/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial * Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.ibphoenix.com/main.nfs?a=ibphoenix&page=ibp_idpl. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed AS IS, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Dmitry Yemanov * for the Firebird Open Source RDBMS project. * * Copyright (c) 2006 Dmitry Yemanov * and all contributors signed below. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ #include "firebird.h" #include "ids.h" #include "../common/classes/auto.h" #include "../common/classes/locks.h" #include "../jrd/gdsassert.h" #include "../jrd/jrd.h" #include "../jrd/cch.h" #include "../jrd/ini.h" #include "../jrd/nbak.h" #include "../jrd/os/guid.h" #include "../jrd/os/pio.h" #include "../jrd/req.h" #include "../jrd/tra.h" #include "../jrd/blb_proto.h" #include "../jrd/isc_proto.h" #include "../jrd/isc_s_proto.h" #include "../jrd/lck_proto.h" #include "../jrd/met_proto.h" #include "../jrd/os/pio_proto.h" #include "../jrd/pag_proto.h" #include "../jrd/thread_proto.h" #include "../jrd/Relation.h" #include "../jrd/RecordBuffer.h" #include "../jrd/DatabaseSnapshot.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef UNIX #include #endif #ifdef WIN_NT #include #include #endif using namespace Firebird; using namespace Jrd; const UCHAR TAG_DBB = '\xFF'; //-1U const UCHAR TAG_RECORD = '\xFE'; //-2U; // SharedMemory class const size_t DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::VERSION = 1; const size_t DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::DEFAULT_SIZE = 1048576; DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::SharedMemory() { TEXT filename[MAXPATHLEN]; gds__prefix_lock(filename, MONITOR_FILE); ISC_STATUS_ARRAY statusVector; base = (Header*) ISC_map_file(statusVector, filename, init, this, DEFAULT_SIZE, &handle); if (!base) { gds__log("Cannot initialize the shared memory region"); status_exception::raise(statusVector); } fb_assert(base->version == VERSION); } DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::~SharedMemory() { ISC_STATUS_ARRAY statusVector; ISC_unmap_file(statusVector, &handle, 0); } void DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::acquire() { #ifdef WIN_NT checkMutex("lock", ISC_mutex_lock(&mutex)); #else checkMutex("lock", ISC_mutex_lock(&base->mutex)); #endif } void DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::release() { #ifdef WIN_NT checkMutex("unlock", ISC_mutex_unlock(&mutex)); #else checkMutex("unlock", ISC_mutex_unlock(&base->mutex)); #endif } ClumpletReader* DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::readData(thread_db* tdbb) { garbageCollect(tdbb, false); const UCHAR* const buffer = (UCHAR*) base + sizeof(Header); const size_t length = base->length; MemoryPool& pool = *tdbb->getDefaultPool(); ClumpletReader* reader = FB_NEW(pool) ClumpletReader(pool, ClumpletReader::WideUnTagged, buffer, length); return reader; } void DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::writeData(thread_db* tdbb, ClumpletWriter& writer) { garbageCollect(tdbb, true); // Get number of bytes to add const size_t length = writer.getBufferLength(); // Do we need to extend the allocated memory? fb_assert(handle.sh_mem_length_mapped >= 0); if (base->length + length > size_t(handle.sh_mem_length_mapped)) { extend(base->length + length); } // Get the remapped pointer UCHAR* buffer = (UCHAR*) base + sizeof(Header); // Copy the data at the insertion point memcpy(buffer + base->length, writer.getBuffer(), length); // Adjust the length base->length += length; } void DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::garbageCollect(thread_db* tdbb, bool self) { fb_assert(tdbb); Database* dbb = tdbb->getDatabase(); fb_assert(dbb); // Get the buffer length UCHAR* buffer = (UCHAR*) base + sizeof(Header); const size_t length = base->length; if (!length) { // No data means no garbage to collect return; } // Initialize reader and writer helpers ClumpletReader reader(ClumpletReader::WideUnTagged, buffer, length); ClumpletWriter writer(ClumpletReader::WideUnTagged, MAX_ULONG); // Temporary lock used to check existence of the given dbb instance AutoPtr temp_lock(FB_NEW_RPT(*tdbb->getDefaultPool(), sizeof(FB_GUID)) Lock()); temp_lock->lck_type = LCK_instance; temp_lock->lck_owner_handle = LCK_get_owner_handle(tdbb, temp_lock->lck_type); temp_lock->lck_length = sizeof(FB_GUID); temp_lock->lck_dbb = dbb; // Parse the data and remove all garbage clumplets bool garbage_collect = false; while (!reader.isEof()) { if (reader.getClumpTag() == TAG_DBB) { FB_GUID guid; fb_assert(reader.getClumpLength() == sizeof(FB_GUID)); memcpy(&guid, reader.getBytes(), sizeof(FB_GUID)); // Is this our own dbb instance? const bool our_dbb = !memcmp(&guid, &dbb->dbb_guid, sizeof(FB_GUID)); if (self) { // We're asked to garbage collect our own data only garbage_collect = our_dbb; } else if (our_dbb) { // We're a generic reader and this is our dbb clumplet. // Don't garbage collect as we're definitely alive. garbage_collect = false; } else { memcpy(temp_lock->lck_key.lck_string, &guid, sizeof(FB_GUID)); if (LCK_lock(tdbb, temp_lock, LCK_EX, LCK_NO_WAIT)) { // This clumplet identifies the instance already died. // Garbage collect this unneccessary crap. LCK_release(tdbb, temp_lock); garbage_collect = true; } else { // This clumplet identifies the instance still alive. // Don't remove its data. garbage_collect = false; } } } // Copy data if we shouldn't garbage collect this clumplet if (!garbage_collect) { writer.insertBytes(reader.getClumpTag(), reader.getBytes(), reader.getClumpLength()); } reader.moveNext(); } // If we have compacted the data, let's adjust the stored length const size_t newLength = writer.getBufferLength(); if (newLength < base->length) { memcpy(buffer, writer.getBuffer(), newLength); base->length = newLength; } } void DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::extend(size_t newLength) { fb_assert(newLength > base->length); newLength = FB_ALIGN(newLength, DEFAULT_SIZE); // Temporary code. To be replaced with an attempt to remap the memory // plus a new GDS error code if the remap was unsuccessful. release(); gds__log("Monitoring table space exhausted"); exit(FINI_ERROR); } void DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::checkMutex(const TEXT* string, int state) { if (state) { TEXT msg[BUFFER_TINY]; sprintf(msg, "MONITOR: mutex %s error, status = %d", string, state); gds__log(msg); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); exit(FINI_ERROR); } } void DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory::init(void* arg, SH_MEM_T* shmemData, bool initialize) { SharedMemory* shmem = (SharedMemory*) arg; fb_assert(shmem); #ifdef WIN_NT char buffer[MAXPATHLEN]; gds__prefix_lock(buffer, MONITOR_FILE); checkMutex("init", ISC_mutex_init(&shmem->mutex, buffer)); #endif if (!initialize) return; // Initialize the shared data header Header* header = (Header*) shmemData->sh_mem_address; header->version = VERSION; header->length = 0; #ifndef WIN_NT checkMutex("init", ISC_mutex_init(&header->mutex)); #endif } // DatabaseSnapshot class GlobalPtr DatabaseSnapshot::initMutex; DatabaseSnapshot::SharedMemory* DatabaseSnapshot::dump = NULL; int DatabaseSnapshot::pid = getpid(); DatabaseSnapshot* DatabaseSnapshot::create(thread_db* tdbb) { SET_TDBB(tdbb); jrd_tra* transaction = tdbb->getTransaction(); fb_assert(transaction); if (!transaction->tra_db_snapshot) { // Create a database snapshot and store it // in the transaction block MemoryPool& pool = *transaction->tra_pool; transaction->tra_db_snapshot = FB_NEW(pool) DatabaseSnapshot(tdbb, pool); } return transaction->tra_db_snapshot; } int DatabaseSnapshot::blockingAst(void* ast_object) { Database* dbb = static_cast(ast_object); fb_assert(dbb); ThreadContextHolder tdbb; Lock* lock = dbb->dbb_monitor_lock; fb_assert(lock); tdbb->setDatabase(lock->lck_dbb); tdbb->setAttachment(lock->lck_attachment); tdbb->tdbb_quantum = QUANTUM; tdbb->setRequest(NULL); tdbb->setTransaction(NULL); Jrd::ContextPoolHolder context(tdbb, dbb->dbb_permanent); if (!