:: :: This bat file doesn't use cd, all the paths are full paths. :: with this convention this bat file is position independent :: and it will be easier to move the place of somefiles. :: @echo off set ERRLEV=0 :CHECK_ENV @call setenvvar.bat @if errorlevel 1 (goto :END) @call set_build_target.bat %* ::=========== :MAIN @echo. @echo Creating directories @rmdir /s /q %FB_GEN_DIR% 2>nul :: Remove previously generated output, and recreate the directory hierarchy. for %%v in ( alice auth burp dsql gpre isql jrd misc msgs qli examples yvalve) do ( @mkdir %FB_GEN_DIR%\%%v ) @rmdir /s /q %FB_GEN_DIR%\utilities 2>nul @mkdir %FB_GEN_DIR%\utilities 2>nul @mkdir %FB_GEN_DIR%\utilities\gstat 2>nul @mkdir %FB_GEN_DIR%\auth\SecurityDatabase 2>nul @mkdir %FB_GEN_DIR%\gpre\std 2>nul ::======= call :btyacc if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END call :LibTom if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END call :decNumber if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END call :zlib if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END @echo Generating DSQL parser... @call parse.bat %* if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END ::======= call :gpre_boot if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END ::======= @echo Preprocessing the source files needed to build gbak, gpre and isql... @call preprocess.bat BOOT ::======= call :engine if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END call :gbak if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END call :gpre if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END call :isql if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END @findstr /V "@UDF_COMMENT@" %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\misc\firebird.conf.in > %FB_BIN_DIR%\firebird.conf :: Copy ICU and zlib both to Debug and Release configurations @call set_build_target.bat %* RELEASE @mkdir %FB_BIN_DIR% @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\icu\icudt???.dat %FB_BIN_DIR% >nul 2>&1 @copy %FB_ICU_SOURCE_BIN%\*.dll %FB_BIN_DIR% >nul 2>&1 @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\zlib\%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%\*.dll %FB_BIN_DIR% >nul 2>&1 @call set_build_target.bat %* DEBUG @mkdir %FB_BIN_DIR% @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\icu\icudt???.dat %FB_BIN_DIR% >nul 2>&1 @copy %FB_ICU_SOURCE_BIN%\*.dll %FB_BIN_DIR% >nul 2>&1 @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\zlib\%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%\*.dll %FB_BIN_DIR% >nul 2>&1 @call set_build_target.bat %* ::======= @call :databases ::======= @echo Preprocessing the entire source tree... @call preprocess.bat ::======= @call :msgs if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END @call :codes if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END ::======= @call create_msgs.bat msg ::======= @call :NEXT_STEP @goto :END ::=================== :: BUILD btyacc :btyacc @echo. @echo Building btyacc (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\FirebirdBoot btyacc_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log btyacc if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 btyacc goto :EOF ::=================== :: BUILD LibTom :: NS: Note we need both debug and non-debug version as it is a static library linked to CRT :: and linking executable with both debug and non-debug CRT results in undefined behavior :LibTom @echo. @call set_build_target.bat %* RELEASE @echo Building LibTomMath (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\libtommath\libtommath_MSVC%MSVC_VERSION% libtommath_%FB_OBJ_DIR%_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log libtommath if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 libtommath_%FB_OBJ_DIR% @echo Building LibTomCrypt (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\libtomcrypt\libtomcrypt_MSVC%MSVC_VERSION% libtomcrypt_%FB_OBJ_DIR%_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log libtomcrypt if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 libtomcrypt_%FB_OBJ_DIR% @call set_build_target.bat %* DEBUG @echo Building LibTomMath (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\libtommath\libtommath_MSVC%MSVC_VERSION% libtommath_%FB_OBJ_DIR%_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log libtommath if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 libtommath_%FB_OBJ_DIR% @echo Building LibTomCrypt (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\libtomcrypt\libtomcrypt_MSVC%MSVC_VERSION% libtomcrypt_%FB_OBJ_DIR%_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log