/* * PROGRAM: Windows Interactive SQL utility * MODULE: isql_win.cpp * DESCRIPTION: Windows shell for ISQL * * The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation * and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are * Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ #define STRICT #include "firebird.h" #include #pragma hdrstop #include "../jrd/ib_stdio.h" #include #include #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include # include #else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include # else # include # endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../jrd/common.h" #include "../isql/isql.h" #include "../isql/isql_win.h" #include "../isql/isql_res.h" #include "../jrd/gds.h" #include "../isql/isqlw_proto.h" #include "../isql/isql_proto.h" #include "../jrd/gds_proto.h" struct scrollkeys { WORD wVirtkey; int iMessage; WORD wRequest; }; scrollkeys key2scroll[] = { {VK_HOME, WM_COMMAND, IDM_HOME}, {VK_END, WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM}, {VK_PRIOR, WM_VSCROLL, SB_PAGEUP}, {VK_NEXT, WM_VSCROLL, SB_PAGEDOWN}, {VK_UP, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP}, {VK_DOWN, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN}, {VK_LEFT, WM_HSCROLL, SB_PAGEUP}, {VK_RIGHT, WM_HSCROLL, SB_PAGEDOWN} }; /* data initialized by first instance */ typedef struct tagSETUPDATA { SCHAR appName[20]; SCHAR menuName[20]; SCHAR iconName[20]; SCHAR errorString[20]; } SETUPDATA; /* various temp file names */ static SCHAR defInputFile[MAXPATHLEN]; /* default input file name */ static SCHAR defOutputFile[MAXPATHLEN]; /* default output file name */ static SCHAR defHistFile[MAXPATHLEN]; /* command history file name */ static SCHAR defSessionFile[MAXPATHLEN]; /* SQL session file */ static IB_FILE *ipf; /* input file */ static IB_FILE *opf; /* output file */ static IB_FILE *chf; /* command history */ static IB_FILE *sss; /* SQL session */ /* global flags */ static SSHORT gflags; #define DBINITED 1 /* database initilized flag */ #define DEFINPUT 2 /* default input file exists flag */ #define DEFOUTPUT 4 /* default output file exists flag */ #define COMHIST 8 /* command history file exists flag */ #define OVERWRITE 16 /* overwrite/append to window */ #define SESSFILE 32 /* SQL session file exists flag */ SETUPDATA SetUpData; /* Data that can be referenced throughout the program but not passed to other instances */ HINSTANCE hInst; /* hInstance of application */ HWND hWndMain; /* hWnd of main window */ int xChar, yChar, yCharnl; /* character size */ int xClient, yClient; /* client window size */ LOGFONT cursfont; /* font structure */ HFONT holdsfont; /* handle of original font */ HFONT hnewsfont; /* handle of new fixed font */ SCHAR tmpDialogParam[1024]; /* used by dialog boxes */ /* window scroll/paint stuff */ int nVscrollMax, nHscrollMax; /* scroll ranges */ int nVscrollPos, nHscrollPos; /* current scroll positions */ int numlines; /* number of lines in file */ int maxwidth; /* width of display format */ int nVscrollInc, nHscrollInc; /* scroll increments */ int nPageMaxLines; /* max lines on screen */ /* arguments passed to ISQL */ int ISQL_argc; /* argument count */ char *ISQL_argv[20]; /* argument vector */ char ISQL_args[1024]; /* space for arguments */ char *ISQL_cursor; /* cursor into arguments */ /* database startup parameters */ static SCHAR newDataBase[256]; static SCHAR newUserName[32]; static SCHAR newPassword[16]; /* script parameters */ static SCHAR scriptName[256]; static SCHAR scriptOutput[256]; /* extract parameters */ static SCHAR extractDbName[256]; static SCHAR extractOutput[256]; static SCHAR extractTarget[256]; static SSHORT allblobsflag; static SSHORT allobjectsflag; int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR pCmdLine, int cmdShow) { /************************************************** * * W i n M a i n * ************************************************** * * Functional description: * WinMain shell for the Windows ISQL function. * * * paramaters: * hInstance - The instance of this instance of this * application. * hPrevInstance - The instance of the previous instance * of this application. This will be 0 * if this is the first instance. * pCmdLine - A long pointer to the command line that * started this application. * cmdShow - Indicates how the window is to be shown * initially. ie. SW_SHOWNORMAL, SW_HIDE, * SW_MIMIMIZE. * * returns: * wParam from last message. * ********************************************************************/ if (pCmdLine && *pCmdLine) return cmdline_isql(hInstance, pCmdLine); else return windows_isql(hInstance, hPrevInstance, cmdShow); } LRESULT CALLBACK _export ISQLWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * I S Q L W n d P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * This handles all messages for the application's main window, * including scrolling and menu picks. * * paramaters: * hWnd - The window handle for this message * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * ********************************************************************/ DLGPROC lpproc; /* pointer to thunk for dialog box */ SCHAR buf[1024]; /* temp buffer */ SCHAR pwbuf[50]; SCHAR unbuf[50]; SSHORT i; int ret; switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: nVscrollPos = 0; nHscrollPos = 0; return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDM_QUIT: /* User selected Quit on menu */ PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0L); break; case IDM_HOME: /* Used to implement home to topleft from keyboard. */ SendMessage(hWnd, WM_HSCROLL, GET_WM_HSCROLL_MPS(SB_TOP, 0, 0)); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_VSCROLL, GET_WM_VSCROLL_MPS(SB_TOP, 0, 