icon; Components: ServerComponent; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0;
;Always register Firebird
Filename: "{app}\bin\instreg.exe"; Parameters: "install ""{app}"" "; StatusMsg: Updating the registry; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: runminimized
;If on NT/Win2k etc and 'Install and start service' requested
Filename: "{app}\bin\instsvc.exe"; Parameters: "install ""{app}"" {code:ServiceStartFlags|""""} "; StatusMsg: "Setting up the service"; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: runminimized; Tasks: UseServiceTask;
Filename: "{app}\bin\instsvc.exe"; Description: "Start Firebird Service now?"; Parameters: start; StatusMsg: Starting the server; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: runminimized postinstall; Tasks: UseServiceTask; Check: StartEngine;
;If 'start as application' requested
#ifdef classic_server_install
Filename: "{code:StartApp|{app}\bin\fb_inet_server.exe}"; Description: "Start Firebird now?"; Parameters: "-a"; StatusMsg: Starting the server; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: nowait postinstall; Tasks: UseApplicationTask; Check: StartEngine;
Filename: "{code:StartApp|{app}\bin\fbserver.exe}"; Description: "Start Firebird now?"; Parameters: "-a"; StatusMsg: Starting the server; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: nowait postinstall; Tasks: UseApplicationTask; Check: StartEngine;
;If user has chosen to start as App they may well want to start automatically. That is handled by a function below.
;Unless we set a marker here the uninstall will leave some annoying debris.
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run; ValueType: string; ValueName: Firebird; ValueData: ""; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Tasks: UseApplicationTask;
;This doesn't seem to get cleared automatically by instreg on uninstall, so lets make sure of it
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\FirebirdSQL; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty; Components: ClientComponent DevAdminComponent ServerComponent;
#ifdef classic_server_install
Name: "{group}\Firebird Server"; Filename: {app}\bin\fb_inet_server.exe; Parameters: "-a"; Flags: runminimized; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Tasks: MenuGroupTask; Check: InstallServerIcon; IconIndex: 0; Comment: "Run Firebird classic server (without guardian)";
Name: "{group}\Firebird Server"; Filename: {app}\bin\fbserver.exe; Parameters: "-a"; Flags: runminimized; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Tasks: MenuGroupTask; Check: InstallServerIcon; IconIndex: 0; Comment: "Run Firebird Superserver (without guardian)";
Name: "{group}\Firebird Guardian"; Filename: {app}\bin\fbguard.exe; Parameters: "-a"; Flags: runminimized; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Tasks: MenuGroupTask; Check: InstallGuardianIcon; IconIndex: 1; Comment: "Run Firebird server (with guardian)";
Name: "{group}\Firebird 1.5 Release Notes"; Filename: {app}\doc\Firebird_v1_ReleaseNotes.pdf; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Tasks: MenuGroupTask; IconIndex: 1; Comment: "Firebird 1.0 release notes. (Requires Acrobat Reader.)";
Name: "{group}\Firebird 1.5 Readme"; Filename: {app}\readme.txt; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Tasks: MenuGroupTask;
Name: "{group}\Uninstall Firebird"; Filename: {uninstallexe}; Comment: "Uninstall Firebird"
Source: {#mingwBase}\bin\mingwm10.dll; DestDir:{app}\bin; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile onlyifdoesntexist;
Source: builds\install\misc\IPLicense.txt; DestDir: {app}; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
;Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\readme.txt; DestDir: {app}; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: builds\install\misc\firebird.conf; DestDir: {app}; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: uninsneveruninstall onlyifdoesntexist;
;Source: output\aliases.conf; DestDir: {app}; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: uninsneveruninstall onlyifdoesntexist;
Source: gen\firebird\security.fdb; DestDir: {app}; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: uninsneveruninstall onlyifdoesntexist;
;Source: output\security.fbk; DestDir: {app}; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
;Source: output\firebird.log; DestDir: {app}; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: uninsneveruninstall skipifsourcedoesntexist external dontcopy;
Source: gen\firebird\firebird.msg; DestDir: {app}; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\gbak.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\gbak.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\gdef.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\gfix.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\gfix.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\gpre.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\gsec.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\gsec.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\gsplit.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\gstat.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\ibguard.exe; DestName: fbguard.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\fb_lock_print.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
#ifdef classic_server_install
