/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation * and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are * Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ /* * This file documents InterBase Version 3.3D ODS 7.2 metadata structure. * * It was made with a hacked version of GDEF, which * extracted system fields only. * * Sorting is as follows: * Global fields: Name * Relations: Relation ID * Indices: Created order * Generators: Created order * Triggers: Created order * * Note: Sources for system triggers are missing. * The compiled blr versions are in jrd/trig.h. * * Note: You can run this script by globally replacing "RDB$" * with "XRDB$", it will then make user relations * with the specified system structure. * */ define database "v33d_ods72.gdb" page_size 1024; /* Global Field Definitions */ define field RDB$ACL blob segment_length 80 sub_type ACL; define field RDB$BOUND long; define field RDB$CONTEXT_NAME char [31]; define field RDB$DBKEY_LENGTH short; define field RDB$DEFAULT_VALUE blob segment_length 80 sub_type BLR; define field RDB$DEPENDENCY_TYPE short; define field RDB$DESCRIPTION blob segment_length 80 sub_type text; define field RDB$DESCRIPTOR blob segment_length 80 sub_type 6; define field RDB$DIMENSION short; define field RDB$DIMENSIONS short; define field RDB$EDIT_STRING varying [125]; define field RDB$EXTERNAL_DESCRIPTION blob segment_length 80 sub_type 7; define field RDB$EXTERNAL_NAME char [31]; define field RDB$FIELD_ID short; define field RDB$FIELD_LENGTH short; define field RDB$FIELD_NAME char [31]; define field RDB$FIELD_POSITION short; define field RDB$FIELD_SCALE short; define field RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE short; define field RDB$FIELD_TYPE short; define field RDB$FILE_FLAGS short; define field RDB$FILE_LENGTH long; define field RDB$FILE_NAME varying [125]; define field RDB$FILE_SEQUENCE short; define field RDB$FILE_START long; define field RDB$FORMAT short; define field RDB$FUNCTION_NAME char [31]; define field RDB$FUNCTION_TYPE short; define field RDB$GENERATOR_ID short; define field RDB$GENERATOR_NAME char [31]; define field RDB$GENERIC_NAME char [31]; define field RDB$GENERIC_TYPE short; define field RDB$INDEX_ID short; define field RDB$INDEX_NAME char [31]; define field RDB$MECHANISM short; define field RDB$MESSAGE varying [78]; define field RDB$MESSAGE_NUMBER short; define field RDB$PAGE_NUMBER long; define field RDB$PAGE_SEQUENCE long; define field RDB$PAGE_TYPE short; define field RDB$PRIVILEGE char [6]; define field RDB$QUERY_HEADER blob segment_length 80 sub_type text; define field RDB$RELATION_ID short; define field RDB$RELATION_NAME char [31]; define field RDB$RUNTIME blob segment_length 80 sub_type 5; define field RDB$SECURITY_CLASS char [31]; define field RDB$SEGMENT_COUNT short; define field RDB$SEGMENT_LENGTH short; define field RDB$SHADOW_NUMBER short; define field RDB$SOURCE blob segment_length 80 sub_type text; define field RDB$STATISTICS double; define field RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG short; define field RDB$TIMESTAMP date; define field RDB$TRANSACTION_DESCRIPTION blob segment_length 80 sub_type 7; define field RDB$TRANSACTION_ID long; define field RDB$TRANSACTION_STATE short; define field RDB$TRIGGER_BLR blob segment_length 80 sub_type BLR; define field RDB$TRIGGER_NAME char [31]; define field RDB$TRIGGER_SEQUENCE short; define field RDB$TRIGGER_TYPE short; define field RDB$TYPE_NAME char [31]; define field RDB$USER char [31]; define field RDB$VALIDATION_BLR blob segment_length 80 sub_type BLR; define field RDB$VIEW_BLR blob segment_length 80 sub_type BLR; define field RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT short; /* Relation Definitions */ define relation RDB$PAGES RDB$PAGE_NUMBER position 0, RDB$RELATION_ID position 1, RDB$PAGE_SEQUENCE position 2, RDB$PAGE_TYPE position 3; define relation RDB$DATABASE RDB$DESCRIPTION position 0, RDB$RELATION_ID position 1, RDB$SECURITY_CLASS position 2; define relation RDB$FIELDS RDB$FIELD_NAME position 0, RDB$QUERY_NAME based on RDB$FIELD_NAME position 1, RDB$VALIDATION_BLR position 2, RDB$VALIDATION_SOURCE based on RDB$SOURCE position 3, RDB$COMPUTED_BLR based on RDB$DEFAULT_VALUE position 4, RDB$COMPUTED_SOURCE based on RDB$SOURCE position 5, RDB$DEFAULT_VALUE position 6, RDB$FIELD_LENGTH