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// Copyright (c) 2006-2018 Maxim Khizhinsky
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <cds/intrusive/basket_queue.h>
#include <cds/container/details/base.h>
#include <memory>
namespace cds { namespace container {
/// BasketQueue related definitions
/** @ingroup cds_nonintrusive_helper
namespace basket_queue {
/// Internal statistics
template <typename Counter = cds::intrusive::basket_queue::stat<>::counter_type >
using stat = cds::intrusive::basket_queue::stat< Counter >;
/// Dummy internal statistics
typedef cds::intrusive::basket_queue::empty_stat empty_stat;
/// BasketQueue default type traits
struct traits
/// Node allocator
typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
/// Back-off strategy
typedef cds::backoff::empty back_off;
/// Item counting feature; by default, disabled. Use \p cds::atomicity::item_counter to enable item counting
typedef atomicity::empty_item_counter item_counter;
/// Internal statistics (by default, disabled)
Possible option value are: \p basket_queue::stat, \p basket_queue::empty_stat (the default),
user-provided class that supports \p %basket_queue::stat interface.
typedef basket_queue::empty_stat stat;
/// C++ memory ordering model
Can be \p opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default)
or \p opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
typedef opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
/// Padding for internal critical atomic data. Default is \p opt::cache_line_padding
enum { padding = opt::cache_line_padding };
/// Metafunction converting option list to \p basket_queue::traits
Supported \p Options are:
- \p opt::allocator - allocator (like \p std::allocator) used for allocating queue nodes. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR
- \p opt::back_off - back-off strategy used, default is \p cds::backoff::empty.
- \p opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature. Default is \p cds::atomicity::empty_item_counter (item counting disabled)
To enable item counting use \p cds::atomicity::item_counter
- \ opt::stat - the type to gather internal statistics.
Possible statistics types are: \p basket_queue::stat, \p basket_queue::empty_stat, user-provided class that supports \p %basket_queue::stat interface.
Default is \p %basket_queue::empty_stat.
- \p opt::padding - padding for internal critical atomic data. Default is \p opt::cache_line_padding
- \p opt::memory_model - C++ memory ordering model. Can be \p opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default)
or \p opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
Example: declare \p %BasketQueue with item counting and internal statistics
typedef cds::container::BasketQueue< cds::gc::HP, Foo,
typename cds::container::basket_queue::make_traits<
cds::opt::item_counte< cds::atomicity::item_counter >,
cds::opt::stat< cds::intrusive::basket_queue::stat<> >
> myQueue;
template <typename... Options>
struct make_traits {
typedef implementation_defined type; ///< Metafunction result
# else
typedef typename cds::opt::make_options<
typename cds::opt::find_type_traits< traits, Options... >::type
, Options...
>::type type;
# endif
} // namespace basket_queue
namespace details {
template <typename GC, typename T, typename Traits>
struct make_basket_queue
typedef GC gc;
typedef T value_type;
typedef Traits traits;
struct node_type: public intrusive::basket_queue::node< gc >
value_type m_value;
node_type( const value_type& val )
: m_value( val )
template <typename... Args>
node_type( Args&&... args )
: m_value( std::forward<Args>(args)...)
typedef typename std::allocator_traits< typename traits::allocator >::template rebind_alloc< node_type > allocator_type;
//typedef typename traits::allocator::template rebind<node_type>::other allocator_type;
typedef cds::details::Allocator< node_type, allocator_type > cxx_allocator;
struct node_deallocator
void operator ()( node_type * pNode )
cxx_allocator().Delete( pNode );
struct intrusive_traits : public traits
typedef cds::intrusive::basket_queue::base_hook< opt::gc<gc> > hook;
typedef node_deallocator disposer;
static constexpr const cds::intrusive::opt::link_check_type link_checker = cds::intrusive::basket_queue::traits::link_checker;
typedef cds::intrusive::BasketQueue< gc, node_type, intrusive_traits > type;
/// Basket lock-free queue (non-intrusive variant)
/** @ingroup cds_nonintrusive_queue
It is non-intrusive version of basket queue algorithm based on intrusive::BasketQueue counterpart.
