mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird.git synced 2025-02-02 10:40:38 +01:00

Remove old examples makefiles from interbase era

This commit is contained in:
mapopa 2012-11-03 13:45:25 +00:00
parent 4875c235a7
commit 8568d6ffdc
10 changed files with 0 additions and 1534 deletions

View File

@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
# and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
# Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
# Start of file prefix.linux: DEV $(PLATFORM)
#$Id: makefile.old,v 1.1 2003-07-10 23:01:08 brodsom Exp $
#Revision 1.6 2000/12/01 11:20:31 fsg
#Added SHRLIB_EXT to prefix.linux
.SUFFIXES: .c .e
.SUFFIXES: .bin .o .c
$(CC) -c $(PIC_FLAGS) $(VERSION_FLAG) -o $*.bin $<
PROD_SHRLIB_DIR= -Lsource/jrd -Lsource/interbase/lib
DEV_DEBUG_OBJECTS= grammar.o dbg.o dbt.o dmp.o
DEV_SHRLIB_DIR= -Lsource/jrd -Lsource/interbase/lib
CFLAGS_COMMON= $(DEV_CFLAGS) -DLINUX -Wall -fwritable-strings -I$(INTERBASE)/include
UDF_CFLAGS= -fPIC -mieee-fp
UDF_LFLAGS= -shared
UDF_SHRLIBS= -L$(INTERBASE)/lib -lgds -lm -lc -mieee-fp -ldl -lcrypt
#NOTE: PIC_J_CFLAGS is special CFLAGS used to build PIPD_IS_SHRLIB modules
# to workaround the Solaris threading problems with signals
#NOTE: -Xt is ANSI C transition mode (default)
# -DBDS_COMP is for BSD Compatibility package and is used in <sys/ioctl.h>
ACCESS_METHOD= gdslib.linux pipe
BACKEND_BRIDGE_MISC= head5.o allp.o
BIN_PATH= /usr/isc/bin
BRIDGE_MISC= head5.o allp.o
#NOTE: I removed CURSES_LIB= -lbsd because it breaks the build on SuSE systems
# and isn't necessary anymore.
#FSG 091500
DSQL_P_OBJS= dsql_p_objects
FORM_TRN_OBJECTS= form_trn.o
FUNCTIONS= functions.bin
FUNCSHR= source/interbase/lib/gdsf.so
GDS_PYXIS= gds_pyxis.a
GDSLIB_BACKEND= source/interbase/lib/gds_b.a
GDSLIB_LINK= -Lsource/jrd -lgds_b -lc -ldl -lcrypt
GDSSHR= source/interbase/lib/gds.so
GDSSHR_LINK= $(SHRLIB_DIR) -lgds -ldl -lgds_pyxis -lcrypt -lncurses
#PIPE_GDSSHR= source/interbase/lib/gds.so.0
PIPE_GDSSHR_LINK= $(SHRLIB_DIR) -lgds -lgds_pyxis
HLPDIR= source/qli/
HOSTNAME= `hostname | cut -d'.' -f1`
INCLUDES= include_so include_so_ada
INTL= intl
INTL_LD_LINE= ld -G -o gdsintl
INTL_TARGET= intl_shr_objs
IO_OBJECTS= unix.o
IO_P_OBJECTS= unix.bin
JRD_MISC_OBJECTS= source/jrd/sun_ftn.o
JRD_J_MISC_OBJECTS= source/jrd/sun_ftn.j
JRD_P_MISC_OBJECTS= source/jrd/sun_ftn.bin source/jrd/nodebug.bin
LANG_OBJECTS= ada.o ftn.o cob.o
LANGUAGES= cc cxx ada microfocus_cob make16 gdl1 sun_ftn
LD_LIBS= -lc
LD_LIBS_J= -lc
LD_OPTS= -shared
LOCK_JRD_MISC= source/jrd/thd.o
MARION_DB= -d source/marion.gdb
MUISQL= muisql
MUISQL_MU_LIB= -L /usr/gds.$(HOSTNAME)/qa_tools/lib -lmu
PIPE= gds.a gds_pipe
PYXIS= pyxis
PYXIS_OBJECTS= pyxis_objects
PYXIS_MISC_OBJECTS= $(PYXDIR)cdm.o $(PYXDIR)vt100.o $(PYXDIR)sun_ftn_pyxis.o
REG_HELP= isc_ins_hlp.dat
REMOTE_P_OBJS= rem_p_objects
SCREEN_LIBS= -lncurses
SPECIAL_OPT= source/special_opt
THREAD_LIB= -lpthread
LX_SUPER_GDSSHR= source/interbase/lib/gds.so.1
SUPER_BACKEND= source/jrd/gds_ss.a
SUPER_LINK= -Lsource/jrd -lgds_ss -lc -ldl -lcrypt -lpthread
WAL_P_OBJS= wal_p_objects
SUPER_SERVER_DEST= source/interbase/bin/fbserver
INET_SERVER_DEST= source/interbase/bin/gds_inet_server
DNET_SERVER_DEST= source/interbase/bin/gds_dnet_server
AMBX_SERVER_DEST= source/interbase/bin/gds_server
INET_LIB_DEST= source/interbase/lib/gds_inet_server.a
DNET_LIB_DEST= source/interbase/lib/gds_dnet_server.a
SH= sh -c
RM= rm -f
CHMOD= chmod
CHMOD_6= chmod 666
CHMOD_7= chmod 777
CHMOD_S7= chmod 06777
MV= mv -f
TOUCH= touch
CP= cp
ECHO= echo
CD= cd
CAT= cat
AR= ar r
EXPAND_DBNAME= @echo No need to expand...
