@ -682,301 +682,302 @@ Data source : @4"}, /* 606, eds_statement */
{335544975, "Timeout occurred while waiting for a secondary connection for event processing"}, /* 655, net_event_connect_timeout */
{335544976, "Argument for @1 must be different than zero"}, /* 656, sysf_argmustbe_nonzero */
{335544977, "Argument for @1 must be in the range [-1, 1]"}, /* 657, sysf_argmustbe_range_inc1_1 */
{335544978, "Argument for @1 must be greater o equal than one"}, /* 658, sysf_argmustbe_gteq_one */
{335544978, "Argument for @1 must be greater or equal than one"}, /* 658, sysf_argmustbe_gteq_one */
{335544979, "Argument for @1 must be in the range ]-1, 1["}, /* 659, sysf_argmustbe_range_exc1_1 */
{335740929, "data base file name (@1) already given"}, /* 660, gfix_db_name */
{335740930, "invalid switch @1"}, /* 661, gfix_invalid_sw */
{335740932, "incompatible switch combination"}, /* 662, gfix_incmp_sw */
{335740933, "replay log pathname required"}, /* 663, gfix_replay_req */
{335740934, "number of page buffers for cache required"}, /* 664, gfix_pgbuf_req */
{335740935, "numeric value required"}, /* 665, gfix_val_req */
{335740936, "positive numeric value required"}, /* 666, gfix_pval_req */
{335740937, "number of transactions per sweep required"}, /* 667, gfix_trn_req */
{335740940, "\"full\" or \"reserve\" required"}, /* 668, gfix_full_req */
{335740941, "user name required"}, /* 669, gfix_usrname_req */
{335740942, "password required"}, /* 670, gfix_pass_req */
{335740943, "subsystem name"}, /* 671, gfix_subs_name */
{335740944, "\"wal\" required"}, /* 672, gfix_wal_req */
{335740945, "number of seconds required"}, /* 673, gfix_sec_req */
{335740946, "numeric value between 0 and 32767 inclusive required"}, /* 674, gfix_nval_req */
{335740947, "must specify type of shutdown"}, /* 675, gfix_type_shut */
{335740948, "please retry, specifying an option"}, /* 676, gfix_retry */
{335740951, "please retry, giving a database name"}, /* 677, gfix_retry_db */
{335740991, "internal block exceeds maximum size"}, /* 678, gfix_exceed_max */
{335740992, "corrupt pool"}, /* 679, gfix_corrupt_pool */
{335740993, "virtual memory exhausted"}, /* 680, gfix_mem_exhausted */
{335740994, "bad pool id"}, /* 681, gfix_bad_pool */
{335740995, "Transaction state @1 not in valid range."}, /* 682, gfix_trn_not_valid */
{335741012, "unexpected end of input"}, /* 683, gfix_unexp_eoi */
{335741018, "failed to reconnect to a transaction in database @1"}, /* 684, gfix_recon_fail */
{335741036, "Transaction description item unknown"}, /* 685, gfix_trn_unknown */
{335741038, "\"read_only\" or \"read_write\" required"}, /* 686, gfix_mode_req */
{335741039, " -sql_dialect set database dialect n"}, /* 687, gfix_opt_SQL_dialect */
{335741042, "positive or zero numeric value required"}, /* 688, gfix_pzval_req */
{336003074, "Cannot SELECT RDB$DB_KEY from a stored procedure."}, /* 689, dsql_dbkey_from_non_table */
{336003075, "Precision 10 to 18 changed from DOUBLE PRECISION in SQL dialect 1 to 64-bit scaled integer in SQL dialect 3"}, /* 690, dsql_transitional_numeric */
{336003076, "Use of @1 expression that returns different results in dialect 1 and dialect 3"}, /* 691, dsql_dialect_warning_expr */
{336003077, "Database SQL dialect @1 does not support reference to @2 datatype"}, /* 692, sql_db_dialect_dtype_unsupport */
{336003079, "DB dialect @1 and client dialect @2 conflict with respect to numeric precision @3."}, /* 693, isc_sql_dialect_conflict_num */
{336003080, "WARNING: Numeric literal @1 is interpreted as a floating-point"}, /* 694, dsql_warning_number_ambiguous */
{336003081, "value in SQL dialect 1, but as an exact numeric value in SQL dialect 3."}, /* 695, dsql_warning_number_ambiguous1 */
{336003082, "WARNING: NUMERIC and DECIMAL fields with precision 10 or greater are stored"}, /* 696, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous */
{336003083, "as approximate floating-point values in SQL dialect 1, but as 64-bit"}, /* 697, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous1 */
{336003084, "integers in SQL dialect 3."}, /* 698, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous2 */
{336003085, "Ambiguous field name between @1 and @2"}, /* 699, dsql_ambiguous_field_name */
{336003086, "External function should have return position between 1 and @1"}, /* 700, dsql_udf_return_pos_err */
{336003087, "Label @1 @2 in the current scope"}, /* 701, dsql_invalid_label */
{336003088, "Datatypes @1are not comparable in expression @2"}, /* 702, dsql_datatypes_not_comparable */
{336003089, "Empty cursor name is not allowed"}, /* 703, dsql_cursor_invalid */
{336003090, "Statement already has a cursor @1 assigned"}, /* 704, dsql_cursor_redefined */
{336003091, "Cursor @1 is not found in the current context"}, /* 705, dsql_cursor_not_found */
{336003092, "Cursor @1 already exists in the current context"}, /* 706, dsql_cursor_exists */
{336003093, "Relation @1 is ambiguous in cursor @2"}, /* 707, dsql_cursor_rel_ambiguous */
{336003094, "Relation @1 is not found in cursor @2"}, /* 708, dsql_cursor_rel_not_found */
{336003095, "Cursor is not open"}, /* 709, dsql_cursor_not_open */
{336003096, "Data type @1 is not supported for EXTERNAL TABLES. Relation '@2', field '@3'"}, /* 710, dsql_type_not_supp_ext_tab */
{336003097, "Feature not supported on ODS version older than @1.@2"}, /* 711, dsql_feature_not_supported_ods */
{336003098, "Primary key required on table @1"}, /* 712, primary_key_required */
{336003099, "UPDATE OR INSERT field list does not match primary key of table @1"}, /* 713, upd_ins_doesnt_match_pk */
{336003100, "UPDATE OR INSERT field list does not match MATCHING clause"}, /* 714, upd_ins_doesnt_match_matching */
{336003101, "UPDATE OR INSERT without MATCHING could not be used with views based on more than one table"}, /* 715, upd_ins_with_complex_view */
{336003102, "Incompatible trigger type"}, /* 716, dsql_incompatible_trigger_type */
{336003103, "Database trigger type can't be changed"}, /* 717, dsql_db_trigger_type_cant_change */
{336068740, "Table @1 already exists"}, /* 718, dyn_dup_table */
{336068784, "column @1 does not exist in table/view @2"}, /* 719, dyn_column_does_not_exist */
{336068796, "SQL role @1 does not exist"}, /* 720, dyn_role_does_not_exist */
{336068797, "user @1 has no grant admin option on SQL role @2"}, /* 721, dyn_no_grant_admin_opt */
{336068798, "user @1 is not a member of SQL role @2"}, /* 722, dyn_user_not_role_member */
{336068799, "@1 is not the owner of SQL role @2"}, /* 723, dyn_delete_role_failed */
{336068800, "@1 is a SQL role and not a user"}, /* 724, dyn_grant_role_to_user */
{336068801, "user name @1 could not be used for SQL role"}, /* 725, dyn_inv_sql_role_name */