Source: gen\firebird\bin\fb_inet_server.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\fbserver.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\lib\libib_util.dll; DestName: ib_util.dll; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\instreg.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\instsvc.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\isql.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\bin\qli.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: output\doc\*.*; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: skipifsourcedoesntexist ignoreversion;
Source: output\doc\sql.extensions\*.*; DestDir: {app}\doc\sql.extensions; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: skipifsourcedoesntexist ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\help\*.*; DestDir: {app}\help; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\include\*.*; DestDir: {app}\include; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\intl\fbintl.dll; DestDir: {app}\intl; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\lib\fbclient_ms.lib; DestDir: {app}\lib; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\UDF\*.*; DestDir: {app}\UDF; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: src\extlib\fbudf\fbudf.sql; DestDir: {app}\UDF; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: src\extlib\ib_udf.sql; DestDir: {app}\UDF; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\examples\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\examples\api\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\api; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\examples\build_win32\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\build_win32; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\examples\dyn\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\dyn; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\examples\empbuild\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\empbuild; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\examples\include\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\include; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\examples\stat\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\stat; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: gen\firebird\examples\udf\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\udf; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
;For now (RC2 timeframe) we are not recommending co-existence with other versions of Firebird or InterBase
;so we can install the client library and its wrapper into {sys}
;Source: output\bin\gds32.dll; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: overwritereadonly sharedfile promptifolder;
;Source: output\bin\fbclient.dll; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: overwritereadonly sharedfile promptifolder;
Source: gen\firebird\lib\fbclient.dll; DestDir: {sys}\; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: overwritereadonly sharedfile promptifolder;
;Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\msvcrt.dll; DestDir: {sys}\; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: uninsneveruninstall sharedfile onlyifdoesntexist;
;Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\msvcp{#msvc_version}0.dll; DestDir: {sys}\; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: uninsneveruninstall sharedfile onlyifdoesntexist;
Source: src\extlib\fbudf\fbudf.sql; DestDir: {app}\examples; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: src\extlib\fbudf\fbudf.txt; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Source: lang_helpers\ib_util.pas; DestDir: {app}\include; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
;Source: firebird\install\doc_all_platforms\Firebird_v1_ReleaseNotes.pdf; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
;Source: firebird\install\doc_all_platforms\Firebird_v1_*.html; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion;
Filename: {app}\bin\instsvc.exe; Parameters: stop; StatusMsg: "Stopping the service"; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: runminimized; Tasks: UseServiceTask; check: RemoveThisVersion;
Filename: {app}\bin\instsvc.exe; Parameters: remove -g; StatusMsg: "Removing the service"; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: runminimized; Tasks: UseServiceTask; check: RemoveThisVersion;
Filename: {app}\bin\instreg.exe; Parameters: remove; StatusMsg: "Updating the registry"; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Flags: runminimized; check: RemoveThisVersion;
Type: files; Name: {app}\*.lck
Type: files; Name: {app}\*.evn
program Setup;
sWinSock2 = 'ws2_32.dll';
sNoWinsock2 = 'Please Install Winsock 2 Update before continuing';
sMSWinsock2Update = 'http://www.microsoft.com/windows95/downloads/contents/WUAdminTools/S_WUNetworkingTools/W95Sockets2/Default.asp';
sWinsock2Web = 'Winsock 2 is not installed.'#13#13'Would you like to Visit the Winsock 2 Update Home Page?';
ProductVersion = 'PRODUCT_VER_STRING';
Winsock2Failure: Boolean;
InterBaseVer: Array of Integer;
// Likely values for installed versions of InterBase are:
// [6,2,0,nnn] Firebird 1.0.0
// [6,2,2,nnn] Firebird 1.0.2
// [6,0,n,n] InterBase 6.0
// [6,5,n,n] InterBase 6.5
// [7,0,n,n] InterBase 7.0
FirebirdVer: Array of Integer;
// Likely values for installed versions of Firebird are:
// [6,2,0,nnn] Firebird 1.0.0
// [6,2,2,nnn] Firebird 1.0.2
// [6,2,3,nnn] Firebird 1.0.3
// [1,5,0,nnnn] Firebird 1.5.0
gds32StartCount : Integer;
procedure GetSharedLibCountAtStart;
dw: Cardinal;
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs','C:\WINNT\System32\fbclient.dll', dw) then
fbclientStartCount := dw
fbclientStartCount := 0;
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs','C:\WINNT\System32\gds32.dll', dw) then
gds32StartCount := dw
gds32StartCount := 0;
procedure SetSharedLibCountAtEnd;
// gds32 and fbclient get registered twice as shared libraries.
