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// Copyright (c) 2006-2018 Maxim Khizhinsky
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <mutex>
#include <cds/intrusive/details/base.h>
#include <cds/details/marked_ptr.h>
#include <cds/algo/int_algo.h>
#include <cds/sync/spinlock.h>
#include <cds/opt/permutation.h>
#include <boost/intrusive/slist.hpp>
# pragma warning( push )
# pragma warning( disable: 4355 ) // warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
namespace cds { namespace intrusive {
/// SegmentedQueue -related declarations
namespace segmented_queue {
/// SegmentedQueue internal statistics. May be used for debugging or profiling
template <typename Counter = cds::atomicity::event_counter >
struct stat
typedef Counter counter_type; ///< Counter type
counter_type m_nPush; ///< Push count
counter_type m_nPushPopulated; ///< Number of attempts to push to populated (non-empty) cell
counter_type m_nPushContended; ///< Number of failed CAS when pushing
counter_type m_nPop; ///< Pop count
counter_type m_nPopEmpty; ///< Number of dequeuing from empty queue
counter_type m_nPopContended; ///< Number of failed CAS when popping
counter_type m_nCreateSegmentReq; ///< Number of request to create new segment
counter_type m_nDeleteSegmentReq; ///< Number to request to delete segment
counter_type m_nSegmentCreated; ///< Number of created segments
counter_type m_nSegmentDeleted; ///< Number of deleted segments
void onPush() { ++m_nPush; }
void onPushPopulated() { ++m_nPushPopulated; }
void onPushContended() { ++m_nPushContended; }
void onPop() { ++m_nPop; }
void onPopEmpty() { ++m_nPopEmpty; }
void onPopContended() { ++m_nPopContended; }
void onCreateSegmentReq() { ++m_nCreateSegmentReq; }
void onDeleteSegmentReq() { ++m_nDeleteSegmentReq; }
void onSegmentCreated() { ++m_nSegmentCreated; }
void onSegmentDeleted() { ++m_nSegmentDeleted; }
/// Dummy SegmentedQueue statistics, no overhead
struct empty_stat {
void onPush() const {}
void onPushPopulated() const {}
void onPushContended() const {}
void onPop() const {}
void onPopEmpty() const {}
void onPopContended() const {}
void onCreateSegmentReq() const {}
void onDeleteSegmentReq() const {}
void onSegmentCreated() const {}
void onSegmentDeleted() const {}
/// SegmentedQueue default traits
struct traits {
/// Element disposer that is called when the item to be dequeued. Default is opt::v::empty_disposer (no disposer)
typedef opt::v::empty_disposer disposer;
/// Item counter, default is atomicity::item_counter
The item counting is an essential part of segmented queue algorithm.
The \p empty() member function is based on checking <tt>size() == 0</tt>.
Therefore, dummy item counter like atomicity::empty_item_counter is not the proper counter.
typedef atomicity::item_counter item_counter;
/// Internal statistics, possible predefined types are \ref stat, \ref empty_stat (the default)
typedef segmented_queue::empty_stat stat;
/// Memory model, default is opt::v::relaxed_ordering. See cds::opt::memory_model for the full list of possible types
typedef opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
/// Alignment of critical data, default is cache line alignment. See cds::opt::alignment option specification
enum { alignment = opt::cache_line_alignment };
/// Padding of segment data, default is no special padding
The segment is just an array of atomic data pointers,
so, the high load leads to false sharing and performance degradation.
A padding of segment data can eliminate false sharing issue.
On the other hand, the padding leads to increase segment size.
enum { padding = opt::no_special_padding };
/// Segment allocator. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR
typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
/// Lock type used to maintain an internal list of allocated segments
typedef cds::sync::spin lock_type;
/// Random \ref cds::opt::permutation_generator "permutation generator" for sequence [0, quasi_factor)
typedef cds::opt::v::random2_permutation<int> permutation_generator;
/// Metafunction converting option list to traits for SegmentedQueue
The metafunction can be useful if a few fields in \p segmented_queue::traits should be changed.
