/* * PROGRAM: Object oriented API samples. * MODULE: 09.service.cpp * DESCRIPTION: A sample of using service manager. * Prints server version and employee's encryption statistics. * * Example for the following interfaces: * IService - interface to work with service manager. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial * Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.ibphoenix.com/main.nfs?a=ibphoenix&page=ibp_idpl. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed AS IS, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Alexander Peshkoff * for the Firebird Open Source RDBMS project. * * Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Peshkoff * and all contributors signed below. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * */ #include "ifaceExamples.h" static IMaster* master = fb_get_master_interface(); // print information, returned by isc_svc_query() call bool printLine(const unsigned char*& p) { const ISC_USHORT length = (ISC_USHORT) isc_vax_integer((char*)p, sizeof(ISC_USHORT)); p += sizeof(ISC_USHORT); if (length > 0) printf("%*.*s\n", length, length, p); p += length; return length > 0; } bool printInfo(const unsigned char* p, size_t pSize) { bool ret = false; bool ignoreTruncation = false; const unsigned char* const end = p + pSize; while (p < end && *p != isc_info_end) { switch (*p++) { case isc_info_svc_server_version: printf ("Server version: "); if (!printLine(p)) printf ("\n"); break; case isc_info_svc_line: ret = printLine(p); break; case isc_info_truncated: if (!ignoreTruncation) { printf("\n<<< truncated >>>\n"); } fflush(stdout); ret = true; break; case isc_info_svc_timeout: case isc_info_data_not_ready: ret = true; break; default: printf("Unknown item 0x%x in received buffer\n", p[-1]); } } fflush(stdout); return ret; } int main() { int rc = 0; // Status wrapper ThrowStatusWrapper status(master->getStatus()); // Declare pointers to required interfaces IProvider* prov = master->getDispatcher(); IUtil* utl = master->getUtilInterface(); IService* svc = NULL; IXpbBuilder* spb1 = NULL; IXpbBuilder* spb2 = NULL; try { printf("** Attaching to service manager...\n"); // Prepare SPB to attach to service manager spb1 = utl->getXpbBuilder(&status, IXpbBuilder::SPB_ATTACH, NULL, 0); spb1->insertString(&status, isc_spb_user_name, "sysdba"); spb1->insertString(&status, isc_spb_password, "masterkey"); // In case when your program is expected to be used on a server // with multiple security database it's very good idea to specify // DB expected to be used by services (you anyway need separate // services connectons for databases with different user list location). spb1->insertString(&status, isc_spb_expected_db, "employee"); // Attach to service manager svc = prov->attachServiceManager(&status, "service_mgr", spb1->getBufferLength(&status), spb1->getBuffer(&status)); printf("** Demo of querying information about server version...\n"); // In the simplest case sendItems parameter may be NULL // Building receiveItems is mostly trivial const unsigned char receiveItems[] = {isc_info_svc_server_version}; // Output buffer unsigned char results[1024]; // Query server version svc->query(&status, 0, NULL, sizeof(receiveItems), receiveItems, sizeof(results), results); printInfo(results, sizeof(results)); printf("** Demo of running utility using service manager...\n"); // Build service start SPB spb2 = utl->getXpbBuilder(&status, IXpbBuilder::SPB_START, NULL, 0); spb2->insertTag(&status, isc_action_svc_db_stats); spb2->insertString(&status, isc_spb_dbname, "employee"); spb2->insertInt(&status, isc_spb_options, isc_spb_sts_encryption); // Start service svc->start(&status, spb2->getBufferLength(&status), spb2->getBuffer(&status)); // Prepare receiveItems block const unsigned char receiveItems2[] = {isc_info_svc_line}; // Query service output do { svc->query(&status, 0, NULL, sizeof(receiveItems2), receiveItems2, sizeof(results), results); } while (printInfo(results, sizeof(results))); printf("** Detaching from service manager...\n"); // Detach from service manager svc->detach(&status); svc = NULL; printf("** Done.\n"); } catch (const FbException& error) { // handle error rc = 1; char buf[256]; master->getUtilInterface()->formatStatus(buf, sizeof(buf), error.getStatus()); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf); } // release interfaces after error caught if (svc) svc->release(); // generic cleanup prov->release(); status.dispose(); if (spb1) spb1->dispose(); if (spb2) spb2->dispose(); return rc; }