//____________________________________________________________ // // PROGRAM: C Preprocessor // MODULE: sql.cpp // DESCRIPTION: SQL parser // // The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public // License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing // rights and limitations under the License. // // The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation // and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are // Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation. // // All Rights Reserved. // Contributor(s): ______________________________________. // TMN (Mike Nordell) 11.APR.2001 - Reduce compiler warnings // // //____________________________________________________________ // // #include "firebird.h" #include #include #include "../gpre/gpre.h" #include "../jrd/ibase.h" #include "../jrd/intl.h" #include "../jrd/constants.h" #include "../gpre/cme_proto.h" #include "../gpre/cmp_proto.h" #include "../gpre/exp_proto.h" #include "../gpre/gpre_proto.h" #include "../gpre/hsh_proto.h" #include "../gpre/gpre_meta.h" #include "../gpre/msc_proto.h" #include "../gpre/par_proto.h" #include "../gpre/sqe_proto.h" #include "../gpre/sql_proto.h" #include "../common/utils_proto.h" #ifdef FLINT_CACHE const int MIN_CACHE_BUFFERS = 250; const int DEF_CACHE_BUFFERS = 1000; #endif const int DEFAULT_BLOB_SEGMENT_LENGTH = 80; // bytes static act* act_alter(); static act* act_alter_database(); static act* act_alter_domain(); static act* act_alter_index(); static act* act_alter_table(); static act* act_comment(); static act* act_connect(); static act* act_create(); static act* act_create_database(); static act* act_create_domain(); static act* act_create_generator(); static act* act_create_index(bool, bool); static act* act_create_shadow(); static act* act_create_table(); static act* act_create_view(); static act* act_d_section(act_t); static act* act_declare(); static act* act_declare_filter(); static act* act_declare_table(gpre_sym*, gpre_dbb*); static act* act_declare_udf(); static act* act_delete(); static act* act_describe(); static act* act_disconnect(); static act* act_drop(); static act* act_event(); static act* act_execute(); static act* act_fetch(); static act* act_grant_revoke(act_t); static act* act_include(); static act* act_insert(); static act* act_insert_blob(const TEXT *); static act* act_lock(); static act* act_openclose(act_t); static act* act_open_blob(act_t, gpre_sym*); static act* act_prepare(); static act* act_procedure(); static act* act_release(); static act* act_select(); static act* act_set(const TEXT*); static act* act_set_dialect(); static act* act_set_generator(); static act* act_set_names(); static act* act_set_statistics(); static act* act_set_transaction(); static act* act_transaction(act_t); static act* act_update(); static act* act_whenever(); static bool check_filename(const TEXT *); static void connect_opts(const TEXT**, const TEXT**, const TEXT**, const TEXT**, USHORT*); #ifdef FLINT_CACHE static gpre_file* define_cache(); #endif static gpre_file* define_file(); static gpre_file* define_log_file(bool); static gpre_dbb* dup_dbb(const gpre_dbb*); static void error(const TEXT *, const TEXT *); static TEXT* extract_string(bool); static swe* gen_whenever(); static void into(gpre_req*, gpre_nod*, gpre_nod*); static gpre_fld* make_field(gpre_rel*); static gpre_index* make_index(gpre_req*, const TEXT*); static gpre_rel* make_relation(gpre_req*, const TEXT *); static void pair(gpre_nod*, gpre_nod*); static void par_array(gpre_fld*); static SSHORT par_char_set(); static void par_computed(gpre_req*, gpre_fld*); static gpre_req* par_cursor(gpre_sym**); static dyn* par_dynamic_cursor(); static gpre_fld* par_field(gpre_req*, gpre_rel*); static cnstrt* par_field_constraint(gpre_req*, gpre_fld*, gpre_rel*); static void par_fkey_extension(cnstrt*); static bool par_into(dyn*); static void par_options(const TEXT**); static int par_page_size(); static gpre_rel* par_relation(gpre_req*); static dyn* par_statement(); static cnstrt* par_table_constraint(gpre_req*, gpre_rel*); static bool par_transaction_modes(gpre_tra*, bool); static bool par_using(dyn*); static USHORT resolve_dtypes(kwwords_t, bool); static bool tail_database(act_t, gpre_dbb*); static void to_upcase(const TEXT*, TEXT*, int); static swe* global_whenever[SWE_max]; static swe* global_whenever_list; static inline bool end_of_command() { return (gpreGlob.sw_language != lang_cobol && gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_SEMI_COLON) || (gpreGlob.sw_language == lang_cobol && gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_END_EXEC); } static inline bool range_short_integer(const SLONG x) { return (x < 32768 && x >= -32768); } static inline bool range_positive_short_integer(const SLONG x) { return (x < 32768 && x >= 0); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse and return a sequel action. // act* SQL_action(const TEXT* base_directory) { act* action = NULL; const kwwords_t keyword = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword; switch (keyword) { case KW_ALTER: case KW_COMMENT: case KW_CONNECT: case KW_CREATE: case KW_DROP: case KW_EVENT: case KW_GRANT: case KW_REVOKE: case KW_BEGIN: case KW_CLOSE: case KW_COMMIT: case KW_DECLARE: case KW_DELETE: case KW_DESCRIBE: case KW_DISCONNECT: case KW_END: case KW_EXECUTE: case KW_FETCH: case KW_INCLUDE: case KW_INSERT: case KW_LOCK: case KW_OPEN: case KW_PREPARE: case KW_RELEASE_REQUESTS: case KW_ROLLBACK: case KW_SELECT: case KW_SET: case KW_UPDATE: case KW_WHENEVER: case KW_DATABASE: PAR_get_token(); break; default: CPR_s_error("SQL operation"); } switch (keyword) { case KW_ALTER: action = act_alter(); break; case KW_BEGIN: action = act_d_section(ACT_b_declare); break; case KW_CLOSE: action = act_openclose(ACT_close); break; case KW_CONNECT: action = act_connect(); break; case KW_COMMENT: action = act_comment(); break; case KW_COMMIT: action = act_transaction(ACT_commit); break; case KW_CREATE: action = act_create(); break; case KW_DATABASE: action = PAR_database(true, base_directory); break; case KW_DROP: action = act_drop(); break; case KW_DECLARE: action = act_declare(); break; case KW_DELETE: action = act_delete(); break; case KW_DESCRIBE: action = act_describe(); break; case KW_DISCONNECT: action = act_disconnect(); break; case KW_EVENT: action = act_event(); break; case KW_END: action = act_d_section(ACT_e_declare); break; case KW_EXECUTE: action = act_execute(); break; case KW_FETCH: action = act_fetch(); break; case KW_GRANT: action = act_grant_revoke(ACT_dyn_grant); break; case KW_INCLUDE: action = act_include(); break; case KW_INSERT: action = act_insert(); break; case KW_LOCK: action = act_lock(); break; case KW_OPEN: action = act_openclose(ACT_open); break; case KW_PREPARE: action = act_prepare(); break; case KW_RELEASE_REQUESTS: action = act_release(); break; case KW_REVOKE: action = act_grant_revoke(ACT_dyn_revoke); break; case KW_ROLLBACK: action = act_transaction(ACT_rollback); break; case KW_SELECT: action = act_select(); break; case KW_SET: action = act_set(base_directory); break; case KW_UPDATE: action = act_update(); break; case KW_WHENEVER: action = act_whenever(); break; } MSC_match(KW_END_EXEC); PAR_end(); action->act_flags |= ACT_sql; return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Given a field datatype, remap it as needed to // a user datatype, and set the length field. // void SQL_adjust_field_dtype( gpre_fld* field) { if (field->fld_dtype <= dtype_any_text) { ULONG field_length; // Adjust the string data types and their lengths if (field->fld_collate) { if (field->fld_char_length) { field_length = (ULONG) field->fld_char_length * field->fld_collate->intlsym_bytes_per_char; } else field_length = field->fld_length; field->fld_collate_id = field->fld_collate->intlsym_collate_id; field->fld_charset_id = field->fld_collate->intlsym_charset_id; field->fld_ttype = field->fld_collate->intlsym_ttype; } else if (field->fld_character_set) { if (field->fld_char_length) { field_length = (ULONG) field->fld_char_length * field->fld_character_set->intlsym_bytes_per_char; } else field_length = field->fld_length; field->fld_collate_id = field->fld_character_set->intlsym_collate_id; field->fld_charset_id = field->fld_character_set->intlsym_charset_id; field->fld_ttype = field->fld_character_set->intlsym_ttype; } else { if (field->fld_char_length) field_length = (ULONG) field->fld_char_length * 1; else field_length = field->fld_length; field->fld_collate_id = 0; field->fld_charset_id = 0; field->fld_ttype = 0; } if (!(field->fld_flags & FLD_meta)) { /* field for meta operation? */ /* Field isn't for meta-data operation, so adjust it's * type definition for local use */ if (field->fld_dtype != dtype_cstring) { field->fld_dtype = (gpreGlob.sw_cstring && field->fld_sub_type != dsc_text_type_fixed) ? dtype_cstring : dtype_text; } if (field->fld_dtype == dtype_cstring) field_length++; field->fld_length = (USHORT) field_length; } else { field->fld_length = (USHORT) field_length; if (field->fld_dtype == dtype_varying) field_length += sizeof(USHORT); if (field_length > MAX_COLUMN_SIZE) error("Size of column %s exceeds implementation limit", field->fld_symbol->sym_string); } } else switch (field->fld_dtype) { case dtype_short: field->fld_length = sizeof(SSHORT); break; case dtype_long: field->fld_length = sizeof(SLONG); break; case dtype_real: field->fld_length = sizeof(float); break; case dtype_double: field->fld_length = sizeof(double); break; // ** Begin sql/date/time/timestamp * case dtype_sql_date: field->fld_length = sizeof(ISC_DATE); break; case dtype_sql_time: field->fld_length = sizeof(ISC_TIME); break; case dtype_timestamp: field->fld_length = sizeof(ISC_TIMESTAMP); break; // ** End sql/date/time/timestamp * case dtype_int64: field->fld_length = sizeof(ISC_INT64); break; case dtype_blob: field->fld_length = sizeof(ISC_QUAD); field->fld_flags |= FLD_blob; if (field->fld_character_set) { field->fld_charset_id = field->fld_character_set->intlsym_charset_id; field->fld_ttype = field->fld_character_set->intlsym_ttype; } break; default: CPR_bugcheck("datatype not recognized"); break; } } //____________________________________________________________ // // Initialize (or re-initialize) to process a module. // void SQL_init() { global_whenever_list = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < SWE_max; i++) global_whenever[i] = NULL; gpreGlob.module_lc_ctype = gpreGlob.default_lc_ctype; } //____________________________________________________________ // // void SQL_par_field_collate( gpre_req* request, gpre_fld* field) { if (MSC_match(KW_COLLATE)) { if ((field->fld_dtype != dtype_text) && (field->fld_dtype != dtype_cstring) && (field->fld_dtype != dtype_varying)) { PAR_error("COLLATE applies only to character columns"); } if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_ident) CPR_s_error(""); gpre_sym* symbol = MSC_find_symbol(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol, SYM_collate); if (!symbol) PAR_error("The named COLLATION was not found"); field->fld_collate = (intlsym*) symbol->sym_object; /* Is the collation valid for declared character set? * The character set is either declared (fld_character_set) or inferered * from the global domain (fld_global & fld_charset_id) */ if ((field->fld_character_set && field->fld_character_set->intlsym_charset_id != field->fld_collate->intlsym_charset_id) || (field->fld_global && field->fld_charset_id != field->fld_collate->intlsym_charset_id)) { PAR_error("Specified COLLATION is incompatible with column CHARACTER SET"); } PAR_get_token(); } } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL field datatype definition for // field CREATE, DECLARE or ALTER TABLE statement. // Also for CAST statement // void SQL_par_field_dtype(gpre_req* request, gpre_fld* field, bool is_udf) { bool sql_date = false; kwwords_t keyword = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword; switch (keyword) { case KW_SMALLINT: case KW_INT: case KW_INTEGER: case KW_FLOAT: case KW_REAL: case KW_DOUBLE: case KW_LONG: // ** Begin sql/date/time/timestamp * case KW_TIMESTAMP: // ** End sql/date/time/timestamp * case KW_CHAR: case KW_NCHAR: case KW_VARCHAR: case KW_DECIMAL: case KW_NUMERIC: case KW_BLOB: case KW_NATIONAL: PAR_get_token(); break; case KW_DATE: if (gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect == 2) PAR_error("DATE is ambiguous in dialect 2 use SQL DATE or TIMESTAMP"); PAR_get_token(); break; case KW_TIME: if (gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect == 1) CPR_s_error(""); PAR_get_token(); break; case KW_SQL: if (gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect == 1) CPR_s_error(""); PAR_get_token(); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_DATE) PAR_get_token(); else CPR_s_error(""); keyword = KW_DATE; sql_date = true; break; case KW_COMPUTED: if (is_udf) CPR_s_error(""); // just return - actual parse is done later return; default: if (is_udf) { if (keyword == KW_CSTRING) PAR_get_token(); else CPR_s_error(""); } else { char s[NAME_SIZE]; SQL_resolve_identifier("", s, NAME_SIZE); gpre_sym* symbol = MSC_symbol(SYM_field, s, (USHORT) strlen(s), (gpre_ctx*) field); field->fld_global = symbol; if (!MET_domain_lookup(request, field, s)) PAR_error("Specified DOMAIN or source column not found"); PAR_get_token(); return; } } switch (keyword) { case KW_SMALLINT: field->fld_dtype = dtype_short; break; case KW_INT: case KW_INTEGER: field->fld_dtype = dtype_long; break; case KW_REAL: field->fld_dtype = dtype_real; break; case KW_FLOAT: if (MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { const int l = EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); EXP_match_paren(); if (l < 17) field->fld_dtype = dtype_real; else field->fld_dtype = dtype_double; } else field->fld_dtype = dtype_real; break; case KW_LONG: if (!(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_FLOAT)) CPR_s_error("FLOAT"); PAR_get_token(); field->fld_dtype = dtype_double; break; case KW_DOUBLE: if (!(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_PRECISION)) CPR_s_error("PRECISION"); PAR_get_token(); field->fld_dtype = dtype_double; break; // ** Begin sql/date/time/timestamp * case KW_DATE: case KW_TIME: case KW_TIMESTAMP: field->fld_dtype = resolve_dtypes(keyword, sql_date); break; // ** End sql/date/time/timestamp * case KW_NCHAR: field->fld_flags |= FLD_national; field->fld_dtype = dtype_text; if (MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { field->fld_char_length = EXP_pos_USHORT_ordinal(true); EXP_match_paren(); } else field->fld_char_length = 1; break; case KW_NATIONAL: if (!(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_CHAR)) CPR_s_error("CHARACTER"); PAR_get_token(); field->fld_flags |= FLD_national; // Fall into KW_CHAR case KW_CHAR: if (MSC_match(KW_VARYING)) { field->fld_dtype = dtype_varying; EXP_left_paren(0); field->fld_char_length = EXP_pos_USHORT_ordinal(true); EXP_match_paren(); break; } case KW_CSTRING: if (keyword == KW_CSTRING) { field->fld_dtype = dtype_cstring; field->fld_flags |= FLD_meta_cstring; } else field->fld_dtype = dtype_text; if (MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { field->fld_char_length = EXP_pos_USHORT_ordinal(true); EXP_match_paren(); } else field->fld_char_length = 1; break; case KW_VARCHAR: field->fld_dtype = dtype_varying; EXP_left_paren(0); field->fld_char_length = EXP_pos_USHORT_ordinal(true); EXP_match_paren(); break; case KW_NUMERIC: case KW_DECIMAL: field->fld_dtype = dtype_long; field->fld_scale = 0; field->fld_precision = 9; field->fld_sub_type = (keyword == KW_NUMERIC) ? 1 : 2; if (MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { const int p = EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); if ((p <= 0) || (p > 18)) PAR_error("Precision must be from 1 to 18"); if ((keyword == KW_NUMERIC) && (p < 5)) field->fld_dtype = dtype_short; else if (p > 9) { if (gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect == SQL_DIALECT_V5) field->fld_dtype = dtype_double; else field->fld_dtype = dtype_int64; } if (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) { const int q = EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); if (q > p) PAR_error("Scale can not be greater than precision"); field->fld_scale = -q; } field->fld_precision = p; EXP_match_paren(); } break; case KW_BLOB: field->fld_dtype = dtype_blob; field->fld_seg_length = DEFAULT_BLOB_SEGMENT_LENGTH; if (MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { if (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) field->fld_sub_type = EXP_SSHORT_ordinal(true); else { field->fld_seg_length = EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); if (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) field->fld_sub_type = EXP_SSHORT_ordinal(true); } EXP_match_paren(); } else { if (MSC_match(KW_SUB_TYPE)) { field->fld_sub_type = PAR_blob_subtype(request->req_database); } if (MSC_match(KW_SEGMENT)) { MSC_match(KW_SIZE); field->fld_seg_length = EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); } } break; default: CPR_s_error(""); } // Check for array declaration if ((keyword != KW_BLOB) && !is_udf && (MSC_match(KW_L_BRCKET))) { field->fld_array_info = (ary*) MSC_alloc(sizeof(ary)); par_array(field); } if (MSC_match(KW_CHAR)) { if ((field->fld_dtype != dtype_text) && (field->fld_dtype != dtype_cstring) && (field->fld_dtype != dtype_varying) && (field->fld_dtype != dtype_blob)) { PAR_error("CHARACTER SET applies only to character columns"); } if (field->fld_dtype == dtype_blob && field->fld_sub_type == isc_blob_untyped) field->fld_sub_type = isc_blob_text; if (field->fld_dtype == dtype_blob && field->fld_sub_type != isc_blob_text) PAR_error("CHARACTER SET applies only to character columns"); if (field->fld_flags & FLD_national) PAR_error("cannot specify CHARACTER SET with NATIONAL"); if (!MSC_match(KW_SET)) CPR_s_error("SET"); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_ident) CPR_s_error(""); gpre_sym* symbol2 = MSC_find_symbol(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol, SYM_charset); if (!symbol2) PAR_error("The named CHARACTER SET was not found"); field->fld_character_set = (intlsym*) symbol2->sym_object; PAR_get_token(); } if (field->fld_flags & FLD_national) { gpre_sym* symbol = MSC_find_symbol(HSH_lookup(DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME), SYM_charset); if (!symbol) { PAR_error("NATIONAL character set missing"); } field->fld_character_set = (intlsym*) symbol->sym_object; } else if ((field->fld_dtype <= dtype_any_text || (field->fld_dtype == dtype_blob && field->fld_sub_type == isc_blob_text)) && !field->fld_character_set && !field->fld_collate && request && request->req_database && request->req_database->dbb_def_charset) { // Use database default character set gpre_sym* symbol = MSC_find_symbol(HSH_lookup(request->req_database->dbb_def_charset), SYM_charset); if (symbol) { field->fld_character_set = (intlsym*) symbol->sym_object; } else PAR_error("Could not find database default character set"); } } //____________________________________________________________ // // Find procedure for request. If request already has a database, // find the procedure in that database only. // gpre_prc* SQL_procedure(gpre_req* request, const TEXT* prc_string, const TEXT* db_string, const TEXT* owner_string, bool err_flag) { SCHAR s[ERROR_LENGTH]; if (db_string && db_string[0]) { // a database was specified for the procedure // search the known symbols for the database name gpre_sym* symbol = MSC_find_symbol(HSH_lookup(db_string), SYM_database); if (!symbol) PAR_error("Unknown database specifier."); if (request->req_database) { if ((gpre_dbb*) symbol->sym_object != request->req_database) PAR_error("Inconsistent database specifier"); } else request->req_database = (gpre_dbb*) symbol->sym_object; } gpre_prc* procedure = NULL; if (request->req_database) procedure = MET_get_procedure(request->req_database, prc_string, owner_string); else { // no database was specified, check the metadata for all the databases // for the existence of the procedure procedure = NULL; // redundant for (gpre_dbb* db = gpreGlob.isc_databases; db; db = db->dbb_next) { gpre_prc* tmp_procedure = MET_get_procedure(db, prc_string, owner_string); if (tmp_procedure) { if (procedure) { // relation was found in more than one database sprintf(s, "PROCEDURE %s is ambiguous", prc_string); PAR_error(s); } else { procedure = tmp_procedure; request->req_database = db; } } } } if (!procedure) { if (!err_flag) return NULL; if (owner_string[0]) sprintf(s, "PROCEDURE %s.