; Initial Developer's Public License. ; The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's Public ; License Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except ; in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ; http://www.ibphoenix.com?a=ibphoenix&page=ibp_idpl ; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, ; WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License ; for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the ; License. ; ; The Original Code is copyright 2001-2003 Paul Reeves for IBPhoenix. ; ; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Paul Reeves for IBPhoenix. ; ; All Rights Reserved. ; ; Contributor(s): ; Tilo Muetze, Theo ? and Michael Rimov for improved detection ; of an existing install directory. ; Simon Carter for the WinSock2 detection. ; Philippe Makowski for internationalization and french translation ; Usage Notes: ; ; This script has been designed to work with Inno Setup v4.2.7 ; with Inno Setup Preprocessor v. It is available ; as a quick start pack from here: ; http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.php#qsp ; ; ; Known bugs and problems etc etc. ; ; o The uninstaller can only uninstall what it installed. ; For instance, if Firebird is installed as a service, but is actually ; running as an application when the uninstaller is run then the ; application will not be stopped and the uninstall will not complete ; cleanly. ; ; InnoSetup does not support script execution as part of uninstallation. ; And this feature is not likely to be added in the near future. Here is ; the definitive explanation from Jordan Russell, the developer of InnoSetup: ; ; 'The uninstaller currently relies on a 100% forward compatible uninstall ; log format. When an existing uninstall log is appended to, and the ; uninstaller EXE is replaced with a newer version, the previous log contents ; are guaranteed to be processed properly. There are no such guarantees of ; forward compatibility with the Pascal Scripting feature; some support ; functions might be removed at some point, their declarations might change, ; etc. For the uninstaller to support Pascal Scripting, it would likely have ; to abandon the uninstall-log-appending concept, and instead create multiple ; uninstaller EXEs (chained together somehow) and multiple uninstall logs.' ; ; To work around this we will probably need to extend the instsvc/instreg ; utilities to support uninstallation of applications. ; ; ; o The uninstaller does not know how to stop multiple instances of a classic ; server. They must be stopped manually. ; ; ; ;-------Innosetup script debug flags ;A dynamically generated sed script sets the appropriate define ;See BuildExecutableInstall.bat for more details. ;This define is not used in practice, but is retained for documentation ;purposes. If set to iss_release it implies that the defines for files, ;examples and compression are set. #define iss_release #define files #define examples #define compression ;#define iss_debug #ifdef iss_debug ;Useful for cases where engine is built without examples. #undef examples ;We speed up compilation (and hence testing) by not compressing contents. #undef compression #endif ;-------end of Innosetup script debug flags section ;-------Start of Innosetup script #define msvc_version 7 #define FirebirdURL "http://www.firebirdsql.org" #define BaseVer "2_0" #define GroupnameVer "2.0" #define release #define no_pdb #define i18n ;------If necessary we can turn off i18n by uncommenting this undefine ;#undef i18n ;Some strings to distinguish the name of final executable #ifdef ship_pdb #define pdb_str="_pdb" #else #define pdb_str="" #endif #ifdef debug #define debug_str="_debug" #else #define debug_str="" #endif #define package_number="0" [Setup] AppName={cm:MyAppName} ;The following is important - all ISS install packages should ;duplicate this. See the InnoSetup help for details. AppID=FBDBServer_{#BaseVer} AppVerName=Firebird 2.0.0 AppPublisher=Firebird Project AppPublisherURL={#FirebirdURL} AppSupportURL={#FirebirdURL} AppUpdatesURL={#FirebirdURL} DefaultDirName={code:ChooseInstallDir|{pf}\Firebird\Firebird_{#BaseVer}} DefaultGroupName=Firebird {#GroupnameVer} AllowNoIcons=true SourceDir=..\..\..\..