COMPRESS_DBNAME= @echo No need to compress...
# FSG 1.Dez.2000
V3PRINTER= source/lock/printv3.o
# Forces library build for linux TMC 082100
PYXIS_LIBRARY= libpyxis.a
# End of file prefix.linux: DEV $(PLATFORM)
# The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
# and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
# Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
GBAK= source/interbase/bin/gbak
GPRE= source/interbase/bin/gpre
ISQL= source/interbase/bin/isql
GPRE_FLAGS= -r -m -z -n
EXAMPLES_DEST= source/interbase/examples/v5/
EXAMPLES_SRC= source/example5/
EMPBLD_OBJ= empbuild.o
INTLBLD_OBJ= intlbld.o
INPUT_FILES= empddl.sql empdml.sql indexoff.sql indexon.sql \
job.inp lang.inp proj.inp qtr.inp
INTL_FILES= intlddl.sql intldml.sql indexoff.sql indexon.sql \
job.inp lang.inp proj.inp qtr.inp
v5_examples: employee.gdb intlemp.gdb $(NT_EXAMPLES) makefile.example
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)align.h $(EXAMPLES_DEST)align.h
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api1.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api1.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api10.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api10.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api11.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api11.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api12.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api12.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api13.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api13.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api14.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api14.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api15.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api15.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api16.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api16.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api16t.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api16t.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api2.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api2.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api3.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api3.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api4.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api4.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api5.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api5.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api6.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api6.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api7.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api7.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api8.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api8.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api9.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api9.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api9f.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api9f.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)apifull.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)apifull.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)employe2.sql $(EXAMPLES_DEST)employe2.sql
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)dyn1.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)dyn1.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)dyn2.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)dyn2.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)dyn3.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)dyn3.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)dyn4.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)dyn4.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)dyn5.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)dyn5.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)dynfull.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)dynfull.e
$(GBAK) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)employee.gdb $(EXAMPLES_DEST)employee.gbk
-$(RM) $(EXAMPLES_DEST)employee.gdb
$(GBAK) -r $(EXAMPLES_DEST)employee.gbk $(EXAMPLES_DEST)employee.gdb
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)example.h $(EXAMPLES_DEST)example.h
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api9f.sql $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api9f.sql
$(GBAK) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)intlemp.gdb $(EXAMPLES_DEST)intlemp.gbk
-$(RM) $(EXAMPLES_DEST)intlemp.gdb
$(GBAK) -r $(EXAMPLES_DEST)intlemp.gbk $(EXAMPLES_DEST)intlemp.gdb
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat1.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat1.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat10.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat10.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat11.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat11.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat12.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat12.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat12t.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat12t.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat2.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat2.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat3.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat3.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat4.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat4.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat5.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat5.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat6.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat6.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat7.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat7.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat8.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat8.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)stat9.e $(EXAMPLES_DEST)stat9.e
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)udf.sql $(EXAMPLES_DEST)udf.sql
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)udflib.c $(EXAMPLES_DEST)udflib.c
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)makefile.example $(EXAMPLES_DEST)makefile
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)api9f.def $(EXAMPLES_DEST)api9f.def
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)udflib.def $(EXAMPLES_DEST)udflib.def
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)makefile.bc $(EXAMPLES_DEST)Makefile.bc
$(CP) $(EXAMPLES_SRC)makefile.msc $(EXAMPLES_DEST)Makefile.msc
employee.gdb: empbuild$(EXEC_EXT) $(INPUT_FILES)
-$(RM) employee.gdb
empbuild employee.gdb
-$(CHMOD_6) employee.gdb
intlemp.gdb: intlbld$(EXEC_EXT) $(INTL_FILES)
-$(RM) intlemp.gdb
intlbld intlemp.gdb
-$(CHMOD_6) intlemp.gdb
empbuild: $(EMPBLD_OBJ)
-$(RM) empbuild
$(CC) $(LINK_OPTS) empbuild.o -o empbuild $(GDS_LINK)
$(CHMOD_7) empbuild
empbuild.exe: $(EMPBLD_OBJ)
-$(RM) empbuild.exe
$(CC) $(O_EXE_SWITCH)empbuild $(LINK_OPTS) empbuild.o $(GDS_LINK)
dbs: empddl.sql empbld.sql intlddl.sql intlbld.sql
-$(RM) employee.gdb
-$(RM) intlemp.gdb
$(ISQL) -i empbld.sql
$(ISQL) -i intlbld.sql
$(TOUCH) dbs
intlbld: $(INTLBLD_OBJ)
-$(RM) intlbld
$(CC) $(LINK_OPTS) intlbld.o -o intlbld $(GDS_LINK)
$(CHMOD_7) intlbld
intlbld.exe: $(INTLBLD_OBJ)
-$(RM) intlbld.exe
$(CC) $(O_EXE_SWITCH)intlbld $(LINK_OPTS) intlbld.o $(GDS_LINK)
empbuild.c: dbs empbuild.e
empbuild.o: empbuild.c
intlbld.c: dbs intlbld.e
intlbld.o: intlbld.c
$(CHMOD_7) build_make
$(SH) "build_make"

