/* * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial * Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.ibphoenix.com/idpl.html. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific * language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The contents of this file or any work derived from this file * may not be distributed under any other license whatsoever * without the express prior written permission of the original * author. * * * The Original Code was created by James A. Starkey for IBPhoenix. * * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2000, 2001, 2003 James A. Starkey * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2000, 2001, 2003 Netfrastructure, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. */ // Element.cpp: implementation of the Element class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include //#include //#include "Engine.h" #include "firebird.h" #include "../common/classes/alloc.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Stream.h" #include "InputStream.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif static const int quoted = 1; static const int illegal = 2; static int charTable [256]; inline void setCharTable(UCHAR pos, int val) { charTable[pos] = val; } static int init(); static int foo = init(); int init() { setCharTable('<', quoted); setCharTable('>', quoted); setCharTable('&', quoted); for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) charTable[n] = illegal; return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Element::Element(const Firebird::string& elementName) : name(getPool()), value(getPool()), innerText(getPool()) { init (elementName); } Element::Element(const Firebird::string& elementName, const Firebird::string& elementValue) : name(getPool()), value(getPool()), innerText(getPool()) { init (elementName); value = elementValue; } void Element::init(const Firebird::string& elementName) { name = elementName; attributes = NULL; sibling = NULL; children = NULL; parent = NULL; lineNumber = 0; numberLines = 0; inputStream = NULL; } Element::~Element() { Element *child; while (child = children) { children = child->sibling; delete child; } while (child = attributes) { attributes = child->sibling; delete child; } if (inputStream) inputStream->release(); } void Element::addChild(Element *child) { child->parent = this; child->sibling = NULL; Element** ptr = &children; while (*ptr) ptr = &(*ptr)->sibling; *ptr = child; } Element* Element::addChild(const Firebird::string& childName) { Element *element = new Element (childName); addChild (element); return element; } void Element::addAttribute(Element *child) { child->parent = this; child->sibling = NULL; Element** ptr = &attributes; while (*ptr) ptr = &(*ptr)->sibling; *ptr = child; } void Element::addAttribute(const Firebird::string& attributeName) { addAttribute (new Element (attributeName)); } Element* Element::addAttribute(const Firebird::string& attributeName, const Firebird::string& attributeValue) { Element *attribute = new Element (attributeName, attributeValue); addAttribute (attribute); return attribute; } Element* Element::addAttribute(const Firebird::string& attributeName, int attributeValue) { Firebird::string buffer; buffer.printf ("%d", attributeValue); return addAttribute (attributeName, buffer); } void Element::print(int level) const { printf ("%*s%s", level * 3, "", name.c_str()); const Element *element; for (element = attributes; element; element = element->sibling) { printf (" %s", element->name.c_str()); if (element->value != "") printf ("=%s", (const char*) element->value.c_str()); } printf ("\n"); ++level; for (element = children; element; element = element->sibling) element->print (level); } Element* Element::findChild(const char *childName) { for (Element *child = children; child; child = child->sibling) { if (child->name == childName) return child; } return NULL; } const Element* Element::findChild(const char *childName) const { for (const Element *child = children; child; child = child->sibling) { if (child->name == childName) return child; } return NULL; } Element* Element::findAttribute(const char *childName) { for (Element *child = attributes; child; child = child->sibling) { if (child->name == childName) return child; } return NULL; } const Element* Element::findAttribute(const char *childName) const { for (const Element *child = attributes; child; child = child->sibling) { if (child->name == childName) return child; } return NULL; } Element* Element::findAttribute(int