\ LicenseFile=builds\install\misc\IPLicense.txt AlwaysShowComponentsList=true WizardImageFile=builds\install\arch-specific\win32\firebird_install_logo1.bmp PrivilegesRequired=admin UninstallDisplayIcon={code:ChooseUninstallIcon|{app}\bin\fbserver.exe} OutputDir=builds\install_images OutputBaseFilename=Firebird-2.0.0-{#package_number}-Win32{#debug_str}{#pdb_str} #ifdef compression Compression=lzma SolidCompression=true #else Compression=none SolidCompression=false #endif ShowTasksTreeLines=false LanguageDetectionMethod=uilanguage [Languages] Name: en; MessagesFile: compiler:Default.isl; InfoBeforeFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\installation_readme.txt; InfoAfterFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\readme.txt; #ifdef i18n Name: ba; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\Bosnian.isl; InfoBeforeFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\ba\Instalacija_ProcitajMe.txt; InfoAfterFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\ba\ProcitajMe.txt; Name: fr; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\French.isl; InfoBeforeFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\fr\installation_lisezmoi.txt; InfoAfterFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\fr\lisezmoi.txt; Name: de; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\German.isl; InfoBeforeFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\de\installation_liesmich.txt; InfoAfterFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\de\liesmich.txt; Name: es; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\Spanish.isl; InfoBeforeFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\es\leame_instalacion.txt; InfoAfterFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\es\leame.txt; Name: hu; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\Hungarian.isl; InfoBeforeFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\hu\telepitesi_segedlet.txt; InfoAfterFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\hu\olvass_el.txt; Name: it; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\Italian.isl; InfoBeforeFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\it\leggimi_installazione.txt; InfoAfterFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\it\leggimi.txt Name: pl; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\Polish.isl; InfoBeforeFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\pl\instalacja_czytajto.txt; InfoAfterFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\pl\czytajto.txt; Name: pt; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\PortugueseStd.isl; InfoBeforeFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\pt\instalacao_leia-me.txt; InfoAfterFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\pt\leia-me.txt Name: si; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\Slovenian.isl; InfoBeforeFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\si\instalacija_precitajMe.txt; InfoAfterFile: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\readme.txt; #endif [Messages] en.BeveledLabel=English #ifdef i18n ba.BeveledLabel=Bosanski fr.BeveledLabel=Français de.BeveledLabel=Deutsch es.BeveledLabel=Español hu.BeveledLabel=Magyar it.BeveledLabel=Italiano pl.BeveledLabel=Polski pt.BeveledLabel=Português si.BeveledLabel=Slovenski #endif [CustomMessages] #include "custom_messages.inc" #ifdef i18n #include "ba\custom_messages_ba.inc" #include "fr\custom_messages_fr.inc" #include "de\custom_messages_de.inc" #include "es\custom_messages_es.inc" #include "hu\custom_messages_hu.inc" #include "it\custom_messages_it.inc" #include "pl\custom_messages_pl.inc" #include "pt\custom_messages_pt.inc" #include "si\custom_messages_si.inc" #endif #ifdef iss_debug ; By default, the languages available at runtime depend on the user's ; code page. A user with the Western European code page set will not ; even see that we support installation with the Slovenian language ; for example. ; It can be useful when debugging to force the display of all available ; languages by setting LanguageCodePage to 0. Of course, if the langauge ; is not supported by the user's current code page it be unusable. [LangOptions] LanguageCodePage=0 #endif [Types] Name: ServerInstall; Description: {cm:ServerInstall} Name: DeveloperInstall; Description: {cm:DeveloperInstall} Name: ClientInstall; Description: {cm:ClientInstall} Name: CustomInstall; Description: {cm:CustomInstall}; Flags: iscustom; [Components] Name: ServerComponent; Description: {cm:ServerComponent}; Types: ServerInstall; Name: ServerComponent\ClassicServerComponent; Description: {cm:ClassicServerComponent}; Types: ServerInstall; Flags: exclusive; Name: ServerComponent\SuperServerComponent; Description: {cm:SuperServerComponent}; Types: ServerInstall; Flags: exclusive; Name: DevAdminComponent; Description: {cm:DevAdminComponent}; Types: ServerInstall DeveloperInstall; Name: ClientComponent; Description: {cm:ClientComponent}; Types: ServerInstall DeveloperInstall ClientInstall CustomInstall; Flags: fixed disablenouninstallwarning; [Tasks] ;Server tasks Name: UseGuardianTask; Description: {cm:UseGuardianTask}; Components: ServerComponent\SuperServerComponent; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Check: ConfigureFirebird; Name: UseApplicationTask; Description: {cm:UseApplicationTaskMsg}; GroupDescription: {cm:TaskGroupDescription}; Components: ServerComponent; MinVersion: 4,4; Flags: exclusive; Check: ConfigureFirebird; Name: UseServiceTask; Description: {cm:UseServiceTask}; GroupDescription: {cm:TaskGroupDescription}; Components: ServerComponent; MinVersion: 0,4; Flags: exclusive; Check: ConfigureFirebird; Name: AutoStartTask; Description: {cm:AutoStartTask}; Components: ServerComponent; MinVersion: 4,4; Check: ConfigureFirebird; ;Allow user to not install cpl applet Name: InstallCPLAppletTask; Description: {cm:InstallCPLAppletTask}; Components: ServerComponent\SuperServerComponent; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Check: ShowInstallCPLAppletTask; ;Name: MenuGroupTask; Description: Create a Menu &Group; Components: DevAdminComponent; MinVersion: 4,4 ;Copying of client libs to Name: CopyFbClientToSysTask; Description: {cm:CopyFbClientToSysTask}; Components: ClientComponent; MinVersion: 4,4; Flags: Unchecked; Check: ShowCopyFbClientLibTask; Name: CopyFbClientAsGds32Task; Description: {cm:CopyFbClientAsGds32Task}; Components: ClientComponent; MinVersion: 4,4; Check: ShowCopyGds32Task; [Run] ;Always register Firebird Filename: {app}\bin\instreg.exe; Parameters: "install "; StatusMsg: {cm:instreg}; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: runminimized Filename: {app}\bin\instclient.exe; Parameters: "install fbclient"; StatusMsg: {cm:instclientCopyFbClient}; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: runminimized; Check: CopyFBClientLib; Filename: {app}\bin\instclient.exe; Parameters: "install gds32"; StatusMsg: {cm:instclientGenGds32}; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: runminimized; Check: CopyGds32 ;If on NT/Win2k etc and 'Install and start service' requested Filename: {app}\bin\instsvc.exe; Parameters: "install {code:ServiceStartFlags|""""} "; StatusMsg: {cm:instsvcSetup}; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: runminimized; Tasks: UseServiceTask; Check: ConfigureFirebird; Filename: {app}\bin\instsvc.exe; Description: {cm:instsvcStartQuestion}; Parameters: start; StatusMsg: {cm:instsvcStartMsg}; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: runminimized postinstall; Tasks: UseServiceTask; Check: StartEngine ;If 'start as application' requested Filename: {code:StartApp|{app}\bin\fbserver.exe}; Description: {cm:instappStartQuestion}; Parameters: -a; StatusMsg: {cm:instappStartMsg}; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: nowait postinstall; Tasks: UseApplicationTask; Check: StartEngine [Registry] ;If user has chosen to start as App they may well want to start automatically. That is handled by a function below. ;Unless we set a marker here the uninstall will leave some annoying debris. Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run; ValueType: string; ValueName: Firebird; ValueData: ; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Tasks: UseApplicationTask; Check: ConfigureFirebird; ;This doesn't seem to get cleared automatically by instreg on uninstall, so lets make sure of it Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Firebird Project"; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty; Components: ClientComponent DevAdminComponent ServerComponent ;Clean up Invalid registry entries from previous installs. Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\FirebirdSQL"; ValueType: none; Flags: deletekey; ;User _may_ be installing over an existing 1.5 install, and it may have been set to run as application on startup ;so we had better delete this entry unless they have chosen to autostart as application ; - except that this seems to be broken. Bah! ;Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; Valuetype: none; ValueName: 'Firebird'; ValueData: ''; flags: deletevalue; Check: IsNotAutoStartApp; [Icons] Name: {group}\Firebird Server; Filename: {app}\bin\fb_inet_server.exe; Parameters: -a; Flags: runminimized; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Check: InstallServerIcon; IconIndex: 0; Components: ServerComponent\ClassicServerComponent; Comment: Run Firebird classic server Name: {group}\Firebird Server; Filename: {app}\bin\fbserver.exe; Parameters: -a; Flags: runminimized; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Check: InstallServerIcon; IconIndex: 0; Components: ServerComponent\SuperServerComponent; Comment: Run Firebird Superserver (without guardian) Name: {group}\Firebird Guardian; Filename: {app}\bin\fbguard.exe; Parameters: -a; Flags: runminimized; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Check: InstallGuardianIcon; IconIndex: 1; Components: ServerComponent\SuperServerComponent; Comment: Run Firebird Super Server (with guardian) Name: {group}\Firebird ISQL Tool; Filename: {app}\bin\isql.exe; WorkingDir: {app}; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Comment: {cm:RunISQL} #define App_Name = SetupSetting("AppName") Name: {group}\Firebird 2.0.0 Release Notes; Filename: {app}\doc\Firebird_v2.0.0.ReleaseNotes.pdf; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Comment: {#App_Name} {cm:ReleaseNotes} Name: {group}\Firebird 1.5.3 Release Notes; Filename: {app}\doc\Firebird_v1.5.3.ReleaseNotes.pdf; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Comment: {#App_Name} {cm:ReleaseNotes} Name: {group}\Firebird 2.0 Quick