/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial * Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.ibphoenix.com/main.nfs?a=ibphoenix&page=ibp_idpl. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed AS IS, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Adriano dos Santos Fernandes * for the Firebird Open Source RDBMS project. * * Copyright (c) 2008 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes * and all contributors signed below. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ #include "UdrCppExample.h" using namespace Firebird; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*** Sample usage: create database 'c:\temp\replica.fdb'; create table persons ( id integer not null, name varchar(60) not null, address varchar(60), info blob sub_type text ); commit; create database 'c:\temp\main.fdb'; create table persons ( id integer not null, name varchar(60) not null, address varchar(60), info blob sub_type text ); create table replicate_config ( name varchar(31) not null, data_source varchar(255) not null ); insert into replicate_config (name, data_source) values ('ds1', 'c:\temp\replica.fdb'); create trigger persons_replicate after insert on persons external name 'udrcpp_example!replicate!ds1' engine udr; create trigger persons_replicate2 after insert on persons external name 'udrcpp_example!replicate_persons!ds1' engine udr; ***/ FB_UDR_BEGIN_TRIGGER(replicate) // Without FieldsMessage definition, messages will be byte-based. FB_UDR_CONSTRUCTOR , triggerMetadata(metadata->getTriggerMetadata(status)) { ISC_STATUS_ARRAY statusVector = {0}; isc_db_handle dbHandle = Helper::getIscDbHandle(status, context); isc_tr_handle trHandle = Helper::getIscTrHandle(status, context); isc_stmt_handle stmtHandle = 0; FbException::check(isc_dsql_allocate_statement( statusVector, &dbHandle, &stmtHandle), status, statusVector); FbException::check(isc_dsql_prepare(statusVector, &trHandle, &stmtHandle, 0, "select data_source from replicate_config where name = ?", SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT, NULL), status, statusVector); const char* table = metadata->getTriggerTable(status); // Skip the first exclamation point, separating the module name and entry point. const char* info = strchr(metadata->getEntryPoint(status), '!'); // Skip the second exclamation point, separating the entry point and the misc info (config). if (info) info = strchr(info + 1, '!'); if (info) ++info; else info = ""; XSQLDA* inSqlDa = reinterpret_cast(new char[(XSQLDA_LENGTH(1))]); inSqlDa->version = SQLDA_VERSION1; inSqlDa->sqln = 1; FbException::check(isc_dsql_describe_bind(statusVector, &stmtHandle, SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT, inSqlDa), status, statusVector); inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata = new char[sizeof(short) + inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqllen]; strncpy(inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata + sizeof(short), info, inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqllen); *reinterpret_cast(inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata) = strlen(info); XSQLDA* outSqlDa = reinterpret_cast(new char[(XSQLDA_LENGTH(1))]); outSqlDa->version = SQLDA_VERSION1; outSqlDa->sqln = 1; FbException::check(isc_dsql_describe(statusVector, &stmtHandle, SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT, outSqlDa), status, statusVector); outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata = new char[sizeof(short) + outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqllen + 1]; outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata[sizeof(short) + outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqllen] = '\0'; FbException::check(isc_dsql_execute2(statusVector, &trHandle, &stmtHandle, SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT, inSqlDa, outSqlDa), status, statusVector); FbException::check(isc_dsql_free_statement( statusVector, &stmtHandle, DSQL_unprepare), status, statusVector); delete [] inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata; delete [] reinterpret_cast(inSqlDa); unsigned count = triggerMetadata->getCount(status); char buffer[65536]; strcpy(buffer, "execute block (\n"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (i > 0) strcat(buffer, ",\n"); const char* name = triggerMetadata->getField(status, i); strcat(buffer, " p"); sprintf(buffer + strlen(buffer), "%d type of column \"%s\".