// This appears to be a bug in InnoSetup. It only appears to affect
// libraries the first time they are registered, and it only seems
// to affect stuff in the {sys} directory. To work around this we
// check the count before install and after install.
dw: cardinal;
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs','C:\WINNT\System32\fbclient.dll', dw) then begin
if (( dw - fbclientStartCount ) > 1 ) then begin
dw := fbclientStartCount + 1 ;
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs','C:\WINNT\System32\fbclient.dll', dw);
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs','C:\WINNT\System32\gds32.dll', dw) then begin
if (( dw - gds32StartCount ) > 1 ) then begin
dw := gds32StartCount + 1 ;
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs','C:\WINNT\System32\gds32.dll', dw);
function CheckWinsock2(): Boolean;
Result := True;
//Check if Winsock 2 is installed (win 95 only)
if (not UsingWinNt) and (not FileExists(AddBackslash(GetSystemDir) + sWinSock2)) then begin
Winsock2Failure := True;
Result := False;
Winsock2Failure := False;
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
i: Integer;
result := true;
if not CheckWinsock2 then
//Look for a running version of Firebird
if ( i=0 ) then
if ( i<>0 ) then begin
result := false;
MsgBox('An existing Firebird Server is running. You must close the '+
'application or stop the service before continuing.', mbError, MB_OK);
//Check the shared library count.
if ( result=true ) then
procedure DeInitializeSetup();
ErrCode: Integer;
// Did the install fail because winsock 2 was not installed?
if Winsock2Failure then
// Ask user if they want to visit the Winsock2 update web page.
if MsgBox(sWinsock2Web, mbInformation, MB_YESNO) = idYes then
// User wants to visit the web page
InstShellExec(sMSWinsock2Update, '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL, ErrCode);
procedure DecodeVersion( verstr: String; var verint: array of Integer );
i,p: Integer; s: string;
verint := [0,0,0,0];
i := 0;
while ( (Length(verstr) > 0) and (i < 4) ) do
p := pos('.', verstr);
if p > 0 then
if p = 1 then s:= '0' else s:= Copy( verstr, 1, p - 1 );
verint[i] := StrToInt(s);
i := i + 1;
verstr := Copy( verstr, p+1, Length(verstr));
verint[i] := StrToInt( verstr );
verstr := '';
function GetInstalledVersion(ADir: String): Array of Integer;
AString: String;
VerInt: Array of Integer;
if (ADir<>'') then begin
GetVersionNumbersString( ADir+'\bin\gbak.exe', Astring);
DecodeVersion(AString, VerInt);
result := VerInt;
function GetFirebirdDir: string;
//Check if Firebird installed, get version info to global var and return root dir
FirebirdDir: String;
FirebirdVer := [0,0,0,0];
'SOFTWARE\FirebirdSQL\Firebird\CurrentVersion','RootDirectory', FirebirdDir);
if (FirebirdDir<>'') then
function GetInterBaseDir: string;
//Check if InterBase installed, get version info to global var and return root dir
InterBaseDir: String;
InterBaseVer := [0,0,0,0];
'SOFTWARE\Borland\InterBase\CurrentVersion','RootDirectory', InterBaseDir);
if (InterBaseDir<>'') then
//This function tries to find an existing install of Firebird 1.5
//If it succeeds it suggests that directory for the install
//Otherwise it suggests the default for Fb 1.5
function InstallDir(Default: String): String;
FirebirdRootDir: String;
InstallRootDir := '';
// Try to find the value of "RootDirectory" in the Firebird
// registry settings. This is either where Fb 1.0 exists or Fb 1.5
if (FirebirdRootDir <> '') and ( FirebirdRootDir = InterBaseRootDir ) then //Fb 1.0 must be installed so don't overwrite it.