(dbb->dbb_ast_flags & DBB_monitor_off)) { try { // Write the data to the shared memory dumpData(tdbb, true); // Release the lock and mark dbb as requesting a new one LCK_release(tdbb, lock); dbb->dbb_ast_flags |= DBB_monitor_off; } catch (const Exception&) { gds__log("Unexpected exception at the AST level"); } } return 0; } DatabaseSnapshot::DatabaseSnapshot(thread_db* tdbb, MemoryPool& pool) : snapshot(pool), idMap(pool), idCounter(0) { // Initialize record buffers RecordBuffer* const dbb_buffer = allocBuffer(tdbb, pool, rel_mon_database); RecordBuffer* const att_buffer = allocBuffer(tdbb, pool, rel_mon_attachments); RecordBuffer* const tra_buffer = allocBuffer(tdbb, pool, rel_mon_transactions); RecordBuffer* const stmt_buffer = allocBuffer(tdbb, pool, rel_mon_statements); RecordBuffer* const call_buffer = allocBuffer(tdbb, pool, rel_mon_calls); RecordBuffer* const io_stat_buffer = allocBuffer(tdbb, pool, rel_mon_io_stats); RecordBuffer* const rec_stat_buffer = allocBuffer(tdbb, pool, rel_mon_rec_stats); Database* const dbb = tdbb->getDatabase(); fb_assert(dbb); const Attachment* const attachment = tdbb->getAttachment(); fb_assert(attachment); // This variable defines whether we're interested in the global data // (i.e. all attachments) and hence should signal other processes // or it's enough to return the local data (our own attachment) only. const bool broadcast = attachment->att_user->locksmith(); AutoPtr reader(NULL); if (broadcast) { dumpData(tdbb, true); // Release our own lock and mark dbb as requesting a new one LCK_release(tdbb, dbb->dbb_monitor_lock); dbb->dbb_ast_flags |= DBB_monitor_off; // Signal other processes to dump their data Lock temp_lock, *lock = &temp_lock; lock->lck_dbb = dbb; lock->lck_length = sizeof(SLONG); lock->lck_key.lck_long = 0; lock->lck_type = LCK_monitor; lock->lck_owner_handle = LCK_get_owner_handle(tdbb, lock->lck_type); lock->lck_parent = dbb->dbb_lock; if (LCK_lock(tdbb, lock, LCK_EX, LCK_WAIT)) LCK_release(tdbb, lock); // Read the shared memory DumpGuard guard(dump); reader = dump->readData(tdbb); } else { reader = dumpData(tdbb, false); } reader->rewind(); // Parse the dump RecordBuffer* buffer = NULL; Record* record = NULL; int rid = 0; bool database_processed = false, database_seen = false; bool fields_processed = false, allowed = false; while (!reader->isEof()) { if (reader->getClumpTag() == TAG_DBB) { reader->moveNext(); if (fields_processed) { buffer->store(record); fields_processed = false; } } else if (reader->getClumpTag() == TAG_RECORD) { rid = reader->getInt(); reader->moveNext(); if (fields_processed) { buffer->store(record); fields_processed = false; } switch (rid) { case rel_mon_database: buffer = dbb_buffer; break; case rel_mon_attachments: buffer = att_buffer; break; case rel_mon_transactions: buffer = tra_buffer; break; case rel_mon_statements: buffer = stmt_buffer; break; case rel_mon_calls: buffer = call_buffer; break; case rel_mon_io_stats: buffer = io_stat_buffer; break; case rel_mon_rec_stats: buffer = rec_stat_buffer; break; default: fb_assert(false); } record = buffer->getTempRecord(); clearRecord(record); } else { const int fid = reader->getClumpTag(); const size_t length = reader->getClumpLength(); const char* source = checkNull(rid, fid, (char*) reader->getBytes(), length); reader->moveNext(); if (rid == rel_mon_database) { if (fid == f_mon_db_name) { database_processed = database_seen; // Do we look at our own