/* * PROGRAM: JRD Remote Server * MODULE: inet_server.cpp * DESCRIPTION: Internet remote server. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation * and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are * Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * Added TCP_NO_DELAY option for superserver on Linux * FSG 16.03.2001 * * 2002.10.28 Sean Leyne - Code cleanup, removed obsolete "MPEXL" port * 2002.10.28 Sean Leyne - Code cleanup, removed obsolete "DecOSF" port * 2002.10.28 Sean Leyne - Code cleanup, removed obsolete "SGI" port * * 2002.10.29 Sean Leyne - Removed obsolete "Netware" port * * 2002.10.30 Sean Leyne - Removed support for obsolete "PC_PLATFORM" define * */ #include "firebird.h" #include #include #include "../jrd/common.h" #include "../jrd/isc_proto.h" #include "../jrd/divorce.h" #include "../jrd/jrd_proto.h" #include "../common/config/config.h" #if !(defined VMS) #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include # include #else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include # else # include # endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef VMS #include #endif #ifdef SUPERSERVER #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include "../jrd/ibase.h" #include "../jrd/jrd_pwd.h" #endif #include "../remote/remote.h" #include "../jrd/license.h" #include "../jrd/thd.h" #include "../jrd/file_params.h" #include "../remote/inet_proto.h" #include "../remote/serve_proto.h" #include "../jrd/gds_proto.h" #include "../jrd/sch_proto.h" #include "../jrd/thread_proto.h" #include "../common/utils_proto.h" #ifdef UNIX #ifdef NETBSD #include #else #include #endif #endif #ifdef SUPERSERVER #ifndef WIN_NT const char* TEMP_DIR = "/tmp"; #define CHANGE_DIR chdir #endif const char* INTERBASE_USER_NAME = "interbase"; const char* INTERBASE_USER_SHORT = "interbas"; const char* FIREBIRD_USER_NAME = "firebird"; #endif #ifdef VMS static int assign(SCHAR *); #else static void set_signal(int, void (*)(int)); #endif static void signal_handler(int); #if (defined SUPERSERVER && defined UNIX ) static void signal_sigpipe_handler(int); #ifdef SERVER_SHUTDOWN static THREAD_ENTRY_DECLARE shutdown_thread(THREAD_ENTRY_PARAM arg); static void signal_term(int); #endif #endif static TEXT protocol[128]; static int INET_SERVER_start = 0; static USHORT INET_SERVER_flag = 0; extern "C" { int CLIB_ROUTINE server_main( int argc, char** argv) { /************************************** * * m a i n * ************************************** * * Functional description * Run the server with apollo mailboxes. * **************************************/ rem_port* port; // 01 Sept 2003, Nickolay Samofatov // In GCC version 3.1-3.3 we need to install special error handler // in order to get meaningful terminate() error message on stderr. // In GCC 3.4 or later this is the default. #if __GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 4 std::set_terminate (__gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler); #endif #ifdef VMS argc = VMS_parse(&argv, argc); #endif const TEXT* const* const end = argc + argv; argv++; bool debug = false, standalone = false; INET_SERVER_flag = 0; int channel = 0; protocol[0] = 0; bool multi_client = false, multi_threaded = false; #ifdef SUPERSERVER INET_SERVER_flag |= SRVR_multi_client; multi_client = multi_threaded = standalone = true; #endif int clients = 0; bool done = false; while (argv < end) { TEXT c; const TEXT* p = *argv++; if (*p++ == '-') while (c = *p++) { switch (UPPER(c)) { case 'D': INET_SERVER_flag |= SRVR_debug; debug = standalone = true; break; #ifndef SUPERSERVER case 'M': INET_SERVER_flag |= SRVR_multi_client; if (argv < end) if (clients = atoi(*argv)) argv++; multi_client = standalone = true; break; case 'S': standalone = true; break; case 'I': standalone = false; break; case 'T': multi_threaded = true; break; case 'U': multi_threaded = false; break; #endif /* SUPERSERVER */ case 'E': if (ISC_get_prefix(p) == -1) printf("Invalid argument Ignored\n"); else argv++; /* do not skip next argument if this one is invalid */ done = true; break; case 'P': fb_utils::snprintf(protocol, sizeof(protocol), "/%s", *argv++); break; case 'H': case '?': printf("Firebird TCP/IP server options are:\n"); printf(" -d : debug on\n"); #ifdef SUPERSERVER // These options only applicable to super server printf(" -m : multiclient - on\n"); printf(" -s : standalone - true\n"); printf(" -i : standalone - false\n"); printf(" -t : multithread - true (non pc only)\n"); printf(" -u : multithread - false (pc only)\n"); printf(" -t : multithread (non pc only\n"); #endif printf(" -p : specify protocol\n"); printf(" -h|? : print this help\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" (The following -e options used to be -h options)\n"); printf(" -e : set firebird_root path\n"); printf(" -el : set runtime firebird_lock dir\n"); printf(" -em : set firebird_msg dir path\n"); printf(" -z : print version\n"); exit(FINI_OK); case 'Z': printf("Firebird TCP/IP server version %s\n", GDS_VERSION); exit(FINI_OK); } if (done) break; } } #if (defined SUPERSERVER && defined UNIX ) /* set_signal(SIGPIPE, signal_sigpipe_handler); */ set_signal(SIGPIPE, signal_handler); set_signal(SIGUSR1, signal_handler); set_signal(SIGUSR2, signal_handler); #endif /* Fork off a server, wait for it to die, then fork off another, but give up after 100 tries */ #if !(defined SUPERSERVER || defined VMS) if (multi_client && !debug) { set_signal(SIGUSR1, signal_handler); int child; for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++) { INET_SERVER_start = 0; if (!(child = fork())) break; while (wait(0) != child) if (INET_SERVER_start) { n = 0; /* reset error counter on "real" signal */ break; } gds__log("INET_SERVER/main: gds_inet_server restarted"); } set_signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_DFL); } #endif if (standalone) { if (multi_client) { #ifdef SUPERSERVER // Remove restriction on username, for DEV builds // restrict only for production builds. MOD 21-July-2002 #ifndef DEV_BUILD TEXT user_name[256]; /* holds the user name */ /* check user id */ ISC_get_user(user_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (strcmp(user_name, "root") && strcmp(user_name, FIREBIRD_USER_NAME) && strcmp(user_name, INTERBASE_USER_NAME) && strcmp(user_name, INTERBASE_USER_SHORT)) { /* invalid user -- bail out */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid user (must be %s, %s, %s or root).\n", "fbserver", FIREBIRD_USER_NAME, INTERBASE_USER_NAME, INTERBASE_USER_SHORT); exit(STARTUP_ERROR); } #endif #else if (setreuid(0, 0) < 0) printf("Inet_server: couldn't set uid to superuser.\n"); #endif INET_set_clients(clients); } if (!debug) { int mask = 0; // FD_ZERO(&mask); mask |= 1 << 2; // FD_SET(2, &mask); divorce_terminal(mask); } { // scope block ISC_STATUS_ARRAY status_vector; THREAD_ENTER(); port = INET_connect(protocol, 0, status_vector, INET_SERVER_flag, 0, 0); THREAD_EXIT(); if (!port) { gds__print_status(status_vector); exit(STARTUP_ERROR); } } // end scope block } else { #ifdef VMS channel = assign("SYS$INPUT"); #endif THREAD_ENTER(); port = INET_server(channel); THREAD_EXIT(); if (!port) { fprintf(stderr, "fbserver: Unable to start INET_server\n"); exit(STARTUP_ERROR); } } #ifdef SUPERSERVER /* before starting the superserver stuff change directory to tmp */ if (CHANGE_DIR(TEMP_DIR)) { /* error on changing the directory */ gds__log("Could not change directory to %s due to errno %d", TEMP_DIR, errno); } /* Server tries to attach to security2.fdb to make sure everything is OK This code fixes bug# 8429 + all other bug of that kind - from now on the server exits if it cannot attach to the database (wrong or no license, not enough memory, etc. */ { TEXT