{336068802, "SQL role @1 already exists"}, /* 726, dyn_dup_sql_role */
{336068803, "keyword @1 can not be used as a SQL role name"}, /* 727, dyn_kywd_spec_for_role */
{336068804, "SQL roles are not supported in on older versions of the database. A backup and restore of the database is required."}, /* 728, dyn_roles_not_supported */
{336068812, "Cannot rename domain @1 to @2. A domain with that name already exists."}, /* 729, dyn_domain_name_exists */
{336068813, "Cannot rename column @1 to @2. A column with that name already exists in table @3."}, /* 730, dyn_field_name_exists */
{336068814, "Column @1 from table @2 is referenced in @3"}, /* 731, dyn_dependency_exists */
{336068815, "Cannot change datatype for column @1. Changing datatype is not supported for BLOB or ARRAY columns."}, /* 732, dyn_dtype_invalid */
{336068816, "New size specified for column @1 must be at least @2 characters."}, /* 733, dyn_char_fld_too_small */
{336068817, "Cannot change datatype for @1. Conversion from base type @2 to @3 is not supported."}, /* 734, dyn_invalid_dtype_conversion */
{336068818, "Cannot change datatype for column @1 from a character type to a non-character type."}, /* 735, dyn_dtype_conv_invalid */
{336068820, "Zero length identifiers are not allowed"}, /* 736, dyn_zero_len_id */
{336068829, "Maximum number of collations per character set exceeded"}, /* 737, max_coll_per_charset */
{336068830, "Invalid collation attributes"}, /* 738, invalid_coll_attr */
{336068840, "@1 cannot reference @2"}, /* 739, dyn_wrong_gtt_scope */
{336068852, "New scale specified for column @1 must be at most @2."}, /* 740, dyn_scale_too_big */
{336068853, "New precision specified for column @1 must be at least @2."}, /* 741, dyn_precision_too_small */
{336068855, "Warning: @1 on @2 is not granted to @3."}, /* 742, dyn_miss_priv_warning */
{336068856, "Feature '@1' is not supported in ODS @2.@3"}, /* 743, dyn_ods_not_supp_feature */
{336068857, "Cannot add or remove COMPUTED from column @1"}, /* 744, dyn_cannot_addrem_computed */
{336068858, "Password should not be empty string"}, /* 745, dyn_no_empty_pw */
{336068859, "Index @1 already exists"}, /* 746, dyn_dup_index */
{336330753, "found unknown switch"}, /* 747, gbak_unknown_switch */
{336330754, "page size parameter missing"}, /* 748, gbak_page_size_missing */
{336330755, "Page size specified (@1) greater than limit (16384 bytes)"}, /* 749, gbak_page_size_toobig */
{336330756, "redirect location for output is not specified"}, /* 750, gbak_redir_ouput_missing */
{336330757, "conflicting switches for backup/restore"}, /* 751, gbak_switches_conflict */
{336330758, "device type @1 not known"}, /* 752, gbak_unknown_device */
{336330759, "protection is not there yet"}, /* 753, gbak_no_protection */
{336330760, "page size is allowed only on restore or create"}, /* 754, gbak_page_size_not_allowed */
{336330761, "multiple sources or destinations specified"}, /* 755, gbak_multi_source_dest */
{336330762, "requires both input and output filenames"}, /* 756, gbak_filename_missing */
{336330763, "input and output have the same name. Disallowed."}, /* 757, gbak_dup_inout_names */
{336330764, "expected page size, encountered \"@1\""}, /* 758, gbak_inv_page_size */
{336330765, "REPLACE specified, but the first file @1 is a database"}, /* 759, gbak_db_specified */
{336330766, "database @1 already exists. To replace it, use the -REP switch"}, /* 760, gbak_db_exists */
{336330767, "device type not specified"}, /* 761, gbak_unk_device */
{336330772, "gds_$blob_info failed"}, /* 762, gbak_blob_info_failed */
{336330773, "do not understand BLOB INFO item @1"}, /* 763, gbak_unk_blob_item */
{336330774, "gds_$get_segment failed"}, /* 764, gbak_get_seg_failed */
{336330775, "gds_$close_blob failed"}, /* 765, gbak_close_blob_failed */
{336330776, "gds_$open_blob failed"}, /* 766, gbak_open_blob_failed */
{336330777, "Failed in put_blr_gen_id"}, /* 767, gbak_put_blr_gen_id_failed */
{336330778, "data type @1 not understood"}, /* 768, gbak_unk_type */
{336330779, "gds_$compile_request failed"}, /* 769, gbak_comp_req_failed */
{336330780, "gds_$start_request failed"}, /* 770, gbak_start_req_failed */
{336330781, "gds_$receive failed"}, /* 771, gbak_rec_failed */
{336330782, "gds_$release_request failed"}, /* 772, gbak_rel_req_failed */
{336330783, "gds_$database_info failed"}, /* 773, gbak_db_info_failed */
{336330784, "Expected database description record"}, /* 774, gbak_no_db_desc */
{336330785, "failed to create database @1"}, /* 775, gbak_db_create_failed */
{336330786, "RESTORE: decompression length error"}, /* 776, gbak_decomp_len_error */
{336330787, "cannot find table @1"}, /* 777, gbak_tbl_missing */
{336330788, "Cannot find column for BLOB"}, /* 778, gbak_blob_col_missing */
{336330789, "gds_$create_blob failed"}, /* 779, gbak_create_blob_failed */
{336330790, "gds_$put_segment failed"}, /* 780, gbak_put_seg_failed */
{336330791, "expected record length"}, /* 781, gbak_rec_len_exp */
{336330792, "wrong length record, expected @1 encountered @2"}, /* 782, gbak_inv_rec_len */
{336330793, "expected data attribute"}, /* 783, gbak_exp_data_type */
{336330794, "Failed in store_blr_gen_id"}, /* 784, gbak_gen_id_failed */
{336330795, "do not recognize record type @1"}, /* 785, gbak_unk_rec_type */
{336330796, "Expected backup version 1..9. Found @1"}, /* 786, gbak_inv_bkup_ver */
{336330797, "expected backup description record"}, /* 787, gbak_missing_bkup_desc */
{336330798, "string truncated"}, /* 788, gbak_string_trunc */
{336330799, "warning -- record could not be restored"}, /* 789, gbak_cant_rest_record */
{336330800, "gds_$send failed"}, /* 790, gbak_send_failed */
{336330801, "no table name for data"}, /* 791, gbak_no_tbl_name */
{336330802, "unexpected end of file on backup file"}, /* 792, gbak_unexp_eof */
{336330803, "database format @1 is too old to restore to"}, /* 793, gbak_db_format_too_old */
{336330804, "array dimension for column @1 is invalid"}, /* 794, gbak_inv_array_dim */
{336330807, "Expected XDR record length"}, /* 795, gbak_xdr_len_expected */
{336330817, "cannot open backup file @1"}, /* 796, gbak_open_bkup_error */
{336330818, "cannot open status and error output file @1"}, /* 797, gbak_open_error */
{336330934, "blocking factor parameter missing"}, /* 798, gbak_missing_block_fac */
{336330935, "expected blocking factor, encountered \"@1\""}, /* 799, gbak_inv_block_fac */
{336330936, "a blocking factor may not be used in conjunction with device CT"}, /* 800, gbak_block_fac_specified */
{336330940, "user name parameter missing"}, /* 801, gbak_missing_username */
{336330941, "password parameter missing"}, /* 802, gbak_missing_password */
{336330952, " missing parameter for the number of bytes to be skipped"}, /* 803, gbak_missing_skipped_bytes */
