@echo off ::============== :: compile.bat solution, output, [projects...] :: Note: MSVC7/8 don't accept more than one project :: :: Note2: Our MSVC8/9 projects create object files in temp/$platform/$config :: but we call devenv with $config|$platform (note variable in reverse order :: and odd syntax.) This extended syntax for devenv does not seem to be :: supported in MSVC7 (despite documentation to the contrary.) setlocal set solution=%1 set output=%2 set projects= @if "%FB_DBG%"=="" ( set config=release ) else ( set config=debug ) if %MSVC_VERSION% GEQ 8 ( set config="%config%|%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%" ) if "%VS_VER_EXPRESS%"=="1" ( set exec=vcexpress ) else ( set exec=devenv ) shift shift :loop_start if "%1" == "" goto loop_end set projects=%projects% /project %1 shift goto loop_start :loop_end %exec% %solution%.sln %projects% %FB_CLEAN% %config% /OUT %output% endlocal goto :EOF