#ifndef STR_PARAMETER #define STR_PARAMETER(name, value) static const char* name = #name; static const char* name##Value = value; #define INT_PARAMETER(name, value) static const char* name = #name; static int name##Value = value; #define BOOL_PARAMETER(name, value) static const char* name = #name; static bool name##Value = value; #endif STR_PARAMETER (RootDirectory, 0) INT_PARAMETER (SortMemBlockSize, 1048576) // bytes #ifdef SUPERSERVER INT_PARAMETER (SortMemUpperLimit, 67108864) // bytes #elif defined(WIN_NT) // win32 CS INT_PARAMETER (SortMemUpperLimit, 8388608) // bytes #else // non-win32 CS INT_PARAMETER (SortMemUpperLimit, 0) // bytes #endif BOOL_PARAMETER (RemoteFileOpenAbility, false) INT_PARAMETER (GuardianOption, 1) INT_PARAMETER (CpuAffinityMask, 1) BOOL_PARAMETER (OldParameterOrdering, false) INT_PARAMETER (TcpRemoteBufferSize, 8192) // bytes BOOL_PARAMETER (TcpNoNagle, false) INT_PARAMETER (IpcMapSize, 4096) // bytes #ifdef SUPERSERVER INT_PARAMETER (DefaultDbCachePages, 2048) // pages #else INT_PARAMETER (DefaultDbCachePages, 75) // pages #endif INT_PARAMETER (ConnectionTimeout, 180) // seconds INT_PARAMETER (DummyPacketInterval, 0) // seconds #if defined(WIN_NT) && !defined(SUPERSERVER) INT_PARAMETER (LockMemSize, 1048576) // bytes #else INT_PARAMETER (LockMemSize, 262144) // bytes #endif INT_PARAMETER (LockSemCount, 32) // semaphores INT_PARAMETER (LockSignal, 16) // signal # BOOL_PARAMETER (LockGrantOrder, true) INT_PARAMETER (LockHashSlots, 101) // slots INT_PARAMETER (LockAcquireSpins, 0) INT_PARAMETER (EventMemSize, 65536) // bytes INT_PARAMETER (DeadlockTimeout, 10) // seconds INT_PARAMETER (SolarisStallValue, 60) // seconds BOOL_PARAMETER (TraceMemoryPools, false) // for internal use only INT_PARAMETER (PrioritySwitchDelay, 100) // milliseconds INT_PARAMETER (DeadThreadsCollection, 50) // number of PrioritySwitchDelay cycles before dead threads collection INT_PARAMETER (PriorityBoost, 5) // ratio oh high- to low-priority thread ticks in jrd.cpp #ifdef FB_SERVICE_NAME STR_PARAMETER (RemoteServiceName, FB_SERVICE_NAME) INT_PARAMETER (RemoteServicePort, 0) STR_PARAMETER (RemotePipeName, FB_PIPE_NAME) STR_PARAMETER (IpcName, FB_IPC_NAME) #endif #ifdef WIN_NT INT_PARAMETER (MaxUnflushedWrites, 100) INT_PARAMETER (MaxUnflushedWriteTime, 5) #else INT_PARAMETER (MaxUnflushedWrites, -1) INT_PARAMETER (MaxUnflushedWriteTime, -1) #endif INT_PARAMETER (ProcessPriorityLevel, 0) BOOL_PARAMETER (CreateInternalWindow, true) BOOL_PARAMETER (CompleteBooleanEvaluation, false) INT_PARAMETER (RemoteAuxPort, 0) STR_PARAMETER (RemoteBindAddress, 0) STR_PARAMETER (ExternalFileAccess, "None") // location(s) of external files for tables STR_PARAMETER (DatabaseAccess, "Full") // location(s) of databases STR_PARAMETER (UdfAccess, "Restrict UDF") // location(s) of UDFs STR_PARAMETER (TempDirectories, 0) //INT_PARAMETER (TraceDSQL, 0} // bitmask STR_PARAMETER (LockFileName, 0) STR_PARAMETER (SecurityDatabase, "None") BOOL_PARAMETER (DatabaseFileShared, false) INT_PARAMETER (TraceFlags, 0) STR_PARAMETER (SecurityManager, "SecurityDb") INT_PARAMETER (CommitInterval, 200)