/* * PROGRAM: JRD access method * MODULE: DbCreators.cpp * DESCRIPTION: Checks CREATE DATABASE right (in security.db) * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial * Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.ibphoenix.com/main.nfs?a=ibphoenix&page=ibp_idpl. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed AS IS, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Alex Peshkov * for the Firebird Open Source RDBMS project. * * Copyright (c) 2014 Alex Peshkov * and all contributors signed below. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * */ #include "firebird.h" #include "firebird/Interface.h" #include "../auth/SecureRemotePassword/Message.h" #include "gen/iberror.h" #include "../jrd/constants.h" #include "../common/classes/ClumpletWriter.h" #include "../common/classes/init.h" #include "../common/classes/Hash.h" #include "../common/classes/GenericMap.h" #include "../common/classes/RefMutex.h" #include "../common/classes/SyncObject.h" #include "../common/classes/MetaName.h" #include "../common/isc_s_proto.h" #include "../common/isc_proto.h" #include "../common/ThreadStart.h" #include "../common/db_alias.h" #include "../jrd/DbCreators.h" #include "../jrd/tra.h" #include "../jrd/ini.h" #include "../jrd/status.h" #include "gen/ids.h" #define DBC_DEBUG(A) using namespace Firebird; using namespace Jrd; namespace { void check(const char* s, IStatus* st) { if (!(st->getState() & IStatus::STATE_ERRORS)) return; Arg::StatusVector newStatus(st); newStatus << Arg::Gds(isc_crdb_load) << s; newStatus.raise(); } bool openDb(const char* securityDb, RefPtr& att, RefPtr& tra) { DispatcherPtr prov; ClumpletWriter embeddedSysdba(ClumpletWriter::Tagged, MAX_DPB_SIZE, isc_dpb_version1); embeddedSysdba.insertString(isc_dpb_user_name, SYSDBA_USER_NAME, fb_strlen(SYSDBA_USER_NAME)); embeddedSysdba.insertByte(isc_dpb_sec_attach, TRUE); embeddedSysdba.insertByte(isc_dpb_no_db_triggers, TRUE); FbLocalStatus st; att = prov->attachDatabase(&st, securityDb, embeddedSysdba.getBufferLength(), embeddedSysdba.getBuffer()); if (st->getState() & IStatus::STATE_ERRORS) { if (!fb_utils::containsErrorCode(st->getErrors(), isc_io_error)) check("IProvider::attachDatabase", &st); // missing security DB - checking granted rights not possible return false; } ClumpletWriter readOnly(ClumpletWriter::Tpb, MAX_DPB_SIZE, isc_tpb_version1); readOnly.insertTag(isc_tpb_read); readOnly.insertTag(isc_tpb_wait); tra = att->startTransaction(&st, readOnly.getBufferLength(), readOnly.getBuffer()); check("IAttachment::startTransaction", &st); return true; } } // anonymous namespace namespace Jrd { bool checkCreateDatabaseGrant(const string& userName, const string& trustedRole, const string& sqlRole, const char* securityDb) { if (userName == SYSDBA_USER_NAME) return true; RefPtr att; RefPtr tra; if (!openDb(securityDb, att, tra)) return false; FbLocalStatus st; string role(sqlRole); if (role.hasData()) { const UCHAR info[] = { isc_info_db_sql_dialect, isc_info_end }; UCHAR buffer[BUFFER_TINY]; att->getInfo(&st, sizeof(info), info, sizeof(buffer), buffer); check("IAttachment::getInfo", &st); int dialect = SQL_DIALECT_V5; // reasonable default const UCHAR* p = buffer; while (*p != isc_info_end && *p != isc_info_truncated && p < buffer + sizeof(buffer)) { const UCHAR item = (UCHAR) *p++; const USHORT length = gds__vax_integer(p, sizeof(USHORT)); p += sizeof(USHORT); switch (item) { case isc_info_db_sql_dialect: dialect = gds__vax_integer(p, length); break; } p += length; } JRD_make_role_name(role, dialect); // We need to check is admin role granted to userName in security DB const char* sql = "select count(*) from RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES " "where RDB$USER = ? and RDB$RELATION_NAME = ? and RDB$PRIVILEGE = 'M'"; Message prm; Field u(prm, MAX_SQL_IDENTIFIER_LEN); Field r(prm, MAX_SQL_IDENTIFIER_LEN); u = userName.c_str(); r = role.c_str(); Message