; The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public ; License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file ; except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy ; of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html ; ; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an ; "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express ; or implied. See the License for the specific language governing ; rights and limitations under the License. ; ; The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation ; and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are ; Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation. ; ; All Rights Reserved. ; Contributor(s): ______________________________________. .title gdsentry "GDS Shareable Library Entry Vector" .macro entry foo .transfer foo .mask foo jmp l^foo+2 .endm .macro no_entry foo foo:: .mask PYXIS_bugcheck jmp l^PYXIS_bugcheck+2 .endm entry gds__attach_database entry gds__blob_info entry gds__cancel_blob entry gds__close_blob entry gds__commit_transaction entry gds__compile_request entry gds__create_blob entry gds__create_database entry gds__database_info entry gds__detach_database entry gds__get_segment entry gds__open_blob entry gds__prepare_transaction entry gds__put_segment entry gds__reconnect_transaction entry gds__receive entry gds__release_request entry gds__request_info entry gds__rollback_transaction entry gds__send entry gds__start_and_send entry gds__start_request entry gds__start_multiple entry gds__start_transaction entry gds__transaction_info entry gds__unwind_request entry gds__decode_date entry gds__encode_date entry gds__print_status entry gds__sqlcode entry gds__ftof entry gds__qtoq entry gds__vtof entry gds__vtov entry gds__alloc entry gds__free entry perf_format entry perf_get_info entry perf_report entry gds__temp_file entry gds__vax_integer entry gds__encode entry gds__decode entry gds__interprete entry gds__edit entry blob_close entry blob__display entry blob_display entry blob__dump entry blob_dump entry blob__edit entry blob_edit entry blob_get entry blob__load entry blob_load entry bopen entry blob_open entry blob_put entry unlink entry gds__compile_request2 entry gds__print_blr entry gds__version entry gds__ddl no_entry gds__ddl_fini no_entry gds__ddl_init no_entry gds__ddl_relation_defined no_entry gds__ddl_update entry gds__close entry gds__declare entry gds__describe entry gds__execute entry gds__execute_immediate entry gds__fetch entry gds__open entry gds__prepare entry gds__to_sqlda entry PYXIS_BOX entry PYXIS_CLONE entry PYXIS_CREATE_ENTREE entry PYXIS_CREATE_OBJECT entry PYXIS_find_index entry PYXIS_DEFINE_FORMS_RELATION entry PYXIS_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE entry PYXIS_DELETE_FORM entry PYXIS_DELETE_NAMED_ATTRIBUTE entry PYXIS_DELETE_OBJECT entry pyxis__insert entry pyxis__fetch entry PYXIS_DUMP entry PYXIS_DUMP_LENGTH entry PYXIS_EDIT entry PYXIS_FIND_OBJECT no_entry pyxis__dummy4 entry PYXIS_FORMAT_FORM entry PYXIS_FORMAT_MENU no_entry PYXIS_CREATE_PROMPT entry PYXIS_GET_ATTRIBUTE entry PYXIS_GET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE entry PYXIS_GET_CHAR entry PYXIS_GET_DATA no_entry PYXIS_GET_NUMBER entry PYXIS_GET_STRING entry PYXIS_GET_VALUE entry pyxis__compile_sub_map no_entry pyxis__dummy3 entry PYXIS_MENU entry PYXIS_MOVE entry PYXIS_NAVIGATE entry PYXIS_POP_FORM no_entry PYXIS_PROMPT entry PYXIS_PUSH_FORM entry PYXIS_PUSH_TAG entry PYXIS_PUT_ATTRIBUTE entry PYXIS_PUT_DESC no_entry PYXIS_PUT_NUMBER entry PYXIS_PUT_SEGMENT no_entry PYXIS_PUT_STRING entry PYXIS_REFERENCE entry PYXIS_RELATION_FIELDS entry PYXIS_RELATION_FORM entry PYXIS_REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE no_entry pyxis__dummy1 entry PYXIS_SELECT entry PYXIS_SET_DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTE entry PYXIS_SET_FIELD_OPTIONS entry PYXIS_STORE_FORM entry PYXIS_UPDATE no_entry pyxis__dummy2 entry PYXIS_BUGCHECK entry PYXIS_COMPUTE_SIZE entry PYXIS_ERROR entry PYXIS_LOAD entry PYXIS_position entry PYXIS_find_field entry pyxis__load_form entry pyxis__drive_form entry pyxis__compile_map entry pyxis__create_window entry pyxis__delete_window entry pyxis__pop_window entry pyxis__suspend_window entry pyxis__menu entry pyxis__reset_form