@echo off @if "%1" NEQ "" (set FIREBIRD=%1) :: BRS :: Get all the file name when there are spaces :: this can be also achieved with %* but I don't know which versions of :: windows allows it :LOOP @shift @if "%1"=="" (goto DONE) @set FIREBIRD=%FIREBIRD% %1 @goto loop :DONE @echo FIREBIRD=%FIREBIRD% @if "%FIREBIRD%"=="" (goto :HELP & goto :EOF) set ERRLEV=0 call clean_all call prepare :: call parse call make_boot DEBUG if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END2 call make_all DEBUG if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END2 call make_examples if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" goto :END2 cd ..\install\arch-specific\win32 call BuildExecutableInstall cd ..\..\..\win32 goto:END2 ::=========== :HELP @echo. @echo Build process need the FIREBIRD environment variable set to work. @echo FIREBIRD value should be the root directory of your Firebird installation. @echo Example: @echo c:\program files\firebird @echo. @goto :END2 :END2