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// Copyright (c) 2006-2018 Maxim Khizhinsky
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <cds/container/details/cuckoo_base.h>
#include <cds/details/binary_functor_wrapper.h>
namespace cds { namespace container {
namespace details {
template <typename T, typename Traits>
struct make_cuckoo_set
typedef T value_type;
typedef Traits original_traits;
typedef typename original_traits::probeset_type probeset_type;
static bool const store_hash = original_traits::store_hash;
static unsigned int const store_hash_count = store_hash ? ((unsigned int) std::tuple_size< typename original_traits::hash::hash_tuple_type >::value) : 0;
struct node_type: public intrusive::cuckoo::node<probeset_type, store_hash_count>
value_type m_val;
template <typename Q>
node_type( Q const& v )
: m_val(v)
template <typename... Args>
node_type( Args&&... args )
: m_val( std::forward<Args>(args)...)
struct value_accessor {
value_type const& operator()( node_type const& node ) const
return node.m_val;
template <typename Pred, typename ReturnValue>
using predicate_wrapper = cds::details::binary_functor_wrapper< ReturnValue, Pred, node_type, value_accessor >;
struct intrusive_traits: public original_traits
typedef intrusive::cuckoo::base_hook<
cds::intrusive::cuckoo::probeset_type< probeset_type >
,cds::intrusive::cuckoo::store_hash< store_hash_count >
> hook;
typedef cds::intrusive::cuckoo::traits::disposer disposer;
typedef typename std::conditional<
std::is_same< typename original_traits::equal_to, opt::none >::value
, opt::none
, predicate_wrapper< typename original_traits::equal_to, bool >
>::type equal_to;
typedef typename std::conditional<
std::is_same< typename original_traits::compare, opt::none >::value
, opt::none
, predicate_wrapper< typename original_traits::compare, int >
>::type compare;
typedef typename std::conditional<
std::is_same< typename original_traits::less, opt::none >::value
,predicate_wrapper< typename original_traits::less, bool >
>::type less;
typedef opt::details::hash_list_wrapper< typename original_traits::hash, node_type, value_accessor > hash;
typedef intrusive::CuckooSet< node_type, intrusive_traits > type;
} // namespace details
/// Cuckoo hash set
/** @ingroup cds_nonintrusive_set
- [2007] M.Herlihy, N.Shavit, M.Tzafrir "Concurrent Cuckoo Hashing. Technical report"
- [2008] Maurice Herlihy, Nir Shavit "The Art of Multiprocessor Programming"
<b>About Cuckoo hashing</b>
[From "The Art of Multiprocessor Programming"]
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuckoo_hashing">Cuckoo hashing</a> is a hashing algorithm in which a newly added item displaces any earlier item
occupying the same slot. For brevity, a table is a k-entry array of items. For a hash set f size
N = 2k we use a two-entry array of tables, and two independent hash functions,
<tt> h0, h1: KeyRange -> 0,...,k-1</tt>
mapping the set of possible keys to entries in he array. To test whether a value \p x is in the set,
<tt>find(x)</tt> tests whether either <tt>table[0][h0(x)]</tt> or <tt>table[1][h1(x)]</tt> is
equal to \p x. Similarly, <tt>erase(x)</tt>checks whether \p x is in either <tt>table[0][h0(x)]</tt>
or <tt>table[1][h1(x)]</tt>, ad removes it if found.
The <tt>insert(x)</tt> successively "kicks out" conflicting items until every key has a slot.
To add \p x, the method swaps \p x with \p y, the current occupant of <tt>table[0][h0(x)]</tt>.
If the prior value was \p nullptr, it is done. Otherwise, it swaps the newly nest-less value \p y
for the current occupant of <tt>table[1][h1(y)]</tt> in the same way. As before, if the prior value
was \p nullptr, it is done. Otherwise, the method continues swapping entries (alternating tables)
until it finds an empty slot. We might not find an empty slot, either because the table is full,
or because the sequence of displacement forms a cycle. We therefore need an upper limit on the
number of successive displacements we are willing to undertake. When this limit is exceeded,
we resize the hash table, choose new hash functions and start over.