Start Guide; Filename: {app}\doc\Firebird-2.0-QuickStart.pdf; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Comment: {#App_Name} ;Name: {group}\Firebird 1.5.2 Release Notes; Filename: {app}\doc\Firebird_v1.5.2.ReleaseNotes.pdf; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Comment: {#App_Name} {cm:ReleaseNotes} ;Name: {group}\Firebird 1.5.1 Release Notes; Filename: {app}\doc\Firebird_v1.5.1.ReleaseNotes.pdf; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Comment: {#App_Name} {cm:ReleaseNotes} ;Name: {group}\Firebird 1.5 Release Notes; Filename: {app}\doc\Firebird_v1.5.ReleaseNotes.pdf; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Comment: {#App_Name} {cm:ReleaseNotes} ;Always install the original english version Name: {group}\Firebird 2.0.0 Readme; Filename: {app}\readme.txt; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; #ifdef i18n ;And install translated readme.txt if non-default language is chosen. Name: {group}\{cm:IconReadme}; Filename: {app}\{cm:ReadMeFile}; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Components: DevAdminComponent; Check: NonDefaultLanguage; #endif Name: {group}\Uninstall Firebird; Filename: {uninstallexe}; Comment: Uninstall Firebird [Files] #ifdef files Source: builds\install\misc\IPLicense.txt; DestDir: {app}; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion; Source: builds\install\misc\IDPLicense.txt; DestDir: {app}; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion ;Always install the original english version Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\readme.txt; DestDir: {app}; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; #ifdef i18n ;Translated files Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\ba\*.txt; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Languages: ba; Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\fr\*.txt; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Languages: fr; Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\de\*.txt; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Languages: de; Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\es\*.txt; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Languages: es; Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\hu\*.txt; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Languages: hu; Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\it\*.txt; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Languages: it; Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\pl\*.txt; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Languages: pl; Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\pt\*.txt; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Languages: pt; Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\si\*.txt; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Languages: si; #endif Source: output\firebird.conf; DestDir: {app}; DestName: firebird.conf.default; Components: ServerComponent; check: FirebirdConfExists; Source: output\firebird.conf; DestDir: {app}; DestName: firebird.conf; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: uninsneveruninstall; check: NoFirebirdConfExists Source: output\aliases.conf; DestDir: {app}; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: uninsneveruninstall onlyifdoesntexist Source: output\security2.fdb; DestDir: {app}; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: uninsneveruninstall onlyifdoesntexist Source: output\firebird.msg; DestDir: {app}; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\firebird.log; DestDir: {app}; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: uninsneveruninstall skipifsourcedoesntexist external dontcopy Source: output\bin\gbak.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\gdef.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion Source: output\bin\gfix.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\gpre.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion Source: output\bin\gsec.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\gsplit.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\gstat.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\fbguard.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent\SuperServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\fb_inet_server.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent\ClassicServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion uninsrestartdelete Source: output\bin\fbserver.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent\SuperServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\fb_lock_print.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\ib_util.dll; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\instclient.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\instreg.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\instsvc.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\isql.