CORE-462 New option in addition to -V switch to specify a custom verbose interval
CORE-2540 Utilities need a more coherent way to show help and version
CORE-2541 Too many hardcoded messages in nbackup
CORE-2542 qli and nbackup accept arbitrary input after the first letter of an option
CORE-2543 nbackup may hide the real cause of failure
CORE-2545 Lack of several validations in gbak
CORE-2547 Utilities need to honor their minimum number of characters to recognize an option
CORE-2565 Many hardcoded messages in Trace Manager
Moving functions that don't depend on preprocessing to iutils.cpp in isql is the only alien change here.
- Plugins API.
- Feature CORE-2700 - UDR (User Defined Routines) Engine - C++ API supporting functions, triggers and stored procedures.
- Feature CORE-2470 - Support for alternate format of strings literals.
- Feature CORE-2310 - DDL triggers.
- Feature CORE-2312 - PSQL Packages.
- Feature CORE-1209 - CONTINUE statement.
- Feature CORE-1180 - DDL syntax to change (not) nullable state of columns.
- Feature CORE-2090 - Support OVER () clause with current aggregate functions.
- Fixed CORE-2699 - Common table expression context could be used with parameters.
- Introduce ODS 12.0.
- Work in progress in type-safe parser.
- Refactor some DDL commands (procedures and triggers) from DYN to DdlNodes.
- Refactor virtual tables to use a class hierarchy instead of namespaces. This is basic thing, not based on the changes done in Vulcan. Window functions is based on this work.
- Refactor COMMENT ON and DROP FUNCTION from DYN to DdlNodes. COMMENT ON do not use GDML anymore, it uses DSQL with PreparedStatement class.
- Refactor EXECUTE BLOCK to StmtNodes.
- Refactor the IUDF to SysFunctions. That eliminates RDB$GET_CONTEXT and RDB$SET_CONTEXT from RDB$FUNCTIONS.
Now all utilities react to -z for version and -? for help (qli was left for another time)
CORE-2541: Too many hardcoded messages in nbackup (done partially)
- create recovery routine for corrupt backups from FB2.0 and FB2.1.
- create new function to store text with length between 256 and 64K bytes.
- other related adjustments.