/* * PROGRAM: JRD International support * MODULE: CsConvert.h * DESCRIPTION: International text handling definitions * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial * Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.ibphoenix.com/main.nfs?a=ibphoenix&page=ibp_idpl. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed AS IS, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Nickolay Samofatov * for the Firebird Open Source RDBMS project. * * Copyright (c) 2004 Nickolay Samofatov * and all contributors signed below. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * 2006.10.10 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes - refactored from intl_classes.h * */ #ifndef JRD_CSCONVERT_H #define JRD_CSCONVERT_H #include "iberror.h" #include "../common/classes/array.h" namespace Jrd { class CsConvert { public: CsConvert(charset* cs1, charset* cs2) : charSet1(cs1), charSet2(cs2), cnvt1((cs1 ? &cs1->charset_to_unicode : NULL)), cnvt2((cs2 ? &cs2->charset_from_unicode : NULL)) { if (cs1 == NULL) { charSet1 = cs2; cnvt1 = cnvt2; charSet2 = NULL; cnvt2 = NULL; } } CsConvert(const CsConvert& obj) : charSet1(obj.charSet1), charSet2(obj.charSet2), cnvt1(obj.cnvt1), cnvt2(obj.cnvt2) { } void convert(ULONG srcLen, const UCHAR* src, Firebird::UCharBuffer& dst, ULONG* badInputPos = NULL, bool ignoreTrailingSpaces = false) { dst.getBuffer(convertLength(srcLen)); dst.resize(convert(srcLen, src, (ULONG) dst.getCapacity(), dst.begin(), badInputPos, ignoreTrailingSpaces)); } // CVC: Beware of this can of worms: csconvert_convert gets assigned // different functions that not necessarily take the same argument. Typically, // the src pointer and the dest pointer use different types. // How does this work without crashing is a miracle of IT. // To be used with getConvFromUnicode method of CharSet class ULONG convert(ULONG srcLen, const USHORT* src, ULONG dstLen, UCHAR* dst, ULONG* badInputPos = NULL, bool ignoreTrailingSpaces = false) { return convert(srcLen, reinterpret_cast(src), dstLen, dst, badInputPos, ignoreTrailingSpaces); } // To be used with getConvToUnicode method of CharSet class ULONG convert(ULONG srcLen, const UCHAR* src, ULONG dstLen, // Beware: in bytes, not in characters USHORT* dst, ULONG* badInputPos = NULL, bool ignoreTrailingSpaces = false) { return convert(srcLen, src, dstLen, reinterpret_cast(dst), badInputPos, ignoreTrailingSpaces); } // To be used for arbitrary conversions ULONG convert(const ULONG srcLen, const UCHAR* src, const ULONG dstLen, UCHAR* dst, ULONG* badInputPos = NULL, bool ignoreTrailingSpaces = false) { if (badInputPos) *badInputPos = srcLen; USHORT errCode = 0; ULONG errPos = 0; if (cnvt2) { ULONG len = (*cnvt1->csconvert_fn_convert)(cnvt1, srcLen, NULL, 0, NULL, &errCode, &errPos); if (len == INTL_BAD_STR_LENGTH || errCode != 0) raiseError(dstLen, srcLen); fb_assert(len % sizeof(USHORT) == 0); Firebird::HalfStaticArray temp; len = (*cnvt1->csconvert_fn_convert)(cnvt1, srcLen, src, len, reinterpret_cast(temp.getBuffer(len / 2)), &errCode, &errPos); if (len == INTL_BAD_STR_LENGTH) raiseError(isc_transliteration_failed); if (errCode == CS_BAD_INPUT && badInputPos) *badInputPos = errPos; else if (errCode != 0) raiseError(isc_transliteration_failed); fb_assert(len % sizeof(USHORT) == 0); temp.shrink(len / 2); len = (*cnvt2->csconvert_fn_convert)(cnvt2, len, reinterpret_cast(temp.begin()), dstLen, dst, &errCode, &errPos); if (len == INTL_BAD_STR_LENGTH) { raiseError(isc_transliteration_failed); } else if (errCode == CS_TRUNCATION_ERROR) { fb_assert(errPos % sizeof(USHORT) == 0); errPos /= sizeof(USHORT); if (ignoreTrailingSpaces) { const USHORT* end = temp.end(); const USHORT* p; for (p = temp.begin() + errPos; p < end; ++p) { if (*p != 0x20) // space { if (badInputPos) break; raiseError(dstLen, srcLen); } } if (p >= end) // only spaces found badInputPos = NULL; } else { if (!badInputPos) raiseError(dstLen, srcLen); } if (badInputPos) { // ASF: We should report the bad pos in context of the source string. // Convert the "good" UTF-16 buffer to it to know the length. Firebird::HalfStaticArray dummyBuffer; USHORT dummyErr; ULONG dummyPos; *badInputPos = (*charSet1->charset_from_unicode.csconvert_fn_convert)( &charSet1->charset_from_unicode, errPos * sizeof(USHORT), reinterpret_cast(temp.begin()), srcLen, dummyBuffer.getBuffer(srcLen), &dummyErr, &dummyPos); } } else if (errCode != 0) raiseError(isc_transliteration_failed); return len; } const ULONG len = (*cnvt1->csconvert_fn_convert)( cnvt1, srcLen, src, dstLen, dst, &errCode, &errPos); if (len == INTL_BAD_STR_LENGTH) raiseError(isc_transliteration_failed); if (errCode == CS_BAD_INPUT && badInputPos) *badInputPos = errPos; else if (errCode != 0) { if (ignoreTrailingSpaces && errCode == CS_TRUNCATION_ERROR) { const UCHAR* end = src + srcLen - charSet1->charset_space_length; for (const UCHAR* p = src + errPos; p <= end; p += charSet1->charset_space_length) { if (memcmp(p, charSet1->charset_space_character, charSet1->charset_space_length) != 0) { if (badInputPos) { *badInputPos = errPos; break; } raiseError(dstLen, srcLen); } } } else if (errCode == CS_TRUNCATION_ERROR) { if (badInputPos) *badInputPos = errPos; else raiseError(dstLen, srcLen); } else raiseError(isc_transliteration_failed); } return len; } // To be used for measure length of conversion ULONG convertLength(ULONG srcLen) { USHORT errCode; ULONG errPos; ULONG len = (*cnvt1->csconvert_fn_convert)(cnvt1, srcLen, NULL, 0, NULL, &errCode, &errPos); if (cnvt2) { if (len != INTL_BAD_STR_LENGTH && errCode == 0) len = (*cnvt2->csconvert_fn_convert)(cnvt2, len, NULL, 0, NULL, &errCode, &errPos); } if (len == INTL_BAD_STR_LENGTH || errCode != 0) raiseError(isc_string_truncation); return len; } const char* getName() const { return cnvt1->csconvert_name; } csconvert* getStruct() const { return cnvt1; } private: charset* charSet1; charset* charSet2; csconvert* cnvt1; csconvert* cnvt2; private: void raiseError(ISC_STATUS code) { Firebird::status_exception::raise(Firebird::Arg::Gds(isc_arith_except) << Firebird::Arg::Gds(code)); } void raiseError(ULONG dstLen, ULONG srcLen) { Firebird::status_exception::raise(Firebird::Arg::Gds(isc_arith_except) << Firebird::Arg::Gds(isc_string_truncation) << Firebird::Arg::Gds(isc_trunc_limits) << Firebird::Arg::Num(dstLen) << Firebird::Arg::Num(srcLen)); } }; } // namespace Jrd #endif // JRD_CSCONVERT_H