/* * PROGRAM: JRD Data Definition Utility * MODULE: generate.cpp * DESCRIPTION: Blr generator * * The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation * and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are * Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ #include "firebird.h" #include #include "../jrd/ibase.h" #include "../dudley/ddl.h" #include "../jrd/acl.h" #include "../dudley/gener_proto.h" #include "../jrd/gds_proto.h" #include "../jrd/gdsassert.h" #include "../dudley/trn_proto.h" static void generate(STR, DUDLEY_NOD); static void get_set_generator(STR, DUDLEY_NOD); static inline void check_blr(str* blr, const int l) { if (!(blr->str_current - blr->str_start + l <= blr->str_length) && !TRN_get_buffer(blr, l) ) { DDL_err (289, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } int GENERATE_acl( SCL sec_class, UCHAR * buffer) { /************************************** * * G E N E R A T E _ a c l * ************************************** * * Functional description * Generate an access control list. * **************************************/ UCHAR* p = buffer; *p++ = ACL_version; for (SCE item = sec_class->scl_entries; item; item = item->sce_next) { *p++ = ACL_id_list; USHORT i; const UCHAR* const* id; for (i = 0, id = item->sce_idents; i < id_max; id++, i++) { const UCHAR* q = *id; if (q) { *p++ = i; *p++ = strlen((const char*) q); UCHAR c; while (c = *q++) *p++ = UPPER(c); } } *p++ = priv_end; *p++ = ACL_priv_list; for (i = 0; i < priv_max; i++) if (item->sce_privileges & (1 << i)) *p++ = i; *p++ = id_end; } *p++ = ACL_end; return p - buffer; } void GENERATE_blr( STR blr, DUDLEY_NOD node) { /************************************** * * G E N E R A T E _ b l r * ************************************** * * Functional description * Compile a node tree into a blr string. * **************************************/ check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_version4); generate(blr, node); check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_eoc); } static void generate( STR blr, DUDLEY_NOD node) { /************************************** * * g e n e r a t e * ************************************** * * Functional description * Generate blr. * **************************************/ DUDLEY_FLD field; DUDLEY_REL relation; SYM symbol; CON constant; DUDLEY_NOD sub; DUDLEY_CTX context; SCHAR operatr; const char* p; SLONG value; USHORT l, pos; USHORT posi = 0; USHORT endi = node->nod_count; switch (node->nod_type) { case nod_fid: check_blr(blr, 4); blr->add_byte(blr_fid); blr->add_byte(0); blr->add_word(0); return; case nod_field: check_blr(blr, 4); if (sub = node->nod_arg[s_fld_subs]) blr->add_byte(blr_index); blr->add_byte(blr_field); field = (DUDLEY_FLD) node->nod_arg[s_fld_field]; context = (DUDLEY_CTX) node->nod_arg[s_fld_context]; blr->add_byte(context->ctx_context_id); symbol = field->fld_name; blr->add_byte(l = symbol->sym_length); p = symbol->sym_string; if (l) { check_blr(blr, l); do blr->add_byte(*p++); while (--l); } if (sub) { check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(sub->nod_count); for (pos = 0; pos < sub->nod_count; pos++) generate(blr, sub->nod_arg[pos]); } return; case nod_function: check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_byte(blr_function); symbol = (SYM) node->nod_arg[1]; blr->add_byte(l = symbol->sym_length); p = symbol->sym_string; if (l) { check_blr(blr, l); do blr->add_byte(*p++); while (--l); } sub = node->nod_arg[0]; check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(sub->nod_count); for (pos = 0; pos < sub->nod_count ; pos++) generate(blr, sub->nod_arg[pos]); return; case nod_context: context = (DUDLEY_CTX) node->nod_arg[0]; relation = context->ctx_relation; check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_byte(blr_relation); symbol = relation->rel_name; blr->add_byte(l = symbol->sym_length); p = symbol->sym_string; if (l) { check_blr(blr, l); do blr->add_byte(*p++); while (--l); } check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(context->ctx_context_id); return; case nod_gen_id: check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_byte(blr_gen_id); symbol = (SYM) node->nod_arg[1]; blr->add_byte(l = symbol->sym_length); p = symbol->sym_string; if (l) { check_blr(blr, l); do { blr->add_byte(*p++); } while (--l); } generate(blr, node->nod_arg[0]); return; case