//____________________________________________________________ // // PROGRAM: C preprocess // MODULE: int_cxx.cpp // DESCRIPTION: Code generate for internal JRD modules // // The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public // License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing // rights and limitations under the License. // // The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation // and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are // Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation. // // All Rights Reserved. // Contributor(s): ______________________________________. // TMN (Mike Nordell) 11.APR.2001 - Reduce compiler warnings in generated code // // //____________________________________________________________ // // #include "firebird.h" #include #include "../jrd/common.h" #include #include "../jrd/ibase.h" #include "../gpre/gpre.h" #include "../gpre/gpre_proto.h" #include "../gpre/lang_proto.h" #include "../jrd/gds_proto.h" #include "../common/utils_proto.h" static void align(const int); static void asgn_from(REF, int); #ifdef NOT_USED_OR_REPLACED static void asgn_to(REF); #endif static void gen_at_end(const act*, int); static void gen_blr(void*, SSHORT, const char*); static void gen_compile(const gpre_req*, int); static void gen_database(const act*, int); static void gen_emodify(const act*, int); static void gen_estore(const act*, int, bool); static void gen_endfor(const act*, int); static void gen_erase(const act*, int); static void gen_for(const act*, int); static char* gen_name(char* const, const ref*); static void gen_raw(const gpre_req*); static void gen_receive(const gpre_req*, const gpre_port*); static void gen_request(const gpre_req*); static void gen_routine(const act*, int); static void gen_s_end(const act*, int); static void gen_s_fetch(const act*, int); static void gen_s_start(const act*, int); static void gen_send(const gpre_req*, const gpre_port*, int, bool); static void gen_start(const gpre_req*, const gpre_port*, int, bool); static void gen_type(const act*, int); static void gen_variable(const act*, int); static void make_port(gpre_port*, int); static void printa(const int, const TEXT*, ...); static bool global_first_flag = false; const int INDENT = 3; static const char* const GDS_VTOV = "gds__vtov"; static const char* const JRD_VTOF = "jrd_vtof"; static const char* const VTO_CALL = "%s ((const char*)%s, (char*)%s, %d);"; static inline void begin(const int column) { printa(column, "{"); } static inline void endp(const int column) { printa(column, "}"); } //____________________________________________________________ // // void INT_CXX_action( const act* action, int column) { // Put leading braces where required switch (action->act_type) { case ACT_for: case ACT_insert: case ACT_modify: case ACT_store: case ACT_s_fetch: case ACT_s_start: begin(column); align(column); } switch (action->act_type) { case ACT_at_end: gen_at_end(action, column); return; case ACT_b_declare: case ACT_database: gen_database(action, column); return; case ACT_endfor: gen_endfor(action, column); break; case ACT_endmodify: gen_emodify(action, column); break; case ACT_endstore: gen_estore(action, column, false); break; case ACT_endstore_special: gen_estore(action, column, true); break; case ACT_erase: gen_erase(action, column); return; case ACT_for: gen_for(action, column); return; case ACT_hctef: break; case ACT_insert: case ACT_routine: gen_routine(action, column); return; case ACT_s_end: gen_s_end(action, column); return; case ACT_s_fetch: gen_s_fetch(action, column); return; case ACT_s_start: gen_s_start(action, column); break; case ACT_type_number: gen_type(action, column); return; case ACT_variable: gen_variable(action, column); return; default: return; } // Put in a trailing brace for those actions still with us endp(column); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Align output to a specific column for output. // static void align(const int column) { int i; if (column < 0) return; putc('\n', gpreGlob.out_file); for (i = column / 8; i; --i) putc('\t', gpreGlob.out_file); for (i = column % 8; i; --i) putc(' ', gpreGlob.out_file); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Build an assignment from a host language variable to // a port variable. // static void asgn_from( REF reference, int column) { TEXT variable[MAX_REF_SIZE]; TEXT temp[MAX_REF_SIZE]; for (; reference; reference = reference->ref_next) { const gpre_fld* field = reference->ref_field; align(column); gen_name(variable, reference); const TEXT* value; if (reference->ref_source) { value = gen_name(temp, reference->ref_source); } else { value = reference->ref_value; } // To avoid chopping off a double byte kanji character in between // the two bytes, generate calls to gds__ftof2 gds$_vtof2, // gds$_vtov2 and jrd_vtof2 wherever necessary if (!field || field->fld_dtype == dtype_text) fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, VTO_CALL, JRD_VTOF, value, variable, field ? field->fld_length : 0); else if (!field || field->fld_dtype == dtype_cstring) fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, VTO_CALL, GDS_VTOV, value, variable, field ? field->fld_length : 0); else fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "%s = %s;", variable, value); } } //____________________________________________________________ // // Build an assignment to a host language variable from // a port variable. // #ifdef NOT_USED_OR_REPLACED static void asgn_to( REF reference) { TEXT s[MAX_REF_SIZE]; REF source = reference->ref_friend; gpre_fld* field = source->ref_field; gen_name(s, source); // Repeated later down in function gen_emodify, but then // emitting jrd_ftof call. if (!field || field->fld_dtype == dtype_text) fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "gds__ftov (%s, %d, %s, sizeof (%s));", s, field ? field->fld_length : 0, reference->ref_value, reference->ref_value); else if (!field || field->fld_dtype == dtype_cstring) fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "gds__vtov((const char*)%s, (char*)%s, sizeof (%s));", s, reference->ref_value, reference->ref_value); else fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "%s = %s;", reference->ref_value, s); } #endif //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate code for AT END clause of FETCH. // static void gen_at_end( const act* action, int column) { TEXT s[MAX_REF_SIZE]; const gpre_req* request = action->act_request; printa(column, "if (!