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion Source: output\bin\nbackup.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion Source: output\bin\qli.exe; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion Source: output\bin\fbclient.dll; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: overwritereadonly sharedfile promptifolder Source: output\bin\icuuc30.dll; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\icuin30.dll; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion Source: output\bin\icudt30.dll; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion ; Install MS libs locally if Win2K or later, else place in if NT4 or Win95/98/ME. ; NOTE: These dll's MUST never be sourced from the local system32 directory. ; Deploy libraries from vcredist if MSVC6 is used. Use %FrameworkSDKDir% is compiling with Visual Studio. ; The BuildExecutableInstall.bat will attempt to locate them and place them in output\system32\ #if msvc_version == 6 Source: output\bin\msvcrt.dll; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ClientComponent; Source: output\bin\msvcrt.dll; DestDir: {sys}; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile onlyifdoesntexist uninsneveruninstall; #elif msvc_version == 7 Source: output\bin\msvcr{#msvc_version}?.dll; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile; Source: output\bin\msvcr{#msvc_version}?.dll; DestDir: {sys}; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile uninsneveruninstall; #endif Source: output\bin\msvcp{#msvc_version}?.dll; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile; Source: output\bin\msvcp{#msvc_version}?.dll; DestDir: {sys}; Components: ClientComponent; Flags: sharedfile uninsneveruninstall; ;Docs Source: builds\install\arch-specific\win32\installation_scripted.txt; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: skipifsourcedoesntexist ignoreversion Source: output\doc\*.*; DestDir: {app}\doc; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: skipifsourcedoesntexist ignoreversion Source: output\doc\sql.extensions\*.*; DestDir: {app}\doc\sql.extensions; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: skipifsourcedoesntexist ignoreversion ;Other stuff Source: output\help\*.*; DestDir: {app}\help; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\include\*.*; DestDir: {app}\include; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\intl\fbintl.dll; DestDir: {app}\intl; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion; Source: output\intl\fbintl.conf; DestDir: {app}\intl; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: onlyifdoesntexist Source: output\lib\*.*; DestDir: {app}\lib; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\UDF\ib_udf.dll; DestDir: {app}\UDF; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion; Source: output\UDF\fbudf.dll; DestDir: {app}\UDF; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion; Source: output\UDF\*.sql; DestDir: {app}\UDF; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\misc\*.*; DestDir: {app}\misc; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\misc\upgrade\security\*.*; DestDir: {app}\misc\upgrade\security; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\misc\upgrade\ib_udf\*.*; DestDir: {app}\misc\upgrade\ib_udf; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; ;Note - Win9x requires 8.3 filenames for the uninsrestartdelete option to work Source: output\system32\Firebird2Control.cpl; DestDir: {sys}; Components: ServerComponent\SuperServerComponent; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion promptifolder restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Check: InstallCPLApplet Source: output\system32\Firebird2Control.cpl; DestDir: {sys}; Destname: FIREBI~1.CPL; Components: ServerComponent\SuperServerComponent; MinVersion: 4.0,0; Flags: sharedfile ignoreversion promptifolder restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Check: InstallCPLApplet #endif #ifdef examples Source: output\examples\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\examples\api\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\api; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\examples\build_win32\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\build_win32; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\examples\dyn\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\dyn; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\examples\empbuild\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\empbuild; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\examples\include\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\include; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\examples\stat\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\stat; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; Source: output\examples\udf\*.