For example:
typedef cds::intrusive::segmented_queue::make_traits<
cds::opt::item_counter< cds::atomicity::item_counter >
>::type my_segmented_queue_traits;
This code creates \p %SegmentedQueue type traits with item counting feature,
all other \p %segmented_queue::traits members left unchanged.
\p Options are:
- \p opt::disposer - the functor used to dispose removed items.
- \p opt::stat - internal statistics, possible type: \p segmented_queue::stat, \p segmented_queue::empty_stat (the default)
- \p opt::item_counter - item counting feature. Note that \p atomicity::empty_item_counetr is not suitable
for segmented queue.
- \p opt::memory_model - memory model, default is \p opt::v::relaxed_ordering.
See option description for the full list of possible models
- \p opt::alignment - the alignment for critical data, see option description for explanation
- \p opt::padding - the padding of segment data, default no special padding.
See \p traits::padding for explanation.
- \p opt::allocator - the allocator to be used for maintaining segments.
- \p opt::lock_type - a mutual exclusion lock type used to maintain internal list of allocated
segments. Default is \p cds::opt::Spin, \p std::mutex is also suitable.
- \p opt::permutation_generator - a random permutation generator for sequence [0, quasi_factor),
default is \p cds::opt::v::random2_permutation<int>
template <typename... Options>
struct make_traits {
typedef implementation_defined type ; ///< Metafunction result
# else
typedef typename cds::opt::make_options<
typename cds::opt::find_type_traits< traits, Options... >::type
>::type type;
# endif
} // namespace segmented_queue
/// Segmented queue
/** @ingroup cds_intrusive_queue
The queue is based on work
- [2010] Afek, Korland, Yanovsky "Quasi-Linearizability: relaxed consistency for improved concurrency"
In this paper the authors offer a relaxed version of linearizability, so-called quasi-linearizability,
that preserves some of the intuition, provides a flexible way to control the level of relaxation
and supports th implementation of more concurrent and scalable data structure.
Intuitively, the linearizability requires each run to be equivalent in some sense to a serial run
of the algorithm. This equivalence to some serial run imposes strong synchronization requirements
that in many cases results in limited scalability and synchronization bottleneck.
The general idea is that the queue maintains a linked list of segments, each segment is an array of
nodes in the size of the quasi factor, and each node has a deleted boolean marker, which states
if it has been dequeued. Each producer iterates over last segment in the linked list in some random
permutation order. Whet it finds an empty cell it performs a CAS operation attempting to enqueue its
new element. In case the entire segment has been scanned and no available cell is found (implying
that the segment is full), then it attempts to add a new segment to the list.
The dequeue operation is similar: the consumer iterates over the first segment in the linked list
in some random permutation order. When it finds an item which has not yet been dequeued, it performs
CAS on its deleted marker in order to "delete" it, if succeeded this item is considered dequeued.
In case the entire segment was scanned and all the nodes have already been dequeued (implying that
the segment is empty), then it attempts to remove this segment from the linked list and starts
the same process on the next segment. If there is no next segment, the queue is considered empty.
Based on the fact that most of the time threads do not add or remove segments, most of the work
is done in parallel on different cells in the segments. This ensures a controlled contention
depending on the segment size, which is quasi factor.
The segmented queue is an <i>unfair</i> queue since it violates the strong FIFO order but no more than
quasi factor. This means that the consumer dequeues <i>any</i> item from the current first segment.
Template parameters:
- \p GC - a garbage collector, possible types are cds::gc::HP, cds::gc::DHP
- \p T - the type of values stored in the queue
- \p Traits - queue type traits, default is \p segmented_queue::traits.
\p segmented_queue::make_traits metafunction can be used to construct the
type traits.
