@echo off ::Set up the compiler environment if DEFINED VS71COMNTOOLS ( @devenv /? >nul 2>nul @if errorlevel 9009 (call "%VS71COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat") else ( echo The file: & echo %VS71COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat & echo has already been executed.) ) else ( @msdev /? >nul 2>nul @if errorlevel 9009 (call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\vcvars32.bat") else (echo MSVC6 vcvars.bat has already been executed.) ) @echo. :: Set env vars @call setenvvar.bat ::=========== :: Read input values @set DBG= @set DBG_DIR=release @set CLEAN=/build @if "%1"=="DEBUG" ((set DBG=TRUE) && (set DBG_DIR=debug)) @if "%2"=="DEBUG" ((set DBG=TRUE) && (set DBG_DIR=debug)) @if "%1"=="CLEAN" (set CLEAN=/rebuild) @if "%2"=="CLEAN" (set CLEAN=/rebuild) ::========== :: MAIN @if "%DBG%"=="" ( call :RELEASE ) else ( call :DEBUG ) ::=========== :RELEASE @echo Building release... if "%VS_VER%"=="msvc6" ( @msdev %ROOT_PATH%\extern\icu\source\allinone\allinone.dsw /MAKE "all - Win32 Release" %CLEAN% /OUT make_icu.log ) else ( @devenv %ROOT_PATH%\extern\icu\source\allinone\allinone.sln %CLEAN% release /OUT make_icu.log ) if errorlevel 1 call :ERROR Release build failed @goto :EOF ::=========== :DEBUG @echo Building debug... if "%VS_VER%"=="msvc6" ( @msdev %ROOT_PATH%\extern\icu\source\allinone\allinone.dsw /MAKE "all - Win32 Debug" %CLEAN% /OUT make_icu.log ) else ( @devenv %ROOT_PATH%\extern\icu\source\allinone\allinone.sln %CLEAN% release /OUT make_icu.log ) if errorlevel 1 call :ERROR Debug build failed @goto :EOF :ERROR ::==== @echo. @echo An error occurred while running make_icu.bat - @echo %* @echo. set ERRLEV=1 cancel_script > nul 2>&1 ::End of ERROR ::------------ @goto :EOF