@ -531,206 +531,208 @@ static const SCHAR * const messages[] = {
"Variable type (position %d) in EXECUTE STATEMENT '%s' INTO does not match returned column type", /*509, exec_sql_invalid_var */
"Too many recursion levels of EXECUTE STATEMENT", /*510, exec_sql_max_call_exceeded */
"Access to %s \"%s\" is denied by server administrator", /*511, conf_access_denied */
"data base file name (%s) already given", /*512, gfix_db_name */
"invalid switch %s", /*513, gfix_invalid_sw */
"incompatible switch combination", /*514, gfix_incmp_sw */
"replay log pathname required", /*515, gfix_replay_req */
"number of page buffers for cache required", /*516, gfix_pgbuf_req */
"numeric value required", /*517, gfix_val_req */
"positive numeric value required", /*518, gfix_pval_req */
"number of transactions per sweep required", /*519, gfix_trn_req */
"\"full\" or \"reserve\" required", /*520, gfix_full_req */
"user name required", /*521, gfix_usrname_req */
"password required", /*522, gfix_pass_req */
"subsystem name", /*523, gfix_subs_name */
"\"wal\" required", /*524, gfix_wal_req */
"number of seconds required", /*525, gfix_sec_req */
"numeric value between 0 and 32767 inclusive required", /*526, gfix_nval_req */
"must specify type of shutdown", /*527, gfix_type_shut */
"please retry, specifying an option", /*528, gfix_retry */
"please retry, giving a database name", /*529, gfix_retry_db */
"internal block exceeds maximum size", /*530, gfix_exceed_max */
"corrupt pool", /*531, gfix_corrupt_pool */
"virtual memory exhausted", /*532, gfix_mem_exhausted */
"bad pool id", /*533, gfix_bad_pool */
"Transaction state %d not in valid range.", /*534, gfix_trn_not_valid */
"unexpected end of input", /*535, gfix_unexp_eoi */
"failed to reconnect to a transaction in database %s", /*536, gfix_recon_fail */
"Transaction description item unknown", /*537, gfix_trn_unknown */
"\"read_only\" or \"read_write\" required", /*538, gfix_mode_req */
" -sql_dialect set database dialect n", /*539, gfix_opt_SQL_dialect */
"Cannot SELECT RDB$DB_KEY from a stored procedure.", /*540, dsql_dbkey_from_non_table */
"Precision 10 to 18 changed from DOUBLE PRECISION in SQL dialect 1 to 64-bit scaled integer in SQL dialect 3", /*541, dsql_transitional_numeric */
"Use of %s expression that returns different results in dialect 1 and dialect 3", /*542, dsql_dialect_warning_expr */
"Database SQL dialect %d does not support reference to %s datatype", /*543, sql_db_dialect_dtype_unsupport */
"DB dialect %d and client dialect %d conflict with respect to numeric precision %d.", /*544, isc_sql_dialect_conflict_num */
"WARNING: Numeric literal %s is interpreted as a floating-point", /*545, dsql_warning_number_ambiguous */
"value in SQL dialect 1, but as an exact numeric value in SQL dialect 3.", /*546, dsql_warning_number_ambiguous1 */
"WARNING: NUMERIC and DECIMAL fields with precision 10 or greater are stored", /*547, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous */
"as approximate floating-point values in SQL dialect 1, but as 64-bit", /*548, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous1 */
"integers in SQL dialect 3.", /*549, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous2 */
"Ambiguous field name between %s and %s", /*550, dsql_ambiguous_field_name */
"External function should have return position between 1 and %d", /*551, dsql_udf_return_pos_err */
"Label %s %s in the current scope", /*552, dsql_invalid_label */
"SQL role %s does not exist", /*553, dyn_role_does_not_exist */
"user %s has no grant admin option on SQL role %s", /*554, dyn_no_grant_admin_opt */
"user %s is not a member of SQL role %s", /*555, dyn_user_not_role_member */
"%s is not the owner of SQL role %s", /*556, dyn_delete_role_failed */
