Program select; { * PROGRAM: Object oriented API samples. * MODULE: * DESCRIPTION: * A sample of running SELECT statement without parameters. * Prints string fields in a table, coercing VARCHAR to CHAR. * Learns how to coerce output data in prepared statement * and execute it. * * Example for the following interfaces: * * IStatement - SQL statement execution * IMessageMetadata - describe input and output data format * IResultSet - fetch data returned by statement after execution * * Run something like this to build the program : * * fpc -Fu./common -Fu/opt/firebird/include/firebird -FUlib * * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial * Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed AS IS, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Paul Reeves * for the Firebird Open Source RDBMS project. * Most of the code for GetOutput was taken from Denis * Simonov's UDR-Book project. * * Copyright (c) 2020 Paul Reeves * and all contributors signed below. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. } {$mode Delphi}{$H+} Uses {$IFDEF UNIX} {$IFDEF UseCThreads} cthreads , {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} SysUtils , Firebird , strutils , FbCharsets ; // Record to store received metadata Type TField = Record fieldname: String; fieldtype: Cardinal; fieldlength: Integer; offset: Integer; sqlnullind: Wordbool; charset: TFBCharSet; charLength: Integer; fieldvalue: String; End; Var // master and status are required for all access to the API. // This is main interface of firebird, and the only one // for getting which there is special function in our API master: IMaster; // Status is used to return error descriptions to user status: IStatus; // Provides some miscellaneous utilities. util: IUtil; // Provider is needed to start to work with database (or service) prov: IProvider; // Attachment and Transaction contain methods to work with // database attachment and transaction att: IAttachment; tra: ITransaction; tpb: IXpbBuilder; // to prepare an sql statement stmt: IStatement; // We geain access to the result set with a cursor curs: IResultSet; // Retrieve info about metadata of a statement meta: IMessageMetadata; builder: IMetadataBuilder; // Store the meta data of each field in the result set fields: Array Of TField; // Store the titles of each field in the result set title: String = ''; // msg is a pointer to each row in the result set. msg: Pointer; msgLen: Cardinal; counter: Integer; Const // Firebird types SQL_VARYING = 448; // VARCHAR SQL_TEXT = 452; // CHAR Procedure PrintError(AMaster: IMaster; AStatus: IStatus); Var maxMessage: Integer; outMessage: PAnsiChar; Begin maxMessage := 256; outMessage := StrAlloc(maxMessage); AMaster.getUtilInterface.formatStatus(outMessage, maxMessage, AStatus); writeln(outMessage); StrDispose(outMessage); End; Function GetOutput(AStatus: IStatus; ABuffer: PByte; AMeta: IMessageMetadata; AUtil: IUtil; AFieldsArray: Array Of TField): UnicodeString; Var i: Integer; NullFlag: Wordbool; pData: PByte; CharBuffer: TBytes; StringValue: UnicodeString; current_field: TField; Begin Result := ''; For i := 0 To length(AFieldsArray) - 1 Do Begin current_field := AfieldsArray[i]; With current_field Do Begin NullFlag := PWordBool(ABuffer + AMeta.getNullOffset(AStatus, i))^; If NullFlag Then Begin StringValue := 'NULL'; continue; End; // get a pointer to the field data pData := ABuffer + AMeta.getOffset(AStatus, i); pData := ABuffer + offset; Case fieldType Of SQL_VARYING: Begin SetLength(CharBuffer, fieldLength); // For VARCHAR, the first 2 bytes are the length charLength := PSmallint(pData)^; // For VARCHAR, the first 2 bytes are the length in bytes // so we copy it to the buffer starting at 3 bytes Move((pData + 2)^, CharBuffer[0], fieldLength); StringValue := charset.GetString(CharBuffer, 0, charLength); End; Else StringValue := ' Fieldtype not handled.'; End; // case fieldType of If Result = '' Then Result := Result + UnicodeString(PadRight(UTF8Encode(StringValue), fieldLength)) Else Result := Result + ' ' + UnicodeString(PadRight(UTF8Encode(StringValue), fieldLength)); End; // end with current_field End; // for i := 0 to length(AFieldsArray) - 1 do begin End; // function GetOutput Begin master := fb_get_master_interface; status := master.getStatus; // Here we get access to the helper utility interfaces // no errors can occur - this function will always succeed util := master.getUtilInterface; // the main dispatcher is returned by a call to IMaster // no errors can occur - this function will always succeed prov := master.getDispatcher; Try Try // attach to employee db // We assume that ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD env vars are set. Otherwise, // see code in 01.create for an example of setting the un/pw via the dpb. att := prov.attachDatabase(status, 'employee', 0, nil); writeln('Attached to database employee.fdb'); // start read only transaction tpb := util.getXpbBuilder(status, IXpbBuilder.TPB, nil, 0); tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_read_committed); tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_no_rec_version); tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_wait); tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_read); // start transaction tra := att.startTransaction(status, tpb.getBufferLength( status ), tpb.getBuffer( status )); // prepare statement stmt := att.prepare(status, tra, 0, 'Select last_name, first_name, phone_ext from phone_list ' + 'where location = ''Monterey'' order by last_name, first_name', 3, IStatement.PREPARE_PREFETCH_METADATA); // get list of columns meta := stmt.getOutputMetadata(status); builder := meta.getBuilder(status); SetLength(fields, meta.getCount(status)); // parse columns list & coerce datatype(s) For counter := 0 To length(fields) - 1 Do Begin If ((meta.getType(status, counter) = (SQL_VARYING Or SQL_TEXT))) Then builder.setType(status, counter, SQL_TEXT); fields[counter].fieldname := meta.getField(status, counter); End; // release automatically created metadata // metadata is not database object, therefore no specific call to close it meta.Release; // get metadata with coerced datatypes meta := builder.getMetadata(status); // builder is no longer needed builder.Release; builder := nil; // now get field info For counter := 0 To length(fields) - 1 Do Begin If fields[counter].fieldname <> '' Then Begin fields[counter].fieldlength := meta.getLength(status, counter); fields[counter].offset := meta.getOffset(status, counter); fields[counter].fieldType := meta.getType(status, counter) And Not 1; Case fields[counter].fieldType Of SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: fields[counter].charset := TFBCharSet(meta.getCharSet(status, counter)); Else ; End; // Set the title line for later use. If title = '' Then title := title + fields[counter].fieldname.PadRight(fields[counter].fieldlength) Else title := title + ' ' + fields[counter].fieldname.PadRight(fields[counter].fieldlength); End; End; // open cursor curs := stmt.openCursor(status, tra, nil, nil, meta, 0); // allocate output buffer msgLen := meta.getMessageLength(status); msg := AllocMem(msgLen); counter := 0; While curs.fetchNext(status, msg) = IStatus.RESULT_OK Do Begin If ((counter Mod 10) = 0) Then Begin writeln(''); writeln(title); End; Inc(counter); WriteLn(GetOutput(status, msg, meta, util, fields)); End; // What is correct way to close and release? // close interfaces curs.Close(status); stmt.Free(status); meta.Release(); tra.commit(status); att.detach(status); Except on e: FbException Do PrintError(master, e.getStatus); End; Finally If assigned(meta) Then meta.Release; If assigned(builder) Then builder.Release; If assigned(curs) Then curs.Release; If assigned(stmt) Then stmt.Release; If assigned(tra) Then tra.Release; If assigned(att) Then att.Release; If assigned(tpb) Then tpb.dispose; prov.Release; status.dispose; End; End.