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
# and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
# Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
# -------------------------- makefile ----------------------------
# This makefile will build the examples supplied with InterBase 5.0.
# See the Programmer's Guide for information about the example
# databases and example programs.
# You should edit the IBASE definition in this file to point to the
# directory where InterBase was installed. Or you can specify the
# definition on the command-line of make.
# To build all the examples use the 'all' target, by issuing the
# following command:
# make all
# or
# make IBASE=/usr/interbase all
# To build any one individual target, use the following command:
# make 'target'
# or
# make IBASE=/usr/interbase 'target'
# where 'target' is one of the following:
# employe2.gdb, api1, api2, api3, api4, api5, api6, api7,
# api8, api9, api9f, api10, api11, api12, api13, api14,
# api15, api16, api16t, apifull, dyn1, dyn2, dyn3, dyn4,
# dyn5, dynfull, stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4, stat5,
# stat6, stat7, stat8, stat9, stat10, stat11, stat12,
# stat12t, udflib
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# InterBase Installation Directory
# CHANGE this definition to point to your InterBase installation directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
IBASE= /usr/interbase
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General InterBase Defines for HP-UX
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
GPRE= $(IBASE)/bin/gpre -c -n
GPRE_M= $(IBASE)/bin/gpre -c -n -m
ISQL= $(IBASE)/bin/isql
DB= employee.gdb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General Compiler and linker Defines for HP-UX
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CC= cc
LINK= cc
CFLAGS= -O -c -w -I$(IBASE)/include
LINK_FLAGS= -lgds -ldld
LIB_LINK_FLAGS= -b -lgds -lm
RM= rm -f

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
# and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
# Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
# -------------------------- makefile ----------------------------
# This makefile will build the examples supplied with InterBase 5.0.
# See the Programmer's Guide for information about the example
# databases and example programs.
# You should edit the IBASE definition in this file to point to the
# directory where InterBase was installed. Or you can specify the
# definition on the command-line of make.
# To build all the examples use the 'all' target, by issuing the
# following command:
# make all
# or
# make IBASE=/usr/interbase all
# To build any one individual target, use the following command:
# make 'target'
# or
# make IBASE=/usr/interbase 'target'
# where target 'target' is one of the following:
# employe2.gdb, api1, api2, api3, api4, api5, api6, api7,
# api8, api9, api9f, api10, api11, api12, api13, api14,
# api15, api16, api16t, apifull, dyn1, dyn2, dyn3, dyn4,
# dyn5, dynfull, stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4, stat5,
# stat6, stat7, stat8, stat9, stat10, stat11, stat12,
# stat12t, udflib
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# InterBase Installation Directory
# CHANGE this definition to point to your InterBase installation directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
IBASE= /usr/interbase
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General InterBase Defines for Linux
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
GPRE= $(IBASE)/bin/gpre -c -n
GPRE_M= $(IBASE)/bin/gpre -c -n -m
ISQL= $(IBASE)/bin/isql
DB= employee.gdb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General Compiler and linker Defines for Linux
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CC= gcc
LINK= gcc
CFLAGS= -c -w -I$(IBASE)/include
LINK_FLAGS= -lgds -ldl -lcrypt
LIB_LINK_FLAGS= -shared -lgds
RM= rm -f

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
# and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
# Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
# -------------------------- makefile ----------------------------
# This makefile will build the examples supplied with InterBase 5.0.
# See the Programmer's Guide for information about the example
# databases and example programs.
# You should edit the IBASE definition in this file to point to the
# directory where InterBase was installed. Or you can specify the
# definition on the command-line of make.
# To build all the examples use the 'all' target, by issuing the
# following command:
# make all
# or
# make IBASE=/usr/interbase all
# To build any one individual target, use the following command:
# make 'target'
# or
# make IBASE=/usr/interbase 'target'
# where target 'target' is one of the following:
# employe2.gdb, api1, api2, api3, api4, api5, api6, api7,
# api8, api9, api9f, api10, api11, api12, api13, api14,
# api15, api16, api16t, apifull, dyn1, dyn2, dyn3, dyn4,
# dyn5, dynfull, stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4, stat5,
# stat6, stat7, stat8, stat9, stat10, stat11, stat12,
# stat12t, udflib
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# InterBase Installation Directory
# CHANGE this definition to point to your InterBase installation directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
IBASE= /usr/interbase
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General InterBase Defines for SCO Superserver
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
GPRE= $(IBASE)/bin/gpre -c -n
GPRE_M= $(IBASE)/bin/gpre -c -n -m
ISQL= $(IBASE)/bin/isql
DB= employee.gdb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General Compiler and linker Defines for SCO Superserver
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CC= gcc
LINK= gcc
CFLAGS= -c -w -I$(IBASE)/include -o
LINK_FLAGS= -melf -lgds -lsocket
LIB_LINK_FLAGS= -G -belf -Bsymbolic -lgds -lsocket -lc -lcrypt -lm
RM= rm -f