"%s is a SQL role and not a user", /*557, dyn_grant_role_to_user */
"user name %s could not be used for SQL role", /*558, dyn_inv_sql_role_name */
"SQL role %s already exists", /*559, dyn_dup_sql_role */
"keyword %s can not be used as a SQL role name", /*560, dyn_kywd_spec_for_role */
"SQL roles are not supported in on older versions of the database. A backup and restore of the database is required.", /*561, dyn_roles_not_supported */
"Cannot rename domain %s to %s. A domain with that name already exists.", /*562, dyn_domain_name_exists */
"Cannot rename column %s to %s. A column with that name already exists in table %s.", /*563, dyn_field_name_exists */
"Column %s from table %s is referenced in %s", /*564, dyn_dependency_exists */
"Cannot change datatype for column %s. Changing datatype is not supported for BLOB or ARRAY columns.", /*565, dyn_dtype_invalid */
"New size specified for column %s must be at least %d characters.", /*566, dyn_char_fld_too_small */
"Cannot change datatype for %s. Conversion from base type %s to %s is not supported.", /*567, dyn_invalid_dtype_conversion */
"Cannot change datatype for column %s from a character type to a non-character type.", /*568, dyn_dtype_conv_invalid */
"Zero length identifiers are not allowed", /*569, dyn_zero_len_id */
"found unknown switch", /*570, gbak_unknown_switch */
"page size parameter missing", /*571, gbak_page_size_missing */
"Page size specified (%ld) greater than limit (8192 bytes)", /*572, gbak_page_size_toobig */
"redirect location for output is not specified", /*573, gbak_redir_ouput_missing */
"conflicting switches for backup/restore", /*574, gbak_switches_conflict */
"device type %s not known", /*575, gbak_unknown_device */
"protection is not there yet", /*576, gbak_no_protection */
"page size is allowed only on restore or create", /*577, gbak_page_size_not_allowed */
"multiple sources or destinations specified", /*578, gbak_multi_source_dest */
"requires both input and output filenames", /*579, gbak_filename_missing */
"input and output have the same name. Disallowed.", /*580, gbak_dup_inout_names */
"expected page size, encountered \"%s\"", /*581, gbak_inv_page_size */
"REPLACE specified, but the first file %s is a database", /*582, gbak_db_specified */
"database %s already exists. To replace it, use the -R switch", /*583, gbak_db_exists */
"device type not specified", /*584, gbak_unk_device */
"gds_$blob_info failed", /*585, gbak_blob_info_failed */
"do not understand BLOB INFO item %ld", /*586, gbak_unk_blob_item */
"gds_$get_segment failed", /*587, gbak_get_seg_failed */
"gds_$close_blob failed", /*588, gbak_close_blob_failed */
"gds_$open_blob failed", /*589, gbak_open_blob_failed */
"Failed in put_blr_gen_id", /*590, gbak_put_blr_gen_id_failed */
"data type %ld not understood", /*591, gbak_unk_type */
"gds_$compile_request failed", /*592, gbak_comp_req_failed */
"gds_$start_request failed", /*593, gbak_start_req_failed */
" gds_$receive failed", /*594, gbak_rec_failed */
"gds_$release_request failed", /*595, gbak_rel_req_failed */
" gds_$database_info failed", /*596, gbak_db_info_failed */
"Expected database description record", /*597, gbak_no_db_desc */
"failed to create database %s", /*598, gbak_db_create_failed */
"RESTORE: decompression length error", /*599, gbak_decomp_len_error */
"cannot find table %s", /*600, gbak_tbl_missing */
"Cannot find column for BLOB", /*601, gbak_blob_col_missing */
"gds_$create_blob failed", /*602, gbak_create_blob_failed */
"gds_$put_segment failed", /*603, gbak_put_seg_failed */
"expected record length", /*604, gbak_rec_len_exp */
"wrong length record, expected %ld encountered %ld", /*605, gbak_inv_rec_len */
"expected data attribute", /*606, gbak_exp_data_type */
