# RDB$SQL package (FB 6.0) `RDB$SQL` is a package with utility routines to work with dynamic SQL. ## Procedure `EXPLAIN` `RDB$SQL.EXPLAIN` returns tabular information of a query's plan, without execute the query. Since `SQL` text generally is multi-line string and have quotes, you may use `` (strings prefixed by `Q`) as a way to make escape easy. Input parameters: - `SQL` type `BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT CHARACTER SET UTF8 NOT NULL` - query statement Output parameters: - `PLAN_LINE` type `INTEGER NOT NULL` - plan's line order - `RECORD_SOURCE_ID` type `BIGINT NOT NULL` - record source id - `PARENT_RECORD_SOURCE_ID` type `BIGINT` - parent record source id - `LEVEL` type `INTEGER NOT NULL` - indentation level (may have gaps in relation to parent's level) - `PACKAGE_NAME` type `RDB$PACKAGE_NAME` - package name of a stored procedure - `OBJECT_NAME` type `RDB$RELATION_NAME` - object (table, procedure) name - `ALIAS` type `RDB$SHORT_DESCRIPTION` - alias name - `RECORD_LENGTH` type `INTEGER` - record length for the record source - `KEY_LENGTH` type `INTEGER` - key length for the record source - `ACCESS_PATH` type `RDB$DESCRIPTION NOT NULL` - friendly plan description ``` select * from rdb$sql.explain('select * from employee where emp_no = ?'); ``` ``` select * from rdb$sql.explain(q'{ select * from ( select full_name name from employee union all select customer name from customer ) where name = ? }'); ``` # Authors - Adriano dos Santos Fernandes