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
# and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
# Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
# -------------------------- makefile ----------------------------
# This makefile will build the examples supplied with InterBase 5.0.
# See the Programmer's Guide for information about the example
# databases and example programs.
# You should edit the IBASE definition in this file to point to the
# directory where InterBase was installed. Or you can specify the
# definition on the command-line of make.
# To build all the examples use the 'all' target, by issuing the
# following command:
# make all
# or
# make IBASE=/usr/interbase all
# To build any one individual target, use the following command:
# make 'target'
# or
# make IBASE=/usr/interbase 'target'
# where target 'target' is one of the following:
# employe2.gdb, api1, api2, api3, api4, api5, api6, api7,
# api8, api9, api9f, api10, api11, api12, api13, api14,
# api15, api16, api16t, apifull, dyn1, dyn2, dyn3, dyn4,
# dyn5, dynfull, stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4, stat5,
# stat6, stat7, stat8, stat9, stat10, stat11, stat12,
# stat12t, udflib
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# InterBase Installation Directory
# CHANGE this definition to point to your InterBase installation directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
IBASE= /usr/interbase
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General InterBase Defines for SOLARIS
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
GPRE= $(IBASE)/bin/gpre -c -n
GPRE_M= $(IBASE)/bin/gpre -c -n -m
ISQL= $(IBASE)/bin/isql
DB= employee.gdb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General Compiler and linker Defines for SOLARIS
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CC= cc
LINK= cc
CFLAGS= -O -c -mt -w -I$(IBASE)/include
LINK_FLAGS= -lgdsmt -lsocket -lthread -lnsl -ldl
LIB_LINK_FLAGS= -G -Bsymbolic -lgdsmt -lm -lc
RM= rm -f

View File

@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
# and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
# Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic Compilation Rules
# Do NOT change anything below this point.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
.SUFFIXES: .o .c .e
$(GPRE) $< -d $(DB)
$(CC) $< $(CFLAGS) $@
$(LINK) -o $@ $< $(LINK_FLAGS)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Specific targets to build
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "--------------------------- makefile ----------------------------"
@echo " "
@echo " This makefile will build the InterBase 5.0 examples. "
@echo " See the Programmer's Guide for information about the example "
@echo " databases and example programs. "
@echo " "
@echo " You can edit the IBASE definition in this file to point to the "
@echo " directory where InterBase was installed. Or you can specify the "
@echo " defenition on the command-line of make. "
@echo " "
@echo " To build all the examples use the 'all' target, by issuing the "
@echo " following command: "
@echo " "
@echo " make all "
@echo " or "
@echo " make IBASE=/usr/interbase all "
@echo " "
@echo " To build any one individual target, use the command: "
@echo " "
@echo " make 'target' "
@echo " or "
@echo " make IBASE=/usr/interbase 'target' "
@echo " "
@echo " where 'target' is one of the following: "
@echo " "
@echo " employe2.gdb, api1, api2, api3, api4, api5, api6, api7, "
@echo " api8, api9, api9f, api10, api11, api12, api13, api14, "
@echo " api15, api16, api16t, apifull, dyn1, dyn2, dyn3, dyn4, "
@echo " dyn5, dynfull, stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4, stat5, "
@echo " stat6, stat7, stat8, stat9, stat10, stat11, stat12, "
@echo " stat12t, udflib "
@echo " "
@echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
all: employe2.gdb api1 api2 api3 api4 api5 api6 api7 \
api8 api9 api10 api11 api12 api13 api14 api15 \
api16 api16t apifull dyn1 dyn2 dyn3 dyn4 \
dyn5 dynfull stat1 stat2 stat3 stat4 stat5 \
stat6 stat7 stat8 stat9 stat10 stat11 stat12 \
stat12t udflib api9f
employe2.gdb: employe2.sql
$(ISQL) -i employe2.sql
api1.o: api1.c example.h
api2.o: api2.c example.h
api3.o: api3.c example.h
api4.o: api4.c example.h
api5.o: api5.c example.h
api6.o: api6.c example.h
api7.o: api7.c example.h
api8.o: api8.c example.h
api9.o: api9.c example.h
api9: api9.o api9f.sql
$(LINK) $@.o -o $@ $(LINK_FLAGS)
$(ISQL) $(DB) -i api9f.sql
api9f.o:api9f.c example.h
$(CC) $< $(LIB_CFLAGS) $@
api9f: api9f.o
$(LIB_LINK) $@.o -o $@ $(LIB_LINK_FLAGS)
@echo ------------------------------------------------------
@echo You need to copy api9f to the interbase lib directory
@echo in order for api9 to work correctly.
