Program update; {* * PROGRAM: Object oriented API samples. * MODULE: 02.update.cpp * DESCRIPTION: Run once prepared statement with parameters * a few times, committing transaction after each run. * Learns how to prepare statement, manually define parameters * for it, execute that statement with different parameters * and perform non-default error processing. * * Example for the following interfaces: * IAttachment - database attachment * ITransaction - transaction * IStatement - SQL statement execution * IMessageMetadata - describe input and output data format * IMetadataBuilder - tool to modify/create metadata * IStatus - return state holder * * Note that all updates are rolled back in this version. (see *** later) * * Run something like this to build the program : * * fpc -Fu./common -Fu/opt/firebird/include/firebird -FUlib -oupdate 02.update.pas * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial * Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed AS IS, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Paul Reeves * for the Firebird Open Source RDBMS project. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * *} {$mode Delphi}{$H+} Uses SysUtils, Firebird; Type Buffer = String [255]; Var // master and status are required for all access to the API. // This is main interface of firebird, and the only one // for getting which there is special function in our API master: IMaster; // Status is used to return error description to user status: IStatus; // Provider is needed to start to work with database (or service) prov: IProvider; // declare pointers to required interfaces att: IAttachment; tra: ITransaction; // Interface executes prepared SQL statement stmt: IStatement; // Interfaces provides access to format of data in messages meta: IMessageMetadata; // Interface makes it possible to change format of data or define it yourself builder: IMetadataBuilder; Dept_Data: Array[0..4] Of String = ( '622', '100', '116', '900', '0' ); Percent_data: Array[0..4] Of Double = ( 0.05, 1.00, 0.075, 0.10, 0 ); i: Integer; InputBuffer: Buffer; len: Integer; PPercent_inc: PChar; PDept_no: PChar; Const UpdateString = 'UPDATE department SET budget = ? * budget + budget WHERE dept_no = ?'; SQL_DIALECT_V6 = 3; SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT = SQL_DIALECT_V6; SQL_TEXT = 452; // CHAR SQL_DOUBLE = 480; // DOUBLE PRECISION Procedure PrintError( AMaster: IMaster; AStatus: IStatus ); Var maxMessage: Integer; outMessage: PAnsiChar; Begin maxMessage := 256; outMessage := StrAlloc( maxMessage ); AMaster.getUtilInterface.formatStatus( outMessage, maxMessage, AStatus ); writeln( outMessage ); StrDispose( outMessage ); End; // Get the department and percent parameters for an example to run. Begin master := fb_get_master_interface; status := master.getStatus; Try // the main dispatcher is returned by a call to IMaster // no errors can occur - this function will always succeed prov := master.getDispatcher; // We assume that ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD env vars are set. Otherwise, // see code in 01.create for an example of setting the un/pw via the dpb. att := prov.attachDatabase( status, 'employee', 0, nil ); writeln( 'Attached to database employee.fdb' ); // start transaction tra := att.startTransaction( status, 0, nil ); // prepare statement stmt := att.prepare( status, tra, 0, UpdateString, SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT, 0 ); // build metadata // IMaster creates empty new metadata in builder builder := master.getMetadataBuilder( status, 2 ); // set required info on fields builder.setType( status, 0, SQL_DOUBLE + 1 ); builder.setType( status, 1, SQL_TEXT + 1 ); builder.setLength( status, 1, 3 ); // IMetadata should be ready meta := builder.getMetadata( status ); // no need for builder any more builder.Release( ); builder := nil; len := meta.getMessageLength( status ); If ( len > sizeof( InputBuffer ) ) Then Raise Exception.Create( 'Input message length too big - cannot continue' ) Else FillChar( InputBuffer, SizeOf( InputBuffer ), 0 ); i := meta.getNullOffset( status, 0 ); InputBuffer[i] := Char( 0 ); i := meta.getNullOffset( status, 1 ); InputBuffer[i] := Char( 0 ); Try // locations of parameters in input message PPercent_inc := PChar( @InputBuffer [meta.getOffset( status, 0 )] ); PDept_no := PChar( @InputBuffer [meta.getOffset( status, 1 )] ); For i := 0 To length( Dept_Data ) - 1 Do Begin If ( Dept_Data [i] = '0' ) Or ( Percent_data [i] = 0 ) Then break; StrPCopy( PPercent_inc, Percent_data [i].ToString ); StrPCopy( PDept_no, Dept_Data [i] ); WriteLn( 'Increasing budget for department: ' + PDept_no + ' by ' + PPercent_inc + ' percent.' ); Try stmt.Execute( status, tra, meta, @InputBuffer, nil, nil ); // Save/Cancel each department's update independently. // *** Change to commitRetaining() to see changes // *** tra.commitRetaining(status); tra.rollbackRetaining( status ); Except on E: FBException Do Begin PrintError( master, status ); tra.rollbackRetaining( status ); End; End; End; stmt.Free( status ); stmt := nil; meta.Release; meta := nil; tra.commit( status ); tra := nil; att.detach( status ); att := nil; Except on E: FBException Do Begin PrintError( master, status ); tra.rollbackRetaining( status ); End; on E: Exception Do WriteLn( E.Message ); End; Finally If assigned( meta ) Then meta.Release; If assigned( builder ) Then builder.Release; If assigned( stmt ) Then stmt.Release; If assigned( tra ) Then tra.Release; If assigned( att ) Then att.Release; prov.Release; status.dispose; End; End.