The queue stores the pointers to enqueued items so no special node hooks are needed.
template <class GC, typename T, typename Traits = segmented_queue::traits >
class SegmentedQueue
typedef GC gc; ///< Garbage collector
typedef T value_type; ///< type of the value stored in the queue
typedef Traits traits; ///< Queue traits
typedef typename traits::disposer disposer ; ///< value disposer, called only in \p clear() when the element to be dequeued
typedef typename traits::allocator allocator; ///< Allocator maintaining the segments
typedef typename traits::memory_model memory_model; ///< Memory ordering. See cds::opt::memory_model option
typedef typename traits::item_counter item_counter; ///< Item counting policy, see cds::opt::item_counter option setter
typedef typename traits::stat stat; ///< Internal statistics policy
typedef typename traits::lock_type lock_type; ///< Type of mutex for maintaining an internal list of allocated segments.
typedef typename traits::permutation_generator permutation_generator; ///< Random permutation generator for sequence [0, quasi-factor)
static const size_t c_nHazardPtrCount = 2 ; ///< Count of hazard pointer required for the algorithm
// Segment cell. LSB is used as deleted mark
typedef cds::details::marked_ptr< value_type, 1 > regular_cell;
typedef atomics::atomic< regular_cell > atomic_cell;
typedef typename cds::opt::details::apply_padding< atomic_cell, traits::padding >::type cell;
// Segment
struct segment: public boost::intrusive::slist_base_hook<>
cell * cells; // Cell array of size \ref m_nQuasiFactor
size_t version; // version tag (ABA prevention tag)
// cell array is placed here in one continuous memory block
// Initializes the segment
explicit segment( size_t nCellCount )
// MSVC warning C4355: 'this': used in base member initializer list
: cells( reinterpret_cast< cell *>( this + 1 ))
, version( 0 )
init( nCellCount );
segment() = delete;
void init( size_t nCellCount )
cell * pLastCell = cells + nCellCount;
for ( cell* pCell = cells; pCell < pLastCell; ++pCell )
pCell->data.store( regular_cell(), atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
atomics::atomic_thread_fence( memory_model::memory_order_release );
typedef typename opt::details::alignment_setter< atomics::atomic<segment *>, traits::alignment >::type aligned_segment_ptr;
class segment_list
typedef boost::intrusive::slist< segment, boost::intrusive::cache_last< true > > list_impl;
typedef std::unique_lock< lock_type > scoped_lock;
aligned_segment_ptr m_pHead;
aligned_segment_ptr m_pTail;
list_impl m_List;
mutable lock_type m_Lock;
size_t const m_nQuasiFactor;
stat& m_Stat;
struct segment_disposer
void operator()( segment * pSegment )
assert( pSegment != nullptr );
free_segment( pSegment );
struct gc_segment_disposer
void operator()( segment * pSegment )
assert( pSegment != nullptr );
retire_segment( pSegment );
segment_list( size_t nQuasiFactor, stat& st )
: m_pHead( nullptr )
, m_pTail( nullptr )
, m_nQuasiFactor( nQuasiFactor )
, m_Stat( st )
assert( cds::beans::is_power2( nQuasiFactor ));
m_List.clear_and_dispose( gc_segment_disposer());
segment * head( typename gc::Guard& guard )
return guard.protect( m_pHead );
segment * tail( typename gc::Guard& guard )
return guard.protect( m_pTail );
# ifdef _DEBUG
bool populated( segment const& s ) const
// The lock should be held
cell const * pLastCell = s.cells + quasi_factor();
for ( cell const * pCell = s.cells; pCell < pLastCell; ++pCell ) {
if ( !pCell->data.load( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed ).all())
return false;
return true;
bool exhausted( segment const& s ) const
// The lock should be held
cell const * pLastCell = s.cells + quasi_factor();
for ( cell const * pCell = s.cells; pCell < pLastCell; ++pCell ) {
if ( !pCell->data.load( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed ).bits())
return false;
return true;
# endif
segment * create_tail( segment * pTail, typename gc::Guard& guard )
// pTail is guarded by GC
scoped_lock l( m_Lock );
if ( !m_List.empty() && ( pTail != &m_List.back() || get_version(pTail) != m_List.back().version )) {