{336330953, "expected number of bytes to be skipped, encountered \"@1\""}, /* 804, gbak_inv_skipped_bytes */
{336330965, "character set"}, /* 805, gbak_err_restore_charset */
{336330967, "collation"}, /* 806, gbak_err_restore_collation */
{336330972, "Unexpected I/O error while reading from backup file"}, /* 807, gbak_read_error */
{336330973, "Unexpected I/O error while writing to backup file"}, /* 808, gbak_write_error */
{336330985, "could not drop database @1 (database might be in use)"}, /* 809, gbak_db_in_use */
{336330990, "System memory exhausted"}, /* 810, gbak_sysmemex */
{336331002, "SQL role"}, /* 811, gbak_restore_role_failed */
{336331005, "SQL role parameter missing"}, /* 812, gbak_role_op_missing */
{336331010, "page buffers parameter missing"}, /* 813, gbak_page_buffers_missing */
{336331011, "expected page buffers, encountered \"@1\""}, /* 814, gbak_page_buffers_wrong_param */
{336331012, "page buffers is allowed only on restore or create"}, /* 815, gbak_page_buffers_restore */
{336331014, "size specification either missing or incorrect for file @1"}, /* 816, gbak_inv_size */
{336331015, "file @1 out of sequence"}, /* 817, gbak_file_outof_sequence */
{336331016, "can't join -- one of the files missing"}, /* 818, gbak_join_file_missing */
{336331017, " standard input is not supported when using join operation"}, /* 819, gbak_stdin_not_supptd */
{336331018, "standard output is not supported when using split operation"}, /* 820, gbak_stdout_not_supptd */
{336331019, "backup file @1 might be corrupt"}, /* 821, gbak_bkup_corrupt */
{336331020, "database file specification missing"}, /* 822, gbak_unk_db_file_spec */
{336331021, "can't write a header record to file @1"}, /* 823, gbak_hdr_write_failed */
{336331022, "free disk space exhausted"}, /* 824, gbak_disk_space_ex */
{336331023, "file size given (@1) is less than minimum allowed (@2)"}, /* 825, gbak_size_lt_min */
{336331025, "service name parameter missing"}, /* 826, gbak_svc_name_missing */
{336331026, "Cannot restore over current database, must be SYSDBA or owner of the existing database."}, /* 827, gbak_not_ownr */
{336331031, "\"read_only\" or \"read_write\" required"}, /* 828, gbak_mode_req */
{336331033, "just data ignore all constraints etc."}, /* 829, gbak_just_data */
{336331034, "restoring data only ignoring foreign key, unique, not null & other constraints"}, /* 830, gbak_data_only */
{336397205, "ODS versions before ODS@1 are not supported"}, /* 831, dsql_too_old_ods */
{336397206, "Table @1 does not exist"}, /* 832, dsql_table_not_found */
{336397207, "View @1 does not exist"}, /* 833, dsql_view_not_found */
{336397208, "At line @1, column @2"}, /* 834, dsql_line_col_error */
{336397209, "At unknown line and column"}, /* 835, dsql_unknown_pos */
{336397210, "Column @1 cannot be repeated in @2 statement"}, /* 836, dsql_no_dup_name */
{336397211, "Too many values (more than @1) in member list to match against"}, /* 837, dsql_too_many_values */
{336397212, "Array and BLOB data types not allowed in computed field"}, /* 838, dsql_no_array_computed */
{336397213, "Implicit domain name @1 not allowed in user created domain"}, /* 839, dsql_implicit_domain_name */
{336397214, "scalar operator used on field @1 which is not an array"}, /* 840, dsql_only_can_subscript_array */
{336397215, "cannot sort on more than 255 items"}, /* 841, dsql_max_sort_items */
{336397216, "cannot group on more than 255 items"}, /* 842, dsql_max_group_items */
{336397217, "Cannot include the same field (@1.@2) twice in the ORDER BY clause with conflicting sorting options"}, /* 843, dsql_conflicting_sort_field */
{336397218, "column list from derived table @1 has more columns than the number of items in its SELECT statement"}, /* 844, dsql_derived_table_more_columns */
{336397219, "column list from derived table @1 has less columns than the number of items in its SELECT statement"}, /* 845, dsql_derived_table_less_columns */
{336397220, "no column name specified for column number @1 in derived table @2"}, /* 846, dsql_derived_field_unnamed */
{336397221, "column @1 was specified multiple times for derived table @2"}, /* 847, dsql_derived_field_dup_name */
{336397222, "Internal dsql error: alias type expected by pass1_expand_select_node"}, /* 848, dsql_derived_alias_select */
{336397223, "Internal dsql error: alias type expected by pass1_field"}, /* 849, dsql_derived_alias_field */
{336397224, "Internal dsql error: column position out of range in pass1_union_auto_cast"}, /* 850, dsql_auto_field_bad_pos */
{336397225, "Recursive CTE member (@1) can refer itself only in FROM clause"}, /* 851, dsql_cte_wrong_reference */
{336397226, "CTE '@1' has cyclic dependencies"}, /* 852, dsql_cte_cycle */
{336397227, "Recursive member of CTE can't be member of an outer join"}, /* 853, dsql_cte_outer_join */
{336397228, "Recursive member of CTE can't reference itself more than once"}, /* 854, dsql_cte_mult_references */
{336397229, "Recursive CTE (@1) must be an UNION"}, /* 855, dsql_cte_not_a_union */
{336397230, "CTE '@1' defined non-recursive member after recursive"}, /* 856, dsql_cte_nonrecurs_after_recurs */
{336397231, "Recursive member of CTE '@1' has @2 clause"}, /* 857, dsql_cte_wrong_clause */
{336397232, "Recursive members of CTE (@1) must be linked with another members via UNION ALL"}, /* 858, dsql_cte_union_all */
{336397233, "Non-recursive member is missing in CTE '@1'"}, /* 859, dsql_cte_miss_nonrecursive */
{336397234, "WITH clause can't be nested"}, /* 860, dsql_cte_nested_with */
{336397235, "column @1 appears more than once in USING clause"}, /* 861, dsql_col_more_than_once_using */
{336397236, "feature is not supported in dialect @1"}, /* 862, dsql_unsupp_feature_dialect */
{336397237, "CTE \"@1\" is not used in query"}, /* 863, dsql_cte_not_used */
{336397238, "column @1 appears more than once in ALTER VIEW"}, /* 864, dsql_col_more_than_once_view */
{336397239, "@1 is not supported inside IN AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION block"}, /* 865, dsql_unsupported_in_auto_trans */
{336397240, "Unknown node type @1 in dsql/GEN_expr"}, /* 866, dsql_eval_unknode */
{336397241, "Argument for @1 in dialect 1 must be string or numeric"}, /* 867, dsql_agg_wrongarg */
{336397242, "Argument for @1 in dialect 3 must be numeric"}, /* 868, dsql_agg2_wrongarg */
{336397243, "Strings cannot be added to or subtracted from DATE or TIME types"}, /* 869, dsql_nodateortime_pm_string */
{336397244, "Invalid data type for subtraction involving DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP types"}, /* 870, dsql_invalid_datetime_subtract */
{336397245, "Adding two DATE values or two TIME values is not allowed"}, /* 871, dsql_invalid_dateortime_add */