libtomcrypt if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 libtomcrypt_%FB_OBJ_DIR% @call set_build_target.bat %* goto :EOF ::=================== :: BUILD decNumber :decNumber @echo. @call set_build_target.bat %* RELEASE @echo Building decNumber (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\decNumber\msvc\decNumber_MSVC%MSVC_VERSION% decNumber_%FB_OBJ_DIR%_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log decNumber if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 decNumber_%FB_OBJ_DIR% @call set_build_target.bat %* DEBUG @echo Building decNumber (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\decNumber\msvc\decNumber_MSVC%MSVC_VERSION% decNumber_%FB_OBJ_DIR%_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log decNumber if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 decNumber_%FB_OBJ_DIR% @call set_build_target.bat %* goto :EOF ::=================== :: Extract zlib :zlib @echo Extracting pre-built zlib if exist %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\zlib\zlib.h ( @echo %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\zlib\zlib.h already extracted ) else ( %FB_ROOT_PATH%\extern\zlib\zlib.exe -y > zlib_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 zlib ) goto :EOF ::=================== :: BUILD gpre_boot :gpre_boot @echo. @echo Building gpre_boot (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\FirebirdBoot gpre_boot_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log gpre_boot if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 gpre_boot goto :EOF ::=================== :: BUILD engine :engine @echo. @echo Building engine (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird engine_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log engine @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird engine_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log ib_util if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 engine @goto :EOF ::=================== :: BUILD gbak :gbak @echo. @echo Building gbak (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird gbak_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log gbak if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 gbak @goto :EOF ::=================== :: BUILD gpre :gpre @echo. @echo Building gpre (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird gpre_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log gpre if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 gpre @goto :EOF ::=================== :: BUILD isql :isql @echo. @echo Building isql (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird isql_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log isql if errorlevel 1 call :boot2 isql @goto :EOF ::=================== :: ERROR boot :boot2 echo. echo Error building %1, see %1_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log echo. set ERRLEV=1 goto :EOF ::=================== :: BUILD messages :msgs @echo. @echo Building build_msg (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\FirebirdBoot build_msg_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log build_msg if errorlevel 1 goto :msgs2 @goto :EOF :msgs2 echo. echo Error building build_msg, see build_msg_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log echo. set ERRLEV=1 goto :EOF ::=================== :: BUILD codes :codes @echo. @echo Building codes (%FB_OBJ_DIR%)... @call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\FirebirdBoot codes_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log codes if errorlevel 1 goto :codes2 @goto :EOF :codes2 echo. echo Error building codes, see codes_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log echo. set ERRLEV=1 goto :EOF ::============== :databases @rmdir /s /q %FB_GEN_DIR%\dbs 2>nul @mkdir %FB_GEN_DIR%\dbs 2>nul @echo create database '%FB_GEN_DB_DIR%\dbs\security4.fdb'; | "%FB_BIN_DIR%\isql" -q @"%FB_BIN_DIR%\isql" -q %FB_GEN_DB_DIR%/dbs/security4.fdb -i %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\dbs\security.sql @copy %FB_GEN_DIR%\dbs\security4.fdb %FB_GEN_DIR%\dbs\security.fdb > nul @%FB_BIN_DIR%\gbak -r %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\misc\metadata.gbak %FB_GEN_DB_DIR%/dbs/metadata.fdb @call create_msgs.bat db @%FB_BIN_DIR%\gbak -r %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\misc\help.gbak %FB_GEN_DB_DIR%/dbs/help.fdb @copy %FB_GEN_DIR%\dbs\metadata.fdb %FB_GEN_DIR%\dbs\yachts.lnk > nul @goto :EOF ::============== :NEXT_STEP @echo. @echo You may now run make_all.bat [DEBUG] [CLEAN] @echo. @goto :EOF :END