entry gds__put_error entry pyxis__delete entry gds__blob_size entry gds__attach_database_d entry gds__execute_immediate_d entry gds__prepare_d entry gds__fetch_a entry PYXIS_GET_UPDATED entry PYXIS_TRACE_IN entry PYXIS_TRACE_OUT entry gds__cancel_events entry gds__commit_retaining entry gds__create_blob2 entry gds__enable_subsystem entry gds__msg_format entry gds__open_blob2 entry gds__prepare_transaction2 entry gds__que_events entry gds__register_cleanup entry gds__set_debug entry gds__event_block entry gds__event_counts entry gds__msg_lookup entry gds__msg_open entry gds__msg_put entry gds__parse_bpb entry pyxis__drive_menu entry pyxis__get_entree entry pyxis__initialize_menu entry pyxis__put_entree entry gds__get_slice entry gds__put_slice entry PYXIS_GET_KEYNAME entry gds__prefix entry gds__dsql_finish entry gds__event_wait entry gds__thread_start entry gds__thread_wait entry gds__thread_enter entry gds__thread_exit entry gds__thread_enable entry gds__describe_bind entry gds__log entry gds__completion_ast entry gds__ast_active entry gds__wake_init entry gds__disable_subsystem entry isc_attach_database entry isc_blob_info entry isc_cancel_blob entry isc_cancel_events entry isc_close_blob entry isc_commit_retaining entry isc_commit_transaction entry isc_compile_request entry isc_compile_request2 entry isc_create_blob entry isc_create_blob2 entry isc_create_database entry isc_database_info entry isc_ddl entry isc_decode_date entry isc_detach_database entry isc_event_counts entry isc_ftof entry isc_get_segment entry isc_get_slice entry isc_interprete entry isc_open_blob entry isc_open_blob2 entry isc_prepare_transaction entry isc_prepare_transaction2 entry isc_print_status entry isc_put_segment entry isc_put_slice entry isc_qtoq entry isc_que_events entry isc_receive entry isc_reconnect_transaction entry isc_release_request entry isc_request_info entry isc_rollback_transaction entry isc_send entry isc_sqlcode entry isc_start_and_send entry isc_start_multiple entry isc_start_transaction entry isc_start_request entry isc_transaction_info entry isc_unwind_request entry isc_version entry isc_vtof entry isc_vtov entry isc_wait_for_event entry isc_close entry isc_declare entry isc_describe entry isc_describe_bind entry isc_dsql_finish entry isc_dsql_release entry isc_execute entry isc_execute_immediate entry isc_fetch entry isc_fetch_a entry isc_open entry isc_prepare entry isc_to_sqlda entry isc_array_lookup_desc entry isc_array_lookup_bounds entry isc_array_set_desc entry isc_array_gen_sdl entry isc_array_get_slice entry isc_array_put_slice entry isc_compile_map entry isc_compile_menu entry isc_compile_sub_map entry isc_create_window entry isc_delete_window entry isc_drive_form entry isc_drive_menu entry isc_form_delete entry isc_form_fetch entry isc_form_insert entry isc_get_entree entry isc_initialize_menu entry isc_load_form entry isc_menu entry isc_pop_window entry isc_put_entree entry isc_reset_form entry isc_suspend_window entry isc_event_block entry gds__seek_blob entry isc_seek_blob entry isc_encode_date entry isc_print_blr entry gds__database_cleanup entry isc_database_cleanup entry isc_set_debug entry isc_print_sqlerror entry isc_sql_interprete entry gds__event_block_a entry gds__interprete_a entry isc_execute_immediate_d entry isc_prepare_d entry isc_dsql_execute entry isc_dsql_execute_m entry isc_dsql_execute_immediate entry isc_dsql_execute_immediate_m entry isc_dsql_fetch entry isc_dsql_fetch_a entry isc_dsql_fetch_m entry isc_dsql_free_statement entry isc_dsql_prepare entry isc_dsql_prepare_m entry isc_dsql_set_cursor_name entry isc_dsql_sql_info entry isc_dsql_allocate_statement entry isc_dsql_describe entry isc_dsql_describe_bind entry isc_embed_dsql_close entry isc_embed_dsql_declare entry isc_embed_dsql_execute entry isc_embed_dsql_execute_immed entry isc_embed_dsql_fetch entry isc_embed_dsql_fetch_a entry isc_embed_dsql_open entry isc_embed_dsql_prepare entry isc_embed_dsql_release entry isc_embed_dsql_describe entry isc_embed_dsql_describe_bind entry isc_embed_dsql_execute_immed_d entry isc_embed_dsql_prepare_d entry isc_dsql_execute_immediate_d entry isc_dsql_prepare_d entry isc_baddress entry gds__map_blobs entry isc_dsql_alloc_statement2 entry isc_vax_integer entry BLOB_text_dump entry BLOB_text_load .end