0)); break; case IDM_ABOUT: /* Display about box. */ lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) aboutDlgProc, hInst); DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ABOUT), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); break; case IDM_EXEC_SQL: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) execDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(EXEC_SQL), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { ib_fprintf(sss, "%s\n\r", tmpDialogParam); ib_fflush(sss); test_overwrite(); ISQL_sql_statement(tmpDialogParam, ipf, opf, chf); ib_fprintf(opf, "\n\r\n\r"); display_page(hWnd); } break; case IDM_CONNECT_DB: newDataBase[0] = '\0'; newUserName[0] = '\0'; newPassword[0] = '\0'; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) dbNameDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(CONNECT_DB), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { ISQL_exit_db(); if (ISQL_init (newDataBase, newUserName, newPassword, ipf, opf)) gflags |= DBINITED; } break; case IDM_CREATE_DB: newDataBase[0] = '\0'; newUserName[0] = '\0'; newPassword[0] = '\0'; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) createDbDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(CREATE_DB), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { ISQL_exit_db(); if (newUserName[0]) sprintf(unbuf, " USER \"%s\" ", newUserName); else unbuf[0] = '\0'; if (newPassword[0]) sprintf(pwbuf, " PASSWORD \"%s\" ", newPassword); else pwbuf[0] = '\0'; sprintf(buf, "CREATE DATABASE \"%s\" %s %s", newDataBase, unbuf, pwbuf); ISQL_frontend_command(buf, ipf, opf, chf); gflags |= DBINITED; } break; case IDM_DROP_DB: lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) dropDbDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DROP_DB), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { ISQL_frontend_command("DROP DATABASE", ipf, opf, chf); gflags &= ~DBINITED; } break; case IDM_SAVE_SESSION: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) sessionDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(SAVE_SESSION), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { ib_fflush(chf); ib_fclose(chf); xfer_file(defHistFile, tmpDialogParam, FALSE); chf = ib_fopen(defHistFile, "a"); } break; case IDM_SAVE_OUTPUT: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) outputDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(SAVE_OUTPUT), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { ib_fflush(opf); ib_fclose(opf); xfer_file(defOutputFile, tmpDialogParam, FALSE); opf = ib_fopen(defOutputFile, "a"); } break; case IDM_EXEC_SCRIPT: scriptName[0] = '\0'; scriptOutput[0] = '\0'; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) scriptDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(EXEC_SCRIPT), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { /* generate an argc/argv */ ISQL_cursor = ISQL_args; ISQL_argc = 0; pusharg("isql"); pusharg("-input"); pusharg(scriptName); pusharg("-output"); /* use specified output file, or default */ if (scriptOutput[0]) pusharg(scriptOutput); else pusharg(defOutputFile); ib_fclose(opf); ib_fclose(ipf); /* if database already open, exit and add database name to arguments */ if (gflags & DBINITED) { ISQL_exit_db(); pusharg(newDataBase); } /* if overwrite flag is set, make sure ISQL appends to an empty file */ if (gflags & OVERWRITE) { opf = ib_fopen(defOutputFile, "w"); ib_fclose(opf); } ISQL_main(ISQL_argc, ISQL_argv); /* reopen default files and database */ ipf = ib_fopen(defInputFile, "r"); opf = ib_fopen(defOutputFile, "a"); if (gflags & DBINITED) ISQL_init(newDataBase, newUserName, newPassword, ipf, opf); ib_fprintf(opf, "\n\r\n\r"); display_page(hWnd); } break; case IDM_EXTRACT_DB: extractOutput[0] = '\0'; extractDbName[0] = '\0'; extractTarget[0] = '\0'; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) extractDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(EXTRACT_DB), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { /* create an argument vector for ISQL */ ISQL_cursor = ISQL_args; ISQL_argc = 0; pusharg("isql"); pusharg("-extract"); pusharg("-o"); if (extractOutput[0]) pusharg(extractOutput); else pusharg(defOutputFile); pusharg(extractDbName); if (extractTarget[0]) { pusharg("-database"); pusharg(extractTarget); } ib_fclose(opf); ib_fclose(ipf); ISQL_exit_db(); ISQL_main(ISQL_argc, ISQL_argv); ISQL_exit_db(); /* reopen default files and database */ ipf = ib_fopen(defInputFile, "r"); opf = ib_fopen(defOutputFile, "a"); if (gflags & DBINITED) ISQL_init(newDataBase, newUserName, newPassword, ipf, opf); ib_fprintf(opf, "\n\r\n\r"); display_page(hWnd); } break; case IDM_HELP: ISQL_win_err("not implemented yet"); break; case IDM_APPEND: if (gflags & OVERWRITE) gflags &= ~OVERWRITE; else gflags |= OVERWRITE; break; /* Send the proper frontend commands for these: */ case IDM_BLOB_TYPE: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; allblobsflag = FALSE; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) blobDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(BLOB_TYPE), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { sprintf(buf, "SET BLOBDISPLAY %s", tmpDialogParam); ISQL_frontend_command(buf, ipf, opf, chf); } break; case IDM_STATISTICS: ISQL_frontend_command("SET STATS", ipf, opf, chf); break; case IDM_COUNT: ISQL_frontend_command("SET COUNT", ipf, opf, chf); break; case IDM_AUTOCOMMIT: ISQL_frontend_command("SET AUTOCOMMIT", ipf, opf, chf); break; case IDM_LIST: ISQL_frontend_command("SET LIST", ipf, opf, chf); break; case IDM_PLAN: ISQL_frontend_command("SET PLAN", ipf, opf, chf); break; case IDM_TRANSACTION: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) transDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(TRANS_STRING), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { sprintf(buf, "SET TRANSACTION %s", tmpDialogParam); ISQL_frontend_command(buf, ipf, opf, chf); } break; case IDM_AUTODDL: ISQL_frontend_command("SET AUTO", ipf, opf, chf); break; case IDM_TERMINATOR: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) termDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(TERMINATOR), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { sprintf(buf, "SET TERM %s", tmpDialogParam); ISQL_frontend_command(buf, ipf, opf, chf); } break; case IDM_CHAR_SET: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) charSetDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(CHAR_SET), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { sprintf(buf, "SET NAMES %s", tmpDialogParam); ISQL_frontend_command(buf, ipf, opf, chf); } break; /* Send the proper show commands for these: */ case IDM_SHOW_VERSION: test_overwrite(); ISQL_frontend_command("SHOW VERSION", ipf, opf, chf); ib_fprintf(opf, "\n\r\n\r"); display_page(hWnd); break; case IDM_SHOW_SYSTEM: test_overwrite(); ISQL_frontend_command("SHOW SYSTEM", ipf, opf, chf); ib_fprintf(opf, "\n\r\n\r"); display_page(hWnd); break; case IDM_SHOW_SETTINGS: test_overwrite(); ISQL_frontend_command("SET", ipf, opf, chf); ib_fprintf(opf, "\n\r\n\r"); display_page(hWnd); break; case IDM_SHOW_DATABASE: test_overwrite(); ISQL_frontend_command("SHOW DATABASE", ipf, opf, chf); ib_fprintf(opf, "\n\r\n\r"); display_page(hWnd); break; case IDM_SHOW_CHECK: case IDM_SHOW_TRIGGER: case IDM_SHOW_PROCEDURE: case IDM_SHOW_GENERATOR: case IDM_SHOW_GRANT: case IDM_SHOW_FUNCTION: case IDM_SHOW_FILTER: case IDM_SHOW_EXCEPTS: case IDM_SHOW_DOMAIN: case IDM_SHOW_INDEX: case IDM_SHOW_VIEW: case IDM_SHOW_TABLE: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; lpproc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) objectDlgProc, hInst); ret = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DB_OBJECT), hWnd, lpproc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) lpproc); if (ret) { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDM_SHOW_CHECK: sprintf(buf, "SHOW CHECK %s", tmpDialogParam); break; case IDM_SHOW_TRIGGER: sprintf(buf, "SHOW TRIGGER %s", tmpDialogParam); break; case IDM_SHOW_PROCEDURE: sprintf(buf, "SHOW PROCEDURE %s", tmpDialogParam); break; case IDM_SHOW_GENERATOR: sprintf(buf, "SHOW GENERATOR %s", tmpDialogParam); break; case IDM_SHOW_GRANT: sprintf(buf, "SHOW GRANT %s", tmpDialogParam); break; case IDM_SHOW_FUNCTION: sprintf(buf, "SHOW FUNCTION %s", tmpDialogParam); break; case IDM_SHOW_FILTER: sprintf(buf, "SHOW FILTER %s", tmpDialogParam); break; case IDM_SHOW_EXCEPTS: sprintf(buf, "SHOW EXCEPTION %s", tmpDialogParam); break; case IDM_SHOW_DOMAIN: sprintf(buf, "SHOW DOMAIN %s", tmpDialogParam); break; case IDM_SHOW_INDEX: sprintf(buf, "SHOW INDEX %s", tmpDialogParam); break; case IDM_SHOW_VIEW: if (allobjectsflag) strcpy(buf, "SHOW VIEWS"); else sprintf(buf, "SHOW VIEW %s", tmpDialogParam); break; case IDM_SHOW_TABLE: if (allobjectsflag) strcpy(buf, "SHOW TABLES"); else sprintf(buf, "SHOW TABLE %s", tmpDialogParam); break; } test_overwrite(); ISQL_frontend_command(buf, ipf, opf, chf); ib_fprintf(opf, "\n\r\n\r"); display_page(hWnd); } break; default: break; } break; case WM_SIZE: /* Save size of window client area. */ if (lParam) { yClient = HIWORD(lParam); xClient = LOWORD(lParam); yClient = (yClient / yCharnl + 1) * yCharnl; lParam = MAKELONG(xClient, yClient); /* Go setup scroll ranges and file display area based upon */ /* client area size. */ setup_scroll(hWnd); return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } break; case WM_VSCROLL: /* React to the various vertical scroll related actions. */ switch (GET_WM_VSCROLL_CODE(wParam, lParam)) { case SB_TOP: nVscrollInc = -nVscrollPos; break; case SB_BOTTOM: nVscrollInc = nVscrollMax - nVscrollPos; break; case SB_LINEUP: nVscrollInc = -1; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: nVscrollInc = 1; break; case SB_PAGEUP: nVscrollInc = -max(1, yClient / yChar); break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: nVscrollInc = max(1, yClient / yChar); break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: nVscrollInc = GET_WM_VSCROLL_POS(wParam, lParam) - nVscrollPos; break; case SB_THUMBTRACK: nVscrollInc = GET_WM_VSCROLL_POS(wParam, lParam) - nVscrollPos; break; default: nVscrollInc = 0; } nVscrollInc = max(-nVscrollPos, min(nVscrollInc, nVscrollMax - nVscrollPos)); if (nVscrollInc) { nVscrollPos += nVscrollInc; ScrollWindow(hWnd, 0, -yChar * nVscrollInc, NULL, NULL); SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT, nVscrollPos, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hWnd); } break; case WM_HSCROLL: /* React to the various horizontal scroll related actions. */ switch (GET_WM_HSCROLL_CODE(wParam, lParam)) { case SB_LINEUP: nHscrollInc = -1; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: nHscrollInc = 1; break; case SB_PAGEUP: nHscrollInc = -8; break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: nHscrollInc = 8; break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: nHscrollInc = GET_WM_HSCROLL_POS(wParam, lParam) - nHscrollPos; break; case SB_THUMBTRACK: nHscrollInc = GET_WM_HSCROLL_POS(wParam, lParam) - nHscrollPos; break; default: nHscrollInc = 0; } nHscrollInc = max(-nHscrollPos, min(nHscrollInc, nHscrollMax - nHscrollPos)); if (nHscrollInc) { nHscrollPos += nHscrollInc; ScrollWindow(hWnd, -xChar * nHscrollInc, 0, NULL, NULL); SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_HORZ, nHscrollPos, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hWnd); } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: /* Translate various keydown messages to appropriate horizontal */ /* and vertical scroll actions. */ for (i = 0; i < FB_NELEM(key2scroll); i++) { if (wParam == key2scroll[i].wVirtkey) { SendMessage(hWnd, key2scroll[i].iMessage, key2scroll[i].wRequest, 0L); break; } } break; case WM_PAINT: /* Go paint the client area of the window with the appropriate */ /* part of the selected file. */ paint_isql(hWnd); break; case WM_DESTROY: /* This is the end if we were closed by a DestroyWindow call. */ close_isql(); /* take any necessary wrapup action. */ PostQuitMessage(0); /* this is the end... */ break; case WM_QUERYENDSESSION: /* If we return TRUE we are saying it's ok with us to end the */ /* windows session. */ close_isql(); /* take any necessary wrapup action. */ return (long) TRUE; /* we agree to end session. */ case WM_CLOSE: /* Tell windows to destroy our window. */ DestroyWindow(hWnd); break; default: /* Let windows handle all messages we choose to ignore. */ return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } return 0L; } void ISQL_win_err( SCHAR * string) { /*************************************************************** * * I S Q L _ w i n _ e r r * *************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Output a Windows ISQL error in a message box. * ***************************************************************/ if (Merge_stderr) ib_fprintf(Out, "%s\n", string); else MessageBox(NULL, string, SetUpData.errorString, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); } static void close_isql() { /******************************************************************** * * c l o s e _ i s q l * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Shut down the database prior to exit. * ********************************************************************/ ISQL_exit_db(); if (gflags & COMHIST) ib_fclose(chf); unlink(defHistFile); if (gflags & DEFINPUT) ib_fclose(ipf); unlink(defInputFile); if (gflags & DEFOUTPUT) ib_fclose(opf); unlink(defOutputFile); if (gflags & SESSFILE) ib_fclose(sss); unlink(defSessionFile); DeleteObject(hnewsfont); } static int cmdline_isql( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPSTR pCmdLine) { /******************************************************************** * * c m d l i n e _ i s q l * ******************************************************************** * * Functional Description: * Take the command line and turn it into an argc/argv to feed * to ISQL. * * paramaters: * hInstance - Instance used for error messsages * pCmdLine - A long pointer to the command line that * started this application. * * returns: * return from ISQL * ********************************************************************/ IB_FILE *inputfile; /* input file */ IB_FILE *outputfile; /* output file */ SCHAR inputfilename[MAXPATHLEN]; /* input file name */ SCHAR outputfilename[MAXPATHLEN]; /* output file name */ SCHAR arg[MAXPATHLEN]; /* current argument */ SCHAR *cp; /* command line cursor */ SCHAR *ap; /* current argument cursor */ /* create default input and output files */ if (!open_temp_file (hInstance, &inputfile, inputfilename, IDS_TEMP_IN_FILE)) return 0; if (!open_temp_file (hInstance, &outputfile, outputfilename, IDS_TEMP_OUT_FILE)) return 0; /* create failsafe input file */ ib_fprintf(inputfile, "QUIT;\n"); ib_fclose(inputfile); ib_fclose(outputfile); /* create an argument vector, including the default files and command line args */ ISQL_cursor = ISQL_args; ISQL_argc = 0; pusharg("isql"); pusharg("-input"); pusharg(inputfilename); pusharg("-output"); pusharg(outputfilename); ap = arg; for (cp = (SCHAR *) pCmdLine; *cp; cp++) { *ap = *cp++; if (*ap == ' ') { *ap = '\0'; pusharg(arg); ap = arg; } else ap++; if (ISQL_argc == 20) break; } ISQL_main(ISQL_argc, ISQL_argv); unlink(inputfilename); unlink(outputfilename); return 0; } static void display_page( HWND hWnd) { /*************************************************************** * * d i s p l a y _ p a g e * *************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Throw the result up on the window. * ***************************************************************/ IB_FILE *fh; /* Determine file size and some display paramaters. */ nVscrollPos = numlines; numlines = 0; maxwidth = 0; ib_fflush(opf); ib_fclose(opf); fh = ib_fopen(defOutputFile, "r+b"); if (fh) { while (ib_fgets(tmpDialogParam, sizeof(tmpDialogParam), fh)) { numlines++; if (strlen(tmpDialogParam) > maxwidth) maxwidth = strlen(tmpDialogParam); } ib_fclose(fh); } opf = ib_fopen(defOutputFile, "a"); /* Go setup scroll ranges for this file. */ setup_scroll(hWnd); /* Show first part of file. */ InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hWnd); } static SSHORT init_isql( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, int cmdShow) { /******************************************************************** * * i n i t _ i s q l * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Startup code for Windows. This builds the window and also * presents the user with a dialog box to specify the database * connection parameters. * * paramaters: * hInstance - The instance of this instance of this * application. * hPrevInstance - The instance of the previous instance * of this application. This will be 0 * if this is the first instance. * cmdShow - Indicates how the window is to be shown * initially. ie. SW_SHOWNORMAL, SW_HIDE, * SW_MIMIMIZE. * *********************************************************************/ #pragma argsused DLGPROC dlgProc; int iReturn; /* perform instance dependant Windows initialization */ if (!hPrevInstance) init_isql_first(hInstance); #if !defined(__WIN32__) else init_isql_added(hPrevInstance); #endif /* perform common instance