For concurrent cuckoo hashing, rather than organizing the set as a two-dimensional table of
items, we use two-dimensional table of probe sets, where a probe set is a constant-sized set
of items with the same hash code. Each probe set holds at most \p PROBE_SIZE items, but the algorithm
tries to ensure that when the set is quiescent (i.e no method call in progress) each probe set
holds no more than <tt>THRESHOLD < PROBE_SET</tt> items. While method calls are in-flight, a probe
set may temporarily hold more than \p THRESHOLD but never more than \p PROBE_SET items.
In current implementation, a probe set can be defined either as a (single-linked) list
or as a fixed-sized vector, optionally ordered.
In description above two-table cuckoo hashing (<tt>k = 2</tt>) has been considered.
We can generalize this approach for <tt>k >= 2</tt> when we have \p k hash functions
<tt>h[0], ... h[k-1]</tt> and \p k tables <tt>table[0], ... table[k-1]</tt>.
The search in probe set is linear, the complexity is <tt> O(PROBE_SET) </tt>.
The probe set may be ordered or not. Ordered probe set can be a little better since
the average search complexity is <tt>O(PROBE_SET/2)</tt>.
However, the overhead of sorting can eliminate a gain of ordered search.
The probe set is ordered if \p compare or \p less is specified in \p Traits
template parameter. Otherwise, the probe set is unordered and \p Traits must contain
\p equal_to predicate.
Template arguments:
- \p T - the type stored in the set.
- \p Traits - type traits. See cuckoo::traits for explanation.
It is possible to declare option-based set with cuckoo::make_traits metafunction result as \p Traits template argument.
Cuckoo-set with list-based unordered probe set and storing hash values
#include <cds/container/cuckoo_set.h>
// Data stored in cuckoo set
struct my_data
// key field
std::string strKey;
// other data
// ...
// Provide equal_to functor for my_data since we will use unordered probe-set
struct my_data_equal_to {
bool operator()( const my_data& d1, const my_data& d2 ) const
return d1.strKey.compare( d2.strKey ) == 0;
bool operator()( const my_data& d, const std::string& s ) const
return d.strKey.compare(s) == 0;
bool operator()( const std::string& s, const my_data& d ) const
return s.compare( d.strKey ) == 0;
// Provide two hash functor for my_data
struct hash1 {
size_t operator()(std::string const& s) const
return cds::opt::v::hash<std::string>( s );
size_t operator()( my_data const& d ) const
return (*this)( d.strKey );
struct hash2: private hash1 {
size_t operator()(std::string const& s) const
size_t h = ~( hash1::operator()(s));
return ~h + 0x9e3779b9 + (h << 6) + (h >> 2);
size_t operator()( my_data const& d ) const
return (*this)( d.strKey );
// Declare type traits
struct my_traits: public cds::container::cuckoo::traits
typedef my_data_equa_to equal_to;
typedef std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
static bool const store_hash = true;
// Declare CuckooSet type
typedef cds::container::CuckooSet< my_data, my_traits > my_cuckoo_set;
// Equal option-based declaration
typedef cds::container::CuckooSet< my_data,
cds::opt::hash< std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > >
,cds::opt::equal_to< my_data_equal_to >
,cds::container::cuckoo::store_hash< true >
> opt_cuckoo_set;
If we provide \p compare function instead of \p equal_to for \p my_data
we get as a result a cuckoo set with ordered probe set that may improve
Example for ordered vector-based probe-set:
#include <cds/container/cuckoo_set.h>
// Data stored in cuckoo set
struct my_data
// key field
std::string strKey;
// other data
// ...
