mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird.git synced 2025-02-01 06:43:03 +01:00
2003-12-21 01:35:05 +00:00

278 lines
5.5 KiB

#ifndef BISON_Y_TAB_H
# define BISON_Y_TAB_H
# ifndef YYSTYPE
# define YYSTYPE int
# endif
# define ACTIVE 257
# define ADD 258
# define AFTER 259
# define ALL 260
# define ALTER 261
# define AND 262
# define ANY 263
# define AS 264
# define ASC 265
# define AT 266
# define AVG 267
# define AUTO 268
# define BASENAME 269
# define BEFORE 270
# define BEGIN 271
# define BETWEEN 272
# define BLOB 273
# define BY 274
# define CACHE 275
# define CAST 276
# define CHARACTER 277
# define CHECK 278
# define CHECK_POINT_LEN 279
# define COLLATE 280
# define COMMA 281
# define COMMIT 282
# define COMMITTED 283
# define COMPUTED 284
# define CONCATENATE 285
# define CONDITIONAL 286
# define CONSTRAINT 287
# define CONTAINING 288
# define COUNT 289
# define CREATE 290
# define CSTRING 291
# define CURRENT 292
# define CURSOR 293
# define DATABASE 294
# define DATE 295
# define DB_KEY 296
# define KW_DEBUG 297
# define DECIMAL 298
# define DECLARE 299
# define DEFAULT 300
# define KW_DELETE 301
# define DESC 302
# define DISTINCT 303
# define DO 304
# define DOMAIN 305
# define DROP 306
# define ELSE 307
# define END 308
# define ENTRY_POINT 309
# define EQL 310
# define ESCAPE 311
# define EXCEPTION 312
# define EXECUTE 313
# define EXISTS 314
# define EXIT 315
# define EXTERNAL 316
# define FILTER 317
# define FOR 318
# define FOREIGN 319
# define FROM 320
# define FULL 321
# define FUNCTION 322
# define GDSCODE 323
# define GEQ 324
# define GENERATOR 325
# define GEN_ID 326
# define GRANT 327
# define GROUP 328
# define GROUP_COMMIT_WAIT 329
# define GTR 330
# define HAVING 331
# define IF 332
# define KW_IN 333
# define INACTIVE 334
# define INNER 335
# define INPUT_TYPE 336
# define INDEX 337
# define INSERT 338
# define INTEGER 339
# define INTO 340
# define IS 341
# define ISOLATION 342
# define JOIN 343
# define KEY 344
# define KW_CHAR 345
# define KW_DEC 346
# define KW_DOUBLE 347
# define KW_FILE 348
# define KW_FLOAT 349
# define KW_INT 350
# define KW_LONG 351
# define KW_NULL 352
# define KW_NUMERIC 353
# define KW_UPPER 354
# define KW_VALUE 355
# define LENGTH 356
# define LOGFILE 357
# define LPAREN 358
# define LEFT 359
# define LEQ 360
# define LEVEL 361
# define LIKE 362
# define LOG_BUF_SIZE 363
# define LSS 364
# define MANUAL 365
# define MAXIMUM 366
# define MAX_SEGMENT 367
# define MERGE 368
# define MESSAGE 369
# define MINIMUM 370
# define MODULE_NAME 371
# define NAMES 372
# define NATIONAL 373
# define NATURAL 374
# define NCHAR 375
# define NEQ 376
# define NO 377
# define NOT 378
# define NOT_GTR 379
# define NOT_LSS 380
# define NUM_LOG_BUFS 381
# define OF 382
# define ON 383
# define ONLY 384
# define OPTION 385
# define OR 386
# define ORDER 387
# define OUTER 388
# define OUTPUT_TYPE 389
# define OVERFLOW 390
# define PAGE 391
# define PAGES 392
# define PAGE_SIZE 393
# define PARAMETER 394
# define PASSWORD 395
# define PLAN 396
# define POSITION 397
# define POST_EVENT 398
# define PRECISION 399
# define PRIMARY 400
# define PRIVILEGES 401
# define PROCEDURE 402
# define PROTECTED 403
# define RAW_PARTITIONS 404
# define READ 405
# define REAL 406
# define REFERENCES 407
# define RESERVING 408
# define RETAIN 409
# define RETURNS 411
# define REVOKE 412
# define RIGHT 413
# define RPAREN 414
# define ROLLBACK 415
# define SEGMENT 416
# define SELECT 417
# define SET 418
# define SHADOW 419
# define KW_SHARED 420
# define SINGULAR 421
# define KW_SIZE 422
# define SMALLINT 423
# define SNAPSHOT 424
# define SOME 425
# define SORT 426
# define SQLCODE 427
# define STABILITY 428
# define STARTING 429
# define STATISTICS 430
# define SUB_TYPE 431
# define SUSPEND 432
# define SUM 433
# define TABLE 434
# define THEN 435
# define TO 436
# define TRANSACTION 437
# define TRIGGER 438
# define UNCOMMITTED 439
# define UNION 440
# define UNIQUE 441
# define UPDATE 442
# define USER 443
# define VALUES 444
# define VARCHAR 445
# define VARIABLE 446
# define VARYING 447
# define VERSION 448
# define VIEW 449
# define WAIT 450
# define WHEN 451
# define WHERE 452
# define WHILE 453
# define WITH 454
# define WORK 455
# define WRITE 456
# define FLOAT_NUMBER 457
# define NUMBER 458
# define NUMERIC 459
# define SYMBOL 460
# define STRING 461
# define INTRODUCER 462
# define ACTION 463
# define ADMIN 464
# define CASCADE 465
# define FREE_IT 466
# define RESTRICT 467
# define ROLE 468
# define COLUMN 469
# define TYPE 470
# define EXTRACT 471
# define YEAR 472
# define MONTH 473
# define DAY 474
# define HOUR 475
# define MINUTE 476
# define SECOND 477
# define WEEKDAY 478
# define YEARDAY 479
# define TIME 480
# define TIMESTAMP 481
# define CURRENT_DATE 482
# define CURRENT_TIME 483
# define NUMBER64BIT 485
# define SCALEDINT 486
# define CURRENT_USER 487
# define CURRENT_ROLE 488
# define KW_BREAK 489
# define SUBSTRING 490
# define RECREATE 491
# define KW_DESCRIPTOR 492
# define FIRST 493
# define SKIP 494
# define BIGINT 497
# define CASE 498
# define NULLIF 499
# define COALESCE 500
# define USING 501
# define NULLS 502
# define LAST 503
# define ROW_COUNT 504
# define LOCK 505
# define SAVEPOINT 506
# define RELEASE 507
# define STATEMENT 508
# define LEAVE 509
# define INSERTING 510
# define UPDATING 511
# define DELETING 512
# define KW_INSERTING 513
# define KW_UPDATING 514
# define KW_DELETING 515
# define BACKUP 516
# define KW_DIFFERENCE 517
# define OPEN 518
# define CLOSE 519
# define FETCH 520
# define ROWS 521
extern YYSTYPE yylval;
#endif /* not BISON_Y_TAB_H */