/* * PROGRAM: JRD Data Definition Language * MODULE: parse.h * DESCRIPTION: Parser definitions * * The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation * and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are * Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ #ifndef DUDLEY_PARSE_H #define DUDLEY_PARSE_H /* Keywords */ enum kwwords { KW_none = 0, KW_ABORT, KW_ACTIVE, KW_ADD, KW_ACL, KW_ALL, KW_AMPERSAND, KW_AND, KW_ANY, KW_ARRAY, KW_ASCENDING, KW_ASTERISK, KW_AT, KW_AUTO, KW_AVERAGE, KW_BAR, KW_BASED, KW_BASE_NAME, KW_BEGIN, KW_BETWEEN, KW_BLOB, KW_BLR, KW_BY, KW_CACHE, KW_CASCADE, KW_CHAR, KW_CHECK_POINT_LEN, KW_COLON, KW_COMMA, KW_CONDITIONAL, KW_CONTAINING, KW_COMPUTED, KW_CONSTRAINT, KW_COUNT, KW_CROSS, KW_CSTRING, KW_CURSOR, KW_DATABASE, KW_DATE, KW_DEFAULT, KW_DEFINE, KW_DELETE, KW_DESCENDING, KW_DESCRIP, KW_DESCRIPTION, KW_DISTINCT, KW_DOT, KW_DOUBLE, KW_DROP, KW_DUPLICATES, KW_EDIT_STRING, KW_ELSE, KW_END, KW_END_DESCRIPTION, KW_END_FOR, KW_END_MODIFY, KW_END_STORE, KW_END_TRIGGER, KW_EQ, KW_EQUALS, KW_ERASE, KW_EXIT, KW_EXTERNAL_FILE, KW_FIELD, KW_FILE, KW_FIRST, KW_FIXED, KW_FLOAT, KW_FOR, KW_FROM, KW_FILTER, KW_FUNCTION, KW_FUNCTION_CLASS, KW_FUNCTION_ENTRY_POINT, KW_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME, KW_GE, KW_GEN_ID, KW_GENERATOR, KW_GRANT, KW_GT, KW_GROUP, KW_GROUP_COMMIT_WAIT, KW_IF, KW_IN, KW_INACTIVE, KW_INDEX, KW_INPUT_TYPE, KW_INTO, KW_INSERT, KW_IS, KW_LE, KW_LENGTH, KW_L_BRACE, KW_L_BRCKET, KW_LEFT_PAREN, KW_LOG_BUF_SIZE, KW_LOG_FILE, KW_LONG, KW_LT, KW_MANUAL, KW_MATCHES, KW_MAX, KW_MESSAGE, KW_MIN, KW_MINUS, KW_MISSING, KW_MODIFY, KW_MSGADD, KW_MSGDROP, KW_MSGMODIFY, KW_NE, KW_NO, KW_NOT, KW_NULL, KW_NUM_LOG_BUFS, KW_OF, KW_OFFSET, KW_ON, KW_OPTION, KW_OR, KW_OUTPUT_TYPE, KW_OVER, KW_OVERFLOW, KW_OVERWRITE, KW_PAGES, KW_PAGE, KW_PAGE_NUMBER, KW_PAGE_SIZE, KW_PARTITIONS, KW_PASSWORD, KW_PERCENT, KW_PLUS, KW_POSITION, KW_POST, KW_POST_ERASE, KW_POST_MODIFY, KW_POST_STORE, KW_PRE, KW_PRE_ALLOCATE, KW_PRE_ERASE, KW_PRE_MODIFY, KW_PRE_STORE, KW_PRIVILEGES, KW_QUAD, KW_QUERY_HEADER, KW_QUERY_NAME, KW_QUIT, KW_RAW, KW_RAW_PARTITIONS, KW_REDUCED, KW_R_BRACE, KW_R_BRCKET, KW_REFERENCE, KW_RELATION, KW_RETURN_ARGUMENT, /* function argument return_mode */ KW_RETURN_VALUE, /* function argument return_mode */ KW_REVOKE, KW_RIGHT_PAREN, KW_SCALAR_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR, KW_SCALE, KW_SECURITY_CLASS, KW_SEGMENT_LENGTH, KW_SELECT, KW_SEMI, KW_SET, KW_SET_GENERATOR, KW_SHADOW, KW_SHORT, KW_SIZE, KW_SLASH, KW_SORTED, KW_STARTS, KW_STARTING, KW_STATISTICS, KW_STORE, KW_SUB_TYPE, KW_SYSTEM_FLAG, KW_TEXT, KW_THEN, KW_TO, KW_TOTAL, KW_TRIGGER, KW_TYPES, KW_UNION, KW_UNIQUE, KW_UPDATE, KW_UPPERCASE, KW_USER, KW_USER_NAME, KW_USING, KW_VALID, KW_VALID_IF, KW_VALUE, KW_VARYING, KW_VIEW, KW_WITH }; /* Token block, used to hold a lexical token. */ enum tok_t { tok_ident, tok_number, tok_quoted, tok_punct, tok_eol }; struct tok { enum tok_t tok_type; /* type of token */ sym* tok_symbol; /* hash block if recognized */ enum kwwords tok_keyword; /* keyword number, if recognized */ SLONG tok_position; /* byte number in input stream */ USHORT tok_length; TEXT tok_string[MAXSYMLEN]; }; typedef tok* TOK; #endif // DUDLEY_PARSE_H