\"%s\" = ?", i, table, name); } strcat(buffer, ")\n" "as\n" "begin\n" " execute statement ('insert into \""); strcat(buffer, table); strcat(buffer, "\" ("); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (i > 0) strcat(buffer, ", "); const char* name = triggerMetadata->getField(status, i); strcat(buffer, "\""); strcat(buffer, name); strcat(buffer, "\""); } strcat(buffer, ") values ("); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (i > 0) strcat(buffer, ", "); strcat(buffer, "?"); } strcat(buffer, ")') ("); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (i > 0) strcat(buffer, ", "); strcat(buffer, ":p"); sprintf(buffer + strlen(buffer), "%d", i); } strcat(buffer, ")\n on external data source '"); strcat(buffer, outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata + sizeof(short)); strcat(buffer, "';\nend"); AutoRelease attachment(context->getAttachment(status)); AutoRelease transaction(context->getTransaction(status)); stmt.reset(attachment->prepare(status, transaction, 0, buffer, SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT, 0)); delete [] outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata; delete [] reinterpret_cast(outSqlDa); } /*** FB_UDR_DESTRUCTOR { } ***/ FB_UDR_EXECUTE_TRIGGER { AutoRelease transaction(context->getTransaction(status)); // This will not work if the table has computed fields. stmt->execute(status, transaction, triggerMetadata, newFields, NULL, NULL); } AutoRelease triggerMetadata; AutoRelease stmt; FB_UDR_END_TRIGGER FB_UDR_BEGIN_TRIGGER(replicate_persons) // Order of fields does not need to match the fields order in the table, but it should match // the order of fields in the SQL command constructed in the initialization. FB_UDR_TRIGGER_MESSAGE(FieldsMessage, (FB_INTEGER, id, "ID") (FB_BLOB, info, "INFO") ///(FB_VARCHAR(60 * 4), address, "ADDRESS") (FB_VARCHAR(60 * 4), name, "NAME") ); FB_UDR_CONSTRUCTOR , triggerMetadata(metadata->getTriggerMetadata(status)) { ISC_STATUS_ARRAY statusVector = {0}; isc_db_handle dbHandle = Helper::getIscDbHandle(status, context); isc_tr_handle trHandle = Helper::getIscTrHandle(status, context); isc_stmt_handle stmtHandle = 0; FbException::check(isc_dsql_allocate_statement( statusVector, &dbHandle, &stmtHandle), status, statusVector); FbException::check(isc_dsql_prepare(statusVector, &trHandle, &stmtHandle, 0, "select data_source from replicate_config where name = ?", SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT, NULL), status, statusVector); // Skip the first exclamation point, separating the module name and entry point. const char* info = strchr(metadata->getEntryPoint(status), '!'); // Skip the second exclamation point, separating the entry point and the misc info (config). if (info) info = strchr(info + 1, '!'); if (info) ++info; else info = ""; XSQLDA* inSqlDa = reinterpret_cast(new char[(XSQLDA_LENGTH(1))]); inSqlDa->version = SQLDA_VERSION1; inSqlDa->sqln = 1; FbException::check(isc_dsql_describe_bind( statusVector, &stmtHandle, SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT, inSqlDa), status, statusVector); inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata = new char[sizeof(short) + inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqllen]; strncpy(inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata + sizeof(short), info, inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqllen); *reinterpret_cast(inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata) = strlen(info); XSQLDA* outSqlDa = reinterpret_cast(new char[(XSQLDA_LENGTH(1))]); outSqlDa->version = SQLDA_VERSION1; outSqlDa->sqln = 1; FbException::check(isc_dsql_describe( statusVector, &stmtHandle, SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT, outSqlDa), status, statusVector); outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata = new char[sizeof(short) + outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqllen + 1]; outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata[sizeof(short) + outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqllen] = '\0'; FbException::check(isc_dsql_execute2(statusVector, &trHandle, &stmtHandle, SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT, inSqlDa, outSqlDa), status, statusVector); FbException::check(isc_dsql_free_statement( statusVector, &stmtHandle, DSQL_unprepare), status, statusVector); delete [] inSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata; delete [] reinterpret_cast(inSqlDa); char buffer[65536]; strcpy(buffer, "execute block (\n" " id type of column PERSONS.ID = ?,\n" " info type of column PERSONS.INFO = ?,\n" ///" address type of column PERSONS.ADDRESS = ?,\n" " name type of column PERSONS.NAME = ?\n" ")" "as\n" "begin\n" " execute statement ('insert into persons (id, name/***, address***/, info)\n" " values (?, ?/***, ?***/, ?)') (:id, :name/***, :address***/, :info)\n" " on external data source '"); strcat(buffer, outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata + sizeof(short)); strcat(buffer, "';\nend"); AutoRelease attachment(context->getAttachment(status)); AutoRelease transaction(context->getTransaction(status)); stmt.reset(attachment->prepare(status, transaction, 0, buffer, SQL_DIALECT_CURRENT, 0)); delete [] outSqlDa->sqlvar[0].sqldata; delete [] reinterpret_cast(outSqlDa); } /*** FB_UDR_DESTRUCTOR { } ***/ FB_UDR_EXECUTE_TRIGGER { AutoRelease transaction(context->getTransaction(status)); stmt->execute(status, transaction, triggerMetadata, newFields, NULL, NULL); } AutoRelease triggerMetadata; AutoRelease stmt; FB_UDR_END_TRIGGER