database record? allowed = !dbb->dbb_database_name.compare(source, length); if (allowed) { // Yep, we've seen it database_seen = true; } } // We need to return the database record only once if (allowed && !database_processed) { putField(record, fid, source, length); fields_processed = true; } } // The generic logic that covers all relations // except MON$DATABASE else if (allowed) { putField(record, fid, source, length); fields_processed = true; } } } if (fields_processed) { buffer->store(record); fields_processed = false; } } DatabaseSnapshot::~DatabaseSnapshot() { for (size_t i = 0; i < snapshot.getCount(); i++) { delete snapshot[i].data; } } RecordBuffer* DatabaseSnapshot::getData(const jrd_rel* relation) const { fb_assert(relation); for (size_t i = 0; i < snapshot.getCount(); i++) { if (snapshot[i].rel_id == relation->rel_id) return snapshot[i].data; } return NULL; } RecordBuffer* DatabaseSnapshot::allocBuffer(thread_db* tdbb, MemoryPool& pool, int rel_id) { jrd_rel* relation = MET_lookup_relation_id(tdbb, rel_id, false); fb_assert(relation); MET_scan_relation(tdbb, relation); fb_assert(relation->isVirtual()); Format* format = MET_current(tdbb, relation); fb_assert(format); RecordBuffer* buffer = FB_NEW(pool) RecordBuffer(pool, format); RelationData data = {relation->rel_id, buffer}; snapshot.add(data); return buffer; } void DatabaseSnapshot::clearRecord(Record* record) { // Initialize all fields to NULLs memset(record->rec_data, 0, record->rec_length); const size_t null_bytes = (record->rec_format->fmt_count + 7) >> 3; memset(record->rec_data, 0xFF, null_bytes); } void DatabaseSnapshot::putField(Record* record, int id, const void* source, size_t length) { fb_assert(record); const Format* const format = record->rec_format; fb_assert(format && id < format->fmt_count); const dsc desc = format->fmt_desc[id]; UCHAR* const address = record->rec_data + (IPTR) desc.dsc_address; if (!source) { SET_NULL(record, id); return; } if (length == sizeof(SINT64) && desc.dsc_dtype == dtype_long) { // special case: translate 64-bit global ID into 32-bit local ID const SINT64 global_id = *(SINT64*) source; SLONG local_id = 0; if (!idMap.get(global_id, local_id)) { local_id = ++idCounter; idMap.put(global_id, local_id); } *(SLONG*) address = local_id; CLEAR_NULL(record, id); return; } switch (desc.dsc_dtype) { case dtype_text: { const char* const string = (char*) source; const size_t max_length = desc.dsc_length; length = MIN(length, max_length); memcpy(address, string, length); memset(address + length, ' ', max_length - length); } break; case dtype_varying: { const char* const string = (char*) source; const size_t max_length = desc.dsc_length - sizeof(USHORT); length = MIN(length, max_length); vary* varying = (vary*) address; varying->vary_length = length; memcpy(varying->vary_string, string, length); } break; case dtype_short: *(SSHORT*) address = *(SSHORT*) source; break; case dtype_long: *(SLONG*) address = *(SLONG*) source; break; case dtype_int64: *(SINT64*) address = *(SINT64*) source; break; case dtype_real: *(float*) address = *(float*) source; break; case dtype_double: *(double*) address = *(double*) source; break; case dtype_sql_date: *(ISC_DATE*) address = *(ISC_DATE*) source; break; case dtype_sql_time: *(ISC_TIME*) address = *(ISC_TIME*) source; break; case dtype_timestamp: *(ISC_TIMESTAMP*) address = *(ISC_TIMESTAMP*) source; break; case dtype_blob: { thread_db* tdbb = JRD_get_thread_data(); UCharBuffer bpb; bpb.resize(15); UCHAR* p = bpb.begin(); *p++ = isc_bpb_version1; *p++ = isc_bpb_source_type; *p++ = 2; put_short(p, isc_blob_text); p += 2; *p++ = isc_bpb_source_interp; *p++ = 1; *p++ = tdbb->getAttachment()->att_charset; *p++ = isc_bpb_target_type; *p++ = 2; put_short(p, isc_blob_text); p += 2; *p++ = isc_bpb_target_interp; *p++ = 1; *p++ = CS_METADATA; bpb.shrink(p - bpb.begin()); bid blob_id; blb* blob = BLB_create2(tdbb, tdbb->getTransaction(), &blob_id, bpb.getCount(), bpb.begin()); length = MIN(length, MAX_USHORT); BLB_put_segment(tdbb, blob, (UCHAR*) source, length); BLB_close(tdbb, blob); *(bid*) address = blob_id; } break; default: fb_assert(false); } CLEAR_NULL(record, id); } const char* DatabaseSnapshot::checkNull(int rid, int fid, const char* source, size_t length) { // The only goal of this function is to substitute some numeric zeroes // and empty strings with NULLs switch (rid) { case rel_mon_attachments: switch (fid) { case f_mon_att_remote_proto: case f_mon_att_remote_addr: case f_mon_att_remote_process: return length ? source : NULL; case f_mon_att_remote_pid: return (*(SLONG*) source) ? source : NULL; default: break; } break; case rel_mon_statements: switch (fid) { case f_mon_stmt_att_id: case f_mon_stmt_tra_id: return (*(SLONG*) source) ? source : NULL; case f_mon_stmt_timestamp: return (*(SINT64*) source) ? source : NULL; case f_mon_stmt_sql_text: return length ? source : NULL; default: break; } break; case rel_mon_calls: switch (fid) { case f_mon_call_caller_id: case f_mon_call_type: case f_mon_call_src_line: case f_mon_call_src_column: return (*(SLONG*) source) ? source : NULL; case f_mon_call_name: return length ? source : NULL; default: break; } break; default: break; } return source; } ClumpletReader* DatabaseSnapshot::dumpData(thread_db* tdbb, bool broadcast) { fb_assert(tdbb); Database* const dbb = tdbb->getDatabase(); fb_assert(dbb); const Attachment* const self_attachment = tdbb->getAttachment(); fb_assert(self_attachment); MemoryPool& pool = *tdbb->getDefaultPool(); AutoPtr writer(FB_NEW(pool) ClumpletWriter(pool, ClumpletReader::WideUnTagged, MAX_ULONG)); writer->insertBytes(TAG_DBB, (UCHAR*) &dbb->dbb_guid, sizeof(FB_GUID)); jrd_tra* transaction = NULL; jrd_req* request = NULL; jrd_req* call = NULL; // Database information putDatabase(dbb, *writer, dbb->generateId()); // Attachment information for (Attachment* attachment = dbb->dbb_attachments; attachment; attachment = attachment->att_next) { if (broadcast || attachment == self_attachment) { putAttachment(attachment, *writer, dbb->generateId()); // Transaction information for (transaction = attachment->att_transactions; transaction; transaction = transaction->tra_next) { putTransaction(transaction, *writer, dbb->generateId()); } // Request information for (request = attachment->att_requests; request; request = request->req_request) { if (!(request->req_flags & (req_internal | req_sys_trigger))) { putRequest(request, *writer, dbb->generateId()); } } // Call stack information for (transaction = attachment->att_transactions; transaction; transaction = transaction->tra_next) { for (request = transaction->tra_requests; request; request = request->req_tra_next) { if (!(request->req_flags & (req_internal | req_sys_trigger)) && request->req_caller) { putCall(request, *writer, dbb->generateId()); } } } } } if (broadcast) { if (!dump) { // Initialize the shared memory region MutexLockGuard guard(initMutex); if (!dump) { dump = FB_NEW(*getDefaultMemoryPool()) SharedMemory; } } DumpGuard guard(dump); dump->writeData(tdbb, *writer); return NULL; } return writer.release(); } void DatabaseSnapshot::putDatabase(const Database* database, ClumpletWriter& writer, int stat_id) { fb_assert(database); writer.insertByte(TAG_RECORD, rel_mon_database); // Reload header const PageSpace* const pageSpace = database->dbb_page_manager.findPageSpace(DB_PAGE_SPACE); const jrd_file* const file = pageSpace->file; PAG_header(true); int temp; // database name or alias writer.insertPath(f_mon_db_name, database->dbb_database_name); // page size writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_page_size, database->dbb_page_size); // major ODS version writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_ods_major, database->dbb_ods_version); // minor ODS version writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_ods_minor, database->dbb_minor_version); // oldest interesting transaction writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_oit, database->dbb_oldest_transaction); // oldest active transaction writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_oat, database->dbb_oldest_active); // oldest snapshot transaction writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_ost, database->dbb_oldest_snapshot); // next transaction writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_nt, database->dbb_next_transaction); // number of page buffers writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_page_bufs, database->dbb_bcb->bcb_count); // SQL dialect temp = (database->dbb_flags & DBB_DB_SQL_dialect_3) ? 3 : 1; writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_dialect, temp); // shutdown mode if (database->dbb_ast_flags & DBB_shutdown_full) temp = shut_mode_full; else if (database->dbb_ast_flags & DBB_shutdown_single) temp = shut_mode_single; else if (database->dbb_ast_flags & DBB_shutdown) temp = shut_mode_multi; else temp = shut_mode_online; writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_shut_mode, temp); // sweep interval writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_sweep_int, database->dbb_sweep_interval); // read only flag temp = (database->dbb_flags & DBB_read_only) ? 1 : 0; writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_read_only, temp); // forced writes flag temp = (database->dbb_flags & DBB_force_write) ? 1 : 0; writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_forced_writes, temp); // reserve space flag temp = (database->dbb_flags & DBB_no_reserve) ? 0 : 1; writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_res_space, temp); // creation date writer.insertBytes(f_mon_db_created, (UCHAR*) &database->dbb_creation_date.value(), sizeof(ISC_TIMESTAMP)); // database size writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_db_pages, PageSpace::actAlloc(database)); // database state thread_db* tdbb = JRD_get_thread_data(); database->dbb_backup_manager->lock_shared_database(tdbb, true); switch (database->dbb_backup_manager->get_state()) { case nbak_state_normal: temp = backup_state_normal; break; case nbak_state_stalled: temp = backup_state_stalled; break; case nbak_state_merge: temp = backup_state_merge; break; default: fb_assert(false); } database->dbb_backup_manager->unlock_shared_database(tdbb); writer.insertInt(f_mon_db_backup_state, temp); // statistics writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_db_stat_id, getGlobalId(stat_id)); putStatistics(&database->dbb_stats, writer, stat_id, stat_database); } void DatabaseSnapshot::putAttachment(const Attachment* attachment, ClumpletWriter& writer, int stat_id) { fb_assert(attachment); writer.insertByte(TAG_RECORD, rel_mon_attachments); int temp = mon_state_idle; for (jrd_tra* transaction_itr = attachment->att_transactions; transaction_itr; transaction_itr = transaction_itr->tra_next) { if (transaction_itr->tra_requests) { temp = mon_state_active; break; } } // attachment id writer.insertInt(f_mon_att_id, attachment->att_attachment_id); // process id writer.insertInt(f_mon_att_server_pid, getpid()); // state writer.insertInt(f_mon_att_state, temp); // attachment name writer.insertPath(f_mon_att_name, attachment->att_filename); // user writer.insertString(f_mon_att_user, attachment->att_user->usr_user_name); // role writer.insertString(f_mon_att_role, attachment->att_user->usr_sql_role_name); // remote protocol writer.insertString(f_mon_att_remote_proto, attachment->att_network_protocol); // remote address writer.insertString(f_mon_att_remote_addr, attachment->att_remote_address); // remote process id writer.insertInt(f_mon_att_remote_pid, attachment->att_remote_pid); // remote process name writer.insertPath(f_mon_att_remote_process, attachment->att_remote_process); // charset writer.insertInt(f_mon_att_charset_id, attachment->att_charset); // timestamp writer.insertBytes(f_mon_att_timestamp, (UCHAR*) &attachment->att_timestamp.value(), sizeof(ISC_TIMESTAMP)); // garbage collection flag temp = (attachment->att_flags & ATT_no_cleanup) ? 