// Provide compare functor for my_data since we want to use ordered probe-set
struct my_data_compare {
int operator()( const my_data& d1, const my_data& d2 ) const
return d1.strKey.compare( d2.strKey );
int operator()( const my_data& d, const std::string& s ) const
return d.strKey.compare(s);
int operator()( const std::string& s, const my_data& d ) const
return s.compare( d.strKey );
// Provide two hash functor for my_data
struct hash1 {
size_t operator()(std::string const& s) const
return cds::opt::v::hash<std::string>( s );
size_t operator()( my_data const& d ) const
return (*this)( d.strKey );
struct hash2: private hash1 {
size_t operator()(std::string const& s) const
size_t h = ~( hash1::operator()(s));
return ~h + 0x9e3779b9 + (h << 6) + (h >> 2);
size_t operator()( my_data const& d ) const
return (*this)( d.strKey );
// Declare type traits
// We use a vector of capacity 4 as probe-set container and store hash values in the node
struct my_traits: public cds::container::cuckoo::traits
typedef my_data_compare compare;
typedef std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
typedef cds::container::cuckoo::vector<4> probeset_type;
static bool const store_hash = true;
// Declare CuckooSet type
typedef cds::container::CuckooSet< my_data, my_traits > my_cuckoo_set;
// Equal option-based declaration
typedef cds::container::CuckooSet< my_data,
cds::opt::hash< std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > >
,cds::opt::compare< my_data_compare >
,cds::container::cuckoo::probeset_type< cds::container::cuckoo::vector<4> >
,cds::container::cuckoo::store_hash< true >
> opt_cuckoo_set;
template <typename T, typename Traits = cuckoo::traits>
class CuckooSet:
protected intrusive::CuckooSet<T, Traits>
protected details::make_cuckoo_set<T, Traits>::type
typedef details::make_cuckoo_set<T, Traits> maker;
typedef typename maker::type base_class;
typedef T value_type ; ///< value type stored in the container
typedef Traits traits ; ///< traits
typedef typename traits::hash hash; ///< hash functor tuple wrapped for internal use
typedef typename base_class::hash_tuple_type hash_tuple_type; ///< Type of hash tuple
typedef typename base_class::mutex_policy mutex_policy; ///< Concurrent access policy, see cuckoo::traits::mutex_policy
typedef typename base_class::stat stat; ///< internal statistics type
static bool const c_isSorted = base_class::c_isSorted; ///< whether the probe set should be ordered
static size_t const c_nArity = base_class::c_nArity; ///< the arity of cuckoo hashing: the number of hash functors provided; minimum 2.
typedef typename base_class::key_equal_to key_equal_to; ///< Key equality functor; used only for unordered probe-set
typedef typename base_class::key_comparator key_comparator; ///< key comparing functor based on \p Traits::compare and \p Traits::less option setter. Used only for ordered probe set
typedef typename base_class::allocator allocator; ///< allocator type used for internal bucket table allocations
/// Node allocator type
typedef typename std::conditional<
std::is_same< typename traits::node_allocator, opt::none >::value,
typename traits::node_allocator
>::type node_allocator;
/// item counter type
typedef typename traits::item_counter item_counter;
typedef typename base_class::value_type node_type;
typedef cds::details::Allocator< node_type, node_allocator > cxx_node_allocator;
static unsigned int const c_nDefaultProbesetSize = base_class::c_nDefaultProbesetSize; ///< default probeset size
static size_t const c_nDefaultInitialSize = base_class::c_nDefaultInitialSize; ///< default initial size
static unsigned int const c_nRelocateLimit = base_class::c_nRelocateLimit; ///< Count of attempts to relocate before giving up
template <typename Q>
static node_type * alloc_node( Q const& v )
return cxx_node_allocator().New( v );
template <typename... Args>
static node_type * alloc_node( Args&&... args )
return cxx_node_allocator().MoveNew( std::forward<Args>(args)... );
static void free_node( node_type * pNode )
cxx_node_allocator().Delete( pNode );
struct node_disposer {
void operator()( node_type * pNode )
free_node( pNode );
typedef std::unique_ptr< node_type, node_disposer > scoped_node_ptr;
/// Default constructor
Initial size = \ref c_nDefaultInitialSize
Probe set size:
- \ref c_nDefaultProbesetSize if \p probeset_type is \p cuckoo::list
- \p Capacity if \p probeset_type is <tt> cuckoo::vector<Capacity> </tt>
Probe set threshold = probe set size - 1
/// Constructs the set object with given probe set size and threshold
If probe set type is <tt> cuckoo::vector<Capacity> </tt> vector
then \p nProbesetSize should be equal to vector's \p Capacity.