\par Source:
[2007] Moshe Hoffman, Ori Shalev, Nir Shavit "The Baskets Queue"
<b>Key idea</b>
In the 'basket' approach, instead of
the traditional ordered list of nodes, the queue consists of an ordered list of groups
of nodes (logical baskets). The order of nodes in each basket need not be specified, and in
fact, it is easiest to maintain them in LIFO order. The baskets fulfill the following basic
- Each basket has a time interval in which all its nodes' enqueue operations overlap.
- The baskets are ordered by the order of their respective time intervals.
- For each basket, its nodes' dequeue operations occur after its time interval.
- The dequeue operations are performed according to the order of baskets.
Two properties define the FIFO order of nodes:
- The order of nodes in a basket is not specified.
- The order of nodes in different baskets is the FIFO-order of their respective baskets.
In algorithms such as the MS-queue or optimistic
queue, threads enqueue items by applying a Compare-and-swap (CAS) operation to the
queue's tail pointer, and all the threads that fail on a particular CAS operation (and also
the winner of that CAS) overlap in time. In particular, they share the time interval of
the CAS operation itself. Hence, all the threads that fail to CAS on the tail-node of
the queue may be inserted into the same basket. By integrating the basket-mechanism
as the back-off mechanism, the time usually spent on backing-off before trying to link
onto the new tail, can now be utilized to insert the failed operations into the basket,
allowing enqueues to complete sooner. In the meantime, the next successful CAS operations
by enqueues allow new baskets to be formed down the list, and these can be
filled concurrently. Moreover, the failed operations don't retry their link attempt on the
new tail, lowering the overall contention on it. This leads to a queue
algorithm that unlike all former concurrent queue algorithms requires virtually no tuning
of the backoff mechanisms to reduce contention, making the algorithm an attractive
out-of-the-box queue.
In order to enqueue, just as in MSQueue, a thread first tries to link the new node to
the last node. If it failed to do so, then another thread has already succeeded. Thus it
tries to insert the new node into the new basket that was created by the winner thread.
To dequeue a node, a thread first reads the head of the queue to obtain the
oldest basket. It may then dequeue any node in the oldest basket.
Template arguments:
- \p GC - garbage collector type: \p gc::HP, \p gc::DHP
- \p T - type of value to be stored in the queue
- \p Traits - queue traits, default is \p basket_queue::traits. You can use \p basket_queue::make_traits
metafunction to make your traits or just derive your traits from \p %basket_queue::traits:
struct myTraits: public cds::container::basket_queue::traits {
typedef cds::intrusive::basket_queue::stat<> stat;
typedef cds::atomicity::item_counter item_counter;
typedef cds::container::BasketQueue< cds::gc::HP, Foo, myTraits > myQueue;
// Equivalent make_traits example:
typedef cds::container::BasketQueue< cds::gc::HP, Foo,
typename cds::container::basket_queue::make_traits<
cds::opt::stat< cds::container::basket_queue::stat<> >,
cds::opt::item_counter< cds::atomicity::item_counter >
> myQueue;
template <typename GC, typename T, typename Traits = basket_queue::traits >
class BasketQueue:
private intrusive::BasketQueue< GC, intrusive::basket_queue::node< T >, Traits >
protected details::make_basket_queue< GC, T, Traits >::type
typedef details::make_basket_queue< GC, T, Traits > maker;
typedef typename maker::type base_class;
/// Rebind template arguments
template <typename GC2, typename T2, typename Traits2>
struct rebind {
typedef BasketQueue< GC2, T2, Traits2> other ; ///< Rebinding result
typedef GC gc; ///< Garbage collector
typedef T value_type; ///< Type of value to be stored in the queue
typedef Traits traits; ///< Queue's traits
typedef typename base_class::back_off back_off; ///< Back-off strategy used
typedef typename maker::allocator_type allocator_type; ///< Allocator type used for allocate/deallocate the nodes
typedef typename base_class::item_counter item_counter; ///< Item counting policy used
typedef typename base_class::stat stat; ///< Internal statistics policy used
typedef typename base_class::memory_model memory_model; ///< Memory ordering. See cds::opt::memory_model option
static constexpr const size_t c_nHazardPtrCount = base_class::c_nHazardPtrCount; ///< Count of hazard pointer required for the algorithm
typedef typename maker::node_type node_type; ///< queue node type (derived from intrusive::basket_queue::node)
typedef typename maker::cxx_allocator cxx_allocator;
typedef typename maker::node_deallocator node_deallocator; // deallocate node
typedef typename base_class::node_traits node_traits;
static node_type * alloc_node()
return cxx_allocator().New();
static node_type * alloc_node( const value_type& val )
return cxx_allocator().New( val );
template <typename... Args>
static node_type * alloc_node_move( Args&&... args )
return cxx_allocator().MoveNew( std::forward<Args>( args )... );
static void free_node( node_type * p )
node_deallocator()( p );
struct node_disposer {
void operator()( node_type * pNode )
free_node( pNode );
typedef std::unique_ptr< node_type, node_disposer > scoped_node_ptr;
/// Initializes empty queue
/// Destructor clears the queue
/// Enqueues \p val value into the queue.