nod_set_generator: get_set_generator(blr, node); return; case nod_user_name: check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_user_name); return; case nod_null: check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_null); return; case nod_literal: check_blr(blr, 6); blr->add_byte(blr_literal); constant = (CON) node->nod_arg[0]; l = constant->con_desc.dsc_length; switch (constant->con_desc.dsc_dtype) { case dtype_text: blr->add_byte(blr_text); blr->add_word(l); break; case dtype_short: check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_byte(blr_short); blr->add_byte(constant->con_desc.dsc_scale); break; case dtype_long: check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_byte(blr_long); blr->add_byte(constant->con_desc.dsc_scale); break; case dtype_quad: check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_byte(blr_quad); blr->add_byte(constant->con_desc.dsc_scale); break; case dtype_real: check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_float); break; case dtype_double: check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_double); break; case dtype_timestamp: check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_timestamp); break; case dtype_int64: case dtype_sql_time: case dtype_sql_date: default: DDL_err(95, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // msg 95: GENERATE_blr: dtype not supported } p = (const char*) constant->con_data; switch (constant->con_desc.dsc_dtype) { case dtype_short: value = *(SSHORT *) p; check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_word(value); break; case dtype_long: value = *(SLONG *) p; check_blr(blr, 4); blr->add_word(value); blr->add_word(value >> 16); break; case dtype_quad: case dtype_timestamp: value = *(SLONG *) p; check_blr(blr, 8); blr->add_word(value); blr->add_word(value >> 16); value = *(SLONG *) (p + 4); blr->add_word(value); blr->add_word(value >> 16); break; default: if (l) { check_blr(blr, l); do { blr->add_byte(*p++); } while (--l); } } return; case nod_rse: check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_byte(blr_rse); sub = node->nod_arg[s_rse_contexts]; blr->add_byte(sub->nod_count); for (pos = 0; pos < sub->nod_count ; pos++) generate(blr, sub->nod_arg[pos]); if (sub = node->nod_arg[s_rse_first]) { check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_first); generate(blr, sub); } if (sub = node->nod_arg[s_rse_boolean]) { check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_boolean); generate(blr, sub); } if (sub = node->nod_arg[s_rse_sort]) { check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_byte(blr_sort); blr->add_byte(sub->nod_count / 2); for (pos = 0; pos < sub->nod_count ; pos += 2) { check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte((sub->nod_arg[pos + 1]) ? blr_descending : blr_ascending); generate(blr, sub->nod_arg[pos]); } } if (sub = node->nod_arg[s_rse_reduced]) { check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_byte(blr_project); blr->add_byte(sub->nod_count / 2); for (pos = 0; pos < sub->nod_count ; pos += 2) generate(blr, sub->nod_arg[pos]); } check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_end); return; case nod_count: case nod_max: case nod_min: case nod_total: case nod_average: case nod_from: switch (node->nod_type) { case nod_count: operatr = blr_count; break; case nod_max: operatr = blr_maximum; break; case nod_min: operatr = blr_minimum; break; case nod_total: operatr = blr_total; break; case nod_average: operatr = blr_average; break; case nod_from: operatr = (node->nod_arg[s_stt_default]) ? blr_via : blr_from; break; default: // operatr not assigned fb_assert(false); return; } check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(operatr); generate(blr, node->nod_arg[s_stt_rse]); if (sub = node->nod_arg[s_stt_value]) generate(blr, sub); if (sub = node->nod_arg[s_stt_default]) generate(blr, sub); return; case nod_any: check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_any); generate(blr, node->nod_arg[0]); return; case nod_unique: check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_unique); generate(blr, node->nod_arg[0]); return; case nod_if: check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_if); generate(blr, node->nod_arg[posi++]); generate(blr, node->nod_arg[posi++]); if (node->nod_arg[posi]) generate(blr, node->nod_arg[posi]); else { check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_end); } return; case nod_list: check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_begin); for (; posi < endi; posi++) generate(blr, node->nod_arg[posi]); check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_end); return; case nod_abort: check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_byte(blr_leave); blr->add_byte((IPTR) node->nod_arg[0]); return; case nod_erase: check_blr(blr, 2); blr->add_byte(blr_erase); context = (DUDLEY_CTX) node->nod_arg[0]; blr->add_byte(context->ctx_context_id); return; case nod_modify: check_blr(blr, 3); blr->add_byte(blr_modify); context = (DUDLEY_CTX) node->nod_arg[s_mod_old_ctx]; blr->add_byte(context->ctx_context_id); context = (DUDLEY_CTX) node->nod_arg[s_mod_new_ctx]; blr->add_byte(context->ctx_context_id); generate(blr, node->nod_arg[s_mod_action]); return; case nod_eql: operatr = blr_eql; break; case nod_neq: operatr = blr_neq; break; case nod_gtr: operatr = blr_gtr; break; case nod_geq: operatr = blr_geq; break; case nod_leq: operatr = blr_leq; break; case nod_lss: operatr = blr_lss; break; case nod_between: operatr = blr_between; break; case nod_matches: operatr = blr_matching; break; case nod_containing: operatr = blr_containing; break; case nod_starts: operatr = blr_starting; break; case nod_missing: operatr = blr_missing; break; case nod_and: operatr = blr_and; break; case nod_or: operatr = blr_or; break; case nod_not: operatr = blr_not; break; case nod_add: operatr = blr_add; break; case nod_subtract: operatr = blr_subtract; break; case nod_multiply: operatr = blr_multiply; break; case nod_divide: operatr = blr_divide; break; case nod_negate: operatr = blr_negate; break; case nod_concatenate: operatr = blr_concatenate; break; case nod_for: operatr = blr_for; break; case nod_assignment: operatr = blr_assignment; break; case nod_store: operatr = blr_store; break; case nod_post: operatr = blr_post; break; case nod_uppercase: operatr = blr_upcase; break; case nod_lowercase: operatr = blr_lowcase; break; case nod_sleuth: operatr = blr_matching2; break; // case nod_substr: // operatr = blr_substring; // break; default: DDL_err(96, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // msg 96: GENERATE_blr: node not supported return; } // If the user has given us something that has the form // // field {EQ} NULL // {NE} // // transform it into // // field [NOT] MISSING if ((operatr == blr_eql || operatr == blr_neq) && (node->nod_arg[posi]->nod_type == nod_null || node->nod_arg[posi + 1]->nod_type == nod_null)) { if (operatr == blr_neq) { check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(blr_not); } operatr = blr_missing; if (node->nod_arg[posi]->nod_type == nod_null) posi++; endi = posi + 1; } // Fall thru on reasonable stuff check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(operatr); for (; posi < endi; posi++) generate(blr, node->nod_arg[posi]); } static void get_set_generator( STR blr, DUDLEY_NOD node) { /************************************** * * g e t _ s e t _ g e n e r a t o r * ************************************** * * Functional description * produce blr for set_generator. The * mutable characteristics are the * generator name and the increment. * The rest is canned. **************************************/ static const UCHAR gen_prologue[] = { blr_begin, blr_message, 0, 1, 0, blr_long, 0, blr_send, 0, blr_begin, blr_assignment, blr_gen_id, }; static const UCHAR gen_epilogue[] = { blr_parameter, 0, 0, 0, blr_end, blr_end }; /* copy the beginning of the blr into the buffer */ int l = sizeof(gen_prologue); const UCHAR* p = gen_prologue; check_blr(blr, l); do { blr->add_byte(*p++); } while (--l); /* stuff in the name length and the name */ SYM symbol = (SYM) node->nod_arg[1]; check_blr(blr, 1); blr->add_byte(l = symbol->sym_length); p = (const UCHAR*) symbol->sym_string; if (l) { check_blr(blr, l); do { blr->add_byte(*p++); } while (--l); } /* now for the increment value */ check_blr(blr, 7); blr->add_byte(blr_literal); CON constant = (CON) node->nod_arg[0]->nod_arg[0]; blr->add_byte(blr_long); blr->add_byte(constant->con_desc.dsc_scale); p = constant->con_data; const SLONG value = *(SLONG *) p; blr->add_word(value); blr->add_word(value >> 16); /* complete the string */ l = sizeof(gen_epilogue); p = gen_epilogue; check_blr(blr, l); do { blr->add_byte(*p++); } while (--l); }