{336397246, "DATE value cannot be subtracted from the provided data type"}, /* 872, dsql_invalid_type_minus_date */
{336397247, "Strings cannot be added or subtracted in dialect 3"}, /* 873, dsql_nostring_addsub_dial3 */
{336397248, "Invalid data type for addition or subtraction in dialect 3"}, /* 874, dsql_invalid_type_addsub_dial3 */
{336397249, "Invalid data type for multiplication in dialect 1"}, /* 875, dsql_invalid_type_multip_dial1 */
{336397250, "Strings cannot be multiplied in dialect 3"}, /* 876, dsql_nostring_multip_dial3 */
{336397251, "Invalid data type for multiplication in dialect 3"}, /* 877, dsql_invalid_type_multip_dial3 */
{336397252, "Division in dialect 1 must be between numeric data types"}, /* 878, dsql_mustuse_numeric_div_dial1 */
{336397253, "Strings cannot be divided in dialect 3"}, /* 879, dsql_nostring_div_dial3 */
{336397254, "Invalid data type for division in dialect 3"}, /* 880, dsql_invalid_type_div_dial3 */
{336397255, "Strings cannot be negated (applied the minus operator) in dialect 3"}, /* 881, dsql_nostring_neg_dial3 */
{336397256, "Invalid data type for negation (minus operator)"}, /* 882, dsql_invalid_type_neg */
{336397257, "Cannot have more than 255 items in DISTINCT list"}, /* 883, dsql_max_distinct_items */
{336723983, "unable to open database"}, /* 884, gsec_cant_open_db */
{336723984, "error in switch specifications"}, /* 885, gsec_switches_error */
{336723985, "no operation specified"}, /* 886, gsec_no_op_spec */
{336723986, "no user name specified"}, /* 887, gsec_no_usr_name */
{336723987, "add record error"}, /* 888, gsec_err_add */
{336723988, "modify record error"}, /* 889, gsec_err_modify */
{336723989, "find/modify record error"}, /* 890, gsec_err_find_mod */
{336723990, "record not found for user: @1"}, /* 891, gsec_err_rec_not_found */
{336723991, "delete record error"}, /* 892, gsec_err_delete */
{336723992, "find/delete record error"}, /* 893, gsec_err_find_del */
{336723996, "find/display record error"}, /* 894, gsec_err_find_disp */
{336723997, "invalid parameter, no switch defined"}, /* 895, gsec_inv_param */
{336723998, "operation already specified"}, /* 896, gsec_op_specified */
{336723999, "password already specified"}, /* 897, gsec_pw_specified */
{336724000, "uid already specified"}, /* 898, gsec_uid_specified */
{336724001, "gid already specified"}, /* 899, gsec_gid_specified */
{336724002, "project already specified"}, /* 900, gsec_proj_specified */
{336724003, "organization already specified"}, /* 901, gsec_org_specified */
{336724004, "first name already specified"}, /* 902, gsec_fname_specified */
{336724005, "middle name already specified"}, /* 903, gsec_mname_specified */
{336724006, "last name already specified"}, /* 904, gsec_lname_specified */
{336724008, "invalid switch specified"}, /* 905, gsec_inv_switch */
{336724009, "ambiguous switch specified"}, /* 906, gsec_amb_switch */
{336724010, "no operation specified for parameters"}, /* 907, gsec_no_op_specified */
{336724011, "no parameters allowed for this operation"}, /* 908, gsec_params_not_allowed */
{336724012, "incompatible switches specified"}, /* 909, gsec_incompat_switch */
{336724044, "Invalid user name (maximum 31 bytes allowed)"}, /* 910, gsec_inv_username */
{336724045, "Warning - maximum 8 significant bytes of password used"}, /* 911, gsec_inv_pw_length */
{336724046, "database already specified"}, /* 912, gsec_db_specified */
{336724047, "database administrator name already specified"}, /* 913, gsec_db_admin_specified */
{336724048, "database administrator password already specified"}, /* 914, gsec_db_admin_pw_specified */
{336724049, "SQL role name already specified"}, /* 915, gsec_sql_role_specified */
{336789504, "The license file does not exist or could not be opened for read"}, /* 916, license_no_file */
{336789523, "operation already specified"}, /* 917, license_op_specified */
{336789524, "no operation specified"}, /* 918, license_op_missing */
{336789525, "invalid switch"}, /* 919, license_inv_switch */
{336789526, "invalid switch combination"}, /* 920, license_inv_switch_combo */
{336789527, "illegal operation/switch combination"}, /* 921, license_inv_op_combo */
{336789528, "ambiguous switch"}, /* 922, license_amb_switch */
{336789529, "invalid parameter, no switch specified"}, /* 923, license_inv_parameter */
{336789530, "switch does not take any parameter"}, /* 924, license_param_specified */
{336789531, "switch requires a parameter"}, /* 925, license_param_req */
{336789532, "syntax error in command line"}, /* 926, license_syntx_error */
{336789534, "The certificate was not added. A duplicate ID exists in the license file."}, /* 927, license_dup_id */
{336789535, "The certificate was not added. Invalid certificate ID / Key combination."}, /* 928, license_inv_id_key */
{336789536, "The certificate was not removed. The key does not exist or corresponds to a temporary evaluation license."}, /* 929, license_err_remove */
{336789537, "An error occurred updating the license file. Operation cancelled."}, /* 930, license_err_update */
{336789538, "The certificate could not be validated based on the information given. Please recheck the ID and key information."}, /* 931, license_err_convert */
{336789539, "Operation failed. An unknown error occurred."}, /* 932, license_err_unk */
{336789540, "Add license operation failed, KEY: @1 ID: @2"}, /* 933, license_svc_err_add */
{336789541, "Remove license operation failed, KEY: @1"}, /* 934, license_svc_err_remove */
{336789563, "The evaluation license has already been used on this server. You need to purchase a non-evaluation license."}, /* 935, license_eval_exists */
{336920577, "found unknown switch"}, /* 936, gstat_unknown_switch */
{336920578, "please retry, giving a database name"}, /* 937, gstat_retry */
{336920579, "Wrong ODS version, expected @1, encountered @2"}, /* 938, gstat_wrong_ods */
{336920580, "Unexpected end of database file."}, /* 939, gstat_unexpected_eof */
{336920605, "Can't open database file @1"}, /* 940, gstat_open_err */
{336920606, "Can't read a database page"}, /* 941, gstat_read_err */
{336920607, "System memory exhausted"}, /* 942, gstat_sysmemex */
{336986113, "Wrong value for access mode"}, /* 943, fbsvcmgr_bad_am */
{336986114, "Wrong value for write mode"}, /* 944, fbsvcmgr_bad_wm */
{336986115, "Wrong value for reserve space"}, /* 945, fbsvcmgr_bad_rs */
{336986116, "Unknown tag (@1) in info_svr_db_info block after isc_svc_query()"}, /* 946, fbsvcmgr_info_err */
{336986117, "Unknown tag (@1) in isc_svc_query() results"}, /* 947, fbsvcmgr_query_err */
{336986118, "Unknown switch \"@1\""}, /* 948, fbsvcmgr_switch_unknown */
{336986159, "Wrong value for shutdown mode"}, /* 949, fbsvcmgr_bad_sm */
