---------------------------------------------------- SQL keywords introduced in different server versions ---------------------------------------------------- An asterisk (*) mark shows that a keyword doesn't exist in the SQL specification and hence should be considered a non-standard language extention. Firebird 1.0: Added as reserved words: CURRENT_USER CURRENT_ROLE BREAK * DESCRIPTOR FIRST RECREATE * SKIP * SUBSTRING Firebird 1.5: Added as reserved words: CURRENT_CONNECTION * CURRENT_TRANSACTION * BIGINT CASE RELEASE ROW_COUNT SAVEPOINT Added as non-reserved words: COALESCE DELETING * INSERTING * LAST LEAVE LOCK * NULLIF NULLS STATEMENT UPDATING * USING Moved from reserved words to non-reserved: BREAK * DESCRIPTOR FIRST SKIP * SUBSTRING Firebird 2.0: Added as reserved words: BIT_LENGTH BOTH CHAR_LENGTH CHARACTER_LENGTH CLOSE CROSS FETCH LEADING LOWER OCTET_LENGTH OPEN ROWS TRAILING TRIM Moved from non-reserved words to reserved: USING Added as non-reserved words: BACKUP * BLOCK * COLLATION COMMENT * DIFFERENCE * IIF * NEXT SCALAR_ARRAY * SEQUENCE RESTART RETURNING * Moved from reserved words to non-reserved: ACTION CASCADE FREE_IT * RESTRICT ROLE TYPE WEEKDAY * YEARDAY * Removed reserved words: BASENAME * CACHE * CHECK_POINT_LEN * GROUP_COMMIT_WAIT * LOGFILE * LOG_BUF_SIZE * NUM_LOG_BUFS * RAW_PARTITIONS * Firebird 2.1: Added as reserved words: CONNECT DISCONNECT GLOBAL INSENSITIVE Added as non-reserved words: ABS ACCENT * ACOS * ALWAYS * ASCII_CHAR * ASCII_VAL * ASIN * ATAN * ATAN2 * BIN_AND * BIN_OR * BIN_SHL * BIN_SHR * BIN_XOR * CEIL CEILING COS * COSH * COT * DATEADD * DATEDIFF * DECODE * EXP FLOOR GEN_UUID * GENERATED HASH * LIST * LN LOG * LOG10 * LPAD * MATCHED MATCHING * MAXVALUE * MILLISECOND * MINVALUE * MOD OVERLAY PAD PI * PLACING POWER PRESERVE RAND * REPLACE * REVERSE * ROUND * RPAD * SIGN * SIN * SINH * SPACE SQRT TAN * TANH * TEMPORARY TRUNC * WEEK * Firebird 2.5: Added as reserved words: SIMILAR Added as non-reserved words: AUTONOMOUS * CHAR_TO_UUID * FIRSTNAME * LASTNAME * MIDDLENAME * OS_NAME * UUID_TO_CHAR *