*; DestDir: {app}\examples\udf; Components: DevAdminComponent; Flags: ignoreversion; #endif #ifdef ship_pdb Source: output\bin\fbclient.pdb; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ClientComponent; Source: output\bin\fb_inet_server.pdb; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent\ClassicServerComponent; Source: output\bin\fbserver.pdb; DestDir: {app}\bin; Components: ServerComponent\SuperServerComponent; #endif [UninstallRun] Filename: {app}\bin\instsvc.exe; Parameters: " stop"; StatusMsg: {cm:instsvcStopMsg}; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: runminimized; Tasks: UseServiceTask; RunOnceId: StopService Filename: {app}\bin\instsvc.exe; Parameters: " remove"; StatusMsg: {cm:instsvcRemove}; MinVersion: 0,4.0; Components: ServerComponent; Flags: runminimized; Tasks: UseServiceTask; RunOnceId: RemoveService Filename: {app}\bin\instclient.exe; Parameters: " remove gds32"; StatusMsg: {cm:instclientDecLibCountGds32}; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Flags: runminimized; Filename: {app}\bin\instclient.exe; Parameters: " remove fbclient"; StatusMsg: {cm:instclientDecLibCountFbClient}; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Flags: runminimized; Filename: {app}\bin\instreg.exe; Parameters: " remove"; StatusMsg: {cm:instreg}; MinVersion: 4.0,4.0; Flags: runminimized; RunOnceId: RemoveRegistryEntry [UninstallDelete] Type: files; Name: {app}\*.lck Type: files; Name: {app}\*.evn [_ISTool] EnableISX=true [Code] program Setup; //Var // ProductVersion = '1.5.0'; // Some global variables are also in FirebirdInstallEnvironmentChecks.inc // This is not ideal, but then this scripting environment is not ideal, either. // The basic point of the include files is to isolate chunks of code that are // a) Form a module or have common functionality // b) Debugged. // This hopefully keeps the main script simpler to follow. Var InstallRootDir: String; FirebirdConfSaved: String; ForceInstall: Boolean; // If /force set on command-line we install _and_ // configure. Default is to install and configure only if // no other working installation is found (unless we are installing // over the same version) //These three command-line options change the default behaviour // during a scripted install // They also control whether their associated task checkboxes are displayed // during an interactive install NoCPL: Boolean; // pass /nocpl on command-line. NoLegacyClient: Boolean; // pass /nogds32 on command line. CopyFbClient: Boolean; // pass /copyfbclient on command line. #include "FirebirdInstallSupportFunctions.inc" #include "FirebirdInstallEnvironmentChecks.inc" function SummarizeInstalledProducts: String; var InstallSummaryArray: TArrayofString; product: Integer; i: Integer; StatusDescription: String; InstallSummary: String; prodstr: String; begin //do nothing gracefully if we are called by accident. if ProductsInstalledCount = 0 then exit; SetArrayLength(InstallSummaryArray,ProductsInstalledCount); for product := 0 to MaxProdInstalled -1 do begin if (ProductsInstalledArray[product].InstallType <> NotInstalled) then begin InstallSummaryArray[i] := Format1(ProductsInstalledArray[product].Description, ProductsInstalledArray[product].ActualVersion); if (ProductsInstalledArray[product].ServerVersion <> '') then begin if ((ProductsInstalledArray[product].InstallType AND ClassicServerInstall) = ClassicServerInstall) then InstallSummaryArray[i] := InstallSummaryArray[i] + ' '+ExpandConstant('{cm:ClassicServerInstall}') else InstallSummaryArray[i] := InstallSummaryArray[i] + ' '+ExpandConstant('{cm:SuperServerInstall}') end else begin if (ProductsInstalledArray[product].GBAKVersion <> '') then InstallSummaryArray[i] := InstallSummaryArray[i] + ' '+ExpandConstant('{cm:DeveloperInstall}') else InstallSummaryArray[i] := InstallSummaryArray[i] + ' '+ExpandConstant('{cm:ClientInstall}') end; if ((ProductsInstalledArray[product].InstallType AND BrokenInstall) = BrokenInstall) then InstallSummaryArray[i] := InstallSummaryArray[i] + #13 + ExpandConstant('{cm:PreviousInstallBroken}') else InstallSummaryArray[i] := InstallSummaryArray[i] + #13 + ExpandConstant('{cm:PreviousInstallGood}') ; i:= i+1; end; end; for i:=0 to ProductsInstalledCount-1 do InstallSummary := InstallSummary + InstallSummaryArray[i] + #13; //If FB2 is installed If ((ProductsInstalled AND FB2) = FB2) then InstallSummary := InstallSummary +#13 + ExpandConstant('{cm:InstallSummarySuffix1}') +#13 + ExpandConstant('{cm:InstallSummarySuffix2}') +#13 + ExpandConstant('{cm:InstallSummarySuffix3}') +#13 + ExpandConstant('{cm:InstallSummarySuffix4}') +#13 ; if ProductsInstalledCount = 1 then StatusDescription := Format2(ExpandConstant('{cm:InstalledProducts}'), IntToStr(ProductsInstalledCount), ExpandConstant('{cm:InstalledProdCountSingular}')) else StatusDescription := Format2(ExpandConstant('{cm:InstalledProducts}'), IntToStr(ProductsInstalledCount), ExpandConstant('{cm:InstalledProdCountPlural}')); Result := StatusDescription +#13 +#13 + InstallSummary +#13 + ExpandConstant('{cm:InstallSummaryCancel1}') +#13 + ExpandConstant('{cm:InstallSummaryCancel2}') +#13 +#13 + ExpandConstant('{cm:InstallSummaryCancel3}') +#13 end; function AnalysisAssessment: boolean; var MsgText: String; MsgResult: Integer; begin result := false; //We've got all this information. What do we do with it? if ProductsInstalledCount = 0 then begin result := true; exit; end; //If Fb2.0 is installed then we can install over it. //unless we find the server running. if (ProductsInstalledCount = 1) AND ((ProductsInstalled AND FB2) = FB2) then if ( FirebirdDefaultServerRunning ) then begin result := false; MsgBox( #13+ExpandConstant('{cm:FbRunning1,2.0}') +#13 +#13+ExpandConstant('{cm:FbRunning2}') +#13+ExpandConstant('{cm:FbRunning3}') +#13, mbError, MB_OK); exit; end else begin result := true; exit; end ; if ForceInstall then begin result := true; exit; end; //Otherwise, show user the analysis report. MsgText := SummarizeInstalledProducts; MsgResult := MsgBox(MsgText,mbConfirmation,MB_YESNO); if (MsgResult = IDNO ) then result := true; //but we don't configure if ((InstallAndConfigure AND Configure) = Configure) then InstallAndConfigure := InstallAndConfigure - Configure; end; function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; var i: Integer; CommandLine: String; begin result := true; if not CheckWinsock2 then begin result := False; exit; end CommandLine:=GetCmdTail; if pos('FORCE',Uppercase(CommandLine))>0 then ForceInstall:=True; if pos('NOCPL', Uppercase(CommandLine))>0 then NoCPL := True; if pos('NOGDS32', Uppercase(CommandLine))>0 then NoLegacyClient := True; if pos('COPYFBCLIENT', Uppercase(CommandLine))>0 then CopyFbClient := True; //By default we want to install and confugure, //unless subsequent analysis suggests otherwise. InstallAndConfigure := Install + Configure; InstallRootDir := ''; InitExistingInstallRecords; AnalyzeEnvironment; result := AnalysisAssessment; if result then //There is a possibility that all our efforts to detect an //install were in vain and a server _is_ running... if ( FirebirdDefaultServerRunning ) then begin result := false; MsgBox( #13+ExpandConstant('{cm:FbRunning1, }') +#13 +#13+ExpandConstant('{cm:FbRunning2}') +#13+ExpandConstant('{cm:FbRunning3}') +#13, mbError, MB_OK); exit; end; end; procedure DeInitializeSetup(); var ErrCode: Integer; begin // Did the install fail because winsock 2 was not installed? if Winsock2Failure then // Ask user if they want to visit the Winsock2 update web page. if MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:Winsock2Web1}')+#13#13+ExpandConstant('{cm:Winsock2Web2}'), mbInformation, MB_YESNO) = idYes then // User wants to visit the web page InstShellExec(sMSWinsock2Update, '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL, ErrCode); end; //This function tries to find an existing install of Firebird 1.5 //If it succeeds it suggests that directory for the install //Otherwise it suggests the default for Fb 1.5 function ChooseInstallDir(Default: String): String; var InterBaseRootDir, FirebirdRootDir: String; begin //The installer likes to call this FOUR times, which makes debugging a pain, //so let's test for a previous call. if (InstallRootDir = '') then begin // Try to find the value of "RootDirectory" in the Firebird // registry settings. This is either where Fb 1.0 exists or Fb 1.5 InterBaseRootDir := GetInterBaseDir; FirebirdRootDir := GetFirebirdDir; if (FirebirdRootDir <> '') and ( FirebirdRootDir = InterBaseRootDir ) then //Fb 1.0 must be installed so don't overwrite it. InstallRootDir := Default; if (( InstallRootDir = '' ) and ( FirebirdRootDir = Default )) then // Fb 2.0 is already installed, InstallRootDir := Default; // so we offer to install over it if (( InstallRootDir = '') and ( FirebirdVer[0] = 1 ) and ( FirebirdVer[1] = 5 ) ) then // Firebird 1.5 is installed InstallRootDir := Default; // but the user has changed the default if (( InstallRootDir = '') and ( FirebirdVer[0] = 2 ) and ( FirebirdVer[1] = 0 ) ) then // Firebird 2.0 is installed InstallRootDir := FirebirdRootDir; // but the user has changed the default // if we haven't found anything then try the FIREBIRD env var // User may have preferred location for Firebird, but has possibly // uninstalled previous version if (InstallRootDir = '') then InstallRootDir:=getenv('FIREBIRD'); //if no existing locations found make sure we default to the default. if (InstallRootDir = '') then InstallRootDir := Default; end; // if InstallRootDir = '' then begin Result := ExpandConstant(InstallRootDir); end; function ServiceStartFlags(Default: String): String; var ServerType: String; SvcParams: String; begin servertype := ''; SvcParams := ''; if ClassicInstallChosen then ServerType := ' -classic ' else ServerType := ' -superserver '; if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'AutoStartTask')= srYes then SvcParams := ' -auto ' else SvcParams := ' -demand '; if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseGuardianTask')= srYes then SvcParams := SvcParams + ServerType + ' -guardian' else SvcParams := SvcParams + ServerType; Result := SvcParams; end; function InstallGuardianIcon(): Boolean; begin result := false; if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseApplicationTask')= srYes then if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseGuardianTask')= srYes then result := true; end; function InstallServerIcon(): Boolean; begin result := false; if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseApplicationTask')= srYes then if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseGuardianTask')= srNo then result := true; end; function StartApp(Default: String): String; begin if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseGuardianTask')= srYes then begin Result := GetAppPath+'\bin\fbguard.exe'; if ClassicInstallChosen then Result := Result + ' -c'; end else if ClassicInstallChosen then Result := GetAppPath+'\bin\fb_inet_server.exe' else Result := GetAppPath+'\bin\fbserver.exe'; end; function IsNotAutoStartApp: boolean; //Support function to help remove unwanted registry entry. begin result := true; if ( ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'AutoStartTask')= srYes) and ( ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseApplicationTask')= srYes ) then result := false; end; procedure RemoveSavedConfIfNoDiff; //Compare firebird.conf with the one we just saved. //If they match then we can remove the saved one. var FirebirdConfStr: String; SavedConfStr: String; begin LoadStringFromFile( GetAppPath+'\firebird.conf', FirebirdConfStr ); LoadStringFromFile( FirebirdConfSaved, SavedConfStr ); if CompareStr( FirebirdConfStr, SavedConfStr ) = 0 then DeleteFile( FirebirdConfSaved ); end; procedure UpdateFirebirdConf; // Update firebird conf. If user has deselected the guardian we should update // firebird.conf accordingly. Otherwise we leave the file unchanged. var fbconf: TArrayOfString; i, position: Integer; ArraySize: Integer; FileChanged: boolean; begin //There is no simple, foolproof and futureproof way to check whether //we are doing a server install, so the easiest way is to see if a //firebird.conf exists. If it doesn't then we don't care. if FileExists(GetAppPath+'\firebird.conf') then begin if ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseGuardianTask') = srNo then ReplaceLine(GetAppPath+'\firebird.conf','GuardianOption','GuardianOption = 0','#'); end; end; function NonDefaultLanguage: boolean; //return true if language other than default is chosen begin result := (ActiveLanguage <> 'en'); end; procedure CurPageChanged(CurPage: Integer); begin case CurPage of wpInfoBefore: WizardForm.INFOBEFOREMEMO.font.name:='Courier New'; wpInfoAfter: WizardForm.INFOAFTERMEMO.font.name:='Courier New'; wpSelectTasks: WizardForm.TASKSLIST.height := WizardForm.TASKSLIST.height+30; wpFinished: ; // Create some links to Firebird and IBP here?. end; end; procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: Integer); var AppStr: String; ReadMeFileStr: String; begin case CurStep of csCopy: begin SetupSharedFilesArray; GetSharedLibCountBeforeCopy; end; csFinished: begin //If user has chosen to install an app and run it automatically set up the registry accordingly //so that the server or guardian starts evertime they login. if (ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'AutoStartTask')= srYes) and ( ShouldProcessEntry('ServerComponent', 'UseApplicationTask')= srYes ) then begin AppStr := StartApp('')+' -a'; RegWriteStringValue (HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 'Firebird', AppStr); end; //Fix up conf file RemoveSavedConfIfNoDiff; UpdateFirebirdConf; //Reset shared library count if necessary CheckSharedLibCountAtEnd; //Move lang specific readme from doc dir to root of install. if NonDefaultLanguage then begin ReadMeFileStr := ExpandConstant('{cm:ReadMeFile}'); if FileCopy(GetAppPath+'\doc\'+ReadMeFileStr, GetAppPath+'\'+ReadMeFileStr, false) then DeleteFile(GetAppPath+'\doc\'+ReadMeFileStr); end; end; end; end; function StartEngine: boolean; begin if ConfigureFirebird then result := not FirebirdOneRunning; end; function ChooseUninstallIcon(Default: String): String; begin if ClassicInstallChosen then result := GetAppPath+'\bin\fb_inet_server.exe' else result := GetAppPath+'\bin\fbserver.exe'; end; //InnoSetup has a Check Parameter that allows installation if the function returns true. //For firebird.conf we want to do two things: // o if firebird.conf already exists then install firebird.conf.default // o if firebird.conf does not exist then install firebird.conf // // This double test is also needed because the uninstallation rules are different for each file. // We never uninstall firebird.conf. We always uninstall firebird.conf.default. function FirebirdConfExists: boolean; begin Result := fileexists(GetAppPath+'\firebird.conf'); end; function NoFirebirdConfExists: boolean; begin Result := not fileexists(GetAppPath+'\firebird.conf'); end; begin end.