Windows initialization */ init_isql_every(hInstance, cmdShow); /* open all the files */ if (!open_temp_file(hInstance, &ipf, defInputFile, IDS_DEF_IN_FILE)) return FALSE; ib_fprintf(ipf, "QUIT;\n"); ib_fclose(ipf); ipf = ib_fopen(defInputFile, "r"); gflags |= DEFINPUT; if (!open_temp_file(hInstance, &opf, defOutputFile, IDS_DEF_OUT_FILE)) return FALSE; gflags |= DEFOUTPUT; if (!open_temp_file(hInstance, &chf, defHistFile, IDS_DEF_HIST_FILE)) return FALSE; gflags |= COMHIST; if (!open_temp_file(hInstance, &sss, defSessionFile, IDS_DEF_SESS_FILE)) return FALSE; gflags |= SESSFILE; newDataBase[0] = '\0'; newUserName[0] = '\0'; newPassword[0] = '\0'; dlgProc = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) dbNameDlgProc, hInst); iReturn = DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(CONNECT_DB), hWndMain, dlgProc); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) dlgProc); if (iReturn) if (ISQL_init(newDataBase, newUserName, newPassword, ipf, opf)) gflags |= DBINITED; return TRUE; } #if !defined(__WIN32__) static void init_isql_added( HINSTANCE hPrevInstance) { /******************************************************************** * * i n i t _ i s q l _ a d d e d * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * This gets called for each added instance of the application. * * paramaters: * hPrevInstance - The instance of the previous instance * of this application. * *********************************************************************/ /* get the results of the initialization of first instance */ GetInstanceData(hPrevInstance, (BYTE *) & SetUpData, sizeof(SETUPDATA)); } #endif static void init_isql_every( HINSTANCE hInstance, int cmdShow) { /******************************************************************** * * i n i t _ i s q l _ e v e r y * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Perform initialization done for all instances. * * paramaters: * hInstance - The instance of this instance of this * application. * cmdShow - Indicates how the window is to be shown * initially. ie. SW_SHOWNORMAL, SW_HIDE, * SW_MIMIMIZE. * ********************************************************************/ TEXTMETRIC tm; HDC hDC; hInst = hInstance; /* save for use by window procs */ /* Create applications main window. */ hWndMain = CreateWindow(SetUpData.appName, /* window class name */ SetUpData.appName, /* window title */ WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | /* type of window */ WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL, CW_USEDEFAULT, /* x window location */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* y */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* cx and size */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* cy */ NULL, /* no parent for this window */ NULL, /* use the class menu */ hInstance, /* who created this window */ NULL /* no parms to pass on */ ); /* Get the display context. */ hDC = GetDC(hWndMain); /* Build fixed screen font. */ cursfont.lfHeight = 14; cursfont.lfWidth = 9; cursfont.lfEscapement = 0; cursfont.lfOrientation = 0; cursfont.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL; cursfont.lfItalic = FALSE; cursfont.lfUnderline = FALSE; cursfont.lfStrikeOut = FALSE; cursfont.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET; cursfont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; cursfont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; cursfont.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; cursfont.lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE; strcpy((char *) cursfont.lfFaceName, "System"); hnewsfont = CreateFontIndirect((LPLOGFONT) & cursfont); /* Install the font in the current display context. */ holdsfont = SelectObject(hDC, hnewsfont); /* get text metrics for paint */ GetTextMetrics(hDC, &tm); xChar = tm.tmAveCharWidth; yChar = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading; yCharnl = tm.tmHeight; numlines = 0; /* Release the display context. */ ReleaseDC(hWndMain, hDC); /* Update display of main window. */ ShowWindow(hWndMain, cmdShow); UpdateWindow(hWndMain); } static void init_isql_first( HINSTANCE hInstance) { /******************************************************************** * * i n i t _ i s q l _ f i r s t * ******************************************************************** * * Functions description: * Initialization for first instance of application. * * paramaters: * hInstance - The instance of this instance of this * application. * ********************************************************************/ WNDCLASS wcISQLClass; /* Get string from resource with application name. */ LoadString(hInstance, IDS_NAME, (LPSTR) SetUpData.appName, 20); LoadString(hInstance, IDS_MENUNAME, (LPSTR) SetUpData.menuName, 20); LoadString(hInstance, IDS_ICONNAME, (LPSTR) SetUpData.iconName, 20); LoadString(hInstance, IDS_ERROR, (LPSTR) SetUpData.errorString, 20); /* Define the window class for this application. */ wcISQLClass.lpszClassName = SetUpData.appName; wcISQLClass.hInstance = hInstance; wcISQLClass.lpfnWndProc = isqlWndProc; wcISQLClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ISQLCURSOR)); wcISQLClass.