%s) ", gen_name(s, request->req_eof)); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Callback routine for BLR pretty printer. // static void gen_blr(void* user_arg, SSHORT offset, const char* string) { fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "%s\n", string); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate text to compile a request. // static void gen_compile( const gpre_req* request, int column) { column += INDENT; const dbb* db = request->req_database; const gpre_sym* symbol = db->dbb_name; fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "if (!%s)", request->req_handle); align(column); fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "%s = CMP_compile2 (tdbb, (UCHAR*)jrd_%"ULONGFORMAT", TRUE);", request->req_handle, request->req_ident); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate insertion text for the database statement. // static void gen_database( const act* action, int column) { if (global_first_flag) return; global_first_flag = true; align(0); for (const gpre_req* request = gpreGlob.requests; request; request = request->req_next) gen_request(request); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate substitution text for END_MODIFY. // static void gen_emodify( const act* action, int column) { TEXT s1[MAX_REF_SIZE], s2[MAX_REF_SIZE]; const upd* modify = (upd*) action->act_object; for (const ref* reference = modify->upd_port->por_references; reference; reference = reference->ref_next) { const ref* source = reference->ref_source; if (!source) { continue; } const gpre_fld* field = reference->ref_field; align(column); if (field->fld_dtype == dtype_text) fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "jrd_ftof (%s, %d, %s, %d);", gen_name(s1, source), field->fld_length, gen_name(s2, reference), field->fld_length); else if (field->fld_dtype == dtype_cstring) fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "gds__vtov((const char*)%s, (char*)%s, %d);", gen_name(s1, source), gen_name(s2, reference), field->fld_length); else fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "%s = %s;", gen_name(s1, reference), gen_name(s2, source)); } gen_send(action->act_request, modify->upd_port, column, false); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate substitution text for END_STORE. // static void gen_estore( const act* action, int column, bool special) { const gpre_req* request = action->act_request; align(column); gen_compile(request, column); gen_start(request, request->req_primary, column, special); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate definitions associated with a single request. // static void gen_endfor( const act* action, int column) { const gpre_req* request = action->act_request; column += INDENT; if (request->req_sync) gen_send(request, request->req_sync, column, false); endp(column); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate substitution text for ERASE. // static void gen_erase( const act* action, int column) { upd* erase = (upd*) action->act_object; gen_send(erase->upd_request, erase->upd_port, column, false); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate substitution text for FOR statement. // static void gen_for( const act* action, int column) { TEXT s[MAX_REF_SIZE]; gen_s_start(action, column); align(column); const gpre_req* request = action->act_request; fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "while (1)"); column += INDENT; begin(column); align(column); gen_receive(action->act_request, request->req_primary); align(column); fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "if (!%s) break;", gen_name(s, request->req_eof)); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate a name for a reference. Name is constructed from // port and parameter idents. // static char* gen_name(char* const string, const ref* reference) { fb_utils::snprintf(string, MAX_REF_SIZE, "jrd_%d.jrd_%d", reference->ref_port->por_ident, reference->ref_ident); return string; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate BLR in raw, numeric form. Ugly but dense. // static void gen_raw( const gpre_req* request) { TEXT buffer[80]; const UCHAR* blr = request->req_blr; int blr_length = request->req_length; TEXT* p = buffer; align(0); while (--blr_length) { const UCHAR c = *blr++; if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '$' || c == '_') sprintf(p, "'%c',", c); else sprintf(p, "%d,", c); while (*p) p++; if (p - buffer > 60) { fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "%s\n", buffer); p = buffer; *p = 0; } } fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "%s%d", buffer, blr_eoc); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate a send or receive call for a port. // static void gen_receive( const gpre_req* request, const gpre_port* port) { fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "EXE_receive (tdbb, %s, %d, %d, (UCHAR*)&jrd_%"ULONGFORMAT");", request->req_handle, port->por_msg_number, port->por_length, port->por_ident); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate definitions associated with a single request. // static void gen_request( const gpre_req* request) { if (!