There are two VisualStudio builds, msvc6 and msvc7. The msvc7 build is the official build of FB in win32.
Under the directory where you put Firebird2 sources you will see the following directories
- builds
- mac_os_x (Mac os X build scripts)
- posix (Posix build scripts)
- win32 (Msvc build scripts)
- .....
- doc
- sql.extensions
- src
- ....
- lang_helpers
- ....
- examples
- ....
After you build Firebird you also will see the following temporary directories
- gen (cpp files generated from epp, exe and fdb's.)
- temp (compiler temporary)
- output (build output)
To prepare the standard msvc build of FB you need:
- Microsoft VisualStudio 6 or 7.
- sed unix utility
If you intend to prepare an installable build, you will need innosetup.
To download the utilities use the following links
- My Inno setup extensions
- Sed
2.1.-Visual Studio
- Install VisualStudio 6/7
- If you use VisualStudio 6, before building Firebird and its tools, you need to apply some patches from the following site
2.3.-Inno setup
4.1.-Standard build
- Open a command line window.
- Go to the firebird2\builds\win32 directory.
- Run the following batches in order (your version of VisualStudio is detected automatically)
- make_icu.bat [DEBUG] [CLEAN]
- make_boot.bat [DEBUG] [CLEAN]
- make_all.bat [DEBUG] [CLEAN]
After the build finish, an output directory with the binaries is created below your firebird2 directory.
- To make a clean build from scratch after making changes to the code use the clean_all.bat script
4.2.-Parser rebuild
If you change parser.y you will need to rebuild parser.cpp, to do so use parse.bat
4.3.-Examples build
The examples build prepare two databases that will be needed to compile the examples in a distribution. If you intend to prepare a distribution then run the examples batch before:
- make_examples.bat
4.4.-Installer build
Remember, you need sed and innosetup in the path to build the installer
- Open a command line window.
- Go to the firebird2\builds\install\arch-specific\win32 directory.
- The batch to build the installer is
BuildExecutableInstall.bat [DEBUG] [CS]
Where DEBUG means if the build is a debug one or not and CS means classic server installer.- After you start the batch, you will get a InnoSetup window. To build the install exe select the option compile, and a new exe will appear in builds/win32/install_image
4.4.-Building samples
After the standard build is finished, an output directory with the same structure as the installed FB directory is created.
If you want to build the examples just cd to firebird2\output\examples\build_win32 and run run_all.bat
Run_all.bat calls four other bats to make the example sets. Any example set can be build independently with its make_XXX script.
The example sets are:
- api (API Interface)
- dyn (embedded dynamic SQL)
- stat (embedded static SQL)
- udf (User defined functions)