"Failed in store_blr_gen_id", /*607, gbak_gen_id_failed */
"do not recognize record type %ld", /*608, gbak_unk_rec_type */
"Expected backup version 1, 2, or 3. Found %ld", /*609, gbak_inv_bkup_ver */
"expected backup description record", /*610, gbak_missing_bkup_desc */
"string truncated", /*611, gbak_string_trunc */
" warning -- record could not be restored", /*612, gbak_cant_rest_record */
"gds_$send failed", /*613, gbak_send_failed */
"no table name for data", /*614, gbak_no_tbl_name */
"unexpected end of file on backup file", /*615, gbak_unexp_eof */
"database format %ld is too old to restore to", /*616, gbak_db_format_too_old */
"array dimension for column %s is invalid", /*617, gbak_inv_array_dim */
"Expected XDR record length", /*618, gbak_xdr_len_expected */
"cannot open backup file %s", /*619, gbak_open_bkup_error */
"cannot open status and error output file %s", /*620, gbak_open_error */
"blocking factor parameter missing", /*621, gbak_missing_block_fac */
"expected blocking factor, encountered \"%s\"", /*622, gbak_inv_block_fac */
"a blocking factor may not be used in conjunction with device CT", /*623, gbak_block_fac_specified */
"user name parameter missing", /*624, gbak_missing_username */
"password parameter missing", /*625, gbak_missing_password */
" missing parameter for the number of bytes to be skipped", /*626, gbak_missing_skipped_bytes */
"expected number of bytes to be skipped, encountered \"%s\"", /*627, gbak_inv_skipped_bytes */
"Bad attribute for RDB$CHARACTER_SETS", /*628, gbak_err_restore_charset */
"Bad attribute for RDB$COLLATIONS", /*629, gbak_err_restore_collation */
"Unexpected I/O error while reading from backup file", /*630, gbak_read_error */
"Unexpected I/O error while writing to backup file", /*631, gbak_write_error */
"could not drop database %s (database might be in use)", /*632, gbak_db_in_use */
"System memory exhausted", /*633, gbak_sysmemex */
"Bad attributes for restoring SQL role", /*634, gbak_restore_role_failed */
"SQL role parameter missing", /*635, gbak_role_op_missing */
"page buffers parameter missing", /*636, gbak_page_buffers_missing */
"expected page buffers, encountered \"%s\"", /*637, gbak_page_buffers_wrong_param */
"page buffers is allowed only on restore or create", /*638, gbak_page_buffers_restore */
"size specification either missing or incorrect for file %s", /*639, gbak_inv_size */
"file %s out of sequence", /*640, gbak_file_outof_sequence */
"can't join -- one of the files missing", /*641, gbak_join_file_missing */
" standard input is not supported when using join operation", /*642, gbak_stdin_not_supptd */
"standard output is not supported when using split operation", /*643, gbak_stdout_not_supptd */
"backup file %s might be corrupt", /*644, gbak_bkup_corrupt */
"database file specification missing", /*645, gbak_unk_db_file_spec */
"can't write a header record to file %s", /*646, gbak_hdr_write_failed */
"free disk space exhausted", /*647, gbak_disk_space_ex */
"file size given (%d) is less than minimum allowed (%d)", /*648, gbak_size_lt_min */
"service name parameter missing", /*649, gbak_svc_name_missing */
"Cannot restore over current database, must be SYSDBA or owner of the existing database.", /*650, gbak_not_ownr */
"\"read_only\" or \"read_write\" required", /*651, gbak_mode_req */
"just data ignore all constraints etc.", /*652, gbak_just_data */
"restoring data only ignoring foreign key, unique, not null & other constraints", /*653, gbak_data_only */
"unable to open database", /*654, gsec_cant_open_db */
"error in switch specifications", /*655, gsec_switches_error */
"no operation specified", /*656, gsec_no_op_spec */
"no user name specified", /*657, gsec_no_usr_name */
"add record error", /*658, gsec_err_add */