The function makes queue node in dynamic memory calling copy constructor for \p val
and then it calls \p intrusive::BasketQueue::enqueue().
Returns \p true if success, \p false otherwise.
bool enqueue( value_type const& val )
scoped_node_ptr p( alloc_node(val));
if ( base_class::enqueue( *p )) {
return true;
return false;
/// Enqueues \p val value into the queue, move semantics
bool enqueue( value_type&& val )
scoped_node_ptr p( alloc_node_move( std::move( val )));
if ( base_class::enqueue( *p )) {
return true;
return false;
/// Enqueues \p data to queue using a functor
\p Func is a functor called to create node.
The functor \p f takes one argument - a reference to a new node of type \ref value_type :
cds::container::BasketQueue< cds::gc::HP, Foo > myQueue;
Bar bar;
myQueue.enqueue_with( [&bar]( Foo& dest ) { dest = bar; } );
template <typename Func>
bool enqueue_with( Func f )
scoped_node_ptr p( alloc_node());
f( p->m_value );
if ( base_class::enqueue( *p )) {
return true;
return false;
/// Synonym for \p enqueue() function
bool push( value_type const& val )
return enqueue( val );
/// Synonym for \p enqueue() function, move semantics
bool push( value_type&& val )
return enqueue( std::move( val ));
/// Synonym for \p enqueue_with() function
template <typename Func>
bool push_with( Func f )
return enqueue_with( f );
/// Enqueues data of type \ref value_type constructed with <tt>std::forward<Args>(args)...</tt>
template <typename... Args>
bool emplace( Args&&... args )
scoped_node_ptr p( alloc_node_move( std::forward<Args>(args)...));
if ( base_class::enqueue( *p )) {
return true;
return false;
/// Dequeues a value from the queue
If queue is not empty, the function returns \p true, \p dest contains copy of
dequeued value. The assignment operator for \p value_type is invoked.
If queue is empty, the function returns \p false, \p dest is unchanged.
bool dequeue( value_type& dest )
return dequeue_with( [&dest]( value_type& src ) {
// TSan finds a race between this read of \p src and node_type constructor
// I think, it is wrong
dest = std::move( src );
/// Dequeues a value using a functor
\p Func is a functor called to copy dequeued value.
The functor takes one argument - a reference to removed node:
cds:container::BasketQueue< cds::gc::HP, Foo > myQueue;
Bar bar;
myQueue.dequeue_with( [&bar]( Foo& src ) { bar = std::move( src );});
The functor is called only if the queue is not empty.
template <typename Func>
bool dequeue_with( Func f )
typename base_class::dequeue_result res;
if ( base_class::do_dequeue( res, true )) {
f( node_traits::to_value_ptr( *res.pNext )->m_value );
return true;
return false;
/// Synonym for \p dequeue() function
bool pop( value_type& dest )
return dequeue( dest );
/// Synonym for \p dequeue_with() function
template <typename Func>
bool pop_with( Func f )
return dequeue_with( f );
/// Checks if the queue is empty
Note that this function is not \p const.
The function is based on \p dequeue() algorithm.
bool empty()
return base_class::empty();
/// Clear the queue
The function repeatedly calls \ref dequeue until it returns \p nullptr.
void clear()
/// Returns queue's item count
/** \copydetails cds::intrusive::BasketQueue::size()
size_t size() const
return base_class::size();
/// Returns reference to internal statistics
const stat& statistics() const
return base_class::statistics();
}} // namespace cds::container