{336986160, "could not open file @1"}, /* 950, fbsvcmgr_fp_open */
{336986161, "could not read file @1"}, /* 951, fbsvcmgr_fp_read */
{336986162, "empty file @1"}, /* 952, fbsvcmgr_fp_empty */
{337051649, "Switches trusted_svc and trusted_role are not supported from command line"}, /* 953, utl_trusted_switch */
{335544980, "Incorrect parameters provided to internal function @1"}, /* 660, internal_rejected_params */
{335740929, "data base file name (@1) already given"}, /* 661, gfix_db_name */
{335740930, "invalid switch @1"}, /* 662, gfix_invalid_sw */
{335740932, "incompatible switch combination"}, /* 663, gfix_incmp_sw */
{335740933, "replay log pathname required"}, /* 664, gfix_replay_req */
{335740934, "number of page buffers for cache required"}, /* 665, gfix_pgbuf_req */
{335740935, "numeric value required"}, /* 666, gfix_val_req */
{335740936, "positive numeric value required"}, /* 667, gfix_pval_req */
{335740937, "number of transactions per sweep required"}, /* 668, gfix_trn_req */
{335740940, "\"full\" or \"reserve\" required"}, /* 669, gfix_full_req */
{335740941, "user name required"}, /* 670, gfix_usrname_req */
{335740942, "password required"}, /* 671, gfix_pass_req */
{335740943, "subsystem name"}, /* 672, gfix_subs_name */
{335740944, "\"wal\" required"}, /* 673, gfix_wal_req */
{335740945, "number of seconds required"}, /* 674, gfix_sec_req */
{335740946, "numeric value between 0 and 32767 inclusive required"}, /* 675, gfix_nval_req */
{335740947, "must specify type of shutdown"}, /* 676, gfix_type_shut */
{335740948, "please retry, specifying an option"}, /* 677, gfix_retry */
{335740951, "please retry, giving a database name"}, /* 678, gfix_retry_db */
{335740991, "internal block exceeds maximum size"}, /* 679, gfix_exceed_max */
{335740992, "corrupt pool"}, /* 680, gfix_corrupt_pool */
{335740993, "virtual memory exhausted"}, /* 681, gfix_mem_exhausted */
{335740994, "bad pool id"}, /* 682, gfix_bad_pool */
{335740995, "Transaction state @1 not in valid range."}, /* 683, gfix_trn_not_valid */
{335741012, "unexpected end of input"}, /* 684, gfix_unexp_eoi */
{335741018, "failed to reconnect to a transaction in database @1"}, /* 685, gfix_recon_fail */
{335741036, "Transaction description item unknown"}, /* 686, gfix_trn_unknown */
{335741038, "\"read_only\" or \"read_write\" required"}, /* 687, gfix_mode_req */
{335741039, " -sql_dialect set database dialect n"}, /* 688, gfix_opt_SQL_dialect */
{335741042, "positive or zero numeric value required"}, /* 689, gfix_pzval_req */
{336003074, "Cannot SELECT RDB$DB_KEY from a stored procedure."}, /* 690, dsql_dbkey_from_non_table */
{336003075, "Precision 10 to 18 changed from DOUBLE PRECISION in SQL dialect 1 to 64-bit scaled integer in SQL dialect 3"}, /* 691, dsql_transitional_numeric */
{336003076, "Use of @1 expression that returns different results in dialect 1 and dialect 3"}, /* 692, dsql_dialect_warning_expr */
{336003077, "Database SQL dialect @1 does not support reference to @2 datatype"}, /* 693, sql_db_dialect_dtype_unsupport */
{336003079, "DB dialect @1 and client dialect @2 conflict with respect to numeric precision @3."}, /* 694, isc_sql_dialect_conflict_num */
{336003080, "WARNING: Numeric literal @1 is interpreted as a floating-point"}, /* 695, dsql_warning_number_ambiguous */
{336003081, "value in SQL dialect 1, but as an exact numeric value in SQL dialect 3."}, /* 696, dsql_warning_number_ambiguous1 */
{336003082, "WARNING: NUMERIC and DECIMAL fields with precision 10 or greater are stored"}, /* 697, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous */
{336003083, "as approximate floating-point values in SQL dialect 1, but as 64-bit"}, /* 698, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous1 */
{336003084, "integers in SQL dialect 3."}, /* 699, dsql_warn_precision_ambiguous2 */
{336003085, "Ambiguous field name between @1 and @2"}, /* 700, dsql_ambiguous_field_name */
{336003086, "External function should have return position between 1 and @1"}, /* 701, dsql_udf_return_pos_err */
{336003087, "Label @1 @2 in the current scope"}, /* 702, dsql_invalid_label */
{336003088, "Datatypes @1are not comparable in expression @2"}, /* 703, dsql_datatypes_not_comparable */
{336003089, "Empty cursor name is not allowed"}, /* 704, dsql_cursor_invalid */
{336003090, "Statement already has a cursor @1 assigned"}, /* 705, dsql_cursor_redefined */
{336003091, "Cursor @1 is not found in the current context"}, /* 706, dsql_cursor_not_found */
{336003092, "Cursor @1 already exists in the current context"}, /* 707, dsql_cursor_exists */
{336003093, "Relation @1 is ambiguous in cursor @2"}, /* 708, dsql_cursor_rel_ambiguous */
{336003094, "Relation @1 is not found in cursor @2"}, /* 709, dsql_cursor_rel_not_found */
{336003095, "Cursor is not open"}, /* 710, dsql_cursor_not_open */
{336003096, "Data type @1 is not supported for EXTERNAL TABLES. Relation '@2', field '@3'"}, /* 711, dsql_type_not_supp_ext_tab */
{336003097, "Feature not supported on ODS version older than @1.@2"}, /* 712, dsql_feature_not_supported_ods */
{336003098, "Primary key required on table @1"}, /* 713, primary_key_required */
{336003099, "UPDATE OR INSERT field list does not match primary key of table @1"}, /* 714, upd_ins_doesnt_match_pk */
{336003100, "UPDATE OR INSERT field list does not match MATCHING clause"}, /* 715, upd_ins_doesnt_match_matching */
{336003101, "UPDATE OR INSERT without MATCHING could not be used with views based on more than one table"}, /* 716, upd_ins_with_complex_view */
{336003102, "Incompatible trigger type"}, /* 717, dsql_incompatible_trigger_type */
{336003103, "Database trigger type can't be changed"}, /* 718, dsql_db_trigger_type_cant_change */
{336068740, "Table @1 already exists"}, /* 719, dyn_dup_table */
{336068784, "column @1 does not exist in table/view @2"}, /* 720, dyn_column_does_not_exist */
{336068796, "SQL role @1 does not exist"}, /* 721, dyn_role_does_not_exist */
{336068797, "user @1 has no grant admin option on SQL role @2"}, /* 722, dyn_no_grant_admin_opt */
{336068798, "user @1 is not a member of SQL role @2"}, /* 723, dyn_user_not_role_member */
{336068799, "@1 is not the owner of SQL role @2"}, /* 724, dyn_delete_role_failed */
{336068800, "@1 is a SQL role and not a user"}, /* 725, dyn_grant_role_to_user */
{336068801, "user name @1 could not be used for SQL role"}, /* 726, dyn_inv_sql_role_name */
{336068802, "SQL role @1 already exists"}, /* 727, dyn_dup_sql_role */
{336068803, "keyword @1 can not be used as a SQL role name"}, /* 728, dyn_kywd_spec_for_role */
{336068804, "SQL roles are not supported in on older versions of the database. A backup and restore of the database is required."}, /* 729, dyn_roles_not_supported */