InstallRootDir := Default;
if (( InstallRootDir = '' ) and
( FirebirdRootDir = Default )) then // Fb 1.5 is already installed,
InstallRootDir := Default; // so we offer to install over it
if (( InstallRootDir = '') and
( FirebirdVer[0] = 1 ) and ( FirebirdVer[1] = 5 ) ) then // Firebird 1.5 is installed
InstallRootDir := FirebirdRootDir; // but the user has changed the default
// if we haven't found anything then try the FIREBIRD env var
// User may have preferred location for Firebird, but has possibly
// uninstalled previous version
if (InstallRootDir = '') then
//if no existing locations found make sure we default to the default.
if (InstallRootDir = '') then
InstallRootDir := Default;
Result := ExpandConstant(InstallRootDir);
function UseGuardian(Default: String): String;
if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseGuardianTask')= srYes then
Result := '1'
Result := '0';
function ServiceStartFlags(Default: String): String;
classic: String;
classic := '';
#ifdef classic_server_install
classic := ' -classic';
Result := '';
if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseGuardianTask')= srYes then begin
if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'AutoStartTask')= srYes then
Result := ' -auto ' + classic + ' -g '
Result := classic + ' -g ';
if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'AutoStartTask')= srYes then
Result := ' -auto ';
function InstallGuardianIcon(): Boolean;
result := false;
if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseApplicationTask')= srYes then
if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseGuardianTask')= srYes then
result := true;
function InstallServerIcon(): Boolean;
result := false;
if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseApplicationTask')= srYes then
if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseGuardianTask')= srNo then
result := true;
function StartApp(Default: String): String;
AppPath: String;
//Now start the app as
if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseGuardianTask')= srYes then
Result := AppPath+'\bin\fbguard.exe'
#ifdef classic_server_install
Result := AppPath+'\bin\fb_inet_server.exe';
Result := AppPath+'\bin\fbserver.exe';
procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: Integer);
AppStr: String;
if ( CurStep=csFinished ) then begin
//If user has chosen to install an app and run it automatically set up the registry accordingly
//so that the server or guardian starts evertime they login.
if (ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'AutoStartTask')= srYes) and
( ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseApplicationTask')= srYes ) then begin
AppStr := StartApp('')+' -a';
RegWriteStringValue (HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 'Firebird', AppStr);
if ( CurStep=csFinished ) then
//Check that the shared lib count is correct.
function FirebirdOneRunning: boolean;
i: Integer;
result := false;
//Look for a running copy of InterBase or Firebird 1.0.
i:=FindWindowByClassName('IB_Server') ;
if ( i<>0 ) then
result := true;
function StartEngine: boolean;
result := not FirebirdOneRunning;
function RemoveThisVersion: boolean;
//check if we are still the current version before removing
VersionStr: string;
result := false;
if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
'SOFTWARE\FirebirdSQL\Firebird\CurrentVersion','Version', VersionStr ) then
if (pos(ProductVersion,VersionStr)>0) then
result := true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
Firebird 1.5.0 (Win32 Build)
****** NOTE ******
Please ignore this document for the time being.
This document is just a placeholder. NONE of the
information refers to Firebird 1.5. An up-to-date
readme file will be provided with a future version.
**** END NOTE ****
o Introduction TODO
o Intended Users TODO
o Features in this release (all platforms) TODO
o Bugs fixed in this release TODO
o Installation
o Known Issues
o Reporting Bugs
o Requesting New Features
Intended Users
Features in this release (all platforms)
Bugs fixed in this release (all platforms)
Installing the self-installing executable
Please run the executable and read the accompanying installation
instructions that are contained within the setup wizard.
Known Issues
There are no known issues at this time.
Reporting Bugs
o Are you sure you understand how Firebird works?
Perhaps you are seeing the correct behaviour and you really have a
support question. In this case contact the ib-support list server.
You may subscribe here:
o Still think it is a bug?
Check the list of Open Bugs. This can be found at
An older version is contained in the doc directory of this release.