0 : 1; writer.insertInt(f_mon_att_gc, temp); // statistics writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_att_stat_id, getGlobalId(stat_id)); putStatistics(&attachment->att_stats, writer, stat_id, stat_attachment); } void DatabaseSnapshot::putTransaction(const jrd_tra* transaction, ClumpletWriter& writer, int stat_id) { fb_assert(transaction); writer.insertByte(TAG_RECORD, rel_mon_transactions); int temp; // transaction id writer.insertInt(f_mon_tra_id, transaction->tra_number); // attachment id writer.insertInt(f_mon_tra_att_id, transaction->tra_attachment->att_attachment_id); // state temp = transaction->tra_requests ? mon_state_active : mon_state_idle; writer.insertInt(f_mon_tra_state, temp); // timestamp writer.insertBytes(f_mon_tra_timestamp, (UCHAR*) &transaction->tra_timestamp.value(), sizeof(ISC_TIMESTAMP)); // top transaction writer.insertInt(f_mon_tra_top, transaction->tra_top); // oldest transaction writer.insertInt(f_mon_tra_oit, transaction->tra_oldest); // oldest active transaction writer.insertInt(f_mon_tra_oat, transaction->tra_oldest_active); // isolation mode if (transaction->tra_flags & TRA_degree3) temp = iso_mode_consistency; else if (transaction->tra_flags & TRA_read_committed) temp = (transaction->tra_flags & TRA_rec_version) ? iso_mode_rc_version : iso_mode_rc_no_version; else temp = iso_mode_concurrency; writer.insertInt(f_mon_tra_iso_mode, temp); // lock timeout writer.insertInt(f_mon_tra_lock_timeout, transaction->tra_lock_timeout); // read only flag temp = (transaction->tra_flags & TRA_readonly) ? 1 : 0; writer.insertInt(f_mon_tra_read_only, temp); // autocommit flag temp = (transaction->tra_flags & TRA_autocommit) ? 1 : 0; writer.insertInt(f_mon_tra_auto_commit, temp); // auto undo flag temp = (transaction->tra_flags & TRA_no_auto_undo) ? 0 : 1; writer.insertInt(f_mon_tra_auto_undo, temp); // statistics writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_tra_stat_id, getGlobalId(stat_id)); putStatistics(&transaction->tra_stats, writer, stat_id, stat_transaction); } void DatabaseSnapshot::putRequest(const jrd_req* request, ClumpletWriter& writer, int stat_id) { fb_assert(request); writer.insertByte(TAG_RECORD, rel_mon_statements); // request id writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_stmt_id, getGlobalId(request->req_id)); // attachment id if (request->req_attachment) { writer.insertInt(f_mon_stmt_att_id, request->req_attachment->att_attachment_id); } else { writer.insertInt(f_mon_stmt_att_id, 0); } // state, transaction ID, timestamp if (request->req_flags & req_active) { writer.insertInt(f_mon_stmt_state, mon_state_active); const int tra_id = request->req_transaction ? request->req_transaction->tra_number : 0; writer.insertInt(f_mon_stmt_tra_id, tra_id); writer.insertBytes(f_mon_stmt_timestamp, (UCHAR*) &request->req_timestamp.value(), sizeof(ISC_TIMESTAMP)); } else { writer.insertInt(f_mon_stmt_state, mon_state_idle); writer.insertInt(f_mon_stmt_tra_id, 0); ISC_TIMESTAMP empty = {0, 0}; writer.insertBytes(f_mon_stmt_timestamp, (UCHAR*) &empty, sizeof(ISC_TIMESTAMP)); } // sql text writer.insertString(f_mon_stmt_sql_text, request->req_sql_text); // statistics writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_stmt_stat_id, getGlobalId(stat_id)); putStatistics(&request->req_stats, writer, stat_id, stat_statement); } void DatabaseSnapshot::putCall(const