{336068812, "Cannot rename domain @1 to @2. A domain with that name already exists."}, /* 730, dyn_domain_name_exists */
{336068813, "Cannot rename column @1 to @2. A column with that name already exists in table @3."}, /* 731, dyn_field_name_exists */
{336068814, "Column @1 from table @2 is referenced in @3"}, /* 732, dyn_dependency_exists */
{336068815, "Cannot change datatype for column @1. Changing datatype is not supported for BLOB or ARRAY columns."}, /* 733, dyn_dtype_invalid */
{336068816, "New size specified for column @1 must be at least @2 characters."}, /* 734, dyn_char_fld_too_small */
{336068817, "Cannot change datatype for @1. Conversion from base type @2 to @3 is not supported."}, /* 735, dyn_invalid_dtype_conversion */
{336068818, "Cannot change datatype for column @1 from a character type to a non-character type."}, /* 736, dyn_dtype_conv_invalid */
{336068820, "Zero length identifiers are not allowed"}, /* 737, dyn_zero_len_id */
{336068829, "Maximum number of collations per character set exceeded"}, /* 738, max_coll_per_charset */
{336068830, "Invalid collation attributes"}, /* 739, invalid_coll_attr */
{336068840, "@1 cannot reference @2"}, /* 740, dyn_wrong_gtt_scope */
{336068852, "New scale specified for column @1 must be at most @2."}, /* 741, dyn_scale_too_big */
{336068853, "New precision specified for column @1 must be at least @2."}, /* 742, dyn_precision_too_small */
{336068855, "Warning: @1 on @2 is not granted to @3."}, /* 743, dyn_miss_priv_warning */
{336068856, "Feature '@1' is not supported in ODS @2.@3"}, /* 744, dyn_ods_not_supp_feature */
{336068857, "Cannot add or remove COMPUTED from column @1"}, /* 745, dyn_cannot_addrem_computed */
{336068858, "Password should not be empty string"}, /* 746, dyn_no_empty_pw */
{336068859, "Index @1 already exists"}, /* 747, dyn_dup_index */
{336330753, "found unknown switch"}, /* 748, gbak_unknown_switch */
{336330754, "page size parameter missing"}, /* 749, gbak_page_size_missing */
{336330755, "Page size specified (@1) greater than limit (16384 bytes)"}, /* 750, gbak_page_size_toobig */
{336330756, "redirect location for output is not specified"}, /* 751, gbak_redir_ouput_missing */
{336330757, "conflicting switches for backup/restore"}, /* 752, gbak_switches_conflict */
{336330758, "device type @1 not known"}, /* 753, gbak_unknown_device */
{336330759, "protection is not there yet"}, /* 754, gbak_no_protection */
{336330760, "page size is allowed only on restore or create"}, /* 755, gbak_page_size_not_allowed */
{336330761, "multiple sources or destinations specified"}, /* 756, gbak_multi_source_dest */
{336330762, "requires both input and output filenames"}, /* 757, gbak_filename_missing */
{336330763, "input and output have the same name. Disallowed."}, /* 758, gbak_dup_inout_names */
{336330764, "expected page size, encountered \"@1\""}, /* 759, gbak_inv_page_size */
{336330765, "REPLACE specified, but the first file @1 is a database"}, /* 760, gbak_db_specified */
{336330766, "database @1 already exists. To replace it, use the -REP switch"}, /* 761, gbak_db_exists */
{336330767, "device type not specified"}, /* 762, gbak_unk_device */
{336330772, "gds_$blob_info failed"}, /* 763, gbak_blob_info_failed */
{336330773, "do not understand BLOB INFO item @1"}, /* 764, gbak_unk_blob_item */
{336330774, "gds_$get_segment failed"}, /* 765, gbak_get_seg_failed */
{336330775, "gds_$close_blob failed"}, /* 766, gbak_close_blob_failed */
{336330776, "gds_$open_blob failed"}, /* 767, gbak_open_blob_failed */
{336330777, "Failed in put_blr_gen_id"}, /* 768, gbak_put_blr_gen_id_failed */
{336330778, "data type @1 not understood"}, /* 769, gbak_unk_type */
{336330779, "gds_$compile_request failed"}, /* 770, gbak_comp_req_failed */
{336330780, "gds_$start_request failed"}, /* 771, gbak_start_req_failed */
{336330781, "gds_$receive failed"}, /* 772, gbak_rec_failed */
{336330782, "gds_$release_request failed"}, /* 773, gbak_rel_req_failed */
{336330783, "gds_$database_info failed"}, /* 774, gbak_db_info_failed */
{336330784, "Expected database description record"}, /* 775, gbak_no_db_desc */
{336330785, "failed to create database @1"}, /* 776, gbak_db_create_failed */
{336330786, "RESTORE: decompression length error"}, /* 777, gbak_decomp_len_error */
{336330787, "cannot find table @1"}, /* 778, gbak_tbl_missing */
{336330788, "Cannot find column for BLOB"}, /* 779, gbak_blob_col_missing */
{336330789, "gds_$create_blob failed"}, /* 780, gbak_create_blob_failed */
{336330790, "gds_$put_segment failed"}, /* 781, gbak_put_seg_failed */
{336330791, "expected record length"}, /* 782, gbak_rec_len_exp */
{336330792, "wrong length record, expected @1 encountered @2"}, /* 783, gbak_inv_rec_len */
{336330793, "expected data attribute"}, /* 784, gbak_exp_data_type */
{336330794, "Failed in store_blr_gen_id"}, /* 785, gbak_gen_id_failed */
{336330795, "do not recognize record type @1"}, /* 786, gbak_unk_rec_type */
{336330796, "Expected backup version 1..9. Found @1"}, /* 787, gbak_inv_bkup_ver */
{336330797, "expected backup description record"}, /* 788, gbak_missing_bkup_desc */
{336330798, "string truncated"}, /* 789, gbak_string_trunc */
{336330799, "warning -- record could not be restored"}, /* 790, gbak_cant_rest_record */
{336330800, "gds_$send failed"}, /* 791, gbak_send_failed */
{336330801, "no table name for data"}, /* 792, gbak_no_tbl_name */
{336330802, "unexpected end of file on backup file"}, /* 793, gbak_unexp_eof */
{336330803, "database format @1 is too old to restore to"}, /* 794, gbak_db_format_too_old */
{336330804, "array dimension for column @1 is invalid"}, /* 795, gbak_inv_array_dim */
{336330807, "Expected XDR record length"}, /* 796, gbak_xdr_len_expected */
{336330817, "cannot open backup file @1"}, /* 797, gbak_open_bkup_error */
{336330818, "cannot open status and error output file @1"}, /* 798, gbak_open_error */
{336330934, "blocking factor parameter missing"}, /* 799, gbak_missing_block_fac */
{336330935, "expected blocking factor, encountered \"@1\""}, /* 800, gbak_inv_block_fac */
{336330936, "a blocking factor may not be used in conjunction with device CT"}, /* 801, gbak_block_fac_specified */
{336330940, "user name parameter missing"}, /* 802, gbak_missing_username */
{336330941, "password parameter missing"}, /* 803, gbak_missing_password */
{336330952, " missing parameter for the number of bytes to be skipped"}, /* 804, gbak_missing_skipped_bytes */
{336330953, "expected number of bytes to be skipped, encountered \"@1\""}, /* 805, gbak_inv_skipped_bytes */
{336330965, "character set"}, /* 806, gbak_err_restore_charset */
{336330967, "collation"}, /* 807, gbak_err_restore_collation */
{336330972, "Unexpected I/O error while reading from backup file"}, /* 808, gbak_read_error */