@echo ------------------------------------------------------
udflib.o:udflib.c example.h
$(CC) $< $(LIB_CFLAGS) $@
udflib: udflib.o
$(LIB_LINK) $@.o -o $@ $(LIB_LINK_FLAGS)
@echo ------------------------------------------------------
@echo You need to copy udflib to the interbase lib directory
@echo in order for the server to load it.
@echo ------------------------------------------------------
api10.o: api10.c example.h
api11.o: api11.c example.h
api12.o: api12.c example.h
api13.o: api13.c example.h
$(GPRE_M) $< -d $(DB)
api14.o: api14.c example.h
api15.o: api15.c example.h
api16.o: api16.c example.h
api16t.o: api16t.c example.h
apifull.o: apifull.c example.h align.h
stat1.o:stat1.c example.h
stat2.o:stat2.c example.h
stat3.o:stat3.c example.h
stat4.o:stat4.c example.h
stat5.o:stat5.c example.h
stat6.o:stat6.c example.h
stat7.o:stat7.c example.h
stat8.o:stat8.c example.h
stat9.o:stat9.c example.h
$(GPRE_M) $<
stat10.o:stat10.c example.h
$(GPRE_M) $<
stat11.o:stat11.c example.h
$(GPRE_M) $<
stat12.o:stat12.c example.h
$(GPRE_M) $<
stat12t.o:stat12t.c example.h
dyn1.c: dyn1.e
$(GPRE_M) $<
dyn1.o: dyn1.c example.h
dyn2.c: dyn2.e
$(GPRE_M) $<
dyn2.o: dyn2.c example.h
dyn3.c: dyn3.e
$(GPRE_M) $<
dyn3.o: dyn3.c example.h
dyn4.c: dyn4.e
$(GPRE_M) $<
dyn4.o: dyn4.c example.h
dyn5.c: dyn5.e
$(GPRE_M) $<
dyn5.o: dyn5.c example.h
$(GPRE_M) $<
dynfull.o:dynfull.c example.h align.h

View File

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
# and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
# Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
# EXAMPLES make file
# To use Borland C 3.x or 4.x type the following on the command line:
# "make -fexample.mak <example program>"
# e.g. make -fexample.mak api1.exe
# To use MicroSoft C 7.0 type the following on the command line:
# "nmake MSFT= /f example.mak <example program>"
# e.g. nmake MSFT= /f example.mak api1.exe
!ifdef MSFT
# MicroSoft C compiler and link flags
# The QCFLAGS and QWINLIB macros exist because a console app in MicroSoft
# C requires a special compile flag, /Mq (Quick Win app), and a special
# link library, llibcewq.
QCFLAGS=/c /AL /Ge /Zi /Mq /Od /G2 /Zp1 /W3 /I$(INC_PATH)
CFLAGS=/c /AL /Ge /Zi /Od /GA /G2 /Zp1 /W3 /I$(INC_PATH)
QWINLIB=..\lib\gds libw llibcewq
WINLIB=..\lib\gds libw llibcew
# Borland C compiler and link flags
# The QCFLAGS and QWINLIB macros exist because a console app in MicroSoft
# C requires a special compile flag, /Mq (Quick Win app), and a special
# link library, llibcewq.
CFLAGS=-c -ml -N -v -Od -WE -2 -I$(INC_PATH)
LFLAGS=/n /m /Twe /v c0wl
WINLIB=..\lib\gds import mathwl cwl
$(CC) $(QCFLAGS) $<
TARGETS = winevent.exe api1.exe api2.exe api3.exe api4.exe api5.exe \
api6.exe api7.exe api8.exe api9.exe api10.exe api11.exe api12.exe \
api13.exe api15.exe api16t.exe apifull.exe
all: $(TARGETS)
winevent.obj : winevent.c $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) winevent.c
winevent.exe : winevent.obj winevent.def winevent.res
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) winevent.obj, winevent.exe,, $(WINLIB), winevent.def
$(RC) winevent.res
winevent.res : winevent.rc
$(RC) -r winevent.rc
api1.exe: api1.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api2.exe: api2.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api3.exe: api3.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api4.exe: api4.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api5.exe: api5.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api6.exe: api6.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api7.exe: api7.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api8.exe: api8.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api9.exe: api9.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api10.exe: api10.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api11.exe: api11.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api12.exe: api12.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api13.exe: api13.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api15.exe: api15.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
api16t.exe: api16t.obj example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) api16t.obj, api16t.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
apifull.exe: apifull.obj align.h example.def example.h $(INC_PATH)\ibase.h
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $*.obj, $*.exe,, $(QWINLIB), example.def
del *.obj
del *.exe
del *.res
del *.map

View File

