/* * PROGRAM: JRD Access Method * MODULE: dbt.c * DESCRIPTION: Debugging routines * * The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation * and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are * Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ #include "firebird.h" #include "../jrd/ib_stdio.h" #include "../jrd/y_ref.h" #include "../jrd/ibase.h" #include "../jrd/everything.h" #include "../jrd/dbg.h" #define FLD(struct, string, field) string, (SCHAR*) OFFSET (struct, field), (SCHAR*) sizeof (((struct) 0)->field) extern "C" { typedef SCHAR *TEXT_PTR; int *ptr; TEXT_PTR dbt_window[] = { FLD(WIN *, "Page: %ld", win_page), FLD(WIN *, "Buffer: %x", win_buffer), FLD(WIN *, "BDB: %x", win_bdb), FLD(WIN *, "Scans: %d", win_scans), FLD(WIN *, "Flags: %x", win_flags), 0 }, dbt_rpb[] = { FLD(RPB *, "Relation %x", rpb_relation), FLD(RPB *, "Number %ld", rpb_number), FLD(RPB *, "Trans %ld", rpb_transaction), FLD(RPB *, "Page %ld", rpb_page), FLD(RPB *, "Line %x", rpb_line), FLD(RPB *, "Back page %ld", rpb_b_page), FLD(RPB *, "Line %x", rpb_b_line), FLD(RPB *, "Fragment page %ld", rpb_f_page), FLD(RPB *, "Line %x", rpb_f_line), FLD(RPB *, "Format %x", rpb_format_number), FLD(RPB *, "Address: %x ", rpb_address), FLD(RPB *, "Length %x", rpb_length), FLD(RPB *, "Record %x", rpb_record), FLD(RPB *, "Flags %x", rpb_flags), 0 }; static TEXT_PTR dbb_stuff[] = { "DATABASE", FLD(DBB, "BCB: %x", dbb_bcb), FLD(DBB, "Relations: %x", dbb_relations), FLD(DBB, "Lock: %x", dbb_lock), FLD(DBB, "File: %x", dbb_file), FLD(DBB, "Permanent: %x", dbb_permanent), FLD(DBB, "Pools: %x", dbb_pools), FLD(DBB, "Page_size: %d", dbb_page_size), FLD(DBB, "dp_per_pp: %d", dbb_dp_per_pp), 0 }, vec[] = { "VECTOR", // TMN: FIXFIX! John? // FLD(VEC, "Count %d", vec_count), "Count %d", (SCHAR*)4, (SCHAR*)4, 0 }, vcl[] = { "VECTOR OF ULONGS", // TMN: FIXFIX! John? // FLD(VCL, "Count %d", vcl_count), "Count %d", (SCHAR*)4, (SCHAR*)4, 0 }; /*frb[] = { "FREE", // TMN: FIXFIX! John? // FLD(FRB, "Next %x", frb_next), "Next %x", (SCHAR*)4, (SCHAR*)4, 0 };*/ /*static TEXT_PTR hnk[] = { "HUNK", FLD(HNK, "Addr: %x", hnk_address), FLD(HNK, "Len: %d", hnk_length), FLD(HNK, "Next: %x", hnk_next), 0 }; */ /*static TEXT_PTR plb[] = { "POOL", FLD(PLB, "Id: %d", plb_pool_id), FLD(PLB, "Free: %x", plb_free), FLD(PLB, "Hunk: %x", plb_hunks), 0 };*/ static TEXT_PTR bcb[] = { "BUFFER CONTROL", FLD(BCB, "Count: %x", bcb_count), 0 }, bdb[] = { "BUFFER DESCRIPTOR", FLD(BDB, "Page: %ld", bdb_page), FLD(BDB, "Lock: %x", bdb_lock), FLD(BDB, "Buffer: %x", bdb_buffer), FLD(BDB, "Use count: %x", bdb_use_count), FLD(BDB, "Flags: %x", bdb_flags), 0 }, pre[] = { "PRECEDENCE", FLD(PRE, "Flags: %x", pre_flags), FLD(PRE, "Low: %x", pre_low), FLD(PRE, "High: %x", pre_hi), 0 }, lck[] = { "LOCK", FLD(LCK, "Parent: %x", lck_parent), FLD(LCK, "Object: %x", lck_object), FLD(LCK, "Type: %x", lck_type), FLD(LCK, "Physical: %x", lck_physical), FLD(LCK, "Logical: %x", lck_logical), FLD(LCK, "Length: %x", lck_length), 0 }, fil[] = { "FILE", FLD(FIL, "File desc: %x", fil_desc), 0 }, pgc[] = { "PAGE CONTROL", FLD(PGC, "High water: %d", pgc_high_water), FLD(PGC, "Pages/PIP: %x", pgc_ppp), FLD(PGC, "First PIP: %x", pgc_pip), FLD(PGC, "Bytes/PIP: %x", pgc_bytes), 0 }, rel[] = { "RELATION", FLD(REL, "%s", rel_name), FLD(REL, "Id: %d", rel_id), FLD(REL, "Current format: %x", rel_current_format), FLD(REL, "Formats: %x", rel_formats), FLD(REL, "Pages: %x", rel_pages), FLD(REL, "Root: %ld", rel_index_root), 0 }, fmt[] = { "FORMAT", FLD(FMT, "Count: %d", fmt_count), FLD(FMT, "Length: %d", fmt_length), FLD(FMT, "Version: %d", fmt_version), 0 }, req[] = { "REQUEST", FLD(JRD_REQ, "COUNT: %x", req_count), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Impure: %x", req_impure_size), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Incarn: %x", req_incarnation), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Pool: %x", req_pool), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Sub req: %x", req_sub_requests), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Trans: %x", req_transaction), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Next req: %x", req_request), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Msg: %x", req_message), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Length: %x", req_length), FLD(JRD_REQ, "#msgs: %x", req_nmsgs), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Max send: %x", req_msend), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Max receive: %x", req_mreceive), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Top: %x", req_top_node), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Next: %x", req_next), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Label: %x", req_label), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Op: %x", req_operation), FLD(JRD_REQ, "Flags: %x", req_flags), 0 }, tra[] = { "TRANSACTION", FLD(JRD_TRA, "Number: %ld", tra_number), FLD(JRD_TRA, "Oldest: %ld", tra_oldest), FLD(JRD_TRA, "Next: %x", tra_next), FLD(JRD_TRA, "Pool: %x", tra_pool), FLD(JRD_TRA, "Lock: %x", tra_lock), FLD(JRD_TRA, "Locks: %x", tra_relation_locks), FLD(JRD_TRA, "Flags: %x", tra_flags), 0 }, nod[] = { "NODE", FLD(NOD, "Type: %x", nod_type), FLD(NOD, "Impure: %x", nod_impure), 0 }, lls[] = { "LINKED LIST STACK", FLD(LLS, "Object: %x", lls_object), FLD(LLS, "Next: %x", lls_next), 0 }, rec[] = { "RECORD", FLD(REC, "Format: %x", rec_format), 0 }, Rsb[] = { "RECORD SOURCE BLOCK", FLD(RSB, "Type: %x", rsb_type), FLD(RSB, "Stream: %x", rsb_stream), FLD(RSB, "Relation: %x", rsb_relation), FLD(RSB, "Next: %x", rsb_next), FLD(RSB, "Count: %x", rsb_count), 0 }, opt[] = { "OPTIMIZER", FLD(OPT, "CSB: %x", opt_csb), FLD(OPT, "Cnt: %x", opt_count), 0 }, bms[] = { "BIT MAP SEGMENT", FLD(BMS, "Min: %x", bms_min), FLD(BMS, "Max: %x", bms_max), 0 }, dfw[] = { "DEFERRED WORK BLOCK", FLD(DFW, "type: %d", dfw_type), FLD(DFW, "next: %x", dfw_next), FLD(DFW, "name: %s", dfw_name), 0 }, tfb[] = { "TEMPORY FIELD BLOCK", FLD(TFB, "id: %d", tfb_id), FLD(TFB, "dtype: %d", tfb_desc.dsc_dtype), FLD(TFB, "scale: %d", tfb_desc.dsc_scale), FLD(TFB, "len: %d", tfb_desc.dsc_length), 0 }, str[] = { "string", FLD(STR, "length: %d", str_length), 0 }, Dcc[] = { "DATA COMPRESSION CONTROL", FLD(DCC, "next: %x", dcc_next), FLD(DCC, "end: %x", dcc_end), 0 }, sbm[] = { "SPARE BIT MAP", FLD(SBM, "state: %d", sbm_state), FLD(SBM, "count: %d", sbm_count), FLD(SBM, "used: %d", sbm_used), FLD(SBM, "high water: %d", sbm_high_water), FLD(SBM, "number: %d", sbm_number), 0 }, smb[] = { "SORT MAP", FLD(SMB, "count: %d", smb_count), FLD(SMB, "keys: %d", smb_keys), FLD(SMB, "length: %d", smb_length), FLD(SMB, "sort key: %x", smb_key_desc), 0 }, blb[] = { "BLOB", FLD(BLB, "Relation: %x", blb_relation), FLD(BLB, "Count: %d", blb_count), FLD(BLB, "Length: %d", blb_length), FLD(BLB, "Max seg: %d", blb_max_segment), FLD(BLB, "Flags: %x", blb_flags), FLD(BLB, "Trans: %x", blb_transaction), FLD(BLB, "Next: %x", blb_segment), 0 }, irb[] = { "INDEX RETRIEVAL", FLD(IRB, "index: %d", irb_index), FLD(IRB, "relation: %x", irb_relation), FLD(IRB, "lower bounds: %d", irb_lower_count), FLD(IRB, "upper boudns: %d", irb_upper_count), 0 }, ctl[] = { "BLOB CONTROL", 0 }; static TEXT_PTR jrn[] = { "JOURNAL", 0}; static TEXT_PTR scl[] = { "SECURITY CLASS", 0}; static TEXT_PTR fld[] = { "FIELD", 0}; static TEXT_PTR ext[] = { "EXTERNAL FILE", 0}; static TEXT_PTR mfb[] = { "MERGE EQUIVALENCE FILE BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR riv[] = { "SORT MERGE RIVER", 0}; static TEXT_PTR plc[] = { "PAGE/LOCK SERVER CONNECTION", 0}; static TEXT_PTR usr[] = { "USER IDENTIFICATION BLOCK ", 0}; static TEXT_PTR att[] = { "ATTACHMENT BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR sym[] = { "SYMBOL", 0}; static TEXT_PTR fun[] = { "FUNCTION", 0}; static TEXT_PTR irl[] = { "INDEXED RELATIONSHIP", 0}; static TEXT_PTR acc[] = { "ACCESS", 0}; static TEXT_PTR Rsc[] = { "RESOURCE", 0}; static TEXT_PTR idl[] = { "INDEX LOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR sdw[] = { "SHADOW", 0}; static TEXT_PTR sav[] = { "SAVE POINT", 0}; static TEXT_PTR vct[] = { "VERB", 0}; static TEXT_PTR btb[] = { "BLOCKED THREAD", 0}; static TEXT_PTR blf[] = { "BLOB FILTER", 0}; static TEXT_PTR arr[] = { "ARRAY DESCRIPTION", 0}; static TEXT_PTR map[] = { "MAP BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR log[] = { "LOG BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR dls[] = { "DIR LIST BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR prc[] = { "PROCEDURE", FLD(JRD_PRC, "%s", prc_name), FLD(JRD_PRC, "Id: %d", prc_id), 0}; static TEXT_PTR prm[] = { "PARAMETER", FLD(PRM, "%s", prm_name), 0}; static TEXT_PTR idb[] = { "INDEX BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR bkm[] = { "BOOKMARK BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR rng[] = { "REFRESH RANGE BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR tpc[] = { "TIP CACHE BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR xcp[] = { "EXCEPTION LIST BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR Opt[] = { "OPTIMIZATION BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR prf[] = { "PRF", 0}; static TEXT_PTR rse[] = { "RECORD SELECTION EXPRESSION", 0}; static TEXT_PTR lit[] = { "LITERAL", 0}; static TEXT_PTR asb[] = { "ASB", 0}; static TEXT_PTR srl[] = { "SRL", 0}; /* xxx x [] = { "x", FLD (x, "x: %x", x), 0}, */ static TEXT_PTR Csb[] = { "COMPILE SCRATCH BLOCK", FLD(CSB, "Count: %x", csb_count), FLD(CSB, "Node: %x", csb_node), FLD(CSB, "Streams: %x", csb_n_stream), FLD(CSB, "Running: %x", csb_running), FLD(CSB, "BLR: %x", csb_blr), 0 }; static TEXT_PTR texttype[] = { /* "INTL TEXT OBJECT", FLD(TEXTTYPE, "Name: %s", texttype_name), FLD(TEXTTYPE, "Vers: %d", texttype_version), FLD(TEXTTYPE, "ID: %d", texttype_type), FLD(TEXTTYPE, "CS: %d", texttype_character_set), FLD(TEXTTYPE, "Cntry:%d", texttype_country), FLD(TEXTTYPE, "Flags:%d", texttype_flags),*/ 0 }; static TEXT_PTR charset[] = { /* "INTL Character Set", FLD(CHARSET, "Name: %s", charset_name), FLD(CHARSET, "Vers: %d", charset_version), FLD(CHARSET, "ID: %d", charset_id), FLD(CHARSET, "B/Ch: %d", charset_max_bytes_per_char), FLD(CHARSET, "B/Ch: %d", charset_min_bytes_per_char), FLD(CHARSET, "Flags:%d", charset_flags), */ 0 }; static TEXT_PTR csconvert[] = { /* "INTL Character set converter", FLD(CSCONVERT, "Name: %s", csconvert_name), FLD(CSCONVERT, "from: %d", csconvert_from), FLD(CSCONVERT, "to: %d", csconvert_to), */ 0 }; static TEXT_PTR tdbb[] = { "THREAD DATA BLOCK", FLD(TDBB, "Status vec: %x", tdbb_status_vector), FLD(TDBB, "Default: %x", tdbb_default), 0 }; static TEXT_PTR logfiles[] = { "WRITE AHEAD LOG FILE", 0}; static TEXT_PTR svc[] = { "SERVICE MANAGER BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR lwt[] = { "LATCH WAIT BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR vcx[] = { "VIEW CONTEXT BLOCK", 0}; static TEXT_PTR srpb[] = { "RPB BLOCK", 0}; static int (*dbg_all) (), (*dbg_block) (), (*dbg_examine) (), (*dbg_eval) (), (*dbg_open) (), (*dbg_close) (), (*dbg_pool) (), (*dbg_pretty) (), (*dbg_window) (), (*dbg_rpb) (), (*dbg_bdbs) (), (*dbg_analyze) (), (*dbg_check) (), (*dmp_page) (), (*dmp_active) (), (*dmp_dirty) (), (*dbg_verify) (); #define SYM(struct, name) "name", OFFSET (struct, name), 0, symb_offset, sizeof (((struct) 0)->name), struct symb dbt_symbols[] = { {"blk", &dbg_block, symb_printer, sizeof(int)}, {"ev", &dbg_eval, symb_printer, sizeof(int)}, {"ex", &dbg_examine, symb_printer, sizeof(int)}, {"dump", &dmp_page, symb_printer, sizeof(SLONG)}, {"pool", &dbg_pool, symb_printer, 0}, {"pretty", &dbg_pretty, symb_printer, 0}, {"analyze", &dbg_analyze, symb_printer, 0}, {"window", &dbg_window, symb_printer, 0}, {"rpb", &dbg_rpb, symb_printer, 0}, {"check", &dbg_check, symb_printer, 0}, {"dirty", &dmp_dirty, symb_routine, 0}, {"active", &dmp_active, symb_routine, 0}, {"all", &dbg_all, symb_routine, 0}, {"open", &dbg_open, symb_routine, 0}, {"close", &dbg_close, symb_routine, 0}, {"bdbs", &dbg_bdbs, symb_routine, 0}, {"verify", &dbg_verify, symb_routine, 0}, /* "dbb", &dbb, symb_absolute, sizeof (dbb), SYM (DBB, dbb_bcb) SYM (DBB, dbb_relations) SYM (DBB, dbb_pools) SYM (DBB, dbb_requests) SYM (REL, rel_formats) SYM (REL, rel_pages) SYM (JRD_REQ, req_top_node) SYM (JRD_REQ, req_next) */ (SCHAR *) 0, 0, symb_routine, 0 }; #define BLKDEF(type, name, tail) (TEXT*) name, #define dbb dbb_stuff TEXT* dbt_blocks[] = { 0, #include "../jrd/blk.h" 0 }; #undef BLKDEF } // extern "C" const char* DBT_jrd_type_map(int type) { #define BLKDEF(enum_c, str_c, ext) case enum_c: return str_c[0]; switch(type) { #include "../jrd/blk.h" default: break; } #undef BLKDEF return "Uknown Jrd Obj"; } void MP_GDB_print(MemoryPool *p) { p->print_contents(stdout, DBT_jrd_type_map); }