/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial * Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.ibphoenix.com/main.nfs?a=ibphoenix&page=ibp_idpl. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed AS IS, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Adriano dos Santos Fernandes * for the Firebird Open Source RDBMS project. * * Copyright (c) 2008 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes * and all contributors signed below. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * Alex Peshkoff */ #include "UdrCppExample.h" using namespace Firebird; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*** create procedure gen_dates ( start_date timestamp with time zone not null, n_days integer not null ) returns ( out_date timestamp with time zone not null ) external name 'udrcpp_example!gen_dates' engine udr; ***/ FB_UDR_BEGIN_PROCEDURE(gen_dates) // Without InMessage/OutMessage definitions, messages will be byte-based. // Procedure variables. unsigned inOffsetStartDate, inOffsetNDays, outNullOffset, outOffset; // Get offsets once per procedure. FB_UDR_CONSTRUCTOR { AutoRelease inMetadata(metadata->getInputMetadata(status)); inOffsetStartDate = inMetadata->getOffset(status, 0); inOffsetNDays = inMetadata->getOffset(status, 1); // printf("SQLtype in = %d\n", inMetadata->getType(status, 0)); AutoRelease outMetadata(metadata->getOutputMetadata(status)); outNullOffset = outMetadata->getNullOffset(status, 0); outOffset = outMetadata->getOffset(status, 0); // printf("SQLtype out = %d\n", outMetadata->getType(status, 0)); } /*** Procedure destructor. FB_UDR_DESTRUCTOR { } ***/ FB_UDR_EXECUTE_PROCEDURE { counter = *(ISC_LONG*) (in + procedure->inOffsetNDays); run = *(ISC_TIMESTAMP_TZ*) (in + procedure->inOffsetStartDate); *(ISC_SHORT*) (out + procedure->outNullOffset) = FB_FALSE; } // After procedure's execute definition, starts the result set definition. FB_UDR_FETCH_PROCEDURE { if (--counter < 0) return false; *(ISC_TIMESTAMP_TZ*) (out + procedure->outOffset) = run; run.utc_timestamp.timestamp_date++; return true; } /*** ResultSet destructor. ~ResultSet() { } ***/ // ResultSet variables. ISC_LONG counter; ISC_TIMESTAMP_TZ run; FB_UDR_END_PROCEDURE /*** create procedure gen_dates2 ( start_date timestamp with time zone not null, n_days integer not null ) returns ( out_date timestamp with time zone not null ) external name 'udrcpp_example!gen_dates2' engine udr; ***/ FB_UDR_BEGIN_PROCEDURE(gen_dates2) FB_UDR_MESSAGE(InMessage, (FB_TIMESTAMP_TZ, start_date) (FB_INTEGER, n_days) ); FB_UDR_MESSAGE(OutMessage, (FB_TIMESTAMP_TZ, o_date) ); FB_UDR_EXECUTE_PROCEDURE { out->o_dateNull = FB_FALSE; out->o_date = in->start_date; out->o_date.utcTimestamp.date--; counter = in->n_days; } FB_UDR_FETCH_PROCEDURE { out->o_date.utcTimestamp.date++; return counter-- > 0; } ISC_LONG counter; FB_UDR_END_PROCEDURE