result; Field cnt(result); att->execute(&st, tra, 0, sql, SQL_DIALECT_V6, prm.getMetadata(), prm.getBuffer(), result.getMetadata(), result.getBuffer()); if (st->getState() & IStatus::STATE_ERRORS) { // isc_dsql_relation_err when exec SQL - i.e. table RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES // is missing due to non-FB security DB if (!fb_utils::containsErrorCode(st->getErrors(), isc_dsql_relation_err)) check("IAttachment::execute", &st); role = ""; } else if (cnt == 0) role = ""; } else role = trustedRole; if (role == ADMIN_ROLE) return true; Message gr; Field uType(gr); Field u(gr, MAX_SQL_IDENTIFIER_LEN); Field rType(gr); Field r(gr, MAX_SQL_IDENTIFIER_LEN); uType = obj_user; u = userName.c_str(); rType = role.hasData() ? obj_sql_role : 255; r = role.c_str(); Message result; Field cnt(result); att->execute(&st, tra, 0, "select count(*) from RDB$DB_CREATORS" " where (RDB$USER_TYPE = ? and RDB$USER = ?) or (RDB$USER_TYPE = ? and RDB$USER = ?)", SQL_DIALECT_V6, gr.getMetadata(), gr.getBuffer(), result.getMetadata(), result.getBuffer()); if (st->getState() & IStatus::STATE_ERRORS) { if (fb_utils::containsErrorCode(st->getErrors(), isc_dsql_relation_err)) { // isc_dsql_relation_err when exec SQL - i.e. table RDB$DB_CREATORS // is missing due to non-FB3 security DB return false; } check("IAttachment::execute", &st); } return cnt > 0; } const Format* DbCreatorsScan::getFormat(thread_db* tdbb, jrd_rel* relation) const { jrd_tra* const transaction = tdbb->getTransaction(); return transaction->getDbCreatorsList()->getList(tdbb, relation)->getFormat(); } bool DbCreatorsScan::retrieveRecord(thread_db* tdbb, jrd_rel* relation, FB_UINT64 position, Record* record) const { jrd_tra* const transaction = tdbb->getTransaction(); return transaction->getDbCreatorsList()->getList(tdbb, relation)->fetch(position, record); } DbCreatorsList::DbCreatorsList(jrd_tra* tra) : SnapshotData(*tra->tra_pool) { } RecordBuffer* DbCreatorsList::makeBuffer(thread_db* tdbb) { MemoryPool* const pool = tdbb->getTransaction()->tra_pool; allocBuffer(tdbb, *pool, rel_sec_db_creators); return getData(rel_sec_db_creators); } RecordBuffer* DbCreatorsList::getList(thread_db* tdbb, jrd_rel* relation) { fb_assert(relation); fb_assert(relation->rel_id == rel_sec_db_creators); RecordBuffer* buffer = getData(relation); if (buffer) { return buffer; } RefPtr att; RefPtr tra; const char* dbName = tdbb->getDatabase()->dbb_config->getSecurityDatabase(); if (!openDb(dbName, att, tra)) { // In embedded mode we are not raising any errors - silent return if (MasterInterfacePtr()->serverMode(-1) < 0) return makeBuffer(tdbb); (Arg::Gds(isc_crdb_nodb) << dbName).raise(); } Message gr; Field uType(gr); Field u(gr, MAX_SQL_IDENTIFIER_LEN); FbLocalStatus st; RefPtr curs(att->openCursor(&st, tra, 0, "select RDB$USER_TYPE, RDB$USER from RDB$DB_CREATORS", SQL_DIALECT_V6, NULL, NULL, gr.getMetadata(), NULL, 0)); if (st->getState() & IStatus::STATE_ERRORS) { if (!fb_utils::containsErrorCode(st->getErrors(), isc_dsql_relation_err)) check("IAttachment::openCursor", &st); // isc_dsql_relation_err when opening cursor - i.e. table // is missing due to non-FB3 security DB // In embedded mode we are not raising any errors - silent return if (MasterInterfacePtr()->serverMode(-1) < 0) return makeBuffer(tdbb); (Arg::Gds(isc_crdb_notable) << dbName).raise(); } try { buffer = makeBuffer(tdbb); while (curs->fetchNext(&st, gr.getBuffer()) == IStatus::RESULT_OK) { int charset = CS_METADATA; Record* record = buffer->getTempRecord(); record->nullify(); putField(tdbb, record, DumpField(f_sec_crt_user, VALUE_STRING, u->len, u->data), charset); SINT64 v = uType; putField(tdbb, record, DumpField(f_sec_crt_u_type, VALUE_INTEGER, sizeof(v), &v), charset); buffer->store(record); } check("IResultSet::fetchNext", &st); } catch (const Exception&) { clearSnapshot(); throw; } return getData(relation); } } // namespace Jrd