{336330973, "Unexpected I/O error while writing to backup file"}, /* 809, gbak_write_error */
{336330985, "could not drop database @1 (database might be in use)"}, /* 810, gbak_db_in_use */
{336330990, "System memory exhausted"}, /* 811, gbak_sysmemex */
{336331002, "SQL role"}, /* 812, gbak_restore_role_failed */
{336331005, "SQL role parameter missing"}, /* 813, gbak_role_op_missing */
{336331010, "page buffers parameter missing"}, /* 814, gbak_page_buffers_missing */
{336331011, "expected page buffers, encountered \"@1\""}, /* 815, gbak_page_buffers_wrong_param */
{336331012, "page buffers is allowed only on restore or create"}, /* 816, gbak_page_buffers_restore */
{336331014, "size specification either missing or incorrect for file @1"}, /* 817, gbak_inv_size */
{336331015, "file @1 out of sequence"}, /* 818, gbak_file_outof_sequence */
{336331016, "can't join -- one of the files missing"}, /* 819, gbak_join_file_missing */
{336331017, " standard input is not supported when using join operation"}, /* 820, gbak_stdin_not_supptd */
{336331018, "standard output is not supported when using split operation"}, /* 821, gbak_stdout_not_supptd */
{336331019, "backup file @1 might be corrupt"}, /* 822, gbak_bkup_corrupt */
{336331020, "database file specification missing"}, /* 823, gbak_unk_db_file_spec */
{336331021, "can't write a header record to file @1"}, /* 824, gbak_hdr_write_failed */
{336331022, "free disk space exhausted"}, /* 825, gbak_disk_space_ex */
{336331023, "file size given (@1) is less than minimum allowed (@2)"}, /* 826, gbak_size_lt_min */
{336331025, "service name parameter missing"}, /* 827, gbak_svc_name_missing */
{336331026, "Cannot restore over current database, must be SYSDBA or owner of the existing database."}, /* 828, gbak_not_ownr */
{336331031, "\"read_only\" or \"read_write\" required"}, /* 829, gbak_mode_req */
{336331033, "just data ignore all constraints etc."}, /* 830, gbak_just_data */
{336331034, "restoring data only ignoring foreign key, unique, not null & other constraints"}, /* 831, gbak_data_only */
{336397205, "ODS versions before ODS@1 are not supported"}, /* 832, dsql_too_old_ods */
{336397206, "Table @1 does not exist"}, /* 833, dsql_table_not_found */
{336397207, "View @1 does not exist"}, /* 834, dsql_view_not_found */
{336397208, "At line @1, column @2"}, /* 835, dsql_line_col_error */
{336397209, "At unknown line and column"}, /* 836, dsql_unknown_pos */
{336397210, "Column @1 cannot be repeated in @2 statement"}, /* 837, dsql_no_dup_name */
{336397211, "Too many values (more than @1) in member list to match against"}, /* 838, dsql_too_many_values */
{336397212, "Array and BLOB data types not allowed in computed field"}, /* 839, dsql_no_array_computed */
{336397213, "Implicit domain name @1 not allowed in user created domain"}, /* 840, dsql_implicit_domain_name */
{336397214, "scalar operator used on field @1 which is not an array"}, /* 841, dsql_only_can_subscript_array */
{336397215, "cannot sort on more than 255 items"}, /* 842, dsql_max_sort_items */
{336397216, "cannot group on more than 255 items"}, /* 843, dsql_max_group_items */
{336397217, "Cannot include the same field (@1.@2) twice in the ORDER BY clause with conflicting sorting options"}, /* 844, dsql_conflicting_sort_field */
{336397218, "column list from derived table @1 has more columns than the number of items in its SELECT statement"}, /* 845, dsql_derived_table_more_columns */
{336397219, "column list from derived table @1 has less columns than the number of items in its SELECT statement"}, /* 846, dsql_derived_table_less_columns */
{336397220, "no column name specified for column number @1 in derived table @2"}, /* 847, dsql_derived_field_unnamed */
{336397221, "column @1 was specified multiple times for derived table @2"}, /* 848, dsql_derived_field_dup_name */
{336397222, "Internal dsql error: alias type expected by pass1_expand_select_node"}, /* 849, dsql_derived_alias_select */
{336397223, "Internal dsql error: alias type expected by pass1_field"}, /* 850, dsql_derived_alias_field */
{336397224, "Internal dsql error: column position out of range in pass1_union_auto_cast"}, /* 851, dsql_auto_field_bad_pos */
{336397225, "Recursive CTE member (@1) can refer itself only in FROM clause"}, /* 852, dsql_cte_wrong_reference */
{336397226, "CTE '@1' has cyclic dependencies"}, /* 853, dsql_cte_cycle */
{336397227, "Recursive member of CTE can't be member of an outer join"}, /* 854, dsql_cte_outer_join */
{336397228, "Recursive member of CTE can't reference itself more than once"}, /* 855, dsql_cte_mult_references */
{336397229, "Recursive CTE (@1) must be an UNION"}, /* 856, dsql_cte_not_a_union */
{336397230, "CTE '@1' defined non-recursive member after recursive"}, /* 857, dsql_cte_nonrecurs_after_recurs */
{336397231, "Recursive member of CTE '@1' has @2 clause"}, /* 858, dsql_cte_wrong_clause */
{336397232, "Recursive members of CTE (@1) must be linked with another members via UNION ALL"}, /* 859, dsql_cte_union_all */
{336397233, "Non-recursive member is missing in CTE '@1'"}, /* 860, dsql_cte_miss_nonrecursive */
{336397234, "WITH clause can't be nested"}, /* 861, dsql_cte_nested_with */
{336397235, "column @1 appears more than once in USING clause"}, /* 862, dsql_col_more_than_once_using */
{336397236, "feature is not supported in dialect @1"}, /* 863, dsql_unsupp_feature_dialect */
{336397237, "CTE \"@1\" is not used in query"}, /* 864, dsql_cte_not_used */
{336397238, "column @1 appears more than once in ALTER VIEW"}, /* 865, dsql_col_more_than_once_view */
{336397239, "@1 is not supported inside IN AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION block"}, /* 866, dsql_unsupported_in_auto_trans */
{336397240, "Unknown node type @1 in dsql/GEN_expr"}, /* 867, dsql_eval_unknode */
{336397241, "Argument for @1 in dialect 1 must be string or numeric"}, /* 868, dsql_agg_wrongarg */
{336397242, "Argument for @1 in dialect 3 must be numeric"}, /* 869, dsql_agg2_wrongarg */
{336397243, "Strings cannot be added to or subtracted from DATE or TIME types"}, /* 870, dsql_nodateortime_pm_string */
{336397244, "Invalid data type for subtraction involving DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP types"}, /* 871, dsql_invalid_datetime_subtract */
{336397245, "Adding two DATE values or two TIME values is not allowed"}, /* 872, dsql_invalid_dateortime_add */
{336397246, "DATE value cannot be subtracted from the provided data type"}, /* 873, dsql_invalid_type_minus_date */
{336397247, "Strings cannot be added or subtracted in dialect 3"}, /* 874, dsql_nostring_addsub_dial3 */
{336397248, "Invalid data type for addition or subtraction in dialect 3"}, /* 875, dsql_invalid_type_addsub_dial3 */