m_pTail.store( &m_List.back(), memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
return guard.assign( &m_List.back());
# ifdef _DEBUG
assert( m_List.empty() || populated( m_List.back()));
# endif
segment * pNew = allocate_segment();
if ( m_List.empty())
m_pHead.store( pNew, memory_model::memory_order_release );
m_List.push_back( *pNew );
m_pTail.store( pNew, memory_model::memory_order_release );
return guard.assign( pNew );
segment * remove_head( segment * pHead, typename gc::Guard& guard )
// pHead is guarded by GC
segment * pRet;
scoped_lock l( m_Lock );
if ( m_List.empty()) {
m_pTail.store( nullptr, memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
m_pHead.store( nullptr, memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
return guard.assign( nullptr );
if ( pHead != &m_List.front() || get_version(pHead) != m_List.front().version ) {
m_pHead.store( &m_List.front(), memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
return guard.assign( &m_List.front());
# ifdef _DEBUG
assert( exhausted( m_List.front()));
# endif
if ( m_List.empty()) {
pRet = guard.assign( nullptr );
m_pTail.store( nullptr, memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
pRet = guard.assign( &m_List.front());
m_pHead.store( pRet, memory_model::memory_order_release );
retire_segment( pHead );
return pRet;
size_t quasi_factor() const
return m_nQuasiFactor;
typedef cds::details::Allocator< segment, allocator > segment_allocator;
static size_t get_version( segment * pSegment )
return pSegment ? pSegment->version : 0;
segment * allocate_segment()
return segment_allocator().NewBlock( sizeof(segment) + sizeof(cell) * m_nQuasiFactor, quasi_factor());
static void free_segment( segment * pSegment )
segment_allocator().Delete( pSegment );
static void retire_segment( segment * pSegment )
gc::template retire<segment_disposer>( pSegment );
segment_list m_SegmentList; ///< List of segments
item_counter m_ItemCounter; ///< Item counter
stat m_Stat; ///< Internal statistics
/// Initializes the empty queue
size_t nQuasiFactor ///< Quasi factor. If it is not a power of 2 it is rounded up to nearest power of 2. Minimum is 2.
: m_SegmentList( cds::beans::ceil2(nQuasiFactor), m_Stat )
static_assert( (!std::is_same< item_counter, cds::atomicity::empty_item_counter >::value),
"cds::atomicity::empty_item_counter is not supported for SegmentedQueue"
assert( m_SegmentList.quasi_factor() > 1 );
/// Clears the queue and deletes all internal data
/// Inserts a new element at last segment of the queue
bool enqueue( value_type& val )
// LSB is used as a flag in marked pointer
assert( (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>( &val ) & 1) == 0 );
typename gc::Guard segmentGuard;
segment * pTailSegment = m_SegmentList.tail( segmentGuard );
if ( !pTailSegment ) {
// no segments, create the new one
pTailSegment = m_SegmentList.create_tail( pTailSegment, segmentGuard );
assert( pTailSegment );
permutation_generator gen( quasi_factor());
// First, increment item counter.
// We sure that the item will be enqueued
// but if we increment the counter after inserting we can get a negative counter value
// if dequeuing occurs before incrementing (enqueue/dequeue race)
while ( true ) {
CDS_DEBUG_ONLY( size_t nLoopCount = 0);
do {
typename permutation_generator::integer_type i = gen;
CDS_DEBUG_ONLY( ++nLoopCount );
if ( pTailSegment->cells[i].data.load(memory_model::memory_order_relaxed).all()) {
// Cell is not empty, go next
else {
// Empty cell found, try to enqueue here
regular_cell nullCell;
if ( pTailSegment->cells[i].data.compare_exchange_strong( nullCell, regular_cell( &val ),
memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ))
// Ok to push item
return true;
assert( nullCell.ptr());
} while ( gen.next());
assert( nLoopCount == quasi_factor());
// No available position, create a new segment
pTailSegment = m_SegmentList.create_tail( pTailSegment, segmentGuard );
// Get new permutation
/// Removes an element from first segment of the queue and returns it
If the queue is empty the function returns \p nullptr.