position 7, RDB$FIELD_SCALE position 8, RDB$FIELD_TYPE position 9, RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE position 10, RDB$MISSING_VALUE based on RDB$DEFAULT_VALUE position 11, RDB$DESCRIPTION position 12, RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 13, RDB$QUERY_HEADER position 14, RDB$SEGMENT_LENGTH position 15, RDB$EDIT_STRING position 16, RDB$EXTERNAL_LENGTH based on RDB$FIELD_LENGTH position 17, RDB$EXTERNAL_SCALE based on RDB$FIELD_SCALE position 18, RDB$EXTERNAL_TYPE based on RDB$FIELD_TYPE position 19, RDB$DIMENSIONS position 20; define relation RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS RDB$INDEX_NAME position 0, RDB$FIELD_NAME position 1, RDB$FIELD_POSITION position 2; define relation RDB$INDICES RDB$INDEX_NAME position 0, RDB$RELATION_NAME position 1, RDB$INDEX_ID position 2, RDB$UNIQUE_FLAG based on RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 3, RDB$DESCRIPTION position 4, RDB$SEGMENT_COUNT position 5, RDB$INDEX_INACTIVE based on RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 6, RDB$INDEX_TYPE based on RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 7, RDB$FOREIGN_KEY based on RDB$RELATION_NAME position 8, RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 9, RDB$STATISTICS position 10; define relation RDB$RELATION_FIELDS RDB$FIELD_NAME position 0, RDB$RELATION_NAME position 1, RDB$FIELD_SOURCE based on RDB$FIELD_NAME position 2, RDB$QUERY_NAME based on RDB$FIELD_NAME position 3, RDB$BASE_FIELD based on RDB$FIELD_NAME position 4, RDB$EDIT_STRING position 5, RDB$FIELD_POSITION position 6, RDB$QUERY_HEADER position 7, RDB$UPDATE_FLAG based on RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 8, RDB$FIELD_ID position 9, RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT position 10, RDB$DESCRIPTION position 11, RDB$DEFAULT_VALUE position 12, RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 13, RDB$SECURITY_CLASS position 14, RDB$COMPLEX_NAME based on RDB$FIELD_NAME position 15; define relation RDB$RELATIONS RDB$VIEW_BLR position 0, RDB$VIEW_SOURCE based on RDB$SOURCE position 1, RDB$DESCRIPTION position 2, RDB$RELATION_ID position 3, RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 4, RDB$DBKEY_LENGTH position 5, RDB$FORMAT position 6, RDB$FIELD_ID position 7, RDB$RELATION_NAME position 8, RDB$SECURITY_CLASS position 9, RDB$EXTERNAL_FILE based on RDB$FILE_NAME position 10, RDB$RUNTIME position 11, RDB$EXTERNAL_DESCRIPTION position 12, RDB$OWNER_NAME based on RDB$USER position 13, RDB$DEFAULT_CLASS based on RDB$SECURITY_CLASS position 14; define relation RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS RDB$VIEW_NAME based on RDB$RELATION_NAME position 0, RDB$RELATION_NAME position 1, RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT position 2, RDB$CONTEXT_NAME position 3; define relation RDB$FORMATS RDB$RELATION_ID position 0, RDB$FORMAT position 1, RDB$DESCRIPTOR position 2; define relation RDB$SECURITY_CLASSES RDB$SECURITY_CLASS position 0, RDB$ACL position 1, RDB$DESCRIPTION position 2; define relation RDB$FILES RDB$FILE_NAME position 0, RDB$FILE_SEQUENCE position 1, RDB$FILE_START position 2, RDB$FILE_LENGTH position 3, RDB$FILE_FLAGS position 4, RDB$SHADOW_NUMBER position 5; define relation RDB$TYPES RDB$FIELD_NAME position 0, RDB$TYPE based on RDB$GENERIC_TYPE position 1, RDB$TYPE_NAME position 2, RDB$DESCRIPTION position 3, RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 4; define relation RDB$TRIGGERS RDB$TRIGGER_NAME position 0, RDB$RELATION_NAME position 1, RDB$TRIGGER_SEQUENCE position 2, RDB$TRIGGER_TYPE position 3, RDB$TRIGGER_SOURCE based on RDB$SOURCE position 4, RDB$TRIGGER_BLR position 5, RDB$DESCRIPTION position 6, RDB$TRIGGER_INACTIVE based on RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 7, RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 8; define relation RDB$DEPENDENCIES RDB$OBJECT_NAME based on RDB$GENERIC_NAME position 0, RDB$RELATION_NAME position 1, RDB$FIELD_NAME position 2, RDB$DEPENDENCY_TYPE position 3; define relation RDB$FUNCTIONS RDB$FUNCTION_NAME position 0, RDB$FUNCTION_TYPE position 1, RDB$QUERY_NAME based on RDB$FIELD_NAME position 2, RDB$DESCRIPTION position 3, RDB$MODULE_NAME based on RDB$FILE_NAME position 4, RDB$ENTRYPOINT based on RDB$EXTERNAL_NAME position 5, RDB$RETURN_ARGUMENT based on RDB$FIELD_POSITION position 6, RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 7; define relation RDB$FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS RDB$FUNCTION_NAME position 0, RDB$ARGUMENT_POSITION based on RDB$FIELD_POSITION position 1, RDB$MECHANISM position 2, RDB$FIELD_TYPE position 3, RDB$FIELD_SCALE position 4, RDB$FIELD_LENGTH position 5, RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE position 6; define relation RDB$FILTERS RDB$FUNCTION_NAME position 0, RDB$DESCRIPTION position 1, RDB$MODULE_NAME based on RDB$FILE_NAME position 2, RDB$ENTRYPOINT based on RDB$EXTERNAL_NAME position 3, RDB$INPUT_SUB_TYPE based on RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE position 4, RDB$OUTPUT_SUB_TYPE based on RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE position 5, RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 6; define relation RDB$TRIGGER_MESSAGES RDB$TRIGGER_NAME position 0, RDB$MESSAGE_NUMBER position 1, RDB$MESSAGE position 2; define relation RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES RDB$USER position 0, RDB$GRANTOR based on RDB$USER position 1, RDB$PRIVILEGE position 2, RDB$GRANT_OPTION based on RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 3, RDB$RELATION_NAME position 4, RDB$FIELD_NAME position 5; define relation RDB$TRANSACTIONS RDB$TRANSACTION_ID position 0, RDB$TRANSACTION_STATE position 1, RDB$TIMESTAMP position 2, RDB$TRANSACTION_DESCRIPTION position 3; define relation RDB$GENERATORS RDB$GENERATOR_NAME position 0, RDB$GENERATOR_ID position 1, RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG position 2; define relation RDB$FIELD_DIMENSIONS RDB$FIELD_NAME position 0, RDB$DIMENSION position 1, RDB$LOWER_BOUND based on RDB$BOUND position 2, RDB$UPPER_BOUND based on RDB$BOUND position 3; /* Index Definitions */ define index RDB$INDEX_0 for RDB$RELATIONS unique RDB$RELATION_NAME; define index RDB$INDEX_1 for RDB$RELATIONS RDB$RELATION_ID; define index RDB$INDEX_2 for RDB$FIELDS unique RDB$FIELD_NAME; define index RDB$INDEX_3 for RDB$RELATION_FIELDS RDB$FIELD_SOURCE; define index RDB$INDEX_4 for RDB$RELATION_FIELDS RDB$RELATION_NAME; define index RDB$INDEX_5 for RDB$INDICES unique RDB$INDEX_NAME; define index RDB$INDEX_6 for RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS RDB$INDEX_NAME; define index RDB$INDEX_7 for RDB$SECURITY_CLASSES unique RDB$SECURITY_CLASS; define index RDB$INDEX_8 for RDB$TRIGGERS unique RDB$TRIGGER_NAME; define index RDB$INDEX_9 for RDB$FUNCTIONS unique RDB$FUNCTION_NAME; define index RDB$INDEX_10 for RDB$FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS RDB$FUNCTION_NAME; define index RDB$INDEX_11 for RDB$GENERATORS unique RDB$GENERATOR_NAME; define index RDB$INDEX_12 for RDB$RELATION_FIELDS unique RDB$FIELD_NAME, RDB$RELATION_NAME; define index RDB$INDEX_13 for RDB$FORMATS RDB$RELATION_ID, RDB$FORMAT; define index RDB$INDEX_14 for RDB$FILTERS RDB$INPUT_SUB_TYPE, RDB$OUTPUT_SUB_TYPE; define index RDB$INDEX_15 for RDB$FILES unique RDB$FILE_NAME; /* Generator Definitions */ define generator RDB$SECURITY_CLASS; define generator SQL$DEFAULT; /* Trigger Definitions */ define trigger RDB$TRIGGER_1 for RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES pre modify 0: end_trigger message 0: 'cannot modify an existing user privilege'; define trigger RDB$TRIGGER_2 for RDB$TRIGGERS pre modify 0: end_trigger message 0: 'cannot modify or erase a system trigger'; define trigger RDB$TRIGGER_3 for RDB$TRIGGERS pre erase 0: end_trigger message 0: 'cannot modify or erase a system trigger'; define trigger RDB$TRIGGER_4 for RDB$RELATIONS pre store 0: end_trigger; define trigger RDB$TRIGGER_5 for RDB$RELATIONS pre modify 0: end_trigger message 0: 'only the owner of a relation may reassign ownership'; define trigger RDB$TRIGGER_6 for RDB$GENERATORS pre store 0: end_trigger; define trigger RDB$TRIGGER_8 for RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES pre erase 0: end_trigger; define trigger RDB$TRIGGER_9 for RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES pre store 0: end_trigger message 0: 'could not find relation for GRANT', message 1: 'could not find field for GRANT', message 2: 'user does not have GRANT privileges for operation', message 3: 'relation has non-SQL security class defined', message 4: 'field has non-SQL security class defined';