"modify record error", /*659, gsec_err_modify */
"find/modify record error", /*660, gsec_err_find_mod */
"record not found for user: %s", /*661, gsec_err_rec_not_found */
"delete record error", /*662, gsec_err_delete */
"find/delete record error", /*663, gsec_err_find_del */
"find/display record error", /*664, gsec_err_find_disp */
"invalid parameter, no switch defined", /*665, gsec_inv_param */
"operation already specified", /*666, gsec_op_specified */
"password already specified", /*667, gsec_pw_specified */
"uid already specified", /*668, gsec_uid_specified */
"gid already specified", /*669, gsec_gid_specified */
"project already specified", /*670, gsec_proj_specified */
"organization already specified", /*671, gsec_org_specified */
"first name already specified", /*672, gsec_fname_specified */
"middle name already specified", /*673, gsec_mname_specified */
"last name already specified", /*674, gsec_lname_specified */
"invalid switch specified", /*675, gsec_inv_switch */
"ambiguous switch specified", /*676, gsec_amb_switch */
"no operation specified for parameters", /*677, gsec_no_op_specified */
"no parameters allowed for this operation", /*678, gsec_params_not_allowed */
"incompatible switches specified", /*679, gsec_incompat_switch */
"Invalid user name (maximum 31 bytes allowed)", /*680, gsec_inv_username */
"Warning - maximum 8 significant bytes of password used", /*681, gsec_inv_pw_length */
"database already specified", /*682, gsec_db_specified */
"database administrator name already specified", /*683, gsec_db_admin_specified */
"database administrator password already specified", /*684, gsec_db_admin_pw_specified */
"SQL role name already specified", /*685, gsec_sql_role_specified */
"The license file does not exist or could not be opened for read", /*686, license_no_file */
"operation already specified", /*687, license_op_specified */
"no operation specified", /*688, license_op_missing */
"invalid switch", /*689, license_inv_switch */
"invalid switch combination", /*690, license_inv_switch_combo */
"illegal operation/switch combination", /*691, license_inv_op_combo */
"ambiguous switch", /*692, license_amb_switch */
"invalid parameter, no switch specified", /*693, license_inv_parameter */
"switch does not take any parameter", /*694, license_param_specified */
"switch requires a parameter", /*695, license_param_req */
"syntax error in command line", /*696, license_syntx_error */
"The certificate was not added. A duplicate ID exists in the license file.", /*697, license_dup_id */
"The certificate was not added. Invalid certificate ID / Key combination.", /*698, license_inv_id_key */
"The certificate was not removed. The key does not exist or corresponds to a temporary evaluation license.", /*699, license_err_remove */
"An error occurred updating the license file. Operation cancelled.", /*700, license_err_update */
"The certificate could not be validated based on the information given. Please recheck the ID and key information.", /*701, license_err_convert */
"Operation failed. An unknown error occurred.", /*702, license_err_unk */
"Add license operation failed, KEY: %s ID: %s", /*703, license_svc_err_add */
"Remove license operation failed, KEY: %s", /*704, license_svc_err_remove */
"The evaluation license has already been used on this server. You need to purchase a non-evaluation license.", /*705, license_eval_exists */
"found unknown switch", /*706, gstat_unknown_switch */
"please retry, giving a database name", /*707, gstat_retry */
"Wrong ODS version, expected %d, encountered %d", /*708, gstat_wrong_ods */
"Unexpected end of database file.", /*709, gstat_unexpected_eof */
"Can't open database file %s", /*710, gstat_open_err */
"Can't read a database page", /*711, gstat_read_err */