%s not defined", owner_string, prc_string); else sprintf(s, "PROCEDURE %s not defined", prc_string); PAR_error(s); } return procedure; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Find relation for request. If request already has a database, // find the relation in that database only. // gpre_rel* SQL_relation(gpre_req* request, const TEXT* rel_string, const TEXT* db_string, const TEXT* owner_string, bool err_flag) { if (db_string && db_string[0]) { /* a database was specified for the relation, search the known symbols for the database name */ gpre_sym* symbol = MSC_find_symbol(HSH_lookup(db_string), SYM_database); if (!symbol) PAR_error("Unknown database specifier."); if (request->req_database) { if ((gpre_dbb*) symbol->sym_object != request->req_database) PAR_error("Inconsistent database specifier"); } else request->req_database = (gpre_dbb*) symbol->sym_object; } SCHAR s[ERROR_LENGTH]; gpre_rel* relation = NULL; if (request->req_database) relation = MET_get_relation(request->req_database, rel_string, owner_string); else { /* no database was specified, check the metadata for all the databases for the existence of the relation */ relation = NULL; // redundant for (gpre_dbb* db = gpreGlob.isc_databases; db; db = db->dbb_next) { gpre_rel* tmp_relation = MET_get_relation(db, rel_string, owner_string); if (tmp_relation) { if (relation) { // relation was found in more than one database sprintf(s, "TABLE %s is ambiguous", rel_string); PAR_error(s); } else { relation = tmp_relation; request->req_database = db; } } } } if (!relation) { if (!err_flag) return (NULL); if (owner_string[0]) sprintf(s, "TABLE %s.%s not defined", owner_string, rel_string); else sprintf(s, "TABLE %s not defined", rel_string); PAR_error(s); } return relation; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Get a relation name (checking for database specifier) // void SQL_relation_name(TEXT* r_name, TEXT* db_name, TEXT* owner_name) { db_name[0] = 0; owner_name[0] = 0; SQL_resolve_identifier("", NULL, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Database alias too long"); gpre_sym* symbol = MSC_find_symbol(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol, SYM_database); if (symbol) { if (strlen(symbol->sym_name) >= unsigned(NAME_SIZE)) PAR_error("Database alias too long"); strcpy(db_name, symbol->sym_name); // this is the alias, not the path PAR_get_token(); if (!MSC_match(KW_DOT)) CPR_s_error(". (period)"); } SQL_resolve_identifier("", NULL, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Table or owner name too long"); strcpy(r_name, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string); PAR_get_token(); if (MSC_match(KW_DOT)) { // the table name was really a owner specifier strcpy(owner_name, r_name); SQL_resolve_identifier("
", NULL, NAME_SIZE); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("TABLE name too long"); strcpy(r_name, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string); PAR_get_token(); } } //____________________________________________________________ // // Extract SQL var // TEXT* SQL_var_or_string(bool string_only) { if ((gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_sglquoted && gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect == 3) || (!isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type) && gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect == 1)) { if (string_only) CPR_s_error(""); if (!MSC_match(KW_COLON)) CPR_s_error(" or "); } return PAR_native_value(false, false); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL alter statement. // static act* act_alter() { switch (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword) { case KW_DATABASE: case KW_SCHEMA: return act_alter_database(); case KW_DOMAIN: return act_alter_domain(); case KW_INDEX: PAR_get_token(); return act_alter_index(); case KW_STOGROUP: PAR_error("ALTER STOGROUP not supported"); case KW_TABLE: PAR_get_token(); return act_alter_table(); case KW_TABLESPACE: PAR_error("ALTER TABLESPACE not supported"); default: PAR_error("Invalid ALTER request"); } return NULL; // silence compiler } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL alter database statement // static act* act_alter_database() { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can only alter database in context of single database"); PAR_get_token(); // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_alter_database); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); gpre_dbb* database = (gpre_dbb*) MSC_alloc(DBB_LEN); action->act_object = (ref*) database; bool logdefined = false; // this var was undefined while (true) { if (MSC_match(KW_DROP)) { if (MSC_match(KW_LOG_FILE)) ; // ignore DROP LOG database->dbb_flags |= DBB_drop_log; else if (MSC_match(KW_CASCADE)) database->dbb_flags |= DBB_cascade; #ifdef FLINT_CACHE else if (MSC_match(KW_CACHE)) database->dbb_flags |= DBB_drop_cache; else PAR_error("only log or cache can be dropped"); #else else PAR_error("only log file can be dropped"); #endif // FLINT_CACHE } else if (MSC_match(KW_ADD)) { if (MSC_match(KW_FILE)) { do { gpre_file* file = define_file(); file->fil_next = database->dbb_files; database->dbb_files = file; } while (MSC_match(KW_FILE)); } else if (MSC_match(KW_LOG_FILE)) { if (logdefined) PAR_error("log redefinition"); logdefined = true; if (MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { while (true) { gpre_file* logfile = define_log_file(false); logfile->fil_next = database->dbb_logfiles; database->dbb_logfiles = logfile; if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) { EXP_match_paren(); break; } } if (MSC_match(KW_OVERFLOW)) define_log_file(true); // skip else PAR_error("Overflow log specification required for this configuration"); } else if (MSC_match(KW_BASE_NAME)) { database->dbb_flags |= DBB_log_serial; database->dbb_logfiles = define_log_file(true); } } #ifdef FLINT_CACHE else if (MSC_match(KW_CACHE)) database->dbb_cache_file = define_cache(); #endif // FLINT_CACHE } else if (MSC_match(KW_SET)) { while (true) { if (MSC_match(KW_CHECK_POINT_LEN)) { MSC_match(KW_EQUALS); EXP_ULONG_ordinal(true); // skip MSC_match(KW_COMMA); } else if (MSC_match(KW_NUM_LOG_BUFS)) { MSC_match(KW_EQUALS); EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); // skip MSC_match(KW_COMMA); } else if (MSC_match(KW_LOG_BUF_SIZE)) { MSC_match(KW_EQUALS); EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); // skip MSC_match(KW_COMMA); } else if (MSC_match(KW_GROUP_COMMIT_WAIT)) { MSC_match(KW_EQUALS); EXP_ULONG_ordinal(true); // skip MSC_match(KW_COMMA); } else break; } } else break; } return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle altering of a domain (global field). // static act* act_alter_domain() { // create request block gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can only ALTER a domain in context of single database"); // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_alter_domain); PAR_get_token(); gpre_fld* field = make_field(0); cnstrt** cnstrt_ptr = &field->fld_constraints; // Check if default value was specified while (!end_of_command()) { if (MSC_match(KW_SET)) { if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_DEFAULT) { field->fld_default_source = CPR_start_text(); PAR_get_token(); } else CPR_s_error("DEFAULT"); if (MSC_match(KW_USER)) field->fld_default_value = MSC_node(nod_user_name, 0); else if (MSC_match(KW_NULL)) field->fld_default_value = MSC_node(nod_null, 0); else { if (MSC_match(KW_MINUS)) { if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_number) CPR_s_error(""); gpre_nod* literal_node = EXP_literal(); field->fld_default_value = MSC_unary(nod_negate, literal_node); } else if ((field->fld_default_value = EXP_literal()) == NULL) CPR_s_error(""); } CPR_end_text(field->fld_default_source); } else if (MSC_match(KW_ADD)) { MSC_match(KW_CONSTRAINT); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_CHECK) { cnstrt* cnstrt_str = par_field_constraint(request, field, 0); *cnstrt_ptr = cnstrt_str; cnstrt_ptr = &cnstrt_str->cnstrt_next; } else PAR_error("Invalid constraint."); } else if (MSC_match(KW_DROP)) { if (MSC_match(KW_CONSTRAINT)) { cnstrt* cnstrt_str = (cnstrt*) MSC_alloc(CNSTRT_LEN); cnstrt_str->cnstrt_flags |= CNSTRT_delete; *cnstrt_ptr = cnstrt_str; cnstrt_ptr = &cnstrt_str->cnstrt_next; } else if (MSC_match(KW_DEFAULT)) { field->fld_default_value = MSC_node(nod_erase, 0); } else PAR_error("Invalid attribute for DROP"); } else CPR_s_error("SET, ADD, or DROP"); } action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) field; return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL alter index statement. // static act* act_alter_index() { // create request block gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); char i_name[NAME_SIZE + 1]; SQL_resolve_identifier("", i_name, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Index name too long"); PAR_get_token(); gpre_index* index = make_index(request, i_name); if (MSC_match(KW_ACTIVE)) index->ind_flags |= IND_active; else if (MSC_match(KW_INACTIVE)) index->ind_flags |= IND_inactive; else PAR_error("Unsupported ALTER INDEX option"); act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_alter_index); action->act_object = (ref*) index; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL alter table statement. // static act* act_alter_table() { // create request block gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); // get table name and create relation block gpre_rel* relation = par_relation(request); // CHECK Constraints require the context to be set to the // current relation gpre_ctx* context = MSC_context(request); request->req_contexts = context; context->ctx_relation = relation; // Reserve context 1 for relation on which constraint is // being defined context->ctx_internal++; request->req_internal++; // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_alter_table); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) relation; // parse action list and create corresponding field blocks gpre_fld** ptr = &relation->rel_fields; cnstrt** cnstrt_ptr = &relation->rel_constraints; cnstrt* cnstrt_str; gpre_fld* field; while (!end_of_command()) { if (MSC_match(KW_ADD)) { switch (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword) { case KW_CONSTRAINT: case KW_PRIMARY: case KW_UNIQUE: case KW_FOREIGN: case KW_CHECK: cnstrt_str = par_table_constraint(request, relation); *cnstrt_ptr = cnstrt_str; cnstrt_ptr = &cnstrt_str->cnstrt_next; break; default: field = par_field(request, relation); *ptr = field; ptr = &field->fld_next; } } else if (MSC_match(KW_DROP)) { if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_CONSTRAINT) { PAR_get_token(); cnstrt_str = (cnstrt*) MSC_alloc(CNSTRT_LEN); cnstrt_str->cnstrt_flags |= CNSTRT_delete; cnstrt_str->cnstrt_name = (STR) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", cnstrt_str->cnstrt_name->str_string, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Constraint name too long"); *cnstrt_ptr = cnstrt_str; cnstrt_ptr = &cnstrt_str->cnstrt_next; PAR_get_token(); } else { field = make_field(relation); field->fld_flags |= FLD_delete; *ptr = field; ptr = &field->fld_next; /* Fix for bug 8054: [CASCADE | RESTRICT] syntax is available in IB4.5, but not required until v5.0. Option CASCADE causes an error : unsupported construct Option RESTRICT is default behaviour. */ if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_CASCADE) { PAR_error("Unsupported construct CASCADE"); PAR_get_token(); } else if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_RESTRICT) { PAR_get_token(); } } } else CPR_s_error("ADD or DROP"); if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) break; } return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL comment statement. // Reject // static act* act_comment() { PAR_error("SQL COMMENT ON request not allowed"); return NULL; // silence compiler } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse a CONNECT statement. // static act* act_connect() { act* action = MSC_action(0, ACT_ready); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); bool need_handle = false; const USHORT default_buffers = 0; // useless? MSC_match(KW_TO); if (!MSC_match(KW_ALL) && !MSC_match(KW_DEFAULT)) { while (true) { rdy* ready = (rdy*) MSC_alloc(RDY_LEN); ready->rdy_next = (rdy*) action->act_object; action->act_object = (ref*) ready; gpre_sym* symbol = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol; if (!symbol || symbol->sym_type != SYM_database) { ready->rdy_filename = SQL_var_or_string(false); if (MSC_match(KW_AS)) need_handle = true; } symbol = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol; if (!symbol || symbol->sym_type != SYM_database) { if (!gpreGlob.isc_databases || gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next || need_handle) { need_handle = false; CPR_s_error(""); } ready->rdy_database = dup_dbb(gpreGlob.isc_databases); } need_handle = false; if (!ready->rdy_database) { ready->rdy_database = dup_dbb((gpre_dbb*) symbol->sym_object); PAR_get_token(); } // pick up the possible parameters, in any order USHORT buffers = 0; gpre_dbb* db = ready->rdy_database; connect_opts(&db->dbb_r_user, &db->dbb_r_password, &db->dbb_r_sql_role, &db->dbb_r_lc_messages, &buffers); gpre_req* request = NULL; if (buffers) request = PAR_set_up_dpb_info(ready, action, buffers); /* if there are any options that take host variables as arguments, make sure that we generate variables for the request so that the dpb can be extended at runtime */ if (db->dbb_r_user || db->dbb_r_password || db->dbb_r_sql_role || db->dbb_r_lc_messages || db->dbb_r_lc_ctype) { if (!request) request = PAR_set_up_dpb_info(ready, action, default_buffers); request->req_flags |= REQ_extend_dpb; } /* ...and if there are compile time user or password specified, make sure there will be a dpb generated for them */ if (!request && (db->dbb_c_user || db->dbb_c_password || db->dbb_c_sql_role || db->dbb_c_lc_messages || db->dbb_c_lc_ctype)) { request = PAR_set_up_dpb_info(ready, action, default_buffers); } if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) break; } } if (action->act_object) return action; // No explicit databases -- pick up all known const TEXT* lc_messages = NULL; const TEXT *user = NULL, *password = NULL, *sql_role = NULL; // The original logic suggests that "buffers" should be shared between the // two sections of code. However, if the loop above executes, action->act_object // is not null and therefore, the function returns before this point. // Furthermore, connect_opts() below refills the values. USHORT buffers = 0; connect_opts(&user, &password, &sql_role, &lc_messages, &buffers); for (const gpre_dbb* db_iter = gpreGlob.isc_databases; db_iter; db_iter = db_iter->dbb_next) if (db_iter->dbb_runtime || !(db_iter->dbb_flags & DBB_sqlca)) { rdy* ready = (rdy*) MSC_alloc(RDY_LEN); ready->rdy_next = (rdy*) action->act_object; action->act_object = (ref*) ready; ready->rdy_database = dup_dbb(db_iter); } if (!action->act_object) PAR_error("no database available to CONNECT"); else for (rdy* ready = (rdy*) action->act_object; ready; ready = ready->rdy_next) { gpre_req* request; if (buffers) request = PAR_set_up_dpb_info(ready, action, buffers); else request = ready->rdy_request; /* if there are any options that take host variables as arguments, make sure that we generate variables for the request so that the dpb can be extended at runtime */ gpre_dbb* db = ready->rdy_database; if (user || password || lc_messages || db->dbb_r_lc_ctype) { db->dbb_r_user = user; db->dbb_r_password = password; db->dbb_r_lc_messages = lc_messages; if (!request) request = PAR_set_up_dpb_info(ready, action, default_buffers); request->req_flags |= REQ_extend_dpb; } /* ...and if there are compile time user or password specified, make sure there will be a dpb generated for them */ if (!request && (db->dbb_c_user || db->dbb_c_password || db->dbb_c_sql_role || db->dbb_c_lc_ctype || db->dbb_c_lc_messages)) { request = PAR_set_up_dpb_info(ready, action, default_buffers); } } return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL create statement. // static act* act_create() { if (MSC_match(KW_DATABASE) || MSC_match(KW_SCHEMA)) return act_create_database(); if (MSC_match(KW_DOMAIN)) return act_create_domain(); if (MSC_match(KW_GENERATOR)) return act_create_generator(); if (MSC_match(KW_SHADOW)) return act_create_shadow(); if (MSC_match(KW_STOGROUP)) PAR_error("CREATE STOGROUP not supported"); if (MSC_match(KW_SYNONYM)) PAR_error("CREATE SYNONYM not supported"); if (MSC_match(KW_TABLE)) return act_create_table(); if (MSC_match(KW_TABLESPACE)) PAR_error("CREATE TABLESPACE not supported"); if (MSC_match(KW_VIEW)) return (act_create_view()); const kwwords_t tok_kw = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword; if (tok_kw == KW_UNIQUE || tok_kw == KW_ASCENDING || tok_kw == KW_DESCENDING || tok_kw == KW_INDEX) { bool descending = false; bool unique = false; while (true) { if (MSC_match(KW_UNIQUE)) unique = true; else if (MSC_match(KW_ASCENDING)) descending = false; else if (MSC_match(KW_DESCENDING)) descending = true; else if (MSC_match(KW_INDEX)) return act_create_index(unique, descending); else break; } } PAR_error("Invalid CREATE request"); return NULL; // silence compiler } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQLish create database statement. // static act* act_create_database() { bool dummy; if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) PAR_error("CREATE DATABASE only allowed in context of a single database"); if (!gpreGlob.isc_databases) { // generate a dummy db dummy = true; gpreGlob.isc_databases = (gpre_dbb*) MSC_alloc_permanent(DBB_LEN); // allocate symbol block gpre_sym* symbol = (gpre_sym*) MSC_alloc_permanent(SYM_LEN); // make it the default database symbol->sym_type = SYM_database; symbol->sym_object = (gpre_ctx*) gpreGlob.isc_databases; symbol->sym_string = gpreGlob.database_name; // database block points to the symbol block gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_name = symbol; gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_filename = NULL; gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_c_lc_ctype = gpreGlob.module_lc_ctype; } else