(request->req_flags & REQ_exp_hand)) fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "static void\t*%s;\t// request handle \n", request->req_handle); fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "static const UCHAR\tjrd_%"ULONGFORMAT" [%d] =", request->req_ident, request->req_length); align(INDENT); fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "{\t// blr string \n"); if (gpreGlob.sw_raw) gen_raw(request); else gds__print_blr(request->req_blr, gen_blr, 0, 0); printa(INDENT, "};\t// end of blr string \n"); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Process routine head. If there are gpreGlob.requests in the // routine, insert local definitions. // static void gen_routine( const act* action, int column) { for (const gpre_req* request = (gpre_req*) action->act_object; request; request = request->req_routine) { for (gpre_port* port = request->req_ports; port; port = port->por_next) make_port(port, column + INDENT); } } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate substitution text for END_STREAM. // static void gen_s_end( const act* action, int column) { const gpre_req* request = action->act_request; printa(column, "EXE_unwind (tdbb, %s);", request->req_handle); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate substitution text for FETCH. // static void gen_s_fetch( const act* action, int column) { const gpre_req* request = action->act_request; if (request->req_sync) gen_send(request, request->req_sync, column, false); gen_receive(action->act_request, request->req_primary); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate text to compile and start a stream. This is // used both by START_STREAM and FOR // static void gen_s_start( const act* action, int column) { const gpre_req* request = action->act_request; gen_compile(request, column); const gpre_port* port = request->req_vport; if (port) asgn_from(port->por_references, column); gen_start(request, port, column, false); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate a send or receive call for a port. // static void gen_send( const gpre_req* request, const gpre_port* port, int column, bool special) { if (special) { align(column); fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "if (ignore_perm)"); align(column); fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "\trequest->req_flags |= req_ignore_perm;"); } align(column); fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "EXE_send (tdbb, %s, %d, %d, (UCHAR*)&jrd_%"ULONGFORMAT");", request->req_handle, port->por_msg_number, port->por_length, port->por_ident); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate a START. // static void gen_start( const gpre_req* request, const gpre_port* port, int column, bool special) { align(column); fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "EXE_start (tdbb, %s, %s);", request->req_handle, request->req_trans); if (port) gen_send(request, port, column, special); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Substitute for a variable reference. // static void gen_type( const act* action, int column) { printa(column, "%ld", action->act_object); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Substitute for a variable reference. // static void gen_variable( const act* action, int column) { char s[MAX_REF_SIZE]; align(column); fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, gen_name(s, action->act_object)); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Insert a port record description in output. // static void make_port( gpre_port* port, int column) { printa(column, "struct {"); for (REF reference = port->por_references; reference; reference = reference->ref_next) { align(column + INDENT); gpre_fld* field = reference->ref_field; gpre_sym* symbol = field->fld_symbol; const TEXT* name = symbol->sym_string; switch (field->fld_dtype) { case dtype_short: fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, " SSHORT jrd_%d;\t// %s ", reference->ref_ident, name); break; case dtype_long: fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, " SLONG jrd_%d;\t// %s ", reference->ref_ident, name); break; // ** Begin sql date/time/timestamp * case dtype_sql_date: fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, " ISC_DATE jrd_%d;\t// %s ", reference->ref_ident, name); break; case dtype_sql_time: fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, " ISC_TIME jrd_%d;\t// %s ", reference->ref_ident, name); break; case dtype_timestamp: fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, " ISC_TIMESTAMP jrd_%d;\t// %s ", reference->ref_ident, name); break; // ** End sql date/time/timestamp * case dtype_int64: fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, " ISC_INT64 jrd_%d;\t// %s ", reference->ref_ident, name); break; case dtype_quad: fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, " ISC_QUAD jrd_%d;\t// %s ", reference->ref_ident, name); break; case dtype_blob: fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, " bid jrd_%d;\t// %s ", reference->ref_ident, name); break; case dtype_cstring: case dtype_text: fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, " TEXT jrd_%d [%d];\t// %s ", reference->ref_ident, field->fld_length, name); break; case dtype_real: fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, " float jrd_%d;\t// %s ", reference->ref_ident, name); break; case dtype_double: fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, " double jrd_%d;\t// %s ", reference->ref_ident, name); break; default: { TEXT s[ERROR_LENGTH]; fb_utils::snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "datatype %d unknown for field %s, msg %d", field->fld_dtype, name, port->por_msg_number); CPR_error(s); return; } } } align(column); fprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, "} jrd_%"ULONGFORMAT";", port->por_ident); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Print a fixed string at a particular column. // static void printa(const int column, const TEXT* string, ...) { va_list ptr; va_start(ptr, string); align(column); vfprintf(gpreGlob.out_file, string, ptr); va_end(ptr); }