"System memory exhausted", /*712, gstat_sysmemex */
"Cannot change difference file name while database is in backup mode", /*512, wrong_backup_state */
"Physical backup is not allowed while Write-Ahead Log is in use", /*513, wal_backup_err */
"data base file name (%s) already given", /*514, gfix_db_name */
"invalid switch %s", /*515, gfix_invalid_sw */
"incompatible switch combination", /*516, gfix_incmp_sw */
"replay log pathname required", /*517, gfix_replay_req */
"number of page buffers for cache required", /*518, gfix_pgbuf_req */
"numeric value required", /*519, gfix_val_req */
"positive numeric value required", /*520, gfix_pval_req */
"number of transactions per sweep required", /*521, gfix_trn_req */
"\"full\" or \"reserve\" required", /*522, gfix_full_req */
"user name required", /*523, gfix_usrname_req */
"password required", /*524, gfix_pass_req */
"subsystem name", /*525, gfix_subs_name */
"\"wal\" required", /*526, gfix_wal_req */
"number of seconds required", /*527, gfix_sec_req */
"numeric value between 0 and 32767 inclusive required", /*528, gfix_nval_req */
"must specify type of shutdown", /*529, gfix_type_shut */
"please retry, specifying an option", /*530, gfix_retry */
"please retry, giving a database name", /*531, gfix_retry_db */
"internal block exceeds maximum size", /*532, gfix_exceed_max */
"corrupt pool", /*533, gfix_corrupt_pool */
"virtual memory exhausted", /*534, gfix_mem_exhausted */
"bad pool id", /*535, gfix_bad_pool */
"Transaction state %d not in valid range.", /*536, gfix_trn_not_valid */
"unexpected end of input", /*537, gfix_unexp_eoi */
"failed to reconnect to a transaction in database %s", /*538, gfix_recon_fail */
"Transaction description item unknown", /*539, gfix_trn_unknown */
"\"read_only\" or \"read_write\" required", /*540, gfix_mode_req */
" -sql_dialect set database dialect n", /*541, gfix_opt_SQL_dialect */
"Cannot SELECT RDB$DB_KEY from a stored procedure.", /*542, dsql_dbkey_from_non_table */
"Precision 10 to 18 changed from DOUBLE PRECISION in SQL dialect 1 to 64-bit scaled integer in SQL dialect 3", /*543, dsql_transitional_numeric */
"Use of %s expression that returns different results in dialect 1 and dialect 3", /*544, dsql_dialect_warning_expr */
"Database SQL dialect %d does not support reference to %s datatype", /*545, sql_db_dialect_dtype_unsupport */
"DB dialect %d and client dialect %d conflict with respect to numeric precision %d.", /*546, isc_sql_dialect_conflict_num */
"WARNING: Numeric literal %s is interpreted as a floating-point", /*547, dsql_warning_number_ambiguous */
"value in SQL dialect 1, but as an exact numeric value in SQL dialect 3.", /*548, dsql_warning_number_ambiguous1 */
"WARNING: NUMERIC and DECIMAL fields with precision 10 or greater are stored", /*549, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous */
"as approximate floating-point values in SQL dialect 1, but as 64-bit", /*550, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous1 */
"integers in SQL dialect 3.", /*551, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous2 */
"Ambiguous field name between %s and %s", /*552, dsql_ambiguous_field_name */
"External function should have return position between 1 and %d", /*553, dsql_udf_return_pos_err */
"Label %s %s in the current scope", /*554, dsql_invalid_label */
"SQL role %s does not exist", /*555, dyn_role_does_not_exist */
"user %s has no grant admin option on SQL role %s", /*556, dyn_no_grant_admin_opt */
"user %s is not a member of SQL role %s", /*557, dyn_user_not_role_member */
"%s is not the owner of SQL role %s", /*558, dyn_delete_role_failed */
"%s is a SQL role and not a user", /*559, dyn_grant_role_to_user */