path[MAXPATHLEN]; ISC_STATUS_ARRAY status; isc_db_handle db_handle = 0L; SecurityDatabase::getPath(path); const char dpb[] = {isc_dpb_version1, isc_dpb_gsec_attach, 1, 1}; isc_attach_database(status, strlen(path), path, &db_handle, sizeof dpb, dpb); if (status[0] == 1 && status[1] > 0) { gds__log_status(path, status); isc_print_status(status); exit(STARTUP_ERROR); } isc_detach_database(status, &db_handle); if (status[0] == 1 && status[1] > 0) { gds__log_status(path, status); isc_print_status(status); exit(STARTUP_ERROR); } } #endif #if (defined SUPERSERVER && defined UNIX && defined SERVER_SHUTDOWN) // process signals 2 & 15 in order to exit gracefully set_signal(SIGINT, signal_term); set_signal(SIGTERM, signal_term); #endif if (multi_threaded) SRVR_multi_thread(port, INET_SERVER_flag); else SRVR_main(port, INET_SERVER_flag); #ifdef DEBUG_GDS_ALLOC /* In Debug mode - this will report all server-side memory leaks * due to remote access */ //gds_alloc_report(0, __FILE__, __LINE__); char name[MAXPATHLEN]; gds__prefix(name, "memdebug.log"); FILE* file = fopen(name, "w+t"); if (file) { fprintf(file, "Global memory pool allocated objects\n"); getDefaultMemoryPool()->print_contents(file); fclose(file); } #endif exit(FINI_OK); } } #ifdef VMS static int assign( SCHAR * string) { /************************************** * * a s s i g n * ************************************** * * Functional description * Assign a channel for communications. * **************************************/ SSHORT channel; struct dsc$descriptor_s desc; desc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T; desc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S; desc.dsc$w_length = strlen(string); desc.dsc$a_pointer = string; int status = sys$assign(&desc, &channel, NULL, NULL); return (status & 1) ? channel : 0; } #endif #if !(defined VMS) static void set_signal( int signal_number, void (*handler) (int)) { /************************************** * * s e t _ s i g n a l * ************************************** * * Functional description * Establish signal handler. * **************************************/ struct sigaction vec, old_vec; vec.sa_handler = handler; sigemptyset(&vec.sa_mask); vec.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(signal_number, &vec, &old_vec); } #endif static void signal_handler(int) { /************************************** * * s i g n a l _ h a n d l e r * ************************************** * * Functional description * Dummy signal handler. * **************************************/ ++INET_SERVER_start; } #if (defined SUPERSERVER && defined UNIX ) static void signal_sigpipe_handler(int) { /**************************************************** * * s i g n a l _ s i g p i p e _ h a n d l e r * **************************************************** * * Functional description * Dummy signal handler. * **************************************/ ++INET_SERVER_start; gds__log ("Super Server/main: Bad client socket, send() resulted in SIGPIPE, caught by server\n client exited improperly or crashed ????"); } #ifdef SERVER_SHUTDOWN static THREAD_ENTRY_DECLARE shutdown_thread(THREAD_ENTRY_PARAM arg) { /**************************************************** * * s h u t d o w n _ t h r e a d * **************************************************** * * Functional description * In order to avoid blocking of the thread, * which received SIGTERM, run in separate thread. * **************************************/ JRD_shutdown_all_ex(false); exit(0); } static void signal_term(int) { /**************************************************** * * s i g n a l _ t e r m * **************************************************** * * Functional description * Handle ^C and kill. * **************************************/ gds__thread_start(shutdown_thread, 0, THREAD_medium, 0, 0); #endif //SERVER_SHUTDOWN } #endif //SUPERSERVER && UNIX