{ * PROGRAM: Object oriented API samples. * MODULE: cryptDb.pas * DESCRIPTION: Sample of how diskcrypt may be written using pascal. * Does XOR 5 for all bytes in passed data. * * Run something like this to build: * fpc -Fu -Mdelphi -fPIC cryptDb.pas * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial * Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.ibphoenix.com/main.nfs?a=ibphoenix&page=ibp_idpl. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed AS IS, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Alexander Peshkoff * for the Firebird Open Source RDBMS project. * * Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Peshkoff * and all contributors signed below. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. } library cryptDb; uses SysUtils, Classes, Firebird; Type TMyPluginModule = class(IPluginModuleImpl) private FRegistered: Boolean; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure registerMe; // TPluginModule implementation procedure doClean; override; end; TMyCrypt = class(IDbCryptPluginImpl) private FCounter: Integer; FOwner: IReferenceCounted; FConfig: IPluginConfig; public constructor Create(config: IPluginConfig); destructor Destroy; override; // TRefCounted implementation procedure addRef; override; function release: Integer; override; // TPluginBase implementation procedure setOwner(ref: IReferenceCounted); override; function getOwner: IReferenceCounted; override; // TCryptPlugin implementation procedure setKey(status: IStatus; length: Cardinal; sources: IKeyHolderPluginPtr; keyName: PAnsiChar); override; procedure encrypt(status: IStatus; length: Cardinal; src, dst: Pointer); override; procedure decrypt(status: IStatus; length: Cardinal; src, dst: Pointer); override; private procedure pxor(length: Cardinal; mem: Pointer); end; TMyFactory = class(IPluginFactoryImpl) public constructor Create(module: IPluginModule); destructor Destroy; override; // TPluginFactory implementation function createPlugin(status: IStatus; factoryParameter: IPluginConfig): IPluginBase; override; end; /// implementation Var Master: IMaster = nil; { TMyPluginModule } constructor TMyPluginModule.Create; begin inherited; FRegistered := false; end; destructor TMyPluginModule.Destroy; begin if FRegistered then begin Master.getPluginManager.unregisterModule(Self); doClean(); end; inherited; end; procedure TMyPluginModule.doClean; begin FRegistered := False; end; procedure TMyPluginModule.registerMe; begin if not FRegistered then begin Master.getPluginManager.registerModule(Self); FRegistered := True; end end; { TMyFactory } function TMyFactory.createPlugin(status: IStatus; factoryParameter: IPluginConfig): IPluginBase; var plugin: IPluginBase; begin plugin := TMyCrypt.Create(factoryParameter); plugin.addRef; Result := plugin; end; { TMyCrypt } constructor TMyCrypt.Create(config: IPluginConfig); begin Inherited Create; FOwner := nil; FConfig := config; FConfig.addRef; end; destructor TMyCrypt.Destroy; begin FConfig.release; FConfig := nil; inherited; end; procedure TMyCrypt.addRef; begin InterlockedIncrement(FCounter); end; function TMyCrypt.release: Integer; begin if InterlockedDecrement(FCounter) = 0 then begin Result := 0; Free; end else Result := 1; end; procedure TMyCrypt.setOwner(ref: IReferenceCounted); begin FOwner := ref; end; function TMyCrypt.getOwner: IReferenceCounted; begin Result := FOwner; end; procedure TMyCrypt.decrypt(status: IStatus; length: Cardinal; src, dst: Pointer); begin status.init; // decrypt here Move(src^, dst^, length); pxor(length, dst); end; procedure TMyCrypt.encrypt(status: IStatus; length: Cardinal; src, dst: Pointer); begin status.init; // encrypt here Move(src^, dst^, length); pxor(length, dst); end; procedure TMyCrypt.setKey(status: IStatus; length: Cardinal; sources: IKeyHolderPluginPtr; keyName: PAnsiChar); begin status.init; // get encryption key "keyName" from "sources" if necessary end; procedure TMyCrypt.pxor(length: Cardinal; mem: Pointer); var ptr: BytePtr; i: Integer; begin ptr := BytePtr(mem); for i := 1 to length do begin ptr^ := (ptr^) xor 5; Inc(ptr); end; end; { Factory } constructor TMyFactory.Create(module: IPluginModule); begin Inherited Create; end; destructor TMyFactory.Destroy; begin inherited; end; { entrypoint } Procedure firebird_plugin(masterInterface: IMaster); cdecl; export; var pluginManager: IPluginManager; module: TMyPluginModule; factory: IPluginFactory; Begin Master := masterInterface; pluginManager := master.getPluginManager; module := TMyPluginModule.Create; module.registerMe; factory := TMyFactory.Create(module); pluginManager.registerPluginFactory(IPluginManager.TYPE_DB_CRYPT, 'cryptDb', factory); End; exports firebird_plugin; begin end.