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, SetUpData.iconName); wcISQLClass.lpszMenuName = (LPSTR) SetUpData.menuName; wcISQLClass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); wcISQLClass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wcISQLClass.cbClsExtra = 0; wcISQLClass.cbWndExtra = 0; /* Register the class */ RegisterClass(&wcISQLClass); } static SSHORT open_temp_file( HINSTANCE hInstance, IB_FILE ** file, SCHAR * fileName, SSHORT errStrNum) { /******************************************************************** * * o p e n _ t e m p _ f i l e * ******************************************************************** * * Functions description: * Create a temp file, get its name, and print the proper * error on failure. * ********************************************************************/ SCHAR errorString[100]; SCHAR message[100]; *file = (IB_FILE *) gds__temp_file(TRUE, "isql_", fileName); if (*file == (IB_FILE *) - 1) { LoadString(hInstance, errStrNum, errorString, 100); sprintf(message, errorString, fileName); ISQL_win_err(message); return 0; } return 1; } static int windows_isql( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, int cmdShow) { /******************************************************************** * * w i n d o w s _ i s q l * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Process ISQL for Windows (no command line was passed). * * paramaters: * hInstance - The instance of this instance of this * application. * hPrevInstance - The instance of the previous instance * of this application. This will be 0 * if this is the first instance. * cmdShow - Indicates how the window is to be shown * initially. ie. SW_SHOWNORMAL, SW_HIDE, * SW_MIMIMIZE. * * returns: * wParam from last message. * ********************************************************************/ \ MSG msg; /* Go init this application. */ if (!init_isql(hInstance, hPrevInstance, cmdShow)) return 0; /* Get and dispatch messages for this applicaton. */ while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return msg.wParam; } static void paint_isql( HWND hWnd) { /******************************************************************** * * p a i n t _ i s q l * ******************************************************************** * Functional description: * If a file has been selected, as indicated by numlines being * greater than 0, this module will read and display a portion * of the file as determined by the current size and scroll * position of the window. * * paramaters: * hWnd - The callers window handle * ********************************************************************/ PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hDC; SSHORT e; SCHAR buf[1024]; SSHORT i; IB_FILE *hfile; BeginPaint(hWnd, (LPPAINTSTRUCT) & ps); hDC = ps.hdc; /* Establish fixed font in display context. */ SelectObject(hDC, hnewsfont); if (numlines) { /* Open the file to display */ /* (files should not stay open over multiple windows messages) */ hfile = ib_fopen(defOutputFile, "r"); if (hfile) { /* Skip lines outside window limits */ for (i = 0; i < nVscrollPos; i++) ib_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), hfile); /* Read visible lines */ for (i = 0; i < nPageMaxLines; i++) { if (!ib_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), hfile)) break; /* figure out shortest text to put */ for (e = strlen(buf); e >= 0; e--) if (buf[e] > ' ' && buf[e] <= '~') break; if (e == -1) buf[++e] = ' '; buf[++e] = '\0'; TextOut(hDC, xChar * (-nHscrollPos + 0), yChar * i, buf, e); } ib_fclose(hfile); } } EndPaint(hWnd, (LPPAINTSTRUCT) & ps); } static void pusharg( SCHAR * argument) { /******************************************************************** * * p u s h a r g * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Used to push arguments onto an argv to be sent to ISQL. * ********************************************************************/ ISQL_argv[ISQL_argc++] = ISQL_cursor; strcpy(ISQL_cursor, argument); ISQL_cursor += strlen(argument); *ISQL_cursor++ = '\0'; } static void setup_scroll( HWND hWnd) { /******************************************************************** * * s e t u p _ s c r o l l * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Set up the vertical and horizontal scroll ranges and positions * of the applicatons main window based on: * * numlines - The maximum number of lines to display. * maxwidth - The width of each line to display. * * The resulting variables, nVscrollPos and nPageMaxLines, are used * by the function paint_isql to determine what to display in the window. * * paramaters: * hWnd - The callers window handle * *********************************************************************/ /* numlines established during open */ nVscrollMax = max(0, numlines - yClient / yChar); nVscrollPos = min(nVscrollPos, nVscrollMax); nHscrollMax = max(0, maxwidth - xClient / xChar); nHscrollPos = min(nHscrollPos, nHscrollMax); SetScrollRange(hWnd, SB_VERT, 0, nVscrollMax, FALSE); SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT, nVscrollPos, TRUE); SetScrollRange(hWnd, SB_HORZ, 0, nHscrollMax, FALSE); SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_HORZ, nHscrollPos, TRUE); nPageMaxLines = min(numlines, yClient / yChar); } static void test_overwrite() { /*************************************************************** * * t e s t _ o v e r w r i t e * *************************************************************** * * Functional description: * If the overwrite flag is set, clear the file and reset * the scroll positions. * ***************************************************************/ if (gflags & OVERWRITE) { ib_fclose(opf); opf = ib_fopen(defOutputFile, "w"); nVscrollPos = 0; nHscrollPos = 0; } } static void xfer_file( SCHAR * inFileName, SCHAR * outFileName, SSHORT appendFlag) { /*************************************************************** * * x f e r _ f i l e * *************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Copy current file to a save file. * ***************************************************************/ IB_FILE *xferin; IB_FILE *xferout; SCHAR xferbuff[1024]; xferin = ib_fopen(inFileName, "r"); if (xferin) { if (appendFlag) xferout = ib_fopen(outFileName, "a"); else xferout = ib_fopen(outFileName, "w"); if (xferout) { while (ib_fgets(xferbuff, sizeof(xferbuff), xferin)) { ib_fprintf(xferout, "%s", xferbuff); } ib_fclose(xferout); } ib_fclose(xferin); } } BOOL CALLBACK _export aboutDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * a b o u t D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Put up a little dislog box saying what this is. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle for this message * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * ********************************************************************/ #pragma argsused if (message == WM_INITDIALOG) return TRUE; else if (message == WM_COMMAND) { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDOK: EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE; default: return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export blobDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * b l o b D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get blob display type, or "ALL" by managing the BLOB_TYPE * dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_BLOB_TYPE, EM_LIMITTEXT, 10, 0L); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_ALL_BLOBS: allblobsflag = TRUE; tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDD_BLOB_TYPE: allblobsflag = FALSE; if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_BLOB_TYPE, tmpDialogParam, 10); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: strcpy(tmpDialogParam, "0"); EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export charSetDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * c h a r S e t D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get characetr set name by managing the NAMES dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_CHAR_SET, EM_LIMITTEXT, 100, 0L); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_CHAR_SET: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_CHAR_SET, tmpDialogParam, 100); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export createDbDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * c r e a t e D b D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get database name, user name and password for a newly created * database by managing the CREATE_DB dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_DB_DBNAME, EM_LIMITTEXT, 256, 0L); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_DB_USERNAME, EM_LIMITTEXT, 32, 0L); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_DB_PASSWORD, EM_LIMITTEXT, 16, 0L); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_CREATE_DBNAME: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); break; case IDD_CREATE_USERNAME: case IDD_CREATE_PASSWORD: break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_DB_DBNAME, newDataBase, 256); GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_DB_USERNAME, newUserName, 32); GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_DB_PASSWORD, newPassword, 16); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: /* Terminate this dialog box. */ EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export dbNameDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * d b N a m e D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get database name, user name and password by managing the * DB_NAME dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_DB_DBNAME, EM_LIMITTEXT, 256, 0L); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_DB_USERNAME, EM_LIMITTEXT, 32, 0L); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_DB_PASSWORD, EM_LIMITTEXT, 16, 0L); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_DB_DBNAME: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); break; case IDD_DB_USERNAME: case IDD_DB_PASSWORD: break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_DB_DBNAME, newDataBase, 256); GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_DB_USERNAME, newUserName, 32); GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_DB_PASSWORD, newPassword, 16); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: /* Terminate this dialog box. */ EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export dropDbDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * d r o p D b D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Drop the database by managing the DROP_DB dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDOK: EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: /* Terminate this dialog box. */ EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export execDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * e x e c D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get a SQL command by managing the EXEC dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ IB_FILE *fh; SCHAR buf[256]; SSHORT i; switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_SQL_COMMAND, EM_LIMITTEXT, 1024, 0L); ib_fflush(sss); ib_fclose(sss); fh = ib_fopen(defSessionFile, "r"); if (fh) { while (ib_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fh)) { for (i = strlen(buf); i; i--) if (buf[i] >= ' ' && buf[i] <= '~') break; if (!i) break; buf[i + 1] = '\0'; SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_SQL_HISTORY), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (SLONG) buf); } ib_fclose(fh); } sss = ib_fopen(defSessionFile, "a"); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_SQL_COMMAND: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); } break; case IDD_SQL_HISTORY: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == LBN_DBLCLK) { i = (SSHORT) SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_SQL_HISTORY), LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_SQL_HISTORY), LB_GETTEXT, i, (SLONG) buf); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_SQL_COMMAND, buf); } break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_SQL_COMMAND, tmpDialogParam, 