@echo off :: This is the helper script to convert MSVC8 build to MSVC7 build. :: It changes build to use static CRT instead of DLL. :: :: Use it after you converted your project files using VSPC :: (http://sourceforge.net/projects/vspc/) :: :: USAGE: :: 1) adjust_vc7_files without parameters :: fix all project files in MSVC7 direcotry :: :: 2) adjust_vc7_files -L :: fix all files in list :: :: 3) adjust_vc7_files :: fix a particular project file :: if "%1" == "" ( for %%i in (msvc7\*.vcproj) do call :adjust_files %%i goto :eof ) if "%1" == "-L" ( for /f %%i in (%2) do call :adjust_files %%i goto :eof ) :adjust_files echo Editing %1... sed -e "s|RuntimeLibrary=\"3\"|RuntimeLibrary=\"1\"|" %1 > %1.sed_tmp sed -e "s|RuntimeLibrary=\"2\"|RuntimeLibrary=\"0\"|" %1.sed_tmp > %1 del %1.sed_tmp goto :eof