Otherwise, if you are reasonably sure it is a bug then please
try to develop a reproducible test case. You can then submit it
to the Firebird bug tracker at:
Requesting New Features
Before submitting feature requests please review the existing
feature request list. Chances are that someone has already thought
of it. Existing feature requests can be browed here:

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Firebird Database Server 1.5 Release Candidate 2
This document is a guide to installing this package of
Firebird 1.5 on the Win32 platform. These notes refer to the
installation package itself, rather than Firebird 1.5 in general.
o Before installation
o Two Packages
o Uninstallation
o Other Notes
o Installation from a batch file
Before installation
One of the design goals of Firebird 1.5 is to allow different
versions of Firebird (or InterBase) to run simultaneously.
Much work has been done on this installation script to support this
aim, but that work is NOT yet complete.
There are still some known installation problems surrounding the issue
of co-existence:
o Uninstalling Firebird 1.0 or 1.0.2 after installing this package
will break this installation by removing some registry keys. The
next maintenance release of Firebird 1.0 will correct this.
o Neither the Firebird 1.0 nor 1.0.2 installers handle shared
library counts correctly. This will have unpredictable results
when uninstalling one of these versions. For instance, gds32.dll
may or may not exist if one of these earlier versions is uninstalled
after installing this package.
o The server will not start if an existing Firebird or InterBase
server is listening on the default port 3050. A future version of
this installation script will likely detect this and prompt for a
different port during the install. Until then it is necessary to
edit the firebird.conf file manually.
To save yourself confusion while testing this release candidate it is
recommended that you UNINSTALL all previous versions of Firebird 1.0,
Firebird 1.5 or InterBase before installing this package.
Two Packages
A subsidiary design goal is to allow developers to easily switch
between the Super Server and Classic Architectures. Each architecture
is encapsulated in a single binary. All that is required at a technical
level is to choose which version of the server to execute.
Combining the two server architectures in a single installation package
is doable, at the expense of bringing complexity to the installation
o A custom dialogue screen is required to ask the user to choose the
desired architecture. This is supported by the installation builder
but is not an 'out of the box' option.
o Uninstallation needs to check whether the running architecture has
changed from the one originally installed.
These issues are solvable but that takes time. While waiting for the
SuperInstaller to come along the existing installation script has been
enhanced to ensure that repeated installation and uninstallation of
each package works flawlessly. Switching between packages should
require no more effort than uninstalling one and installing the other.
This package should be uninstalled via the Control Panel. Alternatively
it can be uninstalled by running unins000.exe from the installation
Other Notes
Firebird requires WinSock2. All Win32 platforms should have this,
except for Win95. A test for the Winsock2 library is made during
install. If it is not found the install will fail. You can visit
this link:
to find out how to go about upgrading.
Installation from a batch file
The setup program can be run from a batch file. This is useful if you wish
to install the client across a network. The following parameters may be passed:
Disables the 'This will install... Do you wish to continue?' prompt at
the beginning of Setup.
Instructs Setup to be silent or very silent. When Setup is silent the
wizard and the background window are not displayed but the installation
progress window is. When a setup is very silent this installation
progress window is not displayed. Everything else is normal so for
example error messages during installation are displayed and the startup
prompt is (if you haven't disabled it with the '/SP-' command line option
explained above)
If a restart is necessary and the '/NORESTART' command isn't used
(see below) and Setup is silent, it will display a Reboot now?
messagebox. If it's very silent it will reboot without asking.
Instructs Setup not to reboot even if it's necessary.
Overrides the default directory name displayed on the Select Destination
Directory wizard page. A fully qualified pathname must be specified. If
the [Setup] section directive DisableDirPage was set to yes, this command
line parameter is ignored.
/GROUP="folder name"
Overrides the default folder name displayed on the Select Start Menu Folder
wizard page. If the [Setup] section directive DisableProgramGroupPage was
set to yes, this command line parameter is ignored.
Instructs Setup to initially disable the Don't create any icons check box
on the Select Start Menu Folder wizard page.
/COMPONENTS="comma separated list of component names"
Choose from - ServerComponent, DevAdminComponent and ClientComponent
Overrides the default components settings. Using this command line parameter
causes Setup to automatically select a custom type. A full install requires
combining components.