2. gbak uses isc_dpb_overwrite to create database over existing files
3. engine overwrite existing files only if asked explicitly by
user by setting isc_dpb_overwrite to 1
4. fixed unregistered bug - when gbak uses service manager and passed
command line contains invalid switch. Service reports error and
finish but not call Service::svc_started therefore response is not
send and gbak is stalled forever
Gbak should be able to backup and restore the new field(s).
Following Borland's practice when adding fields, I raised the backup number to 7. I should have done that when enhancing rdb$roles.
PandoraBox* pbox = reinterpret_cast<PandoraBox*>(&can_of_worms);
Nickolay may want to undo my ods.h changes if gcc insists
in its crusade against non-PODs and poodles.
This was caused if VIEW1 was referenced in VIEW2, but VIEW2 was restored before VIEW1.
Due that the calculated dbkey_length stored in RDB$RELATIONS for VIEW2 is wrong.
After all relations are restored a recalculation of dbkey_length for VIEWs is done.
This fix should also be added in the first release (SP ?) after FB1.5 final.
-Replace codes.h with iberror.h (or remove)
-Move gds__vax_integer and gds__event_block* to alt.cpp and isc_ to gds.cpp
-Use ISC_QUAD internally
-Use isc_vax_integer internally
placed some variables in context
fixed some function signatures
closed a few possible buffer overruns
sorry to the platform maintainers, I can't verify what I did for non-Win32 builds
- Include service entrypoint in each proto file and remove from it the private function common to service and standalone. (burp, alice and gsec)
- Replace functions output_svc/output_thread/output_netware with SVC_output callback common for all. (burp, alice and gsec)
- Create typedef pfn_svc_output common for all svc, and correct SVC_read_ib_log and thread_test to be compatible with pfn_svc_output typedef. (svc.cpp)
- Put inside an ifdef code for '-svc_re' switch (in all sources).