1024); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export extractDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * e x t r a c t D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get extract database name plus optional target database and * output file by managing the EXTRACT_DB dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_EXTRACT_DBNAME, EM_LIMITTEXT, 256, 0L); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_EXTRACT_OUTPUT, EM_LIMITTEXT, 256, 0L); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_EXTRACT_TARGET, EM_LIMITTEXT, 256, 0L); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_EXTRACT_DBNAME: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); break; case IDD_EXTRACT_TARGET: case IDD_EXTRACT_OUTPUT: break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_EXTRACT_DBNAME, extractDbName, 256); GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_EXTRACT_TARGET, extractTarget, 256); GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_EXTRACT_OUTPUT, extractOutput, 256); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: /* Terminate this dialog box. */ EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export objectDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * o b j e c t D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get database object name or "ALL" by managing the * DB_OBJECT dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_OBJECT, EM_LIMITTEXT, 256, 0L); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_ALL_OBJECTS: allobjectsflag = TRUE; tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDD_OBJECT: allobjectsflag = FALSE; if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_OBJECT, tmpDialogParam, 256); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export outputDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * o u t p u t D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get name of file to dump current window to, using * SAVE_OUTPUT dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_SAVE_OUTPUT_FILE, EM_LIMITTEXT, 256, 0L); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_SAVE_OUTPUT_FILE: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_SAVE_OUTPUT_FILE, tmpDialogParam, 256); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export scriptDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * s c r i p t D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get script name and optional output file name by managing the * SCRIPT dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_SCRIPT_INPUT, EM_LIMITTEXT, 256, 0L); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_SCRIPT_OUTPUT, EM_LIMITTEXT, 256, 0L); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_SCRIPT_INPUT: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); break; case IDD_SCRIPT_OUTPUT: break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_SCRIPT_INPUT, scriptName, 256); GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_SCRIPT_OUTPUT, scriptOutput, 256); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: /* Terminate this dialog box. */ EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export sessionDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * s e s s i o n D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get name of file to dump current session's commands to, using * SAVE_SESSION dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_SAVE_SESSION_FILE, EM_LIMITTEXT, 256, 0L); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_SAVE_SESSION_FILE: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_SAVE_SESSION_FILE, tmpDialogParam, 256); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export termDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * t e r m D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get SQL statement terminator by managing the TERMINATOR dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_TERMINATOR, EM_LIMITTEXT, 10, 0L); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_TERMINATOR: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_TERMINATOR, tmpDialogParam, 10); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: strcpy(tmpDialogParam, ";"); EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK _export transDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /******************************************************************** * * t r a n s D l g P r o c * ******************************************************************** * * Functional description: * Get transaction definition string by managing the TRANS dialog box. * * paramaters: * hDlg - The window handle of this dialog box * message - The message number * wParam - The WPARAM parameter for this message * lParam - The LPARAM parameter for this message * * returns: * depends on message. * /********************************************************************/ switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDD_TRANS_STRING, EM_LIMITTEXT, 256, 0L); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDD_TRANS_STRING: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), (BOOL) SendMessage((HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L)); break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_TRANS_STRING, tmpDialogParam, 256); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDCANCEL: tmpDialogParam[0] = '\0'; EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDD_HELP_BUTTON: ISQL_win_err("Not implemented yet"); break; default: return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }