:: Initial Developer's Public License. :: The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's Public :: License Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except :: in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at :: http://www.ibphoenix.com?a=ibphoenix&page=ibp_idpl :: Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, :: WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License :: for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the :: License. :: :: The Original Code is copyright 2003-2004 Paul Reeves. :: :: The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Paul Reeves :: :: All Rights Reserved. :: ::============================================================================= @echo off @goto :MAIN @goto :EOF ::============================================================================ :SET_PARAMS @echo off :: Assume we are preparing a production build set FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE=release :: Don't ship pdb files by default set FBBUILD_SHIP_PDB=no_pdb :: Reset "make" vars to zero set FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK=0 set FBBUILD_ISX_PACK=0 set FBBUILD_EMB_PACK=0 if not defined FB2_SNAPSHOT (set FB2_SNAPSHOT=0) :: Set our package number at 0 and increment every :: time we rebuild in a single session if not defined FBBUILD_PACKAGE_NUMBER ( set FBBUILD_PACKAGE_NUMBER=0 ) else ( set /A FBBUILD_PACKAGE_NUMBER+=1 ) @echo Setting FBBUILD_PACKAGE_NUMBER to %FBBUILD_PACKAGE_NUMBER% :: See what we have on the command line ::for %%v in ( %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 ) do ( for %%v in ( %* ) do ( ( if /I "%%v"=="DEBUG" (set FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE=debug) ) ( if /I "%%v"=="PDB" (set FBBUILD_SHIP_PDB=ship_pdb) ) ( if /I "%%v"=="ZIP" (set FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK=1) ) ( if /I "%%v"=="ISX" (set FBBUILD_ISX_PACK=1) ) ( if /I "%%v"=="EMB" (set FBBUILD_EMB_PACK=1) ) ( if /I "%%v"=="ALL" ( (set FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK=1) & (set FBBUILD_ISX_PACK=1) & (set FBBUILD_EMB_PACK=1) ) ) ) :: Now check whether we are debugging the InnoSetup script @if %FB2_ISS_DEBUG% equ 0 (@set ISS_BUILD_TYPE=iss_release) else (@set ISS_BUILD_TYPE=iss_debug) @if %FB2_ISS_DEBUG% equ 0 (@set ISS_COMPRESS=compression) else (@set ISS_COMPRESS=nocompression) (@set ISS_EXAMPLES=examples) @if %FB2_ISS_DEBUG% equ 1 ( @if %FB2_EXAMPLES% equ 0 (@set ISS_EXAMPLES=noexamples) ) ::Are we doing a snapshot build? If so we always do less work. if "%FB2_SNAPSHOT%"=="1" ( (set FB_ISS_EXAMPLES=noexamples) (set FBBUILD_ISX_PACK=0) (set FBBUILD_EMB_PACK=0) ) :: Set up our final destination set FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES=%FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install_images if not exist %FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES% (mkdir %FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES%) :: Determine Product Status set FBBUILD_PROD_STATUS= @type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\build_no.h | findstr /I UNSTABLE > nul && ( set FBBUILD_PROD_STATUS=DEV) || type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\build_no.h | findstr /I ALPHA > nul && ( set FBBUILD_PROD_STATUS=DEV) || type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\build_no.h | findstr /I BETA > nul && ( set FBBUILD_PROD_STATUS=PROD) || type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\build_no.h | findstr /I "Release Candidate" > nul && ( set FBBUILD_PROD_STATUS=PROD) || type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\build_no.h | findstr "RC" > nul && ( set FBBUILD_PROD_STATUS=PROD) || type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\build_no.h | findstr /I "Final" > nul && ( set FBBUILD_PROD_STATUS=PROD) ::End of SET_PARAMS ::----------------- @goto :EOF :CHECK_ENVIRONMENT ::================ :: Make sure we have everything we need. If something is missing then :: let's bail out now. sed --version | findstr version > nul @if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( call :ERROR Could not locate sed goto :EOF ) else (@echo o sed found.) if %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK% EQU 1 ( if not defined SEVENZIP ( call :ERROR SEVENZIP environment variable is not defined. @goto :EOF ) else (@echo o Compression utility found.) ) if %FBBUILD_ISX_PACK% EQU 1 ( if NOT DEFINED INNO5_SETUP_PATH ( call :ERROR INNO5_SETUP_PATH variable not defined @goto :EOF ) else (@echo o Inno Setup found at %INNO5_SETUP_PATH%.) ) :: If we are not building a snapshot we must check for WIX and :: the path to the external documentation. If we are building a :: snapshot then we can ignore them. if not defined FB2_SNAPSHOT ( if not defined WIX ( call :ERROR WIX not defined. WiX is needed to build the MSI kits of the CRT runtimes. @goto :EOF ) else (@echo o WiX found at %WIX%.) if not DEFINED FB_EXTERNAL_DOCS ( @echo. @echo The FB_EXTERNAL_DOCS environment var is not defined @echo It should point to the directory containing the relevant release notes @echo in adobe pdf format. @echo. @echo Subsequent script execution will be cancelled. @echo. cancel_script > nul 2>&1 goto :EOF ) ) ::End of CHECK_ENVIRONMENT ::------------------------ @goto :EOF :SED_MAGIC :: Do some sed magic to make sure that the final product :: includes the version string in the filename. :: If the Firebird Unix tools for Win32 aren't on :: the path this will fail! Use of the cygwin tools has not :: been tested and may produce unexpected results. ::======================================================== find "#define PRODUCT_VER_STRING" %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\build_no.h > %temp%.\b$1.txt sed -n -e s/\"//g -e s/"#define PRODUCT_VER_STRING "//w%temp%.\b$2.txt %temp%.\b$1.txt for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %temp%.\b$2.txt') do set FBBUILD_PRODUCT_VER_STRING=%%a find "#define FB_MAJOR_VER" %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\build_no.h > %temp%.\b$1.txt sed -n -e s/\"//g -e s/"#define FB_MAJOR_VER "//w%temp%.\b$2.txt %temp%.\b$1.txt for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %temp%.\b$2.txt') do set FB_MAJOR_VER=%%a find "#define FB_MINOR_VER" %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\build_no.h > %temp%.\b$1.txt sed -n -e s/\"//g -e s/"#define FB_MINOR_VER "//w%temp%.\b$2.txt %temp%.\b$1.txt for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %temp%.\b$2.txt') do set FB_MINOR_VER=%%a find "#define FB_REV_NO" %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\build_no.h > %temp%.\b$1.txt sed -n -e s/\"//g -e s/"#define FB_REV_NO "//w%temp%.\b$2.txt %temp%.\b$1.txt for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %temp%.\b$2.txt') do set FB_REV_NO=%%a find "#define FB_BUILD_NO" %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\build_no.h > %temp%.\b$1.txt sed -n -e s/\"//g -e s/"#define FB_BUILD_NO "//w%temp%.\b$2.txt %temp%.\b$1.txt for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %temp%.\b$2.txt') do set FB_BUILD_NO=%%a set FBBUILD_FILE_ID=%FBBUILD_PRODUCT_VER_STRING%-%FBBUILD_PACKAGE_NUMBER%_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM% ::@echo s/-2.0.0-/-%FBBUILD_PRODUCT_VER_STRING%-/ > %temp%.\b$3.txt @echo s/define release/define %FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE%/ > %temp%.\b$3.txt @echo s/define msvc_version 8/define msvc_version %MSVC_VERSION%/ >> %temp%.\b$3.txt @echo s/define no_pdb/define %FBBUILD_SHIP_PDB%/ >> %temp%.\b$3.txt ::@echo s/define package_number=\"0\"/define package_number=\"%FBBUILD_PACKAGE_NUMBER%\"/ >> %temp%.\b$3.txt @echo s/define iss_release/define %ISS_BUILD_TYPE%/ >> %temp%.\b$3.txt @echo s/define examples/define %ISS_EXAMPLES%/ >> %temp%.\b$3.txt @echo s/define compression/define %ISS_COMPRESS%/ >> %temp%.\b$3.txt @echo s/FBBUILD_PRODUCT_VER_STRING/%FBBUILD_PRODUCT_VER_STRING%/ >> %temp%.\b$3.txt sed -f %temp%.\b$3.txt FirebirdInstall_20.iss > FirebirdInstall_%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%.iss del %temp%.\b$?.txt set FBBUILD_FB21_CUR_VER=%FB_MAJOR_VER%.%FB_MINOR_VER%.%FB_REV_NO% :: Now set some version strings of our legacy releases. :: This helps us copy the correct documentation, :: as well as set up the correct shortcuts set FBBUILD_FB15_CUR_VER=1.5.5 set FBBUILD_FB20_CUR_VER=2.0.3 ::End of SED_MAGIC ::---------------- @goto :EOF :COPY_XTRA :: system dll's we need :: (You may need to download and extract the :: vcredist stuff to your MSDevDir for this to work with MSVC6. :: MSVC7 requires the Framework SDK v1.1 to be installed. :: MSVC8 should be installed with redistributable packages. ::===================== if not exist %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\system32 (mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\system32) @if DEFINED MSDevDir ( @if %MSVC_VERSION% EQU 6 ( @copy "%MSDevDir%\vcredist\msvcrt.dll" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\ > nul @copy "%MSDevDir%\vcredist\msvcp%MSVC_VERSION%0.dll" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\ > nul ) ) else ( if %MSVC_VERSION% EQU 8 ( @copy "%VCINSTALLDIR%\redist\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Microsoft.VC80.CRT\msvcp%MSVC_VERSION%?.dll" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\ > nul @copy "%VCINSTALLDIR%\redist\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Microsoft.VC80.CRT\msvcr%MSVC_VERSION%?.dll" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\ > nul @copy "%VCINSTALLDIR%\redist\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Microsoft.VC80.CRT\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\ > nul ) else ( if %MSVC_VERSION% EQU 7 ( @copy "%FrameworkSDKDir%\bin\msvcp%MSVC_VERSION%?.dll" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\ > nul @copy "%FrameworkSDKDir%\bin\msvcr%MSVC_VERSION%?.dll" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\ > nul ) ) ) @if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( (call :ERROR Copying MSVC runtime library failed with error %ERRORLEVEL% ) & (goto :EOF)) :: grab some missing bits'n'pieces from different parts of the source tree ::========================================================================= @echo Copying firebird.conf @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\misc\firebird.conf %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\ > nul @if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( (call :ERROR COPY of firebird.conf failed with errorlevel %ERRORLEVEL% ) & (goto :EOF)) @echo Copying ib_util etc copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\extlib\ib_util.h %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include > nul || (call :WARNING Copying ib_util.h failed.) copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\lang_helpers\ib_util.pas %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include > nul || (call :WARNING Copying ib_util.pas failed.) @echo Copying fbclient lib etc :: For some unknown reason copy sets the errorlevel even when it succeeds, :: so the || branch is only executed if copy throws a real error, even though the errorlevel is set. :: Just another of those fabulous msdos idiosyncracies. for %%v in (fbclient ib_util) do ( @copy /Y %FB_TEMP_DIR%\%FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE%\%%v\%%v.lib %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\lib\%%v_ms.lib || @if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 (call :ERROR Copying %%v to %%v_ms.lib failed with error %ERRORLEVEL%) & (goto :EOF)) ) @implib.exe | findstr "Borland" > nul @if errorlevel 0 ( if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" ( @echo Generating fbclient_bor.lib @implib %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\lib\fbclient_bor.lib %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\fbclient.dll > nul ) ) @if "%FBBUILD_SHIP_PDB%"=="ship_pdb" ( @echo Copying pdb files... for %%v in ( fbembed fb_inet_server fbserver fbclient ) do ( @copy %FB_TEMP_DIR%\%FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE%\%%v\%%v.pdb %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin > nul @if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( call :ERROR Copying %%v.pdb files failed goto :EOF ) ) ) :: @copy %FB_TEMP_DIR%\%FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE%\firebird\bin\*.pdb %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin > nul @echo Started copying docs... @rmdir /S /Q %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc 2>nul @mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\ChangeLog %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\ChangeLog.txt >nul @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\doc\*.* %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\ > nul @if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( call :ERROR COPY of main documentation tree failed with error %ERRORLEVEL% goto :EOF ) @echo Copying udf library scripts... for %%v in ( ib_udf.sql ib_udf2.sql ) do ( copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\extlib\%%v %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\UDF\%%v > nul @if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( call :ERROR Copying %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\extlib\%%v failed. goto :EOF ) ) for %%v in ( fbudf.sql fbudf.txt ) do ( copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\extlib\fbudf\%%v %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\UDF\%%v > nul @if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( call :ERROR Copying %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\extlib\%%v failed with error %ERRORLEVEL% goto :EOF ) ) ::UDF upgrade script and doc mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\misc\upgrade\ib_udf 2>nul @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\misc\upgrade\v2\ib_udf*.* %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\misc\upgrade\ib_udf\ ::INTL script @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\misc\intl.sql %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\misc\ @echo Copying other documentation... @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\arch-specific\win32\installation_readme.txt %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\installation_readme.txt > nul @copy %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\WhatsNew %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\WhatsNew.txt > nul @del %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\WhatsNew :: If we are not doing a final release then include stuff that is :: likely to be of use to testers, especially as our release notes :: may be incomplete or non-existent @if /I "%FBBUILD_PROD_STATUS%"=="DEV" ( @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\ChangeLog %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\ChangeLog.txt > nul ) @mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\sql.extensions 2>nul @if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 2 ( (call :ERROR MKDIR for doc\sql.extensions dir failed) & (@goto :EOF)) @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\doc\sql.extensions\*.* %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\sql.extensions\ > nul @if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( (call :ERROR Copying doc\sql.extensions failed ) & (goto :EOF)) :: External docs aren't necessary for a snapshot build, so we don't throw :: an error if FB_EXTERNAL_DOCS is not defined. On the other hand, :: if the docs are available then we can include them. if defined FB_EXTERNAL_DOCS ( @echo Copying pdf docs... @for %%v in ( Firebird-2.0-QuickStart.pdf Firebird_v%FBBUILD_FB15_CUR_VER%.ReleaseNotes.pdf Firebird_v%FBBUILD_FB20_CUR_VER%.ReleaseNotes.pdf Firebird_v%FBBUILD_FB21_CUR_VER%.ReleaseNotes.pdf Firebird_v%FBBUILD_FB21_CUR_VER%.InstallationGuide.pdf Firebird_v%FBBUILD_FB21_CUR_VER%.BugFixes.pdf) do ( @echo ... %%v (@copy /Y %FB_EXTERNAL_DOCS%\%%v %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\%%v > nul) || (call :WARNING Copying %FB_EXTERNAL_DOCS%\%%v failed.) ) ) :: Clean out text notes that are either not relevant to Windows or :: are only of use to engine developers. @for %%v in ( README.makefiles README.user README.user.embedded README.user.troubleshooting README.build.mingw.html README.build.msvc.html fb2-todo.txt cleaning-todo.txt install_win32.txt README.coding.style emacros-cross_ref.html firebird_conf.txt *.*~) do ( @del %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\%%v 2>nul ) :: Add license for %%v in (IPLicense.txt IDPLicense.txt ) do ( @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\misc\%%v %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\%%v > nul ) :: And readme @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\arch-specific\win32\readme.txt %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\ > nul :: Walk through all docs and transform any that are not .txt, .pdf or .html to .txt echo Setting .txt filetype to ascii docs. for /R %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc %%v in (.) do ( pushd %%v for /F %%W in ( 'dir /B /A-D' ) do ( if /I "%%~xW" NEQ ".txt" ( if /I "%%~xW" NEQ ".pdf" ( if /I "%%~xW" NEQ ".htm" ( if /I "%%~xW" NEQ ".html" ( ren %%W %%W.txt ) ) ) ) ) popd ) :: Throw away any errorlevel left hanging around @set | findstr win > nul @echo Completed copying docs. ::End of COPY_XTRA ::---------------- @goto :EOF :BUILD_CRT_MSI :: Generate runtimes as an MSI file. :: This requires WiX 2.0 to be installed ::============ if %MSVC_VERSION% GEQ 8 ( if not exist %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\system32\vccrt%MSVC_VERSION%_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.msi ( %WIX%\candle.exe -v0 %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\msvc%MSVC_VERSION%\VCCRT_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.wxs -out %FB_GEN_DIR%\vccrt_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.wixobj %WIX%\light.exe %FB_GEN_DIR%\vccrt_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.wixobj -out %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\system32\vccrt%MSVC_VERSION%_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.msi )) ::End of BUILD_CRT_MSI ::-------------------- @goto :EOF :IBASE_H :: Concatenate header files into ibase.h ::====================================== :: o This section of code takes several header files, strips license :: boiler plates and comments and inserts them into ibase.h for :: distribution. The only drawback is that it strips all the comments. :: o No error checking is done. :: o Take note that different versions of sed use different :: string delimiters. The firebird_tools version uses double quotes - ". :: The cygwin one probably uses single quotes. :: o The script 'strip_comments.sed' is taken from :: http://sed.sourceforge.net/grabbag/scripts/testo.htm setlocal set OUTPATH=%FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\ibase.h %OUTPATH%\ibase.h > nul for %%v in ( %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\include\types_pub.h %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\include\consts_pub.h %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\dsql\sqlda_pub.h %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\dsc_pub.h %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\inf_pub.h %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\blr.h ) do ( del %OUTPATH%\%%~nxv 2> nul copy %%v %OUTPATH%\%%~nxv > nul sed -n -f strip_comments.sed %OUTPATH%\%%~nxv > %OUTPATH%\%%~nv.more more /s %OUTPATH%\%%~nv.more > %OUTPATH%\%%~nv.sed ) move /y %OUTPATH%\ibase.h %OUTPATH%\ibase.sed sed -e "/#include \"types_pub\.h\"/r %OUTPATH%\types_pub.sed" -e "/#include \"types_pub\.h\"/d" -e "/#include \"consts_pub\.h\"/r %OUTPATH%\consts_pub.sed" -e "/#include \"consts_pub\.h\"/d" -e "/#include \"..\/jrd\/dsc_pub\.h\"/r %OUTPATH%\dsc_pub.sed" -e "/#include \"..\/jrd\/dsc_pub\.h\"/d" -e "/#include \"..\/dsql\/sqlda_pub\.h\"/r %OUTPATH%\sqlda_pub.sed" -e "/#include \"..\/dsql\/sqlda_pub\.h\"/d" -e "/#include \"blr\.h\"/r %OUTPATH%\blr.sed" -e "/#include \"blr\.h\"/d" -e "/#include \"..\/jrd\/inf_pub\.h\"/r %OUTPATH%\inf_pub.sed" -e "/#include \"..\/jrd\/inf_pub\.h\"/d" %OUTPATH%\ibase.sed > %OUTPATH%\ibase.h del %OUTPATH%\ibase.sed %OUTPATH%\types_pub.* %OUTPATH%\consts_pub.* %OUTPATH%\sqlda_pub.* %OUTPATH%\dsc_pub.* %OUTPATH%\inf_pub.* %OUTPATH%\blr.* endlocal ::End of IBASE_H ::-------------- @goto :EOF :ALIAS_CONF :: Generate a sample aliases file ::=============================== @echo Creating sample aliases.conf @echo # > %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\aliases.conf @echo # List of known database aliases >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\aliases.conf @echo # ------------------------------ >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\aliases.conf @echo # >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\aliases.conf @echo # Examples: >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\aliases.conf @echo # >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\aliases.conf @echo # dummy = c:\data\dummy.fdb >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\aliases.conf @echo # >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\aliases.conf ::End of ALIAS_CONF ::----------------- @goto :EOF :GBAK_SEC_DB ::@echo Let's make sure that we have a backup of the security database handy. ::====================================================================== ::@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\misc\security.gbak %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\security2.fbk > nul ::@if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( (call :ERROR copy security2.fbk failed ) & (goto :EOF)) ::Migration from old security db to new one mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\misc\upgrade\security 2>nul @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\misc\upgrade\v2\security_database.* %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\misc\upgrade\security ::Metadata migration mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\misc\upgrade\metadata 2>nul @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\misc\upgrade\v2.1\metadata_* %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\misc\upgrade\metadata :: Make sure that qli's help.fdb is available ::=============================================== @if not exist %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\help\help.fdb ( (@echo Copying help.fdb for qli support) (@copy %FB_GEN_DIR%\dbs\help.fdb %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\help\help.fdb > nul) (@if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( (call :ERROR Could not copy qli help database ) & (goto :EOF))) ) ::End of GBAK_SEC_DB ::------------------ @goto :EOF :FB_MSG ::================================================================= :: firebird.msg is generated as part of the build process :: in builds\win32 by build_msg.bat. Copying from there to output dir ::================================================================= @if not exist %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\firebird.msg ( (@copy %FB_GEN_DIR%\firebird.msg %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\firebird.msg > nul) (@if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( (call :ERROR Could not copy firebird.msg ) & (goto :EOF))) ) ::End of FB_MSG ::------------- @goto :EOF ::TOUCH_LOCAL ::========== :: Note 1: This doesn't seem to make any difference to whether local libraries are used. :: Note 2: MS documentation was incorrectly interpreted. .local files should not be created :: for libraries, they should be created for executables. :: Create libname.local files for each locally installed library ::for %%v in ( fbclient msvcrt msvcp%VS_VER%0 ) do touch %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\%%v.local ::@goto :EOF :GEN_ZIP ::====== if %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK% EQU 0 goto :EOF :: Generate the directory tree to be zipped set FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT=%FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\zip_pack_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM% if not exist %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT% @mkdir %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT% 2>nul @del /s /q %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT%\ > nul @copy /Y %FB_OUTPUT_DIR% %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT% > nul for %%v in (bin doc doc\sql.extensions help include intl lib udf misc misc\upgrade misc\upgrade\ib_udf misc\upgrade\security misc\upgrade\metadata system32 ) do ( @mkdir %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT%\%%v 2>nul @dir /A-D %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\%%v\*.* > nul 2>nul if not ERRORLEVEL 1 @copy /Y %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\%%v\*.* %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT%\%%v\ > nul ) @if %FB2_EXAMPLES% equ 1 for %%v in (examples examples\api examples\dyn examples\empbuild examples\include examples\stat examples\udf examples\build_win32 ) do ( @mkdir %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT%\%%v 2>nul dir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\%%v\*.* > nul 2>nul if not ERRORLEVEL 1 @copy /Y %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\%%v\*.* %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT%\%%v\ > nul ) :: Now remove stuff that is not needed. setlocal set FB_RM_FILE_LIST=doc\installation_readme.txt bin\gpre_boot.exe bin\gpre_static.exe bin\gpre_embed.exe bin\gbak_embed.exe bin\isql_embed.exe bin\gds32.dll bin\btyacc.exe bin\fbrmclib.dll if %FB2_SNAPSHOT% EQU 0 (set FB_RM_FILE_LIST=bin\fbembed.dll bin\fbembed.pdb %FB_RM_FILE_LIST%) for %%v in ( %FB_RM_FILE_LIST% ) do ( @del %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT%\%%v > nul 2>&1 ) endlocal if %FB2_SNAPSHOT% EQU 1 ( @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\arch-specific\win32\readme_snapshot.txt %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT%\readme_snapshot.txt > nul ) if not "%FBBUILD_SHIP_PDB%"=="ship_pdb" ( @del /q %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT%\bin\*.pdb > nul 2>&1 ) :: grab install notes for zip pack @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\doc\install_win32.txt %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT%\doc\README_installation.txt > nul ::End of GEN_ZIP ::-------------- goto :EOF :ZIP_PACK ::======= if %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK% EQU 0 goto :EOF if "%FBBUILD_SHIP_PDB%" == "ship_pdb" ( if exist %FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES%\Firebird-%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%.zip ( @del %FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES%\Firebird-%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%_pdb.zip ) set FBBUILD_ZIPFILE=%FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES%\Firebird-%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%_pdb.zip ) else ( if exist %FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES%\Firebird-%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%.zip ( @del %FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES%\Firebird-%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%.zip ) set FBBUILD_ZIPFILE=%FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES%\Firebird-%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%.zip ) @%SEVENZIP%\7z.exe a -r -tzip -mx9 %FBBUILD_ZIPFILE% %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK_ROOT%\*.* @echo End of ZIP_PACK @echo. ::---------------- @goto :EOF :GEN_EMBEDDED ::=========== :: Generate the directory tree for the embedded zip pack if %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK% EQU 0 goto :EOF set FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT=%FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\emb_pack_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM% @mkdir %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT% 2>nul @del /s /q %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT%\ > nul for %%v in (aliases.conf firebird.conf firebird.msg) do ( @copy /Y %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\%%v %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT%\%%v > nul) for %%v in ( doc intl udf ) do (@mkdir %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT%\%%v 2>nul) @copy /Y %FB_TEMP_DIR%\%FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE%\firebird\bin\fbembed.* %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT% > nul for %%v in ( icuuc30 icudt30 icuin30 ) do ( @copy %FB_ICU_SOURCE_BIN%\%%v.dll %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT% >nul ) @copy /Y %FB_TEMP_DIR%\%FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE%\firebird\bin\ib_util.dll %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT% > nul @copy /Y %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\Firebird*.pdf %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT%\doc\ > nul @copy /Y %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\intl\*.* %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT%\intl\ > nul @copy /Y %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\udf\*.* %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT%\udf\ > nul @copy /Y %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\msvc*.* %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT% > nul if %MSVC_VERSION% EQU 8 ( @copy /Y %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT% > nul ) if "%FBBUILD_SHIP_PDB%"=="ship_pdb" ( @copy /Y %FB_TEMP_DIR%\%FBBUILD_BUILDTYPE%\fbembed\fbembed.pdb %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT% > nul ) :: grab install notes for embedded zip pack @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\doc\README.user.embedded %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT%\doc\README_embedded.txt > nul @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\doc\WhatsNew %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT%\doc\WhatsNew.txt > nul :: Add license for %%v in (IPLicense.txt IDPLicense.txt ) do ( @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\misc\%%v %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT%\%%v > nul ) :: And readme @copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\arch-specific\win32\readme.txt %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT%\ > nul ::End of GEN_EMBEDDED ::------------------- @goto :EOF :EMB_PACK ::======= if %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK% EQU 0 goto :EOF :: Now we can zip it up and copy the package to the install images directory. if "%FBBUILD_SHIP_PDB%" == "ship_pdb" ( @del %FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES%\%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%_embed_win32_pdb.zip > nul set FBBUILD_EMBFILE=%FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES%\Firebird-%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%_embed_pdb.zip ) else ( @del %FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES%\Firebird-%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%_embed.zip > nul set FBBUILD_EMBFILE=%FBBUILD_INSTALL_IMAGES%\Firebird-%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%_embed.zip ) @%SEVENZIP%\7z.exe a -r -tzip -mx9 %FBBUILD_EMBFILE% %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK_ROOT%\*.* @echo End of EMB_PACK @echo. ::--------------- goto :EOF :TOUCH_ALL ::======== ::Set file timestamp to something meaningful. ::While building and testing this feature might be annoying, so we don't do it. ::========================================================== setlocal set TIMESTRING=0%PRODUCT_VER_STRING:~0,1%:0%PRODUCT_VER_STRING:~2,1%:0%PRODUCT_VER_STRING:~4,1% @if /I "%BUILDTYPE%"=="release" ( (@echo Touching release build files with %TIMESTRING% timestamp) & (touch -s -D -t%TIMESTRING% %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\*.*) (if %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK% EQU 1 (@echo Touching release build files with %TIMESTRING% timestamp) & (touch -s -D -t%TIMESTRING% %FB_ROOT_PATH%\emb_pack\*.*) ) (if %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK% EQU 1 (@echo Touching release build files with %TIMESTRING% timestamp) & (touch -s -D -t%TIMESTRING% %FB_ROOT_PATH%\zip_pack\*.*) ) ) endlocal ::End of TOUCH_ALL ::---------------- @goto :EOF :ISX_PACK ::======= :: Now let's go and build the installable .exe :: :: Note - define INNO5_SETUP_PATH with double quotes if it is installed into a path string using spaces. :: eg set INNO5_SETUP_PATH="C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 5" :: ::================================================= if %FBBUILD_ISX_PACK% NEQ 1 goto :EOF @Echo Now let's compile the InnoSetup scripts @Echo. %INNO5_SETUP_PATH%\iscc %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\arch-specific\win32\FirebirdInstall_%FBBUILD_FILE_ID%.iss @echo. @echo End of ISX_PACK @echo. ::--------------- @goto :EOF :HELP ::=== @echo. @echo. @echo Parameters can be passed in any order. @echo Currently the recognised params are: @echo. @echo DEBUG Use binaries from 'debug' dir, not 'release' dir. @echo (Requires a debug build. NOTE: A debug build is @echo not required to create packages with debug info.) @echo. @echo PDB Include pdb files. @echo (These files roughly double the size of the package.) @echo. @echo ISX Create installable binary from InnoSetup Extensions compiler. @echo (You need to set the INNO5_SETUP_PATH environment variable.) @echo. @echo ZIP Create Zip package. @echo (SEVENZIP is currently used and the SEVENZIP env var must be set.) @echo. @echo EMB Create Embedded package. @echo (SEVENZIP is currently used and the SEVENZIP env var must be set.) @echo. @echo ALL Build InnoSetup, Zip and Embedded packages. @echo. @echo HELP This help screen. @echo. @echo In addition, the following environment variables are checked: @echo. @echo FB2_ISS_DEBUG=1 - Prepare an InnoSetup script that is @echo easier to debug @echo. @echo FB2_EXAMPLES=0 - Don't include examples in the install kit. @echo. ::End of HELP ::----------- @goto :EOF :ERROR ::==== @echo. @echo Error in BuildExecutableInstall @echo %* @echo. popd :: Attempt to execute a phony command. This will ensure :: that ERRORLEVEL is set on exit. cancel_script > nul 2>&1 :: And set ERRLEV in case we are called by run_all.bat set ERRLEV=1 ::End of ERROR ::------------ @goto :EOF :WARNING ::====== @echo. @echo **** WARNING - Execution of a non-critical component failed. @echo %* @echo. if "%FBBUILD_PROD_STATUS%"=="PROD" ( @echo. @echo Production status is Final or Release Candidate @echo Error must be fixed before continuing @echo. cancel_script > nul 2>&1 ) else ( @set | findstr win > nul 2>&1 ) @goto :EOF :MAIN ::==== ::Check if on-line help is required for %%v in ( %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 ) do ( ( @if /I "%%v"=="-h" (goto :HELP & goto :EOF) ) ( @if /I "%%v"=="/h" (goto :HELP & goto :EOF) ) ( @if /I "%%v"=="HELP" (goto :HELP & goto :EOF) ) ) pushd ..\..\..\win32 ::This must be called from the directory it resides in. @call setenvvar.bat popd @if errorlevel 1 (goto :END) @if not defined FB2_ISS_DEBUG (set FB2_ISS_DEBUG=0) ::@if %FB2_ISS_DEBUG% equ 0 (SETLOCAL) @if not defined FB2_EXAMPLES (set FB2_EXAMPLES=1) @Echo. @Echo Reading command-line parameters... @(@call :SET_PARAMS %* ) @if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" (goto :ERROR %errorlevel% calling SET_PARAMS ) @Echo. @Echo Checking that all required components are available... @(@call :CHECK_ENVIRONMENT ) || (@echo Error calling CHECK_ENVIRONMENT & @goto :EOF) @Echo. @Echo Setting version number... @(@call :SED_MAGIC ) || (@echo Error calling SED_MAGIC & @goto :EOF) @Echo. @Echo Copying additonal files needed for installation, documentation etc. @(@call :COPY_XTRA ) || (@echo Error calling COPY_XTRA & @goto :EOF) @Echo. if defined WIX ( :: WIX is not necessary for a snapshot build, so we don't throw :: an error if WIX is not defined. On the other hand, :: if it is there anyway, use it. @Echo Building MSI runtimes @call :BUILD_CRT_MSI ) || (@echo Error calling BUILD_CRT_MSI & @goto :EOF) @Echo. ) @Echo Concatenating header files for ibase.h @(@call :IBASE_H ) || (@echo Error calling IBASE_H & @goto :EOF) @Echo. @Echo Writing alias conf @(@call :ALIAS_CONF ) || (@echo Error calling ALIAS_CONF & @goto :EOF) @Echo. @Echo Copying backup of security database @(@call :GBAK_SEC_DB ) || (@echo Error calling GBAK_SEC_DB & @goto :EOF) @Echo. @Echo Copying firebird.msg @(@call :FB_MSG ) || (@echo Error calling FB_MSG & @goto :EOF) @Echo. if %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK% EQU 1 ( @Echo Generating image of embedded install @(@call :GEN_EMBEDDED ) || (@echo Error calling GEN_EMBEDDED & @goto :EOF) @Echo. ) if %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK% EQU 1 ( @echo Generating image of zipped install @(@call :GEN_ZIP ) || (@echo Error calling GEN_ZIP & @goto :EOF) @echo. ) ::@Echo Creating .local files for libraries ::@(@call :TOUCH_LOCAL ) || (@echo Error calling TOUCH_LOCAL & @goto :EOF) ::@Echo. @(@call :TOUCH_ALL ) || (@echo Error calling TOUCH_ALL & @goto :EOF) @echo. if %FBBUILD_ZIP_PACK% EQU 1 ( @echo Zipping files for zip pack @(@call :ZIP_PACK ) || (@echo Error calling ZIP_PACK & @goto :EOF) @echo. ) if %FBBUILD_EMB_PACK% EQU 1 ( @echo Zipping files for embedded pack @(@call :EMB_PACK ) || (@echo Error calling EMB_PACK & @goto :EOF) @echo. ) if %FBBUILD_ISX_PACK% EQU 1 ( @(@call :ISX_PACK ) || (@echo Error calling ISX_PACK & @goto :EOF) @echo. ) @echo. @echo Completed building installation kit(s) @echo. ::@if %FB2_ISS_DEBUG% equ 0 (ENDLOCAL) ::End of MAIN ::----------- @goto :EOF :END