{336397249, "Invalid data type for multiplication in dialect 1"}, /* 876, dsql_invalid_type_multip_dial1 */
{336397250, "Strings cannot be multiplied in dialect 3"}, /* 877, dsql_nostring_multip_dial3 */
{336397251, "Invalid data type for multiplication in dialect 3"}, /* 878, dsql_invalid_type_multip_dial3 */
{336397252, "Division in dialect 1 must be between numeric data types"}, /* 879, dsql_mustuse_numeric_div_dial1 */
{336397253, "Strings cannot be divided in dialect 3"}, /* 880, dsql_nostring_div_dial3 */
{336397254, "Invalid data type for division in dialect 3"}, /* 881, dsql_invalid_type_div_dial3 */
{336397255, "Strings cannot be negated (applied the minus operator) in dialect 3"}, /* 882, dsql_nostring_neg_dial3 */
{336397256, "Invalid data type for negation (minus operator)"}, /* 883, dsql_invalid_type_neg */
{336397257, "Cannot have more than 255 items in DISTINCT list"}, /* 884, dsql_max_distinct_items */
{336723983, "unable to open database"}, /* 885, gsec_cant_open_db */
{336723984, "error in switch specifications"}, /* 886, gsec_switches_error */
{336723985, "no operation specified"}, /* 887, gsec_no_op_spec */
{336723986, "no user name specified"}, /* 888, gsec_no_usr_name */
{336723987, "add record error"}, /* 889, gsec_err_add */
{336723988, "modify record error"}, /* 890, gsec_err_modify */
{336723989, "find/modify record error"}, /* 891, gsec_err_find_mod */
{336723990, "record not found for user: @1"}, /* 892, gsec_err_rec_not_found */
{336723991, "delete record error"}, /* 893, gsec_err_delete */
{336723992, "find/delete record error"}, /* 894, gsec_err_find_del */
{336723996, "find/display record error"}, /* 895, gsec_err_find_disp */
{336723997, "invalid parameter, no switch defined"}, /* 896, gsec_inv_param */
{336723998, "operation already specified"}, /* 897, gsec_op_specified */
{336723999, "password already specified"}, /* 898, gsec_pw_specified */
{336724000, "uid already specified"}, /* 899, gsec_uid_specified */
{336724001, "gid already specified"}, /* 900, gsec_gid_specified */
{336724002, "project already specified"}, /* 901, gsec_proj_specified */
{336724003, "organization already specified"}, /* 902, gsec_org_specified */
{336724004, "first name already specified"}, /* 903, gsec_fname_specified */
{336724005, "middle name already specified"}, /* 904, gsec_mname_specified */
{336724006, "last name already specified"}, /* 905, gsec_lname_specified */
{336724008, "invalid switch specified"}, /* 906, gsec_inv_switch */
{336724009, "ambiguous switch specified"}, /* 907, gsec_amb_switch */
{336724010, "no operation specified for parameters"}, /* 908, gsec_no_op_specified */
{336724011, "no parameters allowed for this operation"}, /* 909, gsec_params_not_allowed */
{336724012, "incompatible switches specified"}, /* 910, gsec_incompat_switch */
{336724044, "Invalid user name (maximum 31 bytes allowed)"}, /* 911, gsec_inv_username */
{336724045, "Warning - maximum 8 significant bytes of password used"}, /* 912, gsec_inv_pw_length */
{336724046, "database already specified"}, /* 913, gsec_db_specified */
{336724047, "database administrator name already specified"}, /* 914, gsec_db_admin_specified */
{336724048, "database administrator password already specified"}, /* 915, gsec_db_admin_pw_specified */
{336724049, "SQL role name already specified"}, /* 916, gsec_sql_role_specified */
{336789504, "The license file does not exist or could not be opened for read"}, /* 917, license_no_file */
{336789523, "operation already specified"}, /* 918, license_op_specified */
{336789524, "no operation specified"}, /* 919, license_op_missing */
{336789525, "invalid switch"}, /* 920, license_inv_switch */
{336789526, "invalid switch combination"}, /* 921, license_inv_switch_combo */
{336789527, "illegal operation/switch combination"}, /* 922, license_inv_op_combo */
{336789528, "ambiguous switch"}, /* 923, license_amb_switch */
{336789529, "invalid parameter, no switch specified"}, /* 924, license_inv_parameter */
{336789530, "switch does not take any parameter"}, /* 925, license_param_specified */
{336789531, "switch requires a parameter"}, /* 926, license_param_req */
{336789532, "syntax error in command line"}, /* 927, license_syntx_error */
{336789534, "The certificate was not added. A duplicate ID exists in the license file."}, /* 928, license_dup_id */
{336789535, "The certificate was not added. Invalid certificate ID / Key combination."}, /* 929, license_inv_id_key */
{336789536, "The certificate was not removed. The key does not exist or corresponds to a temporary evaluation license."}, /* 930, license_err_remove */
{336789537, "An error occurred updating the license file. Operation cancelled."}, /* 931, license_err_update */
{336789538, "The certificate could not be validated based on the information given. Please recheck the ID and key information."}, /* 932, license_err_convert */
{336789539, "Operation failed. An unknown error occurred."}, /* 933, license_err_unk */
{336789540, "Add license operation failed, KEY: @1 ID: @2"}, /* 934, license_svc_err_add */
{336789541, "Remove license operation failed, KEY: @1"}, /* 935, license_svc_err_remove */
{336789563, "The evaluation license has already been used on this server. You need to purchase a non-evaluation license."}, /* 936, license_eval_exists */
{336920577, "found unknown switch"}, /* 937, gstat_unknown_switch */
{336920578, "please retry, giving a database name"}, /* 938, gstat_retry */
{336920579, "Wrong ODS version, expected @1, encountered @2"}, /* 939, gstat_wrong_ods */
{336920580, "Unexpected end of database file."}, /* 940, gstat_unexpected_eof */
{336920605, "Can't open database file @1"}, /* 941, gstat_open_err */
{336920606, "Can't read a database page"}, /* 942, gstat_read_err */
{336920607, "System memory exhausted"}, /* 943, gstat_sysmemex */
{336986113, "Wrong value for access mode"}, /* 944, fbsvcmgr_bad_am */
{336986114, "Wrong value for write mode"}, /* 945, fbsvcmgr_bad_wm */
{336986115, "Wrong value for reserve space"}, /* 946, fbsvcmgr_bad_rs */
{336986116, "Unknown tag (@1) in info_svr_db_info block after isc_svc_query()"}, /* 947, fbsvcmgr_info_err */
{336986117, "Unknown tag (@1) in isc_svc_query() results"}, /* 948, fbsvcmgr_query_err */
{336986118, "Unknown switch \"@1\""}, /* 949, fbsvcmgr_switch_unknown */
{336986159, "Wrong value for shutdown mode"}, /* 950, fbsvcmgr_bad_sm */
{336986160, "could not open file @1"}, /* 951, fbsvcmgr_fp_open */
{336986161, "could not read file @1"}, /* 952, fbsvcmgr_fp_read */
{336986162, "empty file @1"}, /* 953, fbsvcmgr_fp_empty */
{337051649, "Switches trusted_svc and trusted_role are not supported from command line"}, /* 954, utl_trusted_switch */
{0, NULL}