// -*- Coding: utf-8; -*- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 1999-2004, International Business Machines // Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // THIS IS A MACHINE-GENERATED FILE // Tool: \icu4j\src\com\ibm\icu\dev\tool\translit\dumpICURules.bat // Source: \icu4j\src\com\ibm\icu\impl\data/Transliterator_Latin_NumericPinyin.txt // Date: Fri May 28 17:07:31 2004 //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Latin_NumericPinyin t_Latn_NPinyn { Rule { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // According to the pinyin definitions I've been able to find: // 'a', 'e' are the preferred bases // otherwise 'o' // otherwise last vowel // The trailing form of syllables are the following: // "a", "ai", "ao", "an", "ang", // "o", "ou", "ong", // "e", "ei", "er", "en", "eng", // "i", "ia", "iao", "ie", "iu", "ian", "in", "iang", "ing", "iong", // "u", "ua", "uo", "uai", "ui", "uan", "un", "uang", "ueng", // "ü", "üe", "üan", "ün" // so the letters the tone will 'hop' are: "::NFD (NFC);" "$tone = [\u0304\u0301\u030C\u0300\u0306] ;" // Move the tone to the end of a syllable, and convert to number "e {($tone) r} > r &tone-digit($1);" "($tone) ( [i o n u {o n} {n g}]) > $2 &tone-digit($1);" "($tone) > &tone-digit($1);" // The following backs up until it finds the right vowel, then deposits the tone "$vowel = [aAeEiIoOuUüÜ];" "$consonant = [[a-z A-Z] - [$vowel]];" "$digit = [1-5];" "$1 &digit-tone($3) $2 < ([aAeE]) ($vowel* $consonant*) ($digit);" "$1 &digit-tone($3) $2 < ([oO]) ([$vowel-[aeAE]]* $consonant*) ($digit);" "$1 &digit-tone($3) $2 < ($vowel) ($consonant*) ($digit);" "&digit-tone($1) < [:letter:] {($digit)};" "::NFC (NFD);" } }