@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
# and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
# Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
# -------------------------- makefile.bc -------------------------
# This makefile will build the examples supplied with InterBase 5.0.
# See the Programmer's Guide for information about the example
# databases and example programs.
# You MUST edit the IBASE definition in this file to point to the
# directory where InterBase was installed. As well as the BCDIR
# definition to point to the installations directory of your
# Borland C/C++ Compiler.
# To build all the examples use the 'all' target, by issuing the
# following command:
# make -f makefile.bc all
# To build any one individual target, use the following command:
# make -f makefile.bc 'target'
# where target 'target' is one of the following:
# employe2.gdb, api1.exe, api2.exe, api3.exe, api4.exe,
# api5.exe, api6.exe, api7.exe, api8.exe, api9.exe,
# api9f.dll, api10.exe, api11.exe, api12.exe, api13.exe,
# api14.exe, api15.exe, api16.exe, api16t.exe, apifull.exe,
# dyn1.exe, dyn2.exe, dyn3.exe, dyn4.exe, dyn5.exe,
# dynfull.exe, stat1.exe, stat2.exe, stat3.exe, stat4.exe,
# stat5.exe, stat6.exe, stat7.exe, stat8.exe, stat9.exe,
# stat10.exe, stat11.exe, stat12.exe, stat12t.exe,
# udflib.dll
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# InterBase Installation Directory
# CHANGE this definition to point to your InterBase installation directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
IBASE= d:\interbase
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Borland C/C++ Installation Directory
# CHANGE this definition to point to your compiler's installation directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
BCDIR= d:\bc5
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General InterBase Defines for Microsoft Windows 95/NT
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
GPRE= $(IBASE)\bin\gpre -c -n
GPRE_M= $(IBASE)\bin\gpre -c -n -m
ISQL= $(IBASE)\bin\isql
DB= employee.gdb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General Compiler and linker Defines for Borland C/C++ 5.0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMON_FLAGS= -c -v -w- -a4 -tWM -DWIN32 $(INCLUDE)
INCLUDE= -I$(IBASE)\include -I$(BCDIR)\include
LFLAGS= /c /x /ap /Tpe
LIBS= $(IBASE)\lib\gds32.lib
CC= $(BCDIR)\bin\bcc32
LINK= $(BCDIR)\bin\tlink32
IMPLIB= $(BCDIR)\bin\implib
COPY= copy
RM= del
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic Compilation Rules
# Do NOT change anything below this point.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
.SUFFIXES: .e .c .obj .exe
$(GPRE) $< -d $(DB)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $<
@echo $(BCDIR)\lib\c0x32.obj+ > link.arg
@echo $< >> link.arg
@echo $@ >> link.arg
@echo $(LFLAGS) >> link.arg
@echo $(LIBS)+ >> link.arg
@echo $(BCDIR)\lib\import32.lib+ >> link.arg
@echo $(BCDIR)\lib\cw32mt.lib >> link.arg
$(LINK) @link.arg
-$(RM) link.arg
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Specific targets to build
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "--------------------------- makefile.bc -------------------------
@echo "
@echo " This makefile will build the InterBase 5.0 examples.
@echo " See the Programmer's Guide for information about the example
@echo " databases and example programs.
@echo "
@echo " You MUST edit the IBASE definition in this file to point to the
@echo " directory where InterBase was installed. As well as the BCDIR
@echo " definition to point to the installations directory of your
@echo " Borland C/C++ Compiler.
@echo "
@echo " To build all the examples use the 'all' target, by issuing the
@echo " following command:
@echo "
@echo " make -f makefile.bc all
@echo "
@echo " To build any one individual target, use the command:
@echo "
@echo " make -f makefile.bc 'target'
@echo "
@echo " where target 'target' is one of the following:
@echo "
@echo " employe2.gdb, api1.exe, api2.exe, api3.exe, api4.exe,
@echo " api5.exe, api6.exe, api7.exe, api8.exe, api9.exe,
@echo " api9f.dll, api10.exe, api11.exe, api12.exe, api13.exe,
@echo " api14.exe, api15.exe, api16.exe, api16t.exe, apifull.exe,
@echo " dyn1.exe, dyn2.exe, dyn3.exe, dyn4.exe, dyn5.exe,
@echo " dynfull.exe, stat1.exe, stat2.exe, stat3.exe, stat4.exe,
@echo " stat5.exe, stat6.exe, stat7.exe, stat8.exe, stat9.exe,
@echo " stat10.exe, stat11.exe, stat12.exe, stat12t.exe,
@echo " udflib.dll
@echo "
@echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------
all: employe2.gdb api1.exe api2.exe api3.exe \
api4.exe api5.exe api6.exe api7.exe api8.exe \
api9.exe api9f.dll api10.exe api11.exe api12.exe api13.exe \
api14.exe api15.exe api16.exe api16t.exe \
apifull.exe dyn1.exe dyn2.exe dyn3.exe dyn4.exe \
dyn5.exe dynfull.exe stat1.exe stat2.exe stat3.exe \
stat4.exe stat5.exe stat6.exe stat7.exe stat8.exe stat9.exe \
stat10.exe stat11.exe stat12.exe stat12t.exe udflib.dll
employe2.gdb: employe2.sql
$(ISQL) -i $?
api9.obj: api9.c example.h api9f.sql
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) api9.c $(LIBS)
$(ISQL) employee.gdb -i api9f.sql
api9f.obj: api9f.c example.h
$(CC) $(LIB_CFLAGS) $?
api9f.dll: api9f.obj
# build a small argument file and use it
@echo $(BCDIR)\lib\c0d32.obj+ > link.arg
@echo $? >> link.arg
@echo $@ >> link.arg
@echo /x /Tpd >> link.arg
@echo $(LIBS)+ >> link.arg
@echo $(BCDIR)\lib\import32.lib+ >> link.arg
@echo $(BCDIR)\lib\cw32mt.lib >> link.arg
$(LINK) @link.arg
@echo -----------------------------------------------------------
@echo You need to copy api9f.dll to the interbase lib directory
@echo in order for api9.exe to work correctly.