size_t nInitialSize ///< Initial set size; if 0 - use default initial size \ref c_nDefaultInitialSize
, unsigned int nProbesetSize ///< probe set size
, unsigned int nProbesetThreshold = 0 ///< probe set threshold, <tt>nProbesetThreshold < nProbesetSize</tt>. If 0, nProbesetThreshold = nProbesetSize - 1
: base_class( nInitialSize, nProbesetSize, nProbesetThreshold )
/// Constructs the set object with given hash functor tuple
The probe set size and threshold are set as default, see CuckooSet()
hash_tuple_type const& h ///< hash functor tuple of type <tt>std::tuple<H1, H2, ... Hn></tt> where <tt> n == \ref c_nArity </tt>
: base_class( h )
/// Constructs the set object with given probe set properties and hash functor tuple
If probe set type is <tt> cuckoo::vector<Capacity> </tt> vector
then \p nProbesetSize should be equal to vector's \p Capacity.
size_t nInitialSize ///< Initial set size; if 0 - use default initial size \ref c_nDefaultInitialSize
, unsigned int nProbesetSize ///< probe set size
, unsigned int nProbesetThreshold ///< probe set threshold, <tt>nProbesetThreshold < nProbesetSize</tt>. If 0, nProbesetThreshold = nProbesetSize - 1
, hash_tuple_type const& h ///< hash functor tuple of type <tt>std::tuple<H1, H2, ... Hn></tt> where <tt> n == \ref c_nArity </tt>
: base_class( nInitialSize, nProbesetSize, nProbesetThreshold, h )
/// Constructs the set object with given hash functor tuple (move semantics)
The probe set size and threshold are set as default, see CuckooSet()
hash_tuple_type&& h ///< hash functor tuple of type <tt>std::tuple<H1, H2, ... Hn></tt> where <tt> n == \ref c_nArity </tt>
: base_class( std::forward<hash_tuple_type>(h))
/// Constructs the set object with given probe set properties and hash functor tuple (move semantics)
If probe set type is <tt> cuckoo::vector<Capacity> </tt> vector
then \p nProbesetSize should be equal to vector's \p Capacity.
size_t nInitialSize ///< Initial set size; if 0 - use default initial size \ref c_nDefaultInitialSize
, unsigned int nProbesetSize ///< probe set size
, unsigned int nProbesetThreshold ///< probe set threshold, <tt>nProbesetThreshold < nProbesetSize</tt>. If 0, nProbesetThreshold = nProbesetSize - 1
, hash_tuple_type&& h ///< hash functor tuple of type <tt>std::tuple<H1, H2, ... Hn></tt> where <tt> n == \ref c_nArity </tt>
: base_class( nInitialSize, nProbesetSize, nProbesetThreshold, std::forward<hash_tuple_type>(h))
/// Destructor clears the set
/// Inserts new node
The function creates a node with copy of \p val value
and then inserts the node created into the set.
The type \p Q should contain as minimum the complete key for the node.
The object of \ref value_type should be constructible from a value of type \p Q.
In trivial case, \p Q is equal to \ref value_type.
Returns \p true if \p val is inserted into the set, \p false otherwise.
template <typename Q>
bool insert( Q const& val )
return insert( val, []( value_type& ) {} );
/// Inserts new node
The function allows to split creating of new item into two part:
- create item with key only
- insert new item into the set
- if inserting is success, calls \p f functor to initialize value-field of new item .
The functor signature is:
void func( value_type& item );
where \p item is the item inserted.
The type \p Q can differ from \ref value_type of items storing in the set.
Therefore, the \p value_type should be constructible from type \p Q.
The user-defined functor is called only if the inserting is success.
template <typename Q, typename Func>
bool insert( Q const& val, Func f )
scoped_node_ptr pNode( alloc_node( val ));
if ( base_class::insert( *pNode, [&f]( node_type& node ) { f( node.m_val ); } )) {
return true;
return false;
/// Inserts data of type \ref value_type constructed with <tt>std::forward<Args>(args)...</tt>
Returns \p true if inserting successful, \p false otherwise.
template <typename... Args>
bool emplace( Args&&... args )
scoped_node_ptr pNode( alloc_node( std::forward<Args>(args)... ));
if ( base_class::insert( *pNode )) {
return true;
return false;
/// Updates the node
The operation performs inserting or changing data with lock-free manner.