"user name %s could not be used for SQL role", /*560, dyn_inv_sql_role_name */
"SQL role %s already exists", /*561, dyn_dup_sql_role */
"keyword %s can not be used as a SQL role name", /*562, dyn_kywd_spec_for_role */
"SQL roles are not supported in on older versions of the database. A backup and restore of the database is required.", /*563, dyn_roles_not_supported */
"Cannot rename domain %s to %s. A domain with that name already exists.", /*564, dyn_domain_name_exists */
"Cannot rename column %s to %s. A column with that name already exists in table %s.", /*565, dyn_field_name_exists */
"Column %s from table %s is referenced in %s", /*566, dyn_dependency_exists */
"Cannot change datatype for column %s. Changing datatype is not supported for BLOB or ARRAY columns.", /*567, dyn_dtype_invalid */
"New size specified for column %s must be at least %d characters.", /*568, dyn_char_fld_too_small */
"Cannot change datatype for %s. Conversion from base type %s to %s is not supported.", /*569, dyn_invalid_dtype_conversion */
"Cannot change datatype for column %s from a character type to a non-character type.", /*570, dyn_dtype_conv_invalid */
"Zero length identifiers are not allowed", /*571, dyn_zero_len_id */
"found unknown switch", /*572, gbak_unknown_switch */
"page size parameter missing", /*573, gbak_page_size_missing */
"Page size specified (%ld) greater than limit (8192 bytes)", /*574, gbak_page_size_toobig */
"redirect location for output is not specified", /*575, gbak_redir_ouput_missing */
"conflicting switches for backup/restore", /*576, gbak_switches_conflict */
"device type %s not known", /*577, gbak_unknown_device */
"protection is not there yet", /*578, gbak_no_protection */
"page size is allowed only on restore or create", /*579, gbak_page_size_not_allowed */
"multiple sources or destinations specified", /*580, gbak_multi_source_dest */
"requires both input and output filenames", /*581, gbak_filename_missing */
"input and output have the same name. Disallowed.", /*582, gbak_dup_inout_names */
"expected page size, encountered \"%s\"", /*583, gbak_inv_page_size */
"REPLACE specified, but the first file %s is a database", /*584, gbak_db_specified */
"database %s already exists. To replace it, use the -R switch", /*585, gbak_db_exists */
"device type not specified", /*586, gbak_unk_device */
"gds_$blob_info failed", /*587, gbak_blob_info_failed */
"do not understand BLOB INFO item %ld", /*588, gbak_unk_blob_item */
"gds_$get_segment failed", /*589, gbak_get_seg_failed */
"gds_$close_blob failed", /*590, gbak_close_blob_failed */
"gds_$open_blob failed", /*591, gbak_open_blob_failed */
"Failed in put_blr_gen_id", /*592, gbak_put_blr_gen_id_failed */
"data type %ld not understood", /*593, gbak_unk_type */
"gds_$compile_request failed", /*594, gbak_comp_req_failed */
"gds_$start_request failed", /*595, gbak_start_req_failed */
" gds_$receive failed", /*596, gbak_rec_failed */
"gds_$release_request failed", /*597, gbak_rel_req_failed */
" gds_$database_info failed", /*598, gbak_db_info_failed */
"Expected database description record", /*599, gbak_no_db_desc */
"failed to create database %s", /*600, gbak_db_create_failed */
"RESTORE: decompression length error", /*601, gbak_decomp_len_error */
"cannot find table %s", /*602, gbak_tbl_missing */
"Cannot find column for BLOB", /*603, gbak_blob_col_missing */
"gds_$create_blob failed", /*604, gbak_create_blob_failed */
"gds_$put_segment failed", /*605, gbak_put_seg_failed */
"expected record length", /*606, gbak_rec_len_exp */
"wrong length record, expected %ld encountered %ld", /*607, gbak_inv_rec_len */
"expected data attribute", /*608, gbak_exp_data_type */
"Failed in store_blr_gen_id", /*609, gbak_gen_id_failed */
"do not recognize record type %ld", /*610, gbak_unk_rec_type */