@echo -----------------------------------------------------------
udflib.obj: udflib.c example.h
$(CC) $(LIB_CFLAGS) udflib.c
udflib.dll: udflib.obj
# build a small argument file and use it
@echo $(BCDIR)\lib\c0d32.obj+ > link.arg
@echo $? >> link.arg
@echo $@ >> link.arg
@echo /x /Tpd >> link.arg
@echo $(LIBS)+ >> link.arg
@echo $(BCDIR)\lib\import32.lib+ >> link.arg
@echo $(BCDIR)\lib\cw32mt.lib >> link.arg
$(LINK) @link.arg
@echo -----------------------------------------------------------
@echo You need to copy udflib.dll to the interbase lib directory
@echo in order for the server to load it.
@echo -----------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
# and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
# Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
# -------------------------- makefile.msc ------------------------
# This makefile will build the examples supplied with InterBase 5.0.
# See the Programmer's Guide for information about the example
# databases and example programs.
# You MUST edit the IBASE definition in this file to point to the
# directory where InterBase was installed. As well as the MSCDIR
# definition to point to the installations directory of your
# Microsoft C/C++ Compiler.
# To build all the examples use the 'all' target, by issuing the
# following command:
# nmake -f makefile.msc all
# To build any one individual target, use the following command:
# nmake -f makefile.msc 'target'
# where target 'target' is one of the following:
# employe2.gdb, api1.exe, api2.exe, api3.exe, api4.exe,
# api5.exe, api6.exe, api7.exe, api8.exe, api9.exe,
# api9f.dll, api10.exe, api11.exe, api12.exe, api13.exe,
# api14.exe, api15.exe, api16.exe, api16t.exe, apifull.exe,
# dyn1.exe, dyn2.exe, dyn3.exe, dyn4.exe, dyn5.exe,
# dynfull.exe, stat1.exe, stat2.exe, stat3.exe, stat4.exe,
# stat5.exe, stat6.exe, stat7.exe, stat8.exe, stat9.exe,
# stat10.exe, stat11.exe, stat12.exe, stat12t.exe,
# udflib.dll
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# InterBase Installation Directory
# CHANGE this definition to point to your InterBase installation directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
IBASE= d:\interbase
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Microsoft C/C++ Installation Directory
# CHANGE this definition to point to your compiler's installation directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
MSCDIR= d:\DevStudio\VC
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General InterBase Defines for Microsoft Windows 95/NT
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
GPRE= $(IBASE)\bin\gpre -c -n
GPRE_M= $(IBASE)\bin\gpre -c -n -m
ISQL= $(IBASE)\bin\isql
DB= employee.gdb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# General Compiler and linker Defines for Microsoft C/C++ 5.0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CFLAGS= -c -Zi -w -MD -DWIN32 $(INCLUDE)
INCLUDE= -I$(IBASE)\include -I$(MSCDIR)\include
LIBS= $(MSCDIR)\lib\msvcrt.lib $(IBASE)\lib\gds32_ms.lib
CC= $(MSCDIR)\bin\cl
LINK= $(MSCDIR)\bin\link
COPY= copy
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic Compilation Rules
# Do NOT change anything below this point.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
.SUFFIXES: .e .c .obj .exe
$(GPRE) $< -d $(DB)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $<
$(LINK) -out:$@ $< $(LIBS)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Specific targets to build
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "--------------------------- makefile.msc ------------------------
@echo "
@echo " This makefile will build the InterBase 5.0 examples.
@echo " See the Programmer's Guide for information about the example
@echo " databases and example programs.
@echo "
@echo " You MUST edit the IBASE definition this file to point to the
@echo " directory where InterBase was installed. As well as the MSCDIR
@echo " definition point to the installations directory of your
@echo " Microsoft C/C++ Compiler.