If the item \p val is not found in the set, then \p val is inserted into the set
iff \p bAllowInsert is \p true.
Otherwise, the functor \p func is called with item found.
The functor \p func signature is:
struct my_functor {
void operator()( bool bNew, value_type& item, const Q& val );
with arguments:
- \p bNew - \p true if the item has been inserted, \p false otherwise
- \p item - item of the set
- \p val - argument \p val passed into the \p %update() function
If new item has been inserted (i.e. \p bNew is \p true) then \p item and \p val arguments
refer to the same thing.
Returns std::pair<bool, bool> where \p first is \p true if operation is successful,
i.e. the node has been inserted or updated,
\p second is \p true if new item has been added or \p false if the item with \p key
already exists.
template <typename Q, typename Func>
std::pair<bool, bool> update( Q const& val, Func func, bool bAllowInsert = true )
scoped_node_ptr pNode( alloc_node( val ));
std::pair<bool, bool> res = base_class::update( *pNode,
[&val,&func](bool bNew, node_type& item, node_type const& ){ func( bNew, item.m_val, val ); },
if ( res.first && res.second )
return res;
template <typename Q, typename Func>
CDS_DEPRECATED("ensure() is deprecated, use update()")
std::pair<bool, bool> ensure( Q const& val, Func func )
return update( val, func, true );
/// Delete \p key from the set
/** \anchor cds_nonintrusive_CuckooSet_erase
Since the key of set's item type \ref value_type is not explicitly specified,
template parameter \p Q defines the key type searching in the list.
The set item comparator should be able to compare the type \p value_type
and the type \p Q.
Return \p true if key is found and deleted, \p false otherwise
template <typename Q>
bool erase( Q const& key )
node_type * pNode = base_class::erase( key );
if ( pNode ) {
free_node( pNode );
return true;
return false;
/// Deletes the item from the list using \p pred predicate for searching
The function is an analog of \ref cds_nonintrusive_CuckooSet_erase "erase(Q const&)"
but \p pred is used for key comparing.
If cuckoo set is ordered, then \p Predicate should have the interface and semantics like \p std::less.
If cuckoo set is unordered, then \p Predicate should have the interface and semantics like \p std::equal_to.
\p Predicate must imply the same element order as the comparator used for building the set.
template <typename Q, typename Predicate>
bool erase_with( Q const& key, Predicate pred )
CDS_UNUSED( pred );
node_type * pNode = base_class::erase_with( key, typename maker::template predicate_wrapper<Predicate, bool>());
if ( pNode ) {
free_node( pNode );
return true;
return false;
/// Delete \p key from the set
/** \anchor cds_nonintrusive_CuckooSet_erase_func
The function searches an item with key \p key, calls \p f functor
and deletes the item. If \p key is not found, the functor is not called.
The functor \p Func interface is:
struct functor {
void operator()(value_type const& val);
Return \p true if key is found and deleted, \p false otherwise
template <typename Q, typename Func>
bool erase( Q const& key, Func f )
node_type * pNode = base_class::erase( key );
if ( pNode ) {
f( pNode->m_val );
free_node( pNode );
return true;
return false;
/// Deletes the item from the list using \p pred predicate for searching
The function is an analog of \ref cds_nonintrusive_CuckooSet_erase_func "erase(Q const&, Func)"
but \p pred is used for key comparing.
If you use ordered cuckoo set, then \p Predicate should have the interface and semantics like \p std::less.
If you use unordered cuckoo set, then \p Predicate should have the interface and semantics like \p std::equal_to.
