@echo off :: Reset or clear some variables, as appropriate. set ERRLEV=0 set FB_NOCLEAN= set FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE=release set FBBUILD_INCLUDE_PDB= :: Read the command line for %%v in ( %* ) do ( ( if /I "%%v"=="NOCLEAN" (set FB_NOCLEAN=1) ) ( if /I "%%v"=="DEBUG" (set FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE=debug) ) ( if /I "%%v"=="PDB" (set FBBUILD_INCLUDE_PDB=1) ) ) :: Go to work if not defined FB_NOCLEAN (call clean_all) :: We do not support debug builds of icu, so we don't pass %FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE% call make_icu if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END call make_boot %FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE% if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END call make_all %FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE% if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END call make_examples %FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE% if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END :: Package everything up pushd ..\install\arch-specific\win32 call BuildExecutableInstall ISX ZIP EMB %FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE% if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" (popd & goto :END) if defined FBBUILD_INCLUDE_PDB ( set FBBUILD_PACKAGE_NUMBER= call BuildExecutableInstall ISX ZIP EMB %FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE% PDB ) popd goto:END :END