@echo "
@echo " To build all the examples use the 'all' target, by issuing the
@echo " following command:
@echo "
@echo " nmake -f makefile.msc all
@echo "
@echo " To build any one individual target, use the command:
@echo "
@echo " nmake -f makefile.msc 'target'
@echo "
@echo " where target 'target' is one of the following:
@echo "
@echo " employe2.gdb, api1.exe, api2.exe, api3.exe, api4.exe,
@echo " api5.exe, api6.exe, api7.exe, api8.exe, api9.exe,
@echo " api9f.dll, api10.exe, api11.exe, api12.exe, api13.exe,
@echo " api14.exe, api15.exe, api16.exe, api16t.exe, apifull.exe,
@echo " dyn1.exe, dyn2.exe, dyn3.exe, dyn4.exe, dyn5.exe,
@echo " dynfull.exe, stat1.exe, stat2.exe, stat3.exe, stat4.exe,
@echo " stat5.exe, stat6.exe, stat7.exe, stat8.exe, stat9.exe,
@echo " stat10.exe, stat11.exe, stat12.exe, stat12t.exe,
@echo " udflib.dll
@echo "
@echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------
all: employe2.gdb api1.exe api2.exe api3.exe \
api4.exe api5.exe api6.exe api7.exe api8.exe \
api9.exe api9f.dll api10.exe api11.exe api12.exe api13.exe \
api14.exe api15.exe api16.exe api16t.exe \
apifull.exe dyn1.exe dyn2.exe dyn3.exe dyn4.exe \
dyn5.exe dynfull.exe stat1.exe stat2.exe stat3.exe \
stat4.exe stat5.exe stat6.exe stat7.exe stat8.exe stat9.exe \
stat10.exe stat11.exe stat12.exe stat12t.exe udflib.dll
employe2.gdb: employe2.sql
$(ISQL) -i $?
api9.obj: api9.c example.h api9f.sql
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) api9.c $(LIBS)
$(ISQL) employee.gdb -i api9f.sql
api9f.obj: api9f.c example.h
$(CC) $(LIB_CFLAGS) $?
api9f.lib api9f.exp: api9f.obj api9f.def
$(LIBRARIAN) api9f.obj -out:api9f.lib -def:api9f.def -machine:i386 \
api9f.dll: api9f.lib api9f.exp api9f.obj
# build a small argument file and use it
@echo -entry:_DllMainCRTStartup@12 > link.arg
@echo -subsystem:console -DLL -DEBUG:FULL >> link.arg
@echo -out:api9f.dll >> link.arg
@echo api9f.exp api9f.obj $(LIBS) >> link.arg
$(LINK) @link.arg
@echo -----------------------------------------------------------
@echo You need to copy api9f.dll to the interbase lib directory
@echo in order for api9.exe to work correctly.
@echo -----------------------------------------------------------
udflib.obj: udflib.c example.h
$(CC) $(LIB_CFLAGS) udflib.c
udflib.lib udflib.exp: udflib.obj udflib.def
$(LIBRARIAN) udflib.obj -out:udflib.lib -def:udflib.def -machine:i386 \
udflib.dll: udflib.lib udflib.obj udflib.exp
# build a small argument file and use it
@echo -entry:_DllMainCRTStartup@12 > link.arg
@echo -subsystem:console -DLL >> link.arg
@echo -out:udflib.dll >> link.arg
@echo udflib.obj udflib.exp $(LIBS) >> link.arg
$(LINK) @link.arg
@echo -----------------------------------------------------------
@echo You need to copy udflib.dll to the interbase lib directory
@echo in order for the server to load it.
@echo -----------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
# and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
# Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
api1.obj: api1.c example.h
api2.obj: api2.c example.h
api3.obj: api3.c example.h
api4.obj: api4.c example.h
api5.obj: api5.c example.h
api6.obj: api6.c example.h
api7.obj: api7.c example.h
api8.obj: api8.c example.h
api10.obj: api10.c example.h
api11.obj: api11.c example.h
api12.obj: api12.c example.h
api13.obj: api13.c example.h
api14.c: api14.e
api14.obj: api14.c example.h
apifull.obj: apifull.c example.h align.h
stat1.c: stat1.e
stat1.obj: stat1.c example.h
stat2.c: stat2.e
stat2.obj: stat2.c example.h
stat3.c: stat3.e
stat3.obj: stat3.c example.h
stat4.c: stat4.e
stat4.obj: stat4.c example.h
stat5.c: stat5.e
stat5.obj: stat5.c example.h
stat6.c: stat6.e
stat6.obj: stat6.c example.h
stat7.c: stat7.e
stat7.obj: stat7.c example.h
stat8.c: stat8.e
stat8.obj: stat8.c example.h
stat9.c: stat9.e
stat9.obj: stat9.c example.h
stat10.c: stat10.e
$(GPRE_M) $?
stat10.obj: stat10.c example.h
stat11.c: stat11.e
$(GPRE_M) $?
stat11.obj: stat11.c example.h
stat12.c: stat12.e
$(GPRE_M) $?
stat12.obj: stat12.c example.h
stat12t.c: stat12t.e
$(GPRE_M) $?
stat12t.obj: stat12t.c example.h
dyn1.c: dyn1.e
$(GPRE_M) $?
dyn1.obj: dyn1.c example.h
dyn2.c: dyn2.e
$(GPRE_M) $?
dyn2.obj: dyn2.c example.h
dyn3.c: dyn3.e
$(GPRE_M) $?
dyn3.obj: dyn3.c example.h
dyn4.c: dyn4.e
$(GPRE_M) $?
dyn4.obj: dyn4.c example.h
dyn5.c: dyn5.e
$(GPRE_M) $?
dyn5.obj: dyn5.c example.h
dynfull.c: dynfull.e
$(GPRE_M) $?
dynfull.obj: dynfull.c example.h align.h