dummy = false; // get database name gpre_dbb* db = NULL; if (isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type)) { db = dup_dbb(gpreGlob.isc_databases); TEXT* string = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length + 1); db->dbb_filename = string; MSC_copy(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length, string); if (!gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_filename) gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_filename = string; PAR_get_token(); } else CPR_s_error(""); // Create a request for generating DYN to add files to database. // gpre_req* request = MSC_request (REQ_create_database); gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); request->req_flags |= REQ_sql_database_dyn; request->req_database = db; // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_create_database); mdbb* mdb = (mdbb*) MSC_alloc(sizeof(mdbb)); mdb->mdbb_database = db; action->act_object = (ref*) mdb; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); if (dummy) { // Create a ACT_database action action->act_rest = MSC_action(0, ACT_database); action->act_rest->act_flags |= ACT_mark; } // Get optional specifications const bool extend_dpb = tail_database(ACT_create_database, db); // Create a request to generate dpb #ifdef GPRE_ADA gpreGlob.ada_flags |= gpreGlob.ADA_create_database; #endif request = MSC_request(REQ_create_database); request->req_actions = action; mdb->mdbb_dpb_request = request; request->req_database = db; if (extend_dpb) request->req_flags |= REQ_extend_dpb; return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle creation of a domain (global field). // static act* act_create_domain() { // create request block gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can only CREATE DOMAIN in context of single database"); // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_create_domain); gpre_fld* field = make_field(0); MSC_match(KW_AS); SQL_par_field_dtype(request, field, false); // Check if default value was specified if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_DEFAULT) { field->fld_default_source = CPR_start_text(); PAR_get_token(); if (MSC_match(KW_USER)) field->fld_default_value = MSC_node(nod_user_name, 0); else if (MSC_match(KW_NULL)) field->fld_default_value = MSC_node(nod_null, 0); else { if (MSC_match(KW_MINUS)) { if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_number) CPR_s_error(""); gpre_nod* literal_node = EXP_literal(); field->fld_default_value = MSC_unary(nod_negate, literal_node); } else if ((field->fld_default_value = EXP_literal()) == NULL) CPR_s_error(""); } CPR_end_text(field->fld_default_source); } // Check for any column level constraints cnstrt** cnstrt_ptr = &field->fld_constraints; bool in_constraints = true; while (in_constraints) { switch (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword) { case KW_CONSTRAINT: case KW_CHECK: case KW_NOT: *cnstrt_ptr = par_field_constraint(request, field, 0); cnstrt_ptr = &(*cnstrt_ptr)->cnstrt_next; break; default: in_constraints = false; break; } } SQL_par_field_collate(request, field); SQL_adjust_field_dtype(field); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) field; return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL create generator statement // static act* act_create_generator() { TEXT* generator_name = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", generator_name, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Generator name too long"); gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can only CREATE GENERATOR in context of single database"); // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_create_generator); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) generator_name; PAR_get_token(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL create index statement. // static act* act_create_index(bool dups, bool descending) { // create request block gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); // get index and table names and create index and relation blocks SCHAR i_name[NAME_SIZE + 1]; SQL_resolve_identifier("", i_name, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Index name too long"); PAR_get_token(); if (!MSC_match(KW_ON)) CPR_s_error("ON"); gpre_rel* relation = par_relation(request); gpre_index* index = make_index(request, i_name); index->ind_relation = relation; index->ind_flags |= dups ? IND_dup_flag : 0; index->ind_flags |= descending ? IND_descend : 0; // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_create_index); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) index; // parse field list and create corresponding field blocks EXP_left_paren(0); gpre_fld** ptr = &index->ind_fields; for (;;) { *ptr = make_field(relation); ptr = &(*ptr)->fld_next; if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) break; } EXP_match_paren(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL create shadow statement // static act* act_create_shadow() { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can only CREATE SHADOW in context of single database"); act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_create_shadow); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); SLONG shadow_number = EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); USHORT file_flags = 0; if (!range_positive_short_integer(shadow_number)) PAR_error("Shadow number out of range"); if (MSC_match(KW_MANUAL)) file_flags |= FIL_manual; else MSC_match(KW_AUTO); if (MSC_match(KW_CONDITIONAL)) file_flags |= FIL_conditional; gpre_file* file = define_file(); gpre_file* file_list = file; if (file->fil_start) PAR_error("Can not specify file start for first file"); SLONG length = file->fil_length; file->fil_flags = file_flags; file->fil_shadow_number = (SSHORT) shadow_number; while (MSC_match(KW_FILE)) { file = define_file(); if (!length && !file->fil_start) { TEXT err_string[1024]; sprintf(err_string, "Preceding file did not specify length, so %s must include starting page number", file->fil_name); PAR_error(err_string); } length = file->fil_length; file->fil_flags = file_flags; file->fil_next = file_list; file_list = file; } action->act_object = (ref*) file_list; return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL create table statement. // static act* act_create_table() { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); gpre_rel* relation = par_relation(request); if (MSC_match(KW_EXTERNAL)) { TEXT* string = NULL; MSC_match(KW_FILE); if (isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type)) { string = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length + 1); relation->rel_ext_file = string; MSC_copy(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length, string); PAR_get_token(); } else CPR_s_error(""); if (!check_filename(string)) PAR_error("node name not permitted"); // a node name is not permitted in external file name } // CHECK Constraints require the context to be set to the // current relation gpre_ctx* context = MSC_context(request); request->req_contexts = context; context->ctx_relation = relation; // Reserve context 1 for relation on which constraint is // being defined context->ctx_internal++; request->req_internal++; // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_create_table); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) relation; EXP_left_paren(0); gpre_fld** ptr = &relation->rel_fields; cnstrt** cnstrt_ptr = &relation->rel_constraints; for (;;) { switch (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword) { case KW_CONSTRAINT: case KW_PRIMARY: case KW_UNIQUE: case KW_FOREIGN: case KW_CHECK: *cnstrt_ptr = par_table_constraint(request, relation); cnstrt_ptr = &(*cnstrt_ptr)->cnstrt_next; break; default: // parse field list and create corresponding field blocks *ptr = par_field(request, relation); ptr = &(*ptr)->fld_next; } if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) break; } EXP_match_paren(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL create view statement. // static act* act_create_view() { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); gpre_rel* relation = par_relation(request); // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_create_view); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) relation; // if field list is present parse it and create corresponding field blocks if (MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { gpre_fld** ptr = &relation->rel_fields; for (;;) { *ptr = make_field(relation); ptr = &(*ptr)->fld_next; if (MSC_match(KW_RIGHT_PAREN)) break; MSC_match(KW_COMMA); } } // skip 'AS SELECT' if (!MSC_match(KW_AS)) CPR_s_error("AS"); relation->rel_view_text = CPR_start_text(); if (!MSC_match(KW_SELECT)) CPR_s_error("SELECT"); // reserve context variable 0 for view request->req_internal++; // parse the view SELECT gpre_rse* select = SQE_select(request, true); relation->rel_view_rse = select; EXP_rse_cleanup(select); if (MSC_match(KW_WITH)) { if (!MSC_match(KW_CHECK)) CPR_s_error("CHECK"); if (!MSC_match(KW_OPTION)) CPR_s_error("OPTION"); relation->rel_flags |= REL_view_check; } CPR_end_text(relation->rel_view_text); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Recognize BEGIN/END DECLARE SECTION, // and mark it as a good place to put miscellaneous // global routine stuff. // static act* act_d_section(act_t type) { if (!MSC_match(KW_DECLARE)) CPR_s_error("DECLARE SECTION"); if (!MSC_match(KW_SECTION)) CPR_s_error("SECTION"); MSC_match(KW_SEMI_COLON); act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = type; if (type == ACT_b_declare) gpreGlob.cur_routine = action; // Hmm, global var. if (!gpreGlob.isc_databases) { // allocate database block and link to db chain gpreGlob.isc_databases = (gpre_dbb*) MSC_alloc_permanent(DBB_LEN); // allocate symbol block gpre_sym* symbol = (gpre_sym*) MSC_alloc_permanent(SYM_LEN); // make it a database, specifically this one symbol->sym_type = SYM_database; symbol->sym_object = (gpre_ctx*) gpreGlob.isc_databases; symbol->sym_string = gpreGlob.database_name; // database block points to the symbol block gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_name = symbol; gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_filename = NULL; gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_flags = DBB_sqlca; gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_c_lc_ctype = gpreGlob.module_lc_ctype; if (gpreGlob.sw_external) gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_scope = DBB_EXTERN; } else { /* Load up the symbol (hash) table with relation names from this database */ MET_load_hash_table(gpreGlob.isc_databases); } HSH_insert(gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_name); if (MSC_match(KW_SQL)) { if (!MSC_match(KW_NAMES)) CPR_s_error("NAMES ARE"); if (!MSC_match(KW_ARE)) CPR_s_error("NAMES ARE"); gpre_sym* symbol = MSC_find_symbol(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol, SYM_charset); if (!symbol) PAR_error("The named CHARACTER SET was not found"); if (gpreGlob.module_lc_ctype && !strcmp(gpreGlob.module_lc_ctype, symbol->sym_string)) PAR_error("Duplicate specification of module CHARACTER SET."); gpreGlob.module_lc_ctype = symbol->sym_string; gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_c_lc_ctype = symbol->sym_string; CPR_token(); } return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse the SQL cursor declaration. // static act* act_declare() { gpre_dbb* db = NULL; if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol && (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol->sym_type == SYM_database)) { // must be a database specifier in a DECLARE TABLE statement db = (gpre_dbb*) gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol->sym_object; PAR_get_token(); if (!MSC_match(KW_DOT)) CPR_s_error(". (period)"); gpre_sym* symbol = PAR_symbol(SYM_dummy); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword != KW_TABLE) CPR_s_error("TABLE"); return (act_declare_table(symbol, db)); } switch (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword) { case KW_FILTER: return (act_declare_filter()); break; case KW_EXTERNAL: PAR_get_token(); if (MSC_match(KW_FUNCTION)) return (act_declare_udf()); CPR_s_error("FUNCTION"); break; } bool delimited = false; { // Scope TEXT t_str[MAX_CURSOR_SIZE]; SQL_resolve_identifier("", t_str, MAX_CURSOR_SIZE); gpre_sym* symb = NULL; if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type == tok_dblquoted) { delimited = true; symb = HSH_lookup(t_str); } else { symb = HSH_lookup2(t_str); } if (symb && (symb->sym_type == SYM_cursor || symb->sym_type == SYM_delimited_cursor)) { char s[ERROR_LENGTH]; fb_utils::snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "symbol %s is already in use", t_str); PAR_error(s); } } // end scope #ifdef SCROLLABLE_CURSORS bool scroll = false; #endif act* action = NULL; gpre_sym* symbol = PAR_symbol(SYM_cursor); switch (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword) { case KW_TABLE: return (act_declare_table(symbol, 0)); #ifdef SCROLLABLE_CURSORS case KW_SCROLL: PAR_get_token(); scroll = true; if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword != KW_CURSOR) CPR_s_error("CURSOR"); #endif case KW_CURSOR: PAR_get_token(); if (!MSC_match(KW_FOR)) CPR_s_error("FOR"); if (MSC_match(KW_SELECT)) { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_cursor); request->req_flags |= REQ_sql_cursor | REQ_sql_declare_cursor; #ifdef SCROLLABLE_CURSORS if (scroll) request->req_flags |= REQ_scroll; #endif symbol->sym_object = (gpre_ctx*) request; action = MSC_action(request, ACT_cursor); action->act_object = (ref*) symbol; symbol->sym_type = delimited ? SYM_delimited_cursor : SYM_cursor; request->req_rse = SQE_select(request, false); EXP_rse_cleanup(request->req_rse); } else if (MSC_match(KW_READ)) { action = act_open_blob(ACT_blob_open, symbol); symbol->sym_type = delimited ? SYM_delimited_cursor : SYM_cursor; } else if (MSC_match(KW_INSERT)) { action = act_open_blob(ACT_blob_create, symbol); symbol->sym_type = delimited ? SYM_delimited_cursor : SYM_cursor; } else { dyn* statement = par_statement(); symbol->sym_object = (gpre_ctx*) statement; if (MSC_match(KW_FOR)) { if (!MSC_match(KW_UPDATE)) CPR_s_error("UPDATE"); if (!MSC_match(KW_OF)) CPR_s_error("OF"); do { CPR_token(); } while (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)); } symbol->sym_type = SYM_dyn_cursor; statement->dyn_cursor_name = symbol; action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_dyn_cursor; action->act_object = (ref*) statement; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); } HSH_insert(symbol); return action; default: while (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) ; // empty loop body if (MSC_match(KW_STATEMENT)) { action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_dyn_statement; return action; } CPR_s_error("CURSOR, STATEMENT or TABLE"); } return NULL; // silence compiler } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL declare filter statement // static act* act_declare_filter() { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can only DECLARE FILTER in context of single database"); PAR_get_token(); gpre_filter* filter = (gpre_filter*) MSC_alloc(FLTR_LEN); filter->fltr_name = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", filter->fltr_name, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Filter name too long"); PAR_get_token(); // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_declare_filter); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) filter; SLONG input_type = 0; if (MSC_match(KW_INPUT_TYPE)) input_type = EXP_SSHORT_ordinal(true); else CPR_s_error("INPUT_TYPE"); SLONG output_type = 0; if (MSC_match(KW_OUTPUT_TYPE)) output_type = EXP_SSHORT_ordinal(true); else CPR_s_error("OUTPUT_TYPE"); if (!range_short_integer(input_type) || !range_short_integer(output_type)) PAR_error("Blob sub_type out of range"); filter->fltr_input_type = (SSHORT) input_type; filter->fltr_output_type = (SSHORT) output_type; if (MSC_match(KW_ENTRY_POINT)) filter->fltr_entry_point = extract_string(true); else CPR_s_error("ENTRY_POINT"); if (MSC_match(KW_MODULE_NAME)) filter->fltr_module_name = extract_string(true); else CPR_s_error("MODULE_NAME"); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL declare table statement. // static act* act_declare_table( gpre_sym* symbol, gpre_dbb* db) { // create a local request block gpre_req* request = (gpre_req*) MSC_alloc(REQ_LEN); request->req_type = REQ_ddl; // create relation block gpre_rel* relation = make_relation(0, symbol->sym_string); if (!db) db = relation->rel_database; request->req_database = db; relation->rel_next = db->dbb_relations; db->dbb_relations = relation; gpre_fld* dbkey = MET_make_field("rdb$db_key", dtype_text, 8, false); relation->rel_dbkey = dbkey; dbkey->fld_flags |= FLD_dbkey | FLD_text | FLD_charset; dbkey->fld_ttype = ttype_binary; // if relation name already in incore metadata, remove it & its fields gpre_sym* old_symbol = HSH_lookup(relation->rel_symbol->sym_string); while (old_symbol) { if (old_symbol->sym_type == SYM_relation) { gpre_rel* tmp_relation = (gpre_rel*) old_symbol->sym_object; if (tmp_relation->rel_meta) PAR_error("Multiple DECLARE TABLE statements for table"); gpre_sym* tmp_symbol = old_symbol->sym_homonym; HSH_remove(old_symbol); for (gpre_fld* field = tmp_relation->rel_fields; field; field = field->fld_next) { HSH_remove(field->fld_symbol); } old_symbol = tmp_symbol; } else old_symbol = old_symbol->sym_homonym; } // add new symbol to incore metadata HSH_insert(relation->rel_symbol); // create action block act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_noop; action->act_object = (ref*) relation; // parse field list and create corresponding field blocks // include size information for message length calculations PAR_get_token(); EXP_left_paren(0); USHORT count = 0; gpre_fld** ptr = &relation->rel_fields; for (;;) { gpre_fld* field = par_field(request, relation); *ptr = field; ptr = &field->fld_next; HSH_insert(field->fld_symbol); field->fld_position = count++; field->fld_flags &= ~FLD_meta; SQL_adjust_field_dtype(field); if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) break; } EXP_match_paren(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL declare external statement // static act* act_declare_udf() { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can only DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION in context of single database"); decl_udf* udf_declaration = (decl_udf*) MSC_alloc(DECL_UDF_LEN); TEXT* udf_name = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", udf_name, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("External function name too long"); udf_declaration->decl_udf_name = udf_name; PAR_get_token(); // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_declare_udf); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) udf_declaration; gpre_fld** ptr = &udf_declaration->decl_udf_arg_list; while (true) { if (MSC_match(KW_RETURNS)) { if (MSC_match(KW_PARAMETER)) { const SLONG return_parameter = EXP_pos_USHORT_ordinal(true); if (return_parameter > 10) PAR_error("return parameter not in range"); fb_assert(return_parameter <= MAX_SSHORT); udf_declaration->decl_udf_return_parameter = (SSHORT) return_parameter; } else { gpre_fld* field = (gpre_fld*) MSC_alloc(FLD_LEN); field->fld_flags |= (FLD_meta | FLD_meta_cstring); SQL_par_field_dtype(request, field, true); SQL_adjust_field_dtype(field); udf_declaration->decl_udf_return_type = field; MSC_match(KW_BY); if (MSC_match(KW_VALUE)) udf_declaration->decl_udf_return_mode = FUN_value; else udf_declaration->decl_udf_return_mode = FUN_reference; } break; } gpre_fld* field = (gpre_fld*) MSC_alloc(FLD_LEN); field->fld_flags |= (FLD_meta | FLD_meta_cstring); SQL_par_field_dtype(request, field, true); SQL_adjust_field_dtype(field); *ptr = field; ptr = &(field->fld_next); MSC_match(KW_COMMA); } if (MSC_match(KW_ENTRY_POINT)) udf_declaration->decl_udf_entry_point = extract_string(true); else CPR_s_error("ENTRY_POINT"); if (MSC_match(KW_MODULE_NAME)) udf_declaration->decl_udf_module_name = extract_string(true); else CPR_s_error("MODULE_NAME"); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse an update action. This is a little more complicated // because SQL confuses the update of a cursor with a mass update. // The syntax, and therefor the code, I fear, is a mess. // static act* act_delete() { const TEXT* transaction; par_options(&transaction); if (!MSC_match(KW_FROM)) CPR_s_error("FROM"); // First comes the relation. Unfortunately, there is no way to identify // its database until the cursor is known. Sigh. Save the token. TEXT r_name[NAME_SIZE], db_name[NAME_SIZE], owner_name[NAME_SIZE]; SQL_relation_name(r_name, db_name, owner_name); // Parse the optional alias (context variable) gpre_sym* alias = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol ? NULL : PAR_symbol(SYM_dummy); // Now the moment of truth. If the next few tokens are WHERE CURRENT OF // then this is a sub-action of an existing request. If not, then it is // a free standing request gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_mass_update); upd* update = (upd*) MSC_alloc(UPD_LEN); const bool where = MSC_match(KW_WITH); if (where && MSC_match(KW_CURRENT)) { if (!MSC_match(KW_OF)) CPR_s_error("OF "); gpreGlob.requests = request->req_next; gpreGlob.cur_routine->act_object = (ref*) request->req_routine; // Beware global var MSC_free(request); request = par_cursor(NULL); if ((transaction || request->req_trans) && (!transaction || !request->req_trans || strcmp(transaction, request->req_trans))) { if (transaction) PAR_error("different transaction for select and delete"); else { // does not specify transaction clause in // "delete ... where current of cursor" stmt const size_t trans_nm_len = strlen(request->req_trans); char* str_2 = (char*) MSC_alloc(trans_nm_len + 1); memcpy(str_2, request->req_trans, trans_nm_len); transaction = str_2; } } request->req_trans = transaction; gpre_rel* relation = SQL_relation(request, r_name, db_name, owner_name, true); gpre_rse* selection = request->req_rse; gpre_ctx* context = NULL; SSHORT i; for (i = 0; i < selection->rse_count; i++) { context = selection->rse_context[i]; if (context->ctx_relation == relation) break; } if (i == selection->rse_count) PAR_error("table not in request"); update->upd_request = request; update->upd_source = context; act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_erase); action->act_object = (ref*) update; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } request->req_trans = transaction; // How amusing. After all that work, it wasn't a sub-action at all. // Neat. Take the pieces and build a complete request. Start by // figuring out what database is involved. gpre_rel* relation = SQL_relation(request, r_name, db_name, owner_name, true); gpre_rse* selection = (gpre_rse*) MSC_alloc(RSE_LEN(1)); request->req_rse = selection; selection->rse_count = 1; gpre_ctx* context = MSC_context(request); selection->rse_context[0] = context; context->ctx_relation = relation; bool hsh_rm = false; if (alias && !gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol) { alias->sym_type = SYM_context; alias->sym_object = context; context->ctx_symbol = alias; gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol = alias; HSH_insert(alias); hsh_rm = true; } if (where) selection->rse_boolean = SQE_boolean(request, 0); request->req_node = MSC_node(nod_erase, 0); act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_loop); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); if (hsh_rm) HSH_remove(alias); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL describe statement. // Reject // static act* act_describe() { bool in_sqlda; if (MSC_match(KW_INPUT)) in_sqlda = true; else { MSC_match(KW_OUTPUT); in_sqlda = false; } dyn* statement = par_statement(); if (!MSC_match(KW_INTO)) { /* check for SQL2 syntax "USING SQL DESCRIPTOR sqlda" */ if (!MSC_match(KW_USING) || !MSC_match(KW_SQL) || !MSC_match(KW_DESCRIPTOR)) CPR_s_error("INTO or USING SQL DESCRIPTOR sqlda"); } else if (MSC_match(KW_SQL) && !MSC_match(KW_DESCRIPTOR)) CPR_s_error("INTO SQL DESCRIPTOR sqlda"); statement->dyn_sqlda = PAR_native_value(false, false); act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); if (in_sqlda) action->act_type = ACT_dyn_describe_input; else action->act_type = ACT_dyn_describe; action->act_object = (ref*) statement; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse a FINISH statement. // static act* act_disconnect() { act* action = MSC_action(0, ACT_disconnect); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); bool all = MSC_match(KW_ALL) || MSC_match(KW_DEFAULT); if (!all) { if (MSC_match(KW_CURRENT)) PAR_error("DISCONNECT CURRENT not supported"); gpre_sym* test_symbol = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol; if (!(test_symbol && test_symbol->sym_type == SYM_database)) { CPR_s_error("ALL, DEFAULT, or "); } while (true) { gpre_sym* symbol = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol; if (symbol && symbol->sym_type == SYM_database) { rdy* ready = (rdy*) MSC_alloc(RDY_LEN); ready->rdy_next = (rdy*) action->act_object; action->act_object = (ref*) ready; ready->rdy_database = (gpre_dbb*) symbol->sym_object; PAR_get_token(); } else CPR_s_error(""); if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) break; } } if (gpreGlob.sw_language == lang_ada) MSC_match(KW_SEMI_COLON); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL drop statement. // static act* act_drop() { act* action = NULL; gpre_dbb* db = NULL; gpre_req* request = NULL; gpre_rel* relation = NULL; TEXT* identifier_name; switch (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword) { case KW_DATABASE: { PAR_error("DROP DATABASE not supported"); request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); PAR_get_token(); if (!isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type)) CPR_s_error(""); db = (gpre_dbb*) MSC_alloc(DBB_LEN); SCHAR* db_string = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length + 1); db->dbb_filename = db_string; MSC_copy(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length, db_string); gpre_sym* symbol = PAR_symbol(SYM_dummy); db->dbb_name = symbol; symbol->sym_type = SYM_database; symbol->sym_object = (gpre_ctx*) db; action = MSC_action(request, ACT_drop_database); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) db; PAR_get_token(); } return action; case KW_DOMAIN: request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can only DROP DOMAIN in context of single database"); PAR_get_token(); identifier_name = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", identifier_name, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Domain name too long"); action = MSC_action(request, ACT_drop_domain); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) identifier_name; PAR_get_token(); return action; case KW_FILTER: request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can only DROP FILTER in context of single database"); PAR_get_token(); identifier_name = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", identifier_name, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Filter name too long"); action = MSC_action(request, ACT_drop_filter); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) identifier_name; PAR_get_token(); return action; case KW_EXTERNAL: PAR_get_token(); if (!MSC_match(KW_FUNCTION)) CPR_s_error("FUNCTION"); request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can only DROP EXTERNAL FUNCTION in context of a single database"); identifier_name = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", identifier_name, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("External function name too long"); action = MSC_action(request, ACT_drop_udf); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) identifier_name; PAR_get_token(); return action; case KW_INDEX: { request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); PAR_get_token(); SQL_resolve_identifier("", NULL, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Index name too long"); gpre_index* index = make_index(request, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string); action = MSC_action(request, ACT_drop_index); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) index; PAR_get_token(); } return action; case KW_STOGROUP: PAR_error("DROP STOGROUP not supported"); case KW_TABLESPACE: PAR_error("DROP TABLESPACE not supported"); case KW_SYNONYM: PAR_error("DROP SYNONYM request not allowed"); case KW_SHADOW: { request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can only DROP SHADOW in context of a single database"); PAR_get_token(); action = MSC_action(request, ACT_drop_shadow); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); SLONG num = EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); if (!range_positive_short_integer(num)) PAR_error("Shadow number out of range"); action->act_object = (ref*)(IPTR) num; } return action; case KW_TABLE: request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); PAR_get_token(); relation = par_relation(request); action = MSC_action(request, ACT_drop_table); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) relation; return action; case KW_VIEW: request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); PAR_get_token(); relation = par_relation(request); action = MSC_action(request, ACT_drop_view); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) relation; return action; default: PAR_error("Invalid DROP request"); } return NULL; // silence compiler } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL event statement // static act* act_event() { act* action = NULL; if (MSC_match(KW_INIT)) action = PAR_event_init(true); else if (MSC_match(KW_WAIT)) action = PAR_event_wait(true); else CPR_s_error("INIT or WAIT"); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL execute statement. // Reject // static act* act_execute() { if (MSC_match(KW_PROCEDURE)) return act_procedure(); // EXECUTE IMMEDIATE is a different sort of duck if (MSC_match(KW_IMMEDIATE)) { if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) { TEXT s[ERROR_LENGTH]; sprintf(s, "Executing dynamic SQL statement in context of database %s", gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_name->sym_string); CPR_warn(s); } dyn* statement = (dyn*) MSC_alloc(DYN_LEN); par_options(&statement->dyn_trans); switch (gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect) { case 1: if (!isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type) && !MSC_match(KW_COLON)) CPR_s_error(": "); break; default: if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_sglquoted && !MSC_match(KW_COLON)) CPR_s_error(": "); break; } statement->dyn_string = PAR_native_value(false, false); par_using(statement); if (statement->dyn_using) PAR_error("Using host-variable list not supported."); par_into(statement); statement->dyn_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_dyn_immediate; action->act_object = (ref*) statement; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } // Ordinary form of EXECUTE const TEXT* transaction; par_options(&transaction); dyn* statement = par_statement(); statement->dyn_trans = transaction; par_using(statement); if (statement->dyn_using) PAR_error("Using host-variable list not supported."); par_into(statement); act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_dyn_execute; action->act_object = (ref*) statement; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse the SQL fetch statement. // static act* act_fetch() { // Handle dynamic SQL statement, if appropriate dyn* cursor = par_dynamic_cursor(); if (cursor) { dyn* statement = (dyn*) MSC_alloc(DYN_LEN); statement->dyn_statement_name = cursor->dyn_statement_name; statement->dyn_cursor_name = cursor->dyn_cursor_name; if (MSC_match(KW_USING) || MSC_match(KW_INTO)) { MSC_match(KW_SQL); // optional for backward compatibility if (MSC_match(KW_DESCRIPTOR)) statement->dyn_sqlda = PAR_native_value(false, false); else statement->dyn_using = (gpre_nod*) SQE_list(SQE_variable, NULL, false); if (statement->dyn_using) PAR_error("Using host-variable list not supported."); } act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_dyn_fetch; action->act_object = (ref*) statement; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } // Statement is static SQL #ifdef SCROLLABLE_CURSORS // parse the fetch orientation USHORT direction = blr_forward; const TEXT* direction_string = NULL; gpre_nod* offset_node = NULL; if (!MSC_match(KW_NEXT)) { if (MSC_match(KW_PRIOR)) { direction = blr_backward; direction_string = "1"; } else if (MSC_match(KW_FIRST)) { direction = blr_bof_forward; direction_string = "2"; } else if (MSC_match(KW_LAST)) { direction = blr_eof_backward; direction_string = "3"; } else if (MSC_match(KW_RELATIVE)) { direction = blr_forward; direction_string = "0"; offset_node = SQE_value(0, false, NULL, NULL); PAR_get_token(); } else if (MSC_match(KW_ABSOLUTE)) { direction = blr_bof_forward; direction_string = "2"; offset_node = SQE_value(0, false, NULL, NULL); PAR_get_token(); } } MSC_match(KW_FROM); #endif gpre_req* request = par_cursor(NULL); #ifdef SCROLLABLE_CURSORS // if scrolling is required, set up the offset and direction parameters // to be passed to the running request via the asynchronous message-- // there could be multiple FETCH statements, so we need to store multiple // value blocks, one for each FETCH statement if (direction != blr_forward) { if (!(request->req_flags & REQ_scroll)) PAR_error("Must use SCROLL modifier for DECLARE CURSOR to enable scrolling."); // create a literal for the direction parameter ref* reference = request->req_avalues; if (!reference) reference = request->req_avalues = (ref*) MSC_alloc(REF_LEN); gpre_value* value = reference->ref_values; if (!value) reference->ref_values = value = (gpre_value*) MSC_alloc(VAL_LEN); else { while (value->val_next) { value = value->val_next; } value->val_next = (gpre_value*) MSC_alloc(VAL_LEN); value = value->val_next; } TEXT* string = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(2); value->val_value = string; MSC_copy(direction_string, 1, string); // create a reference to the offset variable or literal if (!reference->ref_next) reference->ref_next = (ref*) MSC_alloc(REF_LEN); reference = reference->ref_next; value = reference->ref_values; if (!value) reference->ref_values = value = (gpre_value*) MSC_alloc(VAL_LEN); else { while (value->val_next) { value = value->val_next; } value->val_next = (gpre_value*) MSC_alloc(VAL_LEN); value = value->val_next; } if (offset_node) value->val_value = ((ref*) offset_node->nod_arg[0])->ref_value; else { const TEXT* offset_string = "1"; string = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(2); value->val_value = string; MSC_copy(offset_string, 1, string); } } #endif if (request->req_flags & REQ_sql_blob_create) PAR_error("Fetching from a blob being created is not allowed."); act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_fetch); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); if (request->req_flags & REQ_sql_blob_open) { if (!MSC_match(KW_INTO)) CPR_s_error("INTO"); action->act_object = (ref*) SQE_variable(NULL, false, NULL, NULL); action->act_type = ACT_get_segment; } else if (MSC_match(KW_INTO)) { action->act_object = (ref*) SQE_list(SQE_variable, request, false); gpre_rse* select = request->req_rse; into(request, select->rse_fields, (gpre_nod*) action->act_object); } return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse an SQL grant or revoke statement. Set up grant/revoke // blocks, fill in all of the privilege information, and // attach them to an action block of type GRANT or REVOKE. // static act* act_grant_revoke(act_t type) { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); PRV priv_block = MSC_privilege_block(); // if it is revoke action, parse the optional grant option for if (type == ACT_dyn_revoke) { if (MSC_match(KW_GRANT)) { if (!MSC_match(KW_OPTION)) CPR_s_error("OPTION"); if (!MSC_match(KW_FOR)) CPR_s_error("FOR"); priv_block->prv_privileges |= PRV_grant_option; } } bool execute_priv = false; if (MSC_match(KW_ALL)) { MSC_match(KW_PRIVILEGES); // Keyword 'privileges' is optional priv_block->prv_privileges = PRV_all; } else if (MSC_match(KW_EXECUTE)) { priv_block->prv_privileges |= PRV_execute; execute_priv = true; } else { gpre_lls** fields = &priv_block->prv_fields; while (true) { if (MSC_match(KW_SELECT)) priv_block->prv_privileges |= PRV_select; else if (MSC_match(KW_INSERT)) priv_block->prv_privileges |= PRV_insert; else if (MSC_match(KW_DELETE)) priv_block->prv_privileges |= PRV_delete; else if (MSC_match(KW_UPDATE)) { priv_block->prv_privileges |= PRV_update; if (MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { SCHAR col_name[NAME_SIZE + 1]; do { SQL_resolve_identifier("", col_name, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Field name too long"); STR field_name = (STR) MSC_string(col_name); MSC_push((gpre_nod*) field_name, fields); fields = &(*fields)->lls_next; CPR_token(); } while (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)); if (!MSC_match(KW_RIGHT_PAREN)) CPR_s_error(""); } } if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) break; } } if (!MSC_match(KW_ON)) CPR_s_error("ON"); STR relation_name = NULL; SCHAR r_name[NAME_SIZE], db_name[NAME_SIZE], owner_name[NAME_SIZE]; if (execute_priv) { if (!MSC_match(KW_PROCEDURE)) CPR_s_error("PROCEDURE"); SQL_relation_name(r_name, db_name, owner_name); SQL_procedure(request, r_name, db_name, owner_name, true); relation_name = (STR) MSC_string(r_name); priv_block->prv_relation = relation_name; priv_block->prv_object_dyn = isc_dyn_prc_name; } else { MSC_match(KW_TABLE); // filler word SQL_relation_name(r_name, db_name, owner_name); SQL_relation(request, r_name, db_name, owner_name, true); relation_name = (STR) MSC_string(r_name); priv_block->prv_relation = relation_name; priv_block->prv_object_dyn = isc_dyn_rel_name; } if (type == ACT_dyn_grant) { if (!MSC_match(KW_TO)) CPR_s_error("TO"); } else { /* type == ACT_dyn_revoke */ if (!MSC_match(KW_FROM)) CPR_s_error("FROM"); } bool grant_option_legal = true; gpre_usn* usernames = 0; gpre_usn* user = 0; USHORT user_dyn = 0; SCHAR s[ERROR_LENGTH]; while (true) { if (MSC_match(KW_PROCEDURE)) { SQL_relation_name(r_name, db_name, owner_name); SQL_procedure(request, r_name, db_name, owner_name, true); user_dyn = isc_dyn_grant_proc; grant_option_legal = false; } else if (MSC_match(KW_TRIGGER)) { SQL_relation_name(r_name, db_name, owner_name); if (!MET_trigger_exists(request->req_database, r_name)) { sprintf(s, "TRIGGER %s not defined", r_name); PAR_error(s); } user_dyn = isc_dyn_grant_trig; grant_option_legal = false; } else if (MSC_match(KW_VIEW)) { SQL_relation_name(r_name, db_name, owner_name); if (!MET_get_view_relation(request, r_name, relation_name->str_string, 0)) { sprintf(s, "VIEW %s not defined on table %s", r_name, relation_name->str_string); PAR_error(s); } user_dyn = isc_dyn_grant_view; grant_option_legal = false; } else if (MSC_match(KW_PUBLIC)) { strcpy(r_name, "PUBLIC"); user_dyn = isc_dyn_grant_user; } else { MSC_match(KW_USER); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_ident) CPR_s_error(""); else to_upcase(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, r_name, sizeof(r_name)); user_dyn = isc_dyn_grant_user; CPR_token(); } if (!usernames) { usernames = MSC_username(r_name, user_dyn); user = usernames; } else { user->usn_next = MSC_username(r_name, user_dyn); user = user->usn_next; } if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) break; } // If this is a grant, do we have the optional WITH GRANT OPTION specification? if ((type == ACT_dyn_grant) && grant_option_legal) { if (MSC_match(KW_WITH)) { if (!MSC_match(KW_GRANT)) CPR_s_error("GRANT"); if (!MSC_match(KW_OPTION)) CPR_s_error("OPTION"); priv_block->prv_privileges |= PRV_grant_option; } } // create action block act* action = MSC_action(request, type); action->act_next = 0; PRV last_priv_block = priv_block; bool first = true; for (user = usernames; user; user = user->usn_next) { // create and fill privilege block priv_block = MSC_privilege_block(); priv_block->prv_username = user->usn_name; priv_block->prv_user_dyn = user->usn_dyn; priv_block->prv_privileges = last_priv_block->prv_privileges; priv_block->prv_relation = last_priv_block->prv_relation; priv_block->prv_object_dyn = last_priv_block->prv_object_dyn; priv_block->prv_fields = last_priv_block->prv_fields; if (first) { action->act_object = (ref*) priv_block; first = false; } else last_priv_block->prv_next = priv_block; last_priv_block = priv_block; } action->act_request = request; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // static act* act_include() { PAR_get_token(); MSC_match(KW_SEMI_COLON); act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_b_declare; gpreGlob.cur_routine = action; // Hmm, global var if (!gpreGlob.isc_databases) { // allocate database block and link to db chain gpreGlob.isc_databases = (gpre_dbb*) MSC_alloc_permanent(DBB_LEN); // allocate symbol block gpre_sym* symbol = (gpre_sym*) MSC_alloc_permanent(SYM_LEN); // make it a database, specifically this one symbol->sym_type = SYM_database; symbol->sym_object = (gpre_ctx*) gpreGlob.isc_databases; symbol->sym_string = gpreGlob.database_name; // database block points to the symbol block gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_name = symbol; gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_filename = NULL; gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_flags = DBB_sqlca; gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_c_lc_ctype = gpreGlob.module_lc_ctype; if (gpreGlob.sw_external) gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_scope = DBB_EXTERN; } else /* Load the symbol (hash) table with relation names from this database. */ MET_load_hash_table(gpreGlob.isc_databases); HSH_insert(gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_name); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Process SQL INSERT statement. // static act* act_insert() { const TEXT* transaction = NULL; par_options(&transaction); if (MSC_match(KW_CURSOR)) return act_insert_blob(transaction); if (!MSC_match(KW_INTO)) CPR_s_error("INTO"); gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_insert); request->req_trans = transaction; gpre_ctx* context = SQE_context(request); int count = 0, count2 = 0; gpre_lls* fields = NULL; // Pick up a field list if (!MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { gpre_nod* list = MET_fields(context); count = list->nod_count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) MSC_push(list->nod_arg[i], &fields); } else { do { gpre_nod* node = SQE_field(request, false); if (node->nod_type == nod_array) { node->nod_type = nod_field; // Make sure no subscripts are specified if (node->nod_arg[1]) { PAR_error("Partial insert of arrays not permitted"); } } // Dialect 1 program may not insert new datatypes if ((SQL_DIALECT_V5 == gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect) && nod_field == node->nod_type) { const USHORT field_dtype = ((ref*) (node->nod_arg[0]))->ref_field->fld_dtype; if (dtype_sql_date == field_dtype || dtype_sql_time == field_dtype || dtype_int64 == field_dtype) { SQL_dialect1_bad_type(field_dtype); } } MSC_push(node, &fields); count++; } while (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)); EXP_match_paren(); } gpre_lls* values = NULL; if (MSC_match(KW_VALUES)) { // Now pick up a value list EXP_left_paren(0); for (;;) { if (MSC_match(KW_NULL)) MSC_push(MSC_node(nod_null, 0), &values); else MSC_push(SQE_value(request, false, NULL, NULL), &values); count2++; if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) break; } EXP_match_paren(); // Make an assignment list if (count != count2) PAR_error("count of values doesn't match count of columns"); gpre_nod* vlist = MSC_node(nod_list, (SSHORT) count); request->req_node = vlist; gpre_nod** ptr = &vlist->nod_arg[count]; while (values) { gpre_nod* assignment = MSC_node(nod_assignment, 2); assignment->nod_arg[0] = (gpre_nod*) MSC_pop(&values); assignment->nod_arg[1] = (gpre_nod*) MSC_pop(&fields); pair(assignment->nod_arg[0], assignment->nod_arg[1]); *--ptr = assignment; } if (context->ctx_symbol) HSH_remove(context->ctx_symbol); act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_insert); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } if (!MSC_match(KW_SELECT)) CPR_s_error("VALUES or SELECT"); // OK, we've got a mass insert on our hands. Start by picking // up the select statement. First, however, remove the INSERT // context to avoid resolving SELECT fields to the insert relation. request->req_type = REQ_mass_update; request->req_contexts = NULL; request->req_update = context; gpre_rse* select = SQE_select(request, false); request->req_rse = select; context->ctx_next = request->req_contexts; request->req_contexts = context; // Build an assignment list from select expressions into target list gpre_nod* select_list = select->rse_fields; if (count != select_list->nod_count) PAR_error("count of values doesn't match count of columns"); gpre_nod* alist = MSC_node(nod_list, (SSHORT) count); request->req_node = alist; gpre_nod** ptr = &alist->nod_arg[count]; gpre_nod** ptr2 = &select_list->nod_arg[count]; while (fields) { gpre_nod* assignment = MSC_node(nod_assignment, 2); assignment->nod_arg[0] = *--ptr2; assignment->nod_arg[1] = (gpre_nod*) MSC_pop(&fields); pair(assignment->nod_arg[0], assignment->nod_arg[1]); *--ptr = assignment; } gpre_nod* store = MSC_binary(nod_store, (gpre_nod*) context, alist); request->req_node = store; EXP_rse_cleanup(select); if (context->ctx_symbol) HSH_remove(context->ctx_symbol); act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_loop); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Process SQL INSERT statement. // // Do I miss anything here? The parameter is not used! // TEXT is supposedly to be transaction. static act* act_insert_blob(const TEXT* transaction) { // Handle dynamic SQL statement, if appropriate dyn* cursor = par_dynamic_cursor(); if (cursor) { dyn* statement = (dyn*) MSC_alloc(DYN_LEN); statement->dyn_statement_name = cursor->dyn_statement_name; statement->dyn_cursor_name = cursor->dyn_cursor_name; par_using(statement); if (statement->dyn_using) PAR_error("Using host-variable list not supported."); act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_dyn_insert; action->act_object = (ref*) statement; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } // Statement is static SQL gpre_req* request = par_cursor(NULL); if (request->req_flags & REQ_sql_blob_open) PAR_error("Inserting into a blob being opened is not allowed."); act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_put_segment); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); if (!MSC_match(KW_VALUES)) CPR_s_error("VALUES"); EXP_left_paren(0); action->act_object = (ref*) SQE_variable(NULL, false, NULL, NULL); if (!action->act_object->ref_null_value) PAR_error("A segment length is required."); EXP_match_paren(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL lock statement. // Reject // static act* act_lock() { PAR_error("SQL LOCK TABLE request not allowed"); return NULL; // silence compiler } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle the SQL actions OPEN and CLOSE cursors. // static act* act_openclose(act_t type) { const TEXT* transaction = 0; if (type == ACT_open) par_options(&transaction); // Handle dynamic SQL statement, if appropriate dyn* cursor = par_dynamic_cursor(); if (cursor) { dyn* statement = (dyn*) MSC_alloc(DYN_LEN); statement->dyn_statement_name = cursor->dyn_statement_name; statement->dyn_cursor_name = cursor->dyn_cursor_name; act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_object = (ref*) statement; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); if (type == ACT_open) { action->act_type = ACT_dyn_open; statement->dyn_trans = transaction; par_using(statement); if (statement->dyn_using) PAR_error("Using host-variable list not supported."); par_into(statement); } else action->act_type = ACT_dyn_close; return action; } // Statement is static SQL gpre_sym* symbol = NULL; gpre_req* request = par_cursor(&symbol); act* action = MSC_action(request, type); if (type == ACT_open) { open_cursor* open = (open_cursor*) MSC_alloc(OPN_LEN); open->opn_trans = transaction; open->opn_cursor = symbol; action->act_object = (ref*) open; if (transaction != NULL) request->req_trans = transaction; if (request->req_flags & (REQ_sql_blob_open | REQ_sql_blob_create)) { if (request->req_flags & REQ_sql_blob_open) { if (!MSC_match(KW_USING)) CPR_s_error("USING"); } else if (!MSC_match(KW_INTO)) CPR_s_error("INTO"); ref* opn_using = (ref*) SQE_variable(NULL, false, NULL, NULL); open->opn_using = opn_using; opn_using->ref_next = request->req_blobs->blb_reference; request->req_blobs->blb_reference = opn_using; opn_using->ref_context = request->req_contexts; opn_using->ref_field = request->req_references->ref_field; } } else action->act_object = (ref*) symbol; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); if (request->req_flags & (REQ_sql_blob_open | REQ_sql_blob_create)) action->act_type = (type == ACT_close) ? ACT_blob_close : (request->req_flags & REQ_sql_blob_open) ? ACT_blob_open : ACT_blob_create; return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse an "open blob" type statement. // These include READ BLOB and INSERT BLOB. // static act* act_open_blob( act_t act_op, gpre_sym* symbol) { if (!MSC_match(KW_BLOB)) CPR_s_error("BLOB"); // if the token isn't an identifier, complain tok* f_token = (tok*) MSC_alloc(TOK_LEN); f_token->tok_length = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length; // Funny, as if we can have relation names up to MAX_SYM_SIZE. SQL_resolve_identifier("", f_token->tok_string, f_token->tok_length + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Field name too long"); CPR_token(); if (act_op == ACT_blob_open) { if (!MSC_match(KW_FROM)) CPR_s_error("FROM"); } else if (!MSC_match(KW_INTO)) CPR_s_error("INTO"); gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_cursor); request->req_flags = (act_op == ACT_blob_open) ? REQ_sql_blob_open : REQ_sql_blob_create; SCHAR r_name[NAME_SIZE], db_name[NAME_SIZE], owner_name[NAME_SIZE]; SQL_relation_name(r_name, db_name, owner_name); SCHAR s[ERROR_LENGTH]; gpre_rel* relation = SQL_relation(request, r_name, db_name, owner_name, true); gpre_fld* field = MET_field(relation, f_token->tok_string); if (!field) { fb_utils::snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "column \"%s\" not in context", f_token->tok_string); PAR_error(s); } if (!(field->fld_flags & FLD_blob)) { fb_utils::snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "column %s is not a BLOB", field->fld_symbol->sym_string); PAR_error(s); } if (field->fld_array_info) { fb_utils::snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "column %s is an array and can not be opened as a BLOB", field->fld_symbol->sym_string); PAR_error(s); } ref* reference = MSC_reference(0); reference->ref_field = field; gpre_ctx* context = MSC_context(request); context->ctx_relation = relation; blb* blob = (blb*) MSC_alloc(BLB_LEN); blob->blb_symbol = symbol; blob->blb_request = request; blob->blb_next = request->req_blobs; symbol->sym_object = (gpre_ctx*) request; symbol->sym_type = SYM_cursor; request->req_references = reference; request->req_blobs = blob; if (MSC_match(KW_FILTER)) { if (MSC_match(KW_FROM)) { blob->blb_const_from_type = PAR_blob_subtype(request->req_database); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_CHAR) if (blob->blb_const_from_type == isc_blob_text) { blob->blb_from_charset = par_char_set(); if (act_op == ACT_blob_open && blob->blb_from_charset != field->fld_charset_id) { PAR_error("Specified CHARACTER SET does not match BLOB column declaration."); } } else PAR_error("Only text BLOBS can specify CHARACTER SET"); else if (blob->blb_const_from_type == isc_blob_text) if (act_op == ACT_blob_create) blob->blb_from_charset = CS_dynamic; else blob->blb_from_charset = field->fld_charset_id; } else { blob->blb_const_from_type = field->fld_sub_type; if (blob->blb_const_from_type == isc_blob_text) if (act_op == ACT_blob_create) blob->blb_from_charset = CS_dynamic; else blob->blb_from_charset = field->fld_charset_id; } if (!MSC_match(KW_TO)) CPR_s_error("TO"); blob->blb_const_to_type = PAR_blob_subtype(request->req_database); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_CHAR) if (blob->blb_const_to_type == isc_blob_text) { blob->blb_to_charset = par_char_set(); if (act_op == ACT_blob_create && blob->blb_to_charset != field->fld_charset_id) { PAR_error("Specified CHARACTER SET does not match BLOB column declaration."); } } else PAR_error("Only text BLOBS can specify CHARACTER SET"); else if (blob->blb_const_to_type == isc_blob_text) if (act_op == ACT_blob_create) blob->blb_to_charset = field->fld_charset_id; else blob->blb_to_charset = CS_dynamic; } else { // No FILTER keyword seen /* * Even if no FILTER was specified, we set one up for the special * case of Firebird TEXT blobs, in order to do character set * transliteration from the column-declared character set of the * blob to the process character set (CS_dynamic). * * It is necessary to pass this information in the bpb as blob * operations are done using blob_ids, and we cannot determine * this information from the blob_id within the engine. */ if (field->fld_sub_type == isc_blob_text && (field->fld_charset_id != CS_NONE)) { blob->blb_const_from_type = isc_blob_text; blob->blb_const_to_type = isc_blob_text; if (act_op == ACT_blob_create) { blob->blb_from_charset = CS_dynamic; blob->blb_to_charset = field->fld_charset_id; } else { blob->blb_from_charset = field->fld_charset_id; blob->blb_to_charset = CS_dynamic; } } } if (MSC_match(KW_MAX_SEGMENT)) blob->blb_seg_length = EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); else blob->blb_seg_length = field->fld_seg_length; if (!blob->blb_seg_length) blob->blb_seg_length = 512; act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_cursor); action->act_object = (ref*) blob; return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL prepare statement. // static act* act_prepare() { if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) { TEXT s[ERROR_LENGTH]; fb_utils::snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "Executing dynamic SQL statement in context of database %s", gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_name->sym_string); CPR_warn(s); } const TEXT* transaction = NULL; par_options(&transaction); dyn* statement = par_statement(); statement->dyn_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; statement->dyn_trans = transaction; if (MSC_match(KW_INTO)) { if (MSC_match(KW_SQL) && !MSC_match(KW_DESCRIPTOR)) CPR_s_error("INTO SQL DESCRIPTOR sqlda"); statement->dyn_sqlda = PAR_native_value(false, false); } if (!MSC_match(KW_FROM)) CPR_s_error("FROM"); switch (gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect) { case 1: if (!isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type) && !MSC_match(KW_COLON)) CPR_s_error(": "); break; default: if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_sglquoted && !MSC_match(KW_COLON)) CPR_s_error(": "); break; } statement->dyn_string = PAR_native_value(false, false); act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_dyn_prepare; action->act_object = (ref*) statement; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle the EXECUTE PROCEDURE statement. // static act* act_procedure() { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_procedure); par_options(&request->req_trans); SCHAR p_name[NAME_SIZE], db_name[NAME_SIZE], owner_name[NAME_SIZE]; SQL_relation_name(p_name, db_name, owner_name); gpre_prc* procedure = SQL_procedure(request, p_name, db_name, owner_name, true); gpre_lls* values = NULL; SSHORT inputs = 0; if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword != KW_RETURNING && gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword != KW_SEMI_COLON) { // parse input references const bool paren = MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN); gpre_fld* field = procedure->prc_inputs; ref** ref_ptr = &request->req_values; do { if (MSC_match(KW_NULL)) MSC_push(MSC_node(nod_null, 0), &values); else { ref* reference = SQE_parameter(request, false); *ref_ptr = reference; reference->ref_field = field; MSC_push(MSC_unary(nod_value, (gpre_nod*) reference), &values); ref_ptr = &reference->ref_next; } if (field) field = field->fld_next; inputs++; } while (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)); if (paren) EXP_match_paren(); } SSHORT outputs = 0; if (MSC_match(KW_RETURNING)) { // parse output references const bool paren = MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN); gpre_fld* field = procedure->prc_outputs; ref** ref_ptr = &request->req_references; do { ref* reference = (ref*) SQE_variable(request, false, NULL, NULL); *ref_ptr = reference; if (reference->ref_field = field) field = field->fld_next; ref_ptr = &reference->ref_next; outputs++; } while (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)); if (paren) EXP_match_paren(); } if (procedure->prc_in_count != inputs) PAR_error("count of input values doesn't match count of parameters"); if (procedure->prc_out_count != outputs) PAR_error("count of output values doesn't match count of parameters"); gpre_nod* list = MSC_node(nod_list, inputs); request->req_node = list; gpre_nod** ptr = &list->nod_arg[inputs]; while (values) *--ptr = (gpre_nod*) MSC_pop(&values); act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_procedure); action->act_object = (ref*) procedure; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse a RELEASE_REQUESTS statement // static act* act_release() { act* action = MSC_action(0, ACT_release); MSC_match(KW_FOR); gpre_sym* symbol = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol; if (symbol && (symbol->sym_type == SYM_database)) { action->act_object = (ref*) symbol->sym_object; PAR_get_token(); } return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle the stand alone SQL select statement. // static act* act_select() { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_for); par_options(&request->req_trans); gpre_rse* select = SQE_select(request, false); request->req_rse = select; if (!MSC_match(KW_SEMI_COLON)) { TEXT s[ERROR_LENGTH]; fb_utils::snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "Expected ';', got %s.", gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string); CPR_warn(s); } if (select->rse_into) into(request, select->rse_fields, select->rse_into); act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_select); action->act_object = (ref*) select->rse_into; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); EXP_rse_cleanup(select); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse a SET // static act* act_set(const TEXT* base_directory) { if (MSC_match(KW_TRANSACTION)) return act_set_transaction(); if (MSC_match(KW_NAMES)) return act_set_names(); if (MSC_match(KW_STATISTICS)) return act_set_statistics(); if (MSC_match(KW_SCHEMA) || MSC_match(KW_DATABASE)) return PAR_database(true, base_directory); if (MSC_match(KW_GENERATOR)) return act_set_generator(); if (MSC_match(KW_SQL)) { if (MSC_match(KW_DIALECT)) return act_set_dialect(); } CPR_s_error("TRANSACTION, NAMES, SCHEMA, DATABASE, GENERATOR, DIALECT or STATISTICS"); return NULL; // silence compiler } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse a SET SQL DIALECT // static act* act_set_dialect() { act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_sql_dialect; USHORT dialect = EXP_USHORT_ordinal(false); if (dialect < 1 || dialect > 3) CPR_s_error("SQL DIALECT 1,2 or 3"); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && dialect != gpreGlob.compiletime_db_dialect && gpreGlob.sw_ods_version < 10) { char warn_mesg[100]; sprintf(warn_mesg, "Pre 6.0 database. Cannot use dialect %d, Resetting to %d\n", dialect, SQL_DIALECT_V5); dialect = SQL_DIALECT_V5; CPR_warn(warn_mesg); } else if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && dialect != gpreGlob.compiletime_db_dialect) { char warn_mesg[100]; sprintf(warn_mesg, "Client dialect set to %d. Compiletime database dialect is %d\n", dialect, gpreGlob.compiletime_db_dialect); CPR_warn(warn_mesg); } action->act_object = (ref*) MSC_alloc(SDT_LEN); ((set_dialect*) action->act_object)->sdt_dialect = dialect; // Needed because subsequent parsing pass1 looks at sw_Sql_dialect value gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect = dialect; gpreGlob.dialect_specified = true; PAR_get_token(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse a SET generator // static act* act_set_generator() { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_set_generator); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can SET GENERATOR in context of single database only"); set_gen* setgen = (set_gen*) MSC_alloc(SGEN_LEN); setgen->sgen_name = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", setgen->sgen_name, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Generator name too long"); if (!MET_generator(setgen->sgen_name, request->req_database)) { SCHAR s[ERROR_LENGTH]; fb_utils::snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "generator %s not found", gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string); PAR_error(s); } PAR_get_token(); MSC_match(KW_TO); if ((gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect == SQL_DIALECT_V5) || (gpreGlob.sw_server_version < 6)) { setgen->sgen_value = EXP_SLONG_ordinal(true); setgen->sgen_dialect = SQL_DIALECT_V5; } else { // ** dialect is > 1. Server can handle int64 * setgen->sgen_int64value = EXP_SINT64_ordinal(true); setgen->sgen_dialect = SQL_DIALECT_V5 + 1; } act* action = (act*) MSC_action(request, ACT_s_start); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) setgen; return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse a SET NAMES ; // static act* act_set_names() { if (gpreGlob.sw_auto) CPR_warn("SET NAMES requires -manual switch to gpre."); act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_noop; if (MSC_match(KW_COLON)) { /* User is specifying a host variable or string as * the character set. Make this the run-time set. */ TEXT* value = PAR_native_value(false, false); for (gpre_dbb* db = gpreGlob.isc_databases; db; db = db->dbb_next) { if (db->dbb_r_lc_ctype) { char buffer[ERROR_LENGTH]; fb_utils::snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Supersedes runtime character set for database %s", db->dbb_filename ? db->dbb_filename : db->dbb_name->sym_string); CPR_warn(buffer); } db->dbb_r_lc_ctype = value; } } else if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type == tok_ident) { // User is specifying the name of a character set // Make this the compile time character set TEXT* value = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length + 1); MSC_copy(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length, value); value[gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length] = '\0'; /* Due to the ambiguities involved in having modules expressed * in multiple compile-time character sets, we disallow it. */ if (gpreGlob.module_lc_ctype && strcmp(gpreGlob.module_lc_ctype, value) != 0) PAR_error("Duplicate declaration of module CHARACTER SET"); gpreGlob.module_lc_ctype = value; for (gpre_dbb* db = gpreGlob.isc_databases; db; db = db->dbb_next) { if (db->dbb_c_lc_ctype) { char buffer[ERROR_LENGTH]; fb_utils::snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Supersedes character set for database %s", db->dbb_filename ? db->dbb_filename : db->dbb_name->sym_string); CPR_warn(buffer); } db->dbb_c_lc_ctype = value; if (!(db->dbb_flags & DBB_sqlca)) { /* Verify that character set name is valid, * this requires a database to be previously declared * so we can resolve against it. * So what if we go through this code once for each database... */ if (!MSC_find_symbol(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol, SYM_charset)) PAR_error("The named CHARACTER SET was not found"); } } CPR_token(); } else CPR_s_error(" or :"); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse a SET statistics // static act* act_set_statistics() { gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_ddl); STS stats = (STS) MSC_alloc(STS_LEN); if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; else PAR_error("Can SET STATISTICS in context of single database only"); if (MSC_match(KW_INDEX)) { stats->sts_flags = STS_index; stats->sts_name = (STR) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", stats->sts_name->str_string, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Index name too long"); PAR_get_token(); } else CPR_s_error("INDEX"); act* action = (act*) MSC_action(request, ACT_statistics); action->act_object = (ref*) stats; return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate a set transaction // static act* act_set_transaction() { gpre_tra* trans = (gpre_tra*) MSC_alloc(TRA_LEN); if (MSC_match(KW_NAME)) trans->tra_handle = PAR_native_value(false, true); // Get all the transaction parameters while (true) { if (MSC_match(KW_ISOLATION)) { MSC_match(KW_LEVEL); if (!par_transaction_modes(trans, true)) CPR_s_error("SNAPSHOT"); continue; } if (par_transaction_modes(trans, false)) continue; if (MSC_match(KW_NO)) { if (MSC_match(KW_WAIT)) { trans->tra_flags |= TRA_nw; continue; } CPR_s_error("WAIT"); } if (MSC_match(KW_WAIT)) continue; #ifdef DEV_BUILD if (MSC_match(KW_AUTOCOMMIT)) { trans->tra_flags |= TRA_autocommit; continue; } #endif if (MSC_match(KW_NO_AUTO_UNDO)) { trans->tra_flags |= TRA_no_auto_undo; continue; } break; } // send out for the list of reserved relations if (MSC_match(KW_RESERVING)) { trans->tra_flags |= TRA_rrl; PAR_reserving(trans->tra_flags, true); } else if (MSC_match(KW_USING)) { trans->tra_flags |= TRA_inc; PAR_using_db(); } CMP_t_start(trans); act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_start; action->act_object = (ref*) trans; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate a COMMIT, FINISH, or ROLLBACK. // static act* act_transaction(act_t type) { const TEXT* transaction = NULL; par_options(&transaction); MSC_match(KW_WORK); act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = type; action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) transaction; if (MSC_match(KW_RELEASE)) { type = (type == ACT_commit) ? ACT_finish : ACT_rfinish; if (transaction) { action->act_rest = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_rest->act_type = type; } else action->act_type = type; } else if ((type == ACT_commit) && (MSC_match(KW_RETAIN))) { MSC_match(KW_SNAPSHOT); action->act_type = type = ACT_commit_retain_context; } else if ((type == ACT_rollback) && (MSC_match(KW_RETAIN))) { MSC_match(KW_SNAPSHOT); action->act_type = type = ACT_rollback_retain_context; } return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse an update action. This is a little more complicated // because SQL confuses the update of a cursor with a mass update. // The syntax, and therefor the code, I fear, is a mess. // static act* act_update() { const TEXT* transaction = NULL; par_options(&transaction); // First comes the relation. Unfortunately, there is no way to identify // its database until the cursor is known. Sigh. Save the token. SCHAR r_name[NAME_SIZE], db_name[NAME_SIZE], owner_name[NAME_SIZE]; SQL_relation_name(r_name, db_name, owner_name); // Parse the optional alias (context variable) gpre_sym* alias = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol ? NULL : PAR_symbol(SYM_dummy); // Now we need the SET list list. Do this thru a linked list stack if (!MSC_match(KW_SET)) CPR_s_error("SET"); gpre_req* request = MSC_request(REQ_mass_update); gpre_rel* relation = SQL_relation(request, r_name, db_name, owner_name, true); gpre_ctx* input_context = MSC_context(request); input_context->ctx_relation = relation; if (alias) { alias->sym_type = SYM_context; alias->sym_object = input_context; HSH_insert(alias); gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol = HSH_lookup(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string); } gpre_lls* stack = NULL; SSHORT count = 0; do { gpre_nod* set_item = MSC_node(nod_assignment, 2); set_item->nod_arg[1] = SQE_field(NULL, false); if (!MSC_match(KW_EQUALS)) CPR_s_error("assignment operator"); if (MSC_match(KW_NULL)) set_item->nod_arg[0] = MSC_node(nod_null, 0); else set_item->nod_arg[0] = SQE_value(request, false, NULL, NULL); MSC_push(set_item, &stack); count++; } while (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)); gpre_nod* set_list = MSC_node(nod_list, count); gpre_nod** const end_list = set_list->nod_arg + count; gpre_nod** ptr = end_list; while (stack) *--ptr = (gpre_nod*) MSC_pop(&stack); // Now the moment of truth. If the next few tokens are WHERE CURRENT OF // then this is a sub-action of an existing request. If not, then it is // a free standing request const bool where = MSC_match(KW_WITH); if (where && MSC_match(KW_CURRENT)) { if (!MSC_match(KW_OF)) CPR_s_error("OF cursor"); /* Allocate update block, flush old request block, then find the right request block, and the target relation */ upd* update = (upd*) MSC_alloc(UPD_LEN); update->upd_references = request->req_values; MSC_free_request(request); request = par_cursor(NULL); if (request->req_flags == REQ_sql_blob_create) PAR_error("expected a TABLE cursor, got a BLOB cursor"); if ((transaction || request->req_trans) && (!transaction || !request->req_trans || strcmp(transaction, request->req_trans))) { if (transaction) PAR_error("different transaction for select and update"); else { // does not specify transaction clause in // "update ... where cuurent of cursor" stmt const USHORT trans_nm_len = strlen(request->req_trans); char* newtrans = (SCHAR *) MSC_alloc(trans_nm_len + 1); transaction = newtrans; memcpy(newtrans, request->req_trans, trans_nm_len); } } request->req_trans = transaction; relation = SQL_relation(request, r_name, db_name, owner_name, true); // Given the target relation, find the input context for the modify gpre_rse* select = request->req_rse; SSHORT i; for (i = 0; i < select->rse_count; i++) { input_context = select->rse_context[i]; if (input_context->ctx_relation == relation) break; } if (i == select->rse_count) PAR_error("table not in request"); // Resolve input fields first if (alias) { alias->sym_type = SYM_context; alias->sym_object = input_context; HSH_insert(alias); } for (ptr = set_list->nod_arg; ptr < end_list; ptr++) { gpre_nod* set_item = *ptr; SQE_resolve(set_item->nod_arg[0], request, 0); pair(set_item->nod_arg[0], set_item->nod_arg[1]); } update->upd_request = request; update->upd_source = input_context; gpre_ctx* update_context = MSC_context(request); update->upd_update = update_context; update_context->ctx_relation = relation; update->upd_assignments = set_list; act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_update); // Resolve update fields next if (alias) alias->sym_object = update_context; for (ptr = set_list->nod_arg; ptr < end_list; ptr++) { gpre_nod* set_item = *ptr; SQE_resolve(set_item->nod_arg[1], request, 0); ref* field_ref = (ref*) ((set_item->nod_arg[1])->nod_arg[0]); slc* slice = NULL; act* slice_action = (act*) field_ref->ref_slice; if (slice_action && (slice = (slc*) slice_action->act_object)) { // These gpreGlob.requests got lost in freeing the main request gpre_req* slice_request = slice_action->act_request; slice_request->req_next = gpreGlob.requests; gpreGlob.requests = slice_request; slice->slc_field_ref = field_ref; slice->slc_array = (gpre_nod*) set_item->nod_arg[0]; slice->slc_parent_request = request; slice_action->act_type = ACT_put_slice; /* If slice ref is not yet posted, post it. This is required to receive the handle for the array being updated */ bool found = false; for (ref* req_ref = request->req_references; req_ref; req_ref = req_ref->ref_next) { if (req_ref == field_ref) { set_item->nod_arg[1]->nod_arg[0] = (gpre_nod*) req_ref; found = true; break; } if ((req_ref->ref_field == field_ref->ref_field) && (req_ref->ref_context == field_ref->ref_context)) { PAR_error("Can't update multiple slices of same column"); } } if (!found) { field_ref->ref_next = request->req_references; request->req_references = field_ref; } } pair(set_item->nod_arg[0], set_item->nod_arg[1]); } action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); action->act_object = (ref*) update; if (alias) HSH_remove(alias); return action; } request->req_trans = transaction; // How amusing. After all that work, it wasn't a sub-action at all. // Neat. Take the pieces and build a complete request. Start by // figuring out what database is involved. // Generate record select expression, then resolve input values gpre_rse* select = (gpre_rse*) MSC_alloc(RSE_LEN(1)); request->req_rse = select; select->rse_count = 1; select->rse_context[0] = input_context; if (!alias && !gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol) // may have a relation name put parser didn't know it when it parsed it gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol = HSH_lookup(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string); for (ptr = set_list->nod_arg; ptr < end_list; ptr++) { gpre_nod* set_item = *ptr; SQE_resolve(set_item->nod_arg[0], request, select); } // Process boolean, if any if (where) select->rse_boolean = SQE_boolean(request, 0); // Resolve update fields to update context gpre_ctx* update_context = MSC_context(request); request->req_update = update_context; update_context->ctx_relation = relation; if (alias) alias->sym_object = update_context; for (ptr = set_list->nod_arg; ptr < end_list; ptr++) { gpre_nod* set_item = *ptr; SQE_resolve(set_item->nod_arg[1], request, 0); ref* field_ref = (ref*) ((set_item->nod_arg[1])->nod_arg[0]); act* slice_action = (act*) field_ref->ref_slice; if (slice_action) { // Slices not allowed in searched updates PAR_error("Updates of slices not allowed in searched updates"); } /* In dialect 1, neither the value being assigned (nod_arg[0]) nor the field to which it is being assigned (nod_arg[1]) may be of a data type added in V6. */ if (SQL_DIALECT_V5 == gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect) { for (int arg_num = 0; arg_num <= 1; arg_num++) if (nod_field == set_item->nod_arg[arg_num]->nod_type) { const USHORT field_dtype = ((ref*) set_item->nod_arg[arg_num]->nod_arg[0])->ref_field->fld_dtype; if (dtype_sql_date == field_dtype || dtype_sql_time == field_dtype || dtype_int64 == field_dtype) { SQL_dialect1_bad_type(field_dtype); } } } pair(set_item->nod_arg[0], set_item->nod_arg[1]); } gpre_nod* modify = MSC_node(nod_modify, 1); request->req_node = modify; modify->nod_arg[0] = set_list; act* action = MSC_action(request, ACT_loop); action->act_whenever = gen_whenever(); if (alias) HSH_remove(alias); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL whenever statement. This is declaratory, // rather than a significant action. // static act* act_whenever() { global_whenever_list = NULL; // global var // Pick up condition swe_condition_vals condition = SWE_max; if (MSC_match(KW_SQLERROR)) condition = SWE_error; else if (MSC_match(KW_SQLWARNING)) condition = SWE_warning; else if (MSC_match(KW_NOT) && MSC_match(KW_FOUND)) condition = SWE_not_found; else CPR_s_error("WHENEVER condition"); // Pick up action swe* label = NULL; if (MSC_match(KW_CONTINUE)) label = NULL; else if ((MSC_match(KW_GO) && MSC_match(KW_TO)) || MSC_match(KW_GOTO)) { MSC_match(KW_COLON); const USHORT len = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length; label = (swe*) MSC_alloc(sizeof(swe) + len); label->swe_condition = condition; label->swe_length = len; if (len) memcpy(label->swe_label, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, len); PAR_get_token(); label->swe_condition = condition; } else CPR_s_error("GO TO or CONTINUE"); // Set up condition vector global_whenever[condition] = label; act* action = (act*) MSC_alloc(ACT_LEN); action->act_type = ACT_noop; MSC_match(KW_SEMI_COLON); return action; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Make sure that a file path doesn't contain a // Decnet node name. // static bool check_filename(const TEXT* name) { const USHORT l = strlen(name); if (!l) return true; for (const TEXT* p = name; *p; p++) { if (p[0] == ':' && p[1] == ':') return false; } // CVC: what's this crap? It's totally useless! Maybe a copy/paste? //TEXT file_name[256]; //l = MIN(l, sizeof(file_name) - 1); //strncpy(file_name, name, l); //file_name[l] = '\0'; return true; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse connect options // static void connect_opts(const TEXT** user, const TEXT** password, const TEXT** sql_role, const TEXT** lc_messages, USHORT* buffers) { for (;;) { if (MSC_match(KW_CACHE)) { *buffers = atoi(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string); PAR_get_token(); MSC_match(KW_BUFFERS); } else if (MSC_match(KW_USER)) *user = SQL_var_or_string(false); else if (MSC_match(KW_PASSWORD)) *password = SQL_var_or_string(false); else if (MSC_match(KW_ROLE)) { if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type == tok_ident) { // reserve extra bytes for quotes and NULL //TEXT* s = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length + 3); TEXT* s = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 2); SQL_resolve_identifier("", s + 1, NAME_SIZE); s[0] = '\"'; strcat(s, "\""); *sql_role = s; } else *sql_role = SQL_var_or_string(false); } else if (MSC_match(KW_LC_MESSAGES)) *lc_messages = SQL_var_or_string(false); else break; } } #ifdef FLINT_CACHE //____________________________________________________________ // // Add a shared cache to an existing database. // static gpre_file* define_cache() { gpre_file* file = (gpre_file*) MSC_alloc(FIL_LEN); if (isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type)) { TEXT* string = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length + 1); file->fil_name = string; MSC_copy(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length, string); PAR_get_token(); } else CPR_s_error(""); if (!check_filename(file->fil_name)) PAR_error("node name not permitted"); // a node name is not permitted in a shared cache file name if (MSC_match(KW_LENGTH)) { file->fil_length = EXP_ULONG_ordinal(true); if (file->fil_length < MIN_CACHE_BUFFERS) { TEXT err_string[ERROR_LENGTH]; sprintf(err_string, "Minimum of %d cache pages required", MIN_CACHE_BUFFERS); PAR_error(err_string); } MSC_match(KW_PAGES); } else file->fil_length = DEF_CACHE_BUFFERS; // default cache buffers return file; } #endif //____________________________________________________________ // // Add a new file to an existing database. // static gpre_file* define_file() { gpre_file* file = (gpre_file*) MSC_alloc(FIL_LEN); if (isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type)) { TEXT* string = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length + 1); file->fil_name = string; MSC_copy(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length, string); gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length += 2; PAR_get_token(); } else CPR_s_error(""); if (!check_filename(file->fil_name)) PAR_error("node name not permitted"); // A node name is not permitted in a shadow or secondary file name while (true) { if (MSC_match(KW_LENGTH)) { MSC_match(KW_EQUALS); file->fil_length = EXP_ULONG_ordinal(true); MSC_match(KW_PAGES); MSC_match(KW_PAGE); } else if (MSC_match(KW_STARTS) || MSC_match(KW_STARTING)) { MSC_match(KW_AT); MSC_match(KW_PAGE); file->fil_start = EXP_ULONG_ordinal(true); } else break; } return file; } //____________________________________________________________ // // define a log file // static gpre_file* define_log_file(bool log_serial) { gpre_file* file = (gpre_file*) MSC_alloc(FIL_LEN); if (isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type)) { TEXT* string = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length + 1); file->fil_name = string; MSC_copy(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length, string); PAR_get_token(); } else CPR_s_error(""); if (!check_filename(file->fil_name)) PAR_error("node name not permitted"); // A node name is not permitted in a shadow or secondary file name while (true) { if (MSC_match(KW_SIZE)) { MSC_match(KW_EQUALS); file->fil_length = EXP_ULONG_ordinal(true); } else break; } return file; } static gpre_dbb* dup_dbb(const gpre_dbb* db) { // **************************************** // // d u p _ d b b // // **************************************** // // dirty duplication of a gpre_dbb. // just memcpy as no memory // is freed in gpre. // // ************************************* if (!db) return NULL; gpre_dbb* newdb = (gpre_dbb*) MSC_alloc(DBB_LEN); // CVC: the casts here should be tested and removed. memcpy((SCHAR*) newdb, (const SCHAR*) db, DBB_LEN); return newdb; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Report an error with parameter // static void error(const TEXT* format, const TEXT* string2) { TEXT buffer[ERROR_LENGTH]; fb_utils::snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, string2); PAR_error(buffer); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Extract string from "string" in // token. // static TEXT* extract_string(bool advance_token) { switch (gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect) { case 1: if (!isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type)) CPR_s_error(""); break; default: if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_sglquoted) CPR_s_error(""); break; } TEXT* string = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length + 1); MSC_copy(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length, string); if (advance_token) PAR_get_token(); return string; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Generate a linked list of SQL WHENEVER items for error // handling. // static swe* gen_whenever() { if (global_whenever_list) return global_whenever_list; global_whenever_list = NULL; // redundant swe* label = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < SWE_max; i++) { const swe* proto = global_whenever[i]; if (proto) { swe* prior = label; const USHORT len = proto->swe_length; label = (swe*) MSC_alloc(sizeof(swe) + len); label->swe_next = prior; label->swe_condition = proto->swe_condition; if (len) memcpy(label->swe_label, proto->swe_label, len); } } return label; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Correlate the into list with the select expression list // to form full references (post same against request). // static void into( gpre_req* request, gpre_nod* field_list, gpre_nod* var_list) { if (!var_list) PAR_error("INTO list is required"); if (!field_list || field_list->nod_count != var_list->nod_count) PAR_error("column count and number of INTO list host-variables unequal"); gpre_nod** var_ptr = var_list->nod_arg; gpre_nod** fld_ptr = field_list->nod_arg; for (gpre_nod** const end = fld_ptr + var_list->nod_count; fld_ptr < end;fld_ptr++, var_ptr++) { ref* var_ref = (ref*) *var_ptr; ref* field_ref = NULL; gpre_req* slice_req = NULL; if (((*fld_ptr)->nod_type == nod_field) || ((*fld_ptr)->nod_type == nod_array)) { field_ref = (ref*) (*fld_ptr)->nod_arg[0]; if ((*fld_ptr)->nod_count > 2) slice_req = (gpre_req*) (*fld_ptr)->nod_arg[2]; } ref* reference = NULL; gpre_fld* field; if (field_ref && slice_req && (field = field_ref->ref_field) && field->fld_array) { EXP_post_array(field_ref); // If field ref not posted yet, post it bool found = false; for (reference = request->req_references; reference; reference = reference->ref_next) { if (reference == field_ref) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { field_ref->ref_next = request->req_references; request->req_references = field_ref; } reference = field_ref; } else reference = SQE_post_reference(request, 0, 0, *fld_ptr); var_ref->ref_friend = reference; reference->ref_null_value = var_ref->ref_null_value; } } //____________________________________________________________ // // Create field in a relation for a metadata request. // static gpre_fld* make_field( gpre_rel* relation) { char s[NAME_SIZE]; SQL_resolve_identifier("", s, NAME_SIZE); gpre_fld* field = MET_make_field(s, 0, 0, true); field->fld_relation = relation; field->fld_flags |= FLD_meta; PAR_get_token(); return field; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Create index for metadata request. // static gpre_index* make_index( gpre_req* request, const TEXT* string) { gpre_index* index = NULL; if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) { // CVC: I've kept this silly code. What's the idea of the copy here? // If we are trying to limit the index name, the correct length is NAME_SIZE. TEXT s[ERROR_LENGTH]; strncpy(s, string, sizeof(s)); s[sizeof(s) - 1] = 0; index = MET_make_index(s); if (request) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; index->ind_flags |= IND_meta; } else PAR_error("Can only reference INDEX in context of single database"); return index; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Create relation for a metadata request. // static gpre_rel* make_relation( gpre_req* request, const TEXT* relation_name) { gpre_rel* relation = NULL; if (gpreGlob.isc_databases && !gpreGlob.isc_databases->dbb_next) { TEXT r[ERROR_LENGTH]; strncpy(r, relation_name, sizeof(r)); r[sizeof(r) - 1] = 0; relation = MET_make_relation(r); relation->rel_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; relation->rel_meta = true; if (request) request->req_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; } else PAR_error("Can only reference TABLE in context of single database"); return relation; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Given two value expressions associated in a relational // expression, see if one is a field reference and the other // is a host language variable.. If so, match the field to the // host language variable. // In other words, here we are guessing what the datatype is // of a host language variable. // static void pair( gpre_nod* expr, gpre_nod* field_expr) { if (field_expr->nod_type != nod_field) return; switch (expr->nod_type) { case nod_value: { ref* ref1 = (ref*) field_expr->nod_arg[0]; ref* ref2 = (ref*) expr->nod_arg[0]; /* We're done if we've already determined the type of this reference * (if, for instance, it's a parameter to a udf or PROCEDURE) */ if (ref2->ref_field) return; ref2->ref_field = ref1->ref_field; if (ref1->ref_field->fld_array) { ref2->ref_context = ref1->ref_context; ref2->ref_friend = ref1; EXP_post_array(ref1); EXP_post_array(ref2); } } return; case nod_map_ref: { mel* element = (mel*) expr->nod_arg[0]; pair(element->mel_expr, field_expr); } return; case nod_field: case nod_literal: return; } gpre_nod** ptr = expr->nod_arg; const gpre_nod* const* const end_ptr = ptr + expr->nod_count; for (; ptr < end_ptr; ptr++) pair(*ptr, field_expr); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse the multi-dimensional array specification. // static void par_array( gpre_fld* field) { USHORT i = 0; // Pick up ranges ary* array_info = field->fld_array_info; while (true) { SLONG rangel = EXP_SSHORT_ordinal(true); SLONG rangeh; if (MSC_match(KW_COLON)) rangeh = EXP_SSHORT_ordinal(true); else { if (rangel < 1) rangeh = 1; else { rangeh = rangel; rangel = 1; } } if (rangel >= rangeh) PAR_error("Start of array range must be less than end of range"); if (i > MAX_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS) PAR_error("Array has too many dimensions"); array_info->ary_rpt[i].ary_lower = rangel; array_info->ary_rpt[i++].ary_upper = rangeh; if (MSC_match(KW_R_BRCKET)) break; if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) CPR_s_error(", (comma)"); } array_info->ary_dimension_count = i; } //____________________________________________________________ // // // Read in the specified character set on // a READ BLOB or an INSERT BLOB. // static SSHORT par_char_set() { if (!MSC_match(KW_CHAR)) CPR_s_error("CHARACTER SET"); if (!MSC_match(KW_SET)) CPR_s_error("CHARACTER SET"); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_ident) CPR_s_error(""); gpre_sym* symbol = MSC_find_symbol(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol, SYM_charset); if (!symbol) PAR_error("The named CHARACTER SET was not found"); PAR_get_token(); return (((intlsym*) symbol->sym_object)->intlsym_charset_id); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Create a computed field // static void par_computed( gpre_req* request, gpre_fld* field) { MSC_match(KW_BY); // If field size has been specified, save it. Then NULL it // till the new size is calculated from the specified expression. // This will catch self references. // // The user specified values will be restored to override calculated // values. // // Don't move this initialization below. const gpre_fld save_fld = *field; CMPF cmp = (CMPF) MSC_alloc(CMPF_LEN); cmp->cmpf_text = CPR_start_text(); cmp->cmpf_boolean = SQE_value(request, false, NULL, NULL); CPR_end_text(cmp->cmpf_text); field->fld_computed = cmp; field->fld_flags |= FLD_computed; CME_get_dtype(field->fld_computed->cmpf_boolean, field); // If there was user specified data type/size, restore it if (save_fld.fld_dtype) { field->fld_dtype = save_fld.fld_dtype; field->fld_length = save_fld.fld_length; field->fld_scale = save_fld.fld_scale; field->fld_sub_type = save_fld.fld_sub_type; field->fld_ttype = save_fld.fld_ttype; field->fld_charset_id = save_fld.fld_charset_id; field->fld_collate_id = save_fld.fld_collate_id; field->fld_char_length = save_fld.fld_char_length; } } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse the next token as a cursor name. // If it is, return the request associated with the cursor. If // not, produce an error and return NULL. // static gpre_req* par_cursor( gpre_sym** symbol_ptr) { // ** // par_cursor() is called to use a previously declared cursor. // tok_symbol == NULL means one of the two things. // a) The name does not belong to a cursor. OR // b) get_token() function in gpre.cpp was not able to find the cursor // in hash table. // // case a) is an error condition. // case b) Could have resulted because the cursor name was upcased and // inserted into hash table since it was not quoted and it is // now being refered as it was declared. // // Hence, Try and lookup the cursor name after resolving it once more. If // it still cannot be located, Its an error //* SQL_resolve_identifier("", NULL, MAX_CURSOR_SIZE); gpre_sym* symbol = HSH_lookup(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string); gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol = symbol; if (symbol && symbol->sym_type == SYM_keyword) gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword = (kwwords_t) symbol->sym_keyword; else gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword = KW_none; symbol = MSC_find_symbol(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol, SYM_cursor); if (!symbol) symbol = MSC_find_symbol(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol, SYM_delimited_cursor); if (symbol) { PAR_get_token(); if (symbol_ptr) *symbol_ptr = symbol; return (gpre_req*) symbol->sym_object; } symbol = MSC_find_symbol(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol, SYM_dyn_cursor); if (symbol) PAR_error("DSQL cursors require DSQL update & delete statements"); CPR_s_error(""); return NULL; // silence compiler } //____________________________________________________________ // // If this is a dynamic curser, return dynamic statement block. // static dyn* par_dynamic_cursor() { gpre_sym* symbol = NULL; if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol == NULL) { SQL_resolve_identifier("", NULL, MAX_CURSOR_SIZE); gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol = symbol = HSH_lookup(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string); if (symbol && symbol->sym_type == SYM_keyword) gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword = (kwwords_t) symbol->sym_keyword; else gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword = KW_none; } if (symbol = MSC_find_symbol(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_symbol, SYM_dyn_cursor)) { PAR_get_token(); return (dyn*) symbol->sym_object; } return NULL; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an SQL field definition in CREATE, DECLARE or // ALTER TABLE statement. // static gpre_fld* par_field( gpre_req* request, gpre_rel* relation) { gpre_fld* field = make_field(relation); SQL_par_field_dtype(request, field, false); if (MSC_match(KW_COMPUTED)) { if (field->fld_global) PAR_error("Cannot use domains to override computed column size"); if (field->fld_array_info) PAR_error("Computed columns cannot be arrays"); par_computed(request, field); } // Check if default value was specified if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_DEFAULT) { field->fld_default_source = CPR_start_text(); PAR_get_token(); if (MSC_match(KW_USER)) field->fld_default_value = MSC_node(nod_user_name, 0); // ** Begin sql/date/time/timestamp * else if (MSC_match(KW_CURRENT_DATE)) field->fld_default_value = MSC_node(nod_current_date, 0); else if (MSC_match(KW_CURRENT_TIME)) field->fld_default_value = MSC_node(nod_current_time, 0); else if (MSC_match(KW_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) field->fld_default_value = MSC_node(nod_current_timestamp, 0); // ** End sql/date/time/timestamp * else if (MSC_match(KW_NULL)) field->fld_default_value = MSC_node(nod_null, 0); else { if (MSC_match(KW_MINUS)) { if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_number) CPR_s_error(""); gpre_nod* literal_node = EXP_literal(); field->fld_default_value = MSC_unary(nod_negate, literal_node); } else if ((field->fld_default_value = EXP_literal()) == NULL) CPR_s_error(""); } CPR_end_text(field->fld_default_source); } // Check for any column level constraints cnstrt** constraint_ref = &field->fld_constraints; bool in_constraints = true; while (in_constraints) { switch (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword) { case KW_CONSTRAINT: case KW_PRIMARY: case KW_UNIQUE: case KW_REFERENCES: case KW_CHECK: case KW_NOT: *constraint_ref = par_field_constraint(request, field, relation); constraint_ref = &(*constraint_ref)->cnstrt_next; break; default: in_constraints = false; break; } } // if (MSC_match (KW_NOT)) // if (MSC_match (KW_NULL)) // { // field->fld_flags |= FLD_not_null; // if (MSC_match (KW_UNIQUE)) // { // index = (gpre_index*) MSC_alloc (IND_LEN); // index->ind_relation = relation; // index->ind_fields = field; // index->ind_flags |= IND_dup_flag | IND_meta; // index->ind_flags &= ~IND_descend; // field->fld_index = index; // } // } // else // CPR_s_error ("NULL"); SQL_par_field_collate(request, field); SQL_adjust_field_dtype(field); return field; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Create a field level constraint as part of CREATE TABLE or // ALTER TABLE statement. Constraint maybe table or column level. // static cnstrt* par_field_constraint( gpre_req* request, gpre_fld* for_field, gpre_rel* relation) { cnstrt* new_constraint = (cnstrt*) MSC_alloc(CNSTRT_LEN); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_CONSTRAINT) { PAR_get_token(); new_constraint->cnstrt_name = (STR) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", new_constraint->cnstrt_name->str_string, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Constraint name too long"); PAR_get_token(); } STR field_name; const kwwords_t keyword = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword; switch (keyword) { case KW_NOT: PAR_get_token(); if (!MSC_match(KW_NULL)) CPR_s_error("NULL"); new_constraint->cnstrt_type = CNSTRT_NOT_NULL; for_field->fld_flags |= FLD_not_null; break; case KW_PRIMARY: case KW_UNIQUE: case KW_REFERENCES: PAR_get_token(); switch (keyword) { case KW_PRIMARY: if (!MSC_match(KW_KEY)) CPR_s_error("KEY"); new_constraint->cnstrt_type = CNSTRT_PRIMARY_KEY; break; case KW_REFERENCES: new_constraint->cnstrt_type = CNSTRT_FOREIGN_KEY; break; default: new_constraint->cnstrt_type = CNSTRT_UNIQUE; } // Set field for PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY or UNIQUE constraint field_name = (STR) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); strcpy(field_name->str_string, for_field->fld_symbol->sym_string); MSC_push((gpre_nod*) field_name, &new_constraint->cnstrt_fields); if (keyword == KW_REFERENCES) { // Relation name for foreign key new_constraint->cnstrt_referred_rel = (STR) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("referred