The disposer specified in \p Traits template argument is <b>not</b> called for returned item.
You should manually dispose the item:
struct my_disposer {
void operator()( foo * p )
delete p;
cds::intrusive::SegmentedQueue< cds::gc::HP, foo > theQueue;
// ...
// Dequeue an item
foo * pItem = theQueue.dequeue();
// deal with pItem
// pItem is not longer needed and can be deleted
// Do it via gc::HP::retire
cds::gc::HP::template retire< my_disposer >( pItem );
value_type * dequeue()
typename gc::Guard itemGuard;
if ( do_dequeue( itemGuard )) {
value_type * pVal = itemGuard.template get<value_type>();
assert( pVal );
return pVal;
return nullptr;
/// Synonym for \p enqueue(value_type&) member function
bool push( value_type& val )
return enqueue( val );
/// Synonym for \p dequeue() member function
value_type * pop()
return dequeue();
/// Checks if the queue is empty
The original segmented queue algorithm does not allow to check emptiness accurately
because \p empty() is unlinearizable.
This function tests queue's emptiness checking <tt>size() == 0</tt>,
so, the item counting feature is an essential part of queue's algorithm.
bool empty() const
return size() == 0;
/// Clear the queue
The function repeatedly calls \p dequeue() until it returns \p nullptr.
The disposer specified in \p Traits template argument is called for each removed item.
void clear()
clear_with( disposer());
/// Clear the queue
The function repeatedly calls \p dequeue() until it returns \p nullptr.
\p Disposer is called for each removed item.
template <class Disposer>
void clear_with( Disposer )
typename gc::Guard itemGuard;
while ( do_dequeue( itemGuard )) {
assert( itemGuard.template get<value_type>());
gc::template retire<Disposer>( itemGuard.template get<value_type>());
/// Returns queue's item count
size_t size() const
return m_ItemCounter.value();
/// Returns reference to internal statistics
The type of internal statistics is specified by \p Traits template argument.
const stat& statistics() const
return m_Stat;
/// Returns quasi factor, a power-of-two number
size_t quasi_factor() const
return m_SegmentList.quasi_factor();
bool do_dequeue( typename gc::Guard& itemGuard )
typename gc::Guard segmentGuard;
segment * pHeadSegment = m_SegmentList.head( segmentGuard );
permutation_generator gen( quasi_factor());
while ( true ) {
if ( !pHeadSegment ) {
// Queue is empty
return false;
bool bHadNullValue = false;
regular_cell item;
CDS_DEBUG_ONLY( size_t nLoopCount = 0 );
do {
typename permutation_generator::integer_type i = gen;
CDS_DEBUG_ONLY( ++nLoopCount );
// Guard the item
// In segmented queue the cell cannot be reused
// So no loop is needed here to protect the cell
item = pHeadSegment->cells[i].data.load( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
itemGuard.assign( item.ptr());
// Check if this cell is empty, which means an element
// can be enqueued to this cell in the future
if ( !item.ptr())
bHadNullValue = true;
else {
// If the item is not deleted yet
if ( !item.bits()) {
// Try to mark the cell as deleted
if ( pHeadSegment->cells[i].data.compare_exchange_strong( item, item | 1,
memory_model::memory_order_acquire, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ))
return true;
assert( item.bits());
} while ( gen.next());
assert( nLoopCount == quasi_factor());
// scanning the entire segment without finding a candidate to dequeue
// If there was an empty cell, the queue is considered empty
if ( bHadNullValue ) {
return false;
// All nodes have been dequeued, we can safely remove the first segment
pHeadSegment = m_SegmentList.remove_head( pHeadSegment, segmentGuard );
// Get new permutation
}} // namespace cds::intrusive
# pragma warning( pop )