\p Predicate must imply the same element order as the comparator used for building the set.
template <typename Q, typename Predicate, typename Func>
bool erase_with( Q const& key, Predicate pred, Func f )
CDS_UNUSED( pred );
node_type * pNode = base_class::erase_with( key, typename maker::template predicate_wrapper<Predicate, bool>());
if ( pNode ) {
f( pNode->m_val );
free_node( pNode );
return true;
return false;
/// Find the key \p val
/** \anchor cds_nonintrusive_CuckooSet_find_func
The function searches the item with key equal to \p val and calls the functor \p f for item found.
The interface of \p Func functor is:
struct functor {
void operator()( value_type& item, Q& val );
where \p item is the item found, \p val is the <tt>find</tt> function argument.
The functor can change non-key fields of \p item.
The \p val argument is non-const since it can be used as \p f functor destination i.e., the functor
can modify both arguments.
The type \p Q can differ from \ref value_type of items storing in the container.
Therefore, the \p value_type should be comparable with type \p Q.
The function returns \p true if \p val is found, \p false otherwise.
template <typename Q, typename Func>
bool find( Q& val, Func f )
return base_class::find( val, [&f](node_type& item, Q& v) { f( item.m_val, v );});
template <typename Q, typename Func>
bool find( Q const& val, Func f )
return base_class::find( val, [&f](node_type& item, Q const& v) { f( item.m_val, v );});
/// Find the key \p val using \p pred predicate for comparing
The function is an analog of \ref cds_nonintrusive_CuckooSet_find_func "find(Q&, Func)"
but \p pred is used for key comparison.
If you use ordered cuckoo set, then \p Predicate should have the interface and semantics like \p std::less.
If you use unordered cuckoo set, then \p Predicate should have the interface and semantics like \p std::equal_to.
\p pred must imply the same element order as the comparator used for building the set.
template <typename Q, typename Predicate, typename Func>
bool find_with( Q& val, Predicate pred, Func f )
CDS_UNUSED( pred );
return base_class::find_with( val, typename maker::template predicate_wrapper<Predicate, bool>(),
[&f](node_type& item, Q& v) { f( item.m_val, v );});
template <typename Q, typename Predicate, typename Func>
bool find_with( Q const& val, Predicate pred, Func f )
CDS_UNUSED( pred );
return base_class::find_with( val, typename maker::template predicate_wrapper<Predicate, bool>(),
[&f](node_type& item, Q const& v) { f( item.m_val, v );});
/// Checks whether the set contains \p key
The function searches the item with key equal to \p key
and returns \p true if it is found, and \p false otherwise.
template <typename Q>
bool contains( Q const& key )
return base_class::find( key, [](node_type&, Q const&) {});
template <typename Q>
CDS_DEPRECATED("the function is deprecated, use contains()")
bool find( Q const& key )
return contains( key );
/// Checks whether the set contains \p key using \p pred predicate for searching
The function is similar to <tt>contains( key )</tt> but \p pred is used for key comparing.
\p Less functor has the interface like \p std::less.
\p Less must imply the same element order as the comparator used for building the set.
template <typename Q, typename Predicate>
bool contains( Q const& key, Predicate pred )
CDS_UNUSED( pred );
return base_class::find_with( key, typename maker::template predicate_wrapper<Predicate, bool>(), [](node_type&, Q const&) {});
template <typename Q, typename Predicate>
CDS_DEPRECATED("the function is deprecated, use contains()")
bool find_with( Q const& key, Predicate pred )
return contains( key, pred );
/// Clears the set
The function erases all items from the set.
void clear()
return base_class::clear_and_dispose( node_disposer());
/// Checks if the set is empty
Emptiness is checked by item counting: if item count is zero then the set is empty.
bool empty() const
return base_class::empty();
/// Returns item count in the set
size_t size() const
return base_class::size();
/// Returns the size of hash table
The hash table size is non-constant and can be increased via resizing.
size_t bucket_count() const
return base_class::bucket_count();
/// Returns lock array size
size_t lock_count() const
return base_class::lock_count();
/// Returns const reference to internal statistics
stat const& statistics() const
return base_class::statistics();
/// Returns const reference to mutex policy internal statistics
typename mutex_policy::statistics_type const& mutex_policy_statistics() const
return base_class::mutex_policy_statistics();
}} // namespace cds::container