:: This bat sets the environment values :: ROOT_PATH dos format path of the main directory :: DB_PATH unix format path of the main directory :: VS_VER VisualStudio version (msvc6|msvc7) @echo off ::================= :SET_DB_DIR @if "%ISC_USER%"=="" (set ISC_USER=SYSDBA) @if "%ISC_PASSWORD%"=="" (set ISC_PASSWORD=masterke) @cd ..\.. @for /f "delims=" %%a in ('@cd') do (set ROOT_PATH=%%a) @cd %~dp0 for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('@echo %ROOT_PATH:\=/%') do (set DB_PATH=%%a) @msdev /? >nul 2>nul @if not errorlevel 9009 ((set MSVC_VERSION=6) & (set VS_VER=msvc6) & (goto :END)) @devenv /? >nul 2>nul @if not errorlevel 9009 ((set MSVC_VERSION=7) & (set VS_VER=msvc7) & (goto :END)) ::=========== :HELP @echo. @echo ERROR: A working version of visual studio cannot be found on your current path. @echo You need MS Visual Studio 6 or 7 to build Firebird from these batch files. @echo. :: set errorlevel @exit /B 1 :END @echo. @echo vs_ver=%VS_VER% @echo msvc_version=%MSVC_VERSION% @echo db_path=%DB_PATH% @echo root_path=%ROOT_PATH% @echo.