"Expected backup version 1, 2, or 3. Found %ld", /*611, gbak_inv_bkup_ver */
"expected backup description record", /*612, gbak_missing_bkup_desc */
"string truncated", /*613, gbak_string_trunc */
" warning -- record could not be restored", /*614, gbak_cant_rest_record */
"gds_$send failed", /*615, gbak_send_failed */
"no table name for data", /*616, gbak_no_tbl_name */
"unexpected end of file on backup file", /*617, gbak_unexp_eof */
"database format %ld is too old to restore to", /*618, gbak_db_format_too_old */
"array dimension for column %s is invalid", /*619, gbak_inv_array_dim */
"Expected XDR record length", /*620, gbak_xdr_len_expected */
"cannot open backup file %s", /*621, gbak_open_bkup_error */
"cannot open status and error output file %s", /*622, gbak_open_error */
"blocking factor parameter missing", /*623, gbak_missing_block_fac */
"expected blocking factor, encountered \"%s\"", /*624, gbak_inv_block_fac */
"a blocking factor may not be used in conjunction with device CT", /*625, gbak_block_fac_specified */
"user name parameter missing", /*626, gbak_missing_username */
"password parameter missing", /*627, gbak_missing_password */
" missing parameter for the number of bytes to be skipped", /*628, gbak_missing_skipped_bytes */
"expected number of bytes to be skipped, encountered \"%s\"", /*629, gbak_inv_skipped_bytes */
"Bad attribute for RDB$CHARACTER_SETS", /*630, gbak_err_restore_charset */
"Bad attribute for RDB$COLLATIONS", /*631, gbak_err_restore_collation */
"Unexpected I/O error while reading from backup file", /*632, gbak_read_error */
"Unexpected I/O error while writing to backup file", /*633, gbak_write_error */
"could not drop database %s (database might be in use)", /*634, gbak_db_in_use */
"System memory exhausted", /*635, gbak_sysmemex */
"Bad attributes for restoring SQL role", /*636, gbak_restore_role_failed */
"SQL role parameter missing", /*637, gbak_role_op_missing */
"page buffers parameter missing", /*638, gbak_page_buffers_missing */
"expected page buffers, encountered \"%s\"", /*639, gbak_page_buffers_wrong_param */
"page buffers is allowed only on restore or create", /*640, gbak_page_buffers_restore */
"size specification either missing or incorrect for file %s", /*641, gbak_inv_size */
"file %s out of sequence", /*642, gbak_file_outof_sequence */
"can't join -- one of the files missing", /*643, gbak_join_file_missing */
" standard input is not supported when using join operation", /*644, gbak_stdin_not_supptd */
"standard output is not supported when using split operation", /*645, gbak_stdout_not_supptd */
"backup file %s might be corrupt", /*646, gbak_bkup_corrupt */
"database file specification missing", /*647, gbak_unk_db_file_spec */
"can't write a header record to file %s", /*648, gbak_hdr_write_failed */
"free disk space exhausted", /*649, gbak_disk_space_ex */
"file size given (%d) is less than minimum allowed (%d)", /*650, gbak_size_lt_min */
"service name parameter missing", /*651, gbak_svc_name_missing */
"Cannot restore over current database, must be SYSDBA or owner of the existing database.", /*652, gbak_not_ownr */
"\"read_only\" or \"read_write\" required", /*653, gbak_mode_req */
"just data ignore all constraints etc.", /*654, gbak_just_data */
"restoring data only ignoring foreign key, unique, not null & other constraints", /*655, gbak_data_only */
"unable to open database", /*656, gsec_cant_open_db */
"error in switch specifications", /*657, gsec_switches_error */
"no operation specified", /*658, gsec_no_op_spec */
"no user name specified", /*659, gsec_no_usr_name */
"add record error", /*660, gsec_err_add */
"modify record error", /*661, gsec_err_modify */
"find/modify record error", /*662, gsec_err_find_mod */