seq) { int n = 0; for (Element *attribute = attributes; attribute; attribute = attribute->sibling) { if (n++ == seq) return attribute; } return NULL; } const Element* Element::findAttribute(int seq) const { int n = 0; for (const Element *attribute = attributes; attribute; attribute = attribute->sibling) { if (n++ == seq) return attribute; } return NULL; } void Element::genXML(int level, Stream *stream) const { indent (level, stream); stream->putCharacter ('<'); stream->putSegment (name.c_str()); for (const Element *attribute = attributes; attribute; attribute = attribute->sibling) { stream->putCharacter (' '); stream->putSegment (attribute->name.c_str()); stream->putSegment ("=\""); for (const char *p = attribute->value.c_str(); *p; ++p) { switch (*p) { case '"': stream->putSegment ("""); break; case '\'': stream->putSegment ("'"); break; case '&': stream->putSegment ("&"); break; case '<': stream->putSegment ("<"); break; case '>': stream->putSegment (">"); break; default: stream->putCharacter (*p); break; } } //stream->putSegment (attribute->value); stream->putCharacter ('"'); } if (innerText.hasData()) { stream->putCharacter('>'); putQuotedText(innerText.c_str(), stream); } else if (!children) { if (name.at(0) == '?') stream->putSegment ("?>\n"); else stream->putSegment ("/>\n"); return; } else stream->putSegment (">\n"); ++level; for (const Element *child = children; child; child = child->sibling) child->genXML (level, stream); if (innerText.isEmpty()) indent (level - 1, stream); stream->putSegment ("putSegment (name.c_str()); stream->putSegment (">\n"); } void Element::indent(int level, Stream *stream) const { int count = level * 3; for (int n = 0; n < count; ++n) stream->putCharacter (' '); } Element* Element::findChildIgnoreCase(const char *childName) { for (Element *child = children; child; child = child->sibling) { if (child->name.equalsNoCase (childName)) return child; } return NULL; } const char* Element::getAttributeName(int position) const { const Element *element = findAttribute (position); if (!element) return NULL; return element->name.c_str(); } const char* Element::getAttributeValue(const char *attributeName) { return getAttributeValue (attributeName, NULL); } const char* Element::getAttributeValue(const char *attributeName, const char *defaultValue) { Element *attribute = findAttribute (attributeName); if (!attribute) return defaultValue; return attribute->value.c_str(); } void Element::setSource(int line, InputStream *stream) { lineNumber = line; inputStream = stream; inputStream->addRef(); } void Element::gen(int level, Stream *stream) const { for (int n = 0; n < level; ++n) stream->putSegment (" "); if (children) stream->putCharacter ('<'); stream->putSegment (name.c_str()); const Element *element; for (element = attributes; element; element = element->sibling) { stream->putCharacter (' '); stream->putSegment (element->name.c_str()); if (element->value != "") { stream->putCharacter ('='); stream->putSegment (element->value.c_str()); } } if (!children) { stream->putCharacter ('\n'); return; } stream->putSegment (">\n"); ++level; for (element = children; element; element = element->sibling) element->gen (level, stream); stream->putSegment ("putSegment (name.c_str()); stream->putSegment (">\n"); } Element* Element::findChild(const char *childName, const char *attribute, const char *attributeValue) { for (Element *child = children; child; child = child->sibling) { if (child->name == childName) { const char *p = child->getAttributeValue (attribute, NULL); if (p && strcmp (p, attributeValue) == 0) return child; } } return NULL; } int Element::analyseText(const char* text) { int count = 0; for (const char *p = text; *p; p++) { const int n = charTable[(UCHAR) *p]; if (n) { if (n & illegal) return -1; ++count; } } return count; } void Element::putQuotedText(const char* text, Stream* stream) const { const char *start = text; const char *p; for (p = text; *p; p++) { if (charTable[(UCHAR) *p]) { const char* escape = NULL; switch (*p) { case '>': escape = ">"; break; case '<': escape = "<"; break; case '&': escape = "&"; break; default: continue; } if (p > start) stream->putSegment(p - start, start, true); stream->putSegment(escape); start = p + 1; } } if (p > start) stream->putSegment(p - start, start, true); } int Element::analyzeData(int length, const UCHAR* bytes) { int count = 0; for (const UCHAR *p = bytes; *p; p++) { const int n = charTable[*p]; if (n) { if (n & illegal) return -1; ++count; } } return count; }