", new_constraint->cnstrt_referred_rel->str_string, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Referred table name too long"); PAR_get_token(); if (MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { // Field specified for referred relation field_name = (STR) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", field_name->str_string, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Referred field name too long"); MSC_push((gpre_nod*) field_name, &new_constraint->cnstrt_referred_fields); CPR_token(); EXP_match_paren(); } if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_ON) { par_fkey_extension(new_constraint); PAR_get_token(); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_ON) { par_fkey_extension(new_constraint); PAR_get_token(); } } } break; case KW_CHECK: PAR_get_token(); new_constraint->cnstrt_type = CNSTRT_CHECK; new_constraint->cnstrt_text = CPR_start_text(); new_constraint->cnstrt_boolean = SQE_boolean(request, 0); CPR_end_text(new_constraint->cnstrt_text); break; default: PAR_error("Invalid constraint type"); } return new_constraint; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse the INTO clause for a dynamic SQL statement. // Nobody uses its returned value currently. static bool par_into( dyn* statement) { if (!MSC_match(KW_INTO)) return false; MSC_match(KW_SQL); // "SQL" keyword is optional for backward compatibility if (!MSC_match(KW_DESCRIPTOR)) CPR_s_error("DESCRIPTOR"); statement->dyn_sqlda2 = PAR_native_value(false, false); return true; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse request options. // static void par_options(const TEXT** transaction) { *transaction = NULL; if (!MSC_match(KW_TRANSACTION)) return; *transaction = PAR_native_value(false, true); } //____________________________________________________________ // // parse the page_size clause of a // create database statement // static int par_page_size() { MSC_match(KW_EQUALS); const int n1 = EXP_USHORT_ordinal(false); int n2 = n1; if (n1 <= 1024) n2 = 1024; else if (n1 <= 2048) n2 = 2048; else if (n1 <= 4096) n2 = 4096; else if (n1 <= 8192) n2 = 8192; else if (n1 <= 16384) n2 = 16384; else CPR_s_error(" in range 1024 to 16384"); PAR_get_token(); return n2; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse the next thing as a relation. // static gpre_rel* par_relation( gpre_req* request) { SCHAR r_name[NAME_SIZE], db_name[NAME_SIZE], owner_name[NAME_SIZE]; SQL_relation_name(r_name, db_name, owner_name); return make_relation(request, r_name); } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse a dynamic statement name returning a dynamic // statement block. // static dyn* par_statement() { dyn* statement = (dyn*) MSC_alloc(DYN_LEN); statement->dyn_statement_name = PAR_symbol(SYM_dummy); statement->dyn_database = gpreGlob.isc_databases; return statement; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle an extended foreign key definition as part of CREATE TABLE // or ALTER TABLE statements. // static void par_fkey_extension(cnstrt* cnstrt_val) { // // Extended foreign key definition could be as follows : // // [ON DELETE { NO ACTION | CASCADE | SET DEFAULT | SET NULL } ] // [ON UPDATE { NO ACTION | CASCADE | SET DEFAULT | SET NULL } ] // fb_assert(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_ON); fb_assert(cnstrt_val != NULL); PAR_get_token(); const kwwords_t keyword = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword; switch (keyword) { case KW_DELETE: // NOTE: action must be defined only once if (cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type & REF_DELETE_ACTION) CPR_s_error("UPDATE"); else cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type |= REF_DELETE_ACTION; break; case KW_UPDATE: // NOTE: action must be defined only once if (cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type & REF_UPDATE_ACTION) CPR_s_error("DELETE"); else cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type |= REF_UPDATE_ACTION; break; default: // unexpected keyword CPR_s_error("UPDATE or DELETE"); break; } PAR_get_token(); switch (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword) { case KW_NO: PAR_get_token(); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword != KW_ACTION) CPR_s_error("ACTION"); else if (keyword == KW_DELETE) cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type |= REF_DEL_NONE; else cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type |= REF_UPD_NONE; break; case KW_CASCADE: if (keyword == KW_DELETE) cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type |= REF_DEL_CASCADE; else cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type |= REF_UPD_CASCADE; break; case KW_SET: PAR_get_token(); switch (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword) { case KW_DEFAULT: if (keyword == KW_DELETE) cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type |= REF_DEL_SET_DEFAULT; else cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type |= REF_UPD_SET_DEFAULT; break; case KW_NULL: if (keyword == KW_DELETE) cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type |= REF_DEL_SET_NULL; else cnstrt_val->cnstrt_fkey_def_type |= REF_UPD_SET_NULL; break; default: // unexpected keyword CPR_s_error("NULL or DEFAULT"); break; } break; default: // unexpected keyword CPR_s_error("NO ACTION or CASCADE or SET DEFAULT or SET NULL"); break; } } //____________________________________________________________ // // Handle a create constraint verb as part of CREATE TABLE or // ALTER TABLE statement. Constraint maybe table or column level. // static cnstrt* par_table_constraint( gpre_req* request, gpre_rel* relation) { cnstrt* constraint = (cnstrt*) MSC_alloc(CNSTRT_LEN); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_CONSTRAINT) { PAR_get_token(); constraint->cnstrt_name = (STR) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", constraint->cnstrt_name->str_string, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Constraint name too long"); PAR_get_token(); } gpre_lls** fields; USHORT num_for_key_flds = 0, num_prim_key_flds = 0; const kwwords_t keyword = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword; switch (keyword) { case KW_PRIMARY: case KW_UNIQUE: case KW_FOREIGN: PAR_get_token(); if (keyword == KW_PRIMARY) { if (!MSC_match(KW_KEY)) CPR_s_error("KEY"); constraint->cnstrt_type = CNSTRT_PRIMARY_KEY; } else if (keyword == KW_FOREIGN) { if (!MSC_match(KW_KEY)) CPR_s_error("KEY"); constraint->cnstrt_type = CNSTRT_FOREIGN_KEY; } else constraint->cnstrt_type = CNSTRT_UNIQUE; EXP_left_paren(0); /* Get list of fields for PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY or UNIQUE constraint */ fields = &constraint->cnstrt_fields; do { STR field_name = (STR) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", field_name->str_string, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Field name too long"); MSC_push((gpre_nod*) field_name, fields); fields = &(*fields)->lls_next; ++num_for_key_flds; CPR_token(); } while (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)); if (keyword != KW_FOREIGN) num_for_key_flds = 0; EXP_match_paren(); if (keyword == KW_FOREIGN) { if (!MSC_match(KW_REFERENCES)) CPR_s_error("REFERENCES"); // Relation name for foreign key constraint->cnstrt_referred_rel = (STR) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("referred
", constraint->cnstrt_referred_rel->str_string, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Referred table name too long"); PAR_get_token(); constraint->cnstrt_referred_fields = NULL; if (MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { // Fields specified for referred relation fields = &constraint->cnstrt_referred_fields; do { STR field_name = (STR) MSC_alloc(NAME_SIZE + 1); SQL_resolve_identifier("", field_name->str_string, NAME_SIZE + 1); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length >= NAME_SIZE) PAR_error("Referred field name too long"); MSC_push((gpre_nod*) field_name, fields); fields = &(*fields)->lls_next; ++num_prim_key_flds; CPR_token(); } while (MSC_match(KW_COMMA)); EXP_match_paren(); } /* Don't print error message in case if is not specified. Try to catch them in cmd.c[create_constraint] later on */ if (constraint->cnstrt_referred_fields != NULL && num_prim_key_flds != num_for_key_flds) { PAR_error("FOREIGN KEY column count does not match PRIMARY KEY"); } if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_ON) { par_fkey_extension(constraint); PAR_get_token(); if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_ON) { par_fkey_extension(constraint); PAR_get_token(); } } } // if KW_FOREIGN break; case KW_CHECK: PAR_get_token(); constraint->cnstrt_type = CNSTRT_CHECK; constraint->cnstrt_text = CPR_start_text(); constraint->cnstrt_boolean = SQE_boolean(request, 0); CPR_end_text(constraint->cnstrt_text); break; default: PAR_error("Invalid constraint type"); } return constraint; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse the isolation level part. // If expect_iso is true, an isolation level is required. // Returns true if found a match else false. // static bool par_transaction_modes(gpre_tra* trans, bool expect_iso) { if (MSC_match(KW_READ)) { if (MSC_match(KW_ONLY)) { if (expect_iso) CPR_s_error("SNAPSHOT"); trans->tra_flags |= TRA_ro; return true; } if (MSC_match(KW_WRITE)) { if (expect_iso) CPR_s_error("SNAPSHOT"); return true; } if (!(MSC_match(KW_COMMITTED) || MSC_match(KW_UNCOMMITTED))) CPR_s_error("COMMITTED"); trans->tra_flags |= TRA_read_committed; if (MSC_match(KW_NO)) { if (MSC_match(KW_VERSION)) return true; if (MSC_match(KW_WAIT)) { trans->tra_flags |= TRA_nw; return true; } CPR_s_error("WAIT or VERSION"); } if (MSC_match(KW_VERSION)) trans->tra_flags |= TRA_rec_version; return true; } if (MSC_match(KW_SNAPSHOT)) { if (MSC_match(KW_TABLE)) { trans->tra_flags |= TRA_con; MSC_match(KW_STABILITY); } return true; } return false; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse the USING clause for a dynamic SQL statement. // static bool par_using( dyn* statement) { if (!MSC_match(KW_USING)) return false; MSC_match(KW_SQL); // keyword "SQL" is optional for backward compatibility if (MSC_match(KW_DESCRIPTOR)) statement->dyn_sqlda = PAR_native_value(false, false); else statement->dyn_using = (gpre_nod*) SQE_list(SQE_variable, NULL, false); return true; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Figure out the correct dtypes // static USHORT resolve_dtypes(kwwords_t typ, bool sql_date) { TEXT err_mesg[ERROR_LENGTH]; switch (typ) { case KW_DATE: if ((gpreGlob.sw_ods_version < 10) || (gpreGlob.sw_server_version < 6)) switch (gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect) { case 1: return dtype_timestamp; case 2: sprintf(err_mesg, "Encountered column type DATE which is ambiguous in dialect %d\n", gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect); PAR_error(err_mesg); return dtype_unknown; // TMN: FIX FIX /* return; */ default: sprintf(err_mesg, "Encountered column type DATE which is not supported in ods version %d\n", gpreGlob.sw_ods_version); PAR_error(err_mesg); } else { /** column definition SQL DATE is unambiguous in any dialect **/ if (sql_date) return dtype_sql_date; switch (gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect) { case 1: return dtype_timestamp; case 2: sprintf(err_mesg, "Encountered column type DATE which is ambiguous in dialect %d\n", gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect); PAR_error(err_mesg); return dtype_unknown; // TMN: FIX FIX /* return; */ default: return dtype_sql_date; } } break; case KW_TIME: if ((gpreGlob.sw_ods_version < 10) || (gpreGlob.sw_server_version < 6)) { sprintf(err_mesg, "Encountered column type TIME which is not supported by pre 6.0 Servers\n"); PAR_error(err_mesg); return dtype_unknown; // TMN: FIX FIX /* return; */ } return dtype_sql_time; case KW_TIMESTAMP: return dtype_timestamp; default: sprintf(err_mesg, "resolve_dtypes(): Unknown dtype %d\n", typ); PAR_error(err_mesg); break; } // // TMN: FIX FIX Added "return dtype_unknown;" to silence compiler, but // this is really a logic error we have to fix. // return dtype_unknown; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Parse the tail of a CREATE DATABASE statement. // static bool tail_database(act_t action_type, gpre_dbb* database) { TEXT* string = NULL; // parse options for the database parameter block bool extend_dpb = false; while (true) { if (MSC_match(KW_LENGTH)) { database->dbb_length = EXP_ULONG_ordinal(true); MSC_match(KW_PAGES); } else if (MSC_match(KW_USER)) { if (isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type)) { database->dbb_c_user = string = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length + 1); MSC_copy(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length, string); // - 2 here ??? string[gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length - 2] = '\0'; PAR_get_token(); } else /* Some non-C languages (such as Fortran) have problems * with extending the static DPB to add the runtime options * needed for a runtime user name or password. * 11 April 1995 */ if (gpreGlob.sw_language == lang_c) { if (!MSC_match(KW_COLON)) CPR_s_error(" or "); /** Should I bother about dialects here ?? **/ if (isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type)) CPR_s_error(""); database->dbb_r_user = PAR_native_value(false, false); extend_dpb = true; } else CPR_s_error(""); } else if (MSC_match(KW_PASSWORD)) { if (isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type)) { database->dbb_c_password = string = (TEXT*) MSC_alloc(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length + 1); MSC_copy(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string, gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length, string); string[gpreGlob.token_global.tok_length] = '\0'; PAR_get_token(); } else /* Some non-C languages (such as Fortran) have problems * with extending the static DPB to add the runtime options * needed for a runtime user name or password. * 11 April 1995 */ if (gpreGlob.sw_language == lang_c) { if (!MSC_match(KW_COLON)) CPR_s_error(" or "); if (isQuoted(gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type)) CPR_s_error(""); database->dbb_r_password = PAR_native_value(false, false); extend_dpb = true; } else CPR_s_error(""); } else if (MSC_match(KW_DEFAULT)) { if (!MSC_match(KW_CHAR) || !MSC_match(KW_SET)) CPR_s_error("CHARACTER SET"); database->dbb_def_charset = PAR_native_value(false, false); } else break; } if (action_type == ACT_drop_database) { if (MSC_match(KW_CASCADE)) database->dbb_flags |= DBB_cascade; /* TMN: ERROR ERROR we cant return _nothing* from a function returning */ // a bool. I changed this to false to flag an error, but we have to // look into this. return false; /* return; */ } // parse add/drop items bool logdefined = false; while (true) { MSC_match(KW_ADD); if (MSC_match(KW_DROP)) { if (MSC_match(KW_LOG_FILE)) ; // Ignore DROP LOG database->dbb_flags |= DBB_drop_log; else if (MSC_match(KW_CASCADE)) database->dbb_flags |= DBB_cascade; #ifdef FLINT_CACHE else if (MSC_match(KW_CACHE)) database->dbb_flags |= DBB_drop_cache; else PAR_error("only log files or shared cache can be dropped"); // msg 121 only SECURITY_CLASS, DESCRIPTION and CACHE can be dropped #else else PAR_error("only log files can be dropped"); // msg 121 only SECURITY_CLASS, DESCRIPTION and CACHE can be dropped #endif // FLINT_CACHE // **** // else if (MSC_match (KW_DESCRIP)) // database->dbb_flags |= DBB_null_description; // else if (MSC_match (KW_SECURITY_CLASS)) // database->dbb_flags |= DBB_null_security_class; //*** } // **** // else if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_keyword == KW_DESCRIPTION) // database->dbb_description = parse_description(); // else if (MSC_match (KW_SECURITY_CLASS)) // database->dbb_security_class = PARSE_symbol (tok_ident); //*** else if (MSC_match(KW_FILE)) { gpre_file* file = define_file(); file->fil_next = database->dbb_files; database->dbb_files = file; } else if (MSC_match(KW_PAGE_SIZE) || MSC_match(KW_PAGESIZE)) { if (action_type == ACT_alter_database) PAR_error("PAGE SIZE can not be modified"); database->dbb_pagesize = par_page_size(); } else if (MSC_match(KW_CHECK_POINT_LEN)) { MSC_match(KW_EQUALS); EXP_ULONG_ordinal(true); // skip } else if (MSC_match(KW_NUM_LOG_BUFS)) { MSC_match(KW_EQUALS); EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); // skip } else if (MSC_match(KW_LOG_BUF_SIZE)) { MSC_match(KW_EQUALS); EXP_USHORT_ordinal(true); // skip } else if (MSC_match(KW_GROUP_COMMIT_WAIT)) { MSC_match(KW_EQUALS); EXP_ULONG_ordinal(true); // skip } else if (MSC_match(KW_LOG_FILE)) { if (logdefined) PAR_error("log redefinition"); logdefined = true; if (MSC_match(KW_LEFT_PAREN)) { while (true) { gpre_file* logfile = define_log_file(false); logfile->fil_next = database->dbb_logfiles; database->dbb_logfiles = logfile; if (!MSC_match(KW_COMMA)) { EXP_match_paren(); break; } } if (MSC_match(KW_OVERFLOW)) define_log_file(true); // skip else PAR_error("Overflow log specification required for this configuration"); } else if (MSC_match(KW_BASE_NAME)) { database->dbb_flags |= DBB_log_serial; database->dbb_logfiles = define_log_file(true); } } #ifdef FLINT_CACHE else if (MSC_match(KW_CACHE)) database->dbb_cache_file = define_cache(); #endif // FLINT_CACHE else break; } return extend_dpb; } //____________________________________________________________ // // Upcase a string into another string. // static void to_upcase(const TEXT* p, TEXT* q, int target_size) { UCHAR c; USHORT l = 0; while ((c = *p++) && (++l < target_size)) { *q++ = UPPER(c); } *q = 0; } //____________________________________________________________ // // To do: move these to the correct position in the file. // Idea: if we don't need a result in a variable, we don't pass it, since the // internal buffer will be used instead (in that case, bigger size cannot surpass // the size of a cursor). We can provide a size smaller than MAX_CURSOR size // with the internal buffer. We should provide the correct size if we provide // the output variable to put the result in it. void SQL_resolve_identifier( const TEXT* err_mesg, TEXT* str_in, int in_size) { static TEXT internal_buffer[MAX_CURSOR_SIZE]; TEXT* str; int len; if (str_in) { str = str_in; len = in_size - 1; } else { str = internal_buffer; len = sizeof(internal_buffer) - 1; if (in_size > 0 && in_size <= len) len = in_size - 1; else if (in_size > len + 1) PAR_error("Provide your own buffer for sizes bigger than 64."); } TEXT* const tk_string = gpreGlob.token_global.tok_string; switch (gpreGlob.sw_sql_dialect) { case 2: if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type == tok_dblquoted) PAR_error("Ambiguous use of double quotes in dialect 2"); // fall into case 1: if (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type != tok_ident) CPR_s_error(err_mesg); else to_upcase(tk_string, str, len + 1); break; case 3: switch (gpreGlob.token_global.tok_type) { case tok_dblquoted: // strip_quotes is too dumb to handle C escape sequences // or SQL escape sequences in quoted identifiers. if (tk_string[0] == '\"') strip_quotes(gpreGlob.token_global); strncpy(str, tk_string, len); str[len] = 0; break; case tok_ident: to_upcase(tk_string, str, len + 1); break; default: CPR_s_error(err_mesg); } break; } strcpy(tk_string, str); } void SQL_dialect1_bad_type(USHORT field_dtype) { char buffer[200]; const char* s = "unknown"; switch (field_dtype) { case dtype_sql_date: s = "SQL DATE"; break; case dtype_sql_time: s = "SQL TIME"; break; case dtype_int64: s = "64-bit numeric"; break; } sprintf(buffer, "Client SQL dialect 1 does not support reference to the %s datatype", s); PAR_error(buffer); }