----------------- MERGE statement ----------------- Function: Read data from the source and INSERT or UPDATE in the target table depending on a condition. Author: Adriano dos Santos Fernandes Format: ::= MERGE INTO [ [AS] ] USING
[ [AS] ] ON ... ::= | ::= WHEN MATCHED [ AND ] THEN UPDATE SET ::= WHEN NOT MATCHED [ AND ] THEN INSERT [ ] VALUES Syntax rules: 1. At least one of or should be specified. Scope: DSQL, PSQL Examples: 1. MERGE INTO customers c USING (SELECT * FROM customers_delta WHERE id > 10) cd ON (c.id = cd.id) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET name = cd.name WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (id, name) VALUES (cd.id, cd.name) Notes: A right join is made between INTO and USING tables using the condition. UPDATE is called when a record exist in the left table (INTO), otherwise INSERT is called. As soon it's decided if the source matched or not a record in the target, the set of the corresponding (WHEN MATCHED / WHEN NOT MATCHED) statements is evaluated in the order specified, to check their optional conditions. The first statement which has its condition evaluated to true is the one which will be executed, and the subsequent ones will be ignored. If no record is returned in the join, INSERT is not called.