jrd_req* request, ClumpletWriter& writer, int stat_id) { fb_assert(request); jrd_req* statement = request->req_caller; while (statement->req_caller) statement = statement->req_caller; fb_assert(statement); writer.insertByte(TAG_RECORD, rel_mon_calls); // call id writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_call_id, getGlobalId(request->req_id)); // statement id writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_call_stmt_id, getGlobalId(statement->req_id)); // caller id if (statement == request->req_caller) { writer.insertInt(f_mon_call_caller_id, 0); } else { writer.insertInt(f_mon_call_caller_id, request->req_caller->req_id); } // object name/type if (request->req_procedure) { writer.insertString(f_mon_call_name, request->req_procedure->prc_name.c_str()); writer.insertInt(f_mon_call_type, obj_procedure); } else if (!request->req_trg_name.isEmpty()) { writer.insertString(f_mon_call_name, request->req_trg_name.c_str()); writer.insertInt(f_mon_call_type, obj_trigger); } else { // we should never be here... fb_assert(false); // ... but just in case it happened... writer.insertString(f_mon_call_name, ""); writer.insertInt(f_mon_call_type, 0); } // timestamp writer.insertBytes(f_mon_call_timestamp, (UCHAR*) &request->req_timestamp.value(), sizeof(ISC_TIMESTAMP)); // source line/column writer.insertInt(f_mon_call_src_line, request->req_src_line); writer.insertInt(f_mon_call_src_column, request->req_src_column); // statistics writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_call_stat_id, getGlobalId(stat_id)); putStatistics(&request->req_stats, writer, stat_id, stat_call); } void DatabaseSnapshot::putStatistics(const RuntimeStatistics* statistics, Firebird::ClumpletWriter& writer, int stat_id, int stat_group) { fb_assert(statistics); // statistics id const SINT64 id = getGlobalId(stat_id); // physical I/O statistics writer.insertByte(TAG_RECORD, rel_mon_io_stats); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_io_stat_id, id); writer.insertInt(f_mon_io_stat_group, stat_group); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_io_page_reads, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::PAGE_READS)); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_io_page_writes, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::PAGE_WRITES)); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_io_page_fetches, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::PAGE_FETCHES)); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_io_page_marks, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::PAGE_MARKS)); // logical I/O statistics writer.insertByte(TAG_RECORD, rel_mon_rec_stats); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_rec_stat_id, id); writer.insertInt(f_mon_rec_stat_group, stat_group); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_rec_seq_reads, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::RECORD_SEQ_READS)); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_rec_idx_reads, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::RECORD_IDX_READS)); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_rec_inserts, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::RECORD_INSERTS)); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_rec_updates, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::RECORD_UPDATES)); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_rec_deletes, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::RECORD_DELETES)); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_rec_backouts, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::RECORD_BACKOUTS)); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_rec_purges, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::RECORD_PURGES)); writer.insertBigInt(f_mon_rec_expunges, statistics->getValue(RuntimeStatistics::RECORD_EXPUNGES)); }