1. Use SHA1 hash instead of ENC_crypt.
2. Disable any remote (non-embedded) access to security.fdb.
3. Use services in gsec and isc_*_user() fucntions.
In gsec switch -database replaced with -server.
4. Protect from attempts to brut-force accounts/passwords.
PandoraBox* pbox = reinterpret_cast<PandoraBox*>(&can_of_worms);
Nickolay may want to undo my ods.h changes if gcc insists
in its crusade against non-PODs and poodles.
- Include service entrypoint in each proto file and remove from it the private function common to service and standalone. (burp, alice and gsec)
- Replace functions output_svc/output_thread/output_netware with SVC_output callback common for all. (burp, alice and gsec)
- Create typedef pfn_svc_output common for all svc, and correct SVC_read_ib_log and thread_test to be compatible with pfn_svc_output typedef. (svc.cpp)
- Put inside an ifdef code for '-svc_re' switch (in all sources).