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synced 2025-02-02 09:20:39 +01:00
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90 lines
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my $curDir = `cd`;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$year += 1900;
# Get libcds version
my $Version = get_version();
print "Make libcds-$Version distributive\n";
my $DistrDir = get_distrib_dir();
print "Distrib dir: $DistrDir\n";
# Git clone
my $GitBranch = 'master';
my $GitRepo = get_git_repo();
print "Clone git: repo=$GitRepo, branch=$GitBranch\n";
`git clone -b $GitBranch $GitRepo $DistrDir`; # or die "Error cloning branch $GitBranch to $DistrDir\n";
print "Remove $DistrDir/.git directory\n";
`rm -fr $DistrDir/.git`;
`rm -f $DistrDir/.gitignore $DistrDir/tools/brush_cds.pl $DistrDir/tools/make_distrib.pl $DistrDir/tools/make_distrib.bat $DistrDir/doxygen/images.odp`;
print "patch files...\n";
patch_file("$DistrDir/CMakeList.txt", 'PROJECT_VERSION \d+\.\d+\.\d+', "PROJECT_VERSION $Version" );
patch_file("$DistrDir/doxygen/cds.doxy", 'PROJECT_NUMBER\s*=\s*\d+\.\d+\.\d+', "PROJECT_NUMBER = $Version" ) ;
print "Make docs\n";
`cd $DistrDir/tools && make_docs.bat && rm doxygen.log && cd $curDir`;
print "make zip...\n" ;
`rm -f $DistrDir/../cds-$Version.zip` ;
`cd $DistrDir/.. && 7za a cds-$Version.zip cds-$Version` ;
print "Done\n" ;
exit ;
sub get_version()
my $version;
open( my $fh, 'cds/version.h' ) or die "ERROR: Cannot find ../cds/version.h file";
binmode $fh ;
while (<$fh>) {
if ( /CDS_VERSION_STRING.+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ ) {
$version = $1 ;
last ;
close $fh ;
die "ERROR: cannot find version in ../cds/version.h" unless $version ;
sub get_distrib_dir()
my $dir = "../cds-distrib/cds-$Version";
`rm -fr $dir` if -d $dir;
mkdir $dir;
return $dir;
sub get_git_repo()
return 'https://github.com/khizmax/libcds.git';
sub patch_file(@) {
my $file = shift ;
my $seek = shift ;
my $repl = shift ;
if ( open( my $fh, $file )) {
binmode $fh ;
my $str = '' ;
$str .= $_ while <$fh> ;
close $fh ;
$str =~ s/$seek/$repl/g ;
if ( open( my $fh, ">$file" )) {
binmode $fh ;
print $fh $str ;
close $fh ;