======================= Autonomous Transactions ======================= Function: Runs a piece of code in an autonomous (independent) transaction. It's useful in cases where you need to raise an exception but do not want the database changes to be rolled-back. If exceptions are raised inside the body of an autonomous transaction block, the changes are rolled-back. If the block runs till the end, the transaction is committed. The new transaction is initiated with the same isolation level and lock timeout of the existing one. The only exception is that if existing transaction run in READ COMMITTED READ CONSISTENCY mode, then new autonomous transaction will run in CONCURRENCY mode. Should be used with caution to avoid deadlocks. Author: Adriano dos Santos Fernandes Syntax: in autonomous transaction do Example: create table log ( "date" timestamp, msg varchar(60) ); create exception e_conn 'Connection rejected'; set term !; create trigger t_conn on connect as begin if (current_user = 'BAD_USER') then begin in autonomous transaction do begin insert into log ("date", msg) values (current_timestamp, 'Connection rejected'); end exception e_conn; end end! set term ;!