"record not found for user: %s", /*663, gsec_err_rec_not_found */
"delete record error", /*664, gsec_err_delete */
"find/delete record error", /*665, gsec_err_find_del */
"find/display record error", /*666, gsec_err_find_disp */
"invalid parameter, no switch defined", /*667, gsec_inv_param */
"operation already specified", /*668, gsec_op_specified */
"password already specified", /*669, gsec_pw_specified */
"uid already specified", /*670, gsec_uid_specified */
"gid already specified", /*671, gsec_gid_specified */
"project already specified", /*672, gsec_proj_specified */
"organization already specified", /*673, gsec_org_specified */
"first name already specified", /*674, gsec_fname_specified */
"middle name already specified", /*675, gsec_mname_specified */
"last name already specified", /*676, gsec_lname_specified */
"invalid switch specified", /*677, gsec_inv_switch */
"ambiguous switch specified", /*678, gsec_amb_switch */
"no operation specified for parameters", /*679, gsec_no_op_specified */
"no parameters allowed for this operation", /*680, gsec_params_not_allowed */
"incompatible switches specified", /*681, gsec_incompat_switch */
"Invalid user name (maximum 31 bytes allowed)", /*682, gsec_inv_username */
"Warning - maximum 8 significant bytes of password used", /*683, gsec_inv_pw_length */
"database already specified", /*684, gsec_db_specified */
"database administrator name already specified", /*685, gsec_db_admin_specified */
"database administrator password already specified", /*686, gsec_db_admin_pw_specified */
"SQL role name already specified", /*687, gsec_sql_role_specified */
"The license file does not exist or could not be opened for read", /*688, license_no_file */
"operation already specified", /*689, license_op_specified */
"no operation specified", /*690, license_op_missing */
"invalid switch", /*691, license_inv_switch */
"invalid switch combination", /*692, license_inv_switch_combo */
"illegal operation/switch combination", /*693, license_inv_op_combo */
"ambiguous switch", /*694, license_amb_switch */
"invalid parameter, no switch specified", /*695, license_inv_parameter */
"switch does not take any parameter", /*696, license_param_specified */
"switch requires a parameter", /*697, license_param_req */
"syntax error in command line", /*698, license_syntx_error */
"The certificate was not added. A duplicate ID exists in the license file.", /*699, license_dup_id */
"The certificate was not added. Invalid certificate ID / Key combination.", /*700, license_inv_id_key */
"The certificate was not removed. The key does not exist or corresponds to a temporary evaluation license.", /*701, license_err_remove */
"An error occurred updating the license file. Operation cancelled.", /*702, license_err_update */
"The certificate could not be validated based on the information given. Please recheck the ID and key information.", /*703, license_err_convert */
"Operation failed. An unknown error occurred.", /*704, license_err_unk */
"Add license operation failed, KEY: %s ID: %s", /*705, license_svc_err_add */
"Remove license operation failed, KEY: %s", /*706, license_svc_err_remove */
"The evaluation license has already been used on this server. You need to purchase a non-evaluation license.", /*707, license_eval_exists */
"found unknown switch", /*708, gstat_unknown_switch */
"please retry, giving a database name", /*709, gstat_retry */
"Wrong ODS version, expected %d, encountered %d", /*710, gstat_wrong_ods */
"Unexpected end of database file.", /*711, gstat_unexpected_eof */
"Can't open database file %s", /*712, gstat_open_err */
"Can't read a database page", /*713, gstat_read_err */